This was the same playbook that they used when they trotted out all those "health experts" to let us know that actually, BLM riots weren't "superspreader" events (but your grandmother's funeral was) because "racism" is the real "public health crisis"
YES, YES, exactly, but WHY do we just keep accepting these totally insane "explanations" ? If you are a film star, politician, or former president, etc. your social gatherings, huge parties, events, dinners, are "exempt" from risk, but, if you wish to attend a worship service, or funeral of family or friend, or, if you just wanted to go make a quick trip to the local grocery.... FORBIDDEN ! And people just seem to accept this without question ? Why ? Fear of retribution ?
Ah, another Animal Farm fan. Can't imagine that's still on the 5th grade mandatory reading list ! Then in high school, I encountered it AGAIN on the mandatory list, along with 1984 !
So, are you telling me they have not been burned after all, along with Fahrenheit 451. Good to know, lol, have you tried to buy, or even find, a copy of Camp of the Saints since it all materialized right here on the Rio grande river, as it did fictionally on the shores of France in the prophetic "fictional" novel ? Or, tried to find a copy of N.E.A. : Trojan Horse ? We've had many warnings through the decades, Pasternak tried, and tried, and tried to tell us !! Throughout time, brave individuals have, at great personal risk, TRIED. That is why books must give way to "virtual books", old fashioned libraries that so uselessly take up so much space, so many shelves, and why reading should be discouraged, replaced with film and video, and as an academic discipline, should be a low priority and a high school student at a 2nd grade reading level should not be denied graduation based on equity.
Oh in deed it is, never underestimate what people will do to "fit in" ! And then, when you add something so insulting, so horrible, like "racist", you have nearly anyone. Few things people will not do in order to avoid being thought "racist" !
Nothing like a good cocktail party in the rose garden for the D.C. elite, or, an intimate dinner party in the Hampton's for two or three hundred intimate friends. You know, risk FREE events. Sturgis is for the "smelly Walmart types" remember ?
Obama’s birthday bash, attended by the who’s who of the democrat party and Hollywood was a “sophisticated crowd of mostly vaccinated people.” or some nonsense like that per a major CNN propagandist. These people have no shame. They really do believe there own lies.
Yes, they actually do. Just read another "study" (yes, in one of my legitimate refereed professional journals) on that same topic (which is not a new one); can people actually convince themselves their own lies are true to the point where they can testify in court, take a lie detector test, etc. and pass because they do indeed believe their lie without any shadow of a doubt. It's an old debate in psychology, but continues to look as if some people can. And that, in turn, brings up the question of, WHAT is it exactly that separates such people from "the rest of us". It appears deeply held (or not present) spirituality plays some part, as does what we term narcissism, which itself is a very complex issue.
What an interesting comment, that's what I like about this site, new things I've never given any thought to ! My educational background includes one grad degree in psy, yet the psychological/emotional reason so many accept, even anxiously embrace hypocrisy, has never occurred to me. "Safety", interesting. Any more thoughts ? How does it give them feelings of safety ? Is the "hook" that they see and hear it daily, so feel superior, fortunate, that they are NOT like the "hypocrites", or is the sense of safety from another angle ? What is your theory about why hypocrisy makes so many feel so secure ?
Perhaps it is along the lines of "safety in numbers." If the largest most (socially, economically) powerful members of the herd are constantly engaged in obvious hypocrisy, intellectual dishonesty and displays of cognitive dissonance without consequence (indeed, often times with reward), the pathological behaviors will quickly spread through the rest of the herd. In essence, hypocrisy can become a highly selected trait, and anxiety can occur if your psychological profile doesn't match the selection.
I think you hit it, that would explain it, a basic "safety in numbers, I'm part of the correct group"; much like those who jumped on the vaccination wagon ASAP.
I have a 'degree' in office work. But I come from restaurants. IE, I have some insight. Safety is whatever does not upset. You can put all this shit into articles, movies, and other memorabilia after the fact, but to look at it now is to acknowledge that your whole world can come down on you (again) with out any hope of control on your part. Most need to look from a distance,thus the weirdass cyclical nostagia "retro" thing that happens every generation.
Do you think, since it's cyclical (and that makes sense, another insight) that it is accelerating at an even greater pace now, or is it only because I am getting older so it seems so ? The pace really concerns me, it's like exponents, the sorcerer's apprentice !
Agreed. The level of frontal lobe dysfunction over the past 2 years has been jaw-dropping. Intelligent and educated people - who can't seem to make these connections. Or if you do point them out, they might agree, but they still go along with it all, believing that the government is just trying to look after us.
True, have had the same experience. Highly educated friends and colleagues, those I can engage in "civil" discourse with, have at times agreed that I "may have a solid point there", and then, continue to ignore it all saying that while it is undeniable (points such as inflation and shortages could have been avoided by skilled and knowledgeable leaders), they still go along with it all as you commented, and dismiss their complete disinterest, by saying things such as: "well, I can't deny that you have a valid point, but I prefer to JUST IGNORE such things, at the VERY HEART of it all, I know our Democratic Republic is still the best form of government ever developed".
So, these kinds of remarks, from highly educated people as well as those with high school educations and below... the attitude is very similar, "don't want to bother with it all" ! There was an old joke I remember from working an internship in a mental health out patient clinic in grad school, it was actually an 8X10 carton on the wall of the office the graduate interns shared: Picture of patient (lying on the iconic psychiatric couch), Dr. at the patient's head in comfortable chair, and the patient is saying, " But doctor, what if you actually DO get me back to reality and I don't LIKE IT ?"
Great comment. This reminds me of an interaction with a friend and former colleague of mine I had earlier this year. Actually, even that description fails to capture our relationship; this man is my brother, essentially. I was the best man at his wedding. (and I consider his lovely, brilliant and hilarious wife as a sister, too). I not only love these people, but I respect their intellects on par with the level of anyone I've ever met, if not above. And, while I silently disagreed with their decisions to partake in these experimental vaccines, I respected their choices as adults. That changed one day, when he informed me that their (then) seven year old child would also be getting a dose. I couldn't hold my tongue when I heard that. I tried to delicately describe the numbers and outline the risks. Maybe I was ham fisted (I was caught off guard). But his response was both instructive and chilling: "You gotta believe in something." This from a man who introduced me to Kant when we were teenagers. I haven't broached the subject since.
Could discuss Kant as a teen ? Yes, I definitely understand what you are saying. It almost takes your breath away doesn't it. As a side bar, JUST this weekend I was surprised, but pleased, to see some really prominent M.D.'s, not just the usual outspoken who have been made targets, but some thoughtful, and apparently ethical, doctors who are saying they can not stay silent any longer concerning the political "push" to vaccinate as many children as fast as the can. At least two stated the "general public" has no idea how many of us who are practicing physicians, not in public heath positions, or similar jobs, but actual practicing physicians, are finding our voice that this has gone to far, and when it extends to children it is totally unnecessary and actually counter indicated. So, obviously some are, or have, become "WOKE" in the actual sense, as in WOKE UP from their unconscious state !
