Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu advises: "If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him." I think ridicule is an excellent tactic for this. Most of these people fall on the narcissism spectrum. Looking wrong or foolish is their worst nightmare, and when you push those buttons, they make mistakes.

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I think you are right, Andy. When you laugh at masked people and they see it, most seem to be somewhat ashamed. Not that they take off their mask, but if one in 100 people in a store wears a mask, it must make them feel unsure (which they probably are) and pointed out. I am still surprised to see them. One in the store this morning !

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The bank I go to just removed the plexiglas barriers that had been in place for three years. I told the teller, masked and wearing gloves (that smear and spread germs everywhere worse than fingers with microbiomes that destroy them) I was so happy the plexi was down, it was a wonderful sign for human connection returning. She scoffed, said the virus was still around and hated that people would lean in the new found unobstructed space and cough in her general direction. I would've mocked her if I didn't need to cash the check in that moment. So pity just oozed from my heart for that forever damaged and dysfunctional human. Another menticide casualty of the virus pests & the Corona astrologers & the pandemicists & loser careerists.

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they are brainwashed. thus the recent Steve Kirsch experiment of offering $10,000 to people sitting next to him on his plane to remove their masks for 60 minutes. no one would do it. it is amazing how the brainwashing continues.

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Steve needs to stop these foolish bets and start investing his money on educating people - purchase billboards and or take out ad's in papers - whatever! Same exact rules apply - start shaming and mocking them!!!

You know, there's also an entire slew of bumper stickers people need to use as well such as:


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he did purchase a billboard. i think the point of it gave him a barometer of what the current level of brainwashing is.

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Not saying I disagree with what he was trying to prove, I do and also appreciate your reply! I just wish he'd spend less time on all these bets and simply invest his money on educating the public.

I drive for a living and am constantly thinking of signs:

How STUPID could you possibly be not to do your Covid research and instead beleive everything!!!

This goes to the heart of this post - we need to start shaming and mocking these imbeciles!

I recall growing up how we all detested lawyers - called them sharks but revered doctors!!! Now this article (or post) holds true for them as well!

How many patients will you kill and and or harm advising them to take the lethal injections!

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Obviously he can do both - since he isn't going to lose any money on his bets.

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TRUE! But if I were him I'd buy up as many billboards as he can afford and then put a link to his substack etc

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Making a bumper sticker with that. Thx.

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Damn. I'd put a mask ON for an hour flight if someone would pay me a grand much less 10 LOL.

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Pound and inundate them with the facts! Every single time I go somewhere that insists on the same and or has the same misconception - I either hand them a stack of articles or send them. Last week I mailed several articles to the CEO of the local hospital! I also only do it to places I visit! I send them to doctors with a note that says HEAL THYSELF!

These people are just so STUPID!

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I'd like and agree, I often think and say the same thing. But I know many highly intelligent and accomplished people who believe the pandemic protocol lies. Which is why the term 'menticide' applies. They didn't protect their minds from the assault on them.

Insightful Substack on the term:


The rape of the mind; the psychology of thought control, menticide, and brainwashing (1956):


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Could not agree with you more - I jokingly would say - when I'm the smartest person in the room - you know things have gotten really bad!

And yes I read your enclosures also!!!

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Thank you for saying you do. That archive.org site is a great resource for many old books and movies for free that aren't available or you have to pay for. I've found it to be a great resource for a lot of useful shared knowledge our elders created for us, their posterity, for times like these. Between that resource and sci-hub.se, sci-hub.st, sci-hub.ru that unlock scientific studies and information kept behind paywalls I've found too many gems of wisdom and knowledge to list or remember. In the first world war in the Information Age they are a resource of powerful weapons and shields. Until they take them from us, that is.

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That book Rape of the Mind was recently mentioned in this really good podcast interview I listened to. (I think it was biotech expert Christie Grace speaking on Geopolitics & Empire.)

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They are stupid ,plus dangerous .I did experience violence from maskers ,for not doing as they do ,masking .

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I recall a day early on in the Covid "crisis" being in the grocery store. I was an isle with two little girls and their unfortunate mother!

The little girl yelled . . . . look mommy she's not wearing a mask. The woman turned around horrified and started screaming at me and instructing her children to move FAR away which of course they obeyed! When she was done with her rant I asked her how she felt knowing her kids would spend the rest of their lives in therapy because of a mother like YOU! I still laugh thinking about the expression on her face!!

The irony was they were Orthodox Jews which are known for their extensive and often exquisite education!!!!!!! I think that's what shocked me more than anything. It seemed as though the people with the best education were also the most ignorant! It was as if I had a plague she was so frantic and hysterical.

I guarantee there are millions of stories like these - someone should write a book!

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Israel was one of the if not most vax’d countries in the world. That dope, Netanyahu even bragged about making his country Vax guinea pigs of the world. So being a Jew pr anyone else w/ extensive ed basically equals dumb ass

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Education, they call it, it separates them from the goatherds.

(Bildung nennen sie's, es zeichnet sie aus vor den Ziegenhirten.)

This is not a new problem. The rise to power and dominance everywhere of this human type is what's new. It must be stopped forthwith.

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That medical institutions promote these anti science lies just exposes their stupidity. Why I stay away. Good on you.

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A young (22 year old) woman who sings with our church choir said she thinks all people, especially children, should be masked in public during the winter months to prevent the spread of colds and flues. She brags about getting her quad-annual Covid booster shots.

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I've got some relatives that are the same way. They just can't let go of it. The cult is strong with those ones. I send them this from a one time email account (guerillamail, burnermail etc)


In the Soviet Union some would go to the gallows still singing the praises of the revolution: "Mistakes are made but if this is what it takes for the revolution to succeed then I accept this unjust fate" type rationalizing. Stalin called them "Useful Idiots". Now they say "It's not the vax" or "It would have been worse without it". Useful idiots indeed.

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No doubt she thinks women have penises, too. Her generation has been menticided.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

Her generation has been groomed to commit atrocities. Like the child abuse that masking, toxic jabs and genital mutilation are. And they'll commit all of the atrocities to come under these ruling sociopaths unless we, the still sane ones, figure out how to stop them.

