Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I remember playgrounds all taped off with loads of that yellow caution tape all over the equipment. Pure stupidity.

At what point does stupidity become criminal? It was about control, they wanted to see just how much they could get away with. Next time they try it we must give them a huge surprise.

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I’m glad you brought this example forward. Our neighborhood continuously removed the tape around the public playground multiple times (almost daily) only to have it replaced again and again. So what did the Einsteins do??? They physically removed the playground equipment. ALL OF IT! They even filled the local skate board park with sand. Thankfully, the new playground equipment is being installed as we speak. ( bigger and better) Another example of the insane stupidity and power hungry imbeciles at work.

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I know a (then) captain in the Army who removed the police tape and let her 3-year-old son slide down the sliding board. She filmed this "protest" and put the clip on social media. She was arrested (charges later dropped) and effectively run out of the Army (she later got into trouble for attending the January 6 protest in D.C. as a private citizen).

So her big offenses were letting her son play on a public playground and attending a protest rally.

They are purging all the independent-thinking officers and enlisted personnel from the military.

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And they're wondering why recruitment numbers are so low.

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Standard Bolshevist tactics Bill. Same as 100 years ago when the **rld **wish **ngress declared Russia a 'region for social experiments'.

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And what of the remaining military members? The ones that the clot shots were forced on. Will they even be alive 2 or 3 years from now?

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And that is why the non-compliance culture needs to work on rescuing incarcerated people too. If the threat of arrest can no longer work then the crooks of the state no longer have any means of escalation when people rightfully defy treasonous diktats.

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I live next to a public park that became in June 2020 a venue for an al fresco book club. Picture this, please:

On a bright, sunny day, with a warm gentle breeze of fresh air, there were eight masked adults, sitting in lawn chairs arranged 6 feet apart in a circle, yelling at each other so they could conduct a discussion of whatever book they were reading.

Lunacy is a growth industry.

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I think it's not so surprising this happened early days in. I felt a little aggravated when I saw some neighbors, back in those days, playing croquet together outside when them famous experts of ours were still warning us not to take in the mail until it had detoxed itself for a few days left alone on the doorstep. Now I am sorry for my foolishness.

Note that I am fully unvaxxed. There was stuff I was willing to give the benefit of caution to, and the stuff I knew in my bones would be a very very bad idea to accede to.

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I will NEVER believe that fresh air & sunshine is in any way harmful to healthy people.

When the bureaucrats told us to stay inside--yes! in the summer of 2020--that was the moment that I decided they're full of shit.

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Under the new definition of 'vaccine', fresh air and yoghurt is also a vaccine.

I tell people "I'm vaccinated against covid" because under their bullshit definition it's true.

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Whisky and tequila count too.

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Yes, yes, yes! so well said.

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The evil doers wanted Vitamin D levels to drop to a dangerous level.

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They certainly did not WANT us to know about Vitamin D.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

I'm crediting Dr Joe Mercola for advising very early on about vitamin D. He even has a published paper on the relationship between viral infection rates and vitamin D levels. I started taking it straight away; when I finally caught covid 16 months later, my illness was very mild.

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No, the morons always discount basic common sense and nutrition.

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I knew it was lunacy the moment I saw Chinese officials in hazmat suits dragging people off to get tested in January 2020. Then we followed closely, though not completely in their footsteps.

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I agree.

But the powers that be have a problem with sunshine. It's next on their hit list.


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It wasn't fresh air and sunshine I was concerned about.

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Mom and I are unvaxxed but I went through a brief phase of spraying Lysol on my mother's mail. I had an attack of the "what ifs" as she was 84 at the time with CHF. After a couple of weeks I decided it was stupid and a waste of time and quit. Besides, I know better!!

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"Lysol contains sodium hypochlorite, which can damage your lungs and have devastating long-term health effects. You may not necessarily notice the effects right away, but over time it can detrimentally impact your lung function. The AOEC warns that Lysol also contains chemicals such as ethanol-amine, ammonium hydroxide and eugenol that are listed as known asthmagens, or substances that can worsen lung function in sensitive individuals who have asthma or other respiratory ailments. If you are asthmatic and use Lysol, always take caution by wearing a respirator to filter out harmful substances. If you do continue using Lysol, take safety precautions such as wearing gloves, goggles, and a respirator, and immediately wash any exposed skin. It is also important to store Lysol products in a cool, dry place, out of reach of pets and small children. Lysol contains 5-6 % p -Chloro-o-benzylphenol, or, to put it in simple English a type of phenol used as antiseptic. This is what makes Lysol so dangerous to both humans and pets"

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I had no idea! That was what we always used as far back as I can remember! Mom and I both have asthma. My very small consolation is that the Lysol use happened in the garage and nowhere near my mother (who is now 86!).