It goes beyond comprehension that otherwise sane and smart, well educated people, can be played like toys. I just read an article from Mark Oshinskie about Princeton. It used to be the farmers and the students who started a revolte, but the students nowadays are not even ready to boo the orchestrator of all this misery. What has become of the youth nowadays? Are they all drugged into obedience by their cell phones ?
Nor do I ! But, if it didn't work it would not be used, it would be dropped in favor of a different tactic ! Humans do tend to be herd animals and very easily led, even those with exceptional educations in some cases ! But on average, most just don't want to stand out or appear "different" ! ?
I'm in San Francisco and was recently denied in person psychotherapy services because I'm not vaccinated. (The majority are vaccinated here with many still becoming infected with covid.) I take good care of my health, never had covid and yet I'm still treated as a threat to public health.
I'm so sorry. It is not the same as being denied in-person care, but I am planning to visit my mother in New Jersey (11 hours away) in a few weeks, but don't know whether I'll be allowed in the active-adult facility where she lives. My husband and I are not vaccinated, and I had Covid! But "Covid is up in New Jersey" and about 20 people where she lives, all vaccinated and boosted, have been diagnosed. None of them has been particularly sick, no one has been hospitalized, and some have no symptoms. But I, the healthy person who already had it (WITH SYMPTOMS) am a potential threat while they are catching it from other vaxxed and boosted residents...
The frightening trend, as already observed in other countries, is the higher the rate of vaccination and boosting, the higher the rate of Covid outbreaks. As for you, a healthy person who has had Covid being a "potential threat" ? All around us we can see the vaccinated are catching and spreading it at alarming rates. I don't think "they" honestly know what is going on, and have just been winging it, guessing, and hoping, since the onset. Hopefully, you still have the right to take your mother out of the facility for the day, maybe even enjoy a meal at a lovely outdoor restaurant, a day trip along the shore, a visit to a beautiful park ?
Oh yes, she's very active and at least at this point I can go any of those places without showing "proof of vaccine." But I agree, with so many people catching and spreading it who have been vaxxed and boosted (including the person in my family who had the worst case), insisting that anyone, anywhere get it any more is ridiculous. But the husband of someone I work with was told THIS WEEK he has to pay extra for his health insurance because he hasn't been vaxxed. This is the opposite of what a sane person would say.
Here in San Francisco where the majority have been vaccinated, COVID seems to be spreading like wildfire. But the “illusion of control” reigns supreme here and I’m sure they believe it would all be so much worse if they hadn’t been boosted. In my rather small orbit, I hear of sudden unexplained deaths and several cancers. Who knows how the monkey pox will play out here with such a large gay population.
I sure hope you are allowed in the facility. Being separated from loved ones because of these mandates has been one of the cruelest results of the covid fiasco. You wonder where people's reasoning ability has gone re these vaccines and their supposed "safety and efficacy". Up until recently I couldn't even have a cup of coffee inside a cafe without being vaccinated. None of it makes sense.
The crazy part is that they are not confined -- they can all go anywhere they want to. But if they restrict who's allowed in again, I might not be able to go there. For a lot of the pandemic the residents could go out to the store, to visit, etc., and then back in the building where they would be with people who didn't leave! It doesn't make sense. I do understand that it makes some of them feel safer (they can just stay in their apartments and avoid the common areas) but makes no practical sense.
Not surprising, makes one really wonder if there are grounds for the supreme court to get involved... denial of medical care on the grounds of having, or not having, an inoculation, an inoculation that has no proven usefulness...and is now showing signs of producing greater risk of Covid and more side effects than anticipated... seems some kind of human rights violation there ! It begins with refusing mental health care on the grounds it is not an "emergency" perhaps ? And end with refusal of medical attention to anyone who had not taken the shingles vaccination, the flu shots, the hepatitis shot, just another rabbit hole we run down as usual !
Agree, and to go deeper, "WE" are residents of one location/state/town/city, who have participated in the making of a higher and higher percentage of those ignorant blobs, by ignoring our responsibility, a RESPONSIBILITY specifically assigned to us, not the N.E.A., or the I.E.A. or A.F.of T. or any teacher union, not to the superintendent, or the school board, but to YOU, and ME, the taxpayers, to see to it that the local schools teach what WE want, not what the state or the federal government wants, not even what the teachers want, but "we" gradually, and deliberately refused to to perform our responsibility, so we handed over that responsibility to the teachers' unions who were more than happy to be responsible for the curriculum, manner and mode of learning techniques, even selection of textbooks (hey, "WE" swallowed the lie that the teachers' unions, teachers, administrators were far better qualified to select what our children should read, should know, should learn, that "we" are qualified to select. I watched the gradual refusal to over see text selection, over see what goes into the library, not care at all who was elected to school board, or for that matter, who was hired as superintendent. I have never seen such an intimate, local, system as the local public school, where the most precious commodity of the community, their CHILDREN, garnered so little interest. Do not try to tell my the majority (I know there ARE caring involved parents and community members) of any local district give a care about the personal or educational philosophy of the teachers they hire, could care less about their personal characteristics, preferences, or political beliefs. While this is relatively unimportant when we are hiring an auto mechanic, or a chemist, but the intent of making schools the responsibility of the community residents was to make sure they took the responsibility seriously. When parents leave the hiring of individuals who lock autistic children in closets, throw things at students, or, teachers who delight in discussing their personal sex lives, and personal weekend activities, with children in their classes, yes, I have watched parents gradually, and happily, divesting themselves of their responsibility to establish and STAFF, QUALITY schools with QUALITY educators. I watched this up close and personal, it happened, all over, school board meetings with not a sole present in a community of 75-80K, 1 to 3 individuals attending in a community of some 450K. Completely turning over all responsibility for curriculum, hiring, academic hours, etc. totally to a hired superintendent whose only goal was to keep the unions playacted. As the "cherry on top", those who could afford it, choose to take their children to private schools, or teach them at home. But no one wanted to put in the hours and hours of interviewing and spending hours pouring over the academic vitae of applicants, hey, just hire someone to be superintendent and let them handle it. It was a decision, and it was not a good one. We now have a high school graduation rate of under 50% and we are rapidly working our way DOWN further.
Hello, some very interesting discussions on this site.
I would like to throw into the mix the lack of evidence that STD's even are STD's!
Gonorrhoea neisseria seems to be present most everywhere (like the UTI 'causing' bacteria E. coli). Gonorrhoea proliferates in; states of malnutrition, poor hygiene (such as filthy bathhouses) and poor sanitation, poverty and use of chemicals and detergents in the vagina or anus. The proliferation thus causes pus. 'Infection' seems to be largely limited to groups where the above conditions apply, and doesn't spread into other groups. Treating the 'infection' with antibiotics alleviates the symptoms but not the cause of the illness.
Experiments with male prisoners and female sex workers, which I don't think would pass an ethics committee anymore, couldn't show any transmission of disease, even with repeated intercourse. Noting bacteria coming back out of an orifice it has been put in doesn't count as infection! They even tried using tooth picks inserted into the penis.
Can't add much on that one, in academia not medical research. But yes, some very interesting topics with comments coming from a position of fact, and occasionally comments with some purely emotional, and ignorant, language. Fortunately not as much of that as on many other "social" media sites, LOL !
