May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

If the Allies had ever imposed these restrictions on Germany after the world wars, Germans would be undestandably outraged.

But these are Germans doing this to Germany. Am I missing something here?

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you're missing nothing, it is that crazy.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius


(Although I do find your answer to be depressing...)

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Kinda like Israel leaders poisoning their own people with the vaccine. I don't know what is going through their heads.

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Dollar signs

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A lot of psychological damage can be done with a weaponized education system. And homeschooling is illegal in Germany.

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As one who has been to Germany several times, I can appreciate that there are many benefits to living in Germany over living in the US.

Despite this, there are some very critical benefits we have here that other countries lack; the right to homeschool is one of them.

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Germans not allowed to homeschool? How can you do that and still make any pretense of being free

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Suggested edit: "The right, (SO FAR), to homeschool is one of them".

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Instead of banning it they will add trans ideology and woke history to the college entry exams.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

They might, but (American) colleges are becoming Marxist hell-holes, so discerning parents are shifting away from them so they don't ruin their kids!

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There’s a lot that can be taught at home outside of school.

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More that can be taught @ home versus the cult/ propaganda of politicized education.....

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And if they're being propagandized at school, you also have to undo that damage before you can teach them your way.

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My kids are not really getting indoctrinated at school here. They learn maths, science, German, English and Latin but thankfully not much Propaganda..

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Unless you are very involved with all aspects of your children's education, how would you know?

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Germans have a civilizational deathwish. They really believe they deserve to be debased and erased for their historical sins, and they are in the process of committing national suicide.

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As the close friend of a German man, a hereditary baron who was at that time a student at the Freie University in Berlin, I can confirm that his education did demoralize him against his own country and religion. He had become hopeless.

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It sounds similar to America and her role in slavery. They want us to be mental and literal flagellants for the elite class, otherwise known as climate change. We will be freezing and starving for the greater good, otherwise known as people with more money.

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They didn't even manage to wave their own flag at the ESC, what do you expect. They are a self-loathing lot.

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It’s the Morgenthau Plan 80 years late.

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Germans have lots of practice doing bad things to Germany.

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Went to graduate school with a young German lad. Wouldn't shut up about: 1. Marx 2. How fabulous Germany's Green Party will be with total power. I would ask him, "What's the difference?" Soon he'll be wearing a rainbow/trans/green/UN arm band organizing climate struggle sessions near Kiel for critical thinking boomers and Xers not smart enough to catch the ferry north, west, and then south, to Florida.

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suggest he read the book ' The Devil and Karl Marx'. Marx was not an atheist, he worshipped Satan.

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True, but back then the green party was still about going after actual pollution, before being co opted. Many of us believed in the green movement for the right reasons, not this carbon bullshit.

As for Florida, why does everyone think that it's an example of a free state?

It's better than crazy blue states, but far from freedom as we see they love to limit the bodily freedom of women by making abortion illegal after only 6 weeks.

Look, if you don't like abortion, don't do it. But to tell others what they can or cannot do with their bodies is the same freaking fascism as the COVID hell.

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Uh, abortion involves a second life.

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Murder is Murder is Murder

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Abortion is connected to the population mgmt agenda which is connected to the fake pandemic (clot shots and infertility and sterility) which is connected to the carbon climate scam - we are the carbon they want to eliminate and control. It's all part of one diabolical global agenda. I was once pro choice but we are talking about another human life inside the mother, besides the mother's and duty of care for that human life that has no voice, so it's not like forced vaccination COVID hell at all. It's murdering a future human life. Six weeks seems reasonable.

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Would I be considered an ogre if I didn't have a problem with flaming liberals murdering their own children that more than likely would carry on their insanity???

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You probably would... but that makes me one, too.

Like, i understand the theological issue, but that's not the province of the state. We don't desperately *need* more human being, and we certainly don't desperately need more human beings raised by the self-centered sorts who get abortions. I am hard pressed to see the practical downsides here.

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Not a fraction as much as, hypothetically, were someone to note that the "demographic" with the highest abortion rate (at least in USA) is the very one that is society's most dysfunctional.

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No, because for some women they have no clue until at least a month.

I agree that it's used for population control, but when a woman wants it, that's her bodily freedom. It's in her body and it's her property.

