“ In this, gay sex is much different from childhood education, everyday social interactions, economic and business activities, peaceable assembly, walks outside, and dying in the company of friends and family, which are frivolous luxuries up for repeal every flu season.”


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He isn't wrong. Man on man anal is the core religious rite of Clown World. To suggest it be limited, even for a short time, would be heresy and sacrilege of the worst sort. Much as Aztec priests needed to tear out hearts every afternoon to ensure the sun would rise the following morning, should the monks of liberalism suspend their celebrations for even a moment, the ground would split open and Hitler would come storming up from the depths of hell.

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In April 2020 near the first peak of fear mongering from public health officials, Fauci approved of Tinder and Grinder hookups while calling for everything else to be shut down.

Degeneracy shall not be infringed. To replace all other human rights.

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I hope there's a special level in hell where all these ghouls get non-stopped gang raped.

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I hate to point out that some seek that in those back rooms.

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HardeeHo - gross!

The rockband Tool had a hologram on one of their albums doing it on the cover. Not something you want to see...;]

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Hail to our lord, the mighty penis, half of all future life but destroyer of men. A hologram? Clever in some circles.

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So well constructed. Lmao

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Man on boy.

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The Pride Heralds want you to forget that advocating for such as a very vocal and accepted part of the early days of the movement. Read about Harry Hay's "Radical Faeries and NAMBLA.

Now to be clear I believe most members of the LGBQ community do not approve of sex with those who are underage . But there is a growing demand by others in the community for its acceptance. Sooner than most realize the anti underage sex will find themselves accused of bigotry and worse. Opposing sexual contact with minors makes no sense in a world where minors are viewed mature enough to demand drugs and mutilation in order to change their sex. So it must be hate that motivates any objection to agreeing that minors are fully sexual beings.

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California (Rep. Weiner) made it legal for someone to not have to register as a sex offender, if the difference in ages is 10 years or less. Why he hasn't been recalled for all of his horrendous bills is beyond me.

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Whenever I visit the zoo the gorilla lady is trying to seduce me .I would like to surrender ,but too afraid of the silver back in the corner .

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At one point, maybe 30 or 40 years ago, due to a loophole in some legislation, there was a several months period when the age of consent in New Jersey was 13.

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This "minor attracted persons" is yet another facet of Klaus Schwab's WEF "leaders" evil. Everything that is "wrong" with the US, UK, Canada and others, is straight from the WEF web site. More people need to know about it - educate themselves, their families and friends...and spread the word.

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You may well be right, but I suspect a backlash is coming. It's already started, in fact (because of the trans stuff, especially the minor-related stuff), but it's in its early days.

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Not a moment too soon. The trans lobby are nothing but a bunch of confused, evil, hypocritical bullies. I wouldn't mind leaving them to their devices if they hadn't been trying to shove their stupid fairytale ideology on everybody else. There is a limit to everybody's patience when it comes to suffering fools.

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You aren't wrong.

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Wish I were.

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sideways and on the dry

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Gosh!! I wanted to cry in despair at the state of the world but ended up laughing instead because of your brilliant writing!

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this could be a wonderful paragraph in a sci fi book John !

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::::shivers:::: reading that is 🤮

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That's going on with monkeys 24/7 . Real ladies shield their yes when walking past the monkey cages in the zoo . Men don't that's why they are all rapists .

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Do not offend Hitler ,he was a virgin to the end .

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Why would he? Men technically have 9 orifices

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We would start with a DP to the urethra

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Correct. But as they say necessity is the mother of all innovation.

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Yes, mankind is going backwards under a shroud of delusion that can only result in civilisation's collapse. If one thinks about it too much its like living in a house of horrors where shouting at the delusion falls on deaf ears.

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Yes. Spot on!

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"Still waiting on that fifteen-day anal sex moratorium to crush the curve."


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The new safety distance must be 12 feet not 6 if you are planing on a honeymoon .

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Teenage guy: hold my beer.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

They just can't bring themselves to put in writing that rampant gay sex is the driving force of the spread here- can they? It makes me want to bang my head on a wall- this abject stupidity has to stop.

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It's not stupidity. It's a form of pandering that has been elevated to art. It's political fellatio of such a breathtaking nature it leaves you speechless. If there is an example of why humankind will not ever advance past this point and the height of our species was, oh, say, two generations back, this is it.

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Is it pandering? Or is it the start of "gay sex is the best sex," which will then slide into "gay sex should be the only sex" which concludes with "hetero sex is against the law."

Crazy I know.

