Interesting article as always, but I think you're skipping over a far more crucial point when it comes to the effectiveness of these vaccines. All these comparisons are based on raw unadjusted data, which only makes sense when the unvaccinated demographic serves as a proper control group for the vaccinated population.
When 95% of elderly are vaccinated, as is the case throughout the UK, the remaining 5% who didn't get vaccinated are no longer by any means a proper control group for the ones who did get vaccinated. In the UK, black elderly are much more likely to be unvaccinated. However, black elderly were always far more susceptible to developing severe disease than white elderly anyway.
The remaining elderly who are unvaccinated are almost guaranteed to be a demographic in much worse health than those who did get vaccinated. In other words, the comparison is inherently flawed. There exists no proper control group for the vaccinated population anymore and so to determine the effectiveness of these vaccines our best hope is to simply look into other sources of data, like excess mortality and wastewater RNA analysis.
If you look at those data, I think you'll come to the same conclusion as I did, namely that we already entered negative efficacy territory in the UK. The vaccines work for a few months, in a population where most people remain unvaccinated. By the time most people are vaccinated, the vaccine no longer works. The Motte has already fallen if you know what to look for.
i totally agree with this, i've even had some threads on twitter trying to explore systematic demographic differences in unvaccinated cohorts. in this piece, which is more about how to argue the issue than what is happening, i'm just trying to propose some of the simplest, least assailable lines of attack.
I was also thinking, a lot of unvaxxed elderly would be so because it fits with their 'do not resucitate' instructions, i.e. those receiving palliative care or similar. This may be hard to understand for those fortunate enough to have no experience of it in their family, but we often reach a point where refusing further treatment is the best option and a vaccine would make no sense.
some unconfirmed but almost certainly accurate case data was leaked on unvaccinated deaths in a Covid ICU ward by one of the nurses there. they were a mix of the already terminally ill, severely demented, permanently institutionalised because of things like devastating brain damage, etc.
One of my initial theories was that the West was going to war and did not want to support the elderly. I guess I was right, but failed to see at that time that the war was on us.
The best line of attack is not dwell too much on subtleties of the elderly population. We are not concerned if an 80 year old becomes infertile, for example. We are not concerned as much -- but still somewhat -- if an 80 year old's heart capacity diminishes.
At the same time, elderly face a terrifying choice of vaccinating -- which as we know is full of known and unknown dangers and does not work well -- or just getting infected with Covid19, which has 15% fatality rate for them. This is not an easy choice at all for someone who is old with "health problems".
But these issues are HUGE for younger people. Their fatality rates are orders of magnitude lower, and they have life ahead of them, they have to raise children, work, etc. The "unknown unknowns" are just so much more important for the young population.
So I personally suggest to look more closely at people of working age or younger.
I understand your point, but I think one important concern is how to respond to headlines like "90% of Covid-19 deaths are of the unvaccinated" when the reason for that is not necessarily the protection offered by the vaccine, but the selection process for receiving it.
Those reports WERE true (mid summer). They took a moment in time and present it as if that's forever. Vaccine based immunity deteriorates rapidly and we're seeing that wherever they are publishing good data. In Miami-Dade County, about 8 or 9 weeks ago 11% of the hospitalizations were among the vaccinated. That more than doubled to 25% and will only go up over time unless EVERYONE quickly gets a booster.
Intake at hospitals deliberately don't ask vaccination status. If they didn't give it to you, it's not in your EMR. They purposely avoid compiling stats on this. They know what we know. This vax is worse than useless.
The thing is that the age stratified risk for COVID (more dangerous the older you are) is the opposite of the age stratified risk for vaccine injury (more dangerous the younger you are. Ironically, the immunity conferred by the vaccines appears to be weaker in those who are older (and need it more).
Same here in Vermont. We’re about 90% vaxxed with the elderly approaching 100%. Cases at record highs. Very hard to find out the ages of the deaths or the hospitalized. Because if you are 85 and unvaxxed you were already a goner. They keep saying “more unvaxxed than vaxxed” but who the hell is unvaxxed here? And why?
Also a Vermonter here. 69 yrs old. Unvaxxed and staying that way.
There are only 650,000 citizens in the state.
I am intimately familiar with Vermont's academic and governmental operations. All decisions in both institutions prioritize political outcome over ethics and morals. It is baked into the culture, over decades. Our leaders are ill equipped, so they lie and manipulate reflexively.
Hello friend! I'm hoping to stay unvaxxed as long as possible. The vermont vaccination numbers include out of staters -- so officially they say about 450,000 "vermonters" have been jabbed, which leaves about 200,000 that haven't. So I just wonder where the unvaxxed are -- they can't all be in Canaan.
Those are the stats from the state website last I checked. They count all kinds of ways: with one dose with two, kids are included in the total population, they count out of staters who got vaxxed here. It’s all over the place. They brag about “90% of those eligible have gotten at least one jab.” Check it out at Vermont health Gov.
The North East Kingdom is agricultural, and has long suffered state over-regulation of their honorable livelihoods. Mistrust of institutions is a survival attribute nowadays!
Explain the waste water RNA scenario to me please. Is this just a measure of viral load in the population?
Also it is interesting that black populations seem to fair worse. Perhaps it is only a coincidence that blacks also don’t respond well to ACE inhibitors.
right - does vaccination reduce the amount of SARS-2 virus in sewage?
in Germany some of the worst Corona mortality is concentrated in Islamic world immigrant populations - countries that have comparatively low mortality otherwise. some kind of vitamin D effect.
well presumably they have Vit D down, due to all the sun they get when they go outside to poop in public. They're also doing Ivermectin and are not horrifically obese
Vitamin deficiency is an epidemic (up to 60%) even among the South Asians living in the Western countries. There is a lot of literature on this subject.
