-Gift cards generally sell for ca. 95% of their nominal value. Each activist-facilitated card exchange for equal value therefore costs somebody about 3.50 Euro.
-The activists must bear most of these costs themselves, from their "exchange fund." Sympathetic supporters willing to overpay for these cards are few in number.
-JF reporters saw 100 refugees lining up to make the exchange at month-end, when their prepaid debit cards were recharged. That operation alone cost 350 Euro.
- Say about three times that number of refugees exchange cards every month. This whole thing would then cost about 1000 Euros/month, all to increase the cash available to refugees by 15,000 Euros.
That's not a lot, but it's not nothing either. Who is paying for this? The Green Party? Donors? The government via some manner of trickery?
Can NGOs or other non-profit organisations receive tax grants and such in Germany? Here in Sweden, a common trick in the old days was to start a study-circle with five friends, each one also starting a circle and everyone signs up as a member of everyone else's circle.
The monthly grant or stipend wasn't much, but times six?
Then the scam is probably some form of using tax grants to be able to buy the cards. Could be worth looking into if you know of any journalist that would dare to: as with all forms of organised crime (which this is) that is connected to politics (which is most organised crime), the risk is quite high that any investigator will find themselves unable to publish, but also arrested and charged using whichever nebulous paragraph can be brought to bear.
This has made me wonder if something similar is going on the U.S. where the U.S. Government pays NGOs to make it easy for people to walk from Guatemala to the U.S. Do these new residents, who receive benefits from certain U.S. States and the same NGOs somehow fund these NGOs too?
Of course it's what's been happening. And the goal is the destabilization of the U.S. I think President Trump is finally on to them. We'll see what happens. Meanwhile we should support anyone who opposes them. Subscribing to this column is a good start.
My guess would be that it‘s paid through one of these shadowy money laundering networks like campact, and that the money ultimately is made up of German tax money and donor money from people who like mass migration, loan surpression and perhaps the downfall of Christian Europe.
Now why would the Greens want asylum seekers to have access to cash? I can imagine only two reasons: 1) so that they are able to pay off the trafficker who brought them here and 2) so that they can finance the transfer of their left-behind family members.
It does seem bizarre economically. Those were my questions too. Who pays for this and to what end? It seems a rather cumbersome method of acquiring some "washed" cash.
NGOs launder money and ideas for governments. They provide a layer of separation from activities that voters would revolt over. Regime commissars make nice salaries running them and most of the funding goes towards administrative overhead. Amnesty International, International Rescue Committee, Human Rights Campaign, etc are human trafficking organizations that should be investigated and shut down.
I have a friend that works for the International Rescue Committee and when she told how SMALL of a percentage of donations actually got to those in need... I was shocked
It is pretty well established the "migration" NGOs here in the US are heavily mixed up with the cartels and couldn't care less about actual people. There's no reason to believe the game in Europe is much different. I wonder if the funding for this doesn't come from opium and wrap right back around? Moreover, as mentioned a substantial amount of these payments are transferred back, so there's a hefty profit from the EU taxpayers to boot.
James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, now of O'Keefe Media Group, did a pretty fair job of undercover work fingering these NGOs and cartels, and their money flow. He made a movie available two months ago that you can see on Tucker's network. The trailer is here:
You are correct, friend. One of the most evil and corrupted organisations is the international society of the Red (commie) Cross and Red Crescent. They do not help people with the funds they raise purporting to help people, but feather their own corrupt nests. They try to monopolise and defile the blood supply for injured patients.
It's important to call these organizations what they are: human trafficking NGOs.
I try to include that phrase when discussing immigration/invasion with normies. Tho typically replacing "NGO" with "non-profit", since normies usually don't know what NGO means.
Usually they seem to "get it" without much/any exposition.
What they really are is fronts for communist revolutionaries. They hide behind "good" causes to disrupt and destabilize society, which fertilizes the ground for their movement, the goal of which is the complete destruction of our wealth, our freedom, our civilization, and ultimately, our lives.
My hard and fast rule is, "when what you are being told does not make sense, you are being lied to." In this case, the lie is that the German government has the slightest interest in the needs of the German people or the survival of the German state.
They will learn nothing. to be a progressive is one and the same as trying to solve problems with the same rationale used to create the problem.
like dogs to puke, they'll try again to build a bridge on half-played jenga pylons to some distant utopia in a marsh on a faultline....and wonder why it collapsed. you sorta have to admire the flawlesslness of their reality inversion.
alas it is the way of the progressive; they can't change because their ideology has no internal mechanism to challenge their belief that its necessary to be illiberal in their demands for liberality; in their demand for inclusion via exclusion; in their demands for heterogeneity through homogeny; in their demands for diversity by ideological uniformity.
When I was living in Peshawar in the early '80s I was astounded at how all the little shops in the bazaar were full of the food staples--cooking oil, powdered milk, etc.--donated by NGOs to the tent refugee camps filled with Afghanis. Those guys sold just about everything they received from the tender idiot hands of aid workers.
Two decades later when I was running my own extremely tiny women's vocational and literacy center, I learned very quickly how nobody actually values anything they get for free. You want to find people genuinely in need and grateful for your help? Make 'em pay. Doesn't need to be actual money but they must put even a few flakes of their own skin in the game.
College away from home is a valuable transition period between lingering adolescence and actual adulthood. It is a test of where the individual will go from there. And we know how tests are. Some pass, some fail, some need to keep trying until they get it right. Free will, again--and the opportunity and capacity to learn from one's mistakes.
The exact reason why my parents wouldn’t buy us children a car — once we had saved up a significant amount of the cost, they would provide the rest, through interest free loans or a gift. Young people whose parents gave them a car tended to take material goods more for granted.