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Oh, it's all pandering. None of these people really believe this, but that doesn't mean they won't push it to the ridiculous end you just suggested.

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Is outlawing non-gay sex ridiculous IF your goal is depopulation?

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Well, not if that is your end goal. But there are easier ways to depopulate, like say a vaccine that sabotages the reproductive system.

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There are even more ethical and better ways to depopulate (e.g. women's education and birth control). Hence I just can't wrap my head around this current diabolical shitstorm. Why would they choose such an evil, convoulted path to depopulation when just raising living standards would do the job and the people are happy. Win.. win!!

Does anybody have some ideas / theories as to why they are taking this particular route?

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Political fellatio. Can I borrow that?

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I already stole it...:}

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I'd be proud if you did.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

If only they could be trained auto-fellatio, then all our problems would be resolved...they'd never leave their house.

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'The Matrix' was right......that time really was the height of our civilization.

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I read that only gay men get monkey pox .Lesbians don't seem to get it . It makes sense that many gay men may now become lesbians .

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

Lesbians are less susceptible to all sorts of diseases than heterosexual women are. Gay men are more susceptible to all sorts of diseases than heterosexual men are. If you think about, ahem, the details, it's quite easy to see why. That's why male homosexuality was stigmatized for so long, while lesbianism provoked more of a shrug response.

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aaahhh ha... What you say makes good sense! Wow! Never thought of it like that. I mean, imagine a few hundred years ago, homosexuals would practically be dying of unknown diseases and hence people put two and two together and decided that homosexuality is cursed and God was punishing them. They literally use this language in religious doctrine.

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I never though that at 86 I would become a dirty old man writing that stuff .

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I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. That was. I fear it's all downhill from there.

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You mean we are not there yet ?

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Same with AIDS, when Fauci trumpeted his bullcrap that it was spread through casual contact, and anybody could get it, even children living with you. WTF. He had pregnant suburban terrified for no reason, all to "protect" gays, who would have been safer knowing the truth.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Most of the infections were in the mouth, anus, and genitals. Wonder what that means?

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***big think emoji***

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It means vaginas caught a break this time.

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Oh Peter. I'm sure you just heard that from a "friend".

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Be careful not to feed the trolls.

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Well played sir. Point taken.

Sometimes I prefer to let them keep digging

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Pfizer is building new factories to make chastity belts , intensive testing is going on in Nevada .

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I don’t know about you but the idea of ANY kind of sex while blistering is like the FURTHEST thing from my mind but what do I know?

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we're talking about certain fetish subcultures with fairly extreme behaviours that are pretty much beyond most of our experiences (e.g.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugchasing)

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that is so so horrible.

A genuine mental disease

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I think I just became a Believer.

I'm just gonna call that what it is: Satanic

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That's what you get digging Sodoma and Ghomorra out of the ashes ,better we fill it in again .

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

Seal it for eternity. And put 200 ft placard on it to remind the sheople of their complicity

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A few decades ago, I read a book that had an alternative theory on HIV-- weakened immune systems as a result of decades of STDs then antibiotics.

But that was not the part that stayed with me. It was the fact that their research found that, gay men had an average of 500 partners on average, in their life.


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The RFK book also expresses great skepticism about the standard HIV explanation of AIDS. He makes a good case for it just being promiscuous sex with a lot of partners, some sketchy drug use, and a lot of bugs floating around.

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Ain’t love grand?

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Clearly I did not know about this! I’m kinda laughing now, people always think I’M the weird/crazy one 🤣

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And I once though DeSade was fictional. And I'm told that at end of the Roman Colosseum Circus, they featured depravities beyond comprehension in order to satisfy the jaded crowd of ordinary citizens of the day. Have no idea if that was true.

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You have me considering the most awful thought that the jading of children will be one result of the push to normalize early exposure to sexual matters. This corruption of innocence is demonic.

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Yes. Evil always starts with the innocent. The masks are meant to desecrate.

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It is true and they would have 3 day orgies all masked up doing all manner of unspeakable acts.

Mask are dangerous. But you already know that

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It's hard to be retarded without a mask . The mask leaves no doubt .

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well, yeah, they're only working with half a face. friggin idiots.

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The egyptians was ahead in that game though. How about a dildo made from a hollowed-out calabash filled with african honey bees?

Not to be outdone, the ancient greeks made them out of leather.

Ice Age humans made them out of bone, some 25 000 years BC.

Though I think it is fair to say the romans made an art of it.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022

You have gotten me into this shit man. We were probably already on the intelligency agencies list.

You've introduced me to the Dark internet of THINGS.

Now were screwed.