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para-Chloro-ortho-benzylphenol reacts with chlorine bleach to form products (actually ortho-hydroxy) so-called "environmental protection specialists" can't tell from PCB, so they panic. Not recommending making or ingesting them, however.

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It's reasonable to be cautious about New Plagues. The problem was all them Morons of Bureaucracy [newly-patented collective noun] ignoring all the well-established protocols well-demonstrated to be sensible from dealing with all the old ones.

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There's an ancient Smothers Brothers routine in which a brother states that there are rich people who have more clothes on and the poor people who have less on. When his brother asked him who runs the country, he replied, "The morons." Your noun reminded me.

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The uncoerced admission to thinking such foolishness is a rare occurrence these days. There's wisdom in that admission. There's a big difference between voluntary introspection and forced self-criticism.

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I got my faults but being a faker ain't one of 'em.

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S.C.A. wILL THE NEXT SCAM-DEMIC bring out the old habits in you .?

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All my habits are new and improved.

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...leaving the Amazon boxes in the garage or back porch for a couple of days.

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😂 I disinfected light switches for a while...

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To be fair, the tiny gap between switch and plate can get very grimy over time. Same as with keyboard and remotes.

But they aren't health hazards - our skinsuits are very good at keeping nasty stiff out. To quote our old vet when the birdflu was the big scare:

"Don't pick up dead birds you fid outside, or lick them or eat them or let the dog roll around in them and you're fine!"

A vet of the old school. Wish he was around, I'd ask him to fix my teeth because he was a better dentist than many strictly human such.

Sorry, was there a topic?

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Ah. You haven't perfected the forearm or elbow technique!

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I disinfect with Schnaps ,but now lately with vodka .

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To be sure that's not the sort of thing I did--and when it came to groceries, in the normal scheme of things I tend to clean off glass jars etc. that are going into my nice clean pantry. It's not Plague but the grubbiness of ordinary life that I dislike bringing into my untidy but unpoxy home.

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Those got sprayed with Lysol, too.

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What made you think those "experts" were credible even back then?

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"...when them famous experts of ours were still warning us not to take in the mail until it had detoxed itself for a few days left alone on the doorstep...."

Note I was not concerned about my utility bill killing me. Caution does not imply full faith and credit.

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I'm starting to move away from the idea that people lack critical thinking skills. Now it's more like they entirely lack the ability to THINK, period.

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Alas, they're allowed to vote & drive cars.

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And many STILL do both alone--and masked. We are surrounded by clueless sheeple. I've had to shift my thinking to just laughing at it. You cannot convince the willfully ignorant, nor do they care to understand.

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Very often we see groups of politicianos all masked up .The one going to the microphone takes off the snot poach to unload toxic hot air ,knowing it will kill any whyrusses near by .

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I do when the wind is from the south (pollen-laden - west better; no pollen mask needed).

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And breed 🙄

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Realizing thusly the goal of our so-called "education" system. Schools have have long since ceased to 'teach'. Old fashioned 'subjects' - like history, geography, civics, or economics have been eliminated from curricula; and replaced by "equity" and "gender studies" programs. In many school districts, fundamental literacy and numeracy are no longer graduation requirements. Of course "people lack critical thinking skills". Critical thinking is a punishable offense.

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There is no need to learn how to count money ,when you plan to spend a lifetime shoplifting .

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Or when you have an unlimited license to steal.

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That doesn't reliably obtain illegal drugs.

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That's old! Real economics went out no later than Keynes and FDR. Actual civics probably much sooner. I had gender studies; the rest of grammar (if ineptly taught - got it more or less right at the Language Training Mission), too!

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Hivemind will do it again if there's a rewind. And again. Again.

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Book club day at the asylum?

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"Lunacy is a growth industry." We're seeing it grow into every crevice of society, especially in the realm of "gender diversity" and the scam of catastrophic climate change.

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It would be a good joke if it weren't true!

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Now that you mention it....

Someday someone will make a movie about The Great Pandemic, this could be a scene in it. The audience will think it's a joke.

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That's for sure, most likely people will just laugh and not betray this value.

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In a movie like that ,will they have to redo all the injections again .?

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Those idiots need to be named and shamed- it’s the only way to hound them out- the heckling and mockery cannot stop.

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A little disturbing, though, that the free people in the most powerful democracy on earth thereby confessed that their only recourse to government abuse and overstep was guerilla tactics, which failed.

