Lol, I always used to be very careful with my language on Eugys’ comment section…I guess I can let my hair down and be the real me! Hell yeah, Eugy Rocks!

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I believe the key to a more colorful Eugyppius was the phrase “more than my fair share of scotches”.

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Forget the scotch, I was shocked to learn that Eugy has a girlfriend.

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What made me laugh was that he was merely entertaining _a_ girlfriend's relatives. How many girlfriends does our host keep around, exactly?

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At the risk of sounding too woke, just because someone has *a girlfriend* doesn't necessarily mean that someone is of any particular sex.

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It's a ~97% likelihood though, and sweeping generalizations are what this blog is all about, right?

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you’re killin’ me.

and making a good point.

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Keep in mind this might be totally off the track, given that English is presumably Eigyppius' second language.... But this isn't the first time I've noticed in referencing *a* girlfriend instead of *the* girlfriend, leading to the obvious question: How many does he have??? LOL

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Eugyppius seems to view stupidity/incompetence as the overarching explanation for all of the "pandemic" nonsense. I'm not convinced that there isn't a different actual explanation.

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There isn't unless you consider GREED.

That was the impetus anyway

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Was it? I'm not so sure. The "pandemic" response seems to have been run at a level where money is no object.

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I tend to think it’s about more than $$ also. It’s about absolute power and overarching control.

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The power to forcibly vaxx the population of the world and to label all resistance mentally ill is quite the intoxicating power.

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Is it? If someone offered you that power for a fee of $5 - would you pay?

I wouldn't give a nickel for it.

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"Other people's money" is never a limitation.

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It can be argued that a big part of it is another sin: PRIDE. Its modern form is status-seeking hubris. Prime entries are Fauci, Gates, Schwab, etc…

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All of the above. Multiple reasons, in other words.

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Revisit his debate with Igor Chudov on this issue. Or some of the points others have brought up on Morgoth's substack, too. It's a fruitful discussion, I think.

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You and Larry Correia.

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Don't worry only western ZOG colonys got the mRNA

In China, Russia, Mexico they all got a dual-vector, live-attenuated traditional vax called Sinovac&Sputnik Vaccine for Sar-Cov-19;

Only the clotshot was used ZOG colonys mostly anglo-harelips, of course Japan&Taiwan, but that is to depopulation anti-China parasites;

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The Russian one is DNA, the same principle as the UK Astra-Zeneca or the US Johnson & Johnson.

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Big pharma tried unsuccessfully to make a vaccine for the cold for decades. Problems like ADE kept cropping up, and one would assume the traditional approach was the one that kept failing.

Turtles all the way down. All credibility and trust in big pharma has been burned at the covidian altar. I will never take another vaccine in my lifetime in any form.

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Neither will I. Not one.

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Sinovac gave me heart problems and a stroke, so yeah...

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They are all unsafe and ineffective bioweapons. Read "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" by Anonymous, edited by Zoey O'Toole and Mary Holland JD.

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We have a place in a rural SW area of AINO (America in name only) and the former newspaper editor blabs on constantly about how the county is one of the worst in the state with respect to covid cases and supposed hospitalizations and supposed deaths and how vaxing and boosting will still save the day. It’s unbelievable that three years later this idiot is consumed with something that 90% of the population couldn’t care less about. Mental institutions need to be made great again - for the sake & sanity of the rest of us.

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Oh, come on, tell us where and who! We are all just clamoring to troll him on Twitter! 😜

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Lots of libtard ladies of leisure (of both sexes) need to go there, then. Let me tell you.

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The "Libtard Ladies of Leisure" are this country's leading consumers of Xanax and "Skinny Cocktails". Nothing that a little hard work and the 12 Step Program can't fix.

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If they could be forced to do actual work and engage in the searching moral inventory that program requires, yes. Until then I ain't holding my breath.

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Here in Raleigh NC we turn those institutions in to 300 acre theme parks while the mentally I’ll stand on every corner in the county.

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The lunatics with fupas are running the asylum.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Beauty post!

Love the reference to IKEA instructions.

I used to love my single malt, but gave it up for my Carlsberg Lite, which is my choice of beverage now.

It's wonderful how scotch can loosen a tongue...

