Lorenz Blumenthaler is the personification of the idea that going to the gym is reserved for far-right fascists.

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I have never, not once, been disappointed when i go in search of what people saying ridiculous stuff like this actually look like.

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They say you can't judge a person's character just by their appearance, but for some reason, they always look exactly how I imagine them.

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Nothing like actual men you mean? Lol.

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They're like Ken dolls. 'Nuf said.

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Rather emasculated Ken dolls.

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Rather ugly Ken dolls.

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If that's what a Ken doll looked like, millions of little girls would have raided their brothers' action figure collections for their Barbie play scenarios.

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I must have been ahead of the curve because my Barbies never had Kens. They always had my brother's GI Joe's for their boyfriends lol

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Jee Spiff, have you seen the new models of "masculinity" lately?

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In other words, not actual men.

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Shhhhh! People will think you're transphobic!

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now I have to look him up. OMG he looks like that health minister. What a terrible choice of people you got there LOL

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Lol, the same thought crossed my mind.

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At least his smile will look exactly the same when he's 99 and toothless.

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It must have been a challenge to choose that pic over this one. https://www.frankenpost.de/inhalt.marktredwitz-auf-zum-arbeiten-nach-amerika.e8fb276d-b81b-4e13-b4a7-f9f1c2a5c065.html

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I second this motion. He is a one-man walking advert for the dangers of seed oils 😎

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The story of a man who ages backwards - with bizarre consequences.

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Oh dear....the flame of leftist hate burned about 30 Kilos of weicht...

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Are you familiar with the podcast of the lotus eaters? They did an excellent segment on this very topic today. It turns out that you can, in fact, judge a book by its cover.

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I am reminded of the Tik Tok Tide pod eaters

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physiognomy was discredited as a science, but it seems like there's something to it.

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Still I have to (again) voice my approval of your portrait choices. One picture is worth a thousand words.

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Studies have been done which equate certain facial and physical traits with personality traits, and more importantly, with the way others respond to them. Not surprisingly, these studies almost always confirm our instinctive responses.

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I thought it was a woman.

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Yes, the warrior part in SJW was not sustainable.

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Loretta Blumenthaler! Coming out soon.

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The funny thing is it's true. The part that is a lie is in that being a bad thing.

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Haha! Perfect comment! Love it!

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I just started because I want to go snowboarding. Paying for a board, boots and bindings will be an entirely different issue. First, though, I have to get in shape. My heart rate, bp and weight are fine. But my muss kyules aren’t ready for it.

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I was gonna say…when did Germany start to produce so many sickly-looking people who look like they’ve been locked in einem Keller for years and have survived only on meager servings of potatoes? Like mole-people

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So true. Feminised!

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Sep 4
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"glorifying anti-Semitism".


That means anti-Palestinian; or, in the case of European and N/A Jews, a falsehood, an ad hominem, admission of imposterism.

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Men, far-right! Ace!

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This sounds a lot like the American high school student who was punished for wearing a "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirt, which punishment was upheld after his appeal. When innocuous songs and phrases are demonized, the message is clear: the establishment is terrified of all forms of dissent, real and imagined. Keep singing!

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I'm thinking about creating a "Met's Mo Mandon" line of apparel, just to see how far the establishment freakout might reach. Any takers???

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Oh better yet: "Yah betta thank a union membah"

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Or "The significance of time is that it is significant".

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The establishment has absolutely NO sense of humor - nothing creative and fun will be tolerated.

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And they get even more nasty when you point this out.

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Yes, and it's such a curious thing yet seems to be uniformly true of these people. I'm always asking myself what could have happened to destroy their sense of humor. I have occasionally found Bill Maher's humor enjoyable in a limited sort of way, but it was oh so fascinating to see him recently as a guest on Greg Gutfeld's show because he just melted into the chair he was sitting in and become a total bore and not funny in the least. Apparently he was unable to relate to the sometimes wild, very irreverent humor of the people on Gutfeld's show.

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Gutfeld & Friends can be savage :D

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Damn straight, triple-F.

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I wonder if the same high school would dole out the same punishment for a student wearing a t-shirt that’s says: If you don’t know who to vote for, then you ain’t black!

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Probably. They would be afraid it's sarcasm.

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Ha! I posted about the same thing!

