"Nobody will allow us to be right for a few decades, but everyone will know that we were." Perfect formulation. Ha!

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 11, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Sometimes being right is its own reward. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Plato has entered the chat

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Wow, thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š. But I'm not sure I'm good enough at math to be in the same league as Plato, LOL!

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Well, Plato would have know the difference between it's and its for sure ;)

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Perhaps it's a shadow of itself.

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Itโ€™s nice to walk over to Eugyppiusโ€™s intellectuals sometimes. El gatitos bunch and I are still trying to figure out which movie covid in 2021 most resembled. yโ€™allโ€™s jokes go back a couple millennia!

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I see what you did there. Its hilarious!

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Jan 11, 2022ยทedited Jan 11, 2022

I do that all the time even though I know the difference! [hangs head in shame] I think apostrophes should be abolished! They are out to get me! And your little dog Toto too!

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Excuse the rest of us for giving up on spell check. :) my bad

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And between 'know' and 'known' I'll wager.

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Apparently I'm not good enough at english either.

pssssssst! pssst! I fixed it. Don't tell anyone. . . . .


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Sometimes itโ€™s the only reward youโ€™ll get.

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Ain't that the truth! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Nope. Being right and seeing the criminals behind this hanged is its own reward. I disagree with the author that this will all just fade away. Millions of us are never going to forgive or forget what happened, and no pol, hack or jobsworth currently in power is going to be able to sweep this under the carpet. That's even assuming that the side effects don't start killing off people in large numbers.

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Well, you're typing, so I assume you're not gravely injured and are still alive. Hanging them will do nothing to keep something like this from happening again. Nothing. If you think this will not just fade away, you don't understand human nature, but that is no surprize. And apparently you're just as obsessed with the pandemic as those you seem to hate so much.

As Thetis said to Calibos, "You are seeking revenge, not justice."

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Sometimes the only justice is revenge. And itโ€™s richly deserved.

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If you want to kiss and cuddle with your masters, thatโ€™s on you. I however have no such obligation.

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I concur. Every bout of vile tyranny in history was enabled and supported by collaborators who sought to hide and weasel out of their responsibility after it was over. And for the most part, this was allowed. IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. Collaborators and other such opportunists and cowards should be treated just like the tyrants they supported. There should be no escape from responsibility. These scumbags murdered millions and will indirectly murder tens, if not hundreds of millions more due to worldwide poverty brought on by the vast economic damage of their insanity. They should pay for every life.

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No one will ever know so long as the pharma industry retains power. They never admit fault and they write medical history. It's the reason why most people still don't know that what was called "polio" was DDT poisoning, or that scurvy was originally thought to be caused by a contagious virus.

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Jan 11, 2022ยทedited Jan 11, 2022

Fauci and team will be remembered as heroes. I saw a video not too long ago that showed Fauci and friends in 2015-2017 talking about how the world still used 80 year old tech to make vaccines and while it will take decades to get MRNA technology to the forefront to safe lives by allowing rapid development to what comes next. He even went so far as to say the only way to bring it to the forefront would be to use it in an emergency pandemic. He sees himself as a pioneer and thought leader. If someone knows of the video please post it.

Edit: Here is the video


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Yep. He's the face of the medical establishment so he has to be remembered as a hero. Otherwise how can they continue to find customers for their poisons? Fauci came to the rescue during a deadly pandemic riding a horse named Pfizer!

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He wants a Nobel prize and he'll do anything to get one.

Not even the most cartoonist Bond/Powers villain was that narcissistic.

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Disagree. He's already being lined up to take the rap. He's like Epstein. He'll be blamed as one bad apple who corrupted lots of nice people around him, and quietly shunted off the stage or even this mortal coil.

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In this case, the rap is solid. He manages 3.6 billion dollars. He is a central figure. He has distributed that money to his ends.

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Agreed. He needs to hang.

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I think the whole matter became too polarised and the containment will be next to impossible. You can't just sweep such a theft, and possibly mass murder (destroy livelihoods, hide effective early treatments, terrible vaccine side effects), under the carpet. It's too big to fit.

I think the only way we are really doomed and the vaccinators win 4ever is that omicron mutates in something mild to the vaxxed and more deadly for the unvaxxed. Then we end up having a Marek type of clusterf**k where everyone is dependent on getting his booster forever. I am pretty sure the probability of such an event is not zero but I cannot possibly quantify it. What I know is that if such a mutation emerges, then it will come from a highly vaccinated country.

The other way round, a vaxx enhanced disease, emerging in the west is unlikely to happen naturally, given that the majority is vaxxed. However, due to the mass vaccinations with a spike only vaccines the western population's immune response to a sors-cov2-like antigen is narrow and pretty uniform. China might be interested in developing a virus that is enhanced by those antibodies, but otherwise is fairly mild.

This was predicted by Karl Denninger ( https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?blog=Market-Ticker-Nad) a long time ago. This guy is really mad ... I mean mad like genius mad

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I think the biggest worry is the possibility of a Merck situation will always be with us.

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totally agree, the biggest worry is a Merck-Pfizer situation :)

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I don't see how there could be a virus that targets only the unjabbed, seeing how useless the jab is at protecting the jabbed. Oh, and how compromised their immune systems could turn out to be. Agreed about KD: Mr Angry, but also Mr Right Every Time!

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We don't know how the virus will mutate or new variants emerge from animal reservoirs.

It seems to me that increase in cases in heavily vaccinated countries is a telling story -- compare it to S. Africa (the height of the peak and length of the wave).

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And the almost total absence of cases/deaths in most of Africa - which hasn't jagged at all - is pretty revealing.

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I agree - great line!

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Alex Berenson has a similar perspective that the whole COVID Vaccine hysteria is casting a shade on vaccinations in general. It has given a much stronger audience to traditional 'Anti-Vax' folks like Robert F Kennedy Jr and people who unquestioningly bought into the childhood vaccination program are beginning to question things. They are seeing that what RFK and others are saying is quite true for COVID, and therefore, who knows may also be true for other vaccines. I do not wholesale anticipate a shift to mass 'anti-vaxxing' but the public will be a little more skeptical about the idea than previously.

Also public health has done itself no favors over the last two years by being colossally wrong about so many things, and then doubling/tripling down on them. And people may think 'If they are so confident about something that I can see is so obviously wrong, how right are they about the things I have not examined closely?'

All this to say that while lockdowns set the poor folks of the world back by years if not decades in terms of economic progress, vax mandates will set the global vaccination program back by years as well.

All in - not a good outcome.

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I'm one of those former believers, now skeptic. I'm reading RFK's book now and it's quite an eye opener. Basically all the nonsense that happened to ignore and sink early COVID treatment (HCQ/IVM etc)... all happened before in similar ways with HIV/AIDS. There doesn't even seem to be much evidence that HIV causes AIDS, but the AIDS drugs have terrible side effects that can destroy your immune system. So a healthy HIV+ person takes AZT etc, and then lo and behold appears to develop AIDS and die.

What feels very similar about the HIV/AIDS story is how the media, big pharma, and federal funding streams were co-opted and manipulated to support the narrative of HIV, extreme fear, othering of the unclean, expensive treatments, and vaccine development, and permitting no dissent or discussion of any kind.

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As I pointed out on Berenson's substack, US and UK deaths of babies under 1 year were down substantially in 2020. Why might that be?

Could be that the paediatric vaccine schedule was disrupted. That could be a reason.

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Yes, I saw this too.. this bears more investigation. I gather that "SIDS" is thought by some to be vax reactions. It's certainly a hilarious outcome if keeping babies out of the doctor's office produced a huge decrease in mortality :) . That's what I call a win-win.

If justice is served, the medical profession generally is in for a reckoning.

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Interesting thought!!!