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I don't need scotch. I have this thing about the truth.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think the majority of this whole clusterfuck was due to wanting to play with a shiny new toy. A toy that they weren't able to play with because all the adults thought it was dangerous and untested. But how convenient, a scary pandemic w/ EUA and no liability. Winning !

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MRNA= stem cells.

The Newest Thing will Cure Everything.

Except it doesn't. Ever.

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Who exactly was it that wanted to play with a shiny new toy? That's what I want to know. And why did they want to play with it? Also, apparently not a new toy according to all the advocates who say it's been around for decades. And, whoever it was they had supranational power to coordinate/impose response policies across multiple sovereign states of the developed world.

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Really astute question because people tend to throw around "they" a lot. Certainly the biosecurity state, which is made up of the DOD, NIAID, and factions in the health security apparatus. Gates and the other elite NGO's who were financially invested in the MRNA system, any scientist who was being paid to research, develop, or write about the new MRNA system, Moderna, Pfizer, the other drug pushers, people in government who got royalties from this invention, media who were getting paid to promote the poison, and people in the Trump and Biden Administrations who believed they had this cool elixir they could distribute that would make them heroes. It was all about being juiced about the potential of the juice. Still is. They saw how it worked with previous vaccines and the SSRI scam drugs. The business model is clear. Find an elixir, break something, sell the elixir as the fix. The military/corporate model has worked well for them.

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The coordination between all of the countries, institutions, and other organizations involved was so lock step it suggests to me there was a top level orchestrator. Who was that and what was their motivation? At that level I have a hard time believing it was money.

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You'd have to go way past a human top level orchestrator, and nobody wants to go there. At the top level it is not about money - it's pride.

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I think it’s about an insatiable lust and greed for absolute power and control over the earth and all of its people.

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I’m with you 100% on this 100%! Think it was a merging of some very powerful interests and some very powerful forces that shared some overlapping interests versus one specific group.

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The DOD managed the countermeasure operation so an entity would have needed to command them to release a poison. Who would that have been during the Trump Administration and why would Trump have acceded to them?

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Good questions. For the “why” maybe Trump was compromised and went along for self preservation purposes?

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I believe they thought the shit might work, and at least it would be a human trial and of course everyone would get rich. Win win win. If it failed they would say it was worth a shot. Indeed that is what they are now saying. They have immunity from the national emergency declaration.

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I've been fighting them for 25 years.

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Yes, I have followed his work since 1988. I got my MFT certificate in 1994. We are turning the corner on the SSRI abuse today, and that is helping us awaken to the danger of the drug society including vaccines. Many more fighters in the war like Malone, Kirsch, Kory, Midwestern Doctor, are making a difference. I am happy for their support.

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The no liability is the big winner for them and the loss for us .

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I agree. Your origin theory is much more believable than many of the more nafarious guesses. The real problem came when the damage was known and the decision-makers refused to remove the hazzard either because the toy was so cool, so much money had already been invested, ego, or ass-covering. This in my opinion is the major crime and it is a big one.

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Just say NO to vaccines, period!

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At the beginning of the virus panic I went to the hospital ,because of a hernea .A nurse was looking at the hernea and asked me if she can put a mask on me .I said you can put a mask on me if I can put a diaper on you .She said no more about masking me .

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Good one Joe! Lolol!

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And many 'treatments'. Look for the root cause and adjust your habits accordingly.

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Likewise "vaccines."

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and in the meanwhile so many illnesses are around that still have no cure. When is anyone going to develop a cure for something? Is there anything a doctor can cure anymore?

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MY Dr. cured my believe in the medical establishment .

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Amen Ingrid. I've been asking for years why they always seem to want to find a "cure" for something instead of finding out *why* people get sick.

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if they would find a cure it would not even be so bad, but they don't. They want a treatment that does not cure you, but make you a chronic patient, a milking cow.

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Under the medical system in Canada a Dr. gets payed for four minutes of having a patient in his office .Just enough time to write a prescription

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A lab rat actually

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Finding out why would lead to a cure....can't have that now can we?

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And potentially lose income for "treating" a chronic disease?

Very unlikely.

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No $$ 💸 in curing anything, Ingrid but tons 💰 to be made in months/years/decades of treatment.

