Strangely no proposals for wolf integration programs, no observations that Germans kill livestock too, no assurances that this is an isolated case, no pleas for wolf justice.

What ever happened to "not all wolves"?

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A wolf in sheep's clothing declares war on her brethren. Will the ironies of Clown World never cease?

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it is sad for the pony and I apologize, but Iaughed wholeheartedly when I read this article

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LOL. I tried not to think of it as karma by proxy.

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A telling anecdote. The EU aristocrats are really no different than the capricious, callous rulers of old.

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They were at least natural and claimed to honor genuinely aristocratic concepts having to do with honour and nobility. These ones are nasty little souls filled with resentment and wedded to pseudo-egalitarian notions and technocratic mumbo-jumbo. Give me the recent descendant of a Frankish warrior paying lip service to "noblesse oblige" any day over this lot.

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At least the aristocracy had shared a country with us (Britain) for centuries even if they were Frogs (sort of) to begin with.

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your current monarchy is Germanic origin

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So are we: just further back. Sunak and the rest fell from the boat barely a generation ago.

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And Scottish!

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Aye, the Ancient Britons were here well before even the Romans. I've not forgotten Boudicea and woad etc

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I hope she get boosted and boosted again and all of her family and loved ones too.

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Must have been a Nazi wolf then.

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Was it a werwolf?

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A Frauwolf. Get the gender identity right, Nazi! 🤪

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Thank's for the compliment ,smart asss.

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I'm joking around. Don't call me names.

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you forgot the hash tag

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Soon there will be calls for an option on the census for "Equine Wolf".

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Are there any serious western politicians? They all seem to be at various levels of mental adolescence. We need to throw these people overboard.

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I think they're witches. We should probably burn them. Maybe we can generate green electricity that way!

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aha ! two flies in one swat !

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they should have been thrown overboard years ago. I think the EU is a disaster and left before it came to full deployment

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They are psychopaths, not to offend, they are all of those flavor, immature, greedy, sadistic, entitled and arrogant, a bad 5yo child psyche in adult bodies.

It is time to have grown up people, healthy, especially mentally, to run societies. Globally.

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We've been searching for one for decades. About to give up hope.

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They are [the] Kunlangeta: they know how to behave but choose not to. They are " incorrigible and irremediable, and their motives and behaviour remain selfish regardless of who or what is harmed".

As I understand it, 'kunlangeta' is more adjective than noun... to the extent that the source language (Yugtun) makes a distinction between nouns and adjectives. I'm not a linguist and all my reading on the subject has been 4 articles in the popular press, a blog post by Dominic Cummings, and Matt Crawford's substack.

I should download the relevant study (a 1976 study by Harvard anthropologist Jane Murphy) but it's likely to be nonsense and that would ruin the gag.

Sometimes I wonder why it's worth bothering to use a primitive culture's term for what we observe - but using 'kunlangeta' is useful because saying 'psychopath' makes normies switch off.

The important thing is not whether these people are kunlangeta as a collective noun: the important thing is to push them off the ice. Preferably after giving them a significant wound with a machete.

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Dec 7, 2022
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They also follow orders from their handlers, higher up.

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Seems in this case it's infantile emotion that is being followed. It doesn't matter how many sheep farmers lose - that's not more important than wolves to Ursula. But when a wolf kills My Little Pony, something must be done! I doubt any puppet master would care what wolves did to Ursula's little pony.

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Clearly, the Pony would have survived if it had been vaccinated.

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It was, most probably.

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No no. The pony was up to date on its boosters. Think how much worse it would have been if the pony had been one of those filthy antiscience ponies on horse paste.

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No ,No if the pony was vaxxed it would have shedded the vaxx on the wolf creating a wolf vaxx pandemic .

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What if the horse was taking a well known horse dewormer?

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I live in England. I voted to leave the EU. Not because I'm some mad xenophobic racist. Simply because the EU is a bad, dysfunctional club of elite scoundrels making decisions and passing laws with absolutely no interest in whether they are good or bad for the people of Europe but simply to pander to their own vanity or increase their wealth. She will take away the protected status of a rare animal simply because she can. She will make you all wear masks or freeze or put on uniforms to fight enemies of her choice or close your farms or factories. Simply because she is in a position of power that her friends gave her and you can't vote her out.

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I voted to leave the EU because I don't want the English to be replaced in their own homeland, and I don't want Britain to sink further into third world dysfunction. Leaving the EU was not going to stop that, but it was an important statement to make.

Stop caring whether people who hate you can call you bad words. They will anyway, regardless.

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I grew up with the child's saying of "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me". I guess people forget that words only have the power that you allow them to have. Simple as that.

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That vote was a long time ago. How do you like things now that the UK has left the EU?

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Our political elite never left. They have sought every way to destroy us.

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It was a long time ago which is why it is so problematic that the UK didn't actually leave the single market until the start of 2021. And since then the government was distracted with, ah, other things.

Also, the vote was only for leaving the EU, but "Europeanist" institutions are apparently everywhere. So they say they still can't deport anyone because some Euro-court forbids it, and why is the UK still a part of that? Because that court isn't technically a part of the EU. Same ideology, same approach etc, but the vote didn't apply to it.

The EU is not so much an institution as a packaged belief system and set of priorities. As Andrew Marsh observes, leaving the EU is only a legal enabler (in some cases) but you still have to somehow get politicians that disagree with those beliefs and priorities. Previously that was impossible, because nobody would bother forming a political party with policies the EU would disallow as there'd be no point. Now it's possible but that doesn't mean people will automatically step up to do the work.