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Populations throughout history have to keep learning this lesson over and over. Iatrogenic disease is the leading cause of death in all age groups. For kids, that's been by way of vaccines since 1986, but to some extent, going back about 150 years.

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Fascinating statistic on the babies. I think in the coming days all-cause mortality is going to be big in these substack too for the next few months.

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Also, we can't ignore Fauci's involvement in the AIDs situation.

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Yes, I only just recently became aware of this.. all I can say is wow!

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I am reading the book as well. The fact that all vaccines on the Children's Vaccination Schedule get full immunity from liability is frightening. The US doesn't provide this type of protection to other drugs given to children. Why this class of drugs?? And the fact that the media is trying so overtly to block and shadow-ban all marketing of Kennedy's book on Fauci, makes it all the more obvious that "they" want Kennedy's information discredited and hidden. This makes me want to read it even more. Streisand Effect--look it up.

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This makes me want to ask all of you: were you very pro vax prior to 2021 ? Or just ambiguous, like โ€œhey sure, vaccines, yeah, Iโ€™ve had my childhood seriesโ€ and didnโ€™t even question it. That latter part is me. But I became anti flu vax probably about 16 years ago when it was explained to me they developed the flu vax for the prior yearโ€™s variant and why should I stick those adjuvants inside myself when the thing doesnโ€™t work to begin with? But I didnโ€™t really think of myself as anti vax until I saw the movie the โ€œGreater Goodโ€ just a few months ago. Well done. Interesting aside Dr Tenpenny (DO) and Dr Offit (MD), 2 currently high profile figures in this thing on opposing sides were featured way back when.

As an aside, I havenโ€™t had flu or colds in awhile, ever since I started taking so many nutraceuticals itโ€™s hard to say which work or if they work together and since I started Netipotting. That too, Iโ€™m sure is a factor.

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I was pro childhood vax because I believed they were safe and so commonly used that how could there be a problem? I wasn't in favor of flu vax because I am not very threatened by flu at my age, and if there were any risks from the vax getting it every year seems like a poor risk reward. It was a calculated risk but basically believing that the childhood vaccines had a strong safety track record and stop real disease.

This experience and all I have learned since then, has made me extremely skeptical of the whole program. Compete loss of faith in vaccine development and the medical community as a whole. If all these doctors go along with the coronavirus vax program, what else have they failed to question?

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I thought hardcore anti-vaxxerโ€™s were pretty โ€œout thereโ€. Now I AM one! My research over the past two years into Big Pfarma, and the way I see doctors either lie for money or allow themselves to be misled, has really opened my eyes. I am now much more interested in preventive and wellness strategies.

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My kids went to Steiner Schools before homeschooling and I remember being furious at all the hippie "idiots" there who wouldn't vax their kids or do hair nit treatment. Now I'm far more dubious about vaccines - and totally dubious about doctors.

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It's doing quite well at amazon.. I have a feeling it will be difficult to "ban" this book.

BTW, I forget where I heard this theory but there was speculation that one reason Pfizer is not marketing "Comirnaty" in the US is they are trying to get it on the childhood schedule, at which point it is liability free for kids AND adults! Genius.. (evil genius perhaps). That liability protection needs to go. Perhaps the COVID vax disaster will be enough to do it.

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One libertarian fantasy I have: makers, doctors and patients should be free to use any drug for any treatment; however, if used for unapproved purposes, no one has any right to sue for damages or harm. Claims would only be allowed for a subset of products that had passed some strict review and safety standard by government or other authority. In theory, everyone would be happy: patients and doctors could do any crazy thing they wanted. Want to treat cancer with apricot kernels? No problem, just sign this waiver here first... Doctor's malpractice insurance cost would drop hugely. Drug makers would have similar reduced legal risks.

There are a few reasons such a scheme will never appear: in the first place, it would greatly reduce the power of governments to rule (or overrule) the choices of free citizens. It would also reduce the incomes of tort lawyers, doctors and many government employees.

Ironically, what once started with a rational plan (to protect public health, reduce fraud, prevent self-harm by bad choices) inevitably turns into rent-seeking and power-lust by those in the apparatus. Alas, this is a risk with any human enterprise.

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RFK's book is like Rogan's interview of Malone: ban it and it takes a massive slice of your audience elsewhere. As someone said above, it just creates a massive Streisand Effect.

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RFK's book might have been a major turning point in this war. It's a virtual prosecutor's brief for any future trial of Fauci. He and Paul seem to be having an effect too, as Mini Mengele is getting very testy and short-tempered in his TV appearances.

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He orchestrated it just as he did this epidemic..same exact template. Pcr and antibody tests used in the same fraudulent way. I recently covered this topic in a news letter

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I donโ€™t think he would have been able to pull it off this time, if Kary Mullis hadnโ€™t died in 2019. Interesting timing, that. ๐Ÿค”

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According to this link, the mainstream media has been dead silent about RFK's critique of Fauci and his involvement with HIV/AIDS research:


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If nothing else, this demonstrates the complicity of the media.

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Exactly..AZT was the killer..the other drugs they were using before AZT (poppers, antibiotics, recreational drugs) were what caused the immune deficiency..you can't poison yourself and expect to live in health

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How exactly exposing massive fraud is not a good outcome ? The entire childhood vaccination program has been riding on it for decades. "Vaccines saved humanity" myth needs to die:


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like all deaths are not COVID deaths, all vaccines are not bad. We may throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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There is a very simple solution: eliminate the legal immunity for both manufacture and mandates, and require open books on all the data. If it's not safe, manufacturers and mandate pushers will get sued. If they want to sell product, they will make it safe and prove it.

A lot of these childhood vaccines are really out of date and no longer work well anyway. Encouraging updates and new safety studies would be very helpful.

This won't solve all the problems but it's a good start...

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A lie is still a lie. The only reason why over half of the human population has already received COVID vaccines is precisely because of this myth and the level of trust that has been built around vaccines for decades. Read these two Twitter threads and attached sources to understand what the problem is:

1) https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1448269966424350732 - here is my little educational thread (repost from October 2020, updated & with fixed links to all sources) about vaccines, infectious diseases & how it all relates to our biology, health and human immune system:

2) https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1332996931879055360 - in this thread i try to:

- educate people, so they can change their ideas about viruses

- why the global focus on & response to SARS-CoV-2 has been a total failure

- what everyone can do protect themselves without hiding & without a need for a vaccine

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A lie is a lie! Iโ€™m ready to get rid of vaccine mandates for anything.

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Great Twitter thread Mello. Common sense which has been lost sight of.

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It's not just vaccines. I really started to wonder about modern medicine when you see doctors refusing to treat the unvaxxed and exalting vax mandates despite clear evidence that the vaccines are non-sterlizing.

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Jan 11, 2022ยทedited Jan 11, 2022

Yes. It is probably better described as modern witchcraft as practised by modern witch-doctors than as "medicine".

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I donโ€™t think I agree anymore. I understand where you are coming from (been there) but Suzanne Humphreyโ€™s, MD , Joseph Mercola, MD, Sherry Tenpenny, DO and NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) and other MDs, DCโ€™s, NDs, DOs have Information that shows otherwise. I wish I could cite the other two docs I read about who did books within the 20th and early 21st century about the historical statistics.

The facts that started my mind on the more fully anti vax path has to do with several of them pointing out that, historically, measles, and polio especially had already declined significantly prior to the vaccines being administered. Humphreyโ€™s and others have postulated it was primarily from better hygiene, food sources, even more modern medicine? I wish I could find it again but there was also a guy on another substack that posted this 1909 article by an MD on smallpox saying that highly vaccinated Leichester, England (city) had a high and soaring rate of smallpox while the surrounding rural area (fresh air??), mostly unvaccinated, was seeing very few and diminishing numbers.

