The two reddest eastern regions – the westernmost districts of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the north (in part Hamburg suburbs), and Berlin suburbs in Brandenburg – obviously have higher vaccine uptake, comparable to the West. It's also interesting that the most vaccinated eastern state, MV in the north, has Corona incidence comparable to Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the south, and all their vaccination rates are about the same.
How does all of this compare to population density? You'd expect that to play a role. It's been raised as a confounding factor in analogous North American comparisons, but I suspect it plays much less of a role in Germany.
Also curious what the infection rates looked like before the vaxx was rolled out. If there's a clear dichotomy, the case against the jab starts to approach the status of undeniable and overwhelming.
northern Brandenburg/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are the least dense places in all of Germany, but have some of highest infection rates in the east beyond Berlin. lowest case rates are in Thüringen and Sachsen, both comparable in density to Bavaria beyond Munich, or to Hessen, where there are higher cases.
Hasn't population density been pretty much discounted? The thinking been that rural areas are such low density compared to urban areas that they can be discounted overall?
Respiratory viruses are spread by aerosols which circulate and linger in the atmosphere of closed areas with lots of people, building up as more infectious people enter the area. People tend to stay longish periods in indoor areas so can inhale a significant viral load.
The impression has been created by the masking, distancing, water droplet fairy-story that CoV 2 spreads from person to person through close contact. This then makes population density as a limiting factor in spread credible. But even in areas of low density people travel. They go on public transport, go to stores, offices, factories, hospitals, schools, etc so enter those spaces where high concentrations of circulating virus may exist.
And the premier principle of infection control - do not mix infectious people with non-infected people - has not been observed, so infectious people have been taken into the general hospital population… tge worst possible situation. Hospitals are renowned pétri dishes. Hospitals have become CoVid hotspots and infection distribution centres. In UK, at least half of CoVid infections have been acquired in hospitals. Even in sparse populated areas people go into hospitals as patients - in or out, visitors, workers, delivering.
This is probably, in my view, why population density is not such a factor in prevalence of infection.
When you look carefully at the map you can also see a part of Thuringia being as vaxxed as MeckPomm. I believe it is because so many people from these regions work in the West and were therefore forced to take the jab. I travelled all over Germany last summer and the difference in mask wearing between East and West was palpable. If I had a choice I´d be moving to the East instead of living near super woke and super masked Heidelberg.
Another observation about the map: these Western regions with the least foreigners (Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein) are also the most vaccinated. During the height of Corona hysteria I used to visit Turkish stores and restaurants simply to relax from the German furor.
It will be interesting to watch the birth data. About a third of new borns in Germany are born to mothers who are immigrants or daughters of immigrants. It is hardly news that in immgrant communities false vaxx certificates were to be had for no more than 200€. I assume that - differently to their German sisters - the vast majority of immigrant women did not get the jab. I therefore expect an even greater proportion of babies born to non German mothers. It will be interesting to see how long they will manage to hide the data.
I would respectfully suggest it was self-inflicted in The West. I am in the US and from my acquaintance, Germany has similar themes. There is a corrosive Oikophobia that has deconstructed a certain traditional, intuitive, skeptical, sometimes very deeply erudite but often more practical, more faith-based view of the world.
Or to speak more simply, the midwit faux cosmopolitanism has convinced many westerners to not reproduce (the planet!!!), Do the Latest Thing, neuter themselves physically and mentally, and hate their own culture.
And to forget God. To pretend they are somehow "thinking differently" by taking "god is dead" in a simplistic sense.
Bottom line, the common-sense, "god-fearing", my-eyes-are-telling-me-something-different-than-fauci people are reproducing.
It might be a blessing for Germany in disguise. They can wake up to their sanctimonious self-hatred (as we Americans will have to do also) or they can be replaced by a more enduring tradition. With or without purging the pseudo-intellectualism that begets post-modernist relativism and solipsism.
It concerns me too that the least vaxxed groups are also non-European. That goes for within Europe (including the UK, where I'm from) as well as globally.
