Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Really disappointed that he didn’t mention how much you would have to water those plants daily to get up the 300 -400 kilograms ,once you planted the seeds.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The very notion of planting C4 seeds is absurd. Everyone in the black ops community knows they used vineyard fresh detcord instead. It's the green option, y'know.

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The grafting is tricky but if you are patient....

Wrong wrong wrong!!! It can not be done from a hospital bed!!!!!

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Well done.

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It's all automated these days, they grow explosives hydroponically.

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I would not rule out the possibility ,that a walruss thought the pipes where German sausages ,and took a bite out of them .

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Manatees. It was manatees.


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What is a manatees ?Is it a new form of whyrusses ? Next time put face masks on your pipes .

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Hey! I'm not that stupid. The plants grow underwater so Nature gives them all the water they need. 🤡 Seriously, no idea if Hersh's "scoop" is true or not, but from the outset when the news of the blasts on the pipelines, you would have to live in a turnip patch to believe it was anyone else besides US/NATO who did the dirty deed.

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I, also, cannot comment on the accuracy of Hersh's scoop. All I know is what I read and I take it all with a grain of salt.

However. One of the best of the Sherlock Holmes stories is "The Adventure of Silver Blaze". The clue was the dog that didn't bark. IMO, it was known by those whose business it is to know who was responsible within days, if not before. But, the dog still isn't barking.

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And the risk of jail time, if those plants were, let's say, coca or opium poppies. The Biden family would never take such a risk...

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Lets not make fun of this .Planting plants around pipes on the see floor is hard enough .

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As well as the unfriendly environment due to salinity and temperature.

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I don't normally judge people by their appearance, but I'm willing to make an exception in Pascal's case.

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Is there a “progressive male feminist” (I assume those 2 are PMFs) factory that churns out this product? Maybe we really are in a simulation and Skynet is glitching.

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Be careful—you may be misgendering them.

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That would be a travesty

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Or even a transvesty?

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We in Canada suffer under the worst progressive male feminist of them all, Justin Trudeau.

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Remember what I said about misgendering ;-)

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Last night I saw Trudeau talk on Tee Vee ,every word a mega lie

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I forced myself to watch a video of him 'splaining the Emergency Use Act Report decision. I had to open another tab so I didn't actually see him. Listening to his ah's and umm's was hard enough.

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Trudeau even misspells his ah's ,His ah's is spelled ass .He has two asses ,one on top and one on the bottom .

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too funny and too true!

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I always prefer the spelling 'Turdeau'. (It's the scratch'n'sniff version.)

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Soy bugmen are the most predictable court eunuchs https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-spot-a-soy-bugman-part-2

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😹 Looks like Pascal would fit right into your bugs' gallery.

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While on the subject of viruses.

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Insect eating is the future for us .Many of the whyruss models we see on T.V. look yammy ,they can be made into appetizers ,like insects

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The photo alone should put him on every law enforcement watch list.

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Well, maybe in the old days.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Stereotypes exist for good reason.

This guy should be restricted to producing latte art with non-dairy "milks"

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We call 'em Dork Knobs.

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or 'too cheap/lazy to get a haircut' nuts.

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They're a 'no go' in my new edition of The Man Rules.

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I'm ok with Youtube chefs wearing man buns. Joshua Weissman and his man bun making "Chik fil a sandwiches at home...but better" Keeps the hair out of the food

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But, does it also keep out the dandruff?

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Lol I like his YouTubes and I don’t really know why

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It's entirely possible that Pascal's embarrassment in this instance was caused by his manbun being a few turns too tight on the day in question.

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Unless your name is Toshiro Mifune - do not get a man bun.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

🤣“...both digits of his IQ” 😂

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Double digits might be over generous.

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He's got a room temperature IQ. On the Celsius scale.

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And a really cold room at that.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

That might be generous!

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YES! Yet another Eugy master-stroke! 😆

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I really like the people who suggested “00” too 😜

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deletedFeb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius
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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

00 😂

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Journalists are now selected not just for stupidity, but a specific type of stupidity that always faces left.

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Taibbi on Rogan recently talked about how the industry punishes and pushes out people that don't understand how journalism works. The narrative is all that matters. And people willing to promote the narrative despite all facts to the contrary keep their job and get promotions.

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Taibbi's book Hate, Inc. is an excellent overview of what's happened to journalism. Even though it stops pre-Covid, it perfectly predicts and explains what happened during Covid.

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So they really punish people who are ACTUAL journalists.

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Kinda like they punish actual scientists while promoting practitioners of scientism.

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It's why Julian Assange has spent 4 years tortured in Belmarsh Prison UK's GITMO despite never tried or convicted of any crime but exposing US war crimes.