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It was in this substack:


And you almost remembered it right but it was the other way around. Leicester's citizens got the vaccinations to end and they saw a drop in smallpox compared to the rest of the country.

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I think I also saw the link other place but Huber probably posted both. Thanks for reminder and correction. Unlike the other side I enjoy being corrected when Iโ€™m in error on my facts.

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Well Brian Mowrey wrote about it as well in the footnotes to his article: https://unglossed.substack.com/p/funeral-for-a-fact

In those footnotes he references Huber's substack piece as the book Dissolving Illusions.

Maybe you saw it at Mowrey's stack?

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Are you Huber? Huber cited some great stuff but I didnโ€™t see the 1909 article referenced. It was really great Iโ€™ll have to look for it. It resembled Malone going after Fauci.

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Jan 11, 2022ยทedited Jan 11, 2022

Nope. I'm not Huber, though I now realize my initials are the same as hers lol!

And you are right. Her stuff did not mention the 1909 article you talked about but rather stuff from the 1880s.

If you find the one that mentions the 1909 article again, be sure to post it as I would love to read it.

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Maybe, but if you start pushing out that message as part of the fight to overthrow the Covid Gestapo, you'll just be written off as a tinfoiler.

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The single most obvious, important but completely unknown fact in history is the following:

Doctors typically refuse to diagnose or test for the disease if the patient is vaccinated.

So the so-called vaccine preventable diseases have been renamed (differentially diagnosed to be precise) not reduced.

Smallpox - monkeypox, severe chickenpox, pellagra.

Polio - GBS, MS, CP etc.

Measles - roseola, 5th disease, hand foot and mouth.

Diphtheria - strep, pharyngitis.

Pertussis - croup, RSV.

Meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis caused by Hib - meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis caused by various other bacteria/viruses.

Note that "oh but we have lab tests to differentiate between viruses" is not a counterargument but a reinforcement of the above point.

Before a vaccine, diagnoses are typically clinical alone. After a vaccine, lab testing becomes required.

For the astute, it should be clear now why the covid vaccine appears to be an abject failure.

It's not that it's any less effective than every other vaccine - they're all equally useless. The difference is that doctors don't act as gatekeepers to testing/diagnosis for covid unlike every other so-called VPD. Anybody can choose to get tested for covid without doctor approval. So the vaxed get tested plenty. So even the official data makes it clear the vaccine is useless.

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Interesting, thank you. I read a lot of history and "the medical profession" has been wrong about everything, most of the time, as far back as we exist. I see no reason at all to believe that the human species has suddenly stopped being wrong just because I happen to be alive right now -- what luck for me! To be born right when doctors became perfect!

Although we have improved our medical surgical skills, what I think of as "General Contracting" -- remodeling the body, moving arteries around, fixing injures, transplanting organs, it seems we still have zero idea what causes chronic "disease." Cancers just grow, we don't know why. The immune system turns on itself we don't know why. Babies just die, it's a mystery. We are just as stupid as ever, bleeding ourselves to balance the humors.

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Makes sense, I hadn't realised the renaming. Thank you.

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Iโ€™d also throw in that a false narrative has been built around regular vaccines. There are negative externalities (not Autism) that the antivaxxers drudge up. My sister is a committed antivaxxer and some of the stuff she sends me is true (to my surprise). There is 20 years of research on vaccines and autoimmune disorders. I would make no claim that the side effects warrant you changing your life. I only point this out because if a technology has been oversold even if itโ€™s still good, it could have a very negative impact in the wake of this COVID thing.

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I've been surprised in the same way. Some of it is true. Parts of the official narrative are outright lies (e.g. Thimerosal is not eliminated, it in fact concentrates in the brain)

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Yep. Vaccines are poisons. Poisons are neither preventitive nor curative of disease. They CAUSE disease, period.

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THIS one definitely does, by its very nature.

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I work in a doctors office. I like my guys and think, in their field (specialty), they are pretty good docs but was deeply disappointed as their mantra is and has been, since March 2020, โ€œwe follow the CDCโ€ and since Dec 2020 โ€œsafe and effective.... safe and effective.... safe and effectiveโ€. Today our admin sent out โ€œBooster timeโ€ literally, no joke.

I donโ€™t have a โ€œI told you soโ€ desire. At least not right now. Right at this moment Iโ€™m just really sad for them. โ€œYou got it wrong dudes! Just admit it and move on, okโ€.

The problem with moving on is they arenโ€™t. โ€œBOOSTer timeโ€.

All 6 are men. They have 8 men working for them . There are only 2 of us out of about 48 total unvaxxed. Of the 14 men all but 3 are under 40.

Iโ€™ll let yโ€™all know. I donโ€™t think the AEs will take as long as Eugyppiusโ€™s friend thinks to emerge. See U.K. data. Again, very sad.

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Laura, can't you just go with a little curl-of-the-lip smirk at the corner of the mouth to let them know that you know they are bloody fools but don't want to rub their noses in it? :) I agree about the "moving on", or lack of it at ground level. I always use the supertanker analogy: it takes a long time for the ship to come to a halt after the initial order is given. Right now, we're just seeing the first hints of backtracking by some of the key psychos behind this. It will take time for the truth to trickle down to millions who've been brainwashed by the media into total psychosis.

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You are describing me actually. Two years ago I had no idea who RFK Jr was and thought antivaxxers were all crazy fringe types. Now I couldnโ€™t imagine ever receiving a vaccine ever again in my life and question everything I hear from the medical industrial complex.

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I disagree. And I think you might have doubts yourself if you studied the history of modern medicine, which rests on the fraudulent idea of germ theory. All vaccines are poisons the body rejects and is harmed by ..so are all modern medications. If people begin to realize that all vaccines are useless for preventing disease and detrimental to health, it's a great outcome. Hopefully pharma will dig their own grave by overplaying their hand.

The real issue is the false belief that known toxins can be curative in any sense, which I discuss here :


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RFK book just arrived. The following from some review articles. One question it raises is: how a very few (Facui & Co.) control all, or nearly all, of the funding and thus the research into many areas. This was true for HIV/AIDS. Fauci carved out his little empire with it. Do we really want to live in a world where career bureaucrats, all but immune to outside removal or influence, determine who and what gets funded? It's an open secret that Big Pharma totally owns the regulatory apparatus, as well as much of the rest of the government (Legislature, Executive) that in theory would rein it in.

None of this inspires faith in the Western medical system. In a way, I'm thankful for the pandemic having opened my eyes to what a rotten, corrupt system it is. The decay was there long before, of course, but like a majestic ancient oak, it just requires that strike of lightning or gust of wind to topple what was actually a decrepit, hollow trunk, long eaten away on the center by bugs.

For the rest of my life, I will use the medical system -- carefully and skeptically.

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Oh this entire circus has completely put me on the anti-vax side. Whatever reserves i had before are now 100% dispelled by the actions and attitude of the powers that be and "THE SCIENCE". They have lost my trust entirely.

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There are two elements to the new "anti-vaxx" thing: firstly, the efficacy and safety of the various jabs. And secondly, seeing how malevolent and downright evil Big Pharma has been these last few years, can we trust them with the contents of traditional vaccines? In other words, how do we know that a tetanus or flu jab doesn't contain hidden "extras"? This kind of reasoning would have seemed madness two years ago, but it's a question that everyone should be asking. And don't get me started on blood transfusions from the triple vaxxed!

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Vaccines are poisonous in themselves, just like modern medications generally. They knowingly prescribe and inject dangerous chemicals into the bodies of uninformed people who believe these substances are "curative." You don't need to add any "hidden extras." The normal common ingredients are already known toxins. There were already millions of reasons not to trust big pharma before this simulated pandemic. Nothing has changed. This is just more of the same - what they have always done. More on this topic here :


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you know what they will do - because it is always the opposite of what they say!! Do you remember when George Bush Jr said we should rename French fries "freedom fries"? (Meanwhile : the Patriot Act)

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That was a typo: it was actually "eradicating people". No people, no poverty, no problem!

