Certainly how the state sees you anyway. This is why "if you don't get vaccinated we'll just fire you and replace you". They don't care about YOU, they don't care that you've had that job for 30 years and it's part of your life and you've already had COVID anyway so it doesn't even make sense. You're as replaceable as the next chicken.

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Actually they do care - they *want* you out of there, replaced with someone less interested in liberty and more used to being ruled.

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Exactly. It's why I find the "I believe in the American people" cliche trotted out by politicians during every re-election campaign so offensive. They just want your vote—and we're seeing now that that's basically just another formality in this grand illusion of a democracy we've had foisted over us. The real work is done (metaphorically) at night, Dark City-style, while the country—which invariably divides so neatly along the 51%-49% line between our two-party system in national elections—has its attention diverted by the fireworks of a citizenry at each other's throats over the latest Culture War phenomenon. With creeping inflation and supply chain breakdown on the horizon, we're fed with "Look around you; life's great; America is back, baby!" when, like Biden and Pelosi promising earlier that there would be NO vaccine passports, and yet here we are, the real work goes on behind the scenes while we're distracted by mindless entertainment or what have you. Thomas Tranströmer, in one of his poems about death, provided a pretty good allegory to the way modern government goes about enslaving its citizenry. Says what it knows the people want to hear to allay fears; meanwhile, goes about putting its policy in motion. In silence until it needs to be implemented through shock, awe, and always the fear.

In the middle of life it happens that death comes

and takes your measurements. This visit

is forgotten and life goes on. But the suit is

sewn in silence.

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Nah, Matthew. They no longer care for your vote

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The problem is you cant just replace long haul truck drivers or technical workers or engineers overnight. So some of these companies will have to weigh the risks of firing people and having an extreme loss of productivity (and profits) or going along with the radical idea of freedom of choice.

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Not in a sane world. But the world of the Left is not sane. That is why Leftist economies produce nothing. They’re happy to replace long haul truck drivers, technical workers and engineers overnight, with just about anyone who supports them.

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Jeff Childers, a Florida lawyer who's litigating against various lockdown policies, presented an argument against this concept (you are the government's property) to a court, opposing Gainesville's attempt to force city employees to get vaccinated. He's posted his argument here: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-tuesday-september-c3b

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An argument everyone would have took for granted 50 years ago.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Governments should have announced a 'vaccine' with 75% efficacy at preventing severe disease and injected everyone who lined up with Saline. Antidote to fear, harmless and would've calmed most people down. 25% wiggle room to explain why some of the 'vaccinated' got the virus. We would now be at a place of fewer cases, hospitalizations and deaths and no one with vaccine injuries. Wins all around.

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absolutely. so many obvious exit ramps, none of them ever taken.

all they really had to do was roll out the experimental vaxx, for better or worse, offer it to especially high-risk ppl, give everyone else a “talk to your doctor to see if it’s right for you” recommendation, and then shut up. stop the mass testing, fold up the tables, go home.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

This is what causes me to believe an evil cabal is at work in the shadows. Because everything that is done is somehow indecent. Their edicts lack compassion or logic. No conversation can be had because they are always right. How is this human? It makes you feel nauseous and creates a sense of vertigo. It feels so wrong that if can only be seen as utterly and completely sinful.

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Yes, this constant appeal to "science" as a justification for everything they do is flagrant BS. There is never a consistent appeal to Scientific Method or evidence based medicine. Where are the double-blind randomized control trials that say that masks prevent the spread of the virus, or that you should get the vaccine even if you've already had covid? As Steve Kirsch says: you're just told to DO IT based on no evidence whatsoever.

Additionally, why has the FDA and hospitals in the US ignored Dr. Theresa Lawrie's systematic review that says ivermectin shows strong evidence to prevent covid deaths? A systematic review sits at the top of the Evidence Based Medicine pyramid; it's the royal flush. Yet nurses can be fired for prescribing ivermectin. And the vaccine continues to be touted as the SINGULAR solution to ending the pandemic, while evidence based medicine model demonstrates that it certainly is not.

This consistent failure to appeal to logic makes me too, suspect an evil cabal at work.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by eugyppius

This is exactly how I feel. It all seems so contrary to what I have learned to expect from the System. The callous, blatent imposition of the Covid Mind maked s me suppose that I have always treated as livestock and for some reason failed to notice....

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The "cabal", as I've been saying from the get-go, is China.

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Folding up the tables very likely would have been the case had the United States' Controlling Classes not needed to remove an existential threat to their power, and then upon solving it with "new extreme democracy," they came to find they very much enjoy the new authoritarian opportunities that medical tyranny provides. I, for one, am excited for new pandemics every 2 years.

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Also, they should have quietly changed the PCR test CT threshold to 35 or lower (like in Taiwan) from 40 or higher.

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They never should have used PCR as a testing protocol at all. Every round magnifies any error. The inventor of PCR was horrified that it was being used this way. Of course, his complaints have been diminished or utterly censored by the media.