"Why is the Green Party, specifically, so interested in increasing the amount of cash available to refugees? And why are they so eager to disguise their association with these efforts?"
None of the policies of the Western Left make sense on their face as political acts—acts taken on behalf of the state and its citizens—until you realize that White Guilt/White Saviorism is the strongest sacred belief among our liberal-Left clerisy, a floating plank of post-Christianity they cling to, and that our Left betters see themselves as a moral elite, an enlightened priesthood that deserves to rule unimpeded based on their exalted cosmopolitan compassion.
Imagine Mrs Jellyby from Dickens' "Bleak House"—famous for letting her own kids starve as she dedicated her life to "saving" African children—getting a degree in Victim Studies, going into political activism, and wanting to perform her higher form of morality on social media. She thinks: anyone can care about their friends, family or country, but I CARE DEEPLY about the poor brown oppressed who deserve free everything to make up for the crimes of European colonialism and capitalism.
The Western liberal-Left is not doing politics, they're doing religion. They're not interested in helping or saving their own people or country, they're SAVING THEIR OWN SOULS, publicly adoring the modern Christ in the form of a dark-skinned migrant who crosses the ocean to climb onto the cross. But as they can't face it or admit it (to themselves or in public), they have to hide and deny it.
True Believers are always weaponized by someone with an agenda, but they are frequently also self-motivated by their true belief. I share your suspicion though.
I think there is _absolutely_ a pathological saviour complex motivation the actions of the rank and file, this seems pretty clear and obvious to me tbh.
But, like, TANICBNIEAC (This Is Not A Coincidence Because Nothing Is Ever A Coincidence). True Believers aren't going to lose money indefinitely pursuing these kinds of things. Most true believers stop believing pretty damn fast once belief becomes prohibitively inconvenient. Somebody is powering this system and they aren't doing it out of moralizing neuroticism
I think it's a concrete fact. True Believers are dangerous, because they can sway others with their passion. This has always been true. Whenever you see zealotry and fanaticism massing, there is SOMEONE taking advantage of this vast, hungry resource. To borrow an analogy from zombie TV show The Walking Dead, Whisperers walk among the hordes of endless undead, guiding, quietly walking among them, wearing their faces and skins. They build up these behemoths of mindless rage and consumption, using them as the post apocalyptic equivalent of nuclear weapons, laying everything before them to waste. These Antifa idiots, Green Reich Bozos, they are the brain dead hordes. The Whisperers...well, we don't know who they are. But they're there.
nahh they just lost souls w a god-shaped hole looking for the sacred and for salvation.
The sacred crusade where the poor brown marginalized becomes the new Christ, meant for worship and adoration by the morally elect, is one of the great faiths of the modern world, a stew of performative Christianity and trickle-down Marxism. It's what forms and binds our postnational Left clerisy.
We are all some kind of Protestant here in the West, and that goes double or triple for Germans, and Protestants are all about reform and trying to bring the Kingdom of God down to Earth, through some kind of social religion.
In this kind of scenario, I see two possibilities. First, that it was deliberately created and is directed. Second, it arose spontaneously, then was opportunistically captured.
I tend to think the second is more likely. But then I'm not a creationist 🦕🦖
Being a non creationist, you are perfectly able to believe in parallel evolution. Disparate things co evolving together, despite an apparent lack of connection. The schemes would have been set up first, but almost immediately some smart arse would have begun gaming it. It will always happen. To extend the science metaphors, grifting is an emergent property or offshoot of any financial system. The comment about Swedish study groups made in this comments thread illustrates this. Perhaps a grifter set the scheme up, knowing it was going to be exploited like this.
The currently fashionable "White Guilt" nonsense strikes me as a toxic brew of inverted versions of Kipling's "White Man's Burden" and noblesse oblige, wrapped in a package of pseudo-theological blather primarily targeting those whom Taleb called "Intellectual Yet Idiot[s]" (IYI).
As usual with leftists, rarely is an original thought to be found.
—inverted versions of Kipling's "White Man's Burden"
yup, except the white man's burden has given way to the white lady's emotional burden. And the crusade to bring the benefits of Western Civ to the poor brown foreigner has been replaced by a crusade to dismantle Western Civ as a way to atone for its supposed crimes, while washing the feet of the poor brown foreigner.
same moral preening, same brown props on a white stage, same Church Ladies...
Are the most horrifically racist people you’ll ever meet. Theirs is a particularly pernicious form of avuncular racist - the “soft bigotry of low expectations” that Bush once mentioned.
Theirs isn’t the old school Democrat Jim Crow / Klan racism, theirs is the “well, they’re Black/Latino/whatever and so they don’t know any better, they can’t achieve, they don’t know… etc….
Slightly off topic to the Left helping human traffickers, drug runners and jihadists, but still…
These guys all grew up on the space outlaw subgenre of sci fi and their little wormholed brains took it seriously.
As you have seen throughout your journey through the tar pits and ice crevasses of The Plague Landscape, these people are profoundly immature and have a very limited grasp of reality--especially since so many of the most active activists are the children of people with money and they, themselves, have never had to put a meal on the table with $1.63 and God help you if you drop a nickel down a street grate before you get to the store.
That's the truth of most save-the-worlders. They haven't the strength and stomach to have a toddler puke in their hands and get a firm grip on their stomachs to go clean it and the toddler up because love and devotion are often disgustingly messy from time to time out here where ordinary people live.
But the ordinary people, as we are beginning to do here in this current cycle of history, must say "fuck that shit" and mean it or the eternal infants of rage will win the current game.
What a great slice of information. I think eugyppius is right - the ends are not clear, but to obtain something for nothing is the motive.