The rape of the mind; the psychology of thought control, menticide, and brainwashing (1956):


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FF, thanks for sharing this book!

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Thanks for this.

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this is pure folly. arrogance, hubris and destruction all go hand-in-hand.

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She's an example of the limits of mockery. In her case, fear and loathing ignorance shield her from mockery. The other is, as I've pointed out, the lack of shame. I could be wrong.

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I had the debate a few times and said I can prove to you masks do not work.

Test #1

walk into a cigar lounge. If you smell smoke it will not stop and airborne virus..

Test #2

Do a google search to see if a mask can stop an airborne virus but limit the search to before 2020

Test #3

Japan was the largest study and in 2020 we assume Japanese wearing of masks before and during the pandemic was proof they work. Of course the year later the whole country lit up while wearing masks. How did that happen?

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I like #1 LOL. That made me think: What would happen if I lit up a smoke and blew it at the face masked person then asked "Can you smell it? If you can your mask doesn't work". A bit too aggressive you say? Well okay it is a bit over the top, but that's the way my mind works LOL.

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I've made a point of crop dusting maskers the past three years. Neither my thick denim jeans or their thin paper masks safely and effectively prevents the offense to their olfactory.

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And then there's this - face masks banned under international law just months before they were made mandatory.

International Law (Pre-2020). Broadly known as the "Burqa Ban's. But applied to all facial coverings, including masks. Unobstructed faces deemed especially important in public settings, like public transportation:


"Judges at the European court of human rights (ECHR) have upheld France's burqa ban, accepting Paris's argument that it encouraged citizens to "live together".

The law, introduced in 2010, makes it illegal for anyone to cover their face in a public place...the law was not aimed at the burqa or veil but any covering of the face in a public place...

...The European judges decided...that the preservation of a certain idea of "living together" was the "legitimate aim" of the French authorities.

Isabelle Niedlispacher, representing the Belgian government, which introduced a similar ban in 2011 and which was party to the French defence, declared both the burqa and niqab "incompatible" with the rule of law.

Aside from questions of security and equality, she added: "It's about social communication, the right to interact with someone by looking them in the face and about not disappearing under a piece of clothing."

The French and Belgian laws were aimed at "helping everyone to integrate", Niedlispacher added."


2019 - Ruling just months before masks became mandatory.:

"On August 1, 2019, the “Act Partially Prohibiting Face-Covering Clothing,”also known as the “Burqa Ban,” entered into force in the Netherlands. The Act prohibits the wearing of clothing that completely or partially conceals the face in spaces where people are expected to communicate with each other. Thus, face-covering clothing is banned on public transportation and in educational, governmental, and nursing care institutions, but is still allowed in such public spaces as on train platforms. The ban applies to burqas, niqabs, full-face helmets, balaclavas, and masks, but not to headscarves."


The Courts were right pre-pandemic. The Science (TM) of the pandemic is wrong.

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The supermarket I frequent just removed the plexiglass as well.

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So did my library. Except one station at the check out desk where a young mom hides behind with her mask on. I normally try to lure her to another station where I am standing my ground. With a smile of course. I can’t tell if she is smiling. 🤡🙄

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At my hair appointment yesterday, I got a tickle in my throat and couldn’t stop coughing. My stylist just gave me some water; the masked, 18 year old receptionist looked horrified. At least her eyes did. She probably had to burn the mask and say 20 hail-Faucis to protect herself from my cooties.

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I had a similar experience last year. I got a tickle in my throat waiting in line to pay for some seeds I was purchasing and started to cough a lot (I wasn't sick). The cashier panicked and said 'it's OK, just take the seeds and go...just go'. At least I got some free seeds!

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I gotta try that one in the bank.

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Yeah, gets one to thinkin'

Have I been missing opportunities?

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You and I are thinking the same ... Gotta find me a hypochondriac teller somewhere LOL

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Thanks for the money saving advice.

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may be we should start a FUN page with all these kind of jokes ! hail faucis LOLOLOL

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The non maskers should make it a point to enter stores only with a huge mask ,shaped as a sheep head ,with huge micky mouse ears .

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Plus check out the ones I posted here.

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love the covidsteria! may be we should add these there, too ! there are usually very little comments

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If it was only one mental clown in the store ,it would be bearable ,but where I live there are always at least 30 to 40 % permanent retards .in cars in stores and outside every where .In all medical settings including for simple care givers it's mandatory .The injections are mandatory for all who are engaged in any way with med, ,now and into the end off time . Sixty million Pfizer shots where shipped into Canada just recently ,that must go into arms of victims .The B.C. GOOFINGMENT announced a blitz of booster shooting campaign in April . If I don't soon dye of old age I will dye of frustration .

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I’m sorry for you! Where I live there aren’t many masks except on the college age crowd and some elderly. I don’t judge the old - they might be sick and scared. The young deserve no quarter

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It’s sad about the elderly . Those masks cause a lot of pneumonia

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I know but as a whole, older people already have health problems and they are terrified of getting sicker and meeting their maker. They panic, don’t investigate, listen to what a white coat or an advert tells them.

I hated the masks because they were symbolic of mindless conformity and obeisance to authority; they are filthy after about two minutes; they look ridiculous; AND they don’t even work for their alleged purpose. When forced I wore cloth ones. Those paper ones seemed like they had a lot of chemicals on them and were used in their manufacture. I would never want to breathe that crap!

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microplastics. I don't want to breathe that either.

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Celayne you write that masking is a thing of the past .As always I'm happy if in your area the maskerade is over ,but sadly the masking is very much alive and I believe it is permanent .

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Scores of children where and still are musselt ,while dogs can enjoy fresh air . I still see two year olds beside parents all musselt up .Poor kids having parents that enslave them .

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Make no exceptions or excuses. Judge them all. We let the old, among whom I will soon count myself, off the hook way too easily. The only ones who can't be judged are the children whose awful parents make them do this crap. But the parents, oh, they should be judged.

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Agreed. It’s sad how fear has been used to control people.

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I live in Victoria, BC, the provincial capital. Masks are everywhere here. The public health policies that we are forced to live with are antiquated and absurd. For instance, to enter a care home you must show your vaccination card, do a rapid test and, of course, wear a mask. You must meet all the criteria. There are no exceptions.

