The two biggest problems with this particular issue are:

1. Mass immigration is genuinely popular with huge segments of the population. Despite the fact that it is at bottom an elite project that operates outside the will of the people, it is still embraced by many many people. The fact that it is NOT just a conspiracy, but rather something with mass buy in means that it will be a very hard bell to unring.

2. Mass immigration *permanently* fucks up your nation. It is not a drug policy or a set of sentencing guidelines, or the kind of thing that you can just say "oops, I guess we'll try something else." Once the migrants start having kids, they are there forever, and your country is worse off than it was before.

It is for these reasons that I am extremely pessimistic about this particular issue, far more so than anything else facing the West.

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Mostly agree, though I think in continental Europe grassroots support for mass migration is far more tenuous than some other countries, and it also awakens very powerful opposition. I very much agree with 2), which is why I think there's not much upside, even in the longer term, for continued open-borders policies. They have already fucked up our nations, they could sit on their demographic bomb without accepting a single additional refugee and let the consequences slowly unfold.

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I write from America, where this shit is indeed very popular. Oddly enough, I meet more 1st and 2nd generation hispanics that are rabidly anti-immigration than I do whites. The latter group is either mind-fucked by shitlib nonsense or they're guys like my brother who have worked in the trades their entire lives and just really like their hispanic colleagues.

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America is dragged down by the Melting Pot concept that doesn't exist. It is used to describe how Italians and Irish blended with WASPs. The Italians that were too Southern European went home, and the Irish, who are Northern European, took longer than the Italians to assimilate. It wasn't easy.

Those were adjacent European peoples. Somalis will all be like Ilhan Omar - they will absolutely hate you forever. Muslims clearly hate Western democracy and view it as an evil to be defeated not something to join in with. They are amazingly honest about this.

What a mess.

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And yet we've had success with east Indians and Japanese and Chinese and Vietnamese. It's certainly possible for people of very different genetic backgrounds to become true Americans. But we've mostly given up on the very *notion* that people who come here *should* become Americans.

Hell, I had a Turkish cab driver in Berlin once who was lamenting all of the people who came to Germany from Turkey and didn't try to become German, and Germany actually *is* defined by an ethnicity to some extent. America just needs to push back against this "Hyphenated American" concept.

Be proud of where you came from, and remember your roots (or don't, if they sucked) but become an *American* going forward.

I know, I'm a terrible racist for thinking that people of any race can make good Americans... 🤪

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You will soon learn how Indians rarely assimilate long term. I am British and we know them well.

The distinction is Northern Hemisphere versus Southern. Northern peoples have hard winters. As a result our ancestors went through tough evolution to develop key attributes that define us like restraint and high IQ. Most of the world lack both. That is why seemingly alien people like the Chinese fit in well and assimilate within a single generation. Here in the UK there are third generation Indians who are totally alien and send their sons back to India to get brides.

Naturally exceptions exist. But they get lost when millions come. Culture mixing is dangerous and doesn't really work.

In all multicultural societies only three groups ever occupy the top, whites, orientals and Jews. Everyone else is always second place or lower no matter what order they appear in the country. All this is known in some detail by academia who absolutely refuse to discuss it.

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Talk about an unpopular opinion. There’s something to the cold/warm influence. You die easily in cold weather. In warmer climes, it only takes a bit of food to get by. The current fervor for the Procrustean bed will have to pass before anyone will be allowed to take differences seriously.

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A thousand times this.

And irreversible once ignored.

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I can't say what the situation is like in the UK, only ever having passed through LHR, but I have quite a few east Indian friends here in the States, and they are all quite American.

Dunno, maybe I just have too small a sample set. Or even one which is skewed specifically by virtue of sampling bias. I will grant I don't just go out and hang out with large groups of them. Also, I'm in Albuquerque, where the relative population is small, so maybe they had to integrate better just because of that.

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So my exceptionally high IQ must be from my European descendants 😉

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Very good comment. Immigration doesn't need to be a disaster. It all depends on the host nation having enough confidence in its history and culture to insist that newcomers integrate. That no longer exists in most Western nations.

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The media has been doing its best to destroy traditional values like patriotism and Christianity for many years. Ask yourself who controls the media and why they might want to do this.

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English is our language. Learn and love our principles and culture. Go back if you don’t want to.

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Had a conversation with a well educated American today who literally said mass migration from the global south was great because of increased food choices

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Yep. The cuisine argument. This is augmented by the availability of cheap nannies. It works great until they take over the local government. Then they bring in their families. Then they tell you to your face your culture offends them.

I think Covid taught us few people can calculate second or third order consequences. They think like children. But they will die like dogs given who we are importing.

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or they have regular parades waving mexican flags and chanting "La Raza"! (the race), why are they not called out on the blatant racism?

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Here in Britain third generation Pakistanis and Bangladeshis celebrate on the day India gained independence from the UK. British citizens all of them.

That is the insight. That tells you who they are inside their own heads.

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I am so fucking tired of hearing about restaurants.

I will happily eat boiled beef and potatoes for the rest of my days to make it stop.

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Yeah. But you're never happy...jj....lolol.

Cheers G!

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Assume you're not joining GM for dinner either, RG?

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And to think I was going to accept your dinner invitation!

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Well, this isn't ever gonna get solved so I guess I'd still be able to serve you guys fancy schmancy "ethnic food," like grilled cheese.

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That’s just so meta-racist, in a way. Lol. “The villagers will come here and cook for us.”