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Yup. And domesticated obedience

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Thanks man, this brightened my day. What's that Voltaire quote? "Lord, make my enemies ridiculous?"

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Dude, stop. I can only laugh out loud so often at work.

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Thank God they didn't carpet bomb the area.

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It’s so hard to unroll carpet underwater!

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What if it had been a shag carpet. Think of the children!!!!

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Somebody would mistake the shag for seaweed and die of food poisoning.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Appreciate the fact that you are, it seems, a native German speaker yet able to read, write and moderate this blog in English better than many (most?) college-educated Americans.

Keep up the good work!

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1963: American Council of Teachers of English made the determination that 'grammar need no longer be taught' (I came upon this nugget this while doing a project for an English as 2nd Language Cert. course)--I was in 8th grade at that time, so it didn't affect me.

Thus you can see that two generations later, those teaching English do not KNOW English. I witnessed this as a middle school Latin teacher--unless my incoming 8th graders had come from one particular English teacher's (oops--sorry! not "English" but ELA--English Language Arts) care, I was the one having to teach them English grammar so that they could grasp Latin grammar.

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Love your Latin name! My daughters attended a classical Christian school where Latin was required. :) Your comments about grammar are on-point. When I was in high school in the 80's, grammar still mattered. We even diagrammed sentences! Remember that? Today's generation couldn't even define "diagram," let alone, conjugate a verb. Or confuse a verb for a noun, as the case may be. Thank you for your comment...I feel less alone in the world. :)

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Thanks so much for grasping my choice of name! One of my daughters is teaching Latin at a Classical Christian academy in Toronto. I started teaching Latin in '74, but had never even heard of Classical Christian before 2001, when eldest daughter's classmate was headed off to teach the trivium at a CC school.

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Ah, yes, the Trivium...grammar, logic, & rhetoric. Love it! :)

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My favorite teacher in high school was my Latin one; under her tutelage for all 4 yrs. I learned more than the Latin language. Required reading; Iliad, Odyssey, & Aeneid.

History of Roman & Greek world. But fun too. Winnie Ille Pooh. Christmas Carols in Latin. Latin studies enrich one’s education; lack of it ....

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I heard recently that a relative's children are no longer being taught spelling. Because having your spelling corrected would be damaging to your self-esteem, dontcha know.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

I think you're right....spelling isn't taught. Also, kids just don't read much, and a lot of reading is another place you learn spelling. When I was a kid in school, we had weekly lists of words to learn and we had spelling tests on them. Any time you spelled a word wrong on an essay or test or virtually anything you turned in to the teacher, it got noted in red and you had to correct it. TV was not watched so much, either. No 24/7 programming, and kids read books instead of watching TV, videos, and who knows what on their phones. They have become increasingly illiterate as a result.

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Being as old as dirt myself, I agree completely. As a child I thought the weekly spelling list was simply a fact of nature.

Thankfully I was pretty good at it, thereby avoiding profound psychological trauma from being corrected.

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it also raciss. check it out, yo!

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It's really getting bad of late. The informal (and therefore grammatically atrocious) writing that people tend to use on the internet has bled over into all kinds of formal writing. Sentence fragments, dropping the subject, you name it; not to mention terrible punctuation. And of course the adoption of so much street slang into formal communication. Our language is degrading at a fast pace.

One type of error I've seen increasingly over the last several years is that people are basically using periods where they should be using commas. You end up with these odd sentence fragments that read quite awkwardly, of course. It annoys the hell out of me.

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My own 'worst' is the misuse of pronoun case. Perhaps second is the misuse of 'may' and 'might'.

Incorrect use of pronouns is, in my opinion, also a class marker--anyone with aspirations should be very, very careful here lest his words become the gun shooting him in the foot.

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then and than.

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My pet peeve are those sound-alike words that so many people get wrong.

Like "You get what you sew(sow)" , etc.

I was one of the last to go through an old school office/secretarial program a couple of years back. Our Business English teacher drilled down on grammmar and made us write 50 sentences a week using the 'sound alikes' in their proper sense.

I don't think they have that class anymore, the 'secretarial' stuff got subsumed into the business program which is geared toward creating middle level marketing people. Why learn such niceties when MS word is looking out for you and/or you've got some old fossil of a typist to correct your work?

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As a fan of mangled clichés, I'd like to point out that it's; "You reap what you sow". "Tow" the line vs "toe "the line is one that I've seen otherwise very intelligent people use... ;-)

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Yes, we could go on and on and on. Reading literature from a hundred years ago is almost like reading a foreign language at times.