Teehee yes I've come from a permanent ban for breaking the rules on twitter (not for being rude!, but for talking about the things I like to talk about such as are vaccines harmful and do viruses exist) and I've found it far more civilised on here. The worst language I had was on odyssey- ouch!
I can understand some "rules"on social media type sites, like to the degree of low, filthy, language that most everyone would agree is just too vile, and of course violent direct threats (like the type certain movie and entertainment people made toward Donald Trump... one star asked how long it had been since an actor assassinated a president, referring to Lincoln, I thought that was pretty chilling, and then another entertainment person said they thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house, one held up a fake bloody "head" representation on Trump, so it made me wonder, does the FBI or someone (?) from law enforcement go have a talk with people who talk like that in public ?), but when people simply want to discuss in a respectful manner, topics such as are "shots", "injections", and "vaccines" all the same, or exactly what is a "virus" and do they exist, or should "germ" and "virus" be used interchangeably ???? I personally believe "vaccination" was used purposely as a marketing technique, it has more "emotional punch" than "shot", as in "flu shot", semantics ! ! Pretty low and manipulative. Your average person is going to think "shot", average or lower seriousness, "vaccine", deadly serious, and never look into the actual difference in the two !
Certainly won’t be banning all of the upcoming gay pride parades the way they shut down actual peaceful protests (& I ain’t talkin’ about those BLM “peaceful protests) against government overreach, government mandates , Jan 6 & the Canadian truckers….
That is what woke my up most I think - why would you lock up and mask healthy people? That you quarantine the sick I understand. And quarantine means 40, not 5 or 10 days. In old times that was what people did, and obviously this is how the pox epidemics were mastered. But lock down a whole planet of healthy people because a few are sick ? Nuts. Close the hair dresser working alone but keep the Walmart open, with the aisles of toys and a few others fenced off. I had to laugh even though they obliged me to mask up. At least they gave me a diaper!
Each grift has diminishing returns... people were told this with HIV. You'll get it if someone in your house has it! Nope. The Rona worked people over because no one ever expected a plague would have NO symptoms or symptoms akin to a cold. Now people are hip to that bull$hit. Pretty sure people understand the gay bath house thing.
The gay community everywhere must be unaware of Faux-Xi having orchestrated the AIDS-HIV lie, treatments, etc? Otherwise I’d have thought THAT community would be last to sign on
Sadly, this is the same playbook first deployed for AIDS back in the 80s. I'm not gay but a dear friend of mine, who died of AIDS in 1993, was gay and received an MD and a PhD from NYU and wrote a brilliant thesis about AIDS which totally refutes the propaganda in "And the Band Played On", and for that matter "Angels in America" and all the other narratives that exalt the ACT UP version of events, ie that the Reagan Administration for homophobic religious reasons knowingly let gay men die of AIDS without funding research to understand the disease and find a cure.
None of that is true. The Reagan Administration acted as early as possible, according to my friend's thesis, and strongly. More money was spent per capita on AIDS research than on breast cancer research, which triggered blowback among feminists. The notion of people with AIDS as "victims" not "patients" was codified early and used universally even before the media had been completely acquired by oligarchs and subjected to the current Gleichshaltung.
New York subway ads showed a woman's open handbag, keys, credit cards, etc. with a condom because a very early target of the propaganda was young sexually active (and politically, socially and culturally influential) women--the goal was to convince them that AIDS threatened them and was not, primarily, a homosexual disease transmitted through anal intercourse.
I have a book called "Sexual Ecology" by a gay scholar who pleads with his readers (presumably mostly gay men) that by actively suppressing the true nature of AIDS transmission to make the disease more acceptable politically and culturally, they are putting the gay community at risk because many gay men weren't taking the risks of that sexual practice seriously.
And need I add Anthony Fauci's role--he blew untold amounts of money on a futile quest for an AIDS vaccine and ignored the actually successful approach as long as he could. Back to the future, far in advance of his reprehensible Covid antics.
And here we are again with Monkeypox--the same mendacious, hypocritical, and in fact murderous constellation: a treacly, toxic dose of official sanctimony and humbug. No pun intended . . .
Many of those men died of AZT - at too high of dose because of Fauci's hubris. The AZT (not fully tested) either weakened them to the point the AIDS kicked in, or it killed them directly through its side effects. AZT was a failed cancer drug sitting on the shelf of big pharma looking for a market - and Fauci found one. and ACT UP gave hime the go ahead to skip testing - because it's an EMERGENCY. He tested AIDS drugs on foster children - mostly children of color(which is illegal since they have no one to give consent for them) and pregnant women in Africa. You would think those concerned about people of color and the gay community would have put Fauci in an orange jumpsuit years ago - instead, crickets.
Exactly! Thank our oblivious undereducated medical doctors. My ex was one of them and she used all the crap they threw at her including the toxic and useless Remdesivir.
I am not sure how I feel about the docs - because my husband is one and knew from the start that mRNA vaccine attempts had failed in the past, that ALL respiratory vaccines do not prevent transmission if they are given systemically (they are for protection of the person getting vaxxed) and that Remdesivir had no studies showing it affected mortality (and possibly increased it because of its potential for toxic side effects). Maybe he is smarter than average and he does do both research and private practice but he told me the vaccines would fail and why when they were developing them - back in 2020. He did speak out - wrote articles, went on radio shows etc. He is not famous - just local things. We are still shocked that at least research docs should have known - about masks, transmission, the vaccine and said nothing or actively went along. Fear of losing job - fear of losing grant money? I find it frightening the number of people who said nothing out of fear. What happened to courage and integrity?
My partner is a doc and she has ignored all evidence and obediently followed all NIH and CDC guidance despite knowing Fauci from years ago and having a low opinion of him. Very disappointing, especially as in her early years she was a researcher. I guess now she’s lost her independence or her spirit of inquiry.
If you have the time (and interest) to see how thoroughly corrupted western healthcare has become, largely due to the NIH, I suggest two books: RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and Peter Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus".
AZT destroys bone marrow. Now I wonder whether that could possibly have deleterious effects on one's immune system *cough cough* I wonder how many really died of the HIVirus as opposed to AZT-AIDS.
Excellent suggestion; I believe most of us HAVE ALSO FALLEN for that tactic, a new vocabulary ( an emotionally laden one ), and we obediently adopt it, all it takes is their determination to keep it (the new speak) out there, front and center ! Has anyone paid attention to what happens to students (even elementary students who don't even understand "new speak"), and to teachers, who do not use the "correct" pronouns ? All alternative sexual urges have existed since the beginning of time, and yet, regardless of what an individual "felt like inside", the entire world understood that the use of pronouns "he, she, him, her, they, them, and so on, were used and clearly understood all over the world in other languages and no one even vaguely interpreted simply saying, or writing a line such as "she walked slowly down the sidewalk" had ANYTHING to do with if the individual's sexual preferences in any way! This campaign to suddenly introduce an entire new vocabulary, grammar textbooks, etc. and expect children to memorize and apply it, or face expulsion from school, or teachers who use the "old, outdated speak", fired, people of the world, what ARE we thinking, ARE we actually thinking clearly ?