It's not them--it's us. We didn't demand so they didn't have to give.

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Yep, and your taxes paid for the removal of the old equipment, the sand, the removal of the sand, and the installation of the far more expensive equipment, the last of which you're supposed to be grateful for.

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I was putting up stickers and someone was taking them down

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I still write "THE VAXX IS POISON" in chalk where lots of people go by.

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We have community library boxes all over my town and some assholes covered them, nailed them shut, removed the books…calling these people dumb is too nice.

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I was no longer allowed to leave my magazines at the VA hospital...guess they thought they contained cooties.

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My dentist's waiting room has no magazines and two chairs--one on opposite sides of the room. (There were eight chairs pre-covid.)

They stopped the mask requirement only two months ago. .

The supermarket staff tells me the in-store salad bar is a thing of the past b/c customers objected to touching the "unsanitary" tongs.

It goes on and on.

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Catch them and file criminal vandalism complaints against them. Or surreptitiously follow them and puncture their tires.

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And when this happens again, which it will....most likely very soon, and they show up again to remove the new playground equipment, 100 citizens need to show up, and prevent them from removing it.

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So it may be a good idea to stock up on gorilla glue ,to fasten things down ,just before the next plague .The currant plague is still in force and if they start a new plague ,than we have two plagues at the same time .The permanent plague is the plague called the state .

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“They physically removed the playground equipment. ALL OF IT!”

What the ABSOLUTE FVCK. WOW. UNBELIEVABLE. 😱 Soulless zombie cvnts!!

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They closed down our neighborhood pool and they spray foamed all the equipment at the playground.

We left for Florida after that.

I took pictures to make sure nobody would think I was making it up.

All of this will be relics of shame 10 years from now.

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I will never forget that here in the People's Republic of Bitchmer (Michigan), the paint section of the local Home Depot was taped off, because you know ? Science !! But, I ordered some stain that was delivered to that same store for free (it was an upcharge to have it home delivered). That's super sciency. Just wish I had taken pictures like you to document the stupidity.

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It's really disgusting if you think about it

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One could fall from on depression into another . Sometime I think the blind are the lucky ones

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This was criminal, but not because it was stupidity. It was criminal because of bad intent and conspiracy evident in comments like "When do we deploy the new variant".

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I think there is actually a level of stupidity which is criminal when combined with government power.

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Absolutely. And usually cloaked in 3-letter acronyms.

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The criminal virus comedy is getting more goofy ,by the day .I can only manage now to make nothing but goofy comments .

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Yes -- criminal.

How are we to evaluate the intentionality and intensity of actively blocking prevention and treatment?

The applicability of ivermectin to very successfully treating viruses very similar to covid has been known for a very long time.

Covering one's eyes in order to avoid seeing plainly visible facts -- from which the "standard of care" would have been adjusted -- does not absolve one of culpability. Those who set the faulty "standard of care", and those who rigidly followed it, knew or should have known otherwise.

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Yes, it was never mere stupidity.

It was obviously and indisputably an attempt to inject every human on the planet with foreign genes regardless of the consequences, with open and deliberate suppression of all alternative treatments, many of which were known for years to be effective against similar viruses.

Why exactly? This is not merely banal evil.

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Pfizer said the mixing and brewing of the new venom is complete ,so what are we waiting for .? The variants are ready to and want to taste the new Pfizer elixir .

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Was it stupid for Bill Gates to buy 30% of BionTech in September 2019?

Was it stupid to press the public health agencies, including WHO, to block early accessible treatments effectively killing maybe millions but creating the atmosphere of fear?

Was it then stupid to use said public health agencies as proxies to not simply market, but mandate, the injections they (Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna etc) clearly knew were neither safe nor effective. They knew the mRNA goes everywhere, they knew the injections were not stopping transmission, they had adverse event signals very early.

I am not buying it! This was not plain stupidity.

Indeed there were many useful idiots and useful profiteers that were the field solders for Bill Gates and the big pharma mafia. Maybe even ministers like Hancock were just doing it out of stupidity (could also be a limited hangout saving him from a mass murder grade Midazolam revelation), but the real perpetrators were in the know.

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Yes I remember that the tape like it’s a crime scene, danger.

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It's really hard for me not to believe that the rotten imbeciles responsible for closing playgrounds off with caution tape during the Summer(!) of 2020 do not despise children at some level.

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I said to myself from day one, at least a couple thousand times;

Does anyone remember what it was like to be 9 for example.

I would constantly be muttering, have a heart, let the kids be kids.