There are many who really are poor. There are quite a few who make a living from pretending to be poor. In purging the offenders, some innocents will also suffer. However, the extend of the abuse - €1.3 trillion per year 'fee' demanded by certain elements of COP29, huge social bills to the point legal citizens are disadvantaged, billions pumped abroad while our own countries suffer from lack of investment - hobbles the 'West'.
Economic tourists take lots and give little. Its a signature. There has to be some way to stop this.
It's simple to stop it: cease giving free stuff to foreigners. Do you think if I illegally sneak into West Shitholestan, they're gonna give me free housing, food, and cash? Obviously not. Most countries in the world understand this.
It's not that the problem is hard to fix. Rather, it's that our rulers do not see it as a problem, and have no desire to fix it.
Migration has become a billion-dollar business now, sadly still fuelled by bleeding-heart virtue signallers who still don't notice that those shouting loudest for everybody needing to be kind and humanitarian are never confronted with the reality of life with all those 'skilled workers'.
In the UK, the current government is now on a drive to get people on benefits for health reasons back to work - funnily enough, all those dinghy-arrivals don't get corralled to do a day's work ...
Given the latest news from Berlin, where schools cannot cope any longer and there are now gun fights in the streets I wonder how long this current refugee system is going to last - and who will be the winner, in the end. So far it looks as if the 'Migration industry' will be it.
Someone ought to tell them about the fairy tale of the goose who laid golden eggs ...
Why even bother with money and cards ? Just let them help them self to anything they can carry or cart away .Instead of money the GOV. should provide transport facilities so the stuff can be carted away by the migrants
I never cease to marvel at the astounding ability of the Left to perpetually come up with ever more oceans full of new and ever more diabolical and corrupt methods of bilking the citizenry out of their money. It’s a mind blowing phenomena to behold. You could say that nearly every single thing they do and every single group or policy attached to them, no matter how remote, is involved in either some mad money-stealing scheme or power snatching gambit, or both.That’s literally what they spend all their time doing. They are all schemes and plots, their every waking moment. It’s almost impossible to keep up.
As far as this latest money laundering gambit goes, you kinda have to hand it them on points for cleverness.
As to the why this program matters so much to them, but they want l kept on the down low, is because working in cash is much harder to account for, totally fungible, and thus easier to steal and manipulate.
The Greens are - I think with 99.9 per cent certainty - not using their own money. This is the problem. Opaque scams where large numbers of people are 'in' on it while the majority are expected to pay for the sum total of nothing in return, for ever.
This is something I will never understand. Who are all these people who care enough to give money to a charity but not enough to know what the charity does with it?
I guess we have old fashioned faith and trust in especially a Christian organisation that they have integrity. I certainly don’t give to anyone else. Even the Salvation Army is off my list.
> we have old fashioned faith and trust in especially a Christian organization that they have integrity
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you shouldn't. A real story from my real life.
So, I a ethnically a Mennonite. I grew up in just about the most Mennonite city in the world, at least at the time. Almost a third of the people in my highschool were fourth cousins of mine, or closer relationship.
I now live in a place that does not have a sizeable Mennonite population, and when I was attempting to reconnect with my faith, I thought I'd check and see if there was a Mennonite church here, and there was! So I started looking at their website.
And their website was absolutely covered with antifa-style political dogwhistles. Stuff about "direct action" on "immigration" at the border, for example. They were pretty much openly bragging about how their church facilitates illegal immigration from Mexico.
This shocked me because, back in Canada, the church would never in a million years get directly involved in anything like that. The overwhelming pushback would be "stop shitting up our church with your politics. Do that on your own time". So I emailed the pastor. I said, hey, I'm a Mennonite, but I'm from Canada, and I'm worried there might be a bit of culture shock here I wanted to ask about. There's a lot of political stuff on your church website and I just wanted to get a sense of how that goes here, because that would never happen in any of the Mennonite churches of my youth"
The pastor basically gave me a one line response email that said something like "I'll pray for you that God helps you find the church that is right for you". Basically Christian for "go fuck yourself".
Literally, far left extremists have already subverted countless church groups like this, and nobody has noticed.
Another fun story, that both illustrates that this threat is _real_, and illustrates how Canada handles it differently.
When I was 16, my church hired a new youth pastor. And she was not a Mennonite (Irish, I think?). This was rather scandalous, but since racism is bad, the more tradcon members of the church council got overruled.
I didn't recognize it for what it was at the time, but this woman immediately got to work trying to turn our youth group into antifa protestors. First, she introduced this really weird, almost cult-like prayer ritual into our group, which I now recognize as basically a struggle session with Christian flavour text. And she started having us watch all these videos about "passive non-resistance" (which, tbf, is a pretty Mennonite thing), highlighting people like Gandhi and MLK and how kids like us hold the real power in the world and how we can work for change and blah blah blah.
A few months after she was hired, she just one day disappeared. Fired, left, didn't say goodbye. Nobody would talk about her, church staff wouldn't even acknowledge that she existed, nevermind explain where she went. It's only with the benefit of adult wisdom that I realize: she was an actual Antifa agitator, trying to turn the youth of the church to her nefarious ends. The church leader discovered her, and kicked her out.
I doubt she would've been kicked out of any American church that she got into. Especially a Mennonite one; despite being religious conservatives, Mennonites have a looooooong history of hippie communism as it is.
There's rather a lot of infiltration happening to the LDS faith in Utah as well. I dunno how anyone squares the circle of "progressive Mormon" but apparently some folks are pulling off the mental gymnastics for it.
Bingo. There are some very well known 'charities' that have grubby secrets, not least the amount of the donation that disappears on a select band of 'employees' while the majority of volunteers - their power house - soldier on.
The Greens won't run out of money. Ever. They have financial backing and money up the arse. Beggars don't walk on to the stage at the United Nations and scream "how dare you?" at all the world's leaders.