And just yesterday (honest !) I received (as a Florida resident I am sure) an email invitation to come to Disney Springs at Disney World to help celebrate PRIDE week, diversity, and inclusion. Guess I'll pass, $4.83 a gallon for gasoline... LOL ! Going to make it tough to "celebrate" this year I guess. Sorry Disney.
I posted a similar comment a few seconds ago before reading your much better one above. I would only add that Fauci's sins - arguably his most egregious - extended to pushing the deadly chemotherapy drug AZT for AIDS treatment to the exclusion of anything else (remdesivir, anyone?).
AZT probably killed more people (by orders of magnitude) than did the original disease. For more detail, I suggest the excellent "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Peter Duesberg.
Hi Gail, I just sent it to you--it's 38MB so it's been sent via MailDrop, just in case the incoming message you receive looks odd. Craig was a brilliant and fiercely honest scholar and I'm glad you're interested in what was, as it turns out--so sadly--his life's work. Below I've also provided you a link to his thesis on Dropbox, in case you prefer to see it that way. Best, Chris
Aids cannot be sexually transmitted as is only correlated with frequency of receptive anal sex- the anus is very thin and semen is highly oxidising. Aids a disease of oxidation. KS and PCP also known to be caused by popper inhalation.
No correlation has been shown between CD4 count and or 'viral load' and disease outcomes.
Further oxidation and serious symptoms were caused by the highly toxic drug AZT
Monkey pox seems to be indistinguishable from smallpox and chickenpox, and may be caused by toxins, or is just a detoxification process and stage.
Hi Jo, I’ve read your related Substack post as well. Honestly, I don’t have the expertise to understand the points you’re making but I’m astonished by the implication, if I understand you correctly, that AIDS is not caused by HIV.
Peter Duesberg, a Berkeley professor of biology, wrote the excellent “Inventing the AIDS Virus” back in the 90’s which explains in a very clear way why AIDS cannot be caused by HIV. It did not do his career any good. As with Galileo, scientific honesty sometimes comes at a price.
Hiya, Yes Duesbury appears in House of Numbers video. He seems more self knowing and less pretentious than most of the other talking heads (Fauci included). He says all scientists have to prostitute themselves to the media to get the funding they want for their work- but some will go all the way!
Hi Chris, thanks so much for reading. I heartily recommend watching the 2 videos linked at the end of the post, they make a very compelling case and explain much more clearly than me. Yes, I was absolutely astonished too and that is exactly what they are saying; there is no evidence to support the claim that HIV causes AIDS. And there isn't.
I read Virus Mania last year which I also recommend which has a whole chapter on AIDS. I had always believed it was caused by HIV and even worked in pathology for 20 years doing work on AIDS patients. I felt as though the scales just fell from my eyes!
Many thanks again,
great to connect on here and be learning from each other-always so much more to know
Lesbians have a high STD rate, and as a group (not all of them, obviously) they tend to have sex with more men--and under riskier circumstances--than women with normal sexual preferences. I don't know of any studies that show lesbians wanting "trans women" around, much less engaging in sex-type acts with them in any appreciable numbers.
Same dodge they ran with HIV/AIDS. Can't have people thinking the gaypox is gay because then the people who aren't gay will conclude they aren't at risk of gaypox and then where will your health panic be?
Now, pay no attention to the meth-fueled orgie piles at gay raves frequented by immune-compromised crowds of men engaged in prodigious mingling of semen, blood, and foeces. That's totally healthy and normal and beautiful and any suggestion that it's a petri dish is stigmatization, bigots.
I had the same experience. The early, "everyone is going to get AIDS, so it is time to panic" vibe that came from the media and politicians was very similar to the Covid panic. Then it started to sink in that the disease only hit a very, very narrow part of the population and people moved on.
You must not be a recent it would be a truly exceptional high school student today who would even have the skills necessary to obtain the data, let alone be able to perform the computations, not to even mention understanding the meaning of the word "probability" ! If public schools had not changed so drastically, and still focused on probability, risk, and computation, I don't think you could have ever convinced millions of healthy people to sit on beaches and ride bikes, even compete in track & field events...while wearing masks. No, obviously to pull off something like that you'd have to begin years before destroying public school curriculum, in the name of "fairness", and with the support of parents relieved that their children would not be subjected to the academic stress children in many other cultures must endure !
Love stories like yours ! Reminds me of a time when I was a public school principal, and it came to my attention that a teacher on my staff, had remarked to a PARENT (concerning her daughter during a parent teacher conference) : "it's a good thing she is such a delightful little girl, and SO PRETTY, because she is not college material". Can you imagine ? And in public school, there is no way to terminate, or even discipline, people who say such things ! Just try it and the administrator ends up with his or her head on the plate !
I should have added a post script to the above story. That SAME little girl, later, ended up at the very university where I was a professor after leaving public education. She studied education, became a teacher and took a position in Florida (chose it because her family annually vacationed there). Six years after taking the position, she was named teacher of the YEAR for the entire state, went on to accept an invitation from HARVARD to study there, and then went on to accomplish additional significant career success. THAT was the little girl a member of my own staff pronounced "NOT college material". Be CAREFUL what you predict ! She claims her special gift was a true understanding of being a child from whom little was expected.
Lock down all of society for covid even if it saves just one life. Temporarily shut down sex clubs and bathhouses where almost all of the monkeypox cases can be traced? An unjustifiable infringement on western values, bigot!
We must lockdown healthy people because reasons. Also the bathhouses must be kept open because it's discrimination. It really is incredible
This was the same playbook that they used when they trotted out all those "health experts" to let us know that actually, BLM riots weren't "superspreader" events (but your grandmother's funeral was) because "racism" is the real "public health crisis"
YES, YES, exactly, but WHY do we just keep accepting these totally insane "explanations" ? If you are a film star, politician, or former president, etc. your social gatherings, huge parties, events, dinners, are "exempt" from risk, but, if you wish to attend a worship service, or funeral of family or friend, or, if you just wanted to go make a quick trip to the local grocery.... FORBIDDEN ! And people just seem to accept this without question ? Why ? Fear of retribution ?
Anne Marie, all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
Ah, another Animal Farm fan. Can't imagine that's still on the 5th grade mandatory reading list ! Then in high school, I encountered it AGAIN on the mandatory list, along with 1984 !
Ann Marie, You’re probably right that they may no longer be in elementary & HS reading lists, since they’ve moved from fiction to nonfiction!
So, are you telling me they have not been burned after all, along with Fahrenheit 451. Good to know, lol, have you tried to buy, or even find, a copy of Camp of the Saints since it all materialized right here on the Rio grande river, as it did fictionally on the shores of France in the prophetic "fictional" novel ? Or, tried to find a copy of N.E.A. : Trojan Horse ? We've had many warnings through the decades, Pasternak tried, and tried, and tried to tell us !! Throughout time, brave individuals have, at great personal risk, TRIED. That is why books must give way to "virtual books", old fashioned libraries that so uselessly take up so much space, so many shelves, and why reading should be discouraged, replaced with film and video, and as an academic discipline, should be a low priority and a high school student at a 2nd grade reading level should not be denied graduation based on equity.