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On my Stack I looked at figures from a commonly used drug, using data derived from an "official" and presumably favorable study. Using myself (Age 61) as example I compute as follows:

My life expectancy without treatment = 82.0 (21 years);

With drug tgreatment = 84.1 (adds 2.1 years -- this seems very optimistic; similar drugs would add about 0.8 of a year). The cost to treat me for the rest of my life (rough estimate of course!) is about $600/year. Using the endpoint to prevent one death, if I do the math right it's 345 patient-years; thus the cost to delay one death should be $600 X 345 = $207,000.

From the standpoint of public and private health costs, is it worthwhile to spend $207,000 to extend the life expectancy of a group of 17 61-year-old men by two years? Or, put another way, those two "extra" years of life actually cost 207,000/17 => $12,000 per man.

I'm still very much at the kindergarten stage when it comes to this actuarial stuff, so it's entirely possible I've made a mistake in these figures.

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I can’t do any of the actuary stuff, terrible @ math so kudos to you!

It’s a bit of a conundrum for sure; if one is in relatively good health otherwise, but for a condition that could improve w/ a medication, I suppose many might want to extend that out - to get affairs in order, if nothing else. But if someone is in really bad mental &/or physical health anyway, then what? And who gets to decide the cutoff? We’ve already seen what our overlords are willing to do to depopulate.

And then 1 other thought: as of the past 3 years it I apparent that there are probably 100s if not 1000s of meds that are toxic & do more harm than good & flogged only in the name of profit (or worse). Perhaps for the elderly, a more naturopathic / holistic approach, or “right-to-try” which LGB-FJB surely did away w/ since doctors & patients were basically banned from Hydroxy & Iver.

No easy answers as we age (I’ll be 65 this year)

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I began to suspect something was deeply amiss years ago. How much money does Pharma make from acne creams?

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A quick google say about $14 billion worldwide.

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Per annum?

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The way to "cure" most things is to eliminate the root cause. This goes against the business plan of modern medicine, however.

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Yeah, personally don't care what they come up with. I will not be snorting or injecting any product for any illness related to cold or flu. Chicken soup, rest, and drinking clean water have worked fine for me for 60 years.

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I take Zinc at the start. Seems to help

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Don’t worry. They’ll use it to cut cocaine and make sure the blow crowd gets it. Hunter will be first up.

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Never fell for the narrative. Initially when reports of this virus came out, as anyone would, I felt worry. But as I watched events unfold my worry switched from the virus to the messages government and unelected government appointed health officials were

putting out. When I realized that a large body of experts were being silenced I became very skeptical of the narrative. As a retired nurse I instantly knew something was VERY wrong by the way they handled LTC facilities. There are influenza outbreaks every year and every year we followed outbreak protocols that worked. For some reason they changed the process and there was nothing but endless announcements of the deaths of our elderly. The fact they rolled out mRNA vaccines without human trial and that there continued to be countless deaths, gave me great pause on just what these mRNA vaccines were actually doing. Knowing the history of mRNA studies definitely affected my decision to refuse to be part of this vaccine experiment. Before covid (the biggest money maker of all time) mRNA was a very elusive technology. Companies like Moderna could not afford to continue with the very expensive work required to study and trial mRNA. As early as 2017, Moderna was still not able to receive or afford the astronomical funding to further their studies or trials and mRNA had too many questions without answers. Then BINGO! Covid and unlimited government funding to start the trials WITHOUT animal studies and trials - straight to human trial - The unaware public became THE HUMAN TRIAL.

mRNA has always been a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects. Sadly, the world is starting to see the undeniable affects of this gene therapy -

sudden deaths, cardiac issues, cancers, autoimmune diseases etc. We haven’t begun to see the full affects from this experiment on humankind.

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Starting this month, they are putting mRNA into livestock (beef and cattle) vaccines. This must stop. How quickly will the cows and pigs die off? They really do want to get us to the point that we have to eat bugs and lab-grown tumor meat because good food will not be not available.

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😦where is this happening? Link?

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All over the USA. Lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH.


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Good lord. I guess if they can’t kill us with the actual vaccine they’ll do it through our food. Frightening

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deletedApr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023
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Crazy times we live in. I’ll stick to local buying from local farmers!

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It’s criminal, pure and simple.