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if they injected saline, they won't be able to sell everyone the cancer treatments they'll soon need after being fkd by the vaxes - why miss out on such a great profit opportunity >?

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Wins - unless money is the object. There's no "win" if the pharmas aren't compensated with hundreds of billions of mid-term profits and a guaranteed forever revenue stream. No pharma gets rich, no politician gets rich off of pharma donations and bribes. And now you know why they aren't even close to being interested in calming the public.

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Right. It's all about the money. No liability testing on millions of people for mRNA technology. What they learn from this experiment will help shape the billions of dollars to be made on other mRNA vaccines and gene therapy for cancers and autoimmune disorders- most of which were created from this experiment. Big Pharma for the win!

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If this madness were about money, there would be no lockdowns prohibiting people to work

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The lockdowns are the isolation piece in the fear cycle. Making people afraid, isolating them from others- these are essential pieces in creating the mass psychosis needed to have people willing to rush to get the 'cure' that would end the pandemic.

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why would they have wanted to calm people down?

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You are assuming that they want everybody calmed down. However, all their (wrong) actions point in a single direction -- division & depopulation A house divided cannot stand.

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"those raised for their eggs require constant boosters. They receive two or three attenuated virus vaccines at first, and then periodic deactivated virus boosters thereafter, to maintain their protection."

This, presumably, would be a pharmaceutical company's wet dream. I have, for a long time now, wondered if that's where we're headed, intentionally or not.

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Intentionally. This "vaccine" makes enormous money, more than most because the gubmint allowed them to skip all that expensive testing. Gubmints all over the world promised these pharmaceutical companies that they'd make sure everyone took the shot, so the pharmas adjusted their balance sheets and made projections, and promised huge contributions to PACs and other donation vehicles for all the politicians who are on board. Now, with populations resisting the tyranny, those projections are threatened, which means falling stock prices - stock in which those same politicians are heavily invested. Follow the money, and you'll completely understand everything you're seeing, including the skyrocketing alarmism and threats, even in the face of increasing evidence of the "vaccine"'s deleterious effects and lack of apparent mid- or long-term efficacy.

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Thanks for simplifying such a technical topic. Your conclusions, of course, are chilling and should be shouted from the housetops!

I help parents navigate the vax labyrinth.

They’re not getting enough information to make an informed choice, only pressure to get the shot though 99.99% survive the virus. I want them to understand this dynamic and the risk/benefit of giving their children the v*ccine.

All risk zero benefit. That’s simple. No?

Check out my newsletter on increased childhood illness alongside increased vaccination:


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Thanks for your kind remarks. It‘s an absolute crime to vaccinate children. I hope to live long enough to see indictments for all of the people doing this.

Thanks also for the link to your newsletter.

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I’ve been trying to rescue children from the clutches of Big Pharma for 30 years with minimal success. Now that everyone’s political and fanatical about vaccination, I feel even more compassion for good parents trying to make good choices. They’re only getting one (corrupted) side of the story.😕

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Currently reading David Remnick's book "Lenin's Tomb", about the final years of the Soviet Empire. Harrowing how similar that time was to what we're going through now in America. And I wonder if Remnick ever lies awake at night agonizing over how he has gone from a chronicler of totalitarian overreach to one of the foremost apparatchiks, in his role as New Yorker editor in chief, in the creation of an American version. Live long enough to see yourself become the villain, I guess.

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Villains always think they're the Good Guy.

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I suppose you'd find interesting Dmitry Orlov's books too.

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Children see through all sorts of bullshit that parents put on them. People will remark that they can’t understand how a 14 year old child could possibly be suicidal. I can guarantee you that some very much have reason to be just that. Though maybe not in every case once a child has glimpsed that their parent (creator) is more interested in their telephone or next sexual conquest little mystery remains. The child sees that their existence is akin to the telephone or perhaps a discarded condom. Plastic and punched full of holes.

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There's a brilliant film by Michel Haneke called "The White Ribbon." Takes place in a small village in Germany in the years leading up to WWI, which is rocked by a succession of gruesome crimes. Won't ruin the film, but Haneke makes a brilliant point in a conversation included in the special features in which he warns against what happens to a generation of children conditioned to believe in absolutes. (Those children in The White Ribbon grew into Nazis.)

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Well put. I will check this movie out, thank you for the recommendation.

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I worry about just that! I also worry about the “covid” generation, raised on lockdowns, masks and social isolation. I want to weep when I see masked children. Ever try to put a hat on a resistant toddler? Now imagine forcing a face covering. Working parents who rely on schools and daycare have few choices.

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Never heard of this film, thank you so much for bringing it up.

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I don't know why, but this might be the most terrifying piece of writing I've read this year.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Finally someone uses the cattle metaphor! A majority of the human domesticates are thrilled with the care their farmers show for them. The rest spend their time counting virions on pinheads while screaming at the government? while the "climate crisis" starts unnoticed.

