Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"There is no preventing these outcomes. The only thing that could matter – again, assuming you want to reduce the burden on hospitals – is getting vaccines to the high-risk unvaccinated."

Those people probably don't even exist: everyone I know who is "vulnerable" has been vaxxed. We need to abandon this vaxx obsession and promote early treatment and, where required, "focused protection".

It's almost like we had all the things we needed from the top epidemiologists and front line doctors in the world 18 months ago. But apparently, stating this makes me a far-right, antivaxx conspiracy theorist.

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depending on where you live, they do exist; they’re out of sight and on the margins of society and religiously ignored in reporting. in Germany, they’re recent immigrants from Islamic regions, but there are also shut-ins, various kinds of poor people, etc.

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adding, i’m not vaxx obsessed, quite the opposite, i think if they have any application, it is in very few people. but i also want to develop arguments that will defeat this people on their own terms and save me and my friend from forced vaccination every six months

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I certainly don't think you are vaxxed obsessed. I'm just really curious as to whether there is really anyone who can benefit from such rushed, untested and clearly dangerous gene therapies, especially as they use the cytotoxic spike protein.

I think at this point, I would probably rather die than take one of these things. I'm not even joking. There is certainly no way anyone is forcibly sticking anything into me - not even once.

It's not possible to defeat these people with their own logic because there is no logic. It is impossible that the entire planet, from Putin to Orbán to BoJo to Merkel to Biden decided to all adopt the same insane policies. This is a global agenda and it's clear that logic, reason, facts, data and the truth are irrelevant to these people now.

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we mostly agree, but it is possible to defeat (or at least discredit) them in the minds of others. i will write more about this, and the point of samizdat protest literature in general, but i also have another purpose here. i hesitate to type, because it will sound callous, but I come to believe this might matter a lot:

for the very sick and the very ill, i hope we might agree that the vaccines offer very little downside. many of these are already on various dangerous medications on the hope that something will work out here or there and buy a few months. if too many of these are on the unvaccinated side, the vaccines look like a silver bullet to the bureaucrats. but the more of these that are gathered under the umbrella of the vaccinated, the worse the vaccines will look as a solution, because many of these people will have bad outcomes anyway. then maybe we don't have to give a bunch of teenage boys myocarditis.

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They already did that, in nursing homes. The rash of deaths led them to decide to leave the sickest off the vaccine lists. Not because they cared about them, but because it might scare the sheeple.

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in Germany: *some* nursing homes had extremely high uptake, but others not. beyond that, the high-risk unvaccinated are largely outside or at the margins of institutional care now, i think. it's hard to know for sure, but there are indications ...

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The German government just updated the risk related to vaccine shots to 1 / 5000 of significant side effects.

Even though that is still under-evaluated most probably, doesn't that rule out anybody under 40 from a cost/benefit point of view ?

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Nov 24, 2021Liked by eugyppius

OK, I did the risk calculation with https://qcovid.org

For a healthy 35 years old white male, the risk of hospitalization for covid is 1 / 4.808 and the risk of death is 1 / 125.000

On this basis and on the basis that it does not prevent transmission, the vaccine must be immediately stopped under 35 years old, unless necessitated by immunodeficiency.

I should add that because not stopping it results in more deaths than saved, and because the government is fully aware of the risks, this is equivalent to premeditated injury and/or murder.

I believe that lawyers must immediately mount lawsuits in Germany to that effect.

Please double check my math.

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Depends on other risk factors besides age. All else being equal, obesity is the single larges risk factor for severe outcomes, outside of being 70+.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"for the very sick and the very ill, i hope we might agree that the vaccines offer very little downside. many of these are already on various dangerous medications on the hope that something will work out here or there and buy a few months"

Sure, if you are going to die soon anyway, then perhaps it makes sense (as far as I am aware, the terminally ill were the only group of people any Moderna mRNA technology vaxxes were ever given to until recently).

"the more of these that are gathered under the umbrella of the vaccinated, the worse the vaccines will look as a solution, because many of these people will have bad outcomes anyway...maybe we don't have to give a bunch of teenage boys myocarditis"

This is my worst nightmare actually, which is one of the reasons I've tried so hard to fight this. Once the vaxxed either realize they have been duped, or sufficient numbers of them have lost everything and have nothing left to lose, that's when everything starts going Mad Max.

