The two biggest problems with this particular issue are:

1. Mass immigration is genuinely popular with huge segments of the population. Despite the fact that it is at bottom an elite project that operates outside the will of the people, it is still embraced by many many people. The fact that it is NOT just a conspiracy, but rather something with mass buy in means that it will be a very hard bell to unring.

2. Mass immigration *permanently* fucks up your nation. It is not a drug policy or a set of sentencing guidelines, or the kind of thing that you can just say "oops, I guess we'll try something else." Once the migrants start having kids, they are there forever, and your country is worse off than it was before.

It is for these reasons that I am extremely pessimistic about this particular issue, far more so than anything else facing the West.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Martin Armstrong posted on his site recently that a French woman has an average of 2 children but a muslim woman in France has an average of EIGHT!!! That is shocking if true:

Armstrong also wrote:

'African migrants represent 3.2% of the population but committed 52% of all violent crimes last year. Foreign nationals were responsible for 69% of all rapes and other violent crimes, according to the French Ministry of Interior. Something is extremely wrong here and one must wonder what cultural upbringing these people (almost all men) had that makes them unable to exist in Western society.

In Paris, a once beautiful city, 38% of violent crimes were committed by African migrants, while non-French EU nationals committed 8% of crimes. Public transportation has become particularly dangerous for women as violent attacks have become common.

These same people are invading all European nations, Canada, and America. There is a deliberate attempt to open all borders and flood the West with illegal migrants. Votes for the left are more important to your politicians than the safety of the people.'


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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

High minded liberal values always have malfeasance at their core.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I don't know much about this, but even from my superficial perspective here in the US, I don't understand how anyone thinks this could be sustainable.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

We are now reaping the Multicultural whirlwind that wise (but ignored and vilified) people predicted all along. It is therefore academic to say what we should have done....but here goes anyway:

The only sane immigration policy to have adopted, these past few decades, would have been to filter/select for immigrants who could convincingly show a positive identification with the VALUES of the host society. Immigration to19th/early 20thc. America was approximately that way....or am I romanticising? Yes it would have been difficult and imperfect but it would not have been impossible except for one HUGE problem........the delicious post-imperial guilt-tripping of our intelligentsia plus political and administrative governing classes that has been building exponentially for the last 70 years.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In a decade or three if you wish to enjoy Pakistani, Iranian, Saudi, Nigerian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Somalian, etc, etc, culture and lifestyle you will be able to go visit and live in those countries. But if you wish to live in a country of Germans, French, British, Italian, etc, culture and values you will not be able to find a country or continent where those cultures and values are dominant, if they even exist any longer.

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I am not touching the immigration question. Will leave that to others. Not that I don't care, I just want to say something else. Here is what I appreciate, and why I subscribe and pay for, eugyppius. It is the subtlety of his forms of analysis. He is deft. He understands complexity and appreciates it. He's open to weird shit. He is open to notions that human sociology manifests in many ways. We are Machiavellian and we are not. Other forces are at play. He is not uni dimensional. "the importance of the high-low alliance for the administrative state." We make bargains with those we shouldn't and then we realize we screwed up, but we are way in. What to do? Holy shit. I am trapped. I want out, but everyone is looking, including conscience and my mother. This, alone, is worth the price of admission to the universe according to eugyppius. You give us, eugyppius! You don't gyp us.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's surreal to see all of the problems open borders have caused over the years completely ignored by the government and corporate media. But they're ready to kick people out for publicly supporting Palestine. It's all so tiresome.

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there's a reason everyone loves to posture hatred for the middle class. it's the foundation of a healthy society but its members are always striving to go higher and conversely, not fall lower. why won't they just shut up, right?

now conditions are at that awful tipping point as always comes in history. elites never learn the lesson--don't threaten the stability of home.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The EU never was legitimate, and neither is the Lissabon treaty, Schengen or anything else of it.

When we voted in the early 1990s, on EG membership, the referendum was for that treaty alone and for EG the way it was then - the referendum was not about a carte blanche for neither our domestic politicians nor EUrocrats to construct today's corporate "Festung EUropa".

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It is easy to stop illegal immigration. See Hungary and Poland for examples.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"luxury politics"


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Oh I imagine "The Powers That Shouldn't Be" have any number of lovely tropical / semi-tropical islands stashed away in the Pacific should the day come when they need to get the Hell out in a hurry...

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Terrific analysis. "It takes years for the system to even recognise that what it is doing is stupid, and still longer for it to stop acting stupidly." I agree not all actors are cynical -- Dostoevsky reflects similar depth in his assessment of social justice warriors ("The Possessed"), and Thomas Sowell explains how modern bureaucracy draws incompetence and mediocrity to itself. ("Intellectuals and Society"). Ryszard Legutko explains in his book "The Demon in Democracy" that this is no longer liberalism, but what he calls neo-liberalism. It is, in fact, totalitarian. Now Sweden, England, and Germany are deteriorating from the immigrant crisis, but also L.A., Chicago, and NYC. At least NYC's mayor has finally called it a crisis, and asked for help. https://johnklar.substack.com/p/the-fiscal-suicide-of-new-york

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Once an immigration pipeline has been established, it is hard to turn off the spigot. Once the first migrant from an Afghan village arrives and is settled, his second cousins begin to dream of a new life away from the poppy fields, then everyone in the village under 40.

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Mass immigration really is not popular with the electorate in receiving countries: even in very immigrant friendly nations like Canada polls show overwhelmingly that people think the numbers are way too high.

My hunch is that many people in power would turn the numbers the other way if they could do so by punching a magic button. The problem is that *not* continuing with the status quo requires being confrontational in a way no one has any stomach for. Being confrontational about: yep, we totally get it that it is nice for immigrants to immigrate, but we're still going to say no. Being confrontational about turning people back when they turn up anyway (which would require the use of force). And deportation would be the highest level of confrontation, and actually require pitched battles with people resisting very actively.

There is an escalating scale of hard force involved, and many of the people who most actively agitate for it pseudonymously on the internet would never in a million years want their own faces and names attached to any of it. They just think someone else should hop to it. What public official is going to volunteer to have their face in the paper next to photos of people being truncheoned? let alone to do the truncheoning?

Much of the situation we now have is not so much because many people want it that way (though clearly some powers that be do), but because changing the situation would involve genuinely depressing, very dispiriting dirty work of a kind basically no one is enthusiastic about (though many people on the internet are very enthusiastic about somebody else somewhere doing that work on their behalf).

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