It's more like flatten the herd.

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Time to flatten some politicians.

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Gonna need some heavy rolling machinery for that.

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Extra funds for Security measures forTheir palaces, homes and private transport will be rolled out.

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my favorite...in a long time. lol

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no credit?

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I didn't realize it was said before, at least not consciously.

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It came in a title to your inbox Professor. 😂 That's okay. I ignore most of them too.


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I went through and read it and I remembered reading it before but not the title but it must have registered. Credit given. Thank you Good Citizen.

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Nice! I was introduced to your substack after you had published that. I just went and read it. Awesome as usual. Thanks!

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Or flatten the brain!

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Ever thought of moving to a free(r) country ? It seems even Russia is freer than Germany now. Sad.

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if things get very crazy, I probably won’t spend the winter in Germany. eastern europe i think is done with this.

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What was the original "objective" in Germany for all this nonsense; was it the same as the US?

Sorry for my ignorance. I like to understand what's going on the other side of the pond. Part of the reason your one of the few Stacks I follow regularly.

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pretty much identical to American policies, but implemented a little earlier and more uniformly. ideally we'd keep hospitals at capacity and reduce infections to a minimum. then sometime in 2021 the restrictions became more about driving people to accept vaccination, and now it's something we do here, because reasons.

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Gotta take our shoes off here in the Good Ole USA at airports even though the nude scanners can see through your shoes. Cuz? What? We always took our shoes off.

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Be thankful ,so far we are not required to fly in the nude ,for security reasons .

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Here in the States in the summer of 2020 I was pointing out that there were no truly objective measurable data points for ending the already ridiculous mitigations. Our rulers claimed to have a clear objective but to me they appeared even then to be vague, subjective, and designed to allow never-ending tyranny.

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Germans are hung up on "Reinheit" i.e. purity. Masks (especially well-fitting FFP2) are a good match.

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I've said this before; I spent 6 months in Germany back in the early 2000's.

I'll never understand how the Germans continue to fall for this shit.

Must be a powerful mind-rape over there.

Really disappointing, for such "good" people and a beautiful country. Before all this nonsense, it was one of my favorite places to visit.

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Germany is the most occupied country in Europe not just physically but also spiritually. The measures taken after WW2 ensured the destruction of the German soul.

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The Germans are followers...............look at history.

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Familiar with history. I was being a bit sarcastic given their history.

You'd think of all countries they would've learned not to demonize their fellow man. Especially when comes to attributing death and disease to others.

Othering never works out well.

That is why the mask are the linchpin. Signifies purity.

This is also the reason I am not a fan of the term "PUREBLOOD".

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Familiar with history. I was being a bit sarcastic given their history.

You'd think of all countries they would've learned not to demonize their fellow man. Especially when comes to attributing death and disease to others.

Othering never works out well.

That is why the mask are the linchpin. Signifies purity.

This is also the reason I am not a fan of the term "PUREBLOOD".

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I agree. I've lived in Germany twice - spouse was active duty, so we lived there for a total of 8 yrs. It's a beautiful country...I miss it so much sometimes. For some reason the German ppl have fallen for this shit on more than a few occasions throughout history. It must be in their dna. Tragic.

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I love it when polititians wear masks,so I don't have to see their ugly visage .

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I think you have found an effective use for the masks 😜

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Funny, but then you realize that irrational performance artists are ruling you.

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Very true, when I see makes people here in Switzerland, I assume they are German. I’m probably right about 80% of the time 😂

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Its the same objective everywhere: Induce fear so you can be better controlled

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Their original objective? To show the world what a "master class in science" looks like. They crushed covid through this according the news back in July 2020.


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Eastern Europe has the energy suicide to look forward to this winter. The only country that appears to have planned ahead to keep its citizens from black lung (Poland) or freezing to death is Hungary.

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They will burn coal rather than freeze. Poles and other Eastern Europeans don't care about black lung because they already smoke like fiends.

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Why? They have cytisine!

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Cytisine is for quitters.

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How defeatist! It works longer than nicotine, but not unreasonably so as varenicline does. (24 hour elimination half-life.) And it's orally active. Nicotine has a pyridine moiety, so basic it forms an unassimilable hydrochloride, so must be absorbed from oral or lung mucosa. You want tar lung or something?

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I almost can't believe this is real.

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from what I read online it seems Croatia is pretty good. It is also a very nice country. If I ever need to move back to Europe that would probably me my choice. Romania would be next. But hopefully it won't come that far ! I wish you good luck !

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It gets worse. Check this out from the official UK government website

Section 3.4 Toxicity conclusion (bottom of the section). The rewriting of history ramps up… Bit late for all the pregnant women and breast feeding women who were assure it was perfectly fine for them…

Expect more of this.