My 92 year-old mother, who lives alone, needs to go into a senior's home. I have been insructed by her Dr. to tour these homes with my mother and pick one. The problem is that I am not vaccinated! This means that I cannot tour these facilities, I cannot help her move in and I cannot visit her once she is there. (I can, however, meet her at the door and take her to my house?! The virus, apparently, knows the difference!!) It is telling that I have have been visiting and looking out for my mother in her home for the last 3 years.......and I haven't killed her or my unvaccinated self yet. It's amazing!

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And that is why they deny immunity from previous infection even though Pfizer already told us the product was never tested to stop infection

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They still check for vax status and enforce mask mandates? Wow. But can an unvaxxed person fly into Canada and go shopping at the mall?

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Thanks for the update. I suspected as much. I regularly visit Canada, but will refrain from doing so until they stop this stupidity. Maybe in 2025?

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I visited Vancouver for work last month and it was relatively sane. Even saw a small protest downtown with their hearts in the right place.

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Oh how horrid, so sorry. I often find myself thinking 'What did they do to people...' but NO people did it to themselves. For 99% of those morons there is no excuse, no justification for still not shaking off the fear. They crave paranoia. Btw isn't that 'free floating anxiety' latching to whatever it can find part of Mass Formation theory?

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if everyone had looked up if masks work or not, they would have found the page of the Canadian dentists, which was up till halfway of 2020 at least, coming to conclusion that masks do not work for viral illnesses. Comparing the size of a virus to the holes in the tissue it is obvious, like fencing your yard to keep ants out If anyone knows how to keep ants out let me know LOL. I tried fencing but nope !

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

Hire an exterminator...I hated to spray my house but I got desperate. I stayed at a hotel overnight even though they told me I only had to be out for a few hours. They sprayed inside and out last year and so far no ants inside. Last year, they came out this time of year.

I'm trying to grow some lemon trees and I think the ants came in when I brought the lemon trees inside in the fall. They had aphids which I didn't know about until too late.

Funny, we've had quite the 'pest' problems over the last few years.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

hired an exterminator years ago for roaches. The roaches never were so bad as the year I contracted them. It is a bit better now, years later, and no more poison in the house. I use glue boards and showed my dog how I hated them and now we both catch them. We have fun now! As for the ants, I have been trying bubble drinks. When they come inside, I do spray them though, And I always repot my plants when they come in at the end of summer. Same experience!

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The substack author "bad catitude" has this explanation and I think it's the best I've seen.


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gato malo is an expert of the real kind! A genius

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Our situations and environments couldn't be more different. We've been fine with Covid here since at least the middle of 2021. It is the 1 in 1000 people I see with a mask now. I live near sane and rocket science smart, not to mention the deeply God-loving metro area of Huntsville, AL.

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Bill C-36 in BC:


Not just for covid but for ANY vaccine they say. The doctors are now pin cushions.

I don't feel sorry for them. They let their patients suffer and die for 2 years withholding early treatments and now they won't speak out to stop the vaccination of children. They have, and will continue to, let kids & adults suffer and die needlessly just to collect a paycheck. Their immoral, unethical, spineless obedience is being rewarded with an unending series of injections. GOOD.

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I oppose laws like this in principle, but the medical profession as a whole hasn’t done anything to earn my sympathy here.

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Please be informed that at the end of may we will live under a world dictator ship ,run be Tetros,Gates ,and Schwab .Their GOD is in china .

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You're right, this is the truly scary part.

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Yes, I have always said, if enough people say 'no', the tyranny ends. Doctors seem to be quite spineless. For many, many years, doctors never said anything bad about the worst amongst them. I suppose this is just an extension of that ethos of silence. It's biting them in the butt now.

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My experience with doctors is mostly negative .They botched my hernia operation big time and just recently they murdered my brother in a B.C. Hospital ,I wrote about several times .They even call FAUSSI a mass murderer Doctor ,worse than Mengele .

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Yeah, at least the medics have to eat their own medicine. I startest to hate medical doctors in the Covid Hysteria...

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I never quite trusted them, but I had little contact with them. Now I actively despise them. I hope I do t need one, ever.

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Fellow Canadian from Ontario: you've named them well 'goofingment'. BC is probably the worst for covid in Canada.

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No Vanda I live in Vancouver B.C.not in Ontario . Brutal treatment protocols in a B.C. hospital killed my brother recently . The Goofingment voodoo Frankensteins are not human and lets not call them Dr. ,lets call them snake oil men or women

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And your still can't cross the border into the US unjabbed.

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Except on the Mexican border. They let you in and give you stuff.

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And this is in a country where at last count (I think) Dr Makis wrote to the medical council pointing out that 80 doctors have died in the last year. it is now more than that.


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Most of the remaining masked aren't wearing them because they believe themselves protected from an illness by them. They're wearing them as a *badge*, a badge that signifies their membership in a rare and elite cadre of Super Smart People who Do The Right Thing to Keep Their Fellow Man Safe and Free of Fear. They nod at each other as you mock them, secure in the knowledge that *they* are the Truly Bright and Compassionate. They view the mockers as chattering spider monkeys.

I, on the other hand, am grateful they wear their badges in the open, so I can limit the amount of time I waste on them.

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Indeed! 🔥

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How bout a face condom?

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I saw one OUTSIDE the store this morning lololol

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Driving through Boston during rush our at the height of the plandemic, I saw numerous solo drivers masked up while RUNNING RED LIGHTS!

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It’s safer to get t-boned by another vehicle than to catch a cold germ!! Didn’t you know?

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They no doubt saw the viruses chasing them in their review mirrors. Paranoia and hallucinations are a major schizophrenic symptom. See Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind.

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I counted 20 Maskers in the local Target this afternoon. Incredible.

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I do the same. I feel a little ashamed of myself but that doesn’t stop me. Scoffing at them shifts the balance of power.

