
this post was supposed to be free but I clicked the wrong thing. it should be open to everyone now.

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

I thought things were bad here in the US, but I am in awe at the German level of lunacy.

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

I live on the other side of the planet, and even I can tell that's not a Nazi salute.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

This will simply accelerate Public Anger & make Violent Revolution more inevitable.

Nobody buys into these 'moral arguments' anymore. The people of Germany have seen what their 'moral' leaders do overseas. So they have wised up to what is really going on over here:

Scapegoat Populists so that when the Economic Implosion occurs, the 'Elite' have an 'Out.'

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I just read that the Berlin Film Festival is in hysterics of rage because representatives from AfD received invitations and now all [insert terrified groups here] will be in danger

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I don't know what I'm doing, but my incompetence has never stopped my enthusiasm.

(Woody Allen)

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

Police have a meltdown over a giant snowman, on questioning him they got an icy response as he asked if the police weren't getting a little flakey. To which a police officer frostily replied no we want to know if you're fascist.

The snowman who was an inflatable so knew he couldn't melt, slowly got out his dictionary and eventually said " definitely not, the word doesn't exist in my 1935 dictionary ".

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

And it's getting spicy in Romania too:

"Globalist Coup To Thwart Democracy Underway In Romania

Over 10,000 Romanians took to the streets on Wednesday evening to protest the decision of the Globalist PSD-PNL coalition to combine the European parliamentary elections with the local elections. The move is in direct violation of the country’s constitution and is unprecedented with less than six months before June 9 parliamentary elections.

According to a press release by the country’s leading opposition party, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, “The final destination of the protests was the PSD headquarters in the cities of the county seat. In an extremely difficult moment for democracy in Romania, in which the PSD together with the PNL collaborated to launch an aggressive offensive against the fundamental principles of the rule of law and democracy, the AUR does not sit passively: it is the only political formation that really defends democracy in our country."

Cancelling "Democracy" in order to "save it" seems to be the central theme of 2024 so far....

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Fuhrer Fischer loves his snow. Someone needs to make Downfall video memes about the German green energy disaster and collapse of the EU Fourth Reich.

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

Interesting to read the comments in the YT video of Peter Fischer - the overwhelming number of commentators point out the blindingly obvious contraction between RTL's request for 'democratic' debate and the content of the video they have put on YT, calling for violence against a third of the electorate.

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Are you sure you aren't actually one of those spoof sites like babylon bee or the onion because everything you wrote appears far too dumb to be actually true. I particularly like the nazi snowman who looks far too jolly to be a fascist/nazi/rightwing nutjob/whatever.

Beethoven, Bismarck, Goethe, Gutenberg, JS Bach (to name but a few) must be absolutely spinning in their graves.

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“Amazingly, it turns out that the snowman is neither a National Socialist nor right-wing extremist; he is merely waving”


"… not waving but drowning." [Stevie Smith]

All rationality goes down, down down.

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

AfD members must remember to keep their arms clamped to their sides at all times. There is now no angle of the arm that cannot be interpreted as a Hitler salute.

I suggest they take lessons in Irish traditional dancing.

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

Just when I thought my estimation of the German police could not sink any lower after they were filmed during the Black Death 2.0 body slamming docile German senior citizens to the pavement and striking them in the skull with their clubs. It’s been reported, though, that in immigrant neighborhoods the German cops are famous for retreating without a whimper when surrounded by crowds of 15-year olds, after being spit on and called “sons of whores”. But now … that they did not draw their pistols and empty their ammunition magazines into that f****ing Nazi snowman … I ask you: Who remains then to protect us in times like these?

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

Please, tell ma that Ministry of Deindustrialisation is not its real name.

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Feb 8Liked by eugyppius

In the spring they should put up a few inflatable frogs outside the offices.

It's going to be a bad year for leftists.

At 6pm EST the ground will shake as leftists heads explode. The survivors will be gone on the 2nd shockwave on Nov2

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