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pregnant and lactating women should not get any meds, not any. That was told us in school many years ago. Some things do not change. What goes into the body of a pregnant or lactating woman, goes into her child. Don't they advice pregnant women to stop smoking immediately ? stop doing drugs ? Well if you are smart you need not be told. Unfortunately smart does not come in a pill

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In agreement with all that except it isn’t about smart or not. You would be amazed at the smart people I know who bought it all and continue to do so. I know a professor of genetics who not only got himself jabbed but also his early teen children. His Children!!! No this is about people who are susceptible to nudge theory or not. Open to hypnosis or not. Prone to following authorities blindly or not. Critical thinkers or not. But we need to help the 75% to awaken. That is imperative to break the stranglehold of the mediocre elites

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I got some former friends whom I thought to be smart, with which I mean, thinking for yourself. It seems lots of people have forgotten how to think for themselves, how to look things up, how to check on things. One of them is a biochemist and another works in health care. You would think these people check things out but no, they just sheeple along ! I think some are starting to wake up but I am afraid a lot of them won't EVER admit, imagine that professor, he can not afford to wake up. Not for his status and not for his children. This is just so sad.

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Yes it is sad, demoralising and disconcerting. I suspect many do not want to hear now because they don’t have want to have to confront their stupidity. Many doctors blindly follow “the science”. If it is in a peer reviewed journal they assume it is correct. The problem is the system is anything but peer review. Doctors don’t have time to read studies so they just follow the public health bodies guidelines (in some places they get fired and lose their license if they don’t!). Consider that for a second. Doctors don’t have time to stay updated and to challenge or think about the studies forming “the science”. No wonder Dr Martin Kulldorf opined that many laypeople now know more about this than doctors…

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If you're working remotely, a warmer climate might be nice this winter- Florida, the Carolinas, or Mexico?

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Nor Canada.

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At least Canada is food and energy self-sufficient.

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True, but I was thinking more in terms of the turnkey tyranny revealed by the vax mandates and drastic due-process-free treatment of the truckers.

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I thought of it. But it appears to me that it is easier to throw out a tyranny than it is to ensure food and energy security. The former can be achieved in a few weeks or months, while the latter could take decades.

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But you not the only one thinking of this... probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions are.

=> Expect country borders to close when the cold & dark winter hits Germany, with tenths if not hundreds of thousands dying.

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Where would you go?

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An American podcaster named Andrew Tate spent the first months of the worldwide COVID lockdown in Sweden, then went back to the US via Germany. He was shocked at the panic mentality of the Germans as compared with the Swedes, all over a virus that didn't seem to be widespread or killing many people. Very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWpsp-76Mag

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Few people these days have any experience with risk management. They've turned that over to the government.

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Is the US free anymore? Not like when we were growing up.

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The only thing that’s allowing any kind of freedom in the us is the fact it’s a republic. States are able to circumvent or ignore federal dictates on many issues. Desantis did it for us in Florida, which has been for the most part normal since summer 2020. Many people have “voted with there feet” to escape the petty tyrants that were unleashed these past couple of years.

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I am in rural GA and Kemp more or less let every town decide what to do and what to forbid. Our community was open, a store or 2 masked up, some oppressive. A close by town was very woke and wanted masks everywhere ( I drove through) and another one did absolutely nothing but ask to keep a distance (some did some did not and others wore mask anyway)

The store in the further town now has my business. I rather drive 15 miles to a friendly store than 3 miles where they don't want to see my face !

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Good for you Ingrid!!!

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We used to think it is a Constitutional republic, but Joe and Nancy have repeatedly trashed the constitution, so attacking the states is probably next. Expect fireworks after November 8th.

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With the media being the tail that wags the dog.

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Tapeworm wagging the dog more like it.

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Floridian as of 4/20. Couldn't stand to see my children masked.

One other thing: GUNS

500 million guns.

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Governments have more and better guns, and they're equipped, trained, and organized to use them effectively. 500 million pea shooters in naive hands are irrelevant.

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Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irak, Ethiopia, Somalia, Palestine, Syria, and other places say hello.

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They're more motivated to defeat repubs than they were viet cong, et al.

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do you think all those military personnel will pick one side?

If I were going to gamble I'd say someone who is/has been in the military are probably the strongest supporters of 2A. I don't think most will shoot their kinfolk.

What's the government gonna do; nuke cities?

It'd be ugly and guerilla, but the people would decapitate the head.

Lot of lost lives though.

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Not all, but most. Certainly enough. The same hope gets raised for FBI, other cops, and they keep finding enough to do their bidding. One might guess most doctors would rebel against the covid malpractice, yet most (90% per McCollough) went along. Every dictator finds plenty of willing soldiers.