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after the rough treatment some gave us, I think this is a small way of taking revenge

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The worst & most pitiable are the young people wearing them. I had a pretty college student waiting on me in a restaurant the other day & I was really tempted to write a note on the receipt to tell her she needed to get a grip. Decided that if she was still terrified 3 years later, when a majority of all ages (including her own) are mask-free all around her, it wouldn’t do any good.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

Most of them have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.

I noted about it previously as follows:

What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.

OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality, the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientious and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism.

People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)

OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.

They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how f-cked up they are and how much harm they cause.

To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:

"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.

Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.

They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.

In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.

Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.

The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients."

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Wow. Well said.

Impressive. Thank you for that post.

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What you said!

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Great explanation but use paragraphs LOL

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Good point.

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what was Ghandi's OCPD issue?

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

Different ideology to Hitler and without necessarily having all the exact same OCPD traits but inflexible and overconscientious with regard to ethics and morality etc. His OCPD issue seems more reminiscent of Greta Thunberg's presentation or those who glue themselves to the roadway, sometimes preventing ambulances from reaching hospital quickly and refusing to move to allow them to pass because their cause is more important in their eyes.

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I dont have a problem of people acting out on what they believe. what the founders would be shocked is how compliant and cowardly Americans have become. Conservative Americans claim to carry a big stick, but the events of George Floyd, BLM, post-events of J6 and the military inaction to the events of a stolen US election show we have lost our capacity to defend and resist tyranny when we are smacked in the face with it. Perhaps c-19 has fortified some of us to face up to it in its full blooming.

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"I don't have a problem of people acting out on what they believe" - Well I do.

What they believe is up to them. Prove it. They can't, so they retreat to belief and that has justified over half the atrocities over the ages. The authorities are still using their "beliefs" to rationalize and justify literal war crimes.

Alberta is refusing to give an organ transplant to Sheila Lewis because she hasn't taken the vaccine. Her doctor signed all the forms because she has 20% lung capacity left (non-smoker, idiopathic) and ANY micro-clots lodging in her lungs would kill her. When measured with the d-dimer test the week of their injections 62% of people had elevated levels meaning they had micro-clots.

In New York they have had 3 stable lung transplants rejected after the injections. In Japan 20 corneas rejected after injection. Some were stable for years.

This means they will let YOU DIE unless you take more shots if your shots are more than 6 months out of date! Yes even if you took the first 2 or 3 you will HAVE to take more even if it is of zero benefit and huge risk to you.

If you want more information about Mrs Lewis' case:


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My blood is boiling after reading your post about what Alberta is doing to that poor woman. That is beyond the pale, breathtaking stupidity and a callous lack of empathy, depraved heart murder at best.

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You make good points. It's problematic when what people believe and are acting on is bullshit though and believing bullshit is very, very popular. It got close to lynch mobs of vigilantes forming to hunt down the unjabbed. Great numbers believe that J6 was a violent insurrection etc.

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Outrage almost never drives mass action. Only hunger does.

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Conservatives are rounded up and tossed in jail for protesting since they are white supremacists. Proud boys led by Enrique Tarrio who is a man of color leads a white supremacy org. Vanity fair recently wrote about this strange issue

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Yes, and I guess that was also what brought the pandemic regime to its end last year. Increasingly, a lot of politicians and bureaucrats realized they would look foolish if they kept the measures for any longer, effectively hurting their narcissistic self image.

It was really only about social momentum, and had nothing to do with science really. It's quite extraordinary when you think about it.

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I'm glad the nightmare is in the past where you live ,but in Canada the virus plague is in full force .Most people don't understand the worst is just around the corner ,when all Governments abdicate and hand the world over to Tetros ,Gates .and Schwab ,as dictators .It seems all gov.have agreed to the treaty and will sign it .

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Gee, I made about the same comment just before reading yours about the narcissist perspective. We're all getting good at this!

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great minds think alike!

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After the US Ambassador to China told an audience of expats that America is still the leader in Asia, the Foreign Ministry paid homage to Margaret Thatcher saying, "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't".

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This applies to celebrities as well! Narcissism spectrum!

How many pushed and actually promoted these lethal injections? Has anyone else heard or seen Martha Stewart's commercials? I just read Jennifer Anniston did the same!

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But what if they're shameless? Shameless people are incapable of realizing how stupid they look.

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If they're too stupid to realize that, they will eventually be removed from their position.

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Or promoted. The Peter Principle thrive on stupidity.

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I worked at the VA. The Peter Principle thrives there. Anyone who appears smarter or committed is soon weeded out.

Incompetent people are hired all the way up the chain so that the person above them can look good.

I found that the fear of losing power is the behavior that drives most folks.

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Except most of the people were ordinary people, not narcissistic in an out of the normal way. They are your friends, family and neighbours. How can we deal with this?

That Hancock-up is not evil incarnate is an obvious truth, he is neither malevolent enough nor intelligent enough to be so. Bill Gates however, well the jury is out on that... Even Gates cannot be evil incarnate in the biblical sense but by any non fantastical human estimate he may be so IF he really is orchestrating events around pandemics, political power grab at a global (well Western) level and climate alarmism for his own ends, whatever they may be. And Gates is unlikely to be a sole practitioner of these neoFeudalist agenda dark arts, thus a small group (AKA a cabal) is de facto evidence of a conspiracy. And let’s be clear, contrary to what the mainstream narrative pushers would have us believe, conspiracies do exist. History tells us that unequivocally and thus we must be on our guard against such threats to freedom and democracy in the West (we cannot police the world).

I have no specific evidence or data that proves any conspiracy or elites agenda around current world issues exists, and probably it will be too late when such evidence emerges, if it ever does. However I will continue to do that which shielded me and my family from falling for the Covid lies, the Woke farce and the climate alarmism cult, which is to cast my view as wide as possible and bring all these assertions back to fundamental truths and if they don’t pass the test reject them outright. Alas many, if not most, especially in positions of power, do not appear to do this, or similar, and thus they become, what Lenin is often accredited with coining, “useful idiots”. I believe the likes of Hancock-up and Boner Johnson (and many more, often highly intelligent people) fell into this role. After that very many more jumped on the bandwagon of the SS mass formation lunacy and plotted a course for the edge of the world, with even more cheering from the decks while throwing anyone questioning the hysteria overboard (although many of us jumped in the lifeboats preemptive(ly)... ).