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In my area people removed that tape very quickly, and our chief of police publicly (in the media) refused to enforce any of the public health garbage.

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"At what point does stupidity become criminal?" Aaaaaahhh, that's the great question of our age. As long as "being morally right is more important than being factually correct", destructive stupidity will continue to run rampant while making excuses for itself.

The West needs to kick its addiction to feminine notions of "niceness" before it can go back to being sane. Being nice in the face of failure is such a nurturing, motherly instinct... but it misses the all-important point that consistently failing is not acceptable. That's not being mean, that's learning to face reality.

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“At what point does stupidity become criminal?” Thank you for putting into words the conundrum I have been experiencing. In the US, we have qualified immunity which makes it impossible for any public officer to face punishment for their stupidity. But we also have a Constitution that is suppose to make it impossible for that last three years to happen. The constitution and the bill of rights failed. How do we keep this from happening again when neither our Constitution or the criminal justice system has a method of punishing people for acting on their stupidity?

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We have elected reps who are the boss for unelected bureaucrats and must protect the Constitutional rights. But they were bribed by the federal and state money to look the other way. Not to mention, many got a nice extended vacation on taxpayer dime.

Our corrupt Board of Supervisors received $$ for no-bid contracts, while they stopped going to the office, didn't hold most meetings but didn't lose their salaries. 20-30% of county employees in 2020 were paid for staying home (not even working from home!). When contacted about the health officer giving crazy "orders", the BOS claimed that they don't supervise the health dept and aren't responsible for what it's doing. Those are lies, they can always fire an incompetent employee. In another county an honest supervisor managed to fire their overreaching health officer.

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deletedMar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023
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That’s news to me. So what is required to actually hold a public official accountable for, as an example, shutting down your business due to what should be an unconstitutional public distancing mandate? Or mandating that assisted living facilities take in people with Covid?

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If only more good peoeple had gone round and cut that tape off, see my other comment on here.

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California just ended its "state of emergency" 3 years later, minus a week. However, Los Angeles has not. That is currently planned for the end of this month, March 2023. The health director, like the WHO director - not medical professionals. This was all about control, fear, and stripping power from the Western nations.

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The Cryptkeeper, also known as the Pubic Health Director, has a PhD in Social Science. Her CV includes no actual STEM courses, and no private sector work. Basically she is a carpet bagger from Puerto Rico that went to UC for a year and flunked out. Then bought her way through three Ivy League degrees and ended up placed as the head of the largest (and best paying) Public Health Agency on the West Coast. Obviously she is a member of the tribe.

Without clout her job would be worth 40k. Now she makes more then Fauci. Makes one go HMMMMM

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Yes, it does. Jennifer Van Laar of RedState exposed her hiring practices, and her daughter's co-authorizing of the study that the CDC used, along with the teaching unions to keep schools closed. IF you missed it, let me know - I'll provide the links, but you should be able to find it with that - IF you don't already know that is. I suspect you do. :D

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Next time we will get a leg iron with a ball and chain

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God made men. Samuel Colt made men equal.

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“Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation” .….yes, they will genetically modify the embryo prior to implantation. I see this happening. So, yes push this agenda…because we can push…transhumanisiam.

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If you know who is behind BIS you find out that the Bolsheviks have been crawling out of their caves and try to revisit the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution.

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Any links you can suggest to find out more about the BIS?

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I used to think that the Masons were a secretive bunch and not such a healthy idea but latterly I’ve met more of them and now have a very different idea. It’s a club for man/boys and it gives them an opportunity to mix with men and play act. Secret society stuff is always played out with children and many of these masons are quite immature. The lodges have different areas of interest. Recent new ones in the UK are about motorcycling, others are about football or rugby, golf. No doubt there will be some lodges with some unhealthy agenda but you can’t tar all Masons with the same brush. Frankly most of them aren’t that bright, just like the rest of society. I’m open to being wrong but I would require more than simply your opinion and you haven’t supplied any hard evidence,

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The great architect is just a catch all for you to substitute your own god. If that’s Lucifer then so be it but it’s not so for most. One of the highest ranks in the lodge is held by a priest or rabbi. That’s from my limited research

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Well, people get really annoyed when you take away their Apocalypse. People primed to see Satan everywhere, with that savage power and black glory, are terribly disappointed when it's just Morons of Bureaucracy.

I always appreciate how you've stayed clear-eyed from the start.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have to agree. Although the WEF are a bunch of assholes, I think they're just opportunist assholes.

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They're just wannabe crowned heads of Europe doing what all those crowned heads always did. No more and no less legitimate. You get people to give you power, you do everything you can to keep it.

