Philippos Tsanis was a 20-year-old man of Greek and Polish descent, who lived in Bad Oeynhausen, northeast of Bielefeld. On 22 June, Tsanis attended a graduation party for his sister at the municipal park. He left the event in the early morning hours with a 19 year-old friend, whereupon both of them were attacked by a group of young migrants. Bystanders called emergency services and the victims were taken to a hospital, where Tsanis died two days later of devastating head injuries. It is a bitter irony that among the few traces Tsanis left of himself on the internet before his death,
Absolutely correct as usual. In my personal experience you can say the same about Canada and England as well. Shameful at best, criminally irresponsible more precisely.
Well in America I'm pretty sure the D's get a two'fer; they bring in new voters in which some of them kill citizens, which in turn allows the dead to vote for D's!
Yes morbid but true and it would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. I have made my family sign a document that they will not under any circumstances allow me to vote Democrat after I die
The Democrats will "cast votes" in the name of dead voters who, conveniently enough, were not removed from the voter rolls when they died like they should have been.
The Irish Americans have been the essential element of the Democrat party and holding the unholy alliances together and they're probably the originators of that.
The late, lamented FRANK Magazine put it as well as anyone else.. politely... "Should immigrants try to maintain their customs and traditions in a new land, or should they try and act like they're civilized?"
PS What your article described was revolting. The diabolical acts (for example "The Kalergi Plan", which is behind Bataclan in 2016 and the illegal migrants now) perpetrated in The West over the centuries by a certain ethnic/religious group is not fit for polite company. And I'm not talking about Muslims...
The central ideological battle of our time is simply between truth and lies. There are people who are wrong in good faith, but the ideologies that plague us consist of people who believe in the “noble lie”; people who lie consciously and deliberately.
These people must be described as the greatest evil in the world if we are to ward off the affliction they’ve inflicted upon us.
Agree. There is a layer of society quite aware they are lying but do so in the belief they see further with some mega truth that eludes the rest of us. This level of delusion cannpt be argued with, only stopped.
The West is being destroyed by citizens who are afraid to do anything that couldn't be described as "nice" being destroyed by invaders who have no such compunctions....
They are afraid to do anything because the police, the media and the courts will crucify them if they do. The "Cronulla race riots" here in Oz show what happens when Whitey loses patience. Demonised of course by the Establishment.
My feeling is it's a bit more subtle; I think the battle is between half-truths and lies....because if a "compass" has half-truth as magnetic north it is the easiest way to conceal both a lie and the truth.
It is also the easiest way to trick people into believing the "map" is the "territory".
Luckily for the majority the sociopath (those who enjoy lying) sows the seeds of their own destruction by surrounding themselves with the sub-competent.
When I read accounts like this, I wonder what I would do in similar circumstances. Like if a brother or sister or daughter son was mauled and killed or assaulted like this
Would I petition, speak, and expect the hammer of justice to fall, the mechanics of state doing their job
Or would I, go to ground, and plot my revenge - and administer justice in the only language these animals understand
In the old days, if law enforcement refused to do its job, the citizens took private action to settle the matter...and law enforcement ignored or covered it up...
Never mind any remedies or law enforcement .The invaders would not be here in the first place ,no exceptions .The ones here would be on their way back faster than t.hey came . That is how it would be if I was in charge . During and after the second world war ,with Germany in ruins ,they did not migrate to southern countries .They went to work and rebuild and after a while send aid and resources to countries outside of Germany and still do .The ones invading come from hell holes of poverty and crime and bring it with them .They don't want to ,don't know how ,are too lazy or stupid to make anything of the countries they com from . They never learned anything ,but crime ans freeloading .Invasions have never been soooo easy before .
This is an excellent point, Joe. When Germany was in ruins, short of food, with nothing, they got to work. They didn't leave for easier places.
Why are we not challenging people on this? We are taking migrants from failed states and told they are some kind of bonus to our country. This is absurd. They are fleeing countries they refuse to build up.