Desire for social approval is a powerful drug
Oh in deed it is, never underestimate what people will do to "fit in" ! And then, when you add something so insulting, so horrible, like "racist", you have nearly anyone. Few things people will not do in order to avoid being thought "racist" !
perhaps the most powerful of all
"Sturgis will cause 200,000 cases" (motorcycles in South Dakota, it didn't) other "political rallies" have no risk.
Nothing like a good cocktail party in the rose garden for the D.C. elite, or, an intimate dinner party in the Hampton's for two or three hundred intimate friends. You know, risk FREE events. Sturgis is for the "smelly Walmart types" remember ?
Obama’s birthday bash, attended by the who’s who of the democrat party and Hollywood was a “sophisticated crowd of mostly vaccinated people.” or some nonsense like that per a major CNN propagandist. These people have no shame. They really do believe there own lies.
Yes, they actually do. Just read another "study" (yes, in one of my legitimate refereed professional journals) on that same topic (which is not a new one); can people actually convince themselves their own lies are true to the point where they can testify in court, take a lie detector test, etc. and pass because they do indeed believe their lie without any shadow of a doubt. It's an old debate in psychology, but continues to look as if some people can. And that, in turn, brings up the question of, WHAT is it exactly that separates such people from "the rest of us". It appears deeply held (or not present) spirituality plays some part, as does what we term narcissism, which itself is a very complex issue.
For some reason people love hypocrisy. It makes them feel safe.
What an interesting comment, that's what I like about this site, new things I've never given any thought to ! My educational background includes one grad degree in psy, yet the psychological/emotional reason so many accept, even anxiously embrace hypocrisy, has never occurred to me. "Safety", interesting. Any more thoughts ? How does it give them feelings of safety ? Is the "hook" that they see and hear it daily, so feel superior, fortunate, that they are NOT like the "hypocrites", or is the sense of safety from another angle ? What is your theory about why hypocrisy makes so many feel so secure ?
Perhaps it is along the lines of "safety in numbers." If the largest most (socially, economically) powerful members of the herd are constantly engaged in obvious hypocrisy, intellectual dishonesty and displays of cognitive dissonance without consequence (indeed, often times with reward), the pathological behaviors will quickly spread through the rest of the herd. In essence, hypocrisy can become a highly selected trait, and anxiety can occur if your psychological profile doesn't match the selection.
I think you hit it, that would explain it, a basic "safety in numbers, I'm part of the correct group"; much like those who jumped on the vaccination wagon ASAP.
I have a 'degree' in office work. But I come from restaurants. IE, I have some insight. Safety is whatever does not upset. You can put all this shit into articles, movies, and other memorabilia after the fact, but to look at it now is to acknowledge that your whole world can come down on you (again) with out any hope of control on your part. Most need to look from a distance,thus the weirdass cyclical nostagia "retro" thing that happens every generation.
Do you think, since it's cyclical (and that makes sense, another insight) that it is accelerating at an even greater pace now, or is it only because I am getting older so it seems so ? The pace really concerns me, it's like exponents, the sorcerer's apprentice !
Agreed. The level of frontal lobe dysfunction over the past 2 years has been jaw-dropping. Intelligent and educated people - who can't seem to make these connections. Or if you do point them out, they might agree, but they still go along with it all, believing that the government is just trying to look after us.
True, have had the same experience. Highly educated friends and colleagues, those I can engage in "civil" discourse with, have at times agreed that I "may have a solid point there", and then, continue to ignore it all saying that while it is undeniable (points such as inflation and shortages could have been avoided by skilled and knowledgeable leaders), they still go along with it all as you commented, and dismiss their complete disinterest, by saying things such as: "well, I can't deny that you have a valid point, but I prefer to JUST IGNORE such things, at the VERY HEART of it all, I know our Democratic Republic is still the best form of government ever developed".
So, these kinds of remarks, from highly educated people as well as those with high school educations and below... the attitude is very similar, "don't want to bother with it all" ! There was an old joke I remember from working an internship in a mental health out patient clinic in grad school, it was actually an 8X10 carton on the wall of the office the graduate interns shared: Picture of patient (lying on the iconic psychiatric couch), Dr. at the patient's head in comfortable chair, and the patient is saying, " But doctor, what if you actually DO get me back to reality and I don't LIKE IT ?"
Great comment. This reminds me of an interaction with a friend and former colleague of mine I had earlier this year. Actually, even that description fails to capture our relationship; this man is my brother, essentially. I was the best man at his wedding. (and I consider his lovely, brilliant and hilarious wife as a sister, too). I not only love these people, but I respect their intellects on par with the level of anyone I've ever met, if not above. And, while I silently disagreed with their decisions to partake in these experimental vaccines, I respected their choices as adults. That changed one day, when he informed me that their (then) seven year old child would also be getting a dose. I couldn't hold my tongue when I heard that. I tried to delicately describe the numbers and outline the risks. Maybe I was ham fisted (I was caught off guard). But his response was both instructive and chilling: "You gotta believe in something." This from a man who introduced me to Kant when we were teenagers. I haven't broached the subject since.
Could discuss Kant as a teen ? Yes, I definitely understand what you are saying. It almost takes your breath away doesn't it. As a side bar, JUST this weekend I was surprised, but pleased, to see some really prominent M.D.'s, not just the usual outspoken who have been made targets, but some thoughtful, and apparently ethical, doctors who are saying they can not stay silent any longer concerning the political "push" to vaccinate as many children as fast as the can. At least two stated the "general public" has no idea how many of us who are practicing physicians, not in public heath positions, or similar jobs, but actual practicing physicians, are finding our voice that this has gone to far, and when it extends to children it is totally unnecessary and actually counter indicated. So, obviously some are, or have, become "WOKE" in the actual sense, as in WOKE UP from their unconscious state !
I don't accept them. I don't know why others do...
It goes beyond comprehension that otherwise sane and smart, well educated people, can be played like toys. I just read an article from Mark Oshinskie about Princeton. It used to be the farmers and the students who started a revolte, but the students nowadays are not even ready to boo the orchestrator of all this misery. What has become of the youth nowadays? Are they all drugged into obedience by their cell phones ?
Yes, they are.
Nor do I ! But, if it didn't work it would not be used, it would be dropped in favor of a different tactic ! Humans do tend to be herd animals and very easily led, even those with exceptional educations in some cases ! But on average, most just don't want to stand out or appear "different" ! ?
I'm in San Francisco and was recently denied in person psychotherapy services because I'm not vaccinated. (The majority are vaccinated here with many still becoming infected with covid.) I take good care of my health, never had covid and yet I'm still treated as a threat to public health.
I'm so sorry. It is not the same as being denied in-person care, but I am planning to visit my mother in New Jersey (11 hours away) in a few weeks, but don't know whether I'll be allowed in the active-adult facility where she lives. My husband and I are not vaccinated, and I had Covid! But "Covid is up in New Jersey" and about 20 people where she lives, all vaccinated and boosted, have been diagnosed. None of them has been particularly sick, no one has been hospitalized, and some have no symptoms. But I, the healthy person who already had it (WITH SYMPTOMS) am a potential threat while they are catching it from other vaxxed and boosted residents...