Why it’s happening: were the reporters certain that it was a 1:1 exchange in value? If this NGO is swapping €45 in cash for €50 in vouchers it could tidily fund itself that way.
Very German that there is a centralized office and organization behind this effort. In the US, it’s much messier. The way this typically works is: you take your SNAP (i.e. food stamps) card and buy non-perishable, fungible food items (a case of soda is a good example). You then sell that item to a restaurant or to a middleman for some discount to the list price in exchange for cash. Presto, you’ve turned your humanitarian welfare program into ready cash.
For those of us in countries subject scam calls that one way or another want you to pay in gift cards, the scheme comes off with a bit of hilarity. Did the Greens learn of how to do this from some organization from the subcontinent? Could a call center in Bangalore get in on this by "helping" the Grees out? 🤣
Here in the US that brings up another issue. The Gubmint and its media and tech allies are always finding some crisis that must be addressed. But they don't seem to be interested in preventing phone grifter theft. Surely there are some fairly simple measures that could stop phone number spoofing, for example. Private actors with computer skills attack the swindlers. But where is the serious official initiative to prevent the phishing robberies that happen every day?
As a phone phreak pirate from the '60s, I can tell you that if the phone carriers WANTED to stop phone number spoofing, it would end within 14 days. It exists only because they want it to exist.
I am utterly convinced that the only way any of this makes the remotest amount of sense is if there is a nefarious political motive lurking.
Because, like, it's not even economics it's more like thermodynamics: if you spent $1 to make 90 cents, you end up broke. Whoever is ultimately funding this, is losing money. Nobody wants to lose money, and if you're doing this as a grift to make money, then losing money is obviously counterproductive.
So what motivation would someone have to lose money? At this point my knee-jerk assumption is that somehow the USG is involved. But it could also just be that the governments of the countries the migrants are coming from have somehow set this up as effectively an organized embezzlement of first-world money. Who knows!
exactly, this is what I am trying to say. there are a million better ways to spend 1000 Euros a month, and this regardless of your activist goals or even your political orientation. so, it's either some kind of bad actor with nefarious motives, or the people ultimately funding/encouraging this profit somehow from putting more cash in the hands of migrants. i don't see any other explanation.
Whoever is facilitates this type of immigration, it does seem a supranational effort. It’s not too much of a stretch to believe the same folks suggest to the rank and file that this money exchange is a good thing. But it does seem like a lot of effort to make the immigrants just a little happier. Unless cash kickbacks to people back home are somehow part of the deal, and those at the top know this and thus help provide the cash to keep the system running.
I have some theories as to who might be motivated to do this, and why they're doing it, but my most compelling theory is illegal to post on a German blog
recently Amnesty international was found out - they refused to help with Rainer Fuelmilch's case, stating that Germany is not a third world country. And it is very obvious that even 'renowned' help organizations like Red Cross, are deeply involved with smelly stuff. I remember a friend who had sold thousands of Red Cross stickers and then found out the money was used to send the Red Cross leader of his country to Africa with a new wardrobe and a chamber orchestra. For help there was zero left. He immediately resigned and spread the word. I think very few 'official' organizations are clean.
Several sources report how child protection in the US is used to abuse children instead of helping them.
Years ago I discovered that most large charities and nonprofits end up giving very little money to their ostensible cause; most of it goes to "administration", i.e. the people running the show. Cancer, red cross, environmentalism, you name it.
Unfortunately, the genuine charities end up suffering as people lose trust.
Our official ministry for foreign aid (i.e. bribes to help Swedish industry) moderately estimates that at most, 30% of funds - after deducting all expenses such as admin, transport, et c - actually wind up where they were supposed to go.
SIDA, as they are called, use this as an argument for /more/ funds.
One of their most epic failures (1970s) was trying to establish pig farms.
The NGO activist scam is also alive and well and operating happily with the blessing of the Irish government… their footsoldiers promoting unpopular government policies, so it’s not only happening in DE. In the UK too, NGOs located in Calais are openly assisting and enabling illegal immigration into the UK. NGO scams are also being operated in several western countries. Of course, if it became a mainstream news item, there’d be an uproar, which is why it’s being operated in an “arms length” covert fashion. Where’s the funding for all this coming from? Many posit it’s funded in part from the Open Society vehicle run by George Soros. Perhaps. Come February, will a new Bundesregierung do anything about it? Don’t bet your house on it.
The economics of this, roughly:
-Gift cards generally sell for ca. 95% of their nominal value. Each activist-facilitated card exchange for equal value therefore costs somebody about 3.50 Euro.
-The activists must bear most of these costs themselves, from their "exchange fund." Sympathetic supporters willing to overpay for these cards are few in number.
-JF reporters saw 100 refugees lining up to make the exchange at month-end, when their prepaid debit cards were recharged. That operation alone cost 350 Euro.
- Say about three times that number of refugees exchange cards every month. This whole thing would then cost about 1000 Euros/month, all to increase the cash available to refugees by 15,000 Euros.
That's not a lot, but it's not nothing either. Who is paying for this? The Green Party? Donors? The government via some manner of trickery?
Can NGOs or other non-profit organisations receive tax grants and such in Germany? Here in Sweden, a common trick in the old days was to start a study-circle with five friends, each one also starting a circle and everyone signs up as a member of everyone else's circle.
The monthly grant or stipend wasn't much, but times six?
Maybe there's something similar going on?
yes, there's all kinds of funding like this.
Then the scam is probably some form of using tax grants to be able to buy the cards. Could be worth looking into if you know of any journalist that would dare to: as with all forms of organised crime (which this is) that is connected to politics (which is most organised crime), the risk is quite high that any investigator will find themselves unable to publish, but also arrested and charged using whichever nebulous paragraph can be brought to bear.