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I suppose the non-meta version would be "The villagers will come here and cook us."

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The "cuisine" argument is rubbish.

Go to Poland, where the Italian restaurants are run by Poles, the curry houses are run by Poles, the Tapas bars are run by Poles . . .

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That's what a lot a well educated Canadians say as well.

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Such people are not "well educated." They are merely well-schooled, which is a different thing altogether.

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Or 'well-credentialed'; yes, you're correct.

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There's a of truth in that. Gotta keep the intellectuals from getting bored!

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Wait...you mean because the Whole Foods carries more "international" choices now? That's hilarious.

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It's only popular until it actually affects them. See also, Chicago and NYC.

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And it’s really not that popular.

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I still work with of Hispanics and rust me they can’t stand what’s going on. BTW they all voted for Trump twice.

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A big problem in the US is the media allowing left wing whites and a few hand-picked minorities to speak for the majority of Blacks, Latinos, and others. Those communities are basically conservative and anti-immigrant.

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Look up the early lives of those "whites" on Wikipedia. And of the "whites" who own the networks. You'll start to notice patterns.

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As an American, I do not see anywhere your assertion that this shit is very popular. All the stats I see say it is deeply UNpopular. Do you have anything that supports your assertion? And I don't mean in the illegal migrant community.

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I think this is the media elites and professional class who live far away from the reality. And I suspect it is some notion of multiculturalism they like, not the actual foreigners.

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The “idea” of immigration is great. It’s not so great when your friendly neighborhood is destroyed. But just like with the Covid shots, we may preference falsification going on. Who is going to openly say “I hate immigrants?”

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Raises hand.

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only the same ones who would openly say "I hate semites". Funny, I've heard things about the origins of multiculturalism.

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While I agree to some extent, there is at least the veneer that this is the "right-thinking" position almost everywhere blue or purple.

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Only popular due to typical liberal NIMBYism. When it lands in their Upper West Side neighborhood, they realize the impact very quickly. Opponents like the TX and FL governors should "ship" as many illegals to leftist-donor zip codes as possible.

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It's not the race, it's the IQ.

People from India, and the far East have commensurate IQ's with whites. Middle Eastern, African and South American peoples do not.

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No. India has a low average IQ. They are exporting their top achievers which is why they are successful in the West. In years to come, they will blame the West for that too when we didn't want them in the first place.

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Nailed it.

We're just counting the days until the whole shit house goes up in flames in the US.

Since 2002, the US has added in net 52 million people. The GDP in net has not grown in real terms over this period of time. Any $1 of GDP growth has been more than offset by $1.60 in debt. There is NO WAY that 52 million additional people should have ever been let in. Period.

At the same time, we have offshored millions of jobs and our trade deficit has grown.

And people stupidly wonder why our lower class can't seem to find a "living wage" (whereby they are not dependent on Government assistance) as well as why this country continues to be ghettoized, polarized, and bankrupt...

I'm sure you guys are experiencing the same inevitable results of getting the pleasure of "paying" to be invaded by replacements.

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The majority of the "support" comes from the usual suspects: the metropolitan leftists "elites" who never have to suffer the consequences of their stupid opinions. I'd take the company of the hard-working Portuguese, Serbian and Cameroonian immigrants I mix with everyday over these useless wretches.

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I believe it’s the lingering influence of the lucky boomers, who inherited a dominant America and prospered easily in that world. That world still exists for them, and they are determined to keep it.

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I am less convinced people are buying in to mass immigration as such. I think the people you refer to have bought into diversity or multiculturalism, and it is this aspect that provides their supply of smugness. They get to decry the realists and the nationalists as racists and therefore inferior.

What I am seeing is that immigration is now so great it is largely visible everywhere, from big cities to tiny villages. In almost all cases, from working class communities to the affluent, the presence of immigrants is met with hostility. No one wants them. All those egalitarian and liberal impulses immediately evaporate when groups of young African men are wandering around your own town.

The whole thing is a form of virtue signalling, which only works if it is cheap and doesn't personally affect you. Retweeting is perfect for virtue signalling. Foreign youths unable to speak your language killing locals is not.

As for getting rid of them. This is easier than you think. Pakistan just rid itself of 1.7m Afghans. They were given a date, 01 November, and told to leave. That's it. Tanzania did the same with subsaharan Africans. It is the political will that is lacking.

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There's some political will in the US, it's just mostly concentrated among people the current administration despises. Though it's growing fast in the "Sanctuary Cities" now that their asses are actually having to cash the checks their mouths wrote. NYC is squawking loudly, and they don't even have a per capita "fair share" of the illegals yet.

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Real life cures all delusions. The US will collapse so some will return when that happens. Another effect is the Western nations are white. Europeans are used to homogeneity. So racial or ethnic awareness is alien to us, and not to the imports.

I suspect that will change. And then things will rapidly evolve from there.

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Nobody in the US even wants to talk about young African men. They are so terrifying they have to be ignored.

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And yet, Mayorkas and Biden let them waltz on in. The longstanding project IS to first destabilize, then destroy the USA, and every white Christian nation with a European descendant majority. They are open about it. Like the bolsheviks before them, whose impulse was also to destroy the middle class; but they included oligarchs and royalty among the oppressor class. They killed millions of the kulaks, the mostly Christian slavic farmers of the Ukraine, starved them deliberately. Nobody mentions this when they have culled millions of farm animals under flimsy pretenses, and burned down 1000s of food processing and storage facilities, and made fertilizer unobtanium. All done under the guise of the middle class using too many resources, and contributing to CO2, the smallest of the major constituents of the atmosphere, with negligible ability to affect climate and temps.