What did people care about saving lives by fighting abortion but they were perfectly cool with the empire's illegal wars...

What is also funny is why didn't Florida restrict the ability to get the toxic shots? What the heck is Desantis and his health guy doing besides talking what people want to hear without using their power? If anything make it prescription only!

Oh no, let's focus on abortion while people can still get a dangerous shot at the pharmacy.

George Carlin had a good clip about this issue


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"It's in her body it's her property." And that's why we'll never agree. A human life is never property. And if she can't make up her mind in two weeks she's probably going to be a terrible mother anyway. Also the death jabs should be banned and anyone who approved, developed or profited from them should be injected with one every hour on live TV while people place bets on time of expiration with proceeds going to victims families. George Carlin would approve.

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In my blue state, 1 in 5 pregnancies end in abortion. 1 in 5. With the best birth control, for free, in history. This carnage now for 50 yrs. The death of a child means their children were never born... and so on. It's the scale of the killing we don't acknowledge. Entire branches of the family tree are lopped off. And the wound does not heal. For what gain?

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Abortion until delivery, murdering a viable child? You seem to have no moral limits. The balance is in the middle (of pregnancy).

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Where did I say I condone until delivery?

6 weeks is way too little is my point.

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"I agree that it's used for population control, but when a woman wants it, that's her bodily freedom. It's in her body and it's her property."

Logically, the ONLY position that makes sense after this is abortion until delivery. Otherwise you're acknowledging that at SOME point, it's more complicated than "mother can do what she wants."

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You didn't say -- that's why I asked. You left it wide open.... There is a big difference.

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Covid fascism (useless and deadly) was imposed on people that had no choice. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone HAS to get pregnant. I knew absolutely nothing as a young man, other than the fact that I was not in any way ready to he a father. Magically, I didn’t get anyone pregnant. Everyone acts like pregnancy is induced by waking up and breathing. Unfortunately we live in a culture that has been curated to destroy the opposing side, rather than reach a reasonable compromise. So we end up with “I will kill that baby at 8 months and 29 days and I will kill anyone who opposes me!!!” And “we are taking away your right to choose”. There is one side however that gets endlessly steamrolled no matter how much they do attempt to compromise. So here we are…..

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The current discussion is a perfect example of straying from the topic. In the present case, unless I missed it, German government policy and "green" energy. I'm not saying that abortion is not an important issue but I fail to see that it has the slightest relevance to the orginal topic.

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“Look, if you don’t like murder, don’t do it. But don’t tell others that they can’t murder their unborn child.”

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I live in Florida it most certainly is a free state. We went through the insanity of the plague Florida did not lock down they did not force mask on people . How in the h*** did you get abortion into this conversation over climate? I am truly Puzzled as to how your mind functions What does murdering an innocent soul have to do with climate Fascist? asking for A friend

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They can do what they want with their body, but not with the baby's body.

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It is truly weird about Florida. When I lived there for a bit I saw bronze plaques in doctors' offices that had noun/verb agreement errors. Now it is the Education State. Pro-death penalty (which, according to huge amounts of research, is not a deterrent). My sense is that every single state is illiberal, both blue and red, just different faces of illiberalism. Like the three faces of Lucifer in Dante's Inferno: Seven Mountains Dominionism/Fourth Reich types/Woke Ideology. All tenets of liberal democracy, individualism, the Western tradition, separation of church and state (and Woke is clearly a religion) etc. pushed towards oblivion.

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Both sides today are glad to proclaim their ideals but pick and choose.

It used to be the right wing censoring, now it's the left.

Perhaps next round it'll be the right censoring.

And guess what, both parties are mostly down with this endless war in Ukraine.

Bodily freedom is restricted by both parties too in their own obsessive beliefs that they think should be imposed on everyone, even not of their faith.

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I too don't understand why FL is always brought up as a free state example. Until they dropped the CC permit requirement this year they had some of the most liberal (restrictive) gun laws in the country.