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they are the foot soldiers for the crowned heads, there is a hierarchy at WEF

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When will the coronation of Schwab take place ? Right after moron Charlys ?

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"Morons of Bureaucracy" I like it! Is that a new coinage? Perhaps analogous to a 'murder of crows', or 'gaggle of geese'?

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I'll take credit for any words of genius I can. Sometimes I surprise myself with what falls out of my head.

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Now there's imagery I did not need today!

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You suggesting it ain't gardens of delight tumbling onto the carpet?

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Bosch's 'Garden of Earthly Delights'? Oh my!

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I don't think that comment is fair, or it misrepresents a Christian observation on the nature of affairs on Earth. Satan is indeed "everywhere", in that his influence surely is. When the masses fall for social security, welfare statism and the lies of progressivism, I have no doubt Satan lurks underneath, undermining the people so they exchange personal virtue and holiness for safety, security and freedom from accountability.

Yes, the bureaucracy is filled with morons. I've made this point most of my adult life. But they adopt ideologies that come from somewhere. Now, per Hayek, Mises and Rothbard, the incentives in any monopoly are towards its own aggrandizement and power. So we should expect bureaucracies to corrupt over time. But first you have to have the bad ideologies that give rise to the perceived need for this monopoly in the first place! Which sets in motion Satanic ideologies that put aside God, elevate man and his unmoored reason, and justify old-fashioned pagan elite control. Liberalism, or really the Enlightenment, for all of its merits, rested on this crap foundation and today we pay the price.

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Across the ages governments are always attempting to placate the ignorant, unwashed masses with crumbs while they themselves figure out ways to loot the treasury.

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Yup. They spend 600 billion on some pork package and don't even read it, BUT want visibility into anything $600 or more we spent.

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I understand the human impulse to blame outside forces for the ugly side of our own natures, and the ancient writers were exceptional masters of metaphor.

Cults always create mythical enemies. How else to keep one's members from straying?

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Eh, I can see you aren't interested in serious discussion. I expect you couldn't even explain what the "ugly" side of our nature even is or why you call it "ugly", given your apparent adoption of materialism as an ideology. Which begs the question, why are you even here and why do you care about human suffering?

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Why is it that Good Christians always struggle so much with civility?

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Because christianity is at heart totalitarian. One god, one truth, one size fits all and damnation to all dissenters.

Just as it is with fascism, communism, covidism, woke and PC-isms, and islam.

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Like I keep saying--all cults are the same. There's always a holy doctrine and Those Who May Not Be Questioned.

And there's so often a failure of courage of those questioners who can't quite bring themselves to reject the central concept and therefore create little sub-sects to fix the parts they can't quite fully swallow.

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I keep writing comments here off and on ,because a long time from now when someone in history books reads my comments I will be famous .

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Not being religious, in that particular comment I had no problem reading "People primed to see Satan everywhere" as "people primed to see a supervillain everywhere".

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I have no problem with that read. But I think it's a stereotype to some extent. Or rather, it implicitly overstates how many religious espouse the more simplistic "supervillain" worldview. I think it's a distinct minority. We all know the types. They have a lot of good to say and a decent heuristic to distrust the regime, but they don't read and introspect enough and/or just choose to avoid any nuance, sometimes (often?) out of fear and insecurity. So they might latch onto aliens, the Illuminati, etc. But it's a minority, while the comment I think aims at a much broader group.

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Read the convo. "When do we deploy the new variant" It was "creepy conspiracy", not just stupidity. Article headline misrepresented the convo, but at least made it available for readers.

Apocalypse is an unveiling, and this is quite an unveiling.

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Could you get any better validation of proof of concept?!

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As Conrad so aptly pointed out in Heart of Darkness; we are in thrall of a “flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapacious and pitiless folly.”

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Nothing like a great wordsmith, is there? Wonderful quote. A fine way to start the day, having read that now. It fires up the blood, reminding us what we've got to resist here.

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That is an excellent point. I hadnt considered that angle but it makes total sense.

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Morons of Bureaucracy can bring about the apocalypse just as rapidly (perhaps moreso) than the Followers of Satan.

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There won't be such drama to it.

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"who regard the public as dimwitted cattle to be herded in expedient directions". Alas, the truth of this statement is how and why they got away with it.

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Joel, I agree, they got something right!

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Spot on, Joel. You beat me to it with 29 minutes

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Very well said... right on point

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I just made a post at another site that goes to the importance of producing fear in the masses.

This discussion of psychological root causes is fascinating to me. As a layman, my simplistic thought is that fear is the greatest psychological force in our lives. We are afraid of fear and want it to be gone or its levels reduced.