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It’s almost as if it was the perfect virus to choose if you wanted to deploy a deadly pandemic.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The real question is this: Are the ranchers getting the vaccine and boosters?

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Interesting... Chicken Little comes to mind.

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I used to work with a printing company that had an old Linotype in their basement. They fired it up and used it when they wanted the ultimate quality (this was during the fledging of desktop publishing). The way lines of text was justified in it was really fascinating, as was the crazy idea of automating the casting of lead type "just in time" for it to be dropped into a cassette and then set.

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I remember Linotypes when they were used for setting type for newspapers. Loved them then as a child and I never forgot that sound. I hope they're still in use somewhere. Fascinating machines!

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I think there are two still in use in the U.S. They sure are fascinating.

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I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the info!

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most must be familiar with the rent extraction mechanism known as "software as service." unless we successfully fight the vax campaign, it will create a far more insidious system of living within which we will rent our immune systems, hence our lives, from pharma and our lives will be more "nasty, brutish and short" than anything imagined by Hobbes.

neo-liberalism at it finest, err worst.

thank you for the piece. it cuts through much confusion.

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100%. Their stock price will explode when analysts realize that this new form of taxation is unavoidable, scalable and the herd will demand perpetually re-occuring payments. It gives a whole new twist to the old song with the refrain,: "I sold my soul to the company store"

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the more i read such things the more i have the guts feeling that Béchamp, Bernard & environment theory gang were eventually right :)

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

And they were so vilified and even censored! I guess nothing much changes ......

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Oh my gosh great point! Often I mull this over these days

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Here's a question: if the vaccines create selection pressure on the virus, is this any different than the selection pressure created by natural immunity?

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in theory, no. and there are one or two cases, where natural immunity in animals has perhaps had a similar virulence-promoting effect.

but these vaccines are different from natural immunity, in that they are worse. they don‘t shut the virus down, they provide some resistance, so the virus can find solutions. it‘s like we‘re training it, basically.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by eugyppius

It's not much different than oncological treatments and cancer. They never kill all the cancer cells and the ones that survive, will require a different, more toxic chemical.

Rinse, repeat.

Until the patient is gone and their bank account is empty.

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Or the perpetuation of psychiatry, where drug sfx = "relapse" and increasing drugs kill the patient (or the patient does it themselves out of desperation in their trap).

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Natural immunity came about to benefit individuals and their kin. Vaccines were designed to benefit drug companies. What do you think?

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Here's how I (imperfectly) understand it:

The virus has multiple proteins. Some of these proteins are more evolutionarily conserved than others because their structure contains fewer degrees of freedom relative to function. In particular the nucleocapsid domain protein in SARS-CoV-2 is highly conserved due to its use in viral replication, whereas the spike protein is less conserved (and so mutates at a faster rate).

When exposed to the full virus, a functional immune system will develop antibodies against multiple viral proteins, including both nucleocapsid and spike. When exposed to vax-encoded spike protein, the immune system only develops antibodies to spike (side note: vax spike isn't quite structurally identical to viral spike either, the vax designers made some modifications).

There are then two reasons why natural immune escape is less likely than vax immune escape:

(1) Because of natural immunity's more varied population of antibodies, to escape natural immunity a virus instance needs to mutate in *multiple domains* (i.e. for each antibody). This is much less likely than escaping in a single domain.

(2) Mutations in the nucleocapsid domain are more likely to be nonviable (cripple the virus) than mutations in spike, so its harder to score an escape mutation in this domain.

On top of the above, there is also the question of how much total viral replication takes place in a body for a naturally infected vs vaccinated subject. We know vaccinated people can carry high viral loads with few symptoms-- if this means that an averaged vaxxed person ends up hosting more viral replication events then an unvaxxed (don't know if that's the case), then this would also make vax escape more likely.

I don't know much about immunology or virology, this understanding was pieced together primarily from reading:

(1) Geert van den Bossche: https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/

(2) Karl Denninger: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?blog=Market-Ticker-Nad

(3) Seneff & Nigh paper: https://dpbh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Boards/BOH/Meetings/2021/SENEFF~1.PDF

I welcome any corrections or elaboration to the above!

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Hey there, if I quote you in an article, shall I use Eugyppius?

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that‘s great, thanks.

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One of the worst imaginable outcomes with our approach of mass-vaccination would be vaccine-dependency. I sometimes wonder if this is the intention, but this slumbering thought is coming from my dark side. Hahaha (with echo).

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This is why I'm talking to friends about the booster - get off the train now!

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I was asked by a friend, caught in the gov't recommendations / employment trap (but they're not "mandates," says our PM) - "but don't you need the boosters, once you've started the process?"

She is a nurse, and had a point - but I pointed out that the more shots = the more risk to your health.

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"Flu shots don't really do anything..." Nothing at all?! Are you using the word 'really' to imply they do something, but something of little consequence? Any recommendations for info on what they do if they do do anything?

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Their whole life sheep are being told to beware of the wolve. Though slaughtered they are by the shepherd.

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