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FL resident here. Although I don't carry a firearm, I too noted the odd State laws. FL remains one of a minority of States and the only one in the Deep South that (generally) forbids the open carry of a firearm. This seems weird when you think about it: In the "old days" (I'm assuming a bit here...) usually a State would require the opposite, e.g. that open display was allowed but not hidden. With the new law, FL will become one of very few States that allow concealed carry without a permit; even stranger, unless I've missed something, it will then become the only place legal to carry hidden, but (almost) never openly. While permits were relatively easy to get here, I think they'll still be issued, if for no other reason that it would be needed for proof for those who want to "carry" in other States permitted concealed carry.

It'll be interesting to see what, if any, effect the law changes will have upon violent crime. On the one hand, if I were a criminal, I would think twice about assaulting someone since any one of them might be "packing," and here the law generally sides with the victim, not the perpetrator (can't do much about Federal civil rights witch-hunts, alas). On the other hand, I don't rest easy knowing that any yahoo who's an adult and not a convcited felon or adjudged mentally incompetent can be carrying a gun.

For all its flaws, most of us here are quite happy with Florida. As is the case with most places, if you aren't happy here, then get the hell out, and don't let the door hit you where the dog should have bit you.

You know, all this red tape is bothersome enough to just leave the pistol at home and enjoy life...

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>tweets from 1997

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

"Climate Change" is both a hoax and a scam

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

climate change is only natural. It is people who think they can use it for something, that are the problem. Remember there have been ice ages, the seas have been way higher at times, and there have been trees on the pole. So climate is no constant. Everyone can see that, if they were to watch out the window. You go out in the sun and 5 minutes later you end up in a rain shower. Soon as the weather man can predict a week's worth, I will pay attention again

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Yes. Also, warming, if it exists, has many positive effects that the activists never mention.

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Very true. Globe today had article about how global warming would benefit Canada’s food production by expanding the growing region. Also could allow for another shipping route in the north.

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I love watching Canada say that the most important thing in the world is fighting climate change, seemingly unaware of the huge amount of prosperity that a warming world would provide to the country.

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Indeed. Man refuses to acknowledge the sovereignty of God in anything. That’s why our world is so deceived and demented. As if we have control over anything other than repenting of our arrogance and mendacity.

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Yes. Most climate change activists do not believe in God. Rather, activism is their religion.

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Or climate change. Nasty idol.

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To what else do we aspire, if we're but random stardust? Per CS Lewis, why debate an atheist who starts from a declaration of his own insignificance?

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I'm no master of philosophy but have a least a passing familiarity. Thus a reply to the first question that would seem reasonable: Secular philosophies such as existentialism posit that the universe has no meaning, evolution no ultimate goal, etc. However, and this is critical: the lack of a God to worship by no means prevents man, imperfect though he may be, from having aspirations. Yes, on the scale of the world a single man is relatively tiny, but he is not without agency.

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Well said. The Bible has many examples of what you say. Such as Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan. And how the Persian warrior Cyrus defeated Babylon and thereby freed the captive Israelites.

However, that same Jesus says the first commandment is to love God (thus obey Him), then to love your neighbor as yourself. It becomes a question of absolute law vs relativism. I remember my years as an atheist. I had agency, especially the agency of youth. But I was always searching and never finding.

Again to CS Lewis, with his parable of the good atheist and the bad Christian. How much better would the good atheist be as a believer, and how much worse would the bad Christian be were she not!

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I hope there is never a climate change in hell ,like cooling .

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It's very cold in Eskimo Hell.

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Lord have mercy!

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In the US, they would be pushing Graichen out with a golden parachute, promise changes will be made and then replace him with an identical, if not worse candidate who continues to push through catastrophic policies, rinse, recycle, repeat.

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In the coming months it will be instructive to see what happens. We'll learn a lot about how these policies are structured and supported internally from the changes in tone, implementation, etc. that occur post-Graichen. And whether his whole faction has been discredited, or whether he's been kicked out as a merely symbolic offering and they intend to continue as before.

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My wager would be that Herr Graichen is yet another example of that biblical beast, the scapegoat. And that we will see several iterations of Charlotte's "rinse, recycle, repeat" as he is replaced by a succession of even more destructive sociopaths.

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The impact of energy on the economy has now become apparent. If the interlocking groups that have led to this idiot policy can be exposed and discredited, then there might be hope for a return to sanity, to balance. Your essay needs to get more exposure with the people.