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They now also want to forbid people to _own_ (not even bear) knifes with blades longer than 6cm. Maybe spoons are next.

They don't want those who they wish to crush to have _any_ weapons that can do even the slighest damage. You can have a white flag, but without stick.

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I don't see what's wrong with "Let's go, Brandon." Every time I get on an airplane (and I've flown dozens of times in the last two-plus years), I pull out my trusty Sharpie marker and write "Let's go, Brandon" on the barf bag in every seat that I sit in.

I know the airlines don't change out those bags often (if ever), and almost nobody uses them. So, even now there must be some 30-40 of them "flying the friendly skies" over the US (and to/from Europe.

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But if you were to sing this, you would be considered "patriotic ":

'Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,

Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.

O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,

To Communism's triumph lead us on!'

These people are commies! We should take them serious in all their unseriousness.

From one of the best POTUSs all time:

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin"


They are clueless...but dangerous.

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That quote is absolutely brilliant. It has just become my second most loved quote of Reagan. The first one of course being, "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

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It seems neither of you nor Reagan understand or understood Lenin. Communist lackeys especially are not particularly known for their intelligence or good looks, and yet a lackey doesn't need these things as much as leadership which understands how to wield them. Reagan was an idiot who failed to see he was but a puppet of another outgrowth of the same disease which birthed communism. It's pathetic if one thinks merely poking fun at hapless fools will do any good against the edifice behind communism.

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Hmm ... "disease" ... "the edifice behind" ...

Very mysterious. You seem afraid to name names, but I'll give it a go.

Is it ... The Masons? The Black Nobility? The Illuminati? The Bloodlines? The British Royal Family? The Vatican? The Shape-Shifting Lizards? The Anunnaki?

Hold on, I think I've got it! It's A Tribe Called Quest.


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Sep 4Edited
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No, Britain as a country, and the City of London as a financial entity lost the War. They were highly indebted to the US (the debts were not paid off until the 1990s), and had to accept the loss of their entire Empire, according to US wishes.

European Jews were nearly wiped out, and those in Mandate Palestine could easily have been wiped out too, if it were not for the incompetence of the seven arab armies that attacked them when the state of Israel was founded. They had to fight British troops in the final years of the Mandate, and Britain gave assistance to some of the Arab armies.

Stalin was the clear winner of the War. He had no debts to pay to the US, which gave the Soviet Union the most favorable terms, while penalising Britain heavily. And he gained control of Central and Eastern Europe and much of East Asia (China, North Korea and North Vietnam) - the Western powers simply handed these over to him with no attempt at resistance (other than North Vietnam).

The notion of an "Anglo-Zionist" conspiracy was an invention of the KGB, which has been manipulating right wing groups in the West since the 1960s. Russia is no longer Communist in ideology, but it is led by former Communist and especially KGB cadres who have no intention of giving up any of the advantages that still accrue to them from Soviet deceptions, sponsorship of organised crime and alliances with rogue states.

You see, you people stoked up on conspiracies don't actually know any history, and have little grasp of logic - if the conspiracy was for real, how come YouTube and other platforms are slopping at the brim with conspiratard videos and articles?

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Well done, Rocío! Way to go although engaging with the likes of RiverHollow is probably a waste of time.

I like your nickname by the way. It is so politically incorrect it is refreshing... I am guessing it is not your real name?

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No courtesy.

Get in my face with that, you'll understand what "discourteous" means.

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Troll. Is there a way to block RiverHollow?

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Nobody really needs to "fight" communism anymore. It's basically collapsed from its own internal contradictions everywhere it's been tried --- even China.

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Tell me you’re a low IQ troglodyte suffering from Dunning-Kruger, w/o telling me you’re a low IQ troglodyte suffering from Dunning-Kruger

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Someone suffering from Dunning-Kruger got you to reply :^)

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Communists! Marx Brothers, but not funny.

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Ronnie "Bonzo" Reagan:

Empty and anti-intellectual.

Bring on , "We will begin bombing in 5 minutes".

Acolyte of Curtis Lemay: "Let's bomb the USSR back to the stone age".

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They aren't clueless. They understand power, they understand friend vs enemy, and they understand liberty for one is tyranny for the other. Do you?

There are always fools, but to regard an ideological outgrowth which has so successfully and routinely caused so much damage to its target societies as mere incompetence is, well, clueless.