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Apparently no one learns participle forms any more. I have repeatedly heard this kind of speech from EDUCATED people as well as from the less educated: "I have went", "They have knew that", etc. No one can pronounce "nuclear" properly...almost no one! So very many people don't appear to know the difference between "affect" and "effect". They can't properly use "its" and "it's", "they're" and "their". The list is oh so long, sad to say. I initially got worried when I saw what was going on with all the abbreviations for texting. However, I don't think grammar has been taught for rather a long time now. I'm coming from a school generation (1960s and 1970s) that was taught a LOT of grammar with sentence diagramming and all that. If you made grammatical errors on anything you wrote in school, your paper would have red pen on it noting the errors to be corrected. I suspect that teachers no longer do this as they don't want to hurt the feelings of the students.

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I teach college and graduate school (master's and doctorate). I have stories of grammar and usage atrocities that are not to be believed. Quite painful. And this apart from the inability to present logical thinking and well-supported assertions. It's beyond sad; quite tragic, actually. (And let's not forget cheating from paid-for paper-writing mills.)

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Yes, I was in about 10th grade then, diagramming sentences and writing essays. Spent much of my engineering career writing (and rewriting everyone else's) proposals and technical documents, after I was out of the design/code business.

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Husband is research physicist, spends huge amounts of time writing proposals and is so appreciative of having gone to Amherst where writing was ...all the time!

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Funny--I detested and didn't understand English grammar---and diagramming---then began Latin and fell in love with grammar.

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you must be young like me :) yes, the nuns had us diagraming sentences almost as much as singing church songs. then the Christian Bros put me thru 2 yrs of Latin. painful at the time. invaluable thereafter.

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I had grammar in seventh or eighth grade. I loved it. I think that was because of our textbook, which I think was experimental at the time, about a Venusian alien who was spying on earthlings to learn their language. That may have been what made me a lifelong science-fiction fan too.

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Please don't make us do complicated wording .Knowing WOKE is hard enough . Now new babies are born with black and white stripes like zebras .It's more racist friendly .

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How utterly stupid. these guys must smoke a lot of plants.

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It's clearly not a "translation error" when they opine endlessly on the likely construction of C4 expolives shaped like underwater flora.

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Yes, their excuses are as lame as their original rant.

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I know. It is pretty funny. Some people just write bs they honestly know nothing about.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So numpty ‘bun head’ thought that Hersh was saying that the explosives were disguised as plants so that if someone happened to be swimming by (as you do) they would therefore not notice them? Presumably the team that prepared the explosives charge would have been asked by their supervisor to take a look at a photo of the typical seaweed from the area and asked to mold the explosives (and paint it the right colour) to a simulacrum. Can you imagine the look on the navy divers faces when briefed on the requirement to swim around at great depth in murky freezing waters with a load of 20 foot long artificial seaweed .LoL 🤣

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius


They dedicated 4 paragraphs debunking the theory of “explosives shaped like plants”, with citations from an explosives professor, no less. That is so rich that I’m still grinning as I type this.

It is a useful reminder, however, that the vast majority of “journalists” are vapid morons without a stitch of self-awareness, humility, or common sense. And they dead set on regularly demonstrating it.

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The perfect citizen for WEF Utopia.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This is why I tell my daughter that she can't rely on Google translate for homework. Or, really, anything.

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As the kids say these days, I just can't.

I suppose it might be fun to visit the world these guys live in, just to experience alternative reality on the cheap, but the costs in recalibrating our heads afterwards would, I think, be too much to risk for a little hilarity. I salute you for dipping your toes in this far. Wish I could send you those brownies as a restrorative.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by eugyppius

He also missed the obvious "And we all know photosynthesis cannot occur inside of concrete protective covers."

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That they blamed their lack of cognitive reading abilities on a “translation” error makes it even more ridiculous! They flat out read the article Hersh wrote wrong absolutely mistaking a verb for a noun in their own heads so it was not sone translation error from a computer or German to American language, etc. These two are just dumbasses that should not be allowed anywhere near reporting on any serious issues in our society!

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Tripped by delusions of their own competence. At least if I was trying to write a counterpoint to something I read in with very rusty high school German, I'd *know* to double check anything that seemed that retarded with a native speaker. These two, and the editor, just sailed straight past that by thinking they had some idea what they were doing.

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"These two are just dumbasses that should not be allowed anywhere near reporting on any serious issues in our society!"

Correction. These two are just dumbasses that should not be allowed anywhere in our society!

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They were given the "job" for political reasons, and their competence and writing ability were irrelevant to getting the job. However, they can now call themselves journalists by virtue of the fact that they have the job. I would argue that "journalism" has taken on a whole new and unintended meaning...for me, at least. A negative meaning.

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World's largest circle jerk

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