It never takes many well organized, well equipped, and well trained troops to subdue a mob. If a few jump ranks, they'll be dealt with first.

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The spirit of resistance is tantamount and comes before all else. Vietnam and Afghanistan were object lessons.

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Thousands of generations of peasants subsisting on crumbs and bugs is not my idea of a useful lesson. They've been conquered repeatedly through their history. Their resistance was admirable, but feckless. They only endured because they had nothing to lose, and nothing better to do. We did, so we eventually decided we had better things to do than molesting peasants.

Vietnam wasn't about Vietnam, and Afghanistan wasn't about Afghanistan. Both conflicts were just unfortunate battlefields in much bigger conflicts. We won the bigger wars so the battlefields no longer mattered.

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I know lots of vets around here who would beg to differ. They tend to have a lot of guns, and not pea shooters either.

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You should ask them. People with experience will be the first to head for the hills.

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And remember Joe B. said he has nukes .He has two red buttons ,one is to launch his nukes and the other is to call for diaper change . We may only be one diaper change away from the end of the world ,if he pushes the wrong button .

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Correct; but Germany is a "Federal Republic" as well. The difference? Real Federalism. (Republican form of government is a side issue).

US States retain genuine powers to enact distinct legislation, rules, procedures. In short federalism as originally intended still "works" in the USA. Federalism in Canada, Australia, Germany etc is merely notional. And, as you suggest, voting with their feet is the reflection of that: Florida and Texas have, by far, the greatest net inward migration in the US. Do Germans move from state to state to find a more reasonable "Covid Regime" ? They sure did in the USA - in their 10s of Thousands at least.

But for how long? The US Federal government has been at war with state sovereignty for at least the last 150 years; see the US Constitution "interstate commerce clause" .

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The states' only power is the Constitution. And Joe isn't a fan of the Constitution, has been willing to bypass it repeatedly. The only real power is force of arms, and feds have overwhelming advantage.

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Freedom terrifies the dependent class. The problem is we've exponentially grown the dependent class.

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That's how democracy corrupts the nation. Bastiat wrote:

"Woe to the nation when this latter purpose prevails among the mass victims of lawful plunder when they, in turn, seize the power to make laws! Until that happens, the few practice lawful plunder upon the many, a common practice where the right to participate in the making of law is limited to a few persons. But then, participation in the making of law becomes universal. And then, men seek to balance their conflicting interests by universal plunder. Instead of rooting out the injustices found in society, they make these injustices general. As soon as the plundered classes gain political power, they establish a system of reprisals against other classes. They do not abolish legal plunder. (This objective would demand more enlightenment than they possess.) Instead, they emulate their evil predecessors by participating in this legal plunder, even though it is against their own interests. "

An essay essential for the educated man to study and understand. http://bastiat.org/en/the_law.html

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Some call it plunder, others call it due compensation. Compensation is how we measure success. Bastiat was an academic and a politician whose inherited wealth insulated him from the practical considerations of those who survive by compensation for their labors. It's remarkable that his comforts didn't drive his philosophies toward socialism, as it does for so many others, then and now. But we need to be careful to never assume idealism can prevail in a world driven by competition.

Fred had some good ideas, providing worthy goals to guide us. But idealism is never sufficient. Other considerations are necessary in the real world.

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Oh that's just the theory of what cooperation is. Against the current age-old enemy no cooperation is possible and only repentance and OUR god Yaweh will take us to final victory.

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I don't think so. But then I was not here growing up, I was in Belgium the first 40 some years of my life. I could no longer live there though. Freedom is only a thought there anymore. You can not even decide what floor you want in your house! Everything is controlled, your water usage, gas usage, electricity usage, unbelievable ! Very close to Germany I think.

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Freedom is not a natural state. It must always be fought for. Some are willing to fight, some are not.

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Disagree with Lockean myth. Freedom is the natural state. Systematized encroachments on it are artificial constructs.

You might have fallen for the false idea that "the opposite of what is obvious must be true." That's a pernicious form of sophistry.

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If freedom was the natural state, there would be a lot more of it. There's not, obviously, and what there is has to be fought for, constantly. We're always free to choose our actions, but always encumbered by the consequences of every action. Our freedoms are always restricted by those consequences. Some choose to ignore those consequences, but the consequences never ignore them.

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Even that was a ruse. You aren't old enough to have gotten a draft notice? How about LBJ/Milhous' embezzlement and vast expansion of "income" tax extortion? They demanded deleterious smallpox jabs even before WWI.

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1913 imo with 16A

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What is the freest country right now? Can one get out of Germany if not injected with the deadly venom first .? If I wanted to leave Canada I would be required to first get the Castro junior treatment ,even if I would only fly to a city nearby but on the other side of the border .Like I wrote before ,now we know what it means to live behind an iron curtain .