Hey bro, please join my reading group on the colonialist assumptions behind gender/trans-inequality studies of Muslim immigrant communities.
How much will eight memberships cost me? 😐
This has made me wonder if something similar is going on the U.S. where the U.S. Government pays NGOs to make it easy for people to walk from Guatemala to the U.S. Do these new residents, who receive benefits from certain U.S. States and the same NGOs somehow fund these NGOs too?
Of course it's what's been happening. And the goal is the destabilization of the U.S. I think President Trump is finally on to them. We'll see what happens. Meanwhile we should support anyone who opposes them. Subscribing to this column is a good start.
My guess would be that it‘s paid through one of these shadowy money laundering networks like campact, and that the money ultimately is made up of German tax money and donor money from people who like mass migration, loan surpression and perhaps the downfall of Christian Europe.
Now why would the Greens want asylum seekers to have access to cash? I can imagine only two reasons: 1) so that they are able to pay off the trafficker who brought them here and 2) so that they can finance the transfer of their left-behind family members.
It does seem bizarre economically. Those were my questions too. Who pays for this and to what end? It seems a rather cumbersome method of acquiring some "washed" cash.
NGOs launder money and ideas for governments. They provide a layer of separation from activities that voters would revolt over. Regime commissars make nice salaries running them and most of the funding goes towards administrative overhead. Amnesty International, International Rescue Committee, Human Rights Campaign, etc are human trafficking organizations that should be investigated and shut down.
I have a friend that works for the International Rescue Committee and when she told how SMALL of a percentage of donations actually got to those in need... I was shocked
It is pretty well established the "migration" NGOs here in the US are heavily mixed up with the cartels and couldn't care less about actual people. There's no reason to believe the game in Europe is much different. I wonder if the funding for this doesn't come from opium and wrap right back around? Moreover, as mentioned a substantial amount of these payments are transferred back, so there's a hefty profit from the EU taxpayers to boot.
James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, now of O'Keefe Media Group, did a pretty fair job of undercover work fingering these NGOs and cartels, and their money flow. He made a movie available two months ago that you can see on Tucker's network. The trailer is here:
Ah hah!
You are correct, friend. One of the most evil and corrupted organisations is the international society of the Red (commie) Cross and Red Crescent. They do not help people with the funds they raise purporting to help people, but feather their own corrupt nests. They try to monopolise and defile the blood supply for injured patients.
It's important to call these organizations what they are: human trafficking NGOs.
I try to include that phrase when discussing immigration/invasion with normies. Tho typically replacing "NGO" with "non-profit", since normies usually don't know what NGO means.
Usually they seem to "get it" without much/any exposition.
What they really are is fronts for communist revolutionaries. They hide behind "good" causes to disrupt and destabilize society, which fertilizes the ground for their movement, the goal of which is the complete destruction of our wealth, our freedom, our civilization, and ultimately, our lives.
My hard and fast rule is, "when what you are being told does not make sense, you are being lied to." In this case, the lie is that the German government has the slightest interest in the needs of the German people or the survival of the German state.
They will learn nothing. to be a progressive is one and the same as trying to solve problems with the same rationale used to create the problem.
like dogs to puke, they'll try again to build a bridge on half-played jenga pylons to some distant utopia in a marsh on a faultline....and wonder why it collapsed. you sorta have to admire the flawlesslness of their reality inversion.
alas it is the way of the progressive; they can't change because their ideology has no internal mechanism to challenge their belief that its necessary to be illiberal in their demands for liberality; in their demand for inclusion via exclusion; in their demands for heterogeneity through homogeny; in their demands for diversity by ideological uniformity.
When I was living in Peshawar in the early '80s I was astounded at how all the little shops in the bazaar were full of the food staples--cooking oil, powdered milk, etc.--donated by NGOs to the tent refugee camps filled with Afghanis. Those guys sold just about everything they received from the tender idiot hands of aid workers.
Two decades later when I was running my own extremely tiny women's vocational and literacy center, I learned very quickly how nobody actually values anything they get for free. You want to find people genuinely in need and grateful for your help? Make 'em pay. Doesn't need to be actual money but they must put even a few flakes of their own skin in the game.
"...how nobody actually values anything they get for free."
To include public/social housing, especially in the USA.
It includes everything, tangible and intangible, anyone can offer to anyone else.
Like my daughter's college education... Hmm...
tbf, that probably was worthless
College away from home is a valuable transition period between lingering adolescence and actual adulthood. It is a test of where the individual will go from there. And we know how tests are. Some pass, some fail, some need to keep trying until they get it right. Free will, again--and the opportunity and capacity to learn from one's mistakes.
Well, yes.
It would probably be a good idea to rethink giving and connection with NGO’s, even Christian ones.
The label "Christian" is no actual guarantee of anything.
Sadly you are correct.
One of many reasons for the saying "charity begins at home".
The exact reason why my parents wouldn’t buy us children a car — once we had saved up a significant amount of the cost, they would provide the rest, through interest free loans or a gift. Young people whose parents gave them a car tended to take material goods more for granted.
"Why is the Green Party, specifically, so interested in increasing the amount of cash available to refugees? And why are they so eager to disguise their association with these efforts?"
None of the policies of the Western Left make sense on their face as political acts—acts taken on behalf of the state and its citizens—until you realize that White Guilt/White Saviorism is the strongest sacred belief among our liberal-Left clerisy, a floating plank of post-Christianity they cling to, and that our Left betters see themselves as a moral elite, an enlightened priesthood that deserves to rule unimpeded based on their exalted cosmopolitan compassion.