The politicians won't survive, but I don't think anyone wants to live in such a "society" (it would barely even be a "civilization" at that point).

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Baboon, I was looking forward to the day that the Injected say "We are sorry. You were right. Please forgive us."

But no, they will scapegoat us to the end.

And they will know who we are by our bad hairstyles.

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"for the very sick and the very ill". Well, maybe many don't want anything except to die. That is how my Mom felt at the end when a respiratory infection took her in April of 2019. At 92, she decided to join God. Yet the vaccanators want to stick it to them too.

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Euggypius, I don't know what you have in the pipeline, but an article outlining some arguments to turnaround the mainstream people would be immensely helpful. We can never come together if we don't meet the normies and the hysterics half-way. For 1,5 year, the majority has been spoon fed the propaganda that everyone is gonna die unless everyone get the vaccine. So for a skeptics to tell them that the vaccines are the most dangerous in the history of mankind and that everyone is gonna die from them in some nefarious depopulation agenda is a bit too much for most. To simply just point out the inconsistencies in the narrative is a good start.

By the way, here in Sweden there was a story on public radio admitting that the vaccines didn't work as well as expected. I was quite baffled, but even more surprised when I heard the virologist they interviewed saying this: "These vaccines are based on a completely new technology, so we did not know what to expect," says Niklas Arnberg. WHAT? You've spent a whole year telling people that the vaccines were 100% effective and that everyone pointing to the fact that they are using a new technology is a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Read for yourself.


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This very morning I said to my sister that though I’m not a conspiracist I can’t help but think there is something sinister going on. Our leaders couldn’t be this stupid, or could they?

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I am actually a "conspiracy theorist" in the sense that I have been monitoring globalist publications for over a decade. I knew this was all coming, I just had no idea how they would actually pull it off.

I'e been sharing this video with people to wake them up for many years now:


This may appear to be some weird conspiracy theorist satire, but they were literally showing this to kids in the UK at school, along with three other potential "future scenarios".

This has all been planned for a very long time.

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Unbelievable. But, I believe it, totally.

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In the US, the high-risk demo is vaxxed, they couldn't get a shot in their arms fast enough after months of living in fear. The high risk know who they are. They know they're 500lbs, diabetic, hypertensive, fighting cancer, etc. Notable exception is blacks and Hispanics, and we should remember that no strings have been attached to welfare payments or Medicaid in the form of self-protection for these groups.

Otherwise, in the US, the unvaxxed tend to be covid-recovered, fairly young and healthy, and well-educated enough to remember science and statistical analysis. Can't help but notice that covid-recovered counts for NOTHING in the US, though I'm glad I am. But, if I lived in Europe, I would organize "chicken pox parties" to make damned sure myself and my kids were recovered and left alone. I'm way more afraid of vax than virus.

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"covid-recovered counts for NOTHING in the US"

I'm a US citizen. This has been one of my biggest gripes (the other being the suppression of legitimate scientific discourse). Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the immune system will know that natural immunity is at least equal to, and probably much better than, vaccination.

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Even in the EU it is a problem. Several of my friends and family are not vaccinated - all of them, because they had it. But most of them cannot prove it, because they did not take a test and are as such not registered. I mean one example - if you are suddenly coughing/having fever and your husband was officially diagnosed, why would you take a test? You know what you have ... Note, this was before they even talked about vaxing and vax-passports, so really it was no point. But now they - just like in the US - will need a full dose series. Extra bad is that everybody is pushing mRNA. I'd at least get a J&J single shot. For males they seem to have lower side effects anyway. But getting that is getting harder and harder in some areas.

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Antibodies are a joke though, as are PCR and lateral flow tests. I thought I had Covid in late 2019 but it was probably H1N1. It kicked my ass. I bought some IgG/IgM tests which should be the gold standard because they actually work (they analyze antibodies in your blood, which you have to draw).

Of course antibodies wane. When I contracted some absolutely horrific infection in Bolivia in 2004, where the (awesome) Bolivian doctor told me he had never seen such a high white-blood cell count before (off the top off my head, almost 900,000 - I was really sick so don't remember much more than that) do you expect my body to still be producing antibodies after all this time, or will my immune system likely recognize it next time and fight it?

This is just a perversion of science. The only reason I bought the IgG/IgM tests is because I also bought a load of Ivermectin and don't want to waste it on a cold.