Many countries are strongly affected by economic warfare which replaced direct colonial rule.
However, I agree with the above points when it comes to the USA. A lot of talk about running to Canada , again, as the draft is brought back in. Go back , Amurdicans, and fix the country you allowed to do these things around the world. You lived off the crumbs of the raping and resource pillaging. Death and displacement of millions. No “freedom “ for them.
You have lost the rule of law, and your currency is being debased as the fleeing looters create low risk via rule of law instituted elsewhere.
See how hard it is to get them back once lost. Hope the Bread and Circuses were worth it.
I’ll tell your children as you don’t seem to even know your history, nor crimes, nor placement on a world map.
I not only do the talk ,I did the walk As a nine year ling in 1945 I worked besides men ,just like them .No babying ,with a junk of rye bread and margarine for most of the week nothing else . That was in Frankfurt .Bricks and building blocks where made from the mountains of rubble ,crushed mixed with cement and used to rebuild the city . If I think back ,so much in my memory is history ,enough to write a book ,if I had the talent and energy at 88
At 21 I moved to Vancouver ,started a masonry business and did work and live in some norther towns ,Now I live in Vancouver again at 88 too old to do masonry work contracts but I would like to if I could . In 1945 Germany died ,defeated and never able to rise again . .
I must say that in South Africa I despair and do not know how we are ever going to rebuild our lovely country once the powers to be have stolen and wrecked everything and left the poor people they say they want to help in even worse poverty. I love my country and I am not a racist but I om note sure that I would take the chance to leave if opportunity should show itself.😭
You will survive. But only once people recognize you must build a society only with those who are compatible. SA, and Rhodesia before it, demonstrate what Europe and North America are now learning, cultures don't mix well and when it goes down it is violent.
In the old days there was no law enforcement, at least not in the form of organized police forces. They're a very recent invention. It's not that vigilantism ran wild before the mid-1800's, but that the competent adult male citizens of a given area were responsible for stopping crimes they witnessed and apprehending the suspects, then turning them over to magistrates. As a social system it kept people engaged in maintaining the peace, something the infantilized modern citizen has delegated to third parties with no interest in peace. In fact, those third parties have a vested interest in social chaos.
Actually, it's both...In many parts of the US, there was organized law enforcement by the 1860s, usually in the form of a Sheriff, though in places like Montana it showed up later...But citizen enforcement continued to be a factor, particularly when the sheriff was not close enough to be effective..Mark Twain (in Roughing It) narrates the case of a notorious gunslinger with a ranch in Montana..He made the mistake of threatening a neighbor..The Eastern Montana vigilance committee (which didn't care what he did out of state) but threatening neighbors was out of bounds..They showed up at his ranch with a dozen rifles pointed at this criminal, and hanged him in his own barn.....
I'm not advocating the death penalty for threats. If we're going to claim justice as a value, even people caught in the act have to be given due process. Determinations of guilt can't be left to individual citizens or the police on the spot. Nobody gets to dole out street justice, including the police, and the presumption has to be of innocence until guilt is proven in court. That's not to say there should be a presumption of harmlessness in the case of violent suspects. But Twain's gunslinger is a perfect example of why justice requires that everyone be answerable to objective laws and due process: the vigilance committee showed up with an assumption of guilt and acted as jury and executioner, too.
Yes, that's because the leaders of these countries are traitors, being paid off by shadowy billionaires like Soros, who want the citizens to be replaced by 3d world invaders....
The former you would be destroyed. I hope the German people recover from the mind virus that has plagued them since the end of world War two. do something, hell anything to take back their country, expell the invaders & deal with the internal treason. They have suffered from terrible governments for over a hundred years.
I never understood how non-citizens in any country could expect not to be deported immediately once they embark on criminal activity and come to the attention of the authorities. Then I met (here in the UK) a 'human rights lawyer', whose schtick is to defend (at taxpayers expense of course) immigrants against deportation orders. This individual was one of the most smug self-satisfied arrogant* people I have met in a long time, and according to their own testimony, able to persuade the courts not to deport by making emotional appeals.