Probably 85 percent of the world population was very afraid of this virus. To alleviate the fear, our rulers said, "listen to us" and "do what we say." One thing they said over and over was "trust your doctors" or "trust the experts."

The behind-the-curtains actors in the Covid response knew from their own research that physicians were the "most trusted" profession in the world. When they got the doctors' associations to endorse their solutions and then said "listen to your doctors" and do what they say, the masses listened ... and their fear of (death) was ameliorated.

I think getting the doctors groups on board was the key plank that explains how the masses ultimately complied. They were looking for anything or anyone that would reduce their deep-seated psychological fear of death (the greatest fear).

I think our rulers, understanding this psychology, made getting the doctors on board Priority 1 of their solution. (Also, censoring those who said we shouldn't be petrified of this virus was also very important).

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The Amish didn't seem to be too afraid of it. But then, they don't have televisions.

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Or "consume" any other media. Perhaps they have something to teach us all!

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They do indeed: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect".

Romans 12:2

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I'd say it's more to do with their faith and a lack of fear of death.

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I read your article earlier. It's good. I'd like to hope that there's no nefarious plan where somehow a perfect storm of incompetence ignorance neglect and several giant, Oops! by those that were entrusted with our safety simply made a mistake.

At this point it's virtually impossible to deny. Look at the spectroscopy of Spike Protein and nanotechnology in billions of formerly healthy people, children with a 99.0007% recovery without the injections many now getting extremely sick and dying. SADS!

Has anyone put a full stop 🛑 to this? How bout a brief respite to gather some real data. Why the mad bullrush to perpetuate unproven safety!?

I don't know how this all precisely unfolded as it did. Some level of Mass Formation or willful blindness or Bonhoeffer's collective stupidity (some phenomenon/a), even fear of admitting "they" are woefully wrong and mistaken they just can't acknowledge, is at work it appears. Excess deaths are up drastically around the world. It can be stopped at the Top. Stopped NOW! Yet here we are.

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Agree with your comment. Most of the commenters so far seem inclined to overlook the nefariousness of the whole scam by concentrating on the apparent "ineptness" of the politicians involved, completely overlooking what appeared to be a growing consensus of a conspiracy of possible global proportions. They are ignoring the WEF's global reach to place their people at the head of governments and throughout cabinets and civil service worldwide. Are all these people also inept and bungling, just feeling their way? Or are they following a directive to try to bring about a situation in line with the WEF's aims, and the hapless British government is perhaps an exception?

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I find it very hard to buy the ineptitude hypothesis. If it were indeed just ineptitude, it would be so gross that it would be criminal. After all, as my granny used to say - most governments couldn’t organise a ´piss-up in a brewery’.

The quite obvious harms of lockdowns and the insanity of these injections that have been going on about 2 years too long (Dr. Peter McCullough states that there was a safety signals easily by April 2021) simply cannot be down to incompetence. The psychological behavioural manipulation of the U.K. population was wilful and it’s effects will never leave some people.

I do not think that Blair, Schwab, Fauci etc. are incompetent and I do not believe that governments were acting without instructions from above - I can only concede that they were maybe incompetent in carrying out those orders

My fear is that by putting this down to incompetence that the real evil behind this gets overlooked and that those involved are not sufficiently dealt with and that a strong enough message that this behaviour will not be tolerated in the future is not sent.

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You see Daniel ,that's what a well thought out extermination plan/program looks like ..The demons are not stupid ,they are mostly more intelligent than the sheep they lead to slaughter . Sure money is always part of it ,but they have so much money it's no object .What they cant stand is that someone besides them has the nerve to occupy so much of the planet ,that belongs to them .The useless eaters are a huge annoyance ,seeing them as tress passers on land that is contaminated by creatures unworthy of life ,like locusts . Put yourself in the mindset of a Hitler if you can .He found it unbearable that something like a Jew could occupy land and space on land next to him or even any place on earth .We come to understand the masterminds better if we compare our self to Jews and the self chosen ones to the mindset of a Hitler .

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AOC said it was bc of farts before she maid $29M as a congresswoman/ person

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Well Daniel ,it seems I still have lots to learn, because I don't understand your comment . Joe

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Much like sheep, human beings do tend to lean towards being herd animals.

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“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision”

I’d rather argue against 100 idiots, than have one agree with me”

Winston Churchill

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Yeah, the fact that they were only afraid of the virus because they had been lied to is a critical part of the play.