So why are they using PCR and drilling a hole in your brain with these fake PCR tests? Pretty simpler, seems the real reason is harvesting genetic sequencing data to send to Illumina and China.:


I've had multiple confirmations from other sources that this is EXACTLY what is going on. Not only am I not taking a Covid biological weapon injection, I'm never getting tested unless it's with an IgG/IgM where I have used and incinerated the lancet myself.

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A friends husband, a pharmacist, said J & J is the only shot to get if you have to.

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I got the J&J vaxx in August ( I live in France ) because I had to go in for a hip replacement op . Less than 6 weeks later I got a letter saying I needed Pfizer booster asap. I will lose my passe sanitaire on 15th Dec because I am not going to get it.

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I agree. But then the CDC puts out this report that vaccines offer twice as much protection as natural immunity and the media gobbles it up and nobody even questions it...or wants to discuss any other outcome or data massaging!

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The media is captured by Pfizer and the other Big Pharma sponsors. They dare NOT ask intelligent questions that may lead to the truth.

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Absolutely! Normal people know this, but if I lived in a blue state or city, I would be S.O.L. I have to wonder if the denial of natural immunity is due to the original intent of the virus. Perhaps it was designed to be more deadly and not to follow natural immunity laws. 🤷‍♀️

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I think it's just because big Pharma doesn't want competition from natural immunity. They see vaccines and boosters as a guaranteed perpetual income stream.

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In France you are only left alone for 6 months. Then it's roll up your sleeve if you want a passe sanitaire. Or pay out 25 € for a test that is only valid for 24 hrs. So if you work in a place like a bar or restaurant where everybody has to show a passe a huge chunk of your wages will have to be spent for the privilege of maintaining your leper status and keeping your job.

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The arguments in favour of vaccines were defeated on their own terms as soon as they rolled out the so called booster shot. They have been categorically proven not to work. The policy will never change because it's not about preventing a virus, it's about controlling you and your friend.

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think that's an incomplete theory: governments like to use control not for its own sake, but towards specific ends. exercising control represents an exertion on the part of the state.

many, many in the bureaucracy don't or can't know the arguments against the vaccines right now, because of the bizarre intellectual and informational world they inhabit.

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We know what the specific ends are - they're in the 2030 agenda.

As for bureaucrats not knowing the answers, that's absolute rubbish. I've worked at the House of Parliament and the European Parliament in MP's offices. They have an internet connection, same as everyone else, are on Twitter all day so able to see the counterarguments being shared around, get letters from constituents spelling out their concerns... they have every opportunity to look at the efficacy of the data, same as anyone else. They choose not to look because they have their own ambitions toward power.

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sorry, only just woke up. I mean the efficacy data, not the efficacy of the data.

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But why are doctors who use theraputics being "hunted down" (Dr. Robert Malone's words - see Bannon's Warroom, Episode 1431 [where he appears twice, incidentally]) and being stripped of their licenses? Of course, this may be a separate 'head of the Hydra', but it is apparently happening across the Western world.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

But you see, Eugyppius, bullying 20-somethings into getting the miracle shot so that they can live a semblance of a normal life is so much easier than trying to track down the elderly recluses who perhaps don't even speak the local language. Do you have any clue how much interpreters for all those people would cost? Nah. Much better to go after university students.

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Not only is it easier, it also furthers their true purpose, i.e. to create a rising generation of serfs.

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So right! These ham-fisted gubmint morons always go for the low-hanging fruit!

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Good points.

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I suspect there is a significant number of old and sick who got one shot and did not get the second one due to severe adverse events. They are counted as unvaxxed.

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Yes we have a similar situation with remote aboriginal communities in Australia but now the bureaucracy of government is intervening by taking them away to quarantine camps against their will, for their protection of course .

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I just wrote an email to Sir Graham Brady MP about this very subject:

- Disown the Government of Australia for turning that country into perhaps the most totalitarian state in the world after North Korea. It is only a matter of time before the military start shooting civilians with live ammunition. They are already taking Aboriginal people to internment camps against their will. We must disown Australia and call for the leaders of Australia and their States to be arrested for crimes against humanity

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Eug, the US had national guard walking the streets with needles to shoot up the vax in the marginalized communities here, with consent, of couse. Surely something similar in Germany?

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Anyone that paid attention to the opioid crises in the US would know that the same factors and factions that enabled that are at work with regards to the vaccines, just at an unprecedented scale.