It's clear now that feelings matter more than facts, especially in politics and on 'sensitive' issues. Got to look 'good' at all times to get those likes.
Aren't there any serious people we can put in charge any more?
There are a surprising number of gay Nigerians in Britain's courts we cannot deport because of African homophobia who have attractive girlfriends in the public gallery watching proceedings.
The first people to hang are those on the human rights gravy train. They both commit treason and profit from the misery of the natives. Their verbal dexterity won't help them when the food runs out.
The day is going to come whereby we are forced to "fix" this problem ourselves, and when it does, it will be far too late for half-measures, and mercy, and woe to any who get in the way.
At least in the US, the powers that be seem to be trying to goad people into action, to justify their own repressive narrative. Outside of conservative jurisdictions, the playing field is slanted against common law-abiding people.
This is why I think members of the left's insane coalition should be goaded into action against each other, in particular using the mandates. Race politics is a really fun game until you're stabbed in the face by some thrice-boosted Nicaraguan.
That seems to be happening. The kind of low-T men cheering this on are no match for their darker replacements. I've seen a few videos of social justice types enjoy some cultural enrichment at 3am. A very tragic dose of reality.
By then ,the white race will be a minority .In places like Vancouver it already is . It is also policy of politicians ,that crimes of migrants are not reported at all .
Myriad , but where is the tenacity and vision ? It seems tenacity is only practiced by migrants and vision has been replaced by blindness in the north .
What is it the pro-migration people in Europe and North America see that the rest of us don't? What is the outcome they imagine here? We see who is coming, we see the hostility not just to assimilation but an aggressive disdain for our cultures, our accomplishments and our way of life. It is all there, easily witnessed online and, increasingly, in real life.
Do they imagine some harmonious future where we all get along? Are they indifferent to the levels of violence that will be unleashed? Are they unaware no multicultural society has ever survived?
What are they seeing? What do they imagine? This baffles me.
While the leaders often have nefarious reasons for open borders ranging from cheap labor to votes, the day to day useful idiot PMC person seems to just be very naive. They live a sheltered life in a bubble where there is a lot of conformity. I used to work in tech and know this culture well. Everybody masks, everybody conforms, there's a neurotic level of agreeableness and tolerance. Pile this on top of the oppressed / oppressor dynamic that defines progressivism and you get a whole lot of influencial people who assume that all of those poor brown minorities wanting to get into the country think just like them.
It's literally inconceivable to many that there are other ways of thinking, that multiculturalism won't work with incompaatible cultures because in their mind their culture is the default for all humanity and if only the bad other influence was removed (i.e based non-progressives) it would be one big kumbayah.
You need to live a very sheltered, entitled existance to believe this, hence you see this in the demographic that you do and not in the working class. These are indeed luxury beliefs.
"A]ll of those poor brown minorities wanting to get into the country think just like them."
Geez. The endless tide of aliens from the Third World that I observe around here really don't think at all. They are dirt poor, both from an economic and a cultural/educational standpoint. They just act. They have no political beliefs or abstract thoughts at all, as far as I can tell. They just try to survive, and they are obviously willing to pick our local communities dry, like locusts; then they will just move on to the next field and do the same. They don't read or know much, but they are understandably very attuned to any group of chumps willing to host them.
All they see is the mirror on the wall telling them that they are the fairest of them all.
Elite Western cosmopolitans have combined the Parable of the Good Samaritan with their desperate desire to display conspicuous compassion to create a weird post-Christian faith based on a fundamentalist form of xenophilia/oikophobia.
In their minds, any old rube can love their family, and any nice kind person can love their neighbor, but THEY LOVE THE POOR BROWN IMMIGRANT (sorry for caps, Substack needs itals). Thus they are a moral elite, divinely chosen to rule.
Combine this need to publicly atone (and to shit on your own people and culture) with the ownership class' need for cheap labor and the political class' need to have a more obedient docile populace, and here we are.
