Underestimate it at your peril. They are targeting the kids, the most impressionable demographic there is, which seems to be an effort they are making in any number of arenas, not just Climate Change.
My kids are marinated in Climate Change propaganda at school, which takes a yeoman’s effort to disentangle them from, made all the more difficult because the truth I impart then results in “separating” them from their peers who’re all in on the dogma.
It’s not a stupid idea, albeit a thoroughly malevolent one, and the subliminal message is extremely threatening - by design.
school indoctrination is indeed a powerful force, and the primary reason that Green climatism is so ascendant in Germany right now. but, this game is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, and the target demographic (male teenagers) will have every inch as much scorn for it as we do.
Your children are lucky to have you as a parent, who can see through this. Most parents don't know what the school gets up to, and almost all schools very much like to keep things that way.
They’ve target kids for decades. Children are more (I believe) more susceptible to fall into these traps due to single parent households and social media. Both of my parents, all four of my grandparents were democrats. During the early 70’s I had a conversation with my dad on acid rain and his response, “don’t believe everything they tell you at school.”
I tried this with my youngest son who graduated from HS in 2010 and college in 2014. During his time at college he did a wonderful presentation on climate change and sent it to me. I told him how wonderful his presentation was and then I added, “it’s all a bunch of sh*t.”
My future DIL introduced me to her sister, “this is Logan’s mom, she doesn’t believe in climate change.” 😂 The look on her sisters face was one of horror, it was priceless.
My son got married in 2015 and now has a 6yo and a 1yo. He knows now it’s all crap and my DIL, a school teacher, does as well. They understand the grift and the theft. So there’s always hope.
Check out Dustborn on You Tube. Totally woke game. Built to indoctrinate kids. It has totally flopped. In the entire world the peak player number on the platform is a whopping 81 people at a high point after release. Currently the number of players is 25. In the entire world. https://youtu.be/djwJXFvwy40
Schools are awful, granted. Kids often have little choice there. But kids choose their games and they aren't choosing the woke games.
This will have the opposite intended effect. Kids aren't that stupid, the thicker they lay it on, the stronger they intelligent ones will rebel. When being against state bullshit is cool the rest will follow. It's our generations that are beyond saving.
Entirely! Even that little satanic rat Hawari made a comment about how people will be taking drugs and playing video games in his NWO, assuming that it unfolds as he and his anti-Christ satanic cohorts want it to.
This is late stage decline of Capitalism. K Marx warned us; at that time there are 2 choices - Socialism or Barbarism. We are, at present, steaming toward the latter.
Oh, I dunno, maybe I've just been confused by the example of every socialist and communist state ever, where the people in charge have ended up fabulously wealthy while their supposed equals faced starvation. Give me a single counterexample.
That’s the most insane part about them wanting zero carbon dioxide. It will make for a hellscape dust-bowl! So if you are an elite and you have a trillion dollars in the bank and have every possible luxury but there are no green spaces outside of some kind of climate controlled, dome structure, and outside of that you’ll need oxygen…I saw something recently that suggested burying forests!! It’s just pure insanity!
The writing was on the wall when the US Army made a video game to boost recruitment -- now every NGO idiot with some extra cash lying around wants to make some type of propaganda game.
Video game lore is often written by schizoid personalities, and there is some truly weird stuff in some indie [MMO]RPGs; but I’ve never seen minigames like this.
The cringe level in 2024 is simply astounding. Hopefully at some point I wake up and realize I need to quit drinking so late at night.... what a nightmare!
I know I've said this before--that despite the monstrous derangements of the WWII years, I've always thought of Germans, the cultural group, as having remarkable richness of mind and a sophisticated outlook, deeper than the always self-congratulating French. In a way the horrors of WWI were an extreme expression of scientific rationalizing bitten by plague rats.
So what the fuck has happened to you guys? I would never ever ever have thought Germans could become utter laughingstocks.
It wasn't a traditional war. It was Jews vs Germans. Except the Jews always refuse to accept thier aggression so the Germans feel like (or were made to feel like) deranged racists. So now the German political class are afraid of ever being right leaning or nationalists again.
So is the state broadcaster suggesting that those who challenge the climate change narrative are Climate deniers, and is the game inviting the players to shoot and destroy the EVIL climate denier?
Isn't that incitement to violence? Or is Germany like the UK where there are state approved narratives which are free from prosecution, and those that dare question the narrative are the ones who are imprisoned, see recent events in the UK, hardened criminals released early to make way for Grandmothers who retweeted hurty things, and people who attended an unapproved Government protest.