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Every booster will bring more adverse events, & a new group of people refusing further boosters.

Meantime, the dem party is in a state of panic over midterms. Ramp up the fear? Or declare victory? Noises being made here & there.

I'm with Jeff Childers...they're about to pivot, declare victory & credit when Omicron's spike crashes down, jit for Brandon's March SOTU.

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They need to ramp up the fear enough to get mail-in ballots, then they can declare (and fabricate) victory.

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Biden is tanking. Reality is catching up with them. I think other than 15-20% mentally ill, another round of lockdowns will blow up in their faces. If the supply chain collapses, there will be mayhem . The cracks are appearing. Already Australia is in serious trouble due to diesel shortage with critical component "adblue" withheld by China. Not only a fuel shortage (& they rely heavily on trucking) but also fertilizer. Berlin Germany is without heating right now due to a supply chain disruption.

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Biden won't do lockdowns this time around because the Democrats would own them politically. Not to mention, another round of lockdowns means another round of free money to the people, and if you've been paying attention there's been scant talk of "How do we help the average guy" in DC lately -- I've a sneaking suspicion it's because they no longer need your votes.

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When I read what's happening in the US, Oz, Canada and Austria, I really wonder if their leaders have some kind of death wish and WANT to be hanged.

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Not to mention thereโ€™s no toilet paper once again

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We're wiped out here too. In a manner of speaking.

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I have some. Oh sorry, I stocked up. ๐Ÿคฃ

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Two sheets (sic) for a thermomix?

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How come the Republicans donโ€™t equally participate in the mail-in ballot fraud? Itโ€™s hard for me to believe that any political party is morally above such activity. Conceding that mail fraud was significant, perhaps the 2020 election took them by surprise, but if youโ€™re the Republican Party and you honestly believe this had such an impact and is apparently easy to cover-up, why would you not also participate to even playing field?

Worst case, if there were calls for further scrutiny, I would think it would lead to both sides being exposed, which wouldnโ€™t be good for anyone. The only way is that if we live in a world where elite power has total control and favors the Democrats, and I just donโ€™t think the world works that way. The high level players have no allegiance to political parties and use whoever is fitting at the time and those high level players donโ€™t get to act unilaterally, hence all the games that are played. The system is rigged for sure, but itโ€™s not a free reign for any agenda, thereโ€™s too many stakeholders.

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I agree totally. They need to win the next election by 29 billion votes.

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...and most of those 29 billion votes will come from Detroit and parts of Illinois.

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Of course establishment RINOs participate or pretend to not see. Look at Purdue and Lowffler, who allowed their Georgia Senate seats to be stolen in plain sight while obediently remaining silent. Purdue was a good doggie, now he's running to replace other good doggie, Kemp. Raffensperger suddenly needs to investigate ballot harvesting with the whistleblower, at least 1,000,000 illegally harvested or manufactured ballots. Ballot box stuffing on camera. I suspect this was all supposed to have been defeated, they've behaved as if votes and polls don't matter, but suddenly there's a shift. Suddenly they worry. There's a reason.

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It's not how many votes (mail in or otherwise) there are--but the people who COUNT the votes that matters.

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Iโ€™d say both are factors, really. But youโ€™re right, if you have truly impartial, diligent people counting, that resolves much of the problem by itself. Seems pretty hard to do across the entire country though, and increased regulation presents its own potential problems.

Sometimes feel like operating a true democracy is like playing whack-a-mole.

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Three reasons:

1) They will. E.g. mail in voting is new, but ballot harvesting is old. The Republican party in 2020 used this heavily in California after complaining in 2018 and being slaughtered by the Dems using in part this tactic. So the Red team will no doubt start using mail in votes in 2024 if it still exists then.

2) The Dems targeted a few key voter groups with normally extremely low turnout. In certain deep blue city blocks often less than 20% of the voters could be bothered. Now they harvested these votes. Many of these ballots returned only had Biden marked, and no votes for any other race. Republicans don't have that untapped *easy* reserve.

3) There is a difference in morality between Red and Blue. There are super corrupt Red's, but already since the 80's the saying is that the Blue's are the evil party and the Red's the stupid party. Republicans often indulge more in individual corruption than broad power grabbing. Gove them a payday and they look away. But look at the Spygate saga for an example of how far the Dem's went. So it isn't that the Red's are morality above it, but just one step less corrupt. (And I say this as a non US person living in the US.)

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" elite power has total control and favors the Democrats" - Zuck alone spent $400M to influence voters, another $400M by other leftist foundations was spent in legal fees to alter laws and build organizations. This on top of the $1B by each candidate. While HRC spent a lot against Trump in the typical ways, new ways for money were found for 2020.

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Also seems that the federal apparatus (DOJ/FBI) favors the globalist/anti america first uniparty.. so there may be a slight disparity in investigation and prosecution.

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I also agree, but would also add that the globalist party changes its stripes as it feels fit. 20 years ago they were clearly affiliated wit h Republicans, now itโ€™s changed (you can go further back and watch the constant flip flopping).

A lot of this comes down to the individuals too. Most people that get into higher elected offices are very much amenable to being bought in some way, so Iโ€™m not sure how much rigging elections even matters most of the time. Trump was a unique case where he had clearly outlasted his welcome (and probably wasnโ€™t really too welcome in the first place). Itโ€™s a rare situation though that I donโ€™t really see repeating itself anytime soon.

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Absolutely, although I think uniparty is more correct.. maybe R or D is "more" aligned at one point or another but both are heavily aligned. The old guard Rs all need to go ASAP, they are as bad as any in that crowd of reprobates. It just seems like R has more room to transform, since D voters seem to largely accept centralized federal govt as being good on principle. Co-opting one of the 2 parties seems more likely to succeed than a "new" party also.

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And many present and potential future powerful people are set up and compromised in some way, so that they can be influenced if/when they rise to power. This is (probably) what business Jeffrey Epstein was in. It's an ancient method of intelligence agencies and other powerful entities in the shadows. Nowadays just proof that you told a racially insensitive joke might be enough.

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All of that makes sense, but looking back to 2020, itโ€™s not like Trump lost in several key districts by crazy amounts. It would seem that even though the Democrats had more of a mail-in base to work from, that the Republicans could still offset that, given their advantage from in-person voting.

And saying all of that really underscores the overall problem here: we really donโ€™t have any idea of the exact scale of these fraudulent activities. I just sort of take issue with the premise that the Democrats are absolutely going to continue to cheat better in the future because it appears that they cheated better in the past. These political organizations are self-serving and will continue to try and find their own edge. The reason voting is a sham isnโ€™t because of lack of trying, itโ€™s the overall pointlessness of the exercise, in my opinion, as true power exists above what the average person can participate in.

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There's only so many suitcases of ballots they can pull out late at night. The drop boxes yielded at least a million fraudulent ballots in the Atlanta area alone this election cycle. Still barely enough. Dems can't cheat so much that they double the number of adults in the area. That's where Dominion comes in, they can literally change votes after counting. I think they're realizing the margin is so great that they cannot cheat their way past this.

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It's gonna get even harder this year when a bunch of disgruntled indies come out of the woodwork to vote R just to get some of these legacy bastards out of office. Time to cull the same deadwood that gave us the patriot act while keeping their 'powder dry'.