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This is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. Its horrible, but I can't look away.

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I wish I could unsee that.

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Me too!!!l

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That article just made Baby Jesus cry.

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Aside from nature's background LG peoples, the ++ parts likely are still likely related to illness of the mind, delusions of fantasy we are told to accept. Nature's answer to the LG is the lack of progeny.

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You mean you do sex with lights on ? Why not do it in the dark so you cant see the POX?

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"Aggressively Stupid"

Epic description that perfectly characterize the metastasizing societal cancer that is the CDC et al

Cuz the CDC is not just placidly stupid or inept or corrupt.

They actively, forcefully, persistently, recklessly, irrationally - push their idiotic and malicious self-contradictory & wildly vacillating inanities on us.

And the stupidity of Public Health policies is itself an aggressively metastasizing cancer. Every day sees a new instance of policymaking/comments of public officials being overtaken by this invasion of the stupid. Which is rapidly conquering an ever-expanding amount of the bureaucracy.

Very, very aggressively.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

"My hand protects you! Your hand protects me!"

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

What do “Pride celebrations” typically entail? Drug and alcohol fueled orgies that last for days and dozens of partners. These are the never-discussed facts of the “lifestyle”. That gave us HIV and now this.

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We should all be safe if they were double-masked...er...double-gagged

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Don't we get a safe word to say when we want it to be over?

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I think it's safe to say their final reckoning will be effective...

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

By the power invested in me I, Kovee II of Omicron, hereby rename the Western (formerly) developed World: Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

In response, President Biden remarked:

‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!”

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I learned that poem in either junior high or high school. I often repeat it! 😂

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So does Joe Biden - or at least it sound like what he’s saying. 😄

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Far too coherent for our current President.

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There is no nonsense in that poem. Every word means something.

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Sounds like he's had lot's of practice with his own daughter when she was a little girl.

What a sick bastard.

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Uh, has anyone noticed that the maps show all the cases confined worldwide to jabbed locations? Outbreak in Africa? Not so much

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You gotta wonder! Especially after we heard yesterday how it affects sperm with the Israeli study with Pfizer. I mean the dominoes keep falling...

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Hardest I've laughed in weeks. Brilliant!

"Still waiting on that fifteen-day anal sex moratorium to crush the curve"

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The correct wording is flatten any homosexxer trying to creep up on you .

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Very very good satire eugyppius, this just can't be true.

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I know I've mentioned this on your 'stack before, but isn't it curious how ONLY Corona demanded the separation of the unclean, while every other 'emergency' we're told not to judge. Don't blame Muslims for 9/11, Don't blame the Chinese for covid, Don't blame gays for spreading monkeypox.

However, DO shun the unvaxxinated.

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Have you read Charles Eisenstein's excellent essay on mob morality and the unvaxxed?

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That's part 3. Parts 1 and 2 are on his own homepage, linked under the headline of part 3.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

OK, I'm laughing so hard that I'm attracting attention.

So Funny!!!!

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i haven't been able to do any productive work since i read about the six-foot masturbation rule.

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I wonder if the back rooms will have tape on the floor marking the distance.

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Maybe the sex clubs will have one way aisles? Lol.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Now I'm REALLY upset. Too funny!

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And they say romance is dead.

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The Peter North rule.

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this might be the funniest thing i have ever read. and honestly, if parents are ok with dragging their kids to drag shows where they can stuff dollars into sequinned thongs, all funded by $200,000 of NY tax payer money, then i think this IS a family post and 5 year olds should be forced to read it.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius

makes me think the CDC is full of a bunch of pervs and repressed homo's who have nothing better to do than to fantasize about gay sex and orgies. Who sits around and spends their lives trying to tell other ppl how to live and what to do in their sex lives? Sure sign of infantile narcissism with Gates, Obama, Hunter and Fauxci at the helm. Another clown show caused by Obama and continuing on 14 years later. NEVER take advice from a narcissist (we all know their games, how they act and what they look like now after 2 yrs of intensive observation) ! You will always be led astray and be taken advantage of, then mocked and blamed when things go bad. Satan is the extreme of narcissism and you can clearly see when he takes over a human.

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The more deranged Western society becomes; the more I'm reminded of a memorable line in Don McClean's 1973 song "American Pie." --"And as the flames climbed high into the night; to light the sacrificial rite; I saw Satan laughing with delight." He must be doubled over; having a belly laugh by now. Self destruction all around us; seeded at the highest levels.

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40 years ago they played that song on the radio nightly at midnight on a local station, I did not understand it but I loved the tune and sang along

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