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America is. There's no question about it. That said, it's slipped so far since the 70's (when I grew up), that I hardly recognize my country.

So to me, it's relative. Meaning; "Free" in comparison to what are Founders intended.

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I know you can leave the US but you cannot come back ! Remember the tennisser Novak cannot come play here. If I need to leave I have to go to Mexico ! That seems to be one of the free countries right now. I have not really kept up any further because I am not leaving (yet). Another blogger wrote a few months ago, that lots of former East block people have left Canada, when they felt it was getting worse. I wish I knew where they moved to ! I am not sure about the European countries. Sweden is free, and it seems Croatia and Romania are too, but I have not checked the airlines. I don't think they require anything anymore.

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I think you're mistaken about Russia. They seem to be just as on board with the whole vax machinations as elsewhere. Read Edward Slavsquat on substack:


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yes I read his Sub too. But it still seems to be of a different kind than Germany and Belgium. I am not sure how the Netherlands stand, but read a paper there that is publishing jab damage so I guess they are a bit better informed.

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There's a healthy measure of anti-authoritarianism here. At the moment things are fairly relaxed and I don't see us going where Germany is headed. Hope I'm not wrong about this.

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Well said! Viewed from Italy that seems a prescient observation...

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The irony, is that the sequalae of the lockdowns and the vaxx will probably overwhelm the hospital systems. The original objective that was a total farce...may come true because of the farce. There won't be an end zone and the goal post will get moved so fast that everyone will forget we're having the world's longest instant replay.

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Yes, the vaccine will probably result in generally higher number of sick people due to problems of the immune system.

At the same time hospital staff is much reduced, because many do not want to get the mandatory vaccine and have to leave. Even at the best of times hostpitals are very much understaffed.

And we may have less energy, with a reduction of room temperatures even at home. This will be hard on everybody, but a disaster for old people who need it warm.

We luckily have politicians which are either dumb or crazy, and in the case of our health minister, both. If they were smart people who knew what they are doing, the only possible conclusion would be that they want to kill us.

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Move old people to heating centers, where it's nice and warm. Make sure they wear masks at all times so they don't catch COVID. Oh, and only the juiced up are allowed to go in! Anyway, that's sure to work like a charm.

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You mean, concentrate them in some kind of... camp?

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Well, they said they were preparing heating centers. Of course they didn't call them "camps." Gee. That would sound bad, wouldn't it?

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Wonder if they will include communal showers for everyone upon arrival.

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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It sounds like a euphemism for "oven". Not a good look.

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Perfect storm, eh.

Wonder what happens this winter?

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People will decide if they want to participate in a controlled demolition of Europe, and commit mass suicide, or not.

Either way, this time next year, Europe will look much different than today.

Not to mention from 2019.

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The demolition was long in planning and the flood (biblical flood of revelation) began in earnest in 2012. Barbara Lerner-Spectre's hands have been rubbing so hard since then that I can smell the smoke from here.

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The real "Winter of Death", sadly enough! But not because of Schnovid!

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Somebody does, else they wouldn't be keeping the dumb and crazy politicians in place.

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Utter lunacy. Government proving once again that it is the most useless entity on the planet, surpassing even the cockroach.

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Worse than useless.. Predatory.

The rise in all-cause mortality persists regardless of govt's efforts to suppress the news. But they can't fool all of the people all of the time.

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PaxLongVid is coming to the rescue!

Have no fear!...:)

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Would it really be that hard to just sack Lauterbach? Isn't it obvious (to Scholz et al) by now that the man is a liability? Who needs an energy crisis when you've got Lauterbach?!

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If I am allowed a choice, I would prefer to continue to coexist with the cockroaches.

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O God. How dispiriting. I am so sorry for you. In December 2020 my friends asked when I thought it would be over and I said 2024. I was hoping that was over pessimistic. On the other hand, every year, the general (but not universal) bowing to ludicrous rules diminishes. Eventually, it will have to die away. The problem, I think, is that governments know that they can't lock down any more, but they can't admit that the situation isn't anywhere near as serious as they led everyone to believe. Consequently, increasingly absurd measures are introduced, the only basis for them being that they are a gesture to indicate that "something is being done" whilst not preventing businesses, transport, schools etc remaining open, albeit inflicting ridiculous and cultish behaviours on those who use such places. We have just had a report in the UK that most patients in hospital contracted covid after admission, and yet no one (in power) is making the obvious conclusion, that these heavily mask-enforcing places have not achieved the prevention of transmission.

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Yes covid lunacy will be over, eventually. But then we'll have the net zero horrors to entertain ourselves with with (fun everywhere, but esp. in darkened Europe) and the upcoming war with China (imagine the supply chain funs of THAT one).

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