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Yeah, and thatโ€™s where it gets far more murky for me. Dominion and electronic voting in general is concerning and demands far more transparency than we get, but I donโ€™t think itโ€™s conclusive evidence that there was election swinging manipulation. I read several statistical analyses at the time and didnโ€™t think that any really made a slam dunk case, at least the ones that appeared to be honest. There were more than a few that seemed to pull numbers out of thin air. Quality data is hard to find these days.

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Thatโ€™s more or less my view of it too. Iโ€™m open to most possibilities (because I truly donโ€™t have a dog in these fights) but the case for widespread, coordinated fraud has never been proven in my opinion. Some level of fraud exists in nearly every election but Trump made it fashionable to equate that with a massive nationwide conspiracy and I just donโ€™t think the evidence is there.

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Do you really think that Biden got 500,000 more votes than Hillary in AZ despite holding a rally in Phoenix, where nobody came?

Guiliani collected 3,000 signed affidavits from the battleground states where people personally witnessed fraudulent activity. And don't forget that Zuckerbucks put half a billion dollars toward controlling the balloting and counting in these states. That's what it took to push back the tides - but they were successful in doing it.

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If they end this on their own terms I think weโ€™ll have an annual pandemic in remission check up.itโ€™s going to mess with peoples heads for a generation. I really really want there to be a catharsis; accountability and a reckoning. It would only be right to see Trudeau, Macron etc and all their spite and ugliness on a stand sobbing and asking a merciless jury for pityโ€ฆBut at this point I just want an end.

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Prison or lamp posts.

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

Prison. Compassion canโ€™t be a made up thing. Iโ€™ve lost so much faith in humanity these past two years. I need to believe that we are good. It might not be true. But still.

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Just be good yourself. it doesn't matter what others are doing. Your actions are your own and the only ones you have responsibility for

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While the idea of them rotting away in prison for mass murder I'm in the "Hang'em high" camp.

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Me too. Hang them all.

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The perps must suffer the Fauci Beagle Treatment. Remove their vocal cords, insert a feeding tube, and restrain then naked to a lab bench. Inject thousands of hungry sandfly larvae, eyes, genitals, faces, everything. Once they are pulp, quarter them with a chainsaw. Put their heads on building spires to serve warning. DO IT or this whole event will repeat.

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It would at least be poetic justice and I'm sure Genghis Khan would have approved.

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This is the one part of the article that I disagree with. I think this administration and those more in the middle left would like to find an exit ramp and declare victory before the mid-terms roll around. They will have the perfect opportunity when the Omicron wave starts to die out. However, the far Left will never allow this. They like the virtue signaling that these waves provide. The far left is also pretty well protected with delivery services and working from home so for them, it's a pretty good setup. Plus, not achieving zero covid would be a partial admission that they were wrong about all this and the far Left will never admit that.

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Problem with that is that the Red part of the country is pretty much back to normal. It's the Dems' own home territories that are falling apart with all this. The blue states are a living, breathing campaign ad for the GOP. They have to end it because of the terrible optics, but if they do, then the real questions start getting asked. It's a long, long way to November!

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Yep! I've been saying it for a while -- in the real world vax passes look like big blue cities strangling themselves to death while everybody else just ignores covid completely.

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I don't think the far left has that much pull.

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You also have to remember that Big Pharma still has their hooks in the party and are pulling them (and the media) into "More panic! We need boosters!" mode.

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Bourca as much as admitted the vaxes are a failure today. Pfizer is pivoting to their pills at $700+/pop thay doesn't get shared with Bi'entech & will go monthly for the failing immune systems of the triple & quadruple vaxxed.

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Let's work this backwards. Their aim is to wreck the US and they are desperate to hold on to power in November. They can only succeed with fraudulent mail in voting, as they did in Nov 2020. But people are on to that now. So they need a crisis. Covid doesn't have the legs to last another 10 months. Therefore, it will have to be something else big enough to impose "emergency" conditions. My guess? Some kind of conflict with Russia, another Bill Gates inspired "pandemic" (This it the REAL one, etc.) or something a bit more left field like a "climate emergency". I just can't see the Dems giving up power without some kind of Black Swan.

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They don't need mail-in any more. They can change votes through the backdoor entry to their Dominion voting systems.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

According to the CDC's VAERS database as of 10 Jan 2022 there have been 9141 deaths associated with the Covid vaccine. That is more deaths than every other approved vaccine in the past 10 years, combined, by 5X. If the Covid vaccine approval weren't political, these vaccines would have been banished from use and MRNA vaccine technology would be dead for a generation.

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yes, it big enough to be an obvious issue (for those who can see), but so far small enough for them to hide.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

True story - At social gatherings I strictly avoid talking politics or covid. But at a holiday party a relative insisted on asking if I was getting boosted. No, I said, it is not effective and has side effects. He scoffs, no it doesn't, that's absurd. I asked him if he was willing to let me show him something? Some internet conspiracy theory he said mockingly. No, a database on the CDC website. I quickly pulled up the VAERS data on deaths and to put it mildly he was shocked. He was so upset, he had to leave the party. And, this person is an MD with 35 years experience. So, yeah, the info about negative events hasn't penetrated very deeply.

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I've had more than a handful of similar encounters, four of them with MDs.

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Keep having these conversations, if we all do this it will have an effect. I just spoke to someone yesterday and because of our discussion they have cancelled their booster for today. Never underestimate a small group of concerned citizens....!

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

Absolutely! Hysteria spreads in waves, but cannot sustain itself indefinitely, while rational reasoning returns one earnest discussion at a time.

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Change starts one person at a time

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I've never had even that much success with an MD. Usually they just say, oh it's just background, it's under the microscope, it's self reported... the talking points. Admittedly it was verbal and not with a computer looking up the data on the spot. I wonder if that would work better. I'm really happy to hear that at least some MDs are capable of reacting that way to the data. Although probably he'll just quickly find some debunkers. If that guy is movable you should point him to Steve Kirsch's site trying to build a bloc of red pilled HCW: https://speakfreely.substack.com/

Steve also has done great work on estimating how under-reported VAERS is.. spoiler alert: 41x . https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-to-verify-for-yourself-that-over

I've also been reading RFK's new book and holy crap that is a rabbit hole with an 8 lane superhighway going down into it.

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I am stealing the rabbit hole comment. F should be locked up for AZT.

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Great story! It really shows just how effective the brainwashing has been. Faced with the truth people who have bought the lies can't process it - they crack up.

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He's an MD? That's disgraceful! It's their JOB to know these things!

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Heh.. some would say it's their job NOT to know. That what the CDC and hospital admins say anyway.

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People are really surprised when the "fake news" is coming from the CDC!

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Thatโ€™s a wonderfully succinct way of summing up all of the main issues with our current situation. Weโ€™re talking about events that impact 1 to 1000 out of a million in most cases, and thatโ€™s not enough for anyone to actually notice in the real world and requires careful statistical study. So it allows everyone to basically โ€œpick their own narrativeโ€ based on personal bias.

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Hereโ€™s the thing though that most people donโ€™t think about and has been lost in all this debate. Adverse side effects from medication/drugs are usually accepted because the person already has the illness/disease and therefore accepts the medication in order to cure themselves. Vaccines on the other hand are being injected into perfectly healthy people. They need to be way safer because of that simple fact. And that applies doubly, triply, (whatโ€™s the word for 25x) when it comes to the COVID vaccines because they arenโ€™t even going to stop you getting the disease youโ€™re supposedly being protected from. Itโ€™s the shammiest sham of a sham Iโ€™ve ever seen and Iโ€™m in disbelief daily of how many arenโ€™t questioning any of it and arenโ€™t willing to see what is right under their noses.

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They say the VAERS system "doesn't prove anything" or that it's normal because "200 million people, bro!" but then, we don't have another way to look for injuries, so.... line up and take your chances I guess.

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

It may be of interest that the EU EudraVigilance database shows over 30 thousand deaths and over 3 million injuries, post vax.