The frightening trend, as already observed in other countries, is the higher the rate of vaccination and boosting, the higher the rate of Covid outbreaks. As for you, a healthy person who has had Covid being a "potential threat" ? All around us we can see the vaccinated are catching and spreading it at alarming rates. I don't think "they" honestly know what is going on, and have just been winging it, guessing, and hoping, since the onset. Hopefully, you still have the right to take your mother out of the facility for the day, maybe even enjoy a meal at a lovely outdoor restaurant, a day trip along the shore, a visit to a beautiful park ?
Oh yes, she's very active and at least at this point I can go any of those places without showing "proof of vaccine." But I agree, with so many people catching and spreading it who have been vaxxed and boosted (including the person in my family who had the worst case), insisting that anyone, anywhere get it any more is ridiculous. But the husband of someone I work with was told THIS WEEK he has to pay extra for his health insurance because he hasn't been vaxxed. This is the opposite of what a sane person would say.
Here in San Francisco where the majority have been vaccinated, COVID seems to be spreading like wildfire. But the “illusion of control” reigns supreme here and I’m sure they believe it would all be so much worse if they hadn’t been boosted. In my rather small orbit, I hear of sudden unexplained deaths and several cancers. Who knows how the monkey pox will play out here with such a large gay population.
I sure hope you are allowed in the facility. Being separated from loved ones because of these mandates has been one of the cruelest results of the covid fiasco. You wonder where people's reasoning ability has gone re these vaccines and their supposed "safety and efficacy". Up until recently I couldn't even have a cup of coffee inside a cafe without being vaccinated. None of it makes sense.
The crazy part is that they are not confined -- they can all go anywhere they want to. But if they restrict who's allowed in again, I might not be able to go there. For a lot of the pandemic the residents could go out to the store, to visit, etc., and then back in the building where they would be with people who didn't leave! It doesn't make sense. I do understand that it makes some of them feel safer (they can just stay in their apartments and avoid the common areas) but makes no practical sense.
Not surprising, makes one really wonder if there are grounds for the supreme court to get involved... denial of medical care on the grounds of having, or not having, an inoculation, an inoculation that has no proven usefulness...and is now showing signs of producing greater risk of Covid and more side effects than anticipated... seems some kind of human rights violation there ! It begins with refusing mental health care on the grounds it is not an "emergency" perhaps ? And end with refusal of medical attention to anyone who had not taken the shingles vaccination, the flu shots, the hepatitis shot, just another rabbit hole we run down as usual !
‘We’ don’t… it’s the ignorant, mindless blobs - of whom there is no shortage - in our populations who do. Unfortunately ‘we’ are outnumbered.
Agree, and to go deeper, "WE" are residents of one location/state/town/city, who have participated in the making of a higher and higher percentage of those ignorant blobs, by ignoring our responsibility, a RESPONSIBILITY specifically assigned to us, not the N.E.A., or the I.E.A. or A.F.of T. or any teacher union, not to the superintendent, or the school board, but to YOU, and ME, the taxpayers, to see to it that the local schools teach what WE want, not what the state or the federal government wants, not even what the teachers want, but "we" gradually, and deliberately refused to to perform our responsibility, so we handed over that responsibility to the teachers' unions who were more than happy to be responsible for the curriculum, manner and mode of learning techniques, even selection of textbooks (hey, "WE" swallowed the lie that the teachers' unions, teachers, administrators were far better qualified to select what our children should read, should know, should learn, that "we" are qualified to select. I watched the gradual refusal to over see text selection, over see what goes into the library, not care at all who was elected to school board, or for that matter, who was hired as superintendent. I have never seen such an intimate, local, system as the local public school, where the most precious commodity of the community, their CHILDREN, garnered so little interest. Do not try to tell my the majority (I know there ARE caring involved parents and community members) of any local district give a care about the personal or educational philosophy of the teachers they hire, could care less about their personal characteristics, preferences, or political beliefs. While this is relatively unimportant when we are hiring an auto mechanic, or a chemist, but the intent of making schools the responsibility of the community residents was to make sure they took the responsibility seriously. When parents leave the hiring of individuals who lock autistic children in closets, throw things at students, or, teachers who delight in discussing their personal sex lives, and personal weekend activities, with children in their classes, yes, I have watched parents gradually, and happily, divesting themselves of their responsibility to establish and STAFF, QUALITY schools with QUALITY educators. I watched this up close and personal, it happened, all over, school board meetings with not a sole present in a community of 75-80K, 1 to 3 individuals attending in a community of some 450K. Completely turning over all responsibility for curriculum, hiring, academic hours, etc. totally to a hired superintendent whose only goal was to keep the unions playacted. As the "cherry on top", those who could afford it, choose to take their children to private schools, or teach them at home. But no one wanted to put in the hours and hours of interviewing and spending hours pouring over the academic vitae of applicants, hey, just hire someone to be superintendent and let them handle it. It was a decision, and it was not a good one. We now have a high school graduation rate of under 50% and we are rapidly working our way DOWN further.
Hello, some very interesting discussions on this site.
I would like to throw into the mix the lack of evidence that STD's even are STD's!
Gonorrhoea neisseria seems to be present most everywhere (like the UTI 'causing' bacteria E. coli). Gonorrhoea proliferates in; states of malnutrition, poor hygiene (such as filthy bathhouses) and poor sanitation, poverty and use of chemicals and detergents in the vagina or anus. The proliferation thus causes pus. 'Infection' seems to be largely limited to groups where the above conditions apply, and doesn't spread into other groups. Treating the 'infection' with antibiotics alleviates the symptoms but not the cause of the illness.
Experiments with male prisoners and female sex workers, which I don't think would pass an ethics committee anymore, couldn't show any transmission of disease, even with repeated intercourse. Noting bacteria coming back out of an orifice it has been put in doesn't count as infection! They even tried using tooth picks inserted into the penis.'t-Taught-About-Gonorrhea:b
Many thanks
Can't add much on that one, in academia not medical research. But yes, some very interesting topics with comments coming from a position of fact, and occasionally comments with some purely emotional, and ignorant, language. Fortunately not as much of that as on many other "social" media sites, LOL !
Hello Ann Marie,
Teehee yes I've come from a permanent ban for breaking the rules on twitter (not for being rude!, but for talking about the things I like to talk about such as are vaccines harmful and do viruses exist) and I've found it far more civilised on here. The worst language I had was on odyssey- ouch!
Great to connect with you,
always learning,
I can understand some "rules"on social media type sites, like to the degree of low, filthy, language that most everyone would agree is just too vile, and of course violent direct threats (like the type certain movie and entertainment people made toward Donald Trump... one star asked how long it had been since an actor assassinated a president, referring to Lincoln, I thought that was pretty chilling, and then another entertainment person said they thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house, one held up a fake bloody "head" representation on Trump, so it made me wonder, does the FBI or someone (?) from law enforcement go have a talk with people who talk like that in public ?), but when people simply want to discuss in a respectful manner, topics such as are "shots", "injections", and "vaccines" all the same, or exactly what is a "virus" and do they exist, or should "germ" and "virus" be used interchangeably ???? I personally believe "vaccination" was used purposely as a marketing technique, it has more "emotional punch" than "shot", as in "flu shot", semantics ! ! Pretty low and manipulative. Your average person is going to think "shot", average or lower seriousness, "vaccine", deadly serious, and never look into the actual difference in the two !