Incitement to violence only applies one way. Protecting the official narrative. When it is against deniers then it is justified in the name of truth. Remember how it was going during scamdemic. Nothing new here.
That shit is seriously gay
understatement of the year.
lol, like
That's an insult to gays 😉🤣
Fake and gay. :-)
You mean queer?
Boo. Shoe fly.
Underestimate it at your peril. They are targeting the kids, the most impressionable demographic there is, which seems to be an effort they are making in any number of arenas, not just Climate Change.
My kids are marinated in Climate Change propaganda at school, which takes a yeoman’s effort to disentangle them from, made all the more difficult because the truth I impart then results in “separating” them from their peers who’re all in on the dogma.
It’s not a stupid idea, albeit a thoroughly malevolent one, and the subliminal message is extremely threatening - by design.
school indoctrination is indeed a powerful force, and the primary reason that Green climatism is so ascendant in Germany right now. but, this game is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, and the target demographic (male teenagers) will have every inch as much scorn for it as we do.
I am sure you are 100% correct. One of my kids is an avid gamer but not just any game. He is most particular.
It’s the concept that can be catchy to malleable young minds: “Green Guardians”, somewhat reminiscent of of Brown shirts.
You mean... surely not.... the British Labour Party or the USA Democrat party???
Take your pick! They seem to be popping up everywhere.
Especially in the Wild West.
Or Red Guard
Your children are lucky to have you as a parent, who can see through this. Most parents don't know what the school gets up to, and almost all schools very much like to keep things that way.
They’ve target kids for decades. Children are more (I believe) more susceptible to fall into these traps due to single parent households and social media. Both of my parents, all four of my grandparents were democrats. During the early 70’s I had a conversation with my dad on acid rain and his response, “don’t believe everything they tell you at school.”
I tried this with my youngest son who graduated from HS in 2010 and college in 2014. During his time at college he did a wonderful presentation on climate change and sent it to me. I told him how wonderful his presentation was and then I added, “it’s all a bunch of sh*t.”
My future DIL introduced me to her sister, “this is Logan’s mom, she doesn’t believe in climate change.” 😂 The look on her sisters face was one of horror, it was priceless.
My son got married in 2015 and now has a 6yo and a 1yo. He knows now it’s all crap and my DIL, a school teacher, does as well. They understand the grift and the theft. So there’s always hope.
Is your son called Logan? You should have showed them 'Logan's run' it would have been even funnier...
Kids won't play it.
Check out Dustborn on You Tube. Totally woke game. Built to indoctrinate kids. It has totally flopped. In the entire world the peak player number on the platform is a whopping 81 people at a high point after release. Currently the number of players is 25. In the entire world. https://youtu.be/djwJXFvwy40
Schools are awful, granted. Kids often have little choice there. But kids choose their games and they aren't choosing the woke games.
PS: just found out Dustborn was funded by the EU. https://youtu.be/xROdlAGC5Ww
Most comforting news.
Fortunately this game looks like complete ass, I doubt it will be played by anyone
This will have the opposite intended effect. Kids aren't that stupid, the thicker they lay it on, the stronger they intelligent ones will rebel. When being against state bullshit is cool the rest will follow. It's our generations that are beyond saving.
They tried this same shit in the 90's with Captain Planet.
You must homeschool your children, even if it means ruining your life in other areas.
That's not legal in Germany.
A German family immigrated to the US from because they were fleeing prosecution for homeschooling their kids there.
There are good private schools out there. As we work to increase the availability of school choice programs throughout the US this is a great option.
I don't doubt it, there are some good schools still out there. Still, nothing can replace homeschooling, especially in rural areas.
Late stage decline of civilization.
Entirely! Even that little satanic rat Hawari made a comment about how people will be taking drugs and playing video games in his NWO, assuming that it unfolds as he and his anti-Christ satanic cohorts want it to.
civilizations have declined previously.
This is late stage decline of Capitalism. K Marx warned us; at that time there are 2 choices - Socialism or Barbarism. We are, at present, steaming toward the latter.
Socialism is what these morons are pushing. I'll stick with the system that gave us the option to *not* all be peasants, thanks.
No, they are not.
Socialism is not a world ruled (hunger-games style) by a few billionaires.
Why can you not see that?
Oh, I dunno, maybe I've just been confused by the example of every socialist and communist state ever, where the people in charge have ended up fabulously wealthy while their supposed equals faced starvation. Give me a single counterexample.
It is very important for the Capitalists to make you think that.