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Huh.. they must have failed to disincentivize the doctors from entering reports... or failed to just delete reports wholesale. CDC really has things a lot more buttoned up. Starting with a website from 1994 that is impossible to use.

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In spite of the bottlenecks, software written by someone found on Fiver, and investigations that must occur before being allowed past the tollgate to appear on the database, the numbers there are staggering. Everybody knows of someone in their circle who has had a reaction, kids will see classes disappear soon. This only gets more personal and impossible to ignore.

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So far in my experience there is a heavy bias toward not blaming the vaccine, because they believe what they are told about its safety. It seems likely that sub-clinical damage is even more widespread, and that damage may not show up for years - and there's some risk they are able to blame that on COVID, ala AZT's side effects blamed on AIDS.

If they persist with the boosting there will be more opportunities for coincidences and this will wake people up faster. I remain optimistic that there will be a general awakening but on the other hand, many of these people are extremely slow to take up this idea... and there is also the fact that they would need to admit to themselves they got conned.

Perhaps the endgame is a Nuremburg 2.0 and the people get some scapegoats to direct their ire towards and absolve themselves from admitting they were conned?

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Generally, people don't see the light till they feel the heat. I agree they will stay in denial as long as possible, but there will come a point when reality cannot be denied.

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Sadly, look at the parents of vax injured children - in many cases they double down on denial. This is where that mass formation theory comes into play - people who see COVIDian collective self-sacrifice as their path to meaning in life will do anything to avoid losing that meaning, including losing their child or murdering their "antivax" neighbor.

I guess i'm saying yes, "the heat" will bring some around, but some are just lost, possibly forever.

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Is there under-reporting figure as massive as for Vaers?

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Hard to say; I am not aware of anyone producing studies on URF in Europe. But roughly the same principles apply as those in the U.S. - disbelief, lack of recognition, dismissal of causality, suppression and/or self-censorship of doctors. The UK allegedly runs a better database (Yellow Card). Even with VAERS, the URF (Steve Kirsch: 41x) is only a qualified projection and may be substantially higher in real life.

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A single VAERS entry may contain far more than one person and it does not include follow-ups (even death) so these estimates are most likely imprecise.

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Good point. VAERS is certainly an imperfect tool. So, it is probably fair to say that there have been at least 10,000 deaths associated with Covid vaccines.

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Steve Kirsch estimates 30-40x undercounting https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-to-verify-for-yourself-that-over

Most doctors simply refuse to believe that it could possibly be the vaccine, and never make the reports. And if they do make reports, they may get a visit from hospital administration.

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I know four people who had advere reactions:

- 1 man in his fifties, fit and healthy, got a thrombosis the night after the jab. Doctor says he can't get a booster bc of further risk.

- 1 woman in her fifties, got shingles

- 1 woman in her thirties, got huge blue splotches, like hematoma, down the legs the day after the jab

- 1 man in his seventies, got guillain-barre-syndrom right around when EMA looked into it as a possible side effect of AZ.

The people - all of them toeing the government line - who told me this about themselves or their partners/parents had no doubt that this was caused by the vaccines. I don't know whether their doctors reported these cases as adverse effects.

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I don't know anyone among my close contacts (but I'm something of a hermit).

However there are 3 or 4 people in my wife's sphere who have had suspicious outcomes.. but I don't know them well enough to have full details.

- 1 (40 yrs) died of stroke out of nowhere

- 1 (60 yrs) died inexplicably falling off a wall in her garden (could easily be a stroke or seizure)

- 1 (70 yrs) had a bad time with a routine hernia op and developed post-op tachycardia, and other difficulties, nearly died, required more surgery.. a bad scare but recovered

- 1 (35 yrs) has had a series of unexplained lengthy hospitalizations including pneumonia and other infections

I'm pretty certain all were vaxxed but don't know them well enough to know when. I have not heard anyone suggest that vax was related to any of these cases - these are just strange occurrences.

These people and their friends are all heavily brain-washed. Maybe your contacts are more aware of reality :)

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That sounds awful - 40, 35, even 60 is a bit young for serious medical problems.

I only know three of my contacts well enough - these three want to be good citizens, but are critical of many of the measures. I was actually quite surprised that they told me openly and upfront THE VACCINES DID IT! The wife of the guy with the thrombosis was livid with rage when she told me, she is never again going to vote for any party responsible for the vaccine rollout, I think.

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Thanks for sharing these instances of injury..spread them far and wide! Everyone should make a list of all injuries and deaths suffered by anyone they know and all of these should be collected together on a single website where they can be seen by all.

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Jan 11, 2022ยทedited Jan 11, 2022

I think there is such a website or was it a youtube channel? However, if people want to believe everything is fine and dandy, they will continue to do so whatever I or somebody else tells them. My own husband is off to get the booster shot today - and he knows of all these cases. What he says, of course, is that we know many hundreds of people that got the vaccine and didn't have any adverse reactions.

In many cases it will also be hard to prove - my friend lost her father, thrombosis a couple of weeks after the second shot, father was seventy, ne'er a sick day, super active mountaineer. You can't really prove there's a connection to the vaccine, people at age 70 sometimes just, you know, die.

Update...this friend, whose father died, today told me that they had their five-year-old vaccinated. *sigh.

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I just watched Dr. Peter McCullough on American Thought Leaders, a two-part and two-hour interview that was extremely interesting. He discussed the VAERS database and how it works, its shortcomings, etc. As of a few days ago the number is now 20,000, although McCullough said about half that number is the U.S. and the other half is from other countries. I hadn't realized that the VAERS database is not limited to the U.S. Then he discussed under-reporting in VAERS by a factor of 30 to 40x, meaning the number could be 187,000.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. Back in the 1970s when the swine flu vaxx killed 100 people they stopped it.

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It actually killed 53. Those were the days!

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

An update. A friend pointed out that I made an error sorting the VAERS database (sorting on - symptom = death, versus just "death" as the adverse event cuts the number down significantly). The true number of deaths associated with the vaccines is 23,048.

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I justโ€ฆI wanted to do fun stuff with my kid, you know? Travel, go to cool museums and restaurants and performances. Without a vaccine, without a stupid mask, without having to prove anything to anybody. I hate this.

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I hope you are right.

I am more pessimistic than you though. It is hard not to notice that this enthusiasm for vaccines goes hand in hand with enthusiasm for tracking app and digital IDs. So much so that the people in power are willing to subject the entire population to uncontrolled trials with a largely untested gene therapy.

I have a hard time to imagine those plans for a social credit system + spying apps will be forgotten, just because the vaccine does not work very well.

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to be clear, i think there will be a lot of lingering negative consequences from this โ€“ ironically, if they implement a tactical retreat sooner and end containment / forced vaxx, their prospects for keeping around a vigorous green pass system etc. are probably greater. if they fight on, they'll discredit these policies along with the vaccines, and maybe not much survives.

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how many will fight the digital social passport/green pass system if they aren't tied to vaccines? who runs out of steam first - the dissidents or The Party?

you didn't lose your job, you didn't get the injection. you "just" have to show allegiance to The Party everywhere you go. but hey, there's an app for that! it's so easy and convenient! (sarcasm)

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Maybe after this, there will be a counter movement to build up alternatives. The psychopaths also want a central bank digital current to replace paper money. Once again, let's hope alternatives can be found. Otherwise, China here we come!

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I have a hard time not looking at how Afghanistan turned out and the sort of decision making that lead it to go on so long. No realistic mission, but lots of money to be made plus other things like a low intensity conflict to get troops experience in battle and plenty of bureaucratic big brain plans to test out on an unwilling population. Lots of parallels imo especially with the very real possibility that a biosecurity regime on the order of the gwot will be erected for "never again" purposes. Too much at stake to just walk away now and admitting defeat would undermine justification for the biosecurity apparatus.

