Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Herr Lauterbach needs get out more. He should spend a little time on Twitter and look across the Atlantic witness the thousands of Americans who took the vaccine under duress, under pain of losing their livelihoods, only to see the OSHA mandate struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. This tyranny must end everywhere.

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There must be another round of Nuremberg-style trials if Western civilization is to survive.

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NATO aggression in eastern Europe at this very moment counts as another reason for destroying your precious "Western" civilization.

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Hey, dude, I don't want war. Secret societies.

If putin hung Macron, Trudeau, Boris we would be joyous.

Piss off for your stupidity.

We're in the same boat as you...

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If Putin wants to earn his place in history, let him hang his Semites for dinner and your blood drinking shamans for dessert.

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So dickless, who are my blood drinking shamans? Anti semitism is grave sin

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

Ooh, "dickless". Now you're really showing off your boarding school education, aren't you?

It's by the way that Semitism is puerile chauvinism on stilts, and you'd have to be more than just a little street stupid never to suspect that Geezuss committed suicide with assiatance.

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I guess you see an umbrella as aggression against rain, huh?

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You guessed wrongly.

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You may confuse cause with effect as long as it entertains your bias confirmation fetish!

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Bill Kristol called. He wants you to forget all about the WMD's that Saddam Hussein never had.

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Workin on it. Not me personally but One already filed in ICC and one being prepared. The second indicts a huge number of complicit and deliberate individuals.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

In reading this article I found one thing quite odd, but there may be an explanation due to cultural differences. In the exact quote the French insurance company used the term "jab" to refer to the vaccination. While "jab" is a common slang term in the USA, I was rather surprised to find it in an exact quote from a French company's LEGAL response ! In the USA, "jab" is usually chosen if one wishes to put a slight negative twist when referring to a vaccination or inoculation. With less "politically charged" treatments, such as polio prevention, the term "jab" is almost never used, with "shot" or "inoculation" used almost exclusively even in the common vernacular ! Just surprised at the use of "jab" (if the direct quote is to be believed ?) in a legal document is all !

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Generally speaking, jab is British English. In American English, it is shot. There have been so many articles with many leftists from England and Australia pushing vaccination, that the word jab has some presence in the US, but in 2019 the average American would think you are talking about boxing.

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

Hey, it’s not 2019 anymore! Do you live in America? I sincerely doubt it, because if you did, you’d know “jab” is universally used when those in the know on this side of the pond reference the state-sponsored genocidal injection.

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I am not sure if I consider New Jersey to be part of America. :-) Notwithstanding, I stand by the fact that jab is British English that has leaked into some leftist publications like the NY Times during the "corona crisis", which could relate to Brits working for some of these publications or that they are parroting their friends in the UK. American leftists read newspapers like the Guardian online. I think it is a horrible term that should be avoided. A search indicates that jab was used in the US in the early 1900s in relation to injected drugs like heroin. But getting a "flu shot", which I don't recommend, is standard parlance. Jab in my view is part of the English masochist trait; something unpleasant where you show a stiff upper lip and get on with it. One thing that I was wrong about is that the Aussies apparently use shot as well. I found a WSJ article discussing the term jab, but it is behind a paywall.

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LOL.... that is so true, exactly, it would conjure up a picture of boxing here in the US

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“Jab” IS a pejorative! And it is rightfully applied. If the Covid poke (another pejorative) were in fact a “vaccine,” it wouldn’t be called a jab.

Learn what the true definition of a vaccine is before insinuating that naming this clot shot a “jab”is nothing more than a political punch!

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

Actually, not to come off as "defensive", I am very much aware of the definition of a "vaccine", very aware. But I do see and hear the word "jab" , a pejorative as you pointed out, used OFTEN in a way to portray a certain negative quality; it's subtle, yes, but it has a certain emotional, and in many cases, political bent. Let me put it this way, if a doctoral candidate I was supervising (notice I said "candidate", not doctoral student, but one in the dissertation phase) used the word "jab" to indicate a "shot", inoculation, or vaccination, I would not allow such an emotionally laden word as "jab" to be used, but I certainly respect your belief of it's appropriateness of course, and I have never held a faculty position at a European or British institution so what would be acceptable there I am unsure ? One accepted definition of a vaccine: : a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease

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Yes, interesting. I went to the link he had in the article and because it is in French I couldn't figure out if it was a newspaper article, but they had a further link to what looked like an insurance company? that was discussing the vaccine injuries. Would be interested to know.... here's the last link - https://www.assurland.com/assurance-blog/assurance-sante-actualite/refus-de-prise-en-charge-par-l-assureur-en-cas-de-vaccination-au-covid-19-vrai-ou-faux_139674.html

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This article states that the insurance should pay. It says that there is no difference whether the death occurs due to vaccination or any other cause. But there are a lot of exceptions as to the state of mind of the deceased, so it is wise to go over the contract with a fine comb (which you always have to do anyways). So I think, even if the story is true, the insurance will have to cough up the money. They might have tried though. I would not put it behind them !