Imagine Mrs Jellyby from Dickens' "Bleak House"—famous for letting her own kids starve as she dedicated her life to "saving" African children—getting a degree in Victim Studies, going into political activism, and wanting to perform her higher form of morality on social media. She thinks: anyone can care about their friends, family or country, but I CARE DEEPLY about the poor brown oppressed who deserve free everything to make up for the crimes of European colonialism and capitalism.
The Western liberal-Left is not doing politics, they're doing religion. They're not interested in helping or saving their own people or country, they're SAVING THEIR OWN SOULS, publicly adoring the modern Christ in the form of a dark-skinned migrant who crosses the ocean to climb onto the cross. But as they can't face it or admit it (to themselves or in public), they have to hide and deny it.
I can't help thinking the True Believers are just useful idiots being deployed by someone with more nefarious motives.
True Believers are always weaponized by someone with an agenda, but they are frequently also self-motivated by their true belief. I share your suspicion though.
You said it better than me.
I think there is _absolutely_ a pathological saviour complex motivation the actions of the rank and file, this seems pretty clear and obvious to me tbh.
But, like, TANICBNIEAC (This Is Not A Coincidence Because Nothing Is Ever A Coincidence). True Believers aren't going to lose money indefinitely pursuing these kinds of things. Most true believers stop believing pretty damn fast once belief becomes prohibitively inconvenient. Somebody is powering this system and they aren't doing it out of moralizing neuroticism
Oy vey!
I think it's a concrete fact. True Believers are dangerous, because they can sway others with their passion. This has always been true. Whenever you see zealotry and fanaticism massing, there is SOMEONE taking advantage of this vast, hungry resource. To borrow an analogy from zombie TV show The Walking Dead, Whisperers walk among the hordes of endless undead, guiding, quietly walking among them, wearing their faces and skins. They build up these behemoths of mindless rage and consumption, using them as the post apocalyptic equivalent of nuclear weapons, laying everything before them to waste. These Antifa idiots, Green Reich Bozos, they are the brain dead hordes. The Whisperers...well, we don't know who they are. But they're there.
Excellent description that perfectly illustrates what I meant. "there is SOMEONE taking advantage of this vast, hungry resource"
UN WEF and associated globalists
nahh they just lost souls w a god-shaped hole looking for the sacred and for salvation.
The sacred crusade where the poor brown marginalized becomes the new Christ, meant for worship and adoration by the morally elect, is one of the great faiths of the modern world, a stew of performative Christianity and trickle-down Marxism. It's what forms and binds our postnational Left clerisy.
We are all some kind of Protestant here in the West, and that goes double or triple for Germans, and Protestants are all about reform and trying to bring the Kingdom of God down to Earth, through some kind of social religion.
Yes, that motivates the True Believers. But I still think in many, if not most cases, they are being used by someone else.
makes me long for some old Calvinism
About to reply with similar. Poster describes the rank and file, but who made an effort to set this up to begin with? There is some incentive.
In this kind of scenario, I see two possibilities. First, that it was deliberately created and is directed. Second, it arose spontaneously, then was opportunistically captured.
I tend to think the second is more likely. But then I'm not a creationist 🦕🦖
Being a non creationist, you are perfectly able to believe in parallel evolution. Disparate things co evolving together, despite an apparent lack of connection. The schemes would have been set up first, but almost immediately some smart arse would have begun gaming it. It will always happen. To extend the science metaphors, grifting is an emergent property or offshoot of any financial system. The comment about Swedish study groups made in this comments thread illustrates this. Perhaps a grifter set the scheme up, knowing it was going to be exploited like this.
You can't stop the signal, Mal.
You read my profile...😎
The left (which after all, are our kin) are being filled with an utterly destructive ideology that
- makes them sterile (feminized, trans, anti-kids),
- vulnerable to the violence of out-groups (by idolizing them), and
- infinitely malleable (remember the "switch the chip in the npc" meme?).
Now, who would have an interest in that?
A lot of things made a lot more sense to me once I realized that wokeness is just Christianity minus Jesus and Forgiveness
The currently fashionable "White Guilt" nonsense strikes me as a toxic brew of inverted versions of Kipling's "White Man's Burden" and noblesse oblige, wrapped in a package of pseudo-theological blather primarily targeting those whom Taleb called "Intellectual Yet Idiot[s]" (IYI).
As usual with leftists, rarely is an original thought to be found.
—inverted versions of Kipling's "White Man's Burden"
yup, except the white man's burden has given way to the white lady's emotional burden. And the crusade to bring the benefits of Western Civ to the poor brown foreigner has been replaced by a crusade to dismantle Western Civ as a way to atone for its supposed crimes, while washing the feet of the poor brown foreigner.
same moral preening, same brown props on a white stage, same Church Ladies...
This is why I say that the AWFULs
Are the most horrifically racist people you’ll ever meet. Theirs is a particularly pernicious form of avuncular racist - the “soft bigotry of low expectations” that Bush once mentioned.
Theirs isn’t the old school Democrat Jim Crow / Klan racism, theirs is the “well, they’re Black/Latino/whatever and so they don’t know any better, they can’t achieve, they don’t know… etc….
Slightly off topic to the Left helping human traffickers, drug runners and jihadists, but still…
These guys all grew up on the space outlaw subgenre of sci fi and their little wormholed brains took it seriously.
As you have seen throughout your journey through the tar pits and ice crevasses of The Plague Landscape, these people are profoundly immature and have a very limited grasp of reality--especially since so many of the most active activists are the children of people with money and they, themselves, have never had to put a meal on the table with $1.63 and God help you if you drop a nickel down a street grate before you get to the store.
That's the truth of most save-the-worlders. They haven't the strength and stomach to have a toddler puke in their hands and get a firm grip on their stomachs to go clean it and the toddler up because love and devotion are often disgustingly messy from time to time out here where ordinary people live.