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Look forward to the next addition. What you write about Germany provides important insight for other countries infected by bad energy policies.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In my truly cynical moments - which are increasing in frequency - I sense that the only way these people will be stopped is by a physical revolt of the soon-to-be freezing, starving, unemployed citizenry.

Oh, and here's some green insanity in Scotland that appeared on my radar today. I can't tell if it's true but I wouldn't be surprised. The people will be cold but the windmills will be warm.

"Scotland’s wind turbines have been secretly using diesel generators."


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Of course they are! Its important, very important, that those windmills be protected from inclement weather. People - not so much.

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The generators are to compensate for lack of wind.

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People need to become politically active and infiltrate all the political apparatus. And spread the word around about what is going on. We need it to be common knowledge. You don't get to opt out. It is our survival.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

What. A. Mess.

Whether you agree with Nuclear or not, it would solve the problem.

Photovoltaic panels have a lifespan.

80 M turbine blades have a lifespan.

How will these be disposed of, once they've reached end-of-life?

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"How will these be disposed of..."

Quietly, surreptitiously, at night.

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Andy the sun blockers ,led by Bill Gates making gem trails in the sky ,will make the sun panels into moon panels .

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius


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Indrek ,there will be millions of museums ,to show the curious in the far away future ,how advanced our wind mill and panel makers were .

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You're right.

But the venue may just be a huge landfill

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Indrek don't worry ,they never put the pyramids in a landfill ,They where made for tourists to enjoy ,the same as wind mills and the panels of today .

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I suspect a more likely "museum" will be the closing scene of "Planet of the Apes" where time traveller Taylor and his mute woman ride along the beach and he finds the remains of the Statue of Liberty.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Cousin in Belgium made his house even more energy efficient than the govt required, sun panels and all. Then the govt no longer gave money to buy his excess energy, then they charged him to put it back, and if he was short, had to pay up like everyone else. Meanwhile his super efficient house costs a gazillion euros in upkeep. First hand knowledge is always best!

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This is true. The government here charges you to put solar generated electricity back into the grid. The only solution is to invest in a power wall and go off-grid, which only really works in the summer.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Our large Multi Family House has an ancient oil heating, it was built in 1983 by Viessmann. Works and works, it hasn't been repaired or serviced for 10 years now.

If that new Habeck law is passed, this oil burner will have to be replaced by a heat pump, which is NOT suitable for an 80 year old house such as ours.

I was always against the Greens but now I really really hate them. I am not sure I can remain civilized when I see campaigning members of this shit party in my city. I think I may spit into their faces, kick over their table and shout abuse at them.

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this has been a huge tactical error on their part, no question

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I do think the tide might be turning here - everybody who is in your situation must be enraged, and the fact that people are trying to buy oil and gas heating now speaks for itself. It should even dawn on the most stupid people who rent flats that they will have to cough up more money for heating (in addition to more money for electricity). I think now that the "mainstream" media have started to critizie the Greens dissent will become more outspoken and will at some point be heard in Berlin as well.

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I live in an Igloo in Canada ,sometimes taking in nosy tourists from Germany who then want to hunt bears with me as guide .They are after the skin of the bears ,because nothing is warmer than a bear skin . So if you have time go to your airport and watch tourists arriving wearing bear skins .

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How far down will new home builders have to dig to get to the heat of the earth interior for the purpose of heating the house ? If digging is not your favorite activity ,migrate to places where migrants come from ,there heating is still affordable ,it's free .

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The argument made by the Climate Cabal is based upon an application of the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness by the argument made by a climate model under which an "abstract" event of the future for Earth's climate system is misrepresented to be a "concrete" event of the future, where an "abstract"

event of the future is "abstracted" (removed) from a location in time but a "concrete" event of the future would have such a location.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California



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This fallacy is being pushed to sell the government subsidized solutions. It always boils down to money.