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Correct. It does have the makings of intentional famine following civil unrest, with fit young foreign men imported to add to the competition for resources. It is a time to be armed just in case.

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CO2 is actually more beneficial than we realise, for mammals too. See Dr Mercola's recent substack.

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The high and low against the middle as Eugy noted.

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When I was in Stockholm a LOT of folks, without even being asked, privately complained about the barbaric behavior of the immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Gang rape, for instance, which was unknown in Sweden prior to the arrival of the new immigrants, has become distressingly common. A nation known for its low crime rate suddenly found itself beset by a crime wave of unprecedented proportions. Instead of lowering the boom and prohibiting more immigration, the officials stopped publishing statistics, news stories, and victims' accounts of the atrocities, and instead urged women, the old, and the weak to protect themselves by not going outside at night and avoiding certain neighborhoods. The resentment has been building for some time now and it's only a matter of time before Swedes take matters into their own hands with vigilante action, if they haven't already.

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You can't trust swedish statistics post-2005, on matters of migration. They've changed key definitions and methods of reporting multiple times since then, most tellingly the definition of "swedish" used in official records.

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Governments all over the world have, "changed key definitions and methods of reporting multiple times" in recent years.

I can remember, not long ago, when the government statistics people would cheerfully supply raw data, on request, from ANY data they accumulated.

Now its ALL "adjusted". Prior to analysis. And is NEVER available as raw data. Favourite recent example: The Government of Canada REMOVED 100 years of weather data from Statistics Canada records because, ostensibly, "it might not be accurate". Many of the people who are interested in weather have pointed out that those records, accurate or not, seem to contradict the current climate narrative. A mere coincidence I'm sure!

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They got what they voted for.

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"The two biggest problems with this particular issue are:"

Not in the UK. Polls have shown for some years that we believe immigration figures are far too high, and also a very high figure WRT to too many Muslims, the large majority of whom have no intention to integrate. Note that the Quran forbids Muslims from integrating in non-Islamic countries.

We have lost our belief. And don't believe anyone else believes in something. A very baf mistake to make with Islam

There will be blood, and sooner than I expected.

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You've hit on it. Once the liberal West abandoned Christianity, the idea that anyone else could be serious about their religion and its tenets became absurd.

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I agree. It may come as soon as this Saturday.

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Your leaders have betrayed you.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Indeed. At least, we are not alone in that. USA and most of the Anglosphere the same, and indeed, many EU countries.

Last year I spent a month (in two stints) in Budapest, getting my teeth fixed at a fraction of the price I would pay here. Great job as well. Fell in love with the place (and I'm a country boy who dislikes cities) - wide, tree-lined boulevards, great street life, fine red wine! Were I 21 and not 72, I'd be off there in a shot. Do go if you get the chance

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I’m pretty confused by your interpretation that “huge segments of the population” in the USA are in favor of mass immigration. The polls and statistics don’t show that (for example, https://news.gallup.com/poll/1660/immigration.aspx or https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/21/americans-remain-critical-of-governments-handling-of-situation-at-us-mexico-border/).

Sure, at a fancy cocktail party in D.C. or on an Ivy League campus, “everybody who’s anybody” would express that view, but the Twittersphere is not, actually, America. My plumber (identifies as “Mexican”, born in L.A.) is against it, as are nearly all the “diverse” tradesmen I work with. I think it’s really, really easy in America today, to think that MSM and social media truly represent “the people”, but...they don’t. Yet.

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"Deportation" is still an option.

Even in the US, where the 14th Amendment notionally (and certainly it is interpreted this way) grants citizenship to children born here, we don't *have* to let their parents stay.

Give the kids an ID that says they can come back when they're adults. Or let them stay with relatives that actually *are* here legally. But we are not required to keep the people who have arrived illegally.

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Rounding up millions of migrants and sending them packing ain't gonna happen as much I would like it to. The only feasible solution is to remove the safety net and the incentives to migrate. We should facilitate self deportation above all.

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I don't disagree that we should take those measures, but I also don't think mass deportation is that impossible. Depends on who ends up in power, of course.

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We could pay them to leave. But then we need to close the border.

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“...close the border...”. THIS is the problem! And even if we had buy-in from every single American, it would still be a daunting (and possibly insurmountable) task.

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Truth. Unfortunately.

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Change incentives, change behavior. Too many to deport now.

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Samizbot during and after the uk referendum which resulted in a leave vote forgot to mention how many immigrants who have settled her permanently from the EU voted out.

They watched and realised what unlimited immigration can do and does to a country that they’d settled in and didn’t like it.

While some were shouted down as hypocrites for being immigrants themselves, they didn’t want the country and their children’s future destroyed.

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In addition, nature abhors a vacuum in demographics as in all other areas. Westerners - including the most rabid anti-immigration folks - simply aren't having children. This and the fact that they simply aren't prepared to do the dirty jobs that keep the societal wheels turning, means only one thing: more immigration. I write this from the vantage point of probably one of the few Western nations that has anything like a sane immigration policy (Switzerland), and even here, the numbers of immigrants is staggering.

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Japan has no immigration to speak of. I watched a YouTube video recently showing just how quiet and slightly eerie are some of the smaller towns and villages are once you get away from the larger Japanese cities.

How this will pan out over the long term is anyone's guess, but a hundred years from now Japan will still be almost 100% homogeneous. It will still be Japan and as such be in a stronger position to face the coming collapse, ditto China, South Korea etc.