Is it credible to paint this as a “great evil”? Well perhaps we must leave that to history. What I do know is that protagonists driving the globalist cult (and it seems clear there is one), whether part of the central “cabal” or useful idiots or bandwagon jumpers or cheering masses, love it when we the awake not Woke fight amongst ourselves and scream about Great evil and “fantastical” conspiracy “theories”. It should matters not to us what we call them (except in so far as we must avoid giving fuel to the SS lunacy) so long as we are all working to the same ends. So I agree with Eugyppius on this and also agree ridicule will go a long way towards waking people up to the very real threats.

However on a purely human level, not biblical or fantastical, but mundane, everyday, casual, evil IS walking the Earth in the form of neo Feudalism pushing globalists. There can be no other way to comprehend people who wilfully enact that which we have witnesses these past years and one shudders to imagine what they will do if they ever secure absolute power through “scaring the pants off” everyone over the next pandemic, global climate catastrophe and societal chaos, all of which are, in my opinion, artificially constructed narratives with little basis in fact or truth and one unifying aim. Absolute power corruptes absolutely, it doesn’t matter what the motives are (or were at the start), the results are always the same. Millions and millions dead and enslaved. History is littered with such. Were they perceived as “evil” contemporarily? No, that came later, much later and too late to save the world from the carnage.

So how should we act? Well first we must recognise this “evil” for what it, a human not biblical or spiritual evil, but still evil nonetheless. Then we must not paint everyone with the same brush, there are different levels of bad actors, just as there were in, say, Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. People used to ask how the German people could stand by and cheer Hitler and the Nazis on, well now they know... We should ridicule them for their hypocrisy, ineptitude and arrogance but those in power who abused that power, regardless of motives, MUST be dealt more formally.

If you have not yet watched the full US congressional hearing covering the testimony of Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger you really must. It illustrates clearly a stark shift in politics in the US (an inversion really, or perhaps more correctly a corruption of the party in power such that it no longer represents that which it used to). We have that in the UK and Europe too. We see it in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Ask yourself how that is possible without a guiding hand and then check out how many of the leaders involved are former WEF YGL alumni... Some countries have recognised this and are building new politics. We must all so that urgently to remove the neo Feudalist influence from the West and restore freedom and democracy. As this hearing and the testimony and writing of Taibbi and Shellenberger and others clearly testifies, this starts with freedom of speech, this is the battle ground. This battle was lost during Covid, and we can see the destructive results of that loss, but the war has just begun. Without freedom of speech, the freedom to be wrong, as Taibbi said, and indeed the freedom to ridicule and offend, we cannot be sure that those in power are not shaping a false narrative, as they did during covid, as they did to cover up the lab leak and funding, as they did before that with Woke and as they are doing now over climate alarmism and future health emergencies to come... If we lose this war we will lose everything and our children and grandchildren will be forced to fight and die to regain the freedoms our parents and grandparent and ancestors won for us. This is the greatest issue of our time and all parents and grandparents would do well to keep that in mind, if they are awake at all...

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Or this is just crowned-heads-of-Europe-type guys doing what they always do. Power and resources, the old story.

Gates? This is why high-functioning autistic people should not get their hands on too much of that power and resources thingy, because while they may see far ahead on some things, they never see around the corners. They have their obsessions but the ordinary concerns are baffling to them. It's exactly in real-life situations what these guys did with computer programs. Those purportedly "elegant" creations that did in sixty gazillion steps what a person with a typewriter used to do in two.

The devaluing of normal has been really bad for everything.

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High-functioning autistic people do get stuck once they've decided something. and they are all in.

Like our not so sweet Greta Thunberg

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"Neurodivergence is a good thing!" was one of the bigger cruelties of our time and I suspect "high-functioning autistics" is a serious misnomer.

I'll bet Bill Gates could never quite understand why Melinda disapproved so much of his little vacations with Epstein.

Greta is her family's little cash cow. They have quite the upscale lifestyle to maintain; that stuff they got, ugly as it is, ain't cheap.

I do think there's a lot of misdiagnosis, especially in the US and UK where you need it to access a range of services, and I've met people claiming to be autistic who are much more likely to have Borderline Personality Disorder (though that too I think is overdiagnosed and is a great way, if you grab onto that label, of evading responsibility for one's actions). But for the actually autistic with high intelligence, life is a minefield and the people around them suffer equally too, but in different ways.

We need to undemonize *normal* and ensure standards of responsibility are appropriately applied to those who ought not benefit from excuses. The seriously disabled by autism are a different category.

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Also, I do believe that autistic people have contributed greatly to our society. I think they are easily influenced or corrupted, however.

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Of course the creativity and specific problem-solving gifts of many high-functioning autistic people have greatly enriched society. Unfortunately that has often come at great personal costs to individuals, who often lived very unhappy, lonely, extremely difficult lives, or made the lives of their spouses and children quite miserable, or the lives of their parents and close relatives miserable and desperate too. Their accomplishments are celebrated but the cliche of the brilliant eccentric often avoids examining the suffering of families.

To be able to have normal, satisfying human relationships is precious beyond measure. Very "high-functioning" autistic people who seem "normal" often struggle so badly to speak the common language, as it were, and if their miswiring is really hard to perceive, they get a lot of blame for failing to translate between worlds.

And of course every autistic person is an individual; one can be autistic and not a good person on top of that. Perhaps Bill Gates, again, is an example.

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These are great points. My take on this whole thing is it has been the Revenge Of The Middle Managers.

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this is exactly what it was: a middle managerial coup.

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An emergent amorphous evil, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

The worst of evils imo because it's real/tangible, difficult to define, diffuse, lacks a single "source" and creates a scaffolding where each misdeed/incompetence may fall short of evil, appearing unassociated by its very nature, but the byproduct is not formless in the aggregate.

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Well said

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Ridicule is a clever tool to use on Schwabby peers, but my experience tells me that middle managers are too stupid to recognize ridicule. Only shouting them down embarrasses them enough to go away and that is not nearly as much fun as making fun of them.

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But it only happened once the middle managers figured out what to enforce. These messages came from the top: mask up! Get the vax!

