Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Thinking about this more - I've lost all trust in our governments, our doctors, our colleges, and "pubic health" generally. I'm sure I'm not alone. I had already decided that many aspects of our society were "a bit" of a scam, like a college-education (just a student-loan debt trap,) Wall Street "investing" (primarily just assholes gambling with other people's money,) and Government regulations (just kick-back schemes and stealing from the treasury.) I had also lost faith in "nutrition" science since they keep recommending that you not eat "normal" foods like eggs, and keep trying to force you to eat some industrial soy-based sludge. But I still sort of felt that things were generally "ok" and that they always would be if you just avoided the "known" scams.

But not now. They went too far. They over-played their bullshit and they thought if they controlled the media outlets we wouldn't be albe to compare notes. I now believe it's ALL a scam. All of it. Globally. At this point I'm doubting ALL modern medical treatments, ALL vaccines, ALL governments....I'm doubting that Republicans and Democrats on on different teams. I'm sure now that all this bullshit saber-rattling about Russia!! Ukraine!! is just the start of another FAKE problem. I'm even wondering about history now -- what really did happen in WW1? Vietnam? 9/11? Why does all this shit that happens never affect the "people in charge?" Coincidence? And I damn sure don't believe "elections" are real anymore-- what a huge bunch of theater that is. And I know I'm not alone. Everywhere people were scammed, every country, every profession, we ALL see the scam now. The kids forced to wear masks are NEVER going to believe anything they're told, ever again. The repercussions of this con game are going to last a lot longer than the money will. The turned "political agnostics" like me into true believers that the very last thing we need is more government.

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I couldn't agree more. And what's exciting to me is that people I know who never questioned anything are now questioning *everything*! I just hope these monsters keep pushing and pushing and showing their dirty hand. As long as those of us who are wise to their ways and *stay peaceful* and resolute I still believe we will stymie their plans for quite a while. Take one look at how that *monster* "Doctor" Bill Gates has aged over the last 2 years! You can see some sleepless nights in his face now. And GOOD. I pray to everything holy that these monsters toss and turn and have to take numerous drugs to even get one hour of sleep. I'm done with all of it. I will *never* trust anything from corporate media, government or "chain health care" again. EVER.

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Is this true in your personal life though? I see it said on the Internet that people are questioning more, but literally ten minutes ago I was getting EXCORIATED by a longtime friend who acted like I was personally trying to kill people by being unvaccinated. I and people like me have caused all the variants! If she needs to go to the hospital for anything, there won't be space because a 35-year-old unvaccinated Trumper will be taking up a bed that SHE needs! Natural immunity is way inferior to the vaccines! It was like a wall of anger that she'd been saving up to hit me with. I actually had brought it up, just to test the waters and see if my friend had begun to see things differently. Then she exploded.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

She is sublimating a semiconscious realisation that she has been fooled, lied to and betrayed by a societal complex of institutions and relationships she has trusted instinctively and implicitly all her life.

And she is starting to become aware of this. The cognitive dissonance of having to suppress even the impulse to look for other data and to actually verify anything rather than going on blind faith is exhausting, frustrating and turns to projected rage against any suitable trigger - in this case you. (Unfair, true, but perfectly human.)

At the center sits a a feeling not unlike a barbed hook in your eyelid, that if and once she starts questioning and checking, she becomes fully responsible for her actions and unable to rationalise mistakes: she was simply trusting authority. Imagin a small child feeling betrayed by a parent.

That feeling is also rage-inducing. You acting - succesfully and without shame - against the call of the pack brings this out: if you dare, if you can but she can't? It's her own choice and thus her own fault.

She will either come around on her own (and will quite possibly disavow all knowledge of her behaviour - our brains do have a remarkable ability for editing memory so that it always fits with our desired perception of self) or double down as hard as she can.

What you can do, if you want to do anything, is have data available for her. Think of it as if she's a fouryear-old throwing a tantrum out of sorrow because har first pet has just died and she is lashing out at anything since she can't rage against death.