On the other hand Western Europe and the Anglospheres goose seems to be pretty well cooked.

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You're parroting propaganda from the left. There are REASONS people aren't having children and one of them is mass migration pushing up the cost of housing and lowering wages. When the elites say that nobody wants to do unpleasant jobs, what they mean is nobody wants to do them for what an illegal immigrant will accept. How exactly do you think they were done before mass migration?

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The people chosen to invade are not coming to assimilate but to annihilate.

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haven't noticed the US being able to reverse it's clearly insane drug policy. Mexicans immigrants on the other hand have so far been a big win for the US

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A big win? How so?

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They've contributed a lot economically, generally integrated well, and aren't particularly violent or criminal. That's all that's required.

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#2 basically defines my entire pessimism.

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1) if so, it’s only an artifact of “messaging” aka propaganda. That only lasts as long as reality doesn’t contradict

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Martin Armstrong posted on his site recently that a French woman has an average of 2 children but a muslim woman in France has an average of EIGHT!!! That is shocking if true:

Armstrong also wrote:

'African migrants represent 3.2% of the population but committed 52% of all violent crimes last year. Foreign nationals were responsible for 69% of all rapes and other violent crimes, according to the French Ministry of Interior. Something is extremely wrong here and one must wonder what cultural upbringing these people (almost all men) had that makes them unable to exist in Western society.

In Paris, a once beautiful city, 38% of violent crimes were committed by African migrants, while non-French EU nationals committed 8% of crimes. Public transportation has become particularly dangerous for women as violent attacks have become common.

These same people are invading all European nations, Canada, and America. There is a deliberate attempt to open all borders and flood the West with illegal migrants. Votes for the left are more important to your politicians than the safety of the people.'


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It is not upbringing. That is a modern take based on the obsession with equality. People are different. The French have always known this. They had colonies in Africa and struggled no matter how French they tried to make them.

Impulse control, IQ and time horizon are all measurable and differ significantly between ethnicities and cultures. Much of it is inherited, very little is affected by upbringing.

All this is known in academia and exceptionally well documented. It is not discussed because it challenges the blank slate concept they are obsessed with.

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These are the forbidden truths.

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And yet Macron was just on tube talking about the evil biased people who complain about Jews and Masons. This is bolshevism marching under a different banner. Same project to take over the world.

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"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."

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The blank slate concept does do a lot of heavy lifting. It’s another of those fantasies that doesn’t survive contact with reality. But there are currently a lot of people in academia and bureaucracies that are insulated from the real world.

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Pinker wrote about this, much to the horror of his fellow academics.

But it is amazing how far it has run despite the excellent research into hereditary factors as well as the relative failure of various approaches to nurture.

IQ is the best researched. Despite the billions spent the evidence is clear, nurture can increase IQ by 2-3 points, and more than 80 percent of those gains can only be realized by age three. You get a tiny bit more by age 7 at which point you are done. Most of the IQ gains are parental attention, especially the mother. School has no effect.

All this is absolutely understood in academia. But it cannot be discussed out loud as it opens a can of worms the narrative lovers cannot cope with.

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this is not new. i visted paris in 1973 and even as a new yorker i was shocked that african immigrants just walked up to women, like me, and grabbed our breasts. and i wasn't even flaunting my little ones.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I gather it is much, much worse now.

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sure. because they didn't learn from then.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What has happened in Europe / UK since 2001 has been a deliberate policy of mass immigration - massive immigration - by political leaders in the UK and Europe. Look at the UK - we have the English Channel but politicians, of all parties, say that nothing can be done to stop the migrants... as they send boats to pick them up just a few miles off the French coast.

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it's normal that young people are stupid and gullible and don't understand cycles of history or the basics of human nature. i was young and dumb once too.

the fault is with older people who should've learned something from life but have remained touchingly idealistic or utterly moronic.

perhaps the university cost-cutting measures for a generation, at least, of having courses taught by adjuncts and graduate students, instead of by professors with a breadth of experience, has led to this epidemic of very smart idiots.

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Nah... I graduated in 1983 with an utterly worthless music performance degree; at this point in my life I think I can fairly say University was always a pretentious, overrated crock of shit -- Still, Dr. Jordan Peterson numerous times on YouTube has spoken of the destructive effects of fashionable Marxism on the Academy... 🤔

All I know is I wish when I was 18 I had the sense to go to trade school and learn to be a mechanic, electrician or machinist..🙄

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100 years of 'education reform'.

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nobody forced the lesson on them

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to be sure, human societies never learn anything valuable without being forced to.

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They did that too me. And I'm not even a woman.

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Speaking as a man, you can do with your breasts pretty much what you please. That doesn't give me any right to touch them, never mind grab them.

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well, we live in the real world and not an ideal one, and flaunting erogenous zones can lead to over-enthusiastic responses. in a world full of predators the prey needs to cultivate common sense. it's not principles but survival.

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You're unfortunately correct, but hopefully you see my point..

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i see it entirely.

i also have seen for a very long time that when one insists on drinking at the watering hole at the time when the sabertooth likes to slake its thirst, you are likely to get savaged. you die innocent of wrongdoing. but you're still dead.

the world doesn't become fair because we want it to. teach weaker people how to defend themselves with genuine pro-active and defensive skills and not with moral pieties.