A better (Occum Razor) explanation is that COVID19 case & death counting is a scam in the Western countries, perpetrated by a bunch of vile imbeciles, egged on by vile imbeciles. So the supposedly low numbers of poor countries do not need an explanation!
D deficiency in particular is probably going to be more common in south asians living in western countries for the simple reason that their darker skins produce less of it for the same quantity of sunlight exposure (though I haven't seen any actual data on this).
covid counting is probably screwy but excess mortality seems real (return to 2000 level, an unprecedented regression)
Personally, though I like his analogy, I find the Bailey and Motte these people reside in to be in a completely different solar system. As such, we could amass all the evidence to the contrary as well like, it won't be heard. It is now a religion. Ironic that so many cast aside religious faith but line up for this drivel.
I would argue it is (partly) *because* they have cast aside religion, that they fall prey to this. Man needs God and ritual, and without that, falls for superstition
The only reason to take the shots for most people is to temporarily lessen you're already low risk of dying. Presumably. I'm surprised that the govt cares so much about this particular risk: they still let us drink, smoke and drive fast cars. If you listen closely, most politicians don't even actually say *why* we all must get vaccinated: they only say lame platitudes like, "It's the best way to protect yourself" or "It's our best defense," or "we need to work together," without actually making any specific claims. They are relying on the public and media to "fill in" the information with assumptions about it being a sterilizing vaccine, or preventing spread, or enabling things to go back to normal. Then when pressed, just as you say, they retreat to "we never said that."
As Ron Popeil might say, “stab it and forget it.” Vaccines offer something people love, an apparent easy answer and quick fix. “I got the jab, it was easy, and now I’m covered. I’ve done my part. I can go back to my debaucherous and hedonistic life.”
Exactly. I know a guy who loves going to doctors and doing whatever they say because even if it goes wrong, it’s not his own fault. He’s not keen on accepting responsibility.
We might have the same acquaintance. Ha! Seriously though, yeah it’s a little odd to hear people say, “that diet doesn’t work” as they perform unreported midnight raids of the refrigerator.
So many people have made this Deal with the Devil to supposedly "get their freedom back! They are selling their souls.....
I'd rather stick with the principled people - like Moses:
"Moses .... chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt ... "
Nice quote but inaccurate given Moses' lifetime preceded Christ's ministry by at least 1200 years. And he literally ran out of Egypt for a 40 year vacation because he knew his rage-killing of an Egyptian slaver would soon be discovered.
You'd be able to back this up I guess? That Moses' lifetime preceded Christ's by 1200 years?
And that he's (or she as Moses was in some sources) is not just a reinvention of some Greek character. Maybe Solon. Same for Christ, maybe he was originally the Greek son of god, that guy Apollo.
Excellent as always. I keep returning to the question of why the GINORMOUS CENSORSHIP of EFFECTIVE early treatment? (We know why.) Most of those hospitalizations and deaths (vaccinated or unvaccinated) could have been prevented. The focus should not be on just two options of vax or no vax.
They clearly don’t want anything to get in the way of the vaccines. From the beginning, it’s been about driving the public to vaccines, before there even were vaccines (as far as the public knew.) it’s enough to make you think they had a vax to sell before they had a disease for it.
I remember over the Summer last year a clip from Breakfast TV here (UK) - a discussion of whether a vaccine should be mandatory. Before there even was one. This was so obviously the agenda from the start - sometimes I'm embarrassed to be human when I see how easily they can be led to the slaughter.
During this entire fake pandemic parade there is one thing I steadfastly believe after 21 months. That is big pharma's experimental mRNA gene therapy nano-particle injections (as well as the other types) are not really experimental, but firmly designed to wreck humanity before humanity knows it is being wrecked. Exactly how and why are still being debated, maybe.
It's a guessing game as to what is going to really happen in the coming months and years, but my guess is that with billions already 'infected' with these injections, the results are going to be horrifying. The viruses have very little to do with anything and are not much more than the seasonal flu that may be more virulent at times.
I am still working on my continued acceptance of "germ theory" since "terrain theory" is making more sense to me as I investigate it. Florence Nightingale once said that there are no diseases, only conditions that cause disease. We don't "catch" cancer, heart disease, lung disease or maybe we don't catch the flu or a cold. They come from within to help cleanse the body of toxins.
"During this entire fake pandemic parade there is one thing I steadfastly believe after 21 months. That is big pharma's experimental mRNA gene therapy nano-particle injections (as well as the other types) are not really experimental, but firmly designed to wreck humanity before humanity knows it is being wrecked."
Maybe - but maybe they're being smarter. This one at least plausible deniability. I think their real game is to normalise the idea of forced injections this time around. Then the next ones will be the real beginning of the slaughter.
I am a Biology professor - one of the classes I teach is microbiology. I was trained classically with Germ Theory. The more I learned over the years, the more I have gravitated toward terrain theory. I don't think it's either/or - but I think modern medicine has skewed to the extreme point on Germ Theory.
It's a fascinating study, though - since Louis Pasteur and his buds did a fantastic job completely SQUASHING down poor Claude Bernard. Here's a fun article on it:
So many things that are not as simple as is generally made out. And so many things we don’t know as much about as we thought (or perhaps it’s really, as much as we prefer to admit).
Yes I have too although I've only done Biology 101 (albeit I have done some recent study of epidemiology). I saw a paper last year where the authors were unconvinced that retroviruses existed and I've evolved to being completely disbelieving of viruses.
Nightingale was a smart lady. She understood that the conditions and environment of an evolving disease process were intimately and irrecoverably linked to outcome. To your point, the catarrhal phase of RSV definitely moves some snot.