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Even a baboon could tell you that! ;)

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I'm violent, cross state and even country lines with a violent weapon (me) with impunity, carry many diseases and have a bright red arse. What's not to love?

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And you forgot Flat Earther. 😉

It's true that I like Tucker Carlson though.

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Kill your teevee, including Cucker.... Even if he sometimes agrees with you he's funded and run by the same scumbags CNN and the rest.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Obviously, our governments don't care how many die. It's not about saving lives - or public hospitals. Otherwise, we would have seen a rational policy of targeted vaccination for the elderly and other high risk groups. Doctors would have been allowed - even encouraged - to prescribe early treatments like ivermectin and other safe and effective repurposed medicines. Vitamins D and C, zinc and quercetin would be distributed to everyone as prophylaxis for free. People would be encouraged to spend more time outdoors and exercise.... Mass vaccination is a means to and end, i.e., social credit systems and digital IDs. Austria is trailing behind other EU countries and must be compelled to reach at least 80% vaccinated before winter ends so EU vaccine passports can be more efficiently rolled out. And then the real segregation of the disobedient unvaccinated minority can begin. They're rushing to do this now since if/when the majority of Europeans have natural immunity from wild virus, the vaccination imperative thru compulsory jabs will be harder to pull off.... The vaccines don't work but they function.

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In NZ every death from Covid is front page news. The other week a guy who had a positive PCR test got shot, went to hospital, died of his wounds and was recorded in the official Covid death tally, because that's apparently what the WHO says you should do with anyone who dies within 28 days or something from a positive PCR. Then there was the 90 year old. "Another Covid death", blared the headline, but if you read to paragraph 3 you'd see that person had so many comorbidities they couldn't even ventilate her. Something is rotten in the state of (everywhere).

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Honestly. I don’t think they care at all if the vaccines even help. It’s pretty clear now that they don’t help anyone and it appears they harm more than help. Seems like this is what the governments want. This whole virus has always been about control. They will never stop pushing them because as they do more people will get sick. Then they can keep doing the lockdowns. The camps. Etc. the vaccine passports. It will never end til they get everything they want. Unless we all rise up and put an end to this insanity. But half the world believes in these evil leaders and want them to take care of them. Not sure how we stop this!!! Glad I’ve lived a pretty good life so far. Glad I have deep faith. I put my trust in God and not men.

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When the internet first started becoming popular it was a haven for dissidents. Not just a haven but it was a way for most people to be exposed to arguments that were not commonly heard in mainstream media. Some people thought that it would lead to revolution in information dissemination where previously suppressed ideas would finally become widely known. But I always had a feeling that the PTB would find a way to get control of it and keep inconvenient truths suppressed. One way or another they'd find a way. The censorship on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter is so bad it is difficult to believe. But then again, it's not really that difficult to believe, is it?

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Amen. The function of the vaccines is to generate the piles of corpses that were embarrassingly absent from Covid-19, The Hastily Produced Draft Version, which was rolled out in 2019 before it was really ready for prime time.

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the vaccines are dangerous, but not enough to generate piles of corpses.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

"The only thing that could matter – again, assuming you want to reduce the burden on hospitals – is getting vaccines to the high-risk unvaccinated." -- actually, the thing that would really make a difference is early treatment. We could dramatically reduce hospitalization and deaths, even in high-risk groups.

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absolutely, but right now all of the political focus is on the vaccines, and I suspect we won't see much interest in treatment, until they are thoroughly discredited.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

The solution is rapid, aggressive early treatment. But very few in the West want to talk about this. The pandemic could be OVER in short order, but no....

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And Vit D3. Get everyone's levels to 45 and deaths would decline dramatically.

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The bureaucrats should mandate healthy diets, daily workouts and maximum BMI limits for the population.

-or would that be a violation of personal rights of choice?

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And no more healthcare or rights for drunks drug addicts that are filling my ER either! Right? Let's be consistent.

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I would consider these "mandates"to be more respectful of our freedoms than the current greenpass tyranny we have in EU for the moment. At least, the examples you give are good for your health !

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You are quite correct, but there is no money to be made in what you suggest.

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The fact that we "don't have enough data" even though every medical system has electronic health records says "we don't want to have enough data." The officials imposing all the useless restrictions have every incentive for keeping the "emergency" going. Until those incentives change, plan on a permanent, manufactured "emergency."