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You remind of some substack post from months ago of an aggressive sexually abusive tranny of his desire to use the women's washroom wherever he went.. I was moved to remark such creatures are ample justification to issue every girl on her 12th birthday a snub-nosed .38, and instructions on how to use it...

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I would love to know where he’s getting his statistics! The French government does not keep crime stats by race. On purpose.

I will say this, though… I was in Paris last summer, after not being in France for several years, and was shocked by the number of Africans. Of course, I was used to the North African presence (they’ve been there for decades) but suddenly, sub-Saharan Africans seemed to be everywhere in huge numbers.

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In african nations, laws and how they are enacted are adapted for how the specific africans are.

In european nations, laws and how they are enacted are adapted for how the specific europeans are.

Race (to use the american misconception) matters more than any other factor.

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I personally put none of this "mass insanity" of the administrative state in each Formerly Free Nation on Earth down to incompetence or ignorance.

Yes, certainly, many, most, if not all of the administrators carrying out these Nation Destroying policies-- currency destabiliztion,----middle-class destruction ---immigrant invasions (by the aggression steeped males of violent third world nations,) are ignorant of the "Big Picture."

But that Big Picture has been around for quite some time, and it is the breaking of the Governments & Economies, (and the health, economic stability, and political will of the People in those nations,) of all the countries of the Formerly Free World, in order to then justify bringing in a One World Government.

Anyone who doesn't see this yet is deaf & blind & has lost all Critical Thinking Skills, in my personal opinion.

It's like the deceit & cover ups surrounding events like the assassination of JFK, the various False Flags on the 20th and 21st centuries, and the entire Covid-19 Operation.

None of these things happened "out of the blue."

These were all carefully planned operations to reach specific end goals and at the final destination once Digital IDs and CBDCs are implemented we will all be in literal "cages" with no way out.

Read the planned alterations to the WHO's Pandemic Treaty. The International Health Regulations planned changes and potential language. Read Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030 all the way through.

These are not just the ravings of lunatics, this is the Future of Humanity, if we allow it to happen.

Mass, destabilizing immigration is only one piece of the puzzle to help maneuver the overall plan into place.

Breaking Economies is another. Destabilizing currency is one more.

And lowering the Population in the First World Nations is another.

Ending Freedom of Speech, Loss of Bodily Autonomy, Private Property Rights & Privacy Rights are all goals of these Globalists & they are right on track to abolish them all.

We are watching their Agenda move swiftly forward, with little or no meaningful push back except from a few Brave Individuals, like those in the AFD correctly on the topic. Or the violent attacks by the German rubber against the one honest judge, now in a Prison, for ruling that masking small children was not based in science and harmful to them, or Reiner Fullmich, also in German Prison, for asking questions, imo, or Sucharit Bhakti, under the same threat, for caring about the human cost of our world wide toxic gene experiment.

Those rubber stamping the demise of their people and their nations had better wake up or they, and all of us, even those who care for Human Freedom and Liberty, will be ruled by the Beast which loves neither.

Read Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, ArkMedic & ICENI, all on Substack, if you wish to dig deeper....

Catherine Austin Fitts & Dr. Mike Yeadon saw it first. This is a Coup.

Margaret Anna Alice as well: "MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE."

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"Martin Armstrong posted on his site recently that a French woman has an average of 2 children but a muslim woman in France has an average of EIGHT!!! That is shocking if true."

They certainly have higher tfr, especially in the first generation, but that's nowhere near true. The country with the single highest fertility rate in the world is Niger, and they have 6.73. Most muslim populations have nowhere near that high, and their fertility tends to converge with European fertility quite rapidly.

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All I can say is welcome to South Africa's everyday life

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

High minded liberal values always have malfeasance at their core.

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Not a fan of Hanlon's Razor? I have a lot less respect for it myself these days.

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I believe more these days in Reverse Hanlon's Razor

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Judas: I don't want your blood money!

Caiaphas: Oh that doesn't matter, our expenses are good.

Judas: I don't need your blood money!

Caiaphas: But you might as well take it, we think that you should.

-- Jesus Christ Superstar

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I always thought it was mostly smug narcissism, hubris

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That too.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I don't know much about this, but even from my superficial perspective here in the US, I don't understand how anyone thinks this could be sustainable.

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I think the MIC / Neo-cons see Europe as a future Libya / Iraq / Syria from which they can profit enormously by selling weapons to the indigenous Europeans and to the recent arrivals. I think it is another example of Americans not caring a jot about other human beings, even their friends, just as long as they can make money - money is the god of Americans. Thus I think they are pushing policies on Europe that will ultimately turn it into a hell-hole.

Why is the US so keen for war between Russian and Ukraine? They hate Russia. They can make money. But I suspect the major reason is to get hundreds of thousands of European male Christians slaughtered - men who could have defended Europe from invaders are now dead.

Interestingly, they have now begun doing it to the US as well.

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Perhaps, but then why are they doing it to themselves? I think they need willing cannon fodder. One general I read about estimated that a ground war with Iran would likely result in 3000-3500 American casualties a day - A DAY! There's no way Americans would volunteer for that. Even a draft might not work. Why not take unemployed military age immigrants and offer them citizenship and benefits if they join the military. A vast number would join, especially if the alternative is that your refugee status is denied and you are deported, unable to pay back the Cartels who sponsored you (death sentence). Accepting foreign immigrants and using them to beef up your military is an ancient custom. A great example is what Rome did with the Goths, along with the unintended consequences. Were the Roman elite stupid or evil? No, but they thought themselves more clever than the Goths or the Roman people, and that they could take advantage of the situation. Of course, they were no longer thinking that when after becoming trained Roman soldiers, the Goths sacked Rome and much of Italy.