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Do you need some privacy while you masturbate in public?

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I am certainly averting my eyes.

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Keep your fetishes to yourself. Stay mad.

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I used to love visiting Germany back when it was still German. Germans fell victim to toxic compassion, and a bit of guilt about Naziism. It’s very sad that today nationalism is equated with Nazis, which is bonkers. Liking your own tribe is very different from hating another.

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Toxic compassion is the perfect label for this affliction.

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Or pathological altruism. Both lead to national suicide.

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Again, in the UK, it's perfectly fine to have a Scottish Nationalist Party and a Welsh Nationalist (Plaid Cymru) party, but even the words "English nationalist" are probably enough to get you onto a watch list... At least we have been allowed to fly the English flag for the last few years - during the 80s and for much of the 90s it was taken to be a symbol of racism and people would be instructed to remove any such flags from their property. These days, since we do slightly better in international football tournaments than we used to (the England team being the best in the world at playing world-class players in a way that just scrapes a win but never a championship), the flag is - for the moment - safe.

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Remember, this is all incubating actual nationalism. Theyve been warned about this for many years but they don't listen.

The arrogance of the elites and their minions knows no bounds.

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What can you expect from people that cleaned the streets of London of rift raft buy sending them to Barbados in the 1650's including my maternal grandfather, many grandfathers removed. He survived and got to Jamestown despite his sentence.

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Well said. I am not a flag waver but at the moment my village has Ukrainian flags on parish council flag poles. This is the UK and it rains quite a bit but the joke is wearing thin.

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Until we debunk the myth that the Nazis were "far right", we are fighting an uphill battle.

National Socialism is NOT Right-Wing

How the deceptive mislabeling of fascism and Nazism distorts modern politics


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Hi again. National Socialism was right wing, but that's not a bad thing.

The primary distortion of modern politics comes from the lies which paint the anti-bolsheviks of our recent past as unquestionably wrong. They were anything but.

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Mussolini touted totalitarianism as a desirable feature of fascism. So totalitarianism is now both left wing *and* right wing? Fascism may seem "right wing" to a communist on the far left, but that shouldn't be our perspective. Don't let them gaslight you.

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"So totalitarianism is now both left wing *and* right wing?"

Well, yes. Sure, not at the same time but it can be either. How is this hard to understand?

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It's easy to understand if you've swallowed the Big Lie whole. Otherwise it makes no sense.

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Why couldn't right-wing governments be totalitarian?

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Had a few great friends in Germany. Lost contact with them years ago, pity. Germany without these awful people, and without the slew of not-belonging people, is wonderful. I have nothing against immigrants, living in a street with several Mexican families and I former Belgian, how could I? I am an immigrant myself albeit legal.

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Liking your tribe means defending yourself against others, which includes disdain for those tribes who wrong yours.

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Honest question: when was that? Must have been in the 60s or something.

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Your sense of humor is tremendous - always makes me LOL. Even though the topic is so grim!

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The woke leftists must be very desperate if they have to go after a song. What is next?

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Absolutely nothing is off limits for deranged individuals or entire countries.

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“What is next?”

Brushing your teeth, maybe?

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Probably. They hate the 'tooth' (sic). :)

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Everything, in a word. Many underestimate the depth of their hatred. They would not be happy even with everything under rubble.

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To be fair, Republicans were always searching for satanic messages in rock songs and demanding warning labels if they couldn't outright ban them. Idiocy is an all-sides affliction.

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Are you referring to that very real historical pandemic that so tragically swept the world in the 1960s? The one that now seems to afflict about 50% of the people of the western world?

I'm talking about stupidity, of course.

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Doesn't it sweep the world every thirty years or so?

I was never much for reading the Greek philosophers but those passages where they complained about the young generation all useless and illiterate--

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One of my Profs, back in the prehistoric era, when I attended an institution of higher learning, displayed one of the many variants of that quote on his office wall.

Something like this one : "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

Attributed to Socrates (But almost certainly NOT an actual quote!)

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Well, it's the spirit of the thing.

We should probably all relax now. These problems never get fixed. Just secure enough chocolate bars and tea bags to last out the latest apocalypse.

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We already stocked up on important stuff we can't raise ourselves.

Like coffee, vanilla, and various calibers of other essential supplies.

Bring on the apocalypse of the month!

We're ready.

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