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Frieden is no one to quote. Remember him on Ebola. He is another known bureaucrat and liar.

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oh frieden is completely awful, but he's also representative of a whole class of incurious blindered bureaucrats

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It is just like the fake news. The MSM pushes lie after lie to push their agenda. When we find out that they lied, Rittenouse most recently, they just move on to the next lie without ever correcting the record. This virus is the same. Fauci did his best to come clean this weekend by saying he "hopes" that the 3rd shot of the exact same cocktail will have different results. Perhaps he and others should look up the definition of insanity. Masks, 6 feet, vaccinations, lockdowns... all of it is just idiotic ideas from idiotic and evil people.

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I think the UK "public health experts" must already know that the jabs are not working very well for the elderly.

In the week 39 report, 84.1% of the over 80s who died within 28 days of a +PCR were fully vaxxed (1288/1531).

In the week 46 report, 86.8% of the over 80s who died within 20 days of a +PCR were fully vaxxed.

And keep in mind that the week 46 likely includes a benefit from the booster campaign that the NHS started in late September/early October.

As far as a cost-benefit for the elderly, we have zero visibility...at least in the United States...about deaths following injections because the data is captured in the CMS.gov system. I've heard there were tens of thousands of deaths within 72 hours among the elderly.

I wrote this comment on one of the bad cat's articles, but it applies here...

The psy-op has been so effective that even when people understand the jabs don't stop infection or transmission...and that the unvaxxed are not to blame for that...they still want to force the unvaxxed to get jabbed or be excluded. It's truly amazing.

How do we break the spell?

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They cover the response to your question in this excellent video on mass formation. https://youtu.be/IqPJiM5Ir3A

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Thanks. I've seen a couple of interviews of Mattias Desmet but not this one. I'll watch. We just keep trying wake up the middle 40% who are to some degree reachable.

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This wonderful collaboration between After Skool and Academy of Ideas, is the perfect companion to it: https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M

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"...the unshakeable belief that by reducing spread overall, you can also save the elderly. Over a year’s worth of experience has shown that this is the wrong strategy, and yet vaccination policy continues to operate on the same premise..." best summary yet of the insanity that has gripped the world over the past 20 months. "Over two millennia worth of experience..." is likely more accurate.

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Absolutely agree.

There is no way of ever preventing any airborne virus from spreading around the globe and eventually everyone will have been exposed to it - and it's so deadly that the survival rate is, err, 99.8% aprox, depending on age, morbidities etc.

Slightly off topic maybe , but I wish everyone would cease using the doublespeak phrase -"breakthrough infections" . The correct terminology used to be, and still should be "vaccine failures"- although even this phrase wrongly elevates the mrna jabs to the status of a traditional vaccine.

"Failure" though is a word not allowed in our brave new world.

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There is an aphorism, French I believe, that says if a person comes to a point of view by means other than reason, then reason will not make him change his point of view. It seems impossible that the hordes of bureaucrats and tyrants who respond to vaccine failure with more vaccines and lockdowns will be persuaded by facts and logic. The next step is to remove them from power, constitutionally. I don't yet want to contemplate further steps, should that fail.

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French speaker here. I am not sure about the original version, but it sounds good.

With respect to the need for right reason, I find that Thomas Aquinas provides a good understanding in its Treatise on Law:

"Human law has the nature of law in so far as it partakes of right reason; and it is

clear that, in this respect, it is derived from the eternal law. But in so far as it deviates from reason, it is called an unjust law, and has the nature, not of law but of violence."

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The world will be so much better when they "approve" the "vaccine" for newborns... ;-) Heaven help us.

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Data and evidence in abundance to confirm that Covid is a significant threat to a minority of the world population and that the key issue of vulnerability is the health of the individual. Suppression of viral transmission appears only to delay rather than prevent illness and death although targeted protection for those at risk has NOT been implemented in most areas. For non Covid illness the health care systems are failing and will be under immense pressure in the years ahead. I conclude that people have an irrational concern over death, being certain, and little courage for life, being a one off opportunity. I conclude that people are content to abuse individual health with gross consumption of calories, poor nutrition, drinking, drug and smoking habits, little exercise and rely on modern medical skills to relieve pain and extend breathing for years after living ended. The virus has simply exposed to reality the fundamental weakness of people and that ignoring evidence is preferable to understanding a truth. Shame.

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