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Yes, very comparable.

And now, even just a few months after it ended: do many people even remember it, except the families of the soldier who lost lives and limbs?

And for the war bureaucrats, Afghanistan was an enormous success. The end of it at most a minor setback. There will always be a next for-ever war very soon, in another country or at home.

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Indeed. In govt, no failure cannot be explained away by any number of counterfactual hypotheses. We're always in the best possible world according to them.

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If anything, the harder you fail, the higher you climb.

One of Germany's biggest failure, vd Leyen, climbed that way to the highest office in the European Union.

And Prez Brandon is not really a paragon of political successes, intelligence, or good decisions.

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"If anybody thinks the side effects are enough to cause a serious re-evaluation of vaccine policy all on their own: there is not nearly enough hospitalization and death yet."

Isn't this largely because the corrupt alphabet legacy media refuse to investigate or report on the side effects? Isn't it NOT because there aren't enough side effects, but because we're not being TOLD about the side effects enough?

Wasn't the H1N1 vaxx pulled after just 34 deaths? And yet NO ONE has asked the Brandon Administration or any bureaucrat, "How many deaths have the vaxxes caused?"

It's not that the side effects aren't sufficient to bring down the vaxxes; it's that the side effects have been almost completely hidden and swept under the rug SO AS not to bring down the vaxxes.

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thereโ€™s a limit to what can be covered up. right, side effects are below that limit, but the limit will presumably fall when Corona ceases to be the central obsession and the propaganda narrative is no longer as obsessively maintained.

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Maybe I was wrong to say "hidden" or "swept under the rug". That implies effort and intent to hide what exists and is known to exist.

What I meant was that there's no effort to even *determine* what exists, so there's nothing to hide or sweep. It's the absence of information, not the hiding of information.

To wit: Steve Stricker (a pro golfer) suffered some very wild and concerning medical issues and symptoms for a few weeks around Thanksgiving to Christmas. The story I read mentioned his vaxx status not at all. That sure seems odd. Ditto the absence of vaxx discussion surrounding Bob Saget's death (double-jabbed, once-boosted), ditto the absence of vaxx discussion surrounding the seeming-proliferation of athlete medical emergencies overseas, the absence of vaxx discussion when Gov. Newsom went dark for a few weeks, the absence of vaxx discussion when Alex Berenson's NY Times colleague dropped dead the day after a jab, ad infinitum.

IMO, it's not the absence of side effects and hospitalizations from the jabs, it's the absence of what should be journalistic investigation into, and what should be government interest in, whether the vaxxes are hospitalizing and killing people.

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All those soccer players keeling over...

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And EU parliament presidents, dying of 'serious immune system problems' after having two separate serious lung infections not related to COVID-19 [1]

Lots of 'unexplained' sudden deaths these days, but surely they are all a coincidence, right?

[1] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59947211

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I found that very ...interesting....as well, tried to learn a bit more...apparently the poor man had been battling with cancer for quite a while.

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

Just to be contrarian - I don't think numbers matters one jot. It's whose children who gets affected that matters. Look at how Germany handled Neurosedyn. How many went to prison over that? Zero, I think?

If and when the children of the elite and their managerial class is affected, then the tune will change.

After all, they care nothing at all about slave labour to make smart phones or China's organ harvesting and uighur genocide.

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I'm a solid member of the laptop class, as far as I can see, almost everybody of this group got vaccinated, more than 50% of their teenage kids got vaccinated, but very few people had their kids 5-11 vaccinated.

But they wouldn't "proudly display" their kids jabbing, that's a media phenomenon, mainly wide-eyed social media people paralyzed by fear would do this.

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As I just said above, I'm old enough to remember lots of people disbelieving reports of tens of millions dead under communism...for decades.

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And we're getting there - in the UK the process of reassessment of the narrative has begun, e.g. with SAGE advisor Mark Wollhouse's book "The Year the World Went Mad.".

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The "it bleeds it leads" factor for a floundering legacy media in reporting "shocking" vaccine sides (at least: shocking to their credulous readers & viewers) has an ineluctable commercial logic about it. So once the various forms of covert and overt coercion to stick to the narrative come off, we'll start to see /really/ interesting fragmentation in the legacy media. It's one thing for the consumer when they have a dichotomy between the Dark Web and Substack "conspiracy theories" on the one hand and Trusted News Initiative propaganda and Big Tech info-lockdowns on the other. The current incarnation of social media is hopelessly lost to the Silicon Valley Stasi. But what if FOX realizes at some point it desperately needs ratings and mentions, say Maddie de Garay? All hell breaks loose. Even "MAGA gatekeeper" Tucker Carlson has been soft-pedalling on side effects reporting. It's a total third rail. But it's also a media goldmine.

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In the United States we can always rely on personal injury attorneys bringing lawsuits. It will take a few years, but I do expect that somebody will be sued for vax injury (Colleges? Google? State governemnt? the NBA?)

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If the data on potential myocarditis damage holds, we could be looking at a lot of deaths in the next five years or so. Still, it will be easy to pin it on other things. I spoke a bit about this in my latest post - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/schadenfreude-on-both-sides-who-is - the concerning data is showing a potential exponential increase in myocarditis risk with each booster, with Moderna being more dangerous than Pfizer (but both are bad).

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Seems 14% of those that got (went to the hospital for) myocarditis from the vaccines have died in the UK already. Scary stuff.

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

You can die of a heart attack the day after your booster and they wonโ€™t admit itโ€™s vax related so I donโ€™t have a lot of hope theyโ€™ll draw any link to this. Look how long it took them to work out the effects of thalidomide.

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It canโ€™t be pinned on other things if it only happens to the vaxxed.

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They're trying to make everybody "only vaxxed." Cardiac adverse events are being blamed on "pandemic stress," and now the sudden tsunami of autoimmune disorders in the young are being blamed on "western diets." People will see through this,they will want to blame those responsible for turning this poison loose on them. FDA is about to have to drop a ton of documents.

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In the future Big Pharma will always make sure that the side effects of the drug they're pushing mimic the illness they're trying to prevent -- it works beautifully!

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

There are athletes dropping dead on fields at a rate never seen before, yet at least half the country thinks youre nuts if you think its from the vaccines. You cant win or convince people when the media and social media are all telling them the same thing.

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This is why they're working to feverishly to suppress our voices, and why they are doomed to failure. I'm noticing more and more adamantly pro-vax people on the tyrannically moderated websites I frequent getting mad and being assertive about the side effects they experienced and how they won't be silenced. Seeing those posts, and seeing them disappear, must be disquieting even to those who have bought the mainstream narrative wholesale-- hard to convince yourself it's just a Russian bot posting misinformation when the user name belongs to someone you've been swapping recipes and parenting tips with for the last 6 years.

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With boosters being needed every 4 months or less people will get more direct access to side effects, either themselves or someone they know directly. Once it happens to them they will acknowledge it. If itโ€™s happening to other people they can deny.

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I pray you are right

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They've already got a convenient excuse: covid causes heart damage, so insofar that there is an increase, it MUST be from covid -- no other potential explanations or contributing factors allowed.

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I think the question for each of our US senators and congressmen (and Iโ€™ve posed some questions of my rep, will be moving on to the others) is โ€œhow many permanent disabilities, especially in those under 30, are you willing to accept before you are willing to accept the data from the already overwhelmed vaccine vigilance programs (VAERS has over 110,000 hospitalizations and 20000 plus deaths), the European equivalent has 30000 deaths and the severe adverse effects are huge but since each number represents an adverse effect, not a person, I do not know the number, Yellow Card last heard had thousands on both. Iโ€™d like to see those current figures, anyone have?

I recommend we all let them know and pose the question.