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Very true.

But it is ironic and funny on the surface that all of the nonsense was enforced through social tyranny at the local level by two individual personality types that seem incompatible, but in reality are a match made in heaven if given an assignment which makes them feel they are doing good for the "team".

They "feel" good because, from the outside, the appearance of their role allows them to dictate the behavior of others under the banner of helping the team....so it reinforces their behavior because it tickles their center of gravity; to feel important.

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The exact wrong type of people to be in charge of a crisis.

Reminds me of the post on this substack, which was along the lines of "The Head Girl Syndrome". (Maybe about Emily Oster or someone like her.) Smart, people-pleasing types who don't want to rock the boat.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

The combination of the Head Girl and the guy who was on the receiving end of wedgies in high-school are strange bedfellows, but quite effective if operating under an environment and system(s) that allow, indeed incentivizes, them to have dominion for a common "cause".

Inevitably the "CAUSE" itself becomes control whether the initial "cause" was legitimate or not.

....so why are you making me wear a mask that are proven not to work?....just CAUSE....I can for a "just" cause.

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I remember that post, Karen. But the your observation re the "wrong type of people to be in charge of a crisis" comes up a little short. These people CREATED the *crisis*. Exacerbated the *crisis*. And have successfully extended the *crisis* - indefinitely. And they will continue to maintain the *crisis* - until they finish the transfer of ALL political and administrative power to the nameless, faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats who actually rule us.


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It may well be the Revenge of the Middle Managers - but that doesn't mitigate their responsibility for the harms that they caused.

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Tragically, more like the Revenge of the Middle Would-be Managers, since most of them seem unable to manage a silent fart.

It doesn't help that the general public's fondness for 'reality TV' tends to make the hapless 'managers' think that a good run on telly will likely restore them to an upper branch on the greasy pole.

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"Hapless?" No.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Well said, it was a combination of malice, incompetence and hubris. They’re more than willing to appear as though they were the untouchable architects of the pandemic if it would discourage resistance, but the truth is much less romantic.

We must deride them endlessly, mock them without respite and ridicule them beyond their egos’ ability to tolerate.

They’re already doing a great job of showing the world what a twisted, pathological lot they are, so never interrupt your enemy while they’re making a mistake.

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The problem is they're not showing 'the world,' they're showing the awakened what they are. And we already know. Many others will remain 'unseeing' so long as they're convinced they'll be 'safe' by doing so.

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But they are vulnerable to ridicule, have you seen the Bill Gates interviews where they question his bona fides as a “vaccine expert”?

He loses it on interviewers.

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Calling the protagonists "evil" has always made me uncomfortable, although it is hard to deny the evil of the past three years' events. Eugyppius has helped me to understand why - evil has, as he says, eschatological connotations that remove it from the quotidian "mundaneness of evil" we can more easily comprehend. Great crimes appear to occur in small steps. Each small immoral step becomes magnified in time and scope as its effects ripple outwards. The people committing these apparently petty crimes are not "evil" people. They are people who have been seduced, cajoled, browbeaten, or coerced into playing their roles. Often they do not often see the downstream implications of their moral lapses. In fact, misled by others in similar positions, most are apt to view their lapses as on balance, a moral plus, in spite of having misgivings about the means employed toward those imagined good ends. In this way, small moral failings grow to monstrous proportions, where unimaginable crimes naturally ensue. It is easy to see all this in retrospect, but to forecast them ahead of time is more difficult.

What I think can be said is that the moral slippages we have seen occur over the past three years can only occur when the society as a whole is morally weak. The past hundred or more years of history, possibly more, have seen a slow weakening of morality, as greed, the advancement of the individual at the expense of the community, and the weakening influence of religious teachings have advanced the secular mission of Western civilization. Western civilization has led to some major advances, not only in economic,, political and cultural realms, but also in moral realms, but our spiritual selves have grown weaker. We see this in the confusion of morals and identity that abound, and the moral relativism the Liberal tradition has unraveled into. It is high time for a renewal of our spiritual beings, along with a renaissance of integrity and higher moral aspirations for ourselves and our institutions. It's not about going to Church or Temple more. It's about inculcating into our children, our institutions and ourselves an attitude of open-minded inquiry about spiritual matters, not blind compliance with imposed orthodoxies. We need to be better people, and we need to want to be. I hope the disaster of the past three years will inspire us in that direction.

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Mark, the morality of the west has collapsed because we have rejected the clear and established commandments of God on numerous fronts but especially on the teachings of marriage and sexuality. If you know the Bible, read the first chapter of Romans...Paul reveals a cause and effect of sins increasingly getting worse and creating rebellion. Eventually God giving over those people to a debased and corrupt heart and minds.

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And to that end, The Bible, the inspired word of God, tells us just what is good and moral, and what brings destruction. It is simple really, but people don't want it to be so simple. Those of us who have eyes to see and ears to hear, need to live like we believe it. If one doesn't live like they believe it, then I daresay they really don't. They haven't questioned, researched, prayed to understand, or been given tests that put them on their knees to make them "see the light ".

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

If we call them "supreme evil overlords", they only hear "supreme overlord". Saying they successfully executed a master conspiracy will be taken as a compliment. As in Hollywood, there is no such thing as bad or good publicity, there is only publicity.

I agree, our only path is ridicule and irrelevance, at least for the figureheads. Dismantling the massive bureaucracies is going to be much more difficult. I believe it will take very strong leaders to cut their funding. Or, worst case, a financial collapse of some sort to do the same.

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The financial collapse is ready and soon to be served.

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What it will take is decades of effort, just like the decades of effort it took to build. And it starts with local school boards.

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Absolutely, this all started in higher education back in the 60's.

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It started way before that. The 60s are when they came out of their hole.

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Agree! I have written extensively on this topic. Starting in those 1960s. But only recently have I been able to do so without hiding my tinfoil hat.

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Yes. Our local school board seriously angered parents with their draconian masking and injection rules and their arrogant refusal to discuss them with parents. Especially when they were filmed shopping and dining out without masks themselves. So there are more challengers than ever for the upcoming school board election, but money is pouring in from wealthy donors both in and out of the area to support the incumbents. The leftists know how important their control of the schools is to keeping them in power.