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I grew up in Palo Alto, and have embraced the environmentalisms of California, as did everyone I knew and know, and now have chucked the decades old training in face of this obvious boondoggle. Above my pay grade lol to understand what is actually true, but I found Ethical Skeptic sort of intriguing. Exothermic cyclic core theory plus China. https://theethicalskeptic.com/ I just wish the world could get together a think tank of scholars without conflicts of interest to address what is occurring, if those without conflicts of interest are still amongst us. Maybe like Diogenes searching for an honest man to find them lol

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Especially when one's access to information is limited, which is almost always the case, it is more valuable to try and analyze the motives of various factions. I'm sure this is an ancient technique of critical thought. I'm most familiar with it in Nietzsche; for example, he asks what are the unconscious motivations, instincts even, that influence human desires and even purported objective thought? For example, he looked at famous philopsohers and asserts their finished product, far from being "The Truth," are more likely frameworks that justify a certain perspective, that answer to the creator's subconscious drives. Nietzsche recommends we ask, for instance:

NOT "Is X true or false?"

But instead "WHY does he need to believe that X is true?"

This is all speculation, of course, but seems to me it has great value. And with a bit of backgroudn knowledge, yes it's possible to look at the behavior of any entity and try to guess as to motives. Often times, this is the best we can do.

P.S. -- Man is waiting at bus stop. A man dressed in a toga, carrying a flash light walks past. "I thought you carried a lantern?" he asks. Diogenes replies "Somebody stole it."

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They almost achieved their goals. The rot sits deep. It will be hard to roll back.

Only if Habeck falls, it would be an indication that there may be hope for sanity returning to German politics.

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unfortunately I think habeck resignation less likely now, because he has ditched Graichen. but, if he forges on with the GEG as before he well could be forced out.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Somehow I think Habeck only falls if people freeze in the winter- many people have to freeze first.

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It was close, and he's not out of danger. If the controversy gets big enough it might threaten to break the coalition and then Habeck would be a minor sacrifice.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Maybe just a frost will do.

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But Charotte with global overheating ,freezing is history ..Biden knows that and helped the Germans out by cutting the pipes ,so you can stay cool . Sending gas to Germany to make Germany extremely hot was an attack by Putin .

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

A retrospective or revisionist account of the Enron scandal from a Eugyppian perspective would be fascinating!

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ha, indeed

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

I recently learned from listening to Robert f. Kennedy jr that patent $ is inheritable by their kids.. new meaning to parasite class.

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No doubt, the consideration of battery storage requirements in Germany follows the arithmetic embedded in this article:


"Price that out at current costs of Tesla-type lithium-ion batteries (~$150/KWH) and you will get around $10 trillion for California, $8.4 trillion for Australia, and $5.8 trillion for New York."

"These figures are in the range of triple total annual GDP for each of these jurisdictions, before you even get to the cost of the three-times overbuild of the generations system to account for charging of the batteries when the sun is shining and wind blowing."

Technology will develop better batteries that use fewer rare earth materials, have longer storage with more tolerance to extreme weather - in a few decades.

Greens are an "anti-humanist" cult that has engaged updated methods used in Mao's cultural revolution - C19 measures allowed the use of propaganda and force used in the last war and by Stalin.

Following "Green" policies is/will destroy western economies by removing cheap, efficient and plentiful hydrocarbon (gas is not a "fossil", neither is oil) fuel has reduced living standards in direct proportion to the heavy taxes on hydrocarbons plus the subsidies for the eye-sores of windfarm and solar panel plantations (that destroy all bio-diversity) PLUS all the extra transmission lines sprawling like tentacles.

Now factor in the embedding of poverty, disease and hunger into the third world by disallowing hydrocarbon usage (let alone the slave labour it takes to mine the rare earths like cobalt) and the damage caused by the "Green" cult demonstrates its "anti-humanist" impact.

There is no climate emergency - there is a cult emergency.

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Tesla Megapack utility storage batteries price was raised last year to $591-$622/kwh. $2.4M up from $1.5M for 3.8MWh, 1.9MW peak power for 2h packs, 4h packs 970kw, 3.9MWh, rated 10k cycles (to 70% capacity end of life). $475/kwh for the +100MWh packs. So you might get 15yrs out of a pack at reduced capacity. And they have a 2yr backlog of orders.

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This societal stupidity of marching ourselves back to the stone ages is completely maddening. What is it going to take? 10,000 frozen dead grannies next January in a cold snap because the old timers didn't have the money to heat their homes, will that convince the normies that following the loony greens off the Cliff of NetZero Insanity was the dumbest thing ever?

Every time I talk to someone who advocates for NetZero, I tell them to go first. Get rid of your phone, turn off your power, don't eat anything you didn't grow in your closet, poop outside in the woods. Always a blank stare. What???