These people don't care about how much destruction they cause and are willing to go down with the ship, as long as they can preserve their bulletproof sense of moral superiority.
Amazingly naive. Here in the UK the Muslims are now openly stating they'll back the Labour Party for now, but will soon have no need for them. The cost of that backing is to make criticism of islam a criminal offence. Blasphemy laws in other words.
They also want their own Islamic party. That's all being said openly, online, podcasts, forums etc. it isn't a secret.
As you point out, Labor will enjoy that alignment's two-pronged benefit: they perceive that they will be unassailable as allies of "people of color" and they can bludgeon their political opponents as racists for any criticisms their opponents muster against them.
I is not just multicultural, in South Africa we also have a problem with Migrants but I must say from time to time we have bouts of xenophobia, not that I condone violence but you cannot blame the poor struggling people
Most of the world views xenophobia as a necessary survival tactic. It is only Western nations that have challenged this and they are now in terminal decline. Nobody in China is agonizing over the feelings of foreigners.
And what exactly are you doing here at all with your typical white female selective emoting display? When placed in influential positions you and your ilk create so much of this
The deliberate double standard used by the political class when responding to acts of violence in this case reminds me of a similar reaction here in the U.S. when horrific acts are perpetrated by illegal immigrants. It seems to be irrational, yet remarkably similar. This strongly suggests coordination.
“The gaslighting will continue until reality is suppressed. Thank you.”
This was preplanned years ago, NGOs set w/$ to "aide" in the project, people placed in powerful positions to implement the project, project commensed. It was talked about in the early 90's. Open borders, homogenized population of 95IQ midwits. Easy to contol. Just ask Hillary Clinton. She did a speech about it in the early 90's.
I mean, so what if he was wearing a cross? In my mind that’s even worse because it’s a “hate crime” as they like to say. This is just depressing to be told by those in power the victim is the problem, we are the problem. It’s increasingly the same thing in the US now, much more balkanization and violence paired with a pullback of enforcement for fear of being fired or painted as a racist publicly.
Absolutely correct as usual. In my personal experience you can say the same about Canada and England as well. Shameful at best, criminally irresponsible more precisely.
Well in America I'm pretty sure the D's get a two'fer; they bring in new voters in which some of them kill citizens, which in turn allows the dead to vote for D's!
sorry that was morbid....but probably true.
Yes morbid but true and it would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. I have made my family sign a document that they will not under any circumstances allow me to vote Democrat after I die
that's funny and smart. Good for you Sue!!!
I hope they listen to you when the time comes!
Good one
How does that meme go? My uncle never voted Democrat until after he was dead?
Question from Germany: what do you mean with “dead people voting for Dems”?
The Democrats will "cast votes" in the name of dead voters who, conveniently enough, were not removed from the voter rolls when they died like they should have been.
What? No kidding? This is crazy
It’s business as usual in the Land of the Free, however. So much so that it’s a cliché.
The Irish Americans have been the essential element of the Democrat party and holding the unholy alliances together and they're probably the originators of that.
No "probably" about it.🤔💩
The late, lamented FRANK Magazine put it as well as anyone else.. politely... "Should immigrants try to maintain their customs and traditions in a new land, or should they try and act like they're civilized?"
PS What your article described was revolting. The diabolical acts (for example "The Kalergi Plan", which is behind Bataclan in 2016 and the illegal migrants now) perpetrated in The West over the centuries by a certain ethnic/religious group is not fit for polite company. And I'm not talking about Muslims...
It's what happens when you allow your Society to be steered by women
And the US
That's got to be the understatement of the week!
The central ideological battle of our time is simply between truth and lies. There are people who are wrong in good faith, but the ideologies that plague us consist of people who believe in the “noble lie”; people who lie consciously and deliberately.
These people must be described as the greatest evil in the world if we are to ward off the affliction they’ve inflicted upon us.
