Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022Pinned

The two reddest eastern regions – the westernmost districts of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the north (in part Hamburg suburbs), and Berlin suburbs in Brandenburg – obviously have higher vaccine uptake, comparable to the West. It's also interesting that the most vaccinated eastern state, MV in the north, has Corona incidence comparable to Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the south, and all their vaccination rates are about the same.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

This has been apparent on the New York Times website for many months as well. Every time I look at their side by side maps of vaccination rates and Covid rates, I am struck by the marked positive correlation between the two. What is even more striking is that somehow most New York Times readers don’t (or won’t) see it. They can somehow look at those maps and continue to be enraged, ENRAGED, that some people still won’t get their injections and wear their masks. The cognitive dissonance at work is incredible.

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my exact experience in Bulgaria. if you've lived under real communism you smell this bullshit a mile away.

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This is really a sensational demonstration of a population learning from history, learning a healthy skepticism of propaganda and government motivations.

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I believe this is the tip of evidence the shots are doing what they were intended to do - damage people. Other reports on birth rates drops, all cause deaths and uptick in infections suggest people are beginning to increase their loss of overall health in a wave following injection of the mRNA materials. I suspect it will get much worse soon and at a pace we may not be prepared for. But how to deal with increased death and severe illness? Maybe more shots and government intervention of some kind. I suspect it may not go well for government types. My wife and I remain un-shot and will not comply with anymore mandates of any kind. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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amazing graphic - thank you !

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This is the recent Geert vanden Bosche warning-prediction coming now in real time.

Variants that have been formed by the mass vaxx campaigns that specifically target the vaxxed.

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But eugyppius, you have clearly stated that the vaccines are miracles, and that you take one every morning before breakfast.

In all seriousness, I do wonder when the average normie will finally admit to themselves that they've been taken for a ride. My guess is, probably, never.

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I love it.

This is a great visual proof using only ONE country for self-comparison.

I also wrote that "Ba.5 is a boosted people variant" article. I believe (but do not yet have firm proof) that Ba.5 is the first variant to actually have ADE for infectiousness and severity.


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Jun 28, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Another phenomenon which challenges the official narrative.

Thank you to Eugyppius for utilising Germany's länder to enlighten us.

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These that lived in communism are clearly better prepared to deal with BS

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One simple chart for the idiocracy. If this doesn't do it, we must assume they are possessed by demons.

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but, but, but they just told us the vax saved 20 million lives...and you know if GAVI was a sponsor for the study, it must be truth (enter eye roll emoji here).

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It's fascinating that our salvation might have to come from those who have recently experienced political repression.

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They already began to remove infection statistics from Canadian data

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Vaccine failure or intentional vaccine assisted infection?

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