I ask the same for the USA... HOW did we come to this ! The root of it all is FEAR. Of course here in the U.S. many just could not afford to give up their careers, their jobs, their incomes, they had families to feed and had no choice. Others who had a choice, were bombarded daily with the death count, every day it was get to the morning paper to see how many more deaths, overnight, in your city, county, and state. Lost three of our closest friends, all healthy and active, one lived 7 days after contracting it, one lived 10 days, and the third became ill and was gone just three nights later. The FEAR in our neighborhood was next to panic... people spent hours on the phone trying to find locations (tents quickly erected on vacant lots) that had the vaccine(s). Some rode for four hours or more only to find the location was out of vaccine. People actually got into squabbles in the lines as the fear grew that there may not be enough vaccine by the end of the day. Fortunately, we live in a part of the USA where this was short lived (State of Florida). Most (certainly not all) people soon realized that masking and staying in their homes was "probably" not a healthy way to live. Fortunately again, our governor had doubts about these "lock downs", and quickly make sure state parks, beaches, biking and hiking trails, diving and snorkeling springs, etc. etc. were open and residents were encouraged to take advantage of the many ways to enjoy the outdoors. People were also encouraged to use the "pandemic" as an excuse to "get in shape", and many actually did that to their ultimate good. We have friends and family in other states (Illinois for one) who report a very high percentage of people are still masked at all times, indoors and outdoors, and are actually looking forward to MORE boosters soon !
Just read the book Sex and Culture (1934) written by English professor Unwin. 3 generations after decline in sexual moral and the loss of rationalism the society will collapse.
This has been apparent on the New York Times website for many months as well. Every time I look at their side by side maps of vaccination rates and Covid rates, I am struck by the marked positive correlation between the two. What is even more striking is that somehow most New York Times readers don’t (or won’t) see it. They can somehow look at those maps and continue to be enraged, ENRAGED, that some people still won’t get their injections and wear their masks. The cognitive dissonance at work is incredible.
I've found (or at least observed) that the antidote for cognitive dissonance is ignorance--learned ignorance. If you make a habit of avoiding those elements that raise questions and contradictions with one's beliefs, cognitive dissonance doesn't even show up.
In other words, don't read too deeply, or too far into any NYT article--skimming is probably sufficient to get the gist of the article.
isn't that exactly why the vax'd are SO opposed to the truth? they will not let themselves even consider any deeper probe into the opposite info. fingers in ears shouting "lalalalala I do not hear you"... self deception is powerful
True, but also along with your explanation, remember the "vaxed" are absolutely SURE, that even though they are now getting Covid over and over (like Fauci), one vaxed and boosted friend has had it three times now, THREE. When I gently asked if she is beginning to wonder why this keeps happening to her, she says "not really, the only thing I KNOW is I would not be here any more if I had not been so pro-active and 'fought' (her words) for my booster." ! ?
>We have all been manipulated. That's the scandal. They don't even try to hide it
There are two things that really disappoint me: the weak leadership & reacting to fear by the government et al AND the willingness of my friends to accept it.
same thing with a child who says they're attracted to the same sex....the idiots tell them now that they are gay, and the poor child simply hasn't been loved and parented and socialized well. The worlds advice will put you into the WORST POSITION, depressed and anxious and isolated and suicidal. Our identities do not come from MSM or the govt, they come from God. If you were ever confused about your identity, it is b/c you wanted friendship, but the world sexualized that so you're left with no friends and a big void. Or you act out sexually and convince yourself that you're doing the right thing and 'being yourself'...because madonna and lady GAGA said were born that way.
My ex suffered from this. I used to call it 'Selective Consciousness'. Only the stuff he wanted to think about was selected. Anything else just didn't even exist.
My screenshot of the famous Biden Wisconsin spike on that election night was from NYT as well, lol.
As someone who's family comes from cultural revolution China and white terror of Taiwan, where election fraud was a normal thing for a while, alarm bell went off, the rest was history.
Maybe it is a non-causal correlation, or a correlation that has a common cause. What if people who are more vaccinated simply are more scared of the virus, so they get tested and go to doctors more? I may (or may not) have had COVID in the last 2 years, and had minor cold-like symptoms from time to time (that did actually correlate with the major variant waves in Virginia), but I never had any tests. I refuse to get a test because I am not scared of the virus. Most people get a test because they are scared, or because they are compliant and do what they are told to do. If you refuse to be scared of something that is mild for the vast majority, then why would you get a test simply to have your life disrupted with legally mandated quarantines so you can be counted in statistics?