Agree. There is a layer of society quite aware they are lying but do so in the belief they see further with some mega truth that eludes the rest of us. This level of delusion cannpt be argued with, only stopped.
Yes. They always assume the long arc of history will shine back on them to saint them posthumously.
Indeed. We wore masks to stop racism. That isn't going to look good for anyone. Even now most of them look mentally compromised.
Whereas history pretty much ignores the losers, especially losers who didn't even make a serious attempt to win....
I think it's a plague of "The Ends justify the Means".
The West is being destroyed by citizens who are afraid to do anything that couldn't be described as "nice" being destroyed by invaders who have no such compunctions....
They are afraid to do anything because the police, the media and the courts will crucify them if they do. The "Cronulla race riots" here in Oz show what happens when Whitey loses patience. Demonised of course by the Establishment.
Look what happened to those poor kids in Charlottesville, who just wanted to stick up for themselves and got trashed by the world
Just hoist that Rebel Flag regardless
well said pyrrhus.
For now. I doubt that will last. Unemployment has a knack of focusing the mind.
Agree, well said.
My feeling is it's a bit more subtle; I think the battle is between half-truths and lies....because if a "compass" has half-truth as magnetic north it is the easiest way to conceal both a lie and the truth.
It is also the easiest way to trick people into believing the "map" is the "territory".
Luckily for the majority the sociopath (those who enjoy lying) sows the seeds of their own destruction by surrounding themselves with the sub-competent.
The arrogant children think they are Plato's philosopher-kings. They blind the whole world with their sorcery.
When I read accounts like this, I wonder what I would do in similar circumstances. Like if a brother or sister or daughter son was mauled and killed or assaulted like this
Would I petition, speak, and expect the hammer of justice to fall, the mechanics of state doing their job
Or would I, go to ground, and plot my revenge - and administer justice in the only language these animals understand
In the old days, if law enforcement refused to do its job, the citizens took private action to settle the matter...and law enforcement ignored or covered it up...
Never mind any remedies or law enforcement .The invaders would not be here in the first place ,no exceptions .The ones here would be on their way back faster than t.hey came . That is how it would be if I was in charge . During and after the second world war ,with Germany in ruins ,they did not migrate to southern countries .They went to work and rebuild and after a while send aid and resources to countries outside of Germany and still do .The ones invading come from hell holes of poverty and crime and bring it with them .They don't want to ,don't know how ,are too lazy or stupid to make anything of the countries they com from . They never learned anything ,but crime ans freeloading .Invasions have never been soooo easy before .
This is an excellent point, Joe. When Germany was in ruins, short of food, with nothing, they got to work. They didn't leave for easier places.
Why are we not challenging people on this? We are taking migrants from failed states and told they are some kind of bonus to our country. This is absurd. They are fleeing countries they refuse to build up.
The destroyed the countries they formerly lived in ,then they run and do the same to us .
I agree.
Many countries are strongly affected by economic warfare which replaced direct colonial rule.
However, I agree with the above points when it comes to the USA. A lot of talk about running to Canada , again, as the draft is brought back in. Go back , Amurdicans, and fix the country you allowed to do these things around the world. You lived off the crumbs of the raping and resource pillaging. Death and displacement of millions. No “freedom “ for them.
You have lost the rule of law, and your currency is being debased as the fleeing looters create low risk via rule of law instituted elsewhere.
See how hard it is to get them back once lost. Hope the Bread and Circuses were worth it.
I’ll tell your children as you don’t seem to even know your history, nor crimes, nor placement on a world map.
Karma time Amurdica.
I not only do the talk ,I did the walk As a nine year ling in 1945 I worked besides men ,just like them .No babying ,with a junk of rye bread and margarine for most of the week nothing else . That was in Frankfurt .Bricks and building blocks where made from the mountains of rubble ,crushed mixed with cement and used to rebuild the city . If I think back ,so much in my memory is history ,enough to write a book ,if I had the talent and energy at 88
It must be especially painful seeing what has happened to Germany given your experience after the war.