Certainly won’t be banning all of the upcoming gay pride parades the way they shut down actual peaceful protests (& I ain’t talkin’ about those BLM “peaceful protests) against government overreach, government mandates , Jan 6 & the Canadian truckers….
That is what woke my up most I think - why would you lock up and mask healthy people? That you quarantine the sick I understand. And quarantine means 40, not 5 or 10 days. In old times that was what people did, and obviously this is how the pox epidemics were mastered. But lock down a whole planet of healthy people because a few are sick ? Nuts. Close the hair dresser working alone but keep the Walmart open, with the aisles of toys and a few others fenced off. I had to laugh even though they obliged me to mask up. At least they gave me a diaper!
Each grift has diminishing returns... people were told this with HIV. You'll get it if someone in your house has it! Nope. The Rona worked people over because no one ever expected a plague would have NO symptoms or symptoms akin to a cold. Now people are hip to that bull$hit. Pretty sure people understand the gay bath house thing.
The cure for tyranny by accusations of stigmatization is mass sigmatization. Σ male mindset: become ungovernable.
I live in San Francisco and it's a great disappointment how the gay community went with the program especially in regard to the vaccine passport.
The gay community everywhere must be unaware of Faux-Xi having orchestrated the AIDS-HIV lie, treatments, etc? Otherwise I’d have thought THAT community would be last to sign on
Yes you would think but then "the left" generally signed on to the covid narrative too with some exceptions of course.
Sadly, this is the same playbook first deployed for AIDS back in the 80s. I'm not gay but a dear friend of mine, who died of AIDS in 1993, was gay and received an MD and a PhD from NYU and wrote a brilliant thesis about AIDS which totally refutes the propaganda in "And the Band Played On", and for that matter "Angels in America" and all the other narratives that exalt the ACT UP version of events, ie that the Reagan Administration for homophobic religious reasons knowingly let gay men die of AIDS without funding research to understand the disease and find a cure.
None of that is true. The Reagan Administration acted as early as possible, according to my friend's thesis, and strongly. More money was spent per capita on AIDS research than on breast cancer research, which triggered blowback among feminists. The notion of people with AIDS as "victims" not "patients" was codified early and used universally even before the media had been completely acquired by oligarchs and subjected to the current Gleichshaltung.
New York subway ads showed a woman's open handbag, keys, credit cards, etc. with a condom because a very early target of the propaganda was young sexually active (and politically, socially and culturally influential) women--the goal was to convince them that AIDS threatened them and was not, primarily, a homosexual disease transmitted through anal intercourse.
I have a book called "Sexual Ecology" by a gay scholar who pleads with his readers (presumably mostly gay men) that by actively suppressing the true nature of AIDS transmission to make the disease more acceptable politically and culturally, they are putting the gay community at risk because many gay men weren't taking the risks of that sexual practice seriously.
And need I add Anthony Fauci's role--he blew untold amounts of money on a futile quest for an AIDS vaccine and ignored the actually successful approach as long as he could. Back to the future, far in advance of his reprehensible Covid antics.
And here we are again with Monkeypox--the same mendacious, hypocritical, and in fact murderous constellation: a treacly, toxic dose of official sanctimony and humbug. No pun intended . . .
Fauci's role in the AIDS debacle is well-explained in RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci.
I was just gonna say….
Right, the only upside to the monkeypox scare is to remind everyone of the horrifically bad response from Fauci during the early days of AIDS.
Many of those men died of AZT - at too high of dose because of Fauci's hubris. The AZT (not fully tested) either weakened them to the point the AIDS kicked in, or it killed them directly through its side effects. AZT was a failed cancer drug sitting on the shelf of big pharma looking for a market - and Fauci found one. and ACT UP gave hime the go ahead to skip testing - because it's an EMERGENCY. He tested AIDS drugs on foster children - mostly children of color(which is illegal since they have no one to give consent for them) and pregnant women in Africa. You would think those concerned about people of color and the gay community would have put Fauci in an orange jumpsuit years ago - instead, crickets.
A failed cancer drug used against a viral disease, pushed by Fauci. Why does this sound so familiar?
Exactly. The covid shots are failed cancer poison treatments repurposed to poison healthy people.
Exactly! Thank our oblivious undereducated medical doctors. My ex was one of them and she used all the crap they threw at her including the toxic and useless Remdesivir.
I am not sure how I feel about the docs - because my husband is one and knew from the start that mRNA vaccine attempts had failed in the past, that ALL respiratory vaccines do not prevent transmission if they are given systemically (they are for protection of the person getting vaxxed) and that Remdesivir had no studies showing it affected mortality (and possibly increased it because of its potential for toxic side effects). Maybe he is smarter than average and he does do both research and private practice but he told me the vaccines would fail and why when they were developing them - back in 2020. He did speak out - wrote articles, went on radio shows etc. He is not famous - just local things. We are still shocked that at least research docs should have known - about masks, transmission, the vaccine and said nothing or actively went along. Fear of losing job - fear of losing grant money? I find it frightening the number of people who said nothing out of fear. What happened to courage and integrity?
My partner is a doc and she has ignored all evidence and obediently followed all NIH and CDC guidance despite knowing Fauci from years ago and having a low opinion of him. Very disappointing, especially as in her early years she was a researcher. I guess now she’s lost her independence or her spirit of inquiry.
Yes - I believe Remdesivir was a failed Ebola treatment.
That's at least a failed antiviral drug. I was referring to the mRNA concoctions.
Orange is definitely a good color for Fauci, Gates, Evil Horrory or Schwab… with silver bracelets.
For those who hear about AZT for the first time, please read ‘The real anthony fauci’…
In all honesty, fauci killed many more people than Dr. Mengele…
Why anyone let him keep his job -- and its huge salary -- all these years is beyond me. This stuff is NOT secret.
Wow—I had no idea—that’s so heinous, inhumane, and criminal. What a second act he’s had during Covid!
If you have the time (and interest) to see how thoroughly corrupted western healthcare has become, largely due to the NIH, I suggest two books: RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and Peter Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus".
They will be a revelation.
Thank you!
AZT destroys bone marrow. Now I wonder whether that could possibly have deleterious effects on one's immune system *cough cough* I wonder how many really died of the HIVirus as opposed to AZT-AIDS.
yes, someone said, David Ho maybe at the WHO, - go early and go hard. I think lots of people were killed by AZT- have you seen the house of numbers documentary on this - very upsetting viewing - linked here
Wow, that is one I haven't heard before.
"Homophobic " is the woke term for anti-homosexual. People that hate homosexuals are NOT "afraid" of them - as the term implies.
We should STOP using their language, kind Sir.