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I was quite taken aback by the sheer force of her rant. I mean I'm still a little shaken. What you say makes a lot of psychological sense -- it seems like she must be starting to question. BUT she (and others I know) don't really like data. It annoys them. It makes them lash out. One thing I hear repeatedly when I mention specific data is a variation of "Did you hear that on Fox News?" "That sounds like something from Fox News." Like I literally never watch Fox News, but part of their programming is that if you disagree with them, they are obligated to sling the words "Fox News" at you, as if it's the coup de grace. She's actually a childhood friend, so my tribe for life, but wow, as someone below said, she has gone a bit mad and for awhile there seemed to think I was one step above a serial killer.

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I said to a woman walking past me the other day that if she kept wearing a mask she'd get hypoxia. I received a 'fuck off' about 5 metres after she'd passed by my advice and after she'd processed what I'd said. Same thing I guess.

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sounds like hypoxia has been going on for a while

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you may have known her all your life but I think you can no longer trust her, if you ever could

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You got her to where she needs to be: she now realizes she fucked up royally and has to deflect that "illuminating" energy.

Great comment, Rikard.

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*try to deflect*

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you're a kind person, Rikard.

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Thank you. Being a teacher, I learned long ago that you cannot "make" someone learn anything, you can only offer knowledge. In the same vein you cannot help people against their will nor can you help if that help means you actually take their burden away.

You can be there for them, when they come to you. Harsh, but true.

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I've found the same. Forcing your help on them, in my experience, merely fosters resentment in both parties. Though I have to admit I still sprinkle information here and there...

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This is exactly the pap your friend has been fed by "mainstream" media and politics:

- Everything that is going wrong is the fault of the unvaccinated.

- If you are vaccinated, you are an upright citizen, a beacon of solidarity.

- If you are unvaccinated, your selfishness kills grannies.

- Because the unvaccinated granny-killers have put us in such a mess, it is the right and duty of good, vaccinated citizens to be angry at them and show their anger, to make them change their mind.

So, we've all been put in an enormously stressful situation, flight is barely possible, so it's fight, and politics and the media have given you the right to fight the unvaccinated...and hey presto, that's where all those aggressions collected over the last 24 months go...

It's terrible, and I wonder how long it will take people to unlearn this.

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They want. They have been trained to be compliant and obedient to perceived authority figures since they first stepped into a classroom (sometimes in day care). They are not first to make really poor choices in their gods and goddesses.

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Now you know who NOT to survive a real disaster with. She'd push you aside to get on the lifeboat.

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She called me back. She's talking about all the blood on the hands of Sweden...she doesn't care when I offer her up numbers. She says I'm nitpicking.

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Remind her that your nits are unvaxxed otherwise you wouldn't have any nits.

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She’s gone mad. Hard for her to see that she could be wrong. Leave her out of your tribe.

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And don't leave her any flint or fresh water.

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This is not a friend. and she's a Branch Covidian

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I am concerned that speaking about the blood on the hands of Sweden could be seen as Islamaphobic criticism of their open immigration policies. She should be more discreet.

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So where's the nitpicking in her view? It hardly seems as if you can nitpick numbers re: Swedish Covid management. Apart from not protecting the elderly at the start of the pandemic, they did very well on very few measures. That's what the numbers say, if you compare them to most of the other Western countries. What IS there left to nitpick?

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Try sending her the recent clip of Bari Weiss on Bill Maher. Puts you more “on her side”, that we have ALL been lied to.

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There a short clip of Bari Weiss, who is far left, on Bill Maher the other night. You might show your friend. Weiss states she is done with Covid regulations after having heavily complied. It’s a way to perhaps help her, by showing her we have ALL been lied to. Puts you more “on her side “ than against her.

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When anyone tells me that I should be vexxed, I tell them, "How would you react if I told you to step in front of a bus?" Then I tell them that the VEXXES are NOT vaccines, but "Experimental Gene Therapy Injectioins". Usually, they get quite offended, often to the point of apoplexy!

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Mass formation.

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Your sisters never grew up.

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My sisters and other close family members have no interest in finding out why I have remained unvaccinated also. It’s just so odd. They’ll make snarky comments to my face but ask no questions. They’ve become Steppford wives…..bitterness has hardened my heart….

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

I'm bewildered after 2 years of this madness, and like you find myself now distrusting every single institution. I've been around... I've seen overt corruption in many countries and thought the West had some problems but it was generally minor (although ramping up year-on-year with the pernicious 'woke' ridiculousness).