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They have no inkling of what life before the Industrial Age was like. Really, they don't get it. I think Terry Pratchett writes something along the lines of it's not surprising that people living close to nature did everything they could to get away from it. Policymakers and in fact most people do NOT live close to nature and have NO idea what it means not to have the technology and convenience at their disposal that we owe to technology and the modern world.

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Yes, I seen a video of herders in Pakistan walking their sheep to new pastures. And an old woman in the group couldn't keep up so they just left her to die. And I imagine it's the same for someone badly injured, even a broken leg, left to die.

Check these videos from a farmer in Kenya. Woman pack 20l jugs of water on their heads walking 2km to try (and often fail) to keep their farm & livestock functioning. You can pump 10,000 gal of water the same distance with 1 gal of fossil fuel. They would love to have oil to do that back breaking work for them:

"...Good morning from Kisii Kenya.

What is it like to live here without fossil fuels?

Some refer to it as 'Sustainable', I agree, only if its definition changes to 'break your back if you want to eat even though you'll be poor forever'..."




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It really beggars belief - the German foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock actually praised Kenya as it would make a good example for Germany to emulate on account of its use of renewable energy. So - if you are forced to handpump water and carry it on your head to keep your family alive, a pampered, spoiled, useless German politician who has never had to do anything but turn on the water in her kitchen will tell you that you're doing fiiiiine....

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I bet she couldn't carry 20l of water more than 10m.

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I bet she would walk in the wrong direction.

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It wouldn't matter, unless you gave her a 1L bottle of water to carry, she'd never manage the 2km.

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Sure seems like these people don't really want or expect their "green" energy sources to work. I think they'd be upset if windmills and solar actually produced enough energy for people to go on living the same way they do now. What they really want is massive reduction in energy use, whether that's because there are fewer people or people having to revert to more primitive methods of survival.

Of course, they can't say that's the goal because no one would buy into that program, least of all the energy companies who expect to profit hugely from trying to keep up with current energy needs at high prices. Those profits won't be there if everyone's pumping water by hand and plowing fields with oxen.

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Won't live in walk-up flats anymore.

At least the proles won't.

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The have no knowledge of history. Period.

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We think alike. I too have experienced the dead stare (what?) of ignorance in similar conversations. It’s similar to the youngsters that reply “they can just print more money” to conversations about our failing economy and the debt limit.

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Print more money...

We are going to get what we deserve as a society.

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We are living amongst crazy people.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I often wish that reality were less dismal.

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Hence all the fools in denial of where we really are.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I´m pretty sure that at some point the uniparty in our glorious FRG (including the Greens, of course) will pivot to nuclear energy. It seems like it happened in a number of EU countries already (in particular Finland comes to mind) and that the legal groundwork of e.g. defining nuclear as "climate friendly" has already been laid. Could it be that the identity of the FRG Green party specifically is too closely connected with the anti-nuclear movement of the 80s and that therefore the powers that be have not worked up the courage for this 180 degree turn in policy yet (or 360 degree, as a particulary "brilliant" specimen of our current crop of "leaders" would say)?

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yes, I think the Greens have to be out of government before we could pivot back to nuclear. if that were to happen, it might signal the longer-term decline of Green influence.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I´m worried that in that case the Greens would just keep quiet about the nuclear question and run on their other issues. In light of their radical reversal on providing weapons into crisis or war zones, which they even campaigned on in the general election, as you know, I think there is almost nothing they can do policywise to repel their hardcore supporters as long as the German media keep pumping out propaganda for them. Yes, they did lose some support on this, but it doesn´t look like they will drop below 10 percent any time soon.

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May 21, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Green turns to fall colours ! will soon be brown. Not good that, either. Reminds of some other brown that was destructive as hell

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Well, the idea of guest workers seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean no offense against Germany; we did no better in the New World, in fact we'd been doing it for centuries before you did. Short term gain (cheap labor), long term problems...

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??? guest workers? I am thinking of the brown shirts in WW2

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It will be interesting to watch how much they will have to tie themselves into knots in order to get from "DEATH TO NUCLEAR POWER" to "er, actually you know, it wasn't such a bad idea...".

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