At 21 I moved to Vancouver ,started a masonry business and did work and live in some norther towns ,Now I live in Vancouver again at 88 too old to do masonry work contracts but I would like to if I could . In 1945 Germany died ,defeated and never able to rise again . .
I must say that in South Africa I despair and do not know how we are ever going to rebuild our lovely country once the powers to be have stolen and wrecked everything and left the poor people they say they want to help in even worse poverty. I love my country and I am not a racist but I om note sure that I would take the chance to leave if opportunity should show itself.😭
You will survive. But only once people recognize you must build a society only with those who are compatible. SA, and Rhodesia before it, demonstrate what Europe and North America are now learning, cultures don't mix well and when it goes down it is violent.
Those ethnic-German communities in Brazil, Paraguay etc. are not entirely the result of pre-war emigration.
In the old days there was no law enforcement, at least not in the form of organized police forces. They're a very recent invention. It's not that vigilantism ran wild before the mid-1800's, but that the competent adult male citizens of a given area were responsible for stopping crimes they witnessed and apprehending the suspects, then turning them over to magistrates. As a social system it kept people engaged in maintaining the peace, something the infantilized modern citizen has delegated to third parties with no interest in peace. In fact, those third parties have a vested interest in social chaos.
Actually, it's both...In many parts of the US, there was organized law enforcement by the 1860s, usually in the form of a Sheriff, though in places like Montana it showed up later...But citizen enforcement continued to be a factor, particularly when the sheriff was not close enough to be effective..Mark Twain (in Roughing It) narrates the case of a notorious gunslinger with a ranch in Montana..He made the mistake of threatening a neighbor..The Eastern Montana vigilance committee (which didn't care what he did out of state) but threatening neighbors was out of bounds..They showed up at his ranch with a dozen rifles pointed at this criminal, and hanged him in his own barn.....
I'm not advocating the death penalty for threats. If we're going to claim justice as a value, even people caught in the act have to be given due process. Determinations of guilt can't be left to individual citizens or the police on the spot. Nobody gets to dole out street justice, including the police, and the presumption has to be of innocence until guilt is proven in court. That's not to say there should be a presumption of harmlessness in the case of violent suspects. But Twain's gunslinger is a perfect example of why justice requires that everyone be answerable to objective laws and due process: the vigilance committee showed up with an assumption of guilt and acted as jury and executioner, too.
I'd get caught. We all would. I hope I'd still have the strength to do it
Yes, that's because the leaders of these countries are traitors, being paid off by shadowy billionaires like Soros, who want the citizens to be replaced by 3d world invaders....
There are many subtle ways to unalive someone. Competence and motivation should be enough to overcome any fear
There are many subtle ways to unalive someone. Competence and motivation should be enough to overcome any fear
Ah yes, the good old days!
This is what we Germans ask ourselves every night when we go to bed.
In today's Germany, the latter.
The former you would be destroyed. I hope the German people recover from the mind virus that has plagued them since the end of world War two. do something, hell anything to take back their country, expell the invaders & deal with the internal treason. They have suffered from terrible governments for over a hundred years.
I never understood how non-citizens in any country could expect not to be deported immediately once they embark on criminal activity and come to the attention of the authorities. Then I met (here in the UK) a 'human rights lawyer', whose schtick is to defend (at taxpayers expense of course) immigrants against deportation orders. This individual was one of the most smug self-satisfied arrogant* people I have met in a long time, and according to their own testimony, able to persuade the courts not to deport by making emotional appeals.
It's clear now that feelings matter more than facts, especially in politics and on 'sensitive' issues. Got to look 'good' at all times to get those likes.
Aren't there any serious people we can put in charge any more?
(* A proselytising vegan as well ! )
"Human rights lawyer" is about as useful as a "community organizer" which Obama was as I remember....
John ,that lawyer should be put to work with pick and shovel ,day and night supporting his beloved migrants .
I would rather see him take his place at the gallows
The smug lawyer should foot the bill for his guest's stay if he loses the case.