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This is a great point.

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nah it's still bad overall if you're the boss to hear your employee say your a stupid evil fuckwit. we can afford to be honest and characterize them accurately

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The only way to stop the Administrative State/Permanent Bureaucracy/Blob is to turn off the money spigot. Fiat currency confers unlimited resources to grow the state, through printing money, at the cost of inflation. A cost borne by everyone else. Gold Standard or Bitcoin, it matters not, so long as fiat money ends. It is no coincidence the blob started growing with the suspension of the Gold Standard in the First World War.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have been thinking about this for a very long time. From my observations over many decades if you have tp attribute either sinister/evil or stupid/incompetent to public officials, you will almost alway be right choosing stupid/incompetent.

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Honestly, I think more evil was displayed by the average person many of who appeared to relish their role as mask-enforcer or anti-vax shamer. I expect politicians to possess some sense of narcissism/self-interest but I was not prepared for people in my family and in my neighborhood to embrace cruelty with such fervor.

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I see how Hitler was able to perpetrate his evilness, now. Before I wouldn’t have believed it.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

perhaps this is why communists chose to use snitches to rat out those who refused to comply. Sure Hitler regime had no shortage of deviant concentration camp wardens and enforcers. Thus the Milner and Stanford Prison sociological experiments proved out that humanity is easily capable of committing immense evil. Thus the term useful idiots.

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The larger number of stupid do what the smaller number of sinister want them to. It’s both.

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I read a sales book once that essentially said a small percentage of people would cheat you through deliberate malfeasance; the vast majority who screwed you would do so through their incompetence.

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unfortunately there does exist a class of manipulators who don't care at all about being thought stupid, in fact in many circumstances it's the best they can hope for. They'd love you to believe for example that Iraq ended up in ruins rather than as a large functional country full of people who hate us because incompetence

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Why does it have to be an either/or? It can be both at the same time, and usually is.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Then you believe that the world changes by a kind of osmosis?

That it is not steered? I agree that viewing historical events as sole responsibility of 'evil' personalities like a Hitler or Mussolini is facile but do we not endlessly credit Hitler with almost omnipotent power? Isn't WW2 the story of how one single man - Hitler- had such charisma that he pulled the world into war?

Thinking aloud - just reacting to your well thought out piece that in many respects I agree with yet I cannot believe the events of the last three years were not premeditated either.

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This will be an unpopular view, but many aspects of German aggression after 1939 are actually predicted by the geopolitical situation of the era. This is why, for example, ruinous measures like Versailles were imposed on Germany after WWI – the victors recognised that Germany was a rising major power in Europe and that aggressive expansion was in its interests regardless of specific leadership.

I don't think it's as undirected as osmosis. I talked about 'punctuated emergence' in a prior post, to suggest that specific plots or policies or whatever *do* matter, if they're taken up by the broader system. But then it's the systemic effects which take over in driving that policy, which is then beyond the capacity of individuals to steer or direct, because tens of thousands of people are involved in its implementation.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I will take a look at prior posts as maybe missed that one.

I would far rather subscribe to your view as I'm extremely uneasy seeing friends & family now chronically sick when they were previously healthy. I hope to God it was not intentional.


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Have you heard of Asimov's concept of 'psychohistory'? It's the idea that mass movements of people can be predicted mathematically and therefore influenced. It only works on a mass scale so individuals cannot be assessed using it. From the 'Foundation' series of books which I also suggested for the book club.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

It’s interesting to me that ordinary Germans had no idea they were losing WWI until it happened. What a mind fuck that had to be!

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Those who credit Hitler that way are in a sense mesmerized by what they see as Evil's dark glory--something of such wicked magnificence that it can't be comprehended. It's real, real comprehendable if you try.

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I suggest you read "Defying Hitler: A Memoir" by Sebastian Haffner. It's a re-telling of the lived experience of an "awake" German in Germany in the years leading up to WW2. It reveals how much of the public played a part in bringing Hitler to power. The parallels between then and the COVID hysteria are also numerous. Hitler got his power because the public acquiesced to it, not because Hitler snatched it from them. It's a fascinating read and will provide significant depth to the simplistic black-and-white rear-view-mirror view of that period in Germany.

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"This is not peace. This is an armistice for 20 years."

-- Marshal Foch, Supreme Allied Commander WWI, on Versailles

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I vote for ridicule & mockery, particularly in the case of Anthony Fauci.

I've said throughout the pandemic that his motivation was fame and heroics. He wanted to be revered--not unlike Dr. Salk. Fauci wanted to win a Nobel Prize.

Fauci is an egomaniac. So, to mock him, disgrace him, to characterize him as an International Quack is grand punishment.

Sure we can talk about requiring him to forfeit his hefty government pension, but I fantasize about the opening of his obituary: "Anthony Fauci, the disgraced former director of the National Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases, died today after spending the remainder of his life alone at an undisclosed location..."

He will never be able to rehabilitate his reputation.

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I agree with you that Dr. Falsie should be a butt of ridicule. But I disagree that he would be affected at anything less than massive public displays of contempt. Falsie, like many of the other narcissistic sociopaths who head up too many of our bureaucracies, are immune to occasional jibes from people they consider to be part of the 'tin hat brigade'.

These psychopaths simply dismiss opinions, and people, that do not agree with their views. We are of absolutely no consequence to them.

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And we should make them no consequence to us as well. Simply do not comply, with any of it.

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"Anthony Fauci, the disgraced former director of the National Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases, died today..."

I smile at this statement alone knowing his ultimate destination for eternity.

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like this 'they are surrounded by sycophants'. this helps explains a lot of the lockstep surrounding them.

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For those of you not fortunate enough to live on the same sceptr'd isle as I, Hancock went on a TV programme called 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here'. It's a modern version of Bedlam (the mental hospital where Victorian visitors could pay to mock the unwell) but this time the inmates are volunteers. For money and a chance at some crumbs of fame various idiots debase themselves in the Australian jungle, sleeping in hammocks and cooking over open fires whilst watched by cameras.