Oh how wrong I was in hindsight. Our corruption has just found ways of masking itself behind layers of NGOs, the elite-controlled "news" agencies, agenda-driven big-tech platforms, and political systems that successfully manage to lie outright to the public that "elect" them while ensuring that honest outsiders can never legitimate gain traction in political races.

I'm not sure I can go back to feeling that I am *not* under continual threat. Between the continual, obvious psy-op campaigns, the huge power of the globalist cartel, and our corrupt Western governments, I can't see how the system can get un-fucked without a nightmare-inducing bloody revolution.

Perhaps the West was always fucked and without the internet and honest people on the ground SOMEHOW getting their message out, it was simply hidden from view.

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I’m sorry about your lose of trust, I understand completely. I’m watching several in my own clan “slowly” coming around. I was fortunate to be a born skeptic. I’ve never had a big trust for my Gov. after growing up in the sixties. It left me with a critical eye for my Gov. and those “in charge”. So when all of this started I was curious and concerned and began digging into the data. What my wife mostly, and I found was very disturbing and enlightening. We were right to be a bit critical and cautious. I have been called a conspiracy nut for decades by my family, but they weren’t real talkative around us about any of this and that was fine, as we all have to (live or not) with our own decisions, and that’s as it should be.

We had already decided to take a wait and see approach to the Vacs, and kept up on the ongoing studies on the treatments and the Vacs. We already had some treatments on hand, and after reading more of the studies, we both felt we would do best to continue to refuse the jab. We are glad we did. We both have had the Rona and feel protected as well or better than the Vacs, with no worries about the unknowns or heart issues. Maybe these 2 years will have a positive outcome with many people beginning to question our Govs lust for power and control, at the cost of peoples rights and even their lives. Many of our founders warned us when they said “this Government was designed for a moral people”. I think they were correct.

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I also am a born skeptic -- (how can that be? what genes control skepticism?) As a child my parents would tease me about always asking "why?" instead of just following orders.

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That’s funny, it caused much upset for me. I guess they got tired of all the questions, and the depth of the next question to their answers. It might be a bit of genetics and probably not a bad thing if kept under control. It would be real easy to get off on a subject and become obsessed with an issue. I try to guard against that and have seen it a few times in others. It’s not a place I would want to get stuck in.

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I feel the same, Cetera. It’s not a good feeling. :(

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Might be a lot of truth in what you say. Looking back,the government has a propensity to tell us what we want to hear. Keeping us barbarians from storming the gates is, I’m sure, on the top of their minds.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

It's certainly an odd reframe to the situation: that these globalist asshats may not be trying to actively take over our governments, but instead they've ALWAYS had control of them... and only now with modern tech combined with free speech, their tried-and-true control mechanisms are cracking and failing.

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Certainly my experience after interactions with some MPs.

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Now that IS a disturbing thought…..

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I learned long ago that politicians will say whatever they think gets them votes. Their whole goal seems to be to get elected or re-elected, in order to gain more wealth/power. Not to serve us - which is *supposed* to be their goal. Now I just laugh when they say EVERY YEAR: “we are here to help the middle class”. Yeah, right. What a crock of shit.

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I don't think things were ever any better honestly, if you look at history.

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out of the cave and into the fire.

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Agree with every word you write here. I think the cabal is grossly underestimating the backlash that will come from particularly the kids who experienced a genuinely horrible two years - when they come of age and find out they were lied to, things will get interesting. I have zero doubts that the delay to release more material on the JFK assassination is part and parcel to keeping the house of cards propped up just a bit longer. I don't love conspiracy theories, I don't. But to not question everything you have mentioned makes you a total fool given the breadth of what has been revealed over the past two years.

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Thank you. I don’t know what the truth is, but I do not it’s not what they’re telling us. Liars gonna lie!

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

I hope the kids do eventually realize, that they are not cowed by the feeling that they are dirty people that must cover their faces.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

Excellent comments, VeryVer!

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I understand your disillusionment, but the truth, or somthing close to it, can still be discerned. The enemy wants you to doubt all and thus become cynical and discouraged. Don't give them that victory.