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It’s essential that the power to enact lockdowns must be taken away from them. The threat of lockdowns is enough to destroy by itself even if used less. And as demonstrated, they will use it under the flimsiest of excuses while ignoring all the data showing it’s catastrophic.

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The ones running this no its evils. It is another tool of NWO. It is intentional

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Your sentiments are everywhere.

They will only increase

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And he should check all the breakthrough cases, all the damage and death caused by the jabs, and realize they do nothing but harm

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

not to put too fine a point on it... but the invention of the phrase 'breakthrough cases' is a not-so-clever attempt to re-spin the actual event: Vaccine Failure.

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You're damn right. Besides trying to be a decent person, people involved in coercion of fellow human beings should think of this real (if distant,?) possibility :


When vaxxed finally read evidence, they will become unhinged

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German Health Minister's comments are strangely nonsensical. Are there mandates or not? Or did they just redefine "mandate."

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

It is the type of rabulistic the modern, "progressive" bigots love so much.

He plays with the German words "Pflicht" (mandate) and "Zwang" (coercion)

"Pflicht" is something you have to do, "Zwang" is something you are forced to do.

It will be mandated, so we will have to pay fines if we are not vaccinated, and cannot go to public places and such, and it will be controlled by the police, and we may pay more for health insurance, and maybe we will lose our jobs.

But we will not be held by gunpoint and forcefully injected. So we are not forced.

Hence, everyone who gets vaccinated does it voluntarily.

If just illustrates the basic dishonesty of the discussion.

Our government completely ignores that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, and increasingly not even hospitalization.

They want to have the mandates at all costs.

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I wouldn't discount being "held by gunpoint and forcefully injected" just yet..... There's the little intermediate step of Wellness Officers and re-education facilities first. Those are already being implemented.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

Yes, this is as good as being held at gunpoint.

I do not really think it is necessary, though.

In the Western world we are on average older and have much too lose. We can easily be forced by high fines, and the loss of the ability to feed our families.

E.g. for me the vaccine is the red line: I will quit my job an/or leave the country if there is no other way.

But if that is not possible ("not allowed to travel without vacc"), what will I do?

An epic shootout with the police when they come to collect? (We do not have guns here, so I would have to rely on my slingshot against their Glocks)

It will be just a matter how high the fine is until I give in and take "voluntaringly" the jab.

If all goes well with the great plan, in a few years they will just be able to cancel my ability to spend any money to buy anything. I would just drop out of society until I starve, get the jab, or do whatever the coercion will be then.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

Imagine that it is 1934, and you are a german jew.

Do you stay, or do you go?

If my paternal grandmother hadn't left her home country when the Wehrmacht rolled in, not only wouldn't I be here, I wouldn't be at all.

You only owe your nation anything if it reciprocates equally and fairly.

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The question here is where do you go? This cancerous evil extends to Tanzania where they murdered the president for questioning the narrative.

In Germany they could flee.... now it might be better to stay and fight, no matter how futile that may be.

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5 national leaders were killed. African, Caribbean. Brave guys. NWO has killed before

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Try The UK, Czech Republic, Ireland. No vaxx or mask mandates. Belgium and Spain will soon likely drop theirs, too.

Amazing! People resisting tyranny bearing fruit. Listen up, Merkel and Macron!

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I hear the Balkans are okay

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Upgrade your slingshots. If you have no red line, no hill that you will die on then your future predictions have effectively already happened.

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But England and now Ireland have abandoned the mandates. Will others now follow?

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

We can only hope so; hold the belief that this madness will not continue to take over the entire world . That the sheer terror, the fear of something we don't understand, something no one seems to be seriously interested in investigating, will finally come to an end as people begin to realize what they have allowed fear to do to them. Perhaps all of this was just a "dress rehearsal" to test the use of the phenomenon of fear as the ultimate tool for world conquest ? Pretty far "out there" to be sure, but, isn't all of this "pretty far out there" to begin with ?

Perhaps people, as they realize that even the word "voluntary" had been "reconfigured" to mean something quite far from its traditional meaning, will also begin to realize what is truly happening.

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Yes, do not allow that definition of voluntary to be used in that context in your hearing. Replace it with coercive.