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It's too scary for people to think they f*cked up by taking the shots and forcing it on their kids. It's like the people who though priests taking kids skinny-dipping was normal.

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Another possibility that might speed up the ending to vaccines is a rapid increase in severe side effects from them, even deaths (already happening), that become too obvious for even MSNBC & CNN to keep sweeping under the rug, especially when it starts happening to their own friends and family members.

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The health regulators can ignore AEโ€™s, or try to explain them away, but the ember of a child, friend, or other loved one injured by a vaccine or by medical mismanagement, or both, spreads through the community like a wildfire. These anecdotes are very powerful. As a personal anecdote, you can tell me that the vaxxed and boosted are protected from hospitalization and death till the cows come home, but you can never wipe from my mind praying in a church small group, as I did Saturday morning, for an otherwise healthy, vaxxed and boosted, middle-aged man who had just been placed on a ventilator. Regardless of the underlying reasonโ€”who can know but God?โ€”that experience will inform my encounter with every vaccine, primary care physician, hospitalist, politician and healthcare regulator for the rest of my days. And so it will everyone in that small group.

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Yep, I never had an antivax thought in my head until a nurse friend's daughter went from totally-normal 2 year old to nonverbal autistic within 48 hours of a vaccine. The mom wasn't antivax until this point either, but she is now. And, frankly, I don't know what to think about it but im def not able to explain it away.

After having my own run-in with serious injury from a commonly prescribed antibiotic, and after being assured I wasn't at risk for the serious side effects, my trust in the medical establishment is at an all-time low. Once it happens to you or people you care about you cannot look away.

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Jan 10, 2022ยทedited Jan 10, 2022

Similar here. In 1985, a friend's beautiful, normal daughter (6 or 8 months old) got a DPT shot and almost immediately began to have seizures. She ended up extremely brain damaged, and today she remains the same, under care 24/7, can't walk or talk, and unable to do much of anything. It's horrifying to me because I remember what a perfect child she was before the vaccine. This turned out to be a "bad lot" of vaccines, and after a many years-long lawsuit involving many similarly damaged children, there was a big settlement. My son was born about a year after that, and I made the decision to skip the DPT shot although he did get other vaccines along the way. Not nearly as many as kids now get, however. I can't believe how many vaccines are "suggested" for kids these days.

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For myself, I never had an anti-vax thought in my head until the most untrustworthy people in the world started pushing a never before used in humans vax technology which had undergone far less than the usual amount of testing.

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Yep. The anecdotes about the clot shot are coalescing into a kind of folk legend that millions are sharing behind the backs of the "experts"

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Yep. Once people fear the vaccine more than corona, they will shift HARD. It's already happening.

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Unfortunately, or rather, fortunately, the vaccine is not bad enough to itself produce an indisputable signal in all-cause mortality. The vaccine-induced death counter-narrative will have to proceed anecdotally, whereby every anecdotal vaccine death gets "fact-checked" to, er, death.

Vaccine deaths have to meet an impossibly high standard of evidence, meanwhile the media anecdotes about covid deaths will continue to be front page news, accompanied by the usual public deathbed lamentation about failing to get vaxxed.

The one thing this pandemic has been good for is the extent to which double standards have become so sophisticated.

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and insurance companies will find a way to deny death benefits, regardless.

- deny claims if you took the experimental injection

- deny claims if you didn't and you died of covid

- deny claims if you/next of kin filed a VAERS (or similar) vaccine injury report (and then if this happens, watch people stop reporting vaccine injuries - vaccines will look totally safe then)

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Your speculation is possible but I suspect extremely unlikely. In the USA at least, insurance is a very tightly regulated business. Despite tendencies to becoming a corporate oligarchy (e.g. social media being the government's censor, Pharma capture of damned near everything) it would look really bad if the "little guy" (the policy holder or his heirs) were denied coverage merely to protect the profits of the big evil corporation (the insurance company.) What IS far more likely, indeed nearly certain if excess deaths continue, is that fewer new policies are written or (when allowable) rates are raised dramatically.

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That's only if the deaths and injuries continue to hover around the same level they're at today, which are high but easy for the MSM to ignore. But if they continue to escalate, which I believe they will, everything will be turned on its head. This would be uncharted territory for the entire world -- and the skyrocketing numbers of injuries and deaths would no longer be possible to ignore.

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I am not sure, since we have a persistent 20% excess mortality among younger cohorts in Germany, and that is not sufficient to get the powers investigating.

It could be any one, or any combination of the things that have changed since the baseline established to see an excess over - the virus, vaccines, or NPIs. Or some unknown factor. But the deaths are not sufficient to be worth investigating.

It would be possible to overlook/ignore a very large number of vaccine deaths. For some context, vioxx was thought post-hoc to be responsible for around 100,000 premature deaths in the USA, but no one noticed them at the time. The signal was less than the noise.

We need to find vaccine death signals in reported vaccine deaths, not all-cause deaths.

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I was thinking more along the lines of a much higher number of deaths and injuries down the road. What I think might happen is the virus becomes endemic, life returns to normal more or less -- but then the vaccine side effects and deaths reach apocalyptic levels that surpass even the previous high rates of virus infections.

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This seems depressingly likely.

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Apparently, cause of death for the people in the younger cohorts will be revealed by....June.

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That's why the mandatory booster campaign is going nowhere.

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Theyre already talking about the "universal" Army vaccine that will cover all past and future coronaviruses. That should create some interesting variants that ensure our doom

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No just news articles haha. Yeah it sounds beyond fake but it did come from the mainstream media so that is to be expected.

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How Jestre phrased it was probably, well, in jest. However, the news report is true enough. U.S. Army reported to have a prototype universal coronavirus vaccine. Using summary knowledge of prior attempts in general, and the ample evidence of the past year provided by the "vaccines" against SARS-CoV-2 and its demon spawn, I think I will remain a member of the skeptic club. I would love to be proven wrong, but let it be done by old-fashioned "gold standard" FDA trials that take years instead of weeks.

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Ever wondered how triple vaxxed Labour leader Keir Starmer caught Covid twice in less than 3 months? These daily expose articles examine the UKHSA vaccine surveillance reports using Pfizer's own vaccine efficacy formula to reveal a disturbing form of AIDs in the degredation of immune system in triple vaccinated which is predicted to hit minus 100% in many age groups by the end of February. If this is true, as they carry on with the vaccination program the vaccinated will never attain immunity to Covid and thus constitute a never ending reservoir for reinfection.


What makes it seem to be true is that they predicted this effect back on October 30th.


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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Please check out GVB https://twitter.com/gvdbossche?lang=en and a few of his video discussions. His thesis of last year appears to be happening.

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Amazing that Twitter hasn't memory holed him. Especially as he's one of the leading "millions will die" claimants.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Excellent as always, thank you eugyppius. I mostly agree - whoever is at the top of the food chain currently will need to surrender arms on this fight to keep any credibility up for other vaccines but I think even that is too late for most. In my personal circle, I sense a malaise and exhaustion with the entire charade, even out of people who are incredibly non-controversial and polite. Much like mass hysteria events of the past, I don't think there will be an official mea culpa but years and years of discovery, lawsuits, etc that will be kept mostly out of the media. Individually though, the truth will be known whether consciously or not.

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Not so sure. There are a lot of very angry people out there, and virtually every member of the current "elite" has lot the trust of the masses. That trust never comes back. Just ask BoJo.

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yeah, I agree. It's like we never had another Salem witch trial. it was too horrible to discuss, but people quietly made sure it never happened again.

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Itโ€™s like a game of chicken and who blinks first? Us or the jab pushers.

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every post of yours contains about 10 or 15 amazingly worded truths. thank you

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The writer he reminds me of most is Thomas Sowell

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