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I was taught that despair was a sin against the Holy Ghost. The battle here is not just temporal. Christ is the Truth that all truths must be measured against. We know much of what we are told are lies (even those that are factual) because what is required is an assault on the very essence of human nature.

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Thank you. What do you think the truth is?

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Great comment! I heard someone say the other day: America has no Democrat or Republican representatives . They all represent the Globalists. How naive I have been!

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exactly -- everybody stays rich and nobody ever goes to jail!

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I would not say the all represent the Globalists. But those who don't and have genuine concern for rights and liberty have a target on their backs.

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I agree with everything you wrote but to add one point. We need to empower and encourage the kids who have had their innocence and childhoods taken away from them. I'm mostly talking about the age group 11-14. These kids can think for themselves and they are old enough to hold some significant sway over their parents.

What I am getting at is to let them have righteous anger at all of the institutions. Teach them it was the Satan, the father of lies, who has had a hook in the multitudes and they followed the father of lies and his minions unquestioningly. They need to forgive their parents of course, but they need to not forget. They need to be mobilized to realize they, as a cohort, have the power to create change and take power away from many. Say we can get it to be "cool" to not buy Nike or whatever. Those who do are uncool and part of the families who fell for the lies. Help them to understand that Nike uses slaves for their apparel and shoes and the hypocrisy of the virtue signalers around covid, but yet they are fine with slaves?

They can see what they had to endure these last two years as a gift their parents didn't seem to have and that is the gift of critical thinking skills.

They can be taught to question everything and never settle for something that makes no sense. Being made in the image of God, they have the power to discern, with His help especially, they just need to be shown how and given practice.

If you have this age group in your life, work with them!

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I would never have believed I could be where you are, but I am. Wow.

like Bob Dylan sang, "everything's broken."

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Yeah, I mean back in 2016, I actually thought Bernie Sanders had a chance! lololololo. holy cow. I wonder what I'm wrong about today?

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"what really did happen in WW1? Vietnam? 9/11?"

Don't skip WWII. I know there's a lot of halo put on that conflict, but we can bet that not much that's in the history books is anywhere near to the whole truth. Question everything.

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Well put Veryver, through their iniquities we have become believers of truth, we can see clearly now the fog of censorship has gone. We have our media to kick their A.*** along.

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I caught COVID in late 2019 (thinking at the time it was an odd sort of flu) from a patient just returned from China and quite sick.

COVID threat inflation in 2020 was obvious to me from Fauci's prior regular fall and winter interviews every year in the media, in which he would say every year that this will be an especially bad year for flu, so everyone please get a flu shot. (Never mind that flu shots have had 14% effectiveness.)

I not only never bought into lockdowns, masks or any covid hysteria, I never closed my business for even a day and never wore a mask once. But this is not unusual here in Arizona.

The AZ governor's Executive Order of spring 2020 actually prohibited a lot of the tyranny suffered elsewhere. It said that no entity will force the closure of any business, from hardware stores to nail salons, let alone supermarkets and doctors' offices. Then, in a sop to the local Karens, the governor weakly announced a covid-related curfew after 8:00 pm early in 2020, but lots of cars remained on the road after 8 pm, because we are after all Arizona, and we moved here (the most recently populated state), because freedom was a priority. Some of our sheriffs also rebelled against the curfew foolishness.

We also have the strongest vaccine exemptions among the states. Which is one of two factors that brought my family and me here decades ago.

So it wasn't so unusual for Arizonans to roll our eyes over covid manics and get on with our life the whole time. Everywhere except Costco, flights and public transit, you could go anywhere and do anything in Arizona without a mask, throughout the entire covid era.

Floridians, Texans and others can likely tell a very similar history.

There is only one thing I've been wrong about in the whole COVID era. In March 2020, I tweeted that covid mania was so obviously a scam for political purposes, to sell an eventual vaccine and upward wealth transfer, that most people would see through it by the end of April 2020. I was wrong about that timing, 15-20 months too early, but correct about the rest. I proved in mid-2020 that lockdowns don't work and that masks are a health hazard and are correlated with more not less COVID. Those peer-reviewed studies are on https://PDMJ.org

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Thank you Colleen for sharing your experiences.