My strategy is to lay siege to the Motte; to wait them out. As the truth of the vaccines comes to light, more countries will ban them. Already each of the prestigious Nordic countries has some sort of ban on Moderna. Given what we've learned about how Scandis are able to logically think about Wuhan Virus, it should only be a matter of time until they've banned all the jabs, putting great pressure on other European governments, and emboldening European researchers.
The injections are simply too dangerous for them to get away with it.
Agreed. People either didn't think such a machine existed or are still in shellshock. Sadly we will likely all feel the treads of this behemoth. Ultimately it will require more than blogs, it will demand a medieval response.
The important sentence: "Even if we can’t fully understand all of the reasons, it looks very much like the vaccines merely move risk of hospitalisation and death around, onto unvaccinated populations, while Corona evolves to retain the same level of population-wide virulence."
Soon the honest politicians will say we, the unvaccinated, deserve this as we did not *obey* our betters. In fact, they say it now, only not so bluntly.
Of course, this is counter to last year when "every life mattered." Under that motto, we at the very least would limit the vaccination to only certain groups as a prophylaxis and allow the virus to wear itself out on those at the lower levels of risk. That would seem to be the most longsighted with the least loss of life over the long term. I wonder why I'm not hearing that suggested? (It's okay. That was a rhetorical question.)
I firmly believe that this is what happened in Sweden, and it was their plan, actually. When you look at overall mortality there, it's fine, no bump worth mentioning. In other words, those who died were going to die anyway, give or take, statistically speaking.
The only "mistake" Sweden made, and it didn't really turn out to be a mistake at all, was not shutting down the nursing homes to outsiders. But they experienced no excess deaths, which if COVID was the killer of the elderly that the media portrayed, you'd think it would have been a massacre. And it wasn't. I wish people would look at this. That fact alone would suggest that our nursing home residents died of isolation and disconnection, no matter what they put on the death certificate.
True--and sad, of course. What most don't even think about is that the average stay in a nursing home, in the US I believe, is 2.5 yrs. No one is there for the long haul.
Agree. To anyone actually watching, that has become painfully self-evident. It's just that we have a lot of people who can't wrap their heads around how corrupt this has all become.
Thank you for turning back to essentials. The Post-Modernist origins of the Narrative Driven world we currently live in is poorly understood. The scribblings of Lacan & Foucoult reached their zenith (nadir?) under Derrida (the Darling of the American Academe). All is narrative. Narratives compete. One narrative negates its predecessor. This is the cancer at the core of the Western Civilization's Core. It enables a rebirth of the discredited Marxist weltanschauung as the Oppressor/Oppressed 'Narrative' substituting for the Capitalist/Proletarian polarity.
In discussing this fallacy in terms of Motte & Bailey Game Theory you distill the underpinnings of the political expediencies, the ugly deceptions, used to justify and the most disgusting manifestations of 'The Will To Power' ever perpetrated on an unwilling population.
The need to save Enlightenment Thought is a battle worth engaging. The roots of this poison go deep. They feed on the innate 'goodness' of people to not be labelled: 'Fascist', 'Racist', 'Selfish' or Indifferent to the Welfare of our Common Men/Women. This ruse which underlies the implementation of "The Pandemic", "The Great Reset" & "Building Back Better" must be rooted out. It is likely more than one generation's work... but, it must be done. We must continue to call ignorance, stupidity and greed for what they are... no make what cloak they chose to disguise themselves beneath. --ejd
This is going into the right direction, but we need to hit them even harder. By no means should we accept the bUt FeWeR sEvErE cAsEs AnD dEaThS meme just like that at face value. Remember that there is not just this one virus capable of causing severe and even fatal pneumonia, but on the order of hundreds (most of those critters have never been identified).
Thus, you can level the motte with one swift strike by asking vaxx proponents what the viral pneumonia rates (and corresponding mortality) *irrespective of the causative pathogen* look like for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, because even if these transfectives were capable of weeding out one particular bug (which is implausible for a multitude of reasons, cf. Influenza vaccines' complete failure stretching over five decades and counting), that's of no use if the other 999 bugs immediately fill this particular niche (think spraying weed killer to exterminate thistles on a flower meadow only to get blackberry tendrils in its stead). Do we tell the dying: "Well, you're about to be shipped off to Hades shortly, but we congratulate you on your SARS-CoV2 test turning out negative"?
As long as dissidents follow pandemic sectarians in their fixation on "cases" (read: irrelevant auxiliary lab findings/labels printed using PCR machines), the best that can be hoped for are temporary partial successes easily undone by the 'new' Science!!! du jour.
Agreed: “cases” are the least meaningful metric possible. Not only because they are mostly asymptomatic, but because they depend entirely on the national testing regimen.
I think Dr Yeadon might be on to something. The US is in the midst of purging its military of conservatives and free-thinkers. Many large cities are doing the same with their police forces. Chicago is going so far as to threaten to withhold pensions for the newly-retired. It doesn't take a history degree to understand where this usually ends up.
If one were to undertake an attempt to dimish the world's population, it would look an awful lot like what's been going on the last 18 months.
So basically the “vaccines” might do what ivermectin and HQL protocols are proven to do except the “vaccines” don’t do it as well, have significant side effect risks and create dander for the unvaccinated. This has to be why the powers that be are turning vaxxing into a religion. They need something powerful enough to suspend objective reality.
It seems like dissenting/skeptical scientists, and the lay people who support them, are in a race against their governments for the data: Will conclusive data become available before they get a shot in every arm? In today's White House Covid-19 Press Briefing, the government apparatchiks were salivating all over themselves about vaccinating the children (smaller needles, check.) There isn't much time left. One would suspect that the "serial passaging" employed by Baric, et al, has been used extensively, at least since the official start of the pandemic, to simulate various courses of action and understand what comes next. They are beginning to act as if time was short.