The public vote for the 'contestants' to carry out various tasks for which they are rewarded with food rations for themselves and their campmates. These are invariably humiliating and disgusting, crawling along tunnels or swimming in puddles with insects thrown over them as they go. The most repellent is when they are made to eat revolting things. Hancock was voted for more than anyone else and ended up at the table one night eating a camel's arsehole and a sheep's vagina. In the British Army a 'sheep's cunt' is a particularly aggressive insult and I have a funny feeling that there was an ex-squaddie on the safety or camera crew.

That's who this man *is*. He is desperate to be popular , just like Johnson and as we've seen will do literally anything for it. In many ways we don't have to do the work, they are fools enough by themselves. Satire and clever jokes belong to a different era when the man who shut us all up in our houses and ruined our country will eat filth for money.

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😳 thank you for the context!

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, you are a wise man. I couldn't agree more with you.

If you think about it, the only real conspiracy is the fact that the State has grown from its natural size (5% of the economy?) to over 40%. All that we are discussing over and over in this blog and similar others is just the consequence of that.

What we are doing is financing our enemies with our hard earned money, and they just take advantage of it to repay us with their contempt.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I actually would prefer if they were evil geniuses. At least then I would be able to grudgingly admire and respect the outcomes they engineer.

But this, the Kamalas and Ursulas and Bidens and Buttigegs and Hancocks and so on and so forth, they're just morons. And yet they ascend

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Useful idiots

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The ultimate question is "useful to whom?"

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Yes. sometimes it is not obvious until the second act.

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So mockery, and pointing out logical inconsistencies are the only tools we have left? I've been doing this until I'm blue in the face for the past 3 years and it's got me nowhere. My sanity is still intact, however (I tell myself).

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You’re still a coincidence theorist after all these smoking guns? Just because these people are incompetent and stupid doesn’t mean they aren’t also capable of malicious Malthusian machinations.

Here are a few more smoking guns for you:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

You’ll find more extensive excerpts from documents like the Kissinger Report in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

#MistakesWereNOTMade (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem), eugyppius, and anyone who claims so is building the case for exculpation of the perpetrators.

If you’re afraid of being called a conspiracy theorist, I can assure you the water’s fine over here as we’re batting a thousand thus far:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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I'm not a coincidence theorist at all – I thought I've said pretty much the opposite here, and in my last post on this matter. I'm just not convinced that certain specific theories of conspiracy are parsimonious or supported by evidence.

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Thank you for clarifying, eugyppius, and I apologize if I was too hard on you.

“The pandemic was brought about both by plotting and by human idiocy.”

I agree with you here.

“What I do object to, is the idea that pandemic events were steered, over a period of years, by shadowy globalist conspirators.”

This is the part where I think we diverge. Have you spent time reviewing the evidence trail meticulously gathered by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt?



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I have fairly serious empirical disagreements with both of those posters. If you were able to provide a potted outline of your conception of the pandemic, I’d be happy to respond to it.

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It would be great if you could expand at some point on your disagreements with Latypova and Watt.

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I appreciate that, eugyppius. The 333-word poem I published on New Year’s Day is my most concise encapsulation of my understanding of the pandemic to date (heavily hyperlinked for those who wish to travel down the corresponding rabbit-holes):

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

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I think that people don't necessarily WANT to believe in evil. They want, in general, to believe in "mistakes" and "incompetence." People are dying. Others are disabled. Women are having reproductive health issues. Yet if you go into a pharmacy in the US today, you can easily get ANOTHER C0VID19 poison death shot.

To me, the fact that they haven't stopped this charade knowing that there are horrific side effects and death says to me that this is evil. Not incompetent.

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your informational world, and their informational world, are two very different things.

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Absolutely correct, shibumi. Even if there weren’t premeditation involved, the failure to follow previously established protocols for pulling a product from the market the instant correlation with harm is demonstrated is yet further evidence of malice.

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"the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist."

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You wrote: Schwab is "an out-of-touch intellectual mediocrity" , denying any potential long-conceived 'plan' on his (or his acolytes) part to effect fundamental change in our societies - and yet, how would you describe his uncanny 'ability' (apparently without connivance or collusion) to have placed so many of 'his people' in positions of leadership across the world in order to bring about his desired societal changes? IMO one can easily substitute the word 'plan' here for 'conspiracy' - if you know the definition of the word. In any case, to achieve what Schwab has so far managed on the world stage can hardly qualify the term 'mediocrity'.

Moreover, when all the major banks, financial institutions (IMF, WB, BIS etc.) mandate CBCDs, I doubt that mocking them is going to give anyone access to their accounts if they don't meet the banks' criteria and from what we've seen so far, I doubt governments are going to stand in opposition to the banking fraternity.

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schwab doesn’t place anybody anywhere. he eagerly affiliates himself with people who are already important and already in power. this is routinely misunderstood - for example, the young global leaders are named after they win elections, become prominent for other reasons, whatever.

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That’s an interesting point, eugyppius, and it aligns with Tulsi Gabbard’s claims that she was listed on the WEF website without her approval (https://tulsi.substack.com/p/why-im-leaving-the-democratic-party/comment/9657480).

I agree with your assessment of Klaus and called him a “mediocre-villain” in my letter to him (which also includes a reference to your “Terrifying Vacuity of Klaus Schwab” article):

• “Letter to Klaus Schwab” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-klaus-schwab)

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Guess we could fall back on 1984 and use the slogans War is peace, slavery is freedom etc. etc., but why attempt to sugar coat. Not only is a spade a spade it is a shovel.

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You are spot on here, especially with your practical reason. 100% agree.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I agree with your prescription, Eugyppius, but I question your theology:

"Consider that, in Christianity, evil is generally personified in the figure of the devil. This effectively removes the locus of evil to the supernatural realm, beyond the sphere of human activity."

That is not what Christianity teaches. Men have free will, and can thus choose to do evil. Or be evil.

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i mean only that humans don’t personify evil; there is a larger theory of evil that extends beyond the human realm

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The term may be messy and overloaded but there are certainly people who exemplify the most extreme and deliberate kind of evil, and bear no resemblance to the majority of humankind. Aren't they proofs by example of the validity of the secular concept of evil as generally understood?

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