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"...Why not take unemployed military age immigrants and offer them citizenship and benefits if they join the military..."

They have had that program for decades. Too many arriving don't actually want to work, they want to rejoin their gangs in a place the rival gangs will be constrained by law, unlike wherever they came from.

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do not paint all Americans with the same broad brush, most are wonderful if naive people, and I guarantee only a minority are money grubbing to the extent they would abuse others to acquire it. It is a very small group of Americans that want endless war, and they do profit from it, and they will go anywhere and do anything for profits.

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I also see many Americans as naive. Because prosperity means you don’t have to understand anything. We’ve had a fairly high trust society until recently. You could go about your life and ignore what was going on in Washington.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

We are now reaping the Multicultural whirlwind that wise (but ignored and vilified) people predicted all along. It is therefore academic to say what we should have done....but here goes anyway:

The only sane immigration policy to have adopted, these past few decades, would have been to filter/select for immigrants who could convincingly show a positive identification with the VALUES of the host society. Immigration to19th/early 20thc. America was approximately that way....or am I romanticising? Yes it would have been difficult and imperfect but it would not have been impossible except for one HUGE problem........the delicious post-imperial guilt-tripping of our intelligentsia plus political and administrative governing classes that has been building exponentially for the last 70 years.

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One thing that the West can do is CUT OFF THE MONEY. Immigrants are not flocking to these Western countries for the beautiful weather or the local cuisine. Most could care less about "freedom". Or like the stupid Swede told me about immigrants 30 years ago: "They just want to be Swedish!" Yeah, ... right. They are here for the wealth and easy living. Before the welfare state in the 19th and early 20th centuries, 1/3 of all Italian immigrants returned to Italy from the Unted States on their own, even though southern Italy was mired in poverty. We may not even need to muster the political will to cut them off, since Western economies seem likely to implode in the not-too-distant future. Of course, then we'll all be in poverty. Anyone willing to sell me property in Uruguay?

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It was actually 68 percent of Italians who returned eventually. Only a third stayed. They self selected because there was no welfare to support them.

Today it is roughly the same industrious third of Italy that supports the rest. The ones who design Ferarris and washing machines. Those people would have been equally at home in London or Berlin. That is, they worked well in a Northern European culture because they had the work ethic and brains.

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Good catch SS, my mistake. How many new immigrants would self-select today if they were required to learn the native language and no assistance check was coming?

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Most would not come. Remember too most of the world doesn't have public education. That alone is worth the hassle. Plus free healthcare. Law and order is a massive pull for obvious reasons, although we are losing that.

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Bet you dimes to dollars that swede has eaten his/hers words many times over since then.

It's bad in the cities, real bad.

Most swedes are still in denial - 50 years of 24/7 brainwashing will do that.

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It's a generational thing. Here in Switzerland we have vast numbers of Italians and Portuguese. They built the country and we couldn't survive without them. Their kids are fully integrated. Most of the Africans who come here are similar. I don't expect the next wave to be so beneficial.

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Actually, studies show that immigrants from 3rd world countries become MORE criminal after the first generation, so this is genetics and not environment.

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There were in fact conditions on immigration in the past. It’s unconscionable that we’ve abandoned that concept.

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Don't think that imposing conditions aside from numbers will fix this.. Australia has a famous merit based immigration system. However the low skilled migrants still arrive, through a family member, student or other temporary visa.

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European VALUES. Are they the things Ursula Van der Crazy talks about? Are they the things Ukraine exemplifies? American VALUES! For the immigrants of Ireland and Eastern Europe in the 19th century they were poverty, family and grift. And then the need to escape downtown New York. The man might have said "when I hear the word VALUES I reach for my gun". And turn it on myself.

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The values I had in mind were self-reliance, personal responsibility, the Protestant Ethic, stoicism and not whinging etc etc.....I think you'll find we're on the same side hear if you think about it some more.

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Being an Anglican I may qualify but immigration officers may not recognise these sterling qualities at the barrier. They may judge the stoicism by the way I comport myself in the queue perhaps.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In a decade or three if you wish to enjoy Pakistani, Iranian, Saudi, Nigerian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Somalian, etc, etc, culture and lifestyle you will be able to go visit and live in those countries. But if you wish to live in a country of Germans, French, British, Italian, etc, culture and values you will not be able to find a country or continent where those cultures and values are dominant, if they even exist any longer.

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As an American college student I lived and traveled in Europe in the late 90s. It saddens me to think that I can't bring my children to the same areas I knew 30 years ago because they're completely changed now.

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Imagine how us Brits and Europeans feel. Western European civilisation - the cradle of Enlightenment - is being snuffed out before our eyes. That Merkel lady is a monster. I used to joke that, considering that she grew up in Communist Germany, that perhaps she was the Stasis'smost successful sleeper agent in the West fulfilling a mission to destroy Western Europe. I am not laughing now. The truth though is that it is not communists or socialists whom have destroyed the West - it is political puppets owned and controlled by the likes of big capitalist banks, of capitalists like Schwab and Soros, etc.

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Money is a big part of this. Until recently some had access to zero cost money. That’s ending. It was a 5000 year low for interest rates according to Martin Armstrong. Europe is in for more pain, as are we all.

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I suspect the opposite. I am sensing here in the UK the great experiment with migration coming to an end. The imports are exposing themselves with the pro Palestine marches. However you feel about the conflict their behaviour is unmistakably alien. I think that is changing minds.