Yes, and I walked away from that shit when I found out my PI was working as a consultant for Monsanto. The guy was a scumbag only in it for the money. A scientist is a skeptic to the end. He/she is skeptical of even their own skepticism.
Good points. Also we should be looking at the overall mortality rate (not just c19) in 2021 vs prior years because since the introduction of vaccines number of excess deaths might have gone up.
The virus attack on Motte is actually underway! Here's why: the latest PHE report shows dramatic rise in cases among the vaccinated that occurred literally in the last 2-3 weeks.
This rise in case will be accompanies by rise in deaths, delayed by 3 weeks behind cases on average. This could take "protection from death" down tremendously in the next UK PHE report.
The next PHE report is "highly likely" going to show far higher death rates among the vaxxed, simply because the case rates skyrocketed in the previous period and the deaths will surely follow.
Watch for the criminal vaccinators make the dumbest argument of all: "yes the death rates per 100,000 are horrible, but looks at case fatality rates". This is equivalent to hiding in the basement of Motte while gasoline is poured under the door.
Thanks, Igor. Interesting observation. Just subscribed to your newsletter. I hope you'll follow up with an on-going analysis as with your vaxx hell report.
I prefer to do the work and spend plenty of time in finding useful numbers and presenting them honestly and clearly. I like as opposed to writing about "cultural issues".
The next PHE report will be a few weeks away, and in the meantime I will work on VAERS data.
I am totally shocked by what is happening -- like wanting to vaccinate kids based on a study that only included a thousand boys -- and want to do what I can to show the truth and help others convince others.
"particularly in Western society, where people are not only allowed but even encouraged to develop long-term dependence on medical resources through sedentary habits and poor diet, all of which is still totally fine with everyone."
Absolutely. The vast majority of severe and fatal Covid cases is among those who are metabolically damaged, a result of our modern diet. Modern diet is driven by profit-seeking industries (which drive fief-defending scientists). In a better world, the Covid pandemic would've been a wake-up call to discover and inform people how to be healthier. Unfortunately that didn't happen. A huge lost opportunity.
I think ultimately it's all about the money. You can argue that it's "power", but power and money are hard to disentangle (aside from the occasional psychopath who is truly power-hungry.)
The UK government has check-mated its population. If you don't get a booster, your 2 jabs were for naught. And you're more likely to contract Covid and will be a magnet for flu due to a compromised immune system. If you get the booster you further harm your immune system and Covid will be the least of your worries. Unfortunately, the penny won't drop until it's too late. I've been trying to wake people up on FB as it's the only platform I have but no one gives a shit.
I've given up. Being "jabbed" (fuck I hate that word), they've put their chips in the middle of the table, all-in - they need to believe that GMTV is telling them the truth. I have a PhD in biomedical engineering (and have worked many years of my professional life in medical research) and telling my family that the lockdowns, masks and vaccines aren't effective was something akin to talking about aliens.
The brainwashing in the media is very, very effective.
I tuned out the mainstream news about 10 years ago, but can get a feel for what passes as news by what others tell me about the unvaxxed. A more stupid and selfish group would be impossible to find, according to those who gullibly consume the news. Demonization is going into hyperdrive. As someone who enjoys reading history, I cannot think of a time that this level of hatred was dialed back and the scapegoated were allowed to reenter society.
Most of the cases I believe are in school age children/young people - those not likely to be hospitalised. We could have potentially have seen the same “case numbers” without impacting hospitalisation with no vaccinations if the “susceptible” in the older generations have already succumbed. I also personally believe the jabs may have an inverse effect long term (for many possible reasons not yet identified)
What is good is that I think people in the UK are thinking a bit more about it all now rather than just following orders. Those that just accepted that vaccines “worked”. Now they see cases rising and the BBC news speaking of the NHS threatening Covid measures again - the goal posts always moving. Thank you for your measured sharing! Interesting data also on the antibodies as we are measuring those from natural infection. London has the highest rate at around 25 per cent. I wonder if this will create some kind of “herd immunity” if it continues to rise. Also I remember recently in the U.K. rates of asymptomatic “infections” were 45% of those high “cases”. I haven’t checked what they are now. Relevant I think.
Interesting article as always, but I think you're skipping over a far more crucial point when it comes to the effectiveness of these vaccines. All these comparisons are based on raw unadjusted data, which only makes sense when the unvaccinated demographic serves as a proper control group for the vaccinated population.
When 95% of elderly are vaccinated, as is the case throughout the UK, the remaining 5% who didn't get vaccinated are no longer by any means a proper control group for the ones who did get vaccinated. In the UK, black elderly are much more likely to be unvaccinated. However, black elderly were always far more susceptible to developing severe disease than white elderly anyway.
The remaining elderly who are unvaccinated are almost guaranteed to be a demographic in much worse health than those who did get vaccinated. In other words, the comparison is inherently flawed. There exists no proper control group for the vaccinated population anymore and so to determine the effectiveness of these vaccines our best hope is to simply look into other sources of data, like excess mortality and wastewater RNA analysis.
If you look at those data, I think you'll come to the same conclusion as I did, namely that we already entered negative efficacy territory in the UK. The vaccines work for a few months, in a population where most people remain unvaccinated. By the time most people are vaccinated, the vaccine no longer works. The Motte has already fallen if you know what to look for.
i totally agree with this, i've even had some threads on twitter trying to explore systematic demographic differences in unvaccinated cohorts. in this piece, which is more about how to argue the issue than what is happening, i'm just trying to propose some of the simplest, least assailable lines of attack.
I was also thinking, a lot of unvaxxed elderly would be so because it fits with their 'do not resucitate' instructions, i.e. those receiving palliative care or similar. This may be hard to understand for those fortunate enough to have no experience of it in their family, but we often reach a point where refusing further treatment is the best option and a vaccine would make no sense.