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It seems possible an important intention behind (covid) mRNA-LNP "vaccines" was to overturn the decades-long, expensive, labor-intensive paradigm for manufacturing vaccines and to impose the new, faulty, dangerous, often fatal BUT CHEAPER method of vaccine production. More profit, "safety and effectiveness" be damned.

And don't forget the added bonus of "playing God" with the human genome.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Yes but China developed Sinovac, an inactivated and dosed their population with it....

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Sorry, Paddy, I should have specified I was writing about the U.S. vaccine program.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Yeah for sure, what I'm getting at is if China could mass manufacture that many doses of LA vaccines at what I can only assume was a manageable cost, it couldn't be beyond the capacity of Western countries to do the same, and I don't understand why they didn't.

Maybe it was just a mass prototyping of a new technology, but it backfired given the revealed preferences of almost everyone in Western societies now not taking anymore of them..

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I think China understood the danger of the spike protein AND the foolhardiness and dangers of the mRNA-LPN vaccine platform.

Also, with all China's industry owned and managed by the CCP, there are no independent pharmaceutical companies spurred by the profit motive to introduce a new vaccine platform.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Yes, fair point re China.

Given the entanglement of US pharma companies with the DoD, the NIH, federal funding, liability waivers and government mandating their products, it's not a straight free market capitalist profit motive at work, though perhaps it did play more of a role than in China.

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The only words in response that come to mind are -----So What?

Vaccine Schmaccine!!! Trust in medicine and science is at -0-.

Pass the Ivermectin!

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Not to mention they never isolated the strain, based on their own documents.

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But wait, didn’t I read all the new vaccines will have the mRNA base, like influenza?

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You heard right. The old vaccines are going to be de-platformed, with new ones being “grandfathered in” because the Lipid Nanoparticles have already been “proven safe”. It enrages me.

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I work in the medical field as biomedical technician and have had to take the annual flu shot for about 40 years. The VA asked me to take it and I usually get it there late fall, but if it is in fact the new mRNA version next year I won’t be taking it anymore. I consider myself lucky to be old soon to be retired and not have to take it anymore even though Flu can be bad for us seniors, I’m going to do it. This is a very sad situation because vaccines have done a lot of good in the past. That was when they were actually vaccines.

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The flu shots don’t have hardly any efficacy, anyway; plus they aren’t safe. Get an exemption.

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I never have a shot

Never have the flu

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Which is the reason I'll never take another vaccine. I was a lab technologist and had every vaccine recommended or suggested because I believed the medical industry was telling me the truth. Now I understand why it's called an industry.

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My last duty assignment was working at USAMRIID, ‘95-‘99. I was on the shot program and have antibodies for a lot of things. Obviously I was following orders but I believed in them, especially the mission there was special. That seems like a lifetime ago, the world has changed in the last three years sadly never to be the same.

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You may have seen this and may be able to confirm that it is real. I’m only putting this in a reply and not into a post. https://www.bitchute.com/embed/G4aiEysXcwCQ/

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Can I get a source on this?

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It’s a 43 minute interview from the National Citizens Inquiry group in Canada.

I tried to paste the website but can’t for some reason.

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Why did they go directly for the shiny new technology? That is an easy question for anyone who has spent a career in the pharma sector. It comes down to this; pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of making or keeping you healthy. They are in the business of making money.

Old technology, however effective, does not make them money. New shiny technology, however ineffective, has the potential to make them gobs of money.

More and more, government does the bidding of industry. That is why neither Ivermectin nor Hydroxychloroquine could be the answer. No money in those.

Enjoy your scotch and your girlfriend's relatives, in that order.

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mRNA was a failed cancer treatment, so they repurposed it. More money in healthy people than those dying of cancer. The technology failed in curing the sick, yet it is a miracle drug to the healthy? I have an issue in taking failed cancer treatments for the common cold. But that's just me.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

They would have had a captive market if they had a patented EUA traditional vaccine to give people, or a mRNA vaccine.

The "clinical trials would take longer argument doesn't hold because they could have ran fraudulent clinical trials for a live attenuated vaccine as well.

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The key term is "patented," which the mRNA technology is. Generally, there is not a lot of money in traditional vaccines. Governments have to bribe pharma companies to make them.

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