There's a huge parasitic rent-seeking industry behind subsidised (below median wage) immigration through increased rents, lower wages and higher taxes
There are a surprising number of gay Nigerians in Britain's courts we cannot deport because of African homophobia who have attractive girlfriends in the public gallery watching proceedings.
The first people to hang are those on the human rights gravy train. They both commit treason and profit from the misery of the natives. Their verbal dexterity won't help them when the food runs out.
The day is going to come whereby we are forced to "fix" this problem ourselves, and when it does, it will be far too late for half-measures, and mercy, and woe to any who get in the way.
At least in the US, the powers that be seem to be trying to goad people into action, to justify their own repressive narrative. Outside of conservative jurisdictions, the playing field is slanted against common law-abiding people.
This is why I think members of the left's insane coalition should be goaded into action against each other, in particular using the mandates. Race politics is a really fun game until you're stabbed in the face by some thrice-boosted Nicaraguan.
That seems to be happening. The kind of low-T men cheering this on are no match for their darker replacements. I've seen a few videos of social justice types enjoy some cultural enrichment at 3am. A very tragic dose of reality.
For the moment, that's true, but once the house catches fire, the conflagration will also consume the powers that be.
By then ,the white race will be a minority .In places like Vancouver it already is . It is also policy of politicians ,that crimes of migrants are not reported at all .
Being a "minority" doesn't ensure defeat, as it can be heavily counter-balanced with tenacity and vision.
Myriad , but where is the tenacity and vision ? It seems tenacity is only practiced by migrants and vision has been replaced by blindness in the north .
Indeed. The Rhodesian Bush War being a reference point. Watching Zulu gets the point across quicker, lol.
we will reaact when it is too late. If we react at all.
People will wake up eventually. Losing one's homeland to people sitting on the dole producing lots of kids has a habit of making people pay attention.
It's never too late. But the longer this is allowed to continue, the worse it will be for everyone.
That is the worry, but it seems inevitable now given the numbers.
What is it the pro-migration people in Europe and North America see that the rest of us don't? What is the outcome they imagine here? We see who is coming, we see the hostility not just to assimilation but an aggressive disdain for our cultures, our accomplishments and our way of life. It is all there, easily witnessed online and, increasingly, in real life.
Do they imagine some harmonious future where we all get along? Are they indifferent to the levels of violence that will be unleashed? Are they unaware no multicultural society has ever survived?
What are they seeing? What do they imagine? This baffles me.
While the leaders often have nefarious reasons for open borders ranging from cheap labor to votes, the day to day useful idiot PMC person seems to just be very naive. They live a sheltered life in a bubble where there is a lot of conformity. I used to work in tech and know this culture well. Everybody masks, everybody conforms, there's a neurotic level of agreeableness and tolerance. Pile this on top of the oppressed / oppressor dynamic that defines progressivism and you get a whole lot of influencial people who assume that all of those poor brown minorities wanting to get into the country think just like them.
It's literally inconceivable to many that there are other ways of thinking, that multiculturalism won't work with incompaatible cultures because in their mind their culture is the default for all humanity and if only the bad other influence was removed (i.e based non-progressives) it would be one big kumbayah.
You need to live a very sheltered, entitled existance to believe this, hence you see this in the demographic that you do and not in the working class. These are indeed luxury beliefs.
"A]ll of those poor brown minorities wanting to get into the country think just like them."
Geez. The endless tide of aliens from the Third World that I observe around here really don't think at all. They are dirt poor, both from an economic and a cultural/educational standpoint. They just act. They have no political beliefs or abstract thoughts at all, as far as I can tell. They just try to survive, and they are obviously willing to pick our local communities dry, like locusts; then they will just move on to the next field and do the same. They don't read or know much, but they are understandably very attuned to any group of chumps willing to host them.
Extremely well said. Agree with every word.
Luxury beliefs combined with a sheltered existence equals lethal levels of naivety. They'll be killed first I suspect when the food runs out.