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You aren't out there. You know these psychos

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I’ll gladly move to England, maybe Wales?

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Might be a good time to learn to sail and put to sea for a few years.

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Maybe. I think they are jacking with us. Psyops

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This is their reasoning in Australia too. No one is holding you to the ground and forcing an injection into your arm so you are taking it voluntarily.

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Again, this is the distinction between force (Zwang) and duty (Pflicht).

Only the latter is the mandate.

Lauterbach&co claim that the duty/Pflicht/mandate is also followed voluntarily the moment the coerced patient simply signs the consent firm he needs to sign at the doctors practice.

It's like the Mafia saying the moment you handed over your protection money, the payment became voluntary and you weren't subjected to its racket.

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No, you are wrong, see my sep. comment. This is about consent and that giving it automatically makes the vaccination under the mandate voluntary.

At least legally, but that only because consent under threat is dvandalously currently acceptable and waved through by lawmakers and courts- see Anette Heinisch's 2 articles on that at Reitschuster.

The equally corrupt Zwang vs Pflicht discussion and diffetentiation is a different beast, which should never have been held or accepted.

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Hugo Preuß' Weimar Reich never really died. It just changed its uniforms a few times.

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For anyone working to keep a roof over their head and food on the table, this is force.

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It’s “social murder,“ as Engels described.

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So the cost imposed for bodily autonomy is loss of freedom of speech, loss of property rights, loss of freedom of movement, of privacy, and equal protection under the law…if this is German law/constitution. (You’ve already lost your right to self-defense.) Are there checks and balances in the German government? That is the hope here in America, some say.

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“Arbeit Macht Frei.” Germans in power have again found their way with words.

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After the hangings and fires have died down we need to abolish certain phrases and words. Mandate, "Stay safe", "safe and effective", jab, social-distancing. Luckily they've already redefined vaccine into something even Orwell would blush at.

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I literally see red when I hear the word Safe. When did everyone become such a coward?

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It's been at least 20 years.... At first we called them "soft pink" people. And once they weaponized hypochondria, it was straight off the cliff....

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Isn't odd that the more scared you are the better person you seem to be to them? It makes my stomach turn. This is what happens when you call any kind of behavior 'Toxic masculinity'...it favors the little weaklings who are just hypochondriacs as you mentioned.

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My very few non-Covidian friends have all commented that there appears to be an almost complete lack of testosterone in young/middle-age males. The default behavior with such a deficiency is immediate submission. I'd be curious if this has been tracked.

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I agree. My summer home in conservative apple country in NY is full of hard working real men. They throw bales of hay, dig and build with tools, get dirty, wear jeans, cowboy boots, drive pickup trucks, and open my door. Some call them red necks. I love them.

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Dr. McDonald writes about the emasculation of men in his book, United States of Fear.

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I wonder if it relates to all the soy in their diets since birth?

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And yet, is it really so surprising and odd when it is so well established that "FEAR" is, and always has been throughout history, THE most powerful motivating factor in human behavior !

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Why Thank You!

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NWO has to have a crisis.... climate change (both ways!) World wars, gulf wars etc etc. Then people piss their pants and want psychopaths to run World and keep them safe,tuck them in at nitt

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"build back better" is a fascist dog whistle.

I'm serious (this is my serious face etc)

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If you say it with joy, you are a commie traitor. Scripted ... Coordinated = commies at play

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I think we also need to be very very careful about whether the “popular” or “CDC” or general definition has been changed or the actual lEGAL definition. I was watching Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich speak on a very recent Bitchute video and he was reminding his interviewer that the promoters of mandated vaccines can be held directly liable due to LEGAL definitions of medical harm related to experiments have NOT changed despite the CDC and the politicians all over the world trying to redefine in order to mandate. Watch it:


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Commies try to control language... I don't put up with it. I live in Austin Tx and I was shocked at this new weird thing in 80s called "political correctness " complete nonsense...

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

Seems the word "voluntary" has also had a total "makeover". Reminds me of a prisoner of war I knew well. Explained HOW the "voluntary" confessions were extracted from some who "decided" to "cooperate". "Voluntary" decisions to take part in a medical experiment, to "help" all of mankind perhaps, to "do your patriotic duty", etc. People volunteer for many reasons, some to save their job, some to save their entire careers, some just want to believe the vaccines work so badly they abandon all reason. OF COURSE we all WISH the vaccines worked, of course ! But to go on trying to find some quality, some aspect, some "protection" of some type, seems more and more useless as the stats continue to pour in.

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Without truth, without complete informed consent there is no 'voluntary'.