I live in Northern Virginia, in a county that used to be very conservative until 15 years ago, the lefties started pouring in. We have been experiencing equal compliance to the mandates under our former governor Mr Blackface the pediatrician, baby killer, and resistance as well, which Finally in this past election gave us a conservative governor. \

I really thought Hillarys accomplice McAuliff would steal the election. Just the thought sickened me.

My daddy is 98 and has not gotten the covid. He did get all three jabs, but honestly, I think it is his unbelievably strong immunity. I have now noticed after these three 'shots"

that he complains of itchy skin, and also developed a few lesions that required Bx and treatment. He also has what he calls "covid brain" - constant fuzzy head.

I am interested to learn more about Vaers from this 'vaccine"

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Are you in one of the counties that is keeping the school mask mandates, in defiance of the new governor, in order to show how Sensitive And Caring™️ we are?

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My guess is Rosemary B is in Loudoun? My brother moved there in 1990 due to its conservative bent and has been quite annoyed at the change to nutcase liberal. What a shame!

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Thank you for the Primary Doctors link and your experiences in Arizona!

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Thank you for your measured and thorough analysis, Colleen. Great stuff! (By the way, I just finished a LONG piece about my own journey to realizing the crazy-train-hood of widespread masking. Might publish. Might not. Either way, to see your formal, scientific, pieces convey the same conclusion(s) is satisfying.) Thank you for sharing the link here!

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Agreed. Here in rural Minnesota, the police and sheriff , in March 2020, announced that they would not be enforcing any lockdown rules. And that news was published widely. Amazingly, and to their credit, the staff at auto parts shops never even donned masks!

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Spot on. I live in Ga. And we have been fortunate in some degree of freedom. With the exception of every liberal city in our state

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When you say Arizona I think water. This Covid theatre has been tremendously distracting to attending to whatever the local issues are.

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Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.

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As I say relatively routinely on the Bad Cat's substack, please be aware that I plan to use that quote soon. Also be aware that I may or may not attribute. Either way, well said!

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absolutely fantastic job you are doing, eugyppius, I am so lucky to be one of your subscribers. The perspective you've been sharing has been so helpful. Thank you so much.

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thanks so much, Matt!

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The DOD comment about the emailing messaging and the comment from the expat regarding synchronized news in Tokyo and the States should be mote than enough to convince everyone that this entire event started out as a worldwide coordinated attack on freedom. The ensuing local nuttiness, well, that genie will never go back in the bottle.

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I am a 42-year+ DoD civilian. I am appalled at how my particular agency has gone left. Never thought I'd see this day! :(

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

So so interesting. Reading this makes me feel that their are many many more "skeptics" than are visible on the surface. People are mostly keeping hiding their true opinions, just like I am. I'm hopeful, therefore, that when the inevitable moment comes when the governments go too far, more people will rise up than suspected.

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I share your observation VeryVer. At what point do we all agree it is Too Much. It seems like we have crossed that line.

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Thank you. These forums have sure made me feel less alone in my opinions. I think it's significant that in the US, boosters are not generally mandated (by Biden anyway), even though to sell the boosters they had to indicate that the original shots were "not enough." Booster uptake is, what, half?, of the original shots? So I think it is the boosters that are "too far," and even the White House knows it.

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I and my teenage kids all had the rona two weeks ago. It was a relatively mild sore throat for 3-4 days followed by lingering fatigue. Treated it at home with high doses of vitamin C and D plus aspirin. I was very glad that none of us bothered to get the vax or a “booster” and risk side effects in order to counter such a trivial infection.

To my great amusement I am now seeing people online saying “we had omicron and thank god we got vaxxed and boosted because for us it was only a few days of sore throat, think of how much worse it would have been if we were the dirty filthy stupid unvaxxed!”

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I just got over it as well, never vaxxed (I'm 57, normal weight, and in good health). It was a two-day mild flu (no sore throat, no fever, but generally lousy feeling lots of muscles aches, and some nose symptoms) followed by three days of really bad sinus headache, ringing in both ears (still going on after 3 weeks) and extreme tiredness. My doctor never even saw me. The nurse told me to take allergy meds for the sinus, which made an immediate difference. Other than the ears and lingering fatigue, I'm fine. It amazes me how many people say "it was mild, thank God I got my vax!" I always ask if they know that for most people it was ALWAYS mild? Even at worst, the majority of people had few or no symptoms. Why do they all think they would have been one of the few who had bad cases -- even if they are young and in good health?