In any case, this is hardly a control group.
some unconfirmed but almost certainly accurate case data was leaked on unvaccinated deaths in a Covid ICU ward by one of the nurses there. they were a mix of the already terminally ill, severely demented, permanently institutionalised because of things like devastating brain damage, etc.
One of my initial theories was that the West was going to war and did not want to support the elderly. I guess I was right, but failed to see at that time that the war was on us.
The best line of attack is not dwell too much on subtleties of the elderly population. We are not concerned if an 80 year old becomes infertile, for example. We are not concerned as much -- but still somewhat -- if an 80 year old's heart capacity diminishes.
At the same time, elderly face a terrifying choice of vaccinating -- which as we know is full of known and unknown dangers and does not work well -- or just getting infected with Covid19, which has 15% fatality rate for them. This is not an easy choice at all for someone who is old with "health problems".
But these issues are HUGE for younger people. Their fatality rates are orders of magnitude lower, and they have life ahead of them, they have to raise children, work, etc. The "unknown unknowns" are just so much more important for the young population.
So I personally suggest to look more closely at people of working age or younger.
I understand your point, but I think one important concern is how to respond to headlines like "90% of Covid-19 deaths are of the unvaccinated" when the reason for that is not necessarily the protection offered by the vaccine, but the selection process for receiving it.
Those reports WERE true (mid summer). They took a moment in time and present it as if that's forever. Vaccine based immunity deteriorates rapidly and we're seeing that wherever they are publishing good data. In Miami-Dade County, about 8 or 9 weeks ago 11% of the hospitalizations were among the vaccinated. That more than doubled to 25% and will only go up over time unless EVERYONE quickly gets a booster.
Intake at hospitals deliberately don't ask vaccination status. If they didn't give it to you, it's not in your EMR. They purposely avoid compiling stats on this. They know what we know. This vax is worse than useless.
You can't say that categorically about every hospital in every county in every state.
All these headlines are an outright lie, this being October.
Refer them to my analysis of UK's PHE report showig only 60-70% effectiveness against death and dropping like a rock.
The thing is that the age stratified risk for COVID (more dangerous the older you are) is the opposite of the age stratified risk for vaccine injury (more dangerous the younger you are. Ironically, the immunity conferred by the vaccines appears to be weaker in those who are older (and need it more).
Same here in Vermont. We’re about 90% vaxxed with the elderly approaching 100%. Cases at record highs. Very hard to find out the ages of the deaths or the hospitalized. Because if you are 85 and unvaxxed you were already a goner. They keep saying “more unvaxxed than vaxxed” but who the hell is unvaxxed here? And why?
Also a Vermonter here. 69 yrs old. Unvaxxed and staying that way.
There are only 650,000 citizens in the state.
I am intimately familiar with Vermont's academic and governmental operations. All decisions in both institutions prioritize political outcome over ethics and morals. It is baked into the culture, over decades. Our leaders are ill equipped, so they lie and manipulate reflexively.
Hello friend! I'm hoping to stay unvaxxed as long as possible. The vermont vaccination numbers include out of staters -- so officially they say about 450,000 "vermonters" have been jabbed, which leaves about 200,000 that haven't. So I just wonder where the unvaxxed are -- they can't all be in Canaan.
VeryVer: Your previous message says "We're about 90% vaxxed". This message says 450K our of 650K are vaxxed, which is 69%. What gives?
Those are the stats from the state website last I checked. They count all kinds of ways: with one dose with two, kids are included in the total population, they count out of staters who got vaxxed here. It’s all over the place. They brag about “90% of those eligible have gotten at least one jab.” Check it out at Vermont health Gov.
The North East Kingdom is agricultural, and has long suffered state over-regulation of their honorable livelihoods. Mistrust of institutions is a survival attribute nowadays!
Explain the waste water RNA scenario to me please. Is this just a measure of viral load in the population?
Also it is interesting that black populations seem to fair worse. Perhaps it is only a coincidence that blacks also don’t respond well to ACE inhibitors.
right - does vaccination reduce the amount of SARS-2 virus in sewage?
in Germany some of the worst Corona mortality is concentrated in Islamic world immigrant populations - countries that have comparatively low mortality otherwise. some kind of vitamin D effect.
India is puzzling though. South Asians are known for their vitamin deficiency.
well presumably they have Vit D down, due to all the sun they get when they go outside to poop in public. They're also doing Ivermectin and are not horrifically obese
Vitamin deficiency is an epidemic (up to 60%) even among the South Asians living in the Western countries. There is a lot of literature on this subject.
A better (Occum Razor) explanation is that COVID19 case & death counting is a scam in the Western countries, perpetrated by a bunch of vile imbeciles, egged on by vile imbeciles. So the supposedly low numbers of poor countries do not need an explanation!
D deficiency in particular is probably going to be more common in south asians living in western countries for the simple reason that their darker skins produce less of it for the same quantity of sunlight exposure (though I haven't seen any actual data on this).
covid counting is probably screwy but excess mortality seems real (return to 2000 level, an unprecedented regression)
that's a shame
it is, as something that could be remedied but no one is allowed to even talk about vitamins and supplements
to truly take the Motte is an act of propaganda tho, isn't it? We can know a thing is true, but the Motte doesn't fall until ~everyone admits so.
Personally, though I like his analogy, I find the Bailey and Motte these people reside in to be in a completely different solar system. As such, we could amass all the evidence to the contrary as well like, it won't be heard. It is now a religion. Ironic that so many cast aside religious faith but line up for this drivel.
I would argue it is (partly) *because* they have cast aside religion, that they fall prey to this. Man needs God and ritual, and without that, falls for superstition
I would wholeheartedly agree with that.