But the ordinary people, as we are beginning to do here in this current cycle of history, must say "fuck that shit" and mean it or the eternal infants of rage will win the current game.
two of my favorite coworkers would say 'god save us from the do-gooders of the world'
It's a matter of doing the right good in the right way.
What a great slice of information. I think eugyppius is right - the ends are not clear, but to obtain something for nothing is the motive.
There are many who really are poor. There are quite a few who make a living from pretending to be poor. In purging the offenders, some innocents will also suffer. However, the extend of the abuse - €1.3 trillion per year 'fee' demanded by certain elements of COP29, huge social bills to the point legal citizens are disadvantaged, billions pumped abroad while our own countries suffer from lack of investment - hobbles the 'West'.
Economic tourists take lots and give little. Its a signature. There has to be some way to stop this.
It's simple to stop it: cease giving free stuff to foreigners. Do you think if I illegally sneak into West Shitholestan, they're gonna give me free housing, food, and cash? Obviously not. Most countries in the world understand this.
It's not that the problem is hard to fix. Rather, it's that our rulers do not see it as a problem, and have no desire to fix it.
Migration has become a billion-dollar business now, sadly still fuelled by bleeding-heart virtue signallers who still don't notice that those shouting loudest for everybody needing to be kind and humanitarian are never confronted with the reality of life with all those 'skilled workers'.
In the UK, the current government is now on a drive to get people on benefits for health reasons back to work - funnily enough, all those dinghy-arrivals don't get corralled to do a day's work ...
Given the latest news from Berlin, where schools cannot cope any longer and there are now gun fights in the streets I wonder how long this current refugee system is going to last - and who will be the winner, in the end. So far it looks as if the 'Migration industry' will be it.
Someone ought to tell them about the fairy tale of the goose who laid golden eggs ...
Why even bother with money and cards ? Just let them help them self to anything they can carry or cart away .Instead of money the GOV. should provide transport facilities so the stuff can be carted away by the migrants
I never cease to marvel at the astounding ability of the Left to perpetually come up with ever more oceans full of new and ever more diabolical and corrupt methods of bilking the citizenry out of their money. It’s a mind blowing phenomena to behold. You could say that nearly every single thing they do and every single group or policy attached to them, no matter how remote, is involved in either some mad money-stealing scheme or power snatching gambit, or both.That’s literally what they spend all their time doing. They are all schemes and plots, their every waking moment. It’s almost impossible to keep up.
As far as this latest money laundering gambit goes, you kinda have to hand it them on points for cleverness.
As to the why this program matters so much to them, but they want l kept on the down low, is because working in cash is much harder to account for, totally fungible, and thus easier to steal and manipulate.
Ask any cartel.
Dennis Prager often says that anything the Left touches it turns to garbage.
That’s extraordinary. Hopefully the Greens will run out of money. The Greens are very dangerous.
The Greens are - I think with 99.9 per cent certainty - not using their own money. This is the problem. Opaque scams where large numbers of people are 'in' on it while the majority are expected to pay for the sum total of nothing in return, for ever.
It would probably be a good idea to rethink giving to NGO’s and check how they guard against corruption.
This is something I will never understand. Who are all these people who care enough to give money to a charity but not enough to know what the charity does with it?
I guess we have old fashioned faith and trust in especially a Christian organisation that they have integrity. I certainly don’t give to anyone else. Even the Salvation Army is off my list.
> we have old fashioned faith and trust in especially a Christian organization that they have integrity
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you shouldn't. A real story from my real life.
So, I a ethnically a Mennonite. I grew up in just about the most Mennonite city in the world, at least at the time. Almost a third of the people in my highschool were fourth cousins of mine, or closer relationship.
I now live in a place that does not have a sizeable Mennonite population, and when I was attempting to reconnect with my faith, I thought I'd check and see if there was a Mennonite church here, and there was! So I started looking at their website.
And their website was absolutely covered with antifa-style political dogwhistles. Stuff about "direct action" on "immigration" at the border, for example. They were pretty much openly bragging about how their church facilitates illegal immigration from Mexico.
This shocked me because, back in Canada, the church would never in a million years get directly involved in anything like that. The overwhelming pushback would be "stop shitting up our church with your politics. Do that on your own time". So I emailed the pastor. I said, hey, I'm a Mennonite, but I'm from Canada, and I'm worried there might be a bit of culture shock here I wanted to ask about. There's a lot of political stuff on your church website and I just wanted to get a sense of how that goes here, because that would never happen in any of the Mennonite churches of my youth"
The pastor basically gave me a one line response email that said something like "I'll pray for you that God helps you find the church that is right for you". Basically Christian for "go fuck yourself".
Literally, far left extremists have already subverted countless church groups like this, and nobody has noticed.
Another fun story, that both illustrates that this threat is _real_, and illustrates how Canada handles it differently.
When I was 16, my church hired a new youth pastor. And she was not a Mennonite (Irish, I think?). This was rather scandalous, but since racism is bad, the more tradcon members of the church council got overruled.
I didn't recognize it for what it was at the time, but this woman immediately got to work trying to turn our youth group into antifa protestors. First, she introduced this really weird, almost cult-like prayer ritual into our group, which I now recognize as basically a struggle session with Christian flavour text. And she started having us watch all these videos about "passive non-resistance" (which, tbf, is a pretty Mennonite thing), highlighting people like Gandhi and MLK and how kids like us hold the real power in the world and how we can work for change and blah blah blah.
A few months after she was hired, she just one day disappeared. Fired, left, didn't say goodbye. Nobody would talk about her, church staff wouldn't even acknowledge that she existed, nevermind explain where she went. It's only with the benefit of adult wisdom that I realize: she was an actual Antifa agitator, trying to turn the youth of the church to her nefarious ends. The church leader discovered her, and kicked her out.