Excellent suggestion; I believe most of us HAVE ALSO FALLEN for that tactic, a new vocabulary ( an emotionally laden one ), and we obediently adopt it, all it takes is their determination to keep it (the new speak) out there, front and center ! Has anyone paid attention to what happens to students (even elementary students who don't even understand "new speak"), and to teachers, who do not use the "correct" pronouns ? All alternative sexual urges have existed since the beginning of time, and yet, regardless of what an individual "felt like inside", the entire world understood that the use of pronouns "he, she, him, her, they, them, and so on, were used and clearly understood all over the world in other languages and no one even vaguely interpreted simply saying, or writing a line such as "she walked slowly down the sidewalk" had ANYTHING to do with if the individual's sexual preferences in any way! This campaign to suddenly introduce an entire new vocabulary, grammar textbooks, etc. and expect children to memorize and apply it, or face expulsion from school, or teachers who use the "old, outdated speak", fired, people of the world, what ARE we thinking, ARE we actually thinking clearly ?
And just yesterday (honest !) I received (as a Florida resident I am sure) an email invitation to come to Disney Springs at Disney World to help celebrate PRIDE week, diversity, and inclusion. Guess I'll pass, $4.83 a gallon for gasoline... LOL ! Going to make it tough to "celebrate" this year I guess. Sorry Disney.
Actually, I completely agree with you! I used to make the same point myself, and you're right to correct me.
I posted a similar comment a few seconds ago before reading your much better one above. I would only add that Fauci's sins - arguably his most egregious - extended to pushing the deadly chemotherapy drug AZT for AIDS treatment to the exclusion of anything else (remdesivir, anyone?).
AZT probably killed more people (by orders of magnitude) than did the original disease. For more detail, I suggest the excellent "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Peter Duesberg.
Well written.
I'm so sorry about your friend. His these was 100 correct, I'd love to read it.
Thank you Gail. His name was Craig Chin and I have a PDF copy I'd be happy to send you.
Please do! Send it to my attention at
Hi Gail, I just sent it to you--it's 38MB so it's been sent via MailDrop, just in case the incoming message you receive looks odd. Craig was a brilliant and fiercely honest scholar and I'm glad you're interested in what was, as it turns out--so sadly--his life's work. Below I've also provided you a link to his thesis on Dropbox, in case you prefer to see it that way. Best, Chris
Thank you, I downloaded it from Dropbox.
Please let me know what you think!
The 'house of numbers' team and the brilliant Perth Group describe the evidence of HIV/AIDS, I have tried to briefly described here and linked to these videos.
Aids cannot be sexually transmitted as is only correlated with frequency of receptive anal sex- the anus is very thin and semen is highly oxidising. Aids a disease of oxidation. KS and PCP also known to be caused by popper inhalation.
No correlation has been shown between CD4 count and or 'viral load' and disease outcomes.
Further oxidation and serious symptoms were caused by the highly toxic drug AZT
Monkey pox seems to be indistinguishable from smallpox and chickenpox, and may be caused by toxins, or is just a detoxification process and stage.
thank you
Hi Jo, I’ve read your related Substack post as well. Honestly, I don’t have the expertise to understand the points you’re making but I’m astonished by the implication, if I understand you correctly, that AIDS is not caused by HIV.
Peter Duesberg, a Berkeley professor of biology, wrote the excellent “Inventing the AIDS Virus” back in the 90’s which explains in a very clear way why AIDS cannot be caused by HIV. It did not do his career any good. As with Galileo, scientific honesty sometimes comes at a price.
Thank you! I'll check it out, appreciate it . . .
Hiya, Yes Duesbury appears in House of Numbers video. He seems more self knowing and less pretentious than most of the other talking heads (Fauci included). He says all scientists have to prostitute themselves to the media to get the funding they want for their work- but some will go all the way!
Hi Chris, thanks so much for reading. I heartily recommend watching the 2 videos linked at the end of the post, they make a very compelling case and explain much more clearly than me. Yes, I was absolutely astonished too and that is exactly what they are saying; there is no evidence to support the claim that HIV causes AIDS. And there isn't.
I read Virus Mania last year which I also recommend which has a whole chapter on AIDS. I had always believed it was caused by HIV and even worked in pathology for 20 years doing work on AIDS patients. I felt as though the scales just fell from my eyes!
Many thanks again,
great to connect on here and be learning from each other-always so much more to know
Thank you Jo—I agree!
I just remembered there is a great explanation of why AIDS cannot be sexually transmitted here
Have a great weekend - we here in London are gearing up for bank holiday weekend and street parties for the Queen.
Thank you—and happy Queen’s Birthday!
yes, Anthony Fauci is the biggest dope on the planet
"Dope" doesn't cut it; he is a criminal... As RFK Jr. said once, he is a "desk killer".
Yes. "Gay" as if...
Just Covid wards empty of young, normal-weight, healthy people...
Funny dat. One of the reasons the lesbians hate the incursion of male *rans is the STDs are going up. Lesbianism was pretty safe, STD wise.
Lesbians have a high STD rate, and as a group (not all of them, obviously) they tend to have sex with more men--and under riskier circumstances--than women with normal sexual preferences. I don't know of any studies that show lesbians wanting "trans women" around, much less engaging in sex-type acts with them in any appreciable numbers.
Same dodge they ran with HIV/AIDS. Can't have people thinking the gaypox is gay because then the people who aren't gay will conclude they aren't at risk of gaypox and then where will your health panic be?
Now, pay no attention to the meth-fueled orgie piles at gay raves frequented by immune-compromised crowds of men engaged in prodigious mingling of semen, blood, and foeces. That's totally healthy and normal and beautiful and any suggestion that it's a petri dish is stigmatization, bigots.
So well stated !
I had the same experience. The early, "everyone is going to get AIDS, so it is time to panic" vibe that came from the media and politicians was very similar to the Covid panic. Then it started to sink in that the disease only hit a very, very narrow part of the population and people moved on.
You must not be a recent it would be a truly exceptional high school student today who would even have the skills necessary to obtain the data, let alone be able to perform the computations, not to even mention understanding the meaning of the word "probability" ! If public schools had not changed so drastically, and still focused on probability, risk, and computation, I don't think you could have ever convinced millions of healthy people to sit on beaches and ride bikes, even compete in track & field events...while wearing masks. No, obviously to pull off something like that you'd have to begin years before destroying public school curriculum, in the name of "fairness", and with the support of parents relieved that their children would not be subjected to the academic stress children in many other cultures must endure !
Love stories like yours ! Reminds me of a time when I was a public school principal, and it came to my attention that a teacher on my staff, had remarked to a PARENT (concerning her daughter during a parent teacher conference) : "it's a good thing she is such a delightful little girl, and SO PRETTY, because she is not college material". Can you imagine ? And in public school, there is no way to terminate, or even discipline, people who say such things ! Just try it and the administrator ends up with his or her head on the plate !
I should have added a post script to the above story. That SAME little girl, later, ended up at the very university where I was a professor after leaving public education. She studied education, became a teacher and took a position in Florida (chose it because her family annually vacationed there). Six years after taking the position, she was named teacher of the YEAR for the entire state, went on to accept an invitation from HARVARD to study there, and then went on to accomplish additional significant career success. THAT was the little girl a member of my own staff pronounced "NOT college material". Be CAREFUL what you predict ! She claims her special gift was a true understanding of being a child from whom little was expected.
Lock down all of society for covid even if it saves just one life. Temporarily shut down sex clubs and bathhouses where almost all of the monkeypox cases can be traced? An unjustifiable infringement on western values, bigot!