I found this very helpful for understanding the new vaccine piety.
Mmm, I love the idea of "humble plateau." So few erudites in this world.
Yes great point. The control group is from an entirely different population essentially.
The only reason to take the shots for most people is to temporarily lessen you're already low risk of dying. Presumably. I'm surprised that the govt cares so much about this particular risk: they still let us drink, smoke and drive fast cars. If you listen closely, most politicians don't even actually say *why* we all must get vaccinated: they only say lame platitudes like, "It's the best way to protect yourself" or "It's our best defense," or "we need to work together," without actually making any specific claims. They are relying on the public and media to "fill in" the information with assumptions about it being a sterilizing vaccine, or preventing spread, or enabling things to go back to normal. Then when pressed, just as you say, they retreat to "we never said that."
As Ron Popeil might say, “stab it and forget it.” Vaccines offer something people love, an apparent easy answer and quick fix. “I got the jab, it was easy, and now I’m covered. I’ve done my part. I can go back to my debaucherous and hedonistic life.”
Exactly. I know a guy who loves going to doctors and doing whatever they say because even if it goes wrong, it’s not his own fault. He’s not keen on accepting responsibility.
We might have the same acquaintance. Ha! Seriously though, yeah it’s a little odd to hear people say, “that diet doesn’t work” as they perform unreported midnight raids of the refrigerator.
Or the even more egregious "Get vaccinated. It's the only way to get your freedom back"...
Yes, irony is lost on the zombies.
So many people have made this Deal with the Devil to supposedly "get their freedom back! They are selling their souls.....
I'd rather stick with the principled people - like Moses:
"Moses .... chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt ... "
Nice quote but inaccurate given Moses' lifetime preceded Christ's ministry by at least 1200 years. And he literally ran out of Egypt for a 40 year vacation because he knew his rage-killing of an Egyptian slaver would soon be discovered.
You'd be able to back this up I guess? That Moses' lifetime preceded Christ's by 1200 years?
And that he's (or she as Moses was in some sources) is not just a reinvention of some Greek character. Maybe Solon. Same for Christ, maybe he was originally the Greek son of god, that guy Apollo.
Any reliable source is fine.
"But I'm not dying, how did we survive 2020 needing no hospital intervention for sniffles? :
At least if they said that it would be true!
Excellent as always. I keep returning to the question of why the GINORMOUS CENSORSHIP of EFFECTIVE early treatment? (We know why.) Most of those hospitalizations and deaths (vaccinated or unvaccinated) could have been prevented. The focus should not be on just two options of vax or no vax.
They clearly don’t want anything to get in the way of the vaccines. From the beginning, it’s been about driving the public to vaccines, before there even were vaccines (as far as the public knew.) it’s enough to make you think they had a vax to sell before they had a disease for it.
I remember over the Summer last year a clip from Breakfast TV here (UK) - a discussion of whether a vaccine should be mandatory. Before there even was one. This was so obviously the agenda from the start - sometimes I'm embarrassed to be human when I see how easily they can be led to the slaughter.
Which they did. As you seem to know. And they can't wait to roll out mRNA vaccines for many more diseases.
Terrifyingly, the mRNA journey had just begun.
During this entire fake pandemic parade there is one thing I steadfastly believe after 21 months. That is big pharma's experimental mRNA gene therapy nano-particle injections (as well as the other types) are not really experimental, but firmly designed to wreck humanity before humanity knows it is being wrecked. Exactly how and why are still being debated, maybe.
It's a guessing game as to what is going to really happen in the coming months and years, but my guess is that with billions already 'infected' with these injections, the results are going to be horrifying. The viruses have very little to do with anything and are not much more than the seasonal flu that may be more virulent at times.
I am still working on my continued acceptance of "germ theory" since "terrain theory" is making more sense to me as I investigate it. Florence Nightingale once said that there are no diseases, only conditions that cause disease. We don't "catch" cancer, heart disease, lung disease or maybe we don't catch the flu or a cold. They come from within to help cleanse the body of toxins.
"During this entire fake pandemic parade there is one thing I steadfastly believe after 21 months. That is big pharma's experimental mRNA gene therapy nano-particle injections (as well as the other types) are not really experimental, but firmly designed to wreck humanity before humanity knows it is being wrecked."
Maybe - but maybe they're being smarter. This one at least plausible deniability. I think their real game is to normalise the idea of forced injections this time around. Then the next ones will be the real beginning of the slaughter.
"normalise the idea of forced injections this time around"
In service of creating a long-term profit center, yes, I see that as a plausible motive.
It does seem strange the insistence that everybody have one. Now that they have nothing to do with passing on infection/“herd immunity especially.
That’s what I don’t get. The absolutely hysterical insistence to mandate the shots—civil unrest be damned!
I am a Biology professor - one of the classes I teach is microbiology. I was trained classically with Germ Theory. The more I learned over the years, the more I have gravitated toward terrain theory. I don't think it's either/or - but I think modern medicine has skewed to the extreme point on Germ Theory.
It's a fascinating study, though - since Louis Pasteur and his buds did a fantastic job completely SQUASHING down poor Claude Bernard. Here's a fun article on it:
So many things that are not as simple as is generally made out. And so many things we don’t know as much about as we thought (or perhaps it’s really, as much as we prefer to admit).
Yes I have too although I've only done Biology 101 (albeit I have done some recent study of epidemiology). I saw a paper last year where the authors were unconvinced that retroviruses existed and I've evolved to being completely disbelieving of viruses.
Can you link to the paper?
I'll look for it, in the process of shifting files around at the moment so it's not immediately to hand.
Nightingale was a smart lady. She understood that the conditions and environment of an evolving disease process were intimately and irrecoverably linked to outcome. To your point, the catarrhal phase of RSV definitely moves some snot.