Of course we know why. They want it to have worth all that for someone!

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I have said it before, and I will say it again. The breadth and depth of people who, like me, began to question The Narrative™ relatively early on, and now continue to do so, is truly awe-inspiring. As you admit, I was, despite almost pathological distrust of the government, much too tardy in realizing the scope of the deception. I recall thinking, "well, that's over" a few days before it became apparent that masking and other talisman-level approaches were here to stay. As a result, I enjoyed weeks of "WTAF?" as I saw lock-downs and NPIs extended. I spent literally weeks in disbelief. I remain there, but at least I have a lot of company! As others have said, thank you so much for doing this! Fantastic work.

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What appalls me still is that it appears that no one in the Trump administration saw through this.

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Scott Atlas did.

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Read Scott Atlas's book. Another eye opener. Deborah Birx almost single handedly put this in place, supported by no data but by Fauci. Special place in a hell for her. The politicians had too many people predicting doom to pay attention to Scott. A real tragedy.

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The media had him in their cross hairs.

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Where is that filthy lying bitch these days? She seemed to disappear.

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She and Redfield and Collins wisely left the main stage. They're going to watch Fauci screw himself in public.

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Trump was talking against the lockdowns and the masks all along. But the media loved Fauci and Birx and they were saying different.

Trump did believe the Redfield was keeping the vaccine trials honest (totally not), which was his mistake.

Also his mistake was not just firing them all anyway and doing what he wanted to do. We'd all be like Florida now, humming along with a lower death rate.

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of course, he really couldn't fire them.

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Exactly. The media would have loved to drum up how crazy he was if he had fired them and turned his base against him.

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We don't know that for sure. IF anyone did see through it, have to wonder why they didn't call out the narrative.

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Atlas did. Over and over. The media pilloried him.

They also attacked the 13k others who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

Atlas advised DeSantis and his advice worked.

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Well, I’m stuck here in Perth, where life has continued on, “lockdown free”, as it has, for 2 years COVID free. So I’ll speak of my experience here. The state of Western Australia is so large and sparsely populated, we live a socially distanced lifestyle already. I used to live and work in Bangkok for 5 years, 4 years prior. To be frank, I moved up there to escape the Australian “mindset”, which has been steered to staggering effect over the course of this pandemic.

So, in some sense, I’m an interloper. Has that worked to my advantage?

Here’s the irony of my situation, when the “rollout” of the mass-vaccination campaign was underway, I booked online, cued up at The Showgrounds. It was like the last scene from, “Contagion”, in a cue amongst this herd of people, filing in, on rotations, to get their jab. This didn’t sit well with me, so I walked away, thinking, “I’ll go see a GP and get it done later”, despite the long discussion with a family member about how long it takes to develop a vaccine, bad example from the past, Thalidomide, Dakon Shiele, etc., so taking this vaccine presented real risks. “The risks outweighs the benefits”. Still, the pitch of the product was persuasive and the clotting issue with AZ and it’s relative cheapness, only strengthened the case - you were getting something “special” with an mRNA vaccine. After the endless rounds of, “fear porn” piping out of our televisions, folks even thought it was a privilege to get a vaccine and the mantra, “do it for your community” had well and truely taken root - you were selfish for not doing so. Even though the respiratory tract, for the purpose of immunisation is considered a separate immune system, but so entrenched was the narrative of transmission, that to question this orthodoxy was starting to be met with great hostility. It was heresy to question, “the experts”. So the “the irony” is - I decided to isolate myself, due in part to what I read from Yeadon, “you will be cajoled and harassed into taking a vaccine, they won’t even have to mandate it.” Now I was experiencing it.

Australians cajole, it’s one of the most unfortunate aspects of our national character, along with, “tall poppy syndrome”. We don’t applaud brashness, in fact we shun it. It’s a poor excuse for social cohesion and the nation is founded on the myth - it’s a classless society. You could say it’s a colonial experiment perhaps.