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Dear Michael, excellent analysis.

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Actually, it was crap before and it's crap now but most of that is because of the covid hysteria and the weakness of politicians. The twats in charge didn't want to leave (which was why people voted for Boris Johnson who suggested he wanted to leave). The twats in charge have been panicking about everything for so many years now that it's become the default modus operandi.

And, it might be crap here but it's not exactly glorious over in the dictatorship of Europe either!

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Dec 7, 2022
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I am sorry, but according to my Spanish TV if you voted to leave the EU you are stupid, racist and cannot read or write. Therefore, you must be lying.

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I think you missed that we are also Putin-lovers, anti-vaxxers, covid-deniers, fascists, right-wing nutjobs, fans of Trump, meat-eating climate change deniers.

Have I forgotten anything?

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Greta Thunberg.

Don't forget Greta, or else you'll disappoint her.

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I think you left out transphobic and homophobic, as well as islamophobic, ageist and speciesist.

Report to Room 101 for reconditioning.

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Yes, misogynists, or whatever it is written.

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The most-secure-election-in-history deniers.

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homo phobic anti recycling fascists too.

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Dec 7, 2022
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Fat, and stupid, with out of style haircuts. Our mothers were hamsters and our fathers reek of elderberry. And overly fond of insensitive, white supremacist, transphobic, cross dressing comedy troops

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it's impossible to prove that the pony didn't attack first

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very important point.

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Or gave the wolf a bad look

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Correct. Your chances of being killed by a pony are slim.

But they are not zero.

You can't be too careful. Never go into a pasture without your Protector Wolf.

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So now Germany has wolfs ? Did they come from the middle east ?

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He called the wolf a specieist slur so he deserved what came to him.

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His shrill, terrified neighing was pony supremacist hate speech that was literally killing wolves.

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Yes, it's likely the wolf was acting in self defense against the Fascist, white-supremacist pony.

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Dec 7, 2022
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He is a very confused wolf ,picking a pony instead of Ursula

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I don't see a problem here. This fits the actual importance of her office.

Any thoughts on the proper size of pickles from Brussels lately?

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23.22 mm, excluding deviations, which can be +/- 0.000001mm from the nominal datum, as measured at an ambient of 24.56 C and an elevation of 10000m above sea level.

See ISO norm 90033.2828 V4335.1.1.1.

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"Will the rising sea levels shrink our pickles?"

A Gizmodo article waiting to be written.

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I fear this will cause huge problems for pickled onion skin integrity, requiring an mRNA 'solution'.

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I have amazing pickled onions, planning a post on the recipe. But I might have to restrict access within the EU, I don't want the authorities to come after me.

I violated ISO 666.69 and 420.31331 when I added too much sugar to the brine.

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I am sure there is a Pfizer potion for to much sugar.

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Dec 7, 2022
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You have to wait until she's replaced by a Green for that. Greens love their crayon drawings and kobolds.

Ursula herself is very old school, dare I say Conservative. The last crime of Fidesz before being kicked out of the EPP was to support her ascendance. To be fair, the alternative was Manfred Weber, who is a lunatic cuckold.

When I see Weber I imagine him as an angry little vassal in Crusader Kings who has both "lunatic" and "cuckolded" on his character screen, with a -100 opinion.

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Dec 7, 2022
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Ponies attract bronies.

There's no path to victory.

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We are living in the age, not of Aquarius, but Idiocracy.

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Having trouble finding that constellation on my star charts...hmm!

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Now do the same with hordes of migrant invaders into Europe....only when a scum politicians daughter gets raped or killed will they stop the unmitigated flow....they'll call you "racist" though if your family is destroyed by the invaders.

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I'm not so sure. A homosexual aid worker in Norway was raped by an Afghan and expressed sorrow that the foreign piece of filth was deported.

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Germany will change its name to Camp of the Saints .

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and not just any wolf, but the notorious livestock hunter known as GW 950m, a member of the so-called Burgdorf Pack.

This pack sounds almost as ominous as the Baader-Meinhof Gang.

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Sometimes I miss the references.

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Beautiful. Fiddling while Europe freezes.

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That's what you get if you fight global warming

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But hang on people, are we forgetting that COrrElATioN dEOs not eQuAL cAuSaTIOn!!?

Just like people dropping dead moments after receiving covid vax are just coincidences, the poor wolfey probably only gently brushed its teeth against pony's leg and left some traces of its DNA before it continued on its merry way through the fields.

The poor pony's heart was probably hypersensitive to Putin's evil climate change.

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Autopsy form: Natural Death

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Autopsies are white supremacy. We don't do no stinking autopsy. We write unknown causes, sacrifice a goat to Science(PBUH) and send some money to Ukraine you ninny.

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Please don't be cruel , do you want the poor wolf to starve if he has to eat only Sauerkraut and no meat .?

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This starts to sound like Hitler or Stalin.

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Yes shasta we all miss the good old dayes

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This seems to be Uschi's one agenda which is not dictated to her by the USA.

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Can we let loose the wolves in the halls of the European parliamentary buildings?

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Are you sure they are wolfs ,When I see them on t.v. they look like frogs in their snot pouches .

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Who the f*ck elected this b*tch from hell (with insidious connections to Big Pharma) to a position of power where she believes (in her spoiled brat mind) that she can change the laws to suit her whims? I certainly don't want any of these cretins lording it over me and mine and telling us what to put on or in our bodies. God I hate worthless beaurocrats with a passion. People are still being booted off public transport in Spain for not wearing a slave muzzle all because of nasty authoritarians like UVDL. When are people going to wake up?

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A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!

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