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Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I am amazed that the flu was suppressed by the pre-Omicron SARS-2 variants. I remember when you first posted your observation of its suppression.

Soon thereafter my General Practitioner (Dr.) asked me why I didn't want the Covid vaxx. I resisted. Then he asked whether I wanted the Flu vaccine. I said "There is no flu." He smiled wryly, and responded, "You're right. There is no flu." He stopped bothering me about the Covid vaxx after that.

That was a win for me, and I thank you for it.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Omicron was nature's way of telling the expertocracy they ignored the scientific method and to go fuck themselves for their hubris.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I feel like this post is bait for someone to say:

"The entire field of Virology is a Rockefellerian Hoax."

Mission accomplished:

The enitre field of virology IS a Rockefellerian Hoax.

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This whole mess has never been a pandemic.

It's been an epidemic.........of testing.

And piss poor quality testing at that.

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I'm not seeing anything beyond "percent positive" which doesn't tell me much on it's own, so my skeptic reason has the following questions:

How many total tests were being done before 2020? During the pandemic? Has it changed?

>One might argue that % positivity accounts for drops in testing but that only holds true with large enough sample sizes and a consistent testing net.

Have behaviors changed in who gets tested and why?

>If for example people stopped going to pediatricians when they are sick as long as they tested negative on their antigen tests, that would make these results of % positivity meaningless. Anecdotally our pediatrician has cut down to being open 4.5 days a week (every other Tuesday they were closed) to being open only 3 days a week (every Tue/Wed closed - naturally my kids only get sick now on Tuesday and Wednesday).

How far back does our Coronavirus sampling and tracking go?

>Since we only "discovered" Coronaviruses ~60 years ago and have only had the means to survey them a decade or two, we really don't know if these patterns are ordinary or extraordinary. It may be that there are dozens, hundreds, or thousands of coronaviruses (Ralph Baric says tens of millions) circulating and seeing them ebb and flow is natural and our arrogance that thinking a few years of trends means anything is no different than a climatist thinking having 100 years of data on a planet 4,000,000,000 years old is meaningful.

How confident are we that our Covid tests consistently distinguish between these various strains and cousins? At what point does the PCR or antigen test that could detect Alpha, and rule out it wasn't one of the "n" additional coronaviruses, fail to detect a descendant / variant of Alpha? At what point and with what odds our PCR or Antigen tests pick up another strain and think it was SARSCOV2 (there may be wonderful explanations on all of this that I am not versed in the science comprehend as no one has "Feynmaned" it for me yet by explaining in simple terms with replicative experiments showing their work).

It may be that in fact Omicron did squeeze out all other Coronaviruses due to viral competition. That seems reasonable enough of a theory, but would always love more data and to continue to weigh competing hypotheses.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This likely makes Covid, in terms of rate of growth from one unit with potential replicating potential, to high number of units with potential replicating potential, the most successful, and most rapidly successful, "organism" in history. (Organism in air quotes because viruses rely on other organisms to reproduce, but you get the drift).

This now needs to give pause for thought to the lockdowners and vaccinators. Maybe their lockdown delayed this point by a week or three. The vaccine, administered at short intervals to olds at risk, stops olds at risk getting this particular cause on their imminent death certificate, but does very little, for a very short period of time, to prevent total world domination by Covid.

OF course it will not give them pause for thought since they only care about advertising on twitter how many masks they are putting on their own children in a futile attempt to prevent something that is not only inevitable, but I am increasingly convinced is beneficial to young immune systems. Having just had my second encounter with this, at closer to 60 than 6, It's obviously better to get this when you are 6 than when you are 60.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Where are the tests that have been vetted, standardized and pre-approved that show all these various viruses? It can't be the PCR test because that is not really a test for differentiating virus types or strains.

Why do they all have the same symptoms? If you perform a test, there should be some markers. Why can we not see these results and verify them against what the "medical experts" know to be the actual virus? Why is all of this virus nonsense kept in the dark? The next time you experience what you believe to be a virus attack, go to your doctor and ask him to tell you what virus you have and to somehow prove that opinion.

I would go myself but no longer trust the medial mafia to remove so much as a splinter, let alone chop, slice and dice me to just tell me I have a cold or flu which is nothing more than my body trying to do a detox and repair itself.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, I went back to the 2011 paper by Ewald that you cited in that previous Substack, in the attempt to understand the mechanics of how a virus could be adapted for transmission by healthcare staff but not for transmission by a more general population. Ewald writes that, "the mortality of untreated human respiratory tract infections is positively correlated with the durability of their etiological agents."

Is it known for how long the early strains of SARS-CoV-2 would last (in the air, on surfaces) after being breathed out of an infected person's nose?

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Wouldn't it be useful if someone somewhere somehow did some actual proper research into why this is happening.

Do virus communicate with each other in the sense of - I've done my turn now you have a go? - or is it a product of the complexity of the immune system that makes it appear so?

IMHO we reached the limits of our understanding of the immune system a long time ago - no money in it you see.

Why do we bother anyway because the Great God of Immunotherapy aka control of your genes by our wonderful genetic engineers has arrived.

GATTACA for all.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I haven't had flu for many years. I remember when in the flu season there was rarely you see someone that is not sick and now I haven't seen anyone sniffing and coughing for long time

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Just before Christmas 2021 the Deputy First Minister of my country, Northern Ireland, told us that Omicron was about to hit us "like a tonne of bricks" and that consequently we needed emergency legislation to bring in vaccine passports and face covering requirements without Assembly debate.

I guess she was half right, in that I think probably three quarters of my acquaintances got Omicron in the following six months. But in almost all cases known to me it was no different to a cold, and the official hospitalisation rate was pretty unremarkable even with mass infection.

It sure would be interesting to find out what the origins of Omicron were - if it wasn't a deliberate attempt at a live vaccine, it's surely divine providence in not only sweeping away variants that were dangerous to the already-frail, but making the containment-obsessives look absolutely ridiculous in their failure to prevent almost universal exposure/infection, despite all the home-working, two metre distancing, sanitising, contact aversion, hyperregulation, QR codes, contact tracing apps and masking up they threw at the virus.

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This is beyond my scope of expertise, but people who have analyzed omicron's genetics say that omicron was not a natural mutation, that it had far too many mutations to have happened in a year without a lot of help. EthicalSkeptic estimated that omicron was a *predecessor* to the Wuhan strain, and although there's some disagreement as to the age and lineage, most of the mice crew agreed that omicron could not have happened in nature by itself, there were just too many changes. There is further speculation that white hats released omicron as an attempt to wipe out the more virulent strains that had been released. Even Gates mentioned it. There is something about the way he talks about omicron that implies it thwarted his plans.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

So, is OC43 really Omicron?

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Well c'mon folks.

E put out a good piece.

Where's the comments?!...lol

Sorry E if I screwed up your post with my previous stupid comment!

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I call it the Imacold variant.

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