Excellent comment.
^^^100% right there.
Well met. On target 100%
All they see is the mirror on the wall telling them that they are the fairest of them all.
Elite Western cosmopolitans have combined the Parable of the Good Samaritan with their desperate desire to display conspicuous compassion to create a weird post-Christian faith based on a fundamentalist form of xenophilia/oikophobia.
In their minds, any old rube can love their family, and any nice kind person can love their neighbor, but THEY LOVE THE POOR BROWN IMMIGRANT (sorry for caps, Substack needs itals). Thus they are a moral elite, divinely chosen to rule.
Combine this need to publicly atone (and to shit on your own people and culture) with the ownership class' need for cheap labor and the political class' need to have a more obedient docile populace, and here we are.
These people don't care about how much destruction they cause and are willing to go down with the ship, as long as they can preserve their bulletproof sense of moral superiority.
I quite agree. Their moral superiority will be their death. And ours.
They see re-election. I know this may seem impossible, because you look at their actions as political suicide. But they see it exactly opposite.
Amazingly naive. Here in the UK the Muslims are now openly stating they'll back the Labour Party for now, but will soon have no need for them. The cost of that backing is to make criticism of islam a criminal offence. Blasphemy laws in other words.
They also want their own Islamic party. That's all being said openly, online, podcasts, forums etc. it isn't a secret.
As you point out, Labor will enjoy that alignment's two-pronged benefit: they perceive that they will be unassailable as allies of "people of color" and they can bludgeon their political opponents as racists for any criticisms their opponents muster against them.
Yes, for a while at least. But their new clients have ambitions of their own as white liberals are finding out in the US.
Agree - amazingly naive is putting it mildly. They are incorrigible.
I is not just multicultural, in South Africa we also have a problem with Migrants but I must say from time to time we have bouts of xenophobia, not that I condone violence but you cannot blame the poor struggling people
Most of the world views xenophobia as a necessary survival tactic. It is only Western nations that have challenged this and they are now in terminal decline. Nobody in China is agonizing over the feelings of foreigners.
And what exactly are you doing here at all with your typical white female selective emoting display? When placed in influential positions you and your ilk create so much of this
Wake up America our migrant invasion is bringing our citizens these same horrific results.
It all could end immediately with virtually zero cost; bury a bullet in the next male that tries to enter our country illegally.
It's the humane way to end this nightmare...and it would end it tomorrow.
At no other time in history would anyone blink at this was just known.
Replace statute of liberty for the guillotine
Love it!...lmao
Invasion and freeloading is legal now .Criminality and murder is the only trade they know .All supported by our DEAR LEADERS .
The deliberate double standard used by the political class when responding to acts of violence in this case reminds me of a similar reaction here in the U.S. when horrific acts are perpetrated by illegal immigrants. It seems to be irrational, yet remarkably similar. This strongly suggests coordination.
“The gaslighting will continue until reality is suppressed. Thank you.”
This was preplanned years ago, NGOs set w/$ to "aide" in the project, people placed in powerful positions to implement the project, project commensed. It was talked about in the early 90's. Open borders, homogenized population of 95IQ midwits. Easy to contol. Just ask Hillary Clinton. She did a speech about it in the early 90's.
How about blaming the man who committed a murder?
Leftists are always trying to excuse antisocial behaviors that their supporters commit. I’ll offer
“mostly peaceful fiery riots”
as an example.
If I may partially quote:
'The rotten cherry on top of this steaming pile of shit, is Faeser'.
Indeed. It seems across the EU27 and UK there are far too many rotten cherries atop of steaming piles.
Thank you Germany for making American justice look almost normal.
I mean, so what if he was wearing a cross? In my mind that’s even worse because it’s a “hate crime” as they like to say. This is just depressing to be told by those in power the victim is the problem, we are the problem. It’s increasingly the same thing in the US now, much more balkanization and violence paired with a pullback of enforcement for fear of being fired or painted as a racist publicly.