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Bill, I agree that "trust the experts" has been a key component of this relentless, "Be afraid. Be VERY afraid!" campaign that has been so vigorously pursued for the last three years. But I also believe that there is another angle.

Rulers, and would-be rulers, throughout history have frequently deployed old fashioned 'divide and conquer' tactics to weaken those whom the would subjugate. Given that you state, correctly, that we once considered medical professionals to be among those most trusted, is it not possible that, by forcing the whole profession into blatant, and obvious, lying, that they have driven yet another wedge into what's left of our free society?

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You forget that there was a large community of thousands of highly respected clinicians and academics who signed the Great Barrington Declaration early on. They were ignored by the media, downranked by Big Tech, and suffered career derailment and loss of employment. The medical community saw this and realized that, if Ivy League tenured professors could be scapegoated this way, the MD at the local clinic was certainly not safe.

I've seen eight different doctors and as many nurse practitioners and PAs since the vaccines came out. I told each of them I wouldn't be getting vaccinated, and before I could even explain, every single one of them said something like, "That's perfectly understandable," and changed the subject.

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Very good point--and one of the constantly overlooked pieces of the success of the lockdowns: the power of Big Tech "crafting" the messages by blackballing/silencing any dissent to official narratives. It's bad enough that the government wants to kill off citizens--but to weaponize big tech to achieve it, is the most diabolical scenario imaginable. Without Google, Facecrack and Twitter, this conspiracy would never have succeeded on a worldwide scale as it did. IMHO, THEY are just as guilty as those who developed the virus and fake vaccines.

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I agree 'divide and conquer' is also an important tactic of these people and organizations.

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Right? And how would the doctors and their groups not be on board, from day one? You’re talking about a group of people who - in the case of pediatricians (at least in the US) - get a *$400 bonus per head* from the pharma companies if some 60% of their patient population is “up to date” on the childhood vaccine schedule. They’re so fvcking housetrained it’s obscene. 🤑

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Sounds like an easy solution. Just need 40% of the patient population to take Nancy Reagan's advice and "just say no"! See how fast those quotas plummet!

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"Better to think hungry tiger, lest you be eaten" was one of their pillars of control.

They played DEEP, deep down in the amygdala.

I could talk to you all day about this. I've been fascinated by this stuff since I was in 6th grade.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Interestingly, the ramped up propaganda intended at each stage to increase compliance by the skeptical minority actually just caused more and more fear in the believing majority. But these people were already complying - so their fear led them to demand more extreme measures.

Viewing the public as a homogenous mass made everything much worse.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Eugyppius, thank you for this post. To my mind, it illustrates how far the publics in the West have retreated from actual liberalism (if they were ever all that close to liberalism to begin with). A liberal society would not have embraced mandatory masking, lockdowns, and universal obligatory injections of novel products with no track record.

It's been said that there are no atheists in foxholes. Likewise, there are no liberals in a pandemic -- or too few of us, anyway. The rest turn into snarling fascists overnight. Or perhaps more accurately, their true natures are then revealed, giving the lie to their lofty rhetoric about freedom and equality, moderation, and "my body my choice."

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

'Western governments feared non-compliance with lockdown measures and took very deliberate steps to terrorise their citizenries to ensure their cooperation. In this they enjoyed the wholesale collaboration of the press.

'3) Cabinet officials and other politicians channeled bureaucratic pressure and growing popular alarm (in which they were complicit) to seize initiative and power from rival governmental actors. They regarded public panic as a resource and an opportunity to be exploited accordingly.'

I find it really frustrating that I can't get any of my friends to recognize or even acknowledge the possibility of this.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I fully agree the politicians & “leaders” - maybe even the likes of Gates-FauxXi-Schwab are stupid but that doesn’t mean they aren’t also flying monkeys, useful idiots for more sinister unknown elements behind the curtain. After all, there is talk of the exact same passport & lockdown tactics (& worse) for “climate change”.

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They're not THAT stupid at all... they're blackmailed.

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I can buy that too - LGB-FJB & his corrupt family are exhibit A for having their blackmailed heads up so many asses - China & Ukraine as 2 - but again, it’s surprising they’re the rule & not the shameful exception.

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It may come as a surprise to people but this is how mafias and yes governments have kept their lackeys in check throughout history. No need to reinvent the wheels of power.

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Yep! You're right Cindi.

It worked once. An another cycle should finish off what's left of our remaining wisps of freedom .