I had done some units in Chemistry at university, so I was going to diagram the journey of the mRNA. Complex and 17 pages later, I got the gist, but nigh-in-on-impossible to explain to the layman. This was another of Yeadon’s predictions and at the outset I thought his ideas were, “out there”. Now I don’t. I’m still retracing the series of events, which those testimonies so beautifully illustrate, how did this unfold and why was any discussion, or willingness to even “hear me out”, being muzzled? It’s as if folks are, “gaslighting” themselves - once jabbed, you’re invested.

I tend to think, “mixed messaging” played a role in getting everyone on the same page, rolling out “phases” of really calculated campaign. Mass formation was the aim, but what commonality was exploited to get everyone mobilised and ready for battle with an “invisible enemy”? Did anthropomorphising, “the virus” play a role? What were people parroting in terms of justifications, and was their an underlying fear, once jabbed, they might reassure themselves; “30 years of research went into this,” Did a “faith” in sciences ability to deliver in record time - became one of the dominant rationales? Which make me think, is this perhaps an innate default setting, much in the way our psyche might have evolved from, “the bicameral mind”?

I hope it’s not wishful thinking, that the narrative IS beginning to crumble. But consider where I am, quarantined from my cohort, with only 3 friends unvaccinated left, who live in the country.

I hope you can glean something from this sharing experience and thank you for compiling those testimonials, the anecdotal evidence is priceless and it helps in correlating my own experience, once the brain fog of the, “fear porn” had lifted. However, I have conviction in my interpretation of the basics underpinning immunology are on the money.


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" It’s as if folks are, “gaslighting” themselves - once jabbed, you’re invested."

You're right. People don't just get vaccinated, they get flipped.

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After this all started I heard about the "Contagion" movie so I watched it and was shocked to see that it seemed to be a dress rehearsal for what we've experienced the last two years, not wirth the virus but the reaction to it.

Two things stuck out to me. The first is it showed people dropping dead in the street, and despite that not happening in real life, most recent web comments on the film were about how it was "just like COVID".

The second thing was rather amusing. In a scene in a hospital with one of the heros dying of the virus, a friend who was comforting here wore only a Darth Vader splash shield, the bottom being wide open to the infected woman as he bent over her! So the screen writers were just as stupid as were our real life "experts" ... or perhaps thought their audience was stupid.

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It's a bit clunky but the German movie "The Hamburg Syndrome" from about 1979 is well worth watching. Clearly this has been done a few times before. There's english subtitle versions on youtube.


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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Well documented and thank you. Good to see a cross section of reasonable people having common sense views of this mess. The thread here is a darker side to the narrative. What and why? I say this has been engineered from the start as a trojan horse device to integrate sweeping economic reforms. And not for the better of 99% of the world. This will be a control mechanism using digital currency, social credit scoring and revocation of previously held individual rights. In the U.S. I foresee gun control and voting changes benefiting only the progressive left. MMT, CRT and other tools will reduce whites to a position much like South Africa today. Ukraine will be a diversion with disastrous outcomes. Watch, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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And read Glenn Becks book on the GREAT RESET

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So true

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All of these stories have a common fountainhead: the natural result of allowing the worst of us to grow national governments into parastic beasts that possess the power to destroy humanity. Shall we revisit 1776 or will we allow our children to be subjected to lives of madness?

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"I believe that the CDC and public health officials in the United States have damaged their credibility so badly that it'll take a generation for them to regain public trust."

Who are we kidding here? "Public Health" must never, ever be trusted. Not now, not a generation from now, not a thousand generations from now.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Such a fantastic compilation! Probably my single greatest wish over these last two years has been that my friends, family and co-workers would actually spend the legitimate time necessary to actually read the data for themselves; rather than relying on talking-heads, FB posts and one-liners void of context and criticism. It’s an absolutely known irony that in our age of instant, easy access to all manner of human knowledge; that fewer and fewer actually read books, papers, or even articles in their completion. As the “Reading Rainbow” host would say, “Don’t take my word for it…read a book”

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And many of the uninquisituve are the young who think they know so much more than the old folks.