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“Self isolate”

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Does that mean isolate yourself from yourself? How does that work?

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I still call it a shot.

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Covid Kill Shot. Pfizer Clot Shit.

Biden Kill Shot. Etc

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I can’t say those things. I love my husband, siblings and mother too much. The placebo effect is real, and that may be all they have.

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My comment above Betsy: Like I say ...."Circular Logic is a 'thing'..." and this German Health Minister seems to be entrenched in his version of it....

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It's a mandate to voluntarily take the vaccine.

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It's Newspeak. It's the future. They don't need no stinking redefinition.

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I think the idea is getting as close as they can to force it on people, but having plausible deniability to say that "well, it was your choice" (especially if something goes wrong).

Politicians don't like to be blamed if anything goes wrong, and apparently even some major German health insurance companies do not cover any damage caused by vaccines.

Another, more spiritual explanation, is this one: https://www.francisberger.com/blog/they-will-do-everything-in-their-power-to-ensure-the-choice-is-yours

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I'm not a bible scholar but apparently one must "accept" the mark of the beast.

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My thoughts exactly. But perhaps they have redefined the word "nonsense" too. That would wrap it all up in a neat Orwellian package.

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Just like it's not coercion when you have to sleep with your boss to keep your job because you can always quit!

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Yes, its become quite an sbusive relationship between state and citizen.

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They're betting you make the 'correct' decision and just bend over. And if you don't, they'll slap you again until you see the light.

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But it's all for your own good, honestly! It's done to protect you!

Oh, get me a bucket, quick. Vomit-inducing claptrap from the government, I am so sick of it.

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Perfect analogy to describe this insanity.

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Great analogy!

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At least the dick comes out :/

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France is going to be loosening their restrictive policies but the vaccine passport is still going through on Jan 24th. Massive protest tomorrow I will be there !

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Great for France though. It's previous colony, Quebec, is so lockdown right now there's no end in sight.

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Macron and Trudeau should hang the same day. Little filthy bitches, traitors .


Tyrant don't always end well


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I dig your style. I will defer to you.

I almost stroke out watching how they treat Canadians and French. I have loved ones in both

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I am thinking the Fauci beagle/sandfly treatment is more appropriate.

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I submit to you all on this. Out of the box thinkers.

Btw, I go nuts at maltreatment of dogs

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Damn, I wish I could also

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John Raymond if you are in Austin I’ll meet up w you at some point. If not, no worry.

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512 284 6535

Would love to ... there's no fight here...

I wish I could help Australians

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1984 Double Speak - straight out of the socialist's snout. Define insanity!

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I was stopped by a mugger with a gun. Fearing for my life he calmly assured me that:

"No one will be forced to give up their wallet against their will; the gun will simply lead people, ultimately, to accept voluntarily handing over their wallets."

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War Is Peace

Freedom Is Slavery

Ignorance Is Strength

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You'll do as we wish because we are who we are.

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Right up there with "you're just going to a work camp to keep you safe" ... "don't make them mad; get on the train" ... and my favorite .... "don't worry, it's just a shower."

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

Sad but true. Do they lack a sense of irony?

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Oh, you forgot your soap, no worries my friends there's plenty inside.

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Just leave all your stuff here, it will be delivered to you at the camp!

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Yes! I always trust folks I never met before who call me "friend", especially when they preface statements with "to be honest..."

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It's like taxation. Paying taxes is voluntary too, because you can choose not to.

Have you no lampposts in Germany?

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We Austrians are already a step further. I cried half of the day today.

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As a fellow Austrian, I've never been so utterly ashamed of being a citizen of this country.

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Courage. Tomorrow in Glasgow I will be demonstrating in solidarity with you. Hang in there. Remember it's always darkest just before the dawn.

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Thank you so much! I'm very glad that Scotland seems to be taking the exit ramp!

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Austria's turn will surely come. I read today that a good number of your police and army will turn out to support your demonstrations. Today, Ireland joined the UK in lifting most restrictions. My view is that everybody will eventually follow and it might be sooner than you think. Our American friends have an expression that, 'things can turn on a dime'. Remember also that Eurasia has always been at war with Eastasia, hahaha.

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Canada will be demonstrating also. 36,000 trucks so far in convoy to Ottawa. They will block everything possible until parliament is dissolved.

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Any source for the demonstrations in which cities? What time where etc.?

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Same here. Totalitarianism seems to start in Austria again.

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I'm praying for the good people in Austria and elsewhere who are suffering from those despicable governments.

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But yakari, we are NOT defenders of this madness, at least there's that!

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

True. At least we will die uprightly 😁.