One thing for sure, the Capitalists are now wiping us out en masse.
Fortunately, we now have the technology to control things ourselves, for example:
I note that you didn't even attempt to provide a counterexample.
It's a world driven into mass poverty followed by mass starvation
Every. Single. Time. In. History.
It's interesting to see Germany, formerly a scientific and industrial powerhouse, slowly bleed itself to death for no reason.
The nation was dissolved in 2015.
As Kraut my only concern is how I'm obliged to pay taxes if the State simply doesn't exists anymore. This shithole hasn't even borders, lmao.
For NO reason ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔🤔
That is an understatement ...
"“Hey!” she shouts from a floating screen. “Don’t get sucked in! Join the Green Guardians! Help save the future!”"
You know what makes "green" green?
You know what chlorophyll does?
You know what photosynthesis depends on?
Carbon dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide is literally the greenest substance in existence.
You'll never get anywhere with those idiots by fact-mongering like that.
lol, like
That’s the most insane part about them wanting zero carbon dioxide. It will make for a hellscape dust-bowl! So if you are an elite and you have a trillion dollars in the bank and have every possible luxury but there are no green spaces outside of some kind of climate controlled, dome structure, and outside of that you’ll need oxygen…I saw something recently that suggested burying forests!! It’s just pure insanity!
Source???? :-)
The writing was on the wall when the US Army made a video game to boost recruitment -- now every NGO idiot with some extra cash lying around wants to make some type of propaganda game.
It is the bursting forth from those uniforms meant to resist tearing the unstoppable energy of 12-year-old boys.
Betcha a nickle variations could IPO or get In-Q-Tel funding! *smirk*
I'm sure you saw Matt Taibbi's articles about the D&D style board game to train disinformation censors...
Yep! That's another great example!
I seem to recall Full Spectrum Warrior on the OG Xbox (and others) was an Army project for urban warfare.
Seems unlikely, given that was a decent game...
At least america's army was a good game.
And the "adults in the room" actually came up with this?
And believed it would be effective?
El gato malo was talking about the adults in the room just today.
Reference the Steve Buscemi still at the end.
LOL, it's much worse than my limited knowledge of German let me comprehend the first time I saw this.
it is truly one of the craziest things I've ever seen.
Video game lore is often written by schizoid personalities, and there is some truly weird stuff in some indie [MMO]RPGs; but I’ve never seen minigames like this.
Wait, so this is state-funded?
Graphics look shit, never mind the premise.
The Public Sector out-sourced the graphics via a 'Citizens Assembly'.
To quote Kenny from South Park, “Due, what the hell is wrong with German” Eco Freaks?
The cringe level in 2024 is simply astounding. Hopefully at some point I wake up and realize I need to quit drinking so late at night.... what a nightmare!
The drinking is an effect, not a cause!
But you knew that...
I know I've said this before--that despite the monstrous derangements of the WWII years, I've always thought of Germans, the cultural group, as having remarkable richness of mind and a sophisticated outlook, deeper than the always self-congratulating French. In a way the horrors of WWI were an extreme expression of scientific rationalizing bitten by plague rats.
So what the fuck has happened to you guys? I would never ever ever have thought Germans could become utter laughingstocks.
Self hatred will do that.
Self hatred with a little help from our American friends.
Yes. One doesn't avert the possibility of future atrocities by emasculating an entire ethnic group.
It wasn't a traditional war. It was Jews vs Germans. Except the Jews always refuse to accept thier aggression so the Germans feel like (or were made to feel like) deranged racists. So now the German political class are afraid of ever being right leaning or nationalists again.
Yes dear.
Counterpoint: The Europeans have always been gay and retarded.
So is the state broadcaster suggesting that those who challenge the climate change narrative are Climate deniers, and is the game inviting the players to shoot and destroy the EVIL climate denier?
Isn't that incitement to violence? Or is Germany like the UK where there are state approved narratives which are free from prosecution, and those that dare question the narrative are the ones who are imprisoned, see recent events in the UK, hardened criminals released early to make way for Grandmothers who retweeted hurty things, and people who attended an unapproved Government protest.
Incitement to violence only applies one way. Protecting the official narrative. When it is against deniers then it is justified in the name of truth. Remember how it was going during scamdemic. Nothing new here.
Moreso than usual begging the question "how do people this god damn stupid and ridiculous continue to dominate us"
Am I supposed to laugh uncontrollably or vomit violently?
Laugh. It is ridiculous.
The Loony Left have truly lost their little minds.