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I still hope to live long enough to see the man who instigated this hang: Tony Blair. I mostly agree with Eugyppius's statement that the "elites" didn't allow mass immigration out of pure Machiavellian malice. However, Blair is a massive exception to that rule. He hates his own country and did everything he could to destroy it.

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Globalist don’t have loyalty to any particular place.

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But seriously if people didn't defend it. If people didn't make enough kids to populate the continent what are we grieving about?

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I am not touching the immigration question. Will leave that to others. Not that I don't care, I just want to say something else. Here is what I appreciate, and why I subscribe and pay for, eugyppius. It is the subtlety of his forms of analysis. He is deft. He understands complexity and appreciates it. He's open to weird shit. He is open to notions that human sociology manifests in many ways. We are Machiavellian and we are not. Other forces are at play. He is not uni dimensional. "the importance of the high-low alliance for the administrative state." We make bargains with those we shouldn't and then we realize we screwed up, but we are way in. What to do? Holy shit. I am trapped. I want out, but everyone is looking, including conscience and my mother. This, alone, is worth the price of admission to the universe according to eugyppius. You give us, eugyppius! You don't gyp us.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It's surreal to see all of the problems open borders have caused over the years completely ignored by the government and corporate media. But they're ready to kick people out for publicly supporting Palestine. It's all so tiresome.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

Of course, the authorities snap right out of their learned helplessness when it comes to people publicly supporting Palestine, because "antisemitism" is such a powerful weapon for the German government. As far as I can tell, the cheerleaders of the suicidal open borders policy continue to offer absurd rationalizations and claim that actually, much much more antisemitism comes from native-born Germans, including opponents of the corona restrictions, because, something something antisemitic conspiracy theories about globalists? I don't know. I am also so tired of it all. My apartment in Berlin is situated halfway between Görlizer Park, where it turns out that the poor, they-just-need-more-education, drug-peddling African "refugees" who sexually harass women passersby 24/7 also do the occasional gang raping; and Sonnenalle, where the government's policy of surpressing the pro-Palestinain residents is bound to fail spectacularly one of these days. I am an immigrant myself. It might be time to self-deport.

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To which country do you refer? Im in Texas and have not seen any state or federal policies in that vein. Heard some talking heads recommend such actions...

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there's a reason everyone loves to posture hatred for the middle class. it's the foundation of a healthy society but its members are always striving to go higher and conversely, not fall lower. why won't they just shut up, right?

now conditions are at that awful tipping point as always comes in history. elites never learn the lesson--don't threaten the stability of home.

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Middle class is the basis for a high-trust society which would not support current governments and their policies.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The EU never was legitimate, and neither is the Lissabon treaty, Schengen or anything else of it.

When we voted in the early 1990s, on EG membership, the referendum was for that treaty alone and for EG the way it was then - the referendum was not about a carte blanche for neither our domestic politicians nor EUrocrats to construct today's corporate "Festung EUropa".

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Exactly. The EU is acting like a sovereign nation state. Who gave them the right to have "diplomats" and "European Medicine Agency"s?

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It has shown the UK was right.

Its a shame that the rest are tied into a debt union, even if they wanted to leave they couldn't, for example Italy Greece and Spain would financially collapse.

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At the time the UK was inching closer to joining the European Market, as it was called in public discourse at the time (and was thought of as the UK allowing "the Continent" the benefit of their joining), it was commonly helded in pol-sci circles that the UK joined mainly to try and disrupt, co-opt and subvert what is today the EU from within, and then leave once the bill was to come due.

"Perfidious Albion" is still a valid term in european political analysis.

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That was the theme of a UK TV series popular in Thatcher's days "Yes Minister"

I don't think that was Ted Heath's belief when he took us in without even a vote.

The problem for the UK was not the single market of the customs union (arguably a British idea and pushed by Thatcher)

The beginning of the end was the EU, when it became an overtly political project, many like me, and of course Nigel Farage became euro-sceptic in 1992 and particularly after Maastricht.

You might call us a Perfidious Albion, but when you see what happens without the UK stopping them, they will change their tune.

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UK stopping? Pull the other one, it plays Judas Priest.

If anything, the Blairites and their present-day humanoids egged it all on thinking they'd be in control of France and Germany both.

And if not in control, then to upset the gravy train and corrupt any unification process so that even if succesful, all it would result in was a hopelessly corrupt midden (not that greeks, italians, spaniards or frenchies need much help in that regard) where everyone is slinging nightsoil at everyone else.

While Britain leaves quietly, just as when a bunch of punks have been drinking up a tab at the pub, the bill is coming due.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It is easy to stop illegal immigration. See Hungary and Poland for examples.

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also Denmark. but this will require a substantial political realignment in countries like Germany, one that will take years.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Center right and right parties in Germany must unite, at least on this one issue. Get it done.

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Difficult pivot for the folks who have been calling the AfD the second coming of Adolf Hitler, but maybe they can pull it off before the AfD just has enough votes by themselves to do it alone.

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The UK Tories refused to back Farage candidates in the last election, and Farage fell on his sword. It's likely too late for that in Germany.

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The AfD horse is likely out of the barn, and the center right parties have to now accept it.

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Poland has done well so far. But corporate media seems very happy with how their recent elections went, an ominous sign for the Polish people and their borders.