My strategy is to lay siege to the Motte; to wait them out. As the truth of the vaccines comes to light, more countries will ban them. Already each of the prestigious Nordic countries has some sort of ban on Moderna. Given what we've learned about how Scandis are able to logically think about Wuhan Virus, it should only be a matter of time until they've banned all the jabs, putting great pressure on other European governments, and emboldening European researchers.
The injections are simply too dangerous for them to get away with it.
Almost half the globe is vaccinated after what.. 1 year? A very big machine is at work here. There is no way back.
Agreed. People either didn't think such a machine existed or are still in shellshock. Sadly we will likely all feel the treads of this behemoth. Ultimately it will require more than blogs, it will demand a medieval response.
Indeed. There is no way around this mess; we all have to go through it.
The important sentence: "Even if we can’t fully understand all of the reasons, it looks very much like the vaccines merely move risk of hospitalisation and death around, onto unvaccinated populations, while Corona evolves to retain the same level of population-wide virulence."
Soon the honest politicians will say we, the unvaccinated, deserve this as we did not *obey* our betters. In fact, they say it now, only not so bluntly.
Of course, this is counter to last year when "every life mattered." Under that motto, we at the very least would limit the vaccination to only certain groups as a prophylaxis and allow the virus to wear itself out on those at the lower levels of risk. That would seem to be the most longsighted with the least loss of life over the long term. I wonder why I'm not hearing that suggested? (It's okay. That was a rhetorical question.)
I firmly believe that this is what happened in Sweden, and it was their plan, actually. When you look at overall mortality there, it's fine, no bump worth mentioning. In other words, those who died were going to die anyway, give or take, statistically speaking.
The only "mistake" Sweden made, and it didn't really turn out to be a mistake at all, was not shutting down the nursing homes to outsiders. But they experienced no excess deaths, which if COVID was the killer of the elderly that the media portrayed, you'd think it would have been a massacre. And it wasn't. I wish people would look at this. That fact alone would suggest that our nursing home residents died of isolation and disconnection, no matter what they put on the death certificate.
True--and sad, of course. What most don't even think about is that the average stay in a nursing home, in the US I believe, is 2.5 yrs. No one is there for the long haul.
If it was about the gmo-shot, then natural immunity would be acceptable. It's not. "Get your shot, I command Thee!"
Agree. To anyone actually watching, that has become painfully self-evident. It's just that we have a lot of people who can't wrap their heads around how corrupt this has all become.
Agreed. They are in a form of shellshock. Attempting to use the same mechanisms that brought us to this point in the first place.
Thank you for turning back to essentials. The Post-Modernist origins of the Narrative Driven world we currently live in is poorly understood. The scribblings of Lacan & Foucoult reached their zenith (nadir?) under Derrida (the Darling of the American Academe). All is narrative. Narratives compete. One narrative negates its predecessor. This is the cancer at the core of the Western Civilization's Core. It enables a rebirth of the discredited Marxist weltanschauung as the Oppressor/Oppressed 'Narrative' substituting for the Capitalist/Proletarian polarity.
In discussing this fallacy in terms of Motte & Bailey Game Theory you distill the underpinnings of the political expediencies, the ugly deceptions, used to justify and the most disgusting manifestations of 'The Will To Power' ever perpetrated on an unwilling population.
The need to save Enlightenment Thought is a battle worth engaging. The roots of this poison go deep. They feed on the innate 'goodness' of people to not be labelled: 'Fascist', 'Racist', 'Selfish' or Indifferent to the Welfare of our Common Men/Women. This ruse which underlies the implementation of "The Pandemic", "The Great Reset" & "Building Back Better" must be rooted out. It is likely more than one generation's work... but, it must be done. We must continue to call ignorance, stupidity and greed for what they are... no make what cloak they chose to disguise themselves beneath. --ejd
for real yo
This is going into the right direction, but we need to hit them even harder. By no means should we accept the bUt FeWeR sEvErE cAsEs AnD dEaThS meme just like that at face value. Remember that there is not just this one virus capable of causing severe and even fatal pneumonia, but on the order of hundreds (most of those critters have never been identified).
Thus, you can level the motte with one swift strike by asking vaxx proponents what the viral pneumonia rates (and corresponding mortality) *irrespective of the causative pathogen* look like for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, because even if these transfectives were capable of weeding out one particular bug (which is implausible for a multitude of reasons, cf. Influenza vaccines' complete failure stretching over five decades and counting), that's of no use if the other 999 bugs immediately fill this particular niche (think spraying weed killer to exterminate thistles on a flower meadow only to get blackberry tendrils in its stead). Do we tell the dying: "Well, you're about to be shipped off to Hades shortly, but we congratulate you on your SARS-CoV2 test turning out negative"?
As long as dissidents follow pandemic sectarians in their fixation on "cases" (read: irrelevant auxiliary lab findings/labels printed using PCR machines), the best that can be hoped for are temporary partial successes easily undone by the 'new' Science!!! du jour.
Agreed: “cases” are the least meaningful metric possible. Not only because they are mostly asymptomatic, but because they depend entirely on the national testing regimen.
Respectfully, you're not going to argue, reason or discourse your way out of this.
I think Mr Yeadon is wrong with his human sacrifice hypothesis.
If mothers demanding The Magic Juice for their children isn't the defintion of a mass extinction event, I don't know what is.
I think Dr Yeadon might be on to something. The US is in the midst of purging its military of conservatives and free-thinkers. Many large cities are doing the same with their police forces. Chicago is going so far as to threaten to withhold pensions for the newly-retired. It doesn't take a history degree to understand where this usually ends up.
If one were to undertake an attempt to dimish the world's population, it would look an awful lot like what's been going on the last 18 months.