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Several lols in this episode. What I’m not laughing about is the CDC “recommendation” (read mandate) that Covid shots be added to childhood immunization schedules. That’s a hill I’m willing to die on.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I have never thought of our government representatives as smart. Conniving, yes, but never “experts” on matters of a novel virus pandemic. No one was. We learned together, with those who wanted to control the narrative silencing those who bucked it. The pandemic gave our not so smart politicians a chance to push thru crazy stuff like critical race theory and to hone their method of using the media to manipulate the masses to remove undesirable political leaders. What troubles me is 2 things: first this happened across developed countries with amazing consistency and second that so few people could see it much less recognize it and push back against it.

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'first this happened across developed countries with amazing consistency'

A lot of that is due to coordination among major media outlets. Then there's the WEF and its networking among world leaders (which doesn't necessarily mean there was someone cackling under a volcano running the whole show). I can't help thinking there's peer pressure among leaders the same as among individuals. I'll always admire Sweden for bucking the trend.

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Yeah... and those two African leaders that died suddenly and coincidentally immediately after bucking the trend when they called out the covid hoax!

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President of Haiti was blasted full of holes also...he refused the covid death shots for his country.

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And Belarus president who didnt take the covid scam seriously had west-inspired riots in his country

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Just remember it was due to inept waffling, domestic political concerns, party politicking and internecine Byzantine intrigue and by no means least virtually no ablity to actually enforce any kind of lockdowns et c that made us "buck the trend".

That we acted as we did has nothing at all to do with opposing anything or forging our own path - the former PM mrs Andersson is a WEF-allumni just as the current mr Kristersson is.

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So you must be in Sweden. I appreciate the on-the-ground report. Those of us observing from the outside have no way of knowing what's actually going on.

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Sweden didn’t need the pain as they’ve already accepted the digital currency.

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We have? News to me, living where I am, north of 60 here in middle Sweden.

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So you can still pay with cash? That’s not what we’ve been told...

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Cash is as common as card if not more so outside of Stockholm and Göteborg. Some stores are e-money only, but those are still a minority. We will make the switch at some point, that's no secret and has never been: the swedish Riksbank (the state's bank, roughly analogus to the Federal Reserve of the US) has been investigating, collecting information on and testing electronic payment systems since 2008. The plans and ideas and suggestions have been publicly available on their homepage since then.

I know chipping has been hyped in international press as something common here - it's not. Most have never even heard of it. I've met one person in ten years who's gotten a chip installed in his hand.

E-money is the least of our problems here, really. Our authorities recommend every household to keep at least the eq. of $500 in cash in the home at all times, in case of blackouts and disruptions/destructions of e-payment systems.

So 100% e-money is years, probably even decades off if it's ever implemented.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"unaccountably hired"....lovely understatement of Hancock's own evident dimwittedness

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I hate them all, beyond almost all reason. I hope they suffer endlessly in this life and if not, then endlessly in the next. Sometimes it is only my belief in a perfect Judge with eternal punishment for these vile animals that keeps me from exploding with rage.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Were they correct that the “public” wanted restrictions?Where did the insatiable public appetite for restrictions come from? I know people wanted Govt to “do something” but couldn’t that “something” have been calming down the people and less restrictions?

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That’s exactly what should have happened by expert doctors teams and should have happened weekly or monthly. Those experts were shut down and smeared by the Faucians working with Twitter and Facebook etc, etc, etc.

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Politicians, but especially the British Conservative Party, are useless at distinguishing between the opinions of the press and the public.

The perfect example being backstabbing their only popular Prime Minister and dooming themselves to permanent irrelevancy because the press had spent months insisting that Boris Must Go.

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Not wrong about the public being dimwitted cattle though were they? The public who still have a grubby masks in their bag in case they need it. The public who are still willing to roll their sleeve up for a 4th, 5th, 6th booster. The public who still maintain the lockdowns and other dumb restrictions saved millions of lives. Who are adamant the miraculous vaccines saved even more millions of lives. Who have actually said that Matt Hancock came across as a nice chap on "I'm A Celebrity" TV show. Dimwitted cattle is probably too mild a description!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Yes, they are dumb and incompetent

But, they had that wellspring of cruelty and evil to draw from. They did not have that atavistic aversion to forcing people to do things, to deprive them of agency.

Our political and governmental classes are the worst of us, the weakest, most banal, most dangerous. My disgust is limitless and the fact that there has STILL not been a reckoning or accounting... fuck it, let putin take it all

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by eugyppius

My instincts told me it was all horse shit from day one. I accepted I might be wrong at first and went along with masking and avoiding crowds, but as soon as the "vaccines" (the patents for which predated the pandemic) became available I told my wife that the virus was the Trojan Horse, the vaccines are the pathogen. Sadly, I was right.

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