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The right-wing government was pretty solid as far as protecting Polish borders and culture were concerned. However, they lost critical support with their insane Russophobic policies. Sure, Poland has no reason to like Russia, but they went way over the top. Hopefully, that EU creep Tusk won't be able to create a working coalition to screw things up.

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Yes, those in charge desperately wanted the Leftists to win. Most of the media in Poland is owned by German corporations.

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Don't believe the propaganda. Illegal immigration is stopped in hungary because no sane immigrant wants to live there. On the other hand migrant workers are invited by the tens of thousands and somehow they are paid better if they would be hungarians. One wonders..

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I think its real easy. Even in the US.

just bury a bullet in the skull of the next illegal trying to get in.

That's all it takes.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"luxury politics"


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Oh I imagine "The Powers That Shouldn't Be" have any number of lovely tropical / semi-tropical islands stashed away in the Pacific should the day come when they need to get the Hell out in a hurry...

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Bunkers. In the US the elites will become moles if they succeed in blowing the rest of us up.

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Like Br. Alexis, I'm hoping The Vaccinated, when they come to understand what has been done to them, what they did to themselves because they trusted, will go looking for these creatures, and there will truly be nowhere they can hide... And when they find them, it won't go so well for them...


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An awful lot of people are dropping dead at young ages but that’s largely ignored. I wonder if it will take a lot more time for the reckoning than we’d like.

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I suspect it will take bodies stacked like cordwood before the Pinheads wake up and "get it". And even then, they'll still be capable of turning on the Purebloods as the source of their misery... The sheer, obdurate, mulish stupidity of humanity is incomprehensible to me...

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That turned out to not work so well last century...

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Any number of apocryphal accounts of people who thought the South Pacific was far away from everything... Then Japan entered world war II.

Not to mention the fictional but fairly true to life account in Fiddler on the Roof of Jews escaping the pogroms in Russia by moving to Warsaw, center of European Judaism. (Not isolated and remote, of course, but certainly considered safe.)

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Why do you think pogroms happen?

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Please go away; you will certainly find more productive trolling grounds somewhere else.

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Anyone who disagrees with you or even asks a question is a "troll"?

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You'll have to clarify somewhat I fear.. 🤔

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Terrific analysis. "It takes years for the system to even recognise that what it is doing is stupid, and still longer for it to stop acting stupidly." I agree not all actors are cynical -- Dostoevsky reflects similar depth in his assessment of social justice warriors ("The Possessed"), and Thomas Sowell explains how modern bureaucracy draws incompetence and mediocrity to itself. ("Intellectuals and Society"). Ryszard Legutko explains in his book "The Demon in Democracy" that this is no longer liberalism, but what he calls neo-liberalism. It is, in fact, totalitarian. Now Sweden, England, and Germany are deteriorating from the immigrant crisis, but also L.A., Chicago, and NYC. At least NYC's mayor has finally called it a crisis, and asked for help. https://johnklar.substack.com/p/the-fiscal-suicide-of-new-york

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Significant changes in the discussion about illegal immigration happen when those immigrants are forced into proximity with elite, white progressives, e.g. NYC & Martha's Vineyard. The shrieks of realization (amongst some) can be heard nationwide. More, please.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Once an immigration pipeline has been established, it is hard to turn off the spigot. Once the first migrant from an Afghan village arrives and is settled, his second cousins begin to dream of a new life away from the poppy fields, then everyone in the village under 40.

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True. It's a natural human urge to move to something better. The problem is that we can't take everyone.

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We shouldn't take any of them.

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Mass immigration really is not popular with the electorate in receiving countries: even in very immigrant friendly nations like Canada polls show overwhelmingly that people think the numbers are way too high.

My hunch is that many people in power would turn the numbers the other way if they could do so by punching a magic button. The problem is that *not* continuing with the status quo requires being confrontational in a way no one has any stomach for. Being confrontational about: yep, we totally get it that it is nice for immigrants to immigrate, but we're still going to say no. Being confrontational about turning people back when they turn up anyway (which would require the use of force). And deportation would be the highest level of confrontation, and actually require pitched battles with people resisting very actively.

There is an escalating scale of hard force involved, and many of the people who most actively agitate for it pseudonymously on the internet would never in a million years want their own faces and names attached to any of it. They just think someone else should hop to it. What public official is going to volunteer to have their face in the paper next to photos of people being truncheoned? let alone to do the truncheoning?

Much of the situation we now have is not so much because many people want it that way (though clearly some powers that be do), but because changing the situation would involve genuinely depressing, very dispiriting dirty work of a kind basically no one is enthusiastic about (though many people on the internet are very enthusiastic about somebody else somewhere doing that work on their behalf).

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They had no problem truncheoning people for not wearing a mask or protesting lockdowns. Perhaps its because they did that with full corporate media support, while corporate media is ready to destroy anyone that goes against the western world open borders policy.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

Seems to me that we are all just too nice. We accept that all cultures are equal. Not sure why we accept stoning and female circumcision but without requiring assimilation. Trump Will alienate himself if he continues his “round them up and send them back”. Bad enough that the Republicans that like the idea of legislating morality by ever tightening the rules allowing abortions (heartbeat or 6 weeks here in Tx ie borderline disavowing abortion)… there will not be a red wave and the collateral damage will be painful for many here.

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There is a sizable portion of the US population that considers abortion to be murder. How's that for "morality"?

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Go deeper. Why is it publicly condemned to be against immigration? It's the media and education systems. Look into how that started with the Frankfurt school of social learning which took over the education system from the 1930s and the similar takeover of the media.

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