Well, I hope that the whole narrative has crumbled by March and that the injections will be pulled from the market soon. A lot of things are going on behind the scenes at the moment.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

Yes, things are beginning to shift in Europe, aren't they? Maybe we should feel a little bit hopeful. It's just that it's so hard to understand why they'e voted for the vax mandate, I mean, it's a stupid thing to do. Nobody wants to enforce it, it costs a shitload of money (the lottery!), it's a bueraucratic nightmare...why not just say that everything's changed with omicron and one will carefully reconsider how to proceed re vac mandates in spring. Then let the subject drop and never take it up again. That's what I would have done if I were in the Austrian government.

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That‘s what I would have done, too. But we are reasonable, intelligent people, they are not. They act like 2 year olds who want to have a lillipop but the evil unvaxxed don’t let them have one. They are either plain stupid, extremely narcissistic and psychopathic (or both) - or they are blackmailed and/or afraid. Or Austria is some kind of „test balloon“ in order to see what happens in a country when a general mandate is installed. So that the other countries can follow - or not.

I don’t know and to be honest: It doesn’t matter. Now we have to act step by step in order to get rid of all the laws that were installed during the past two years. Firstly the vaxx mandate, then all the others.

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I am so sorry for you. 😢

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Australia here. It is a tragedy what has happened to our countries.

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JJ, my heart goes to you. Be strong. Totalitarian states have always failed in the long run (at least most of them) and this will also happen to our countries. Freedom will rise again as soon as we all find our own individual freedom inside of ourselves.

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Thank you

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You're not alone with your tears. Let it turn to hate, let it burn to do what is necessary. Do not go quietly into that dark night.

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I see you, Fear, but hate is not my way. Hate leads to hate and this leads to war. It‘s time for a better world, it‘s time for peaceful civil resistance. I know that a lot of people don’t think like me and that they are sure that only war leads to freedom but that‘s a lie. Were are we now as earth? There‘s hatred, war, killings, greed, and that‘s because we are hating each other. We are afraid to look at our own wounds and fears and project them onto others. Now it‘s time to heal those wounds as a collective. Otherwise we will stay stuck in this vicious cycle of violence.

We do not go quietly into that dark night. We are loud. But we stay in peace.

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I think everyone knows why they are not forcing you to take the vaccine. In Italy a person posted a letter from the Government DENYING the injury claim from the vaccine because it was the persons choice to take it. Yup, the person who was coerced and threatened with everything the government could throw at Italians said that they did not have to pay because it was not law. This is the loophole they want to squeeze through. Don't let them.

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A few days ago, someone posted a story about a Frenchman who died from the jab, and had lots of money in life insurance. The insurance refused to pay because he had voluntarily taken an experimental drug, and put it on the same line as suicide.

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I wondered when the insurance companies will start to deny claims and make this narrative about safe and effective collapse. I would love to see a link to that story if you can find it. I can imagine in a year or 2 that insurance companies will base their rates on how many times you took the jab. It would be very ironic if that happens.

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This story - I looked it up, there is just one source for it, can't be verified, so I'd take that one with a grain of salt.

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Nazi’s gonna Nazi

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Germany 1943: If you do not want to talk, we have ways of making you talk.

Germany 2022: If you do not want the vaccine, we have ways of getting you vaccinated.

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There are unvaccinated under the floorboards aren't there?

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The world has gone mad

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

At this point people (we) are just setting themselves up for despair, distress, and mental illness by expecting anything related to covid to make sense. It hasn't made sense in 2 years, why would it make sense now?

Eventually all of the truth will come out, it always does. But in the case of covid it may take more time and distance than usual.

Pharma is going to do whatever they can to maximize their profits. This is what companies do, it's not a conspiracy theory. They were doing it long before covid and they will still be doing it long after.

It's going to be weird for a while and it may very well get weirder still. What we have is a sea of incompetence and bureaucratic inertia combined with profiteers from pharma to tech companies, to mainstream media etc and etc trying to hold on with teeth and toenails to their cash cow.

It's a long game. The people who don't know how to play the long game better learn how if they don't want to keep suffering.

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"It's a long game. The people who don't know how to play the long game better learn how if they don't want to keep suffering." Very wise words. We're still in Leningrad surrounded by Army Group North. They're simply reloading.

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Thank you😊

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Thank you, very wise words, you're right and I will try to keep them in mind.

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you're welcome 😊

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looks like things are finally breaking down in the UK. Sad to see the continent wont follow for now.

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Nothing is breaking down until the jailers and those who paid the jailers are all tried and executed for crimes against humanity. The warden letting the proles out for some extra sun in the courtyard does not count.

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