I doubt she would've been kicked out of any American church that she got into. Especially a Mennonite one; despite being religious conservatives, Mennonites have a looooooong history of hippie communism as it is.
Interesting anecdote that. I'd love to look further into this.
There's rather a lot of infiltration happening to the LDS faith in Utah as well. I dunno how anyone squares the circle of "progressive Mormon" but apparently some folks are pulling off the mental gymnastics for it.
That’s so sad. I have hurt over the years in churches so I am not that trusting. But antifa in a church - wow!
Bingo. There are some very well known 'charities' that have grubby secrets, not least the amount of the donation that disappears on a select band of 'employees' while the majority of volunteers - their power house - soldier on.
The Greens won't run out of money. Ever. They have financial backing and money up the arse. Beggars don't walk on to the stage at the United Nations and scream "how dare you?" at all the world's leaders.
Why it’s happening: were the reporters certain that it was a 1:1 exchange in value? If this NGO is swapping €45 in cash for €50 in vouchers it could tidily fund itself that way.
Very German that there is a centralized office and organization behind this effort. In the US, it’s much messier. The way this typically works is: you take your SNAP (i.e. food stamps) card and buy non-perishable, fungible food items (a case of soda is a good example). You then sell that item to a restaurant or to a middleman for some discount to the list price in exchange for cash. Presto, you’ve turned your humanitarian welfare program into ready cash.
The flyers promise to buy the gift cards for their full monetary value.
For those of us in countries subject scam calls that one way or another want you to pay in gift cards, the scheme comes off with a bit of hilarity. Did the Greens learn of how to do this from some organization from the subcontinent? Could a call center in Bangalore get in on this by "helping" the Grees out? 🤣
I get those calls and emails all the time.
Here in the US that brings up another issue. The Gubmint and its media and tech allies are always finding some crisis that must be addressed. But they don't seem to be interested in preventing phone grifter theft. Surely there are some fairly simple measures that could stop phone number spoofing, for example. Private actors with computer skills attack the swindlers. But where is the serious official initiative to prevent the phishing robberies that happen every day?
As a phone phreak pirate from the '60s, I can tell you that if the phone carriers WANTED to stop phone number spoofing, it would end within 14 days. It exists only because they want it to exist.
I am utterly convinced that the only way any of this makes the remotest amount of sense is if there is a nefarious political motive lurking.
Because, like, it's not even economics it's more like thermodynamics: if you spent $1 to make 90 cents, you end up broke. Whoever is ultimately funding this, is losing money. Nobody wants to lose money, and if you're doing this as a grift to make money, then losing money is obviously counterproductive.
So what motivation would someone have to lose money? At this point my knee-jerk assumption is that somehow the USG is involved. But it could also just be that the governments of the countries the migrants are coming from have somehow set this up as effectively an organized embezzlement of first-world money. Who knows!
exactly, this is what I am trying to say. there are a million better ways to spend 1000 Euros a month, and this regardless of your activist goals or even your political orientation. so, it's either some kind of bad actor with nefarious motives, or the people ultimately funding/encouraging this profit somehow from putting more cash in the hands of migrants. i don't see any other explanation.
Whoever is facilitates this type of immigration, it does seem a supranational effort. It’s not too much of a stretch to believe the same folks suggest to the rank and file that this money exchange is a good thing. But it does seem like a lot of effort to make the immigrants just a little happier. Unless cash kickbacks to people back home are somehow part of the deal, and those at the top know this and thus help provide the cash to keep the system running.
I have some theories as to who might be motivated to do this, and why they're doing it, but my most compelling theory is illegal to post on a German blog
recently Amnesty international was found out - they refused to help with Rainer Fuelmilch's case, stating that Germany is not a third world country. And it is very obvious that even 'renowned' help organizations like Red Cross, are deeply involved with smelly stuff. I remember a friend who had sold thousands of Red Cross stickers and then found out the money was used to send the Red Cross leader of his country to Africa with a new wardrobe and a chamber orchestra. For help there was zero left. He immediately resigned and spread the word. I think very few 'official' organizations are clean.
Several sources report how child protection in the US is used to abuse children instead of helping them.
Years ago I discovered that most large charities and nonprofits end up giving very little money to their ostensible cause; most of it goes to "administration", i.e. the people running the show. Cancer, red cross, environmentalism, you name it.
Unfortunately, the genuine charities end up suffering as people lose trust.
Our official ministry for foreign aid (i.e. bribes to help Swedish industry) moderately estimates that at most, 30% of funds - after deducting all expenses such as admin, transport, et c - actually wind up where they were supposed to go.
SIDA, as they are called, use this as an argument for /more/ funds.
One of their most epic failures (1970s) was trying to establish pig farms.
In Algeria.
The Swedes didn't run that acronym by Brussels.
SIDA means "AIDS" in Spanish, French, Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian.
But both offer roughly equal benefits to society, so maybe appropriate.
I haven't given $$ to red cross since the Haiti earthquake for this very reason.
They are enemies of the people, that's all.
Which also suggest how they are to be handled.
The NGO activist scam is also alive and well and operating happily with the blessing of the Irish government… their footsoldiers promoting unpopular government policies, so it’s not only happening in DE. In the UK too, NGOs located in Calais are openly assisting and enabling illegal immigration into the UK. NGO scams are also being operated in several western countries. Of course, if it became a mainstream news item, there’d be an uproar, which is why it’s being operated in an “arms length” covert fashion. Where’s the funding for all this coming from? Many posit it’s funded in part from the Open Society vehicle run by George Soros. Perhaps. Come February, will a new Bundesregierung do anything about it? Don’t bet your house on it.