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It's funny because reading is what woke me up. I read Dafoe's Journal of a Plague Year and Camus' The Plague. I was following the number of covid cases and deaths but barely any other news. It's like what is happening here is nothing like what was described in those books. We are over-reacting.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

A former neighbor of mine who formerly worked in a medical field now lives in Spain. She was visiting here at the beginning of the Covid fear, and told me we were weird -- no one in Spain cared at all, she said. They were more laid back about things. Everyone here was panicking over nothing. Fast forward a few weeks and Spain was arresting people for going out to the beach alone, everyone was locked in his/her home, and my former neighbor was all in. She was writing posts about everyone going on their balconies to bang pots at the same time every night, so they could all express their collective appreciation for the heroic hospital workers driving home after their shift change. Talk about an about-face! I was a skeptic from the first, but hearing that change from someone really made me see that something global -- and bizarre -- was going on.

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This covid hysteria is "Made in the USA"

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

No it's not. It's global. And lockdowns in many other countries were and are far, far worse, and many of them began before the US did anything. Anyone who is not looking at this globally is not seeing it. Here in the US, it is the Democrats who have capitalized on this. During our entire last election, the Democrats insisted that the US panic, and that Trump wasn't panicking enough. As soon as they won, they did all the things they said he should have done the whole time. They obviously thought the shots would work, that they could make everyone think things were far worse than they were and that they would magically fix them all. That strategy, obviously, didn't work. But that was 2021 -- and hysteria in Spain, France, the UK, etc., was far earlier and worse.

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ummm.. Look up Niall Ferguson. He had a LOT to do with this. He's the UK's Fauci and he's never told the truth either.

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nah. Look around

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This is a great series from readers. I look forward to the brain exercise by reading your posts every week and I always read the comments. I don't know if you censor out the ridiculous comments or if you really do have the most intelligent subscribers! Love it. Stay strong Mr. E. We need you and this forum.

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I truly have the best commenters, it’s the only way reader-contributed pieces like this can work.

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This has been amazing to read, Eugypius! I think I’ve been suspicious of government interventions, crooked politicians - and the press covering for them - since I was old enough to watch my dad play Jack Burden, a reporter and the narrator in All the King’s Men which he made in 1949. Every day for the last two years I think of the film and see parallels. I wonder what truth will come out at the end of our struggle? Bless you for all you do! 🙏🏻

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So true

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by eugyppius

These reader reports are excellent!

My biggest mistake of this scam was thinking that people wouldn't put up with much more than two weeks of lockdowns regardless of how severe the threat.

Also, when someone in the NBA got covid in mid-March 2020, they shut down the NBA and started drafting plans for a lockdown I initially thought there must be a solid reason for doing so. It was then that I started looking at the Italy data and comparing it to my province's ridiculous model that I knew this was all very overblown.

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My sentiment too. I could imagine people might put up with it for two weeks, but not ad infinitum particularly when it became evident the bodies weren’t piling up in the streets and the hospitals were half empty.

My relationship with society in general has changed to one of contempt, to the point where I wish a real plague would come along and wipe most of it out.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

I really didn’t want to believe that people are stupid but the past two years has made me a believer. I don’t ever want to associate with the insane again. I don’t want to visit countries or states that have abused their citizens. I lost all faith in medicine, teachers, businesses; never had much faith in politicians or the media. How can you have anything but contempt for people so willfully ignorant?

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The vaxxes might do that job for you.

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Good point. An unintended (?) self-resolving consequence.

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"it became evident the bodies weren’t piling up in the streets and the hospitals were half empty."

According to headlines, all that was really happening. And finding out the true facts outside your own locale almost impossible.

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Yes! In the end what amazes me the most is still what amazed me the most in the beginning. I marvel that people fell for this as long as they did, and still do!

And as bad as all the rest of it may be, the fact that it has gone on for 2 full years now and people- not what governments or pharma or the media etc are doing, but the public buying into it and keeping it going so long is the most frightening thing of all.

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I fell for the similar thinking when George W. Bush was bleating about the WMD's back in 2003, my thought process was "the government obviously knows more than I do." Never again.

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The same idiots are now yammering about how we must defend Ukraine. 🙄

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History repeats itself. I pray the military industrial complex does not get its wish

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Me too

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