10-4. Roger that. Mission status: FUBAR
So basically the “vaccines” might do what ivermectin and HQL protocols are proven to do except the “vaccines” don’t do it as well, have significant side effect risks and create dander for the unvaccinated. This has to be why the powers that be are turning vaxxing into a religion. They need something powerful enough to suspend objective reality.
That is certainly their goal, and CV19 is presently their best hope of getting to that goal. That is why disseminating the truth is so important.
It seems like dissenting/skeptical scientists, and the lay people who support them, are in a race against their governments for the data: Will conclusive data become available before they get a shot in every arm? In today's White House Covid-19 Press Briefing, the government apparatchiks were salivating all over themselves about vaccinating the children (smaller needles, check.) There isn't much time left. One would suspect that the "serial passaging" employed by Baric, et al, has been used extensively, at least since the official start of the pandemic, to simulate various courses of action and understand what comes next. They are beginning to act as if time was short.
Dissenting/skeptical scientist is just scientist! That’s what the professional code of honour is.
Yes, and I walked away from that shit when I found out my PI was working as a consultant for Monsanto. The guy was a scumbag only in it for the money. A scientist is a skeptic to the end. He/she is skeptical of even their own skepticism.
Nothing as egregious in the scientific vernacular as the word, "settled." Such a painful claim to read!
Good points. Also we should be looking at the overall mortality rate (not just c19) in 2021 vs prior years because since the introduction of vaccines number of excess deaths might have gone up.
Mysterious 25% increase in heart attacks. News in Scotland. :-/ And Israel o.O wtaf
Excess all-cause overall mortality is the only trustworthy statistic.
The virus attack on Motte is actually underway! Here's why: the latest PHE report shows dramatic rise in cases among the vaccinated that occurred literally in the last 2-3 weeks.
This rise in case will be accompanies by rise in deaths, delayed by 3 weeks behind cases on average. This could take "protection from death" down tremendously in the next UK PHE report.
I explain this here:
The next PHE report is "highly likely" going to show far higher death rates among the vaxxed, simply because the case rates skyrocketed in the previous period and the deaths will surely follow.
Watch for the criminal vaccinators make the dumbest argument of all: "yes the death rates per 100,000 are horrible, but looks at case fatality rates". This is equivalent to hiding in the basement of Motte while gasoline is poured under the door.
Thanks, Igor. Interesting observation. Just subscribed to your newsletter. I hope you'll follow up with an on-going analysis as with your vaxx hell report.
And thank you.
I prefer to do the work and spend plenty of time in finding useful numbers and presenting them honestly and clearly. I like as opposed to writing about "cultural issues".
The next PHE report will be a few weeks away, and in the meantime I will work on VAERS data.
I am totally shocked by what is happening -- like wanting to vaccinate kids based on a study that only included a thousand boys -- and want to do what I can to show the truth and help others convince others.
"particularly in Western society, where people are not only allowed but even encouraged to develop long-term dependence on medical resources through sedentary habits and poor diet, all of which is still totally fine with everyone."
Absolutely. The vast majority of severe and fatal Covid cases is among those who are metabolically damaged, a result of our modern diet. Modern diet is driven by profit-seeking industries (which drive fief-defending scientists). In a better world, the Covid pandemic would've been a wake-up call to discover and inform people how to be healthier. Unfortunately that didn't happen. A huge lost opportunity.
I think ultimately it's all about the money. You can argue that it's "power", but power and money are hard to disentangle (aside from the occasional psychopath who is truly power-hungry.)
The UK government has check-mated its population. If you don't get a booster, your 2 jabs were for naught. And you're more likely to contract Covid and will be a magnet for flu due to a compromised immune system. If you get the booster you further harm your immune system and Covid will be the least of your worries. Unfortunately, the penny won't drop until it's too late. I've been trying to wake people up on FB as it's the only platform I have but no one gives a shit.
If you're on FB, please give a share or two. I'm sure the page will get nuked at some point anyway so sometimes I wonder why I bother.
I've given up. Being "jabbed" (fuck I hate that word), they've put their chips in the middle of the table, all-in - they need to believe that GMTV is telling them the truth. I have a PhD in biomedical engineering (and have worked many years of my professional life in medical research) and telling my family that the lockdowns, masks and vaccines aren't effective was something akin to talking about aliens.
The brainwashing in the media is very, very effective.
I tuned out the mainstream news about 10 years ago, but can get a feel for what passes as news by what others tell me about the unvaxxed. A more stupid and selfish group would be impossible to find, according to those who gullibly consume the news. Demonization is going into hyperdrive. As someone who enjoys reading history, I cannot think of a time that this level of hatred was dialed back and the scapegoated were allowed to reenter society.
Most of the cases I believe are in school age children/young people - those not likely to be hospitalised. We could have potentially have seen the same “case numbers” without impacting hospitalisation with no vaccinations if the “susceptible” in the older generations have already succumbed. I also personally believe the jabs may have an inverse effect long term (for many possible reasons not yet identified)
yes of course. to make the strongest possible case, I just try to give the numbers the meaning they will insist on, and fight from there.
What is good is that I think people in the UK are thinking a bit more about it all now rather than just following orders. Those that just accepted that vaccines “worked”. Now they see cases rising and the BBC news speaking of the NHS threatening Covid measures again - the goal posts always moving. Thank you for your measured sharing! Interesting data also on the antibodies as we are measuring those from natural infection. London has the highest rate at around 25 per cent. I wonder if this will create some kind of “herd immunity” if it continues to rise. Also I remember recently in the U.K. rates of asymptomatic “infections” were 45% of those high “cases”. I haven’t checked what they are now. Relevant I think.
Yes and one other thing—the PCR tests. A symptomatic but PCR positive is problematic because the tests are worthless.