i recently had covid which was 2 days of flu plus headache. i was exposed to a double vaccinated, single boosted friend who asked if she could come over and use my sauna since she felt like crap. i've been on once a week preventative IVM for months and raised my dose the moment i had a fever. my BF stopped at a CVS on the way home and bought a few antigen tests which i took and was positive. i certainly didn't report the test- i couldn't care less and don't really want any "officials" to know my business.
my BF started to feel sick the day i felt fine. he also then tested positive, no fever ever but a powerful sore throat. he was sick for 5 days, peaking at day 2 and then getting better over the course of the next few days. hourly nebulizing with a 1% H2O2 saline solution did the trick.
it's ridiculous. you wouldn't report your cold or flu to the "authorities." my brother got it back in february. he stood 3 hours on line outside in a NY winter with a bunch of other sick people to get a test to tell him he had covid and then he went home to bed which is where he should have been all along. people have lost their minds!
I never got as sick as anything you described. I wouldn't go to a hospital unless I really thought my life was in serious danger, and I have never experienced that. Whenever I have any cold-like symptoms, I irrigate with a warmed cup of hypertonic saline solution that has a pinch of H2O2 (90 g NaCl in a gallon of water with 15 mL of 3% H2O2), using an ear syringe shoved up my nose. Normally I do this once a day in the morning every day (which is wonderful as it really clears out the snoz), but if there are any symptoms, I do it 2 or 3x per day, and also use Flonase to keep the passages open and prevent secondary bacterial infections.
Hospitals have saved my life three times. Terminal appendicitis and two follow up intestinal blocks. I am very grateful that modern medicine rescued me from a very painful and sure death.
of course, hospitals and conventional medicine are great for acute trauma. if i have a broken arm or a gun shot wound, i want modern medicine. but not for health. this was mission creep. hospitals made money treating acute trauma and then branched out to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. they've failed miserably across the board
Great points. Looking at Covid hospitalizations and deaths would mitigate the impact of these potential confounders, and I believe the hospitalization and death trends track the case trends. But I don’t have those stats at my fingertips.
Death trends are not as subject to confounding factors as cases or hospitalizations. Dead is dead, and the only variation is in what the medical examiner assigns as the cause of death. Some jurisdictions may not assign COVID as cause of death unless there was a positive test before death though. But hospitalization rates do depend on someone's threshold for how bad symptoms are before driving to a hospital or calling an ambulance. No statistic totally escapes confounding psychological factors.
I could not agree more about the NY Times stats and how even well educated, intelligent, analytical people can ignore them. It is just maddening, perplexing, and as so many have found, it is just impossible to engage these folks in any kind of rational discussion. You can show them graphs, you can give them statistics, and they refuse to even consider them. It is so like the tale of the Emperor's new clothes, I would never have believed this fairy tale would one day actually be played out !
Yes, cognitive dissonance a la the New York Waste of Times. The same people who consume their propaganda are the same ones who can't see the truth about anything else, especially the fraud and utter homicidal failure of the entire global medical establishment and the lethal vaccines. Another interesting correlation.
seems the people using covid in the great reset and/or changing the world made a rational effective decision about a successful takeover. using Fauci and Co. along with Desmit mass formation psychology. I used to think Asians were the people who never thought originally (the nail that sticks up gets beaten down) looks like woke ideology and the modern horrible "education" with emphasis on environmentalism and activism are the great followers. Far more programmed than the hippies.
It’s a good sight to get a peek into the mind of the corporate media. I like to just scroll the home page about once a week to see what the latest outrage sweeping the nation is.
I have heard of average Ukrainians now recognizing and refering to the war as the American war with Russia. They speak plainly and are not under any delusions from the propaganda.
After the Zelensky regime took over their media, outlawed opposing parties and seized their assets, the media has twisted itself in knots to frame this as a battle over the sacred ideals of Democracy itself. Almost as twisted as it took them to support Azov's "good" Nazis.
Correction - the American PROXY WAR with Russia. The USA will fight to the last Ukrainian, but the USA will not put the skin in the game to have an actual nuclear war with Russia. Not unless Dementia Joe totally loses his marbles, though. But who knows? With a Midterm Election that everyone (including the best Democrat strategists) expect to go extremely badly for the Democrats, who knows what our senile idiot in chief will do to save his own party's hide?
He's evil and far enough gone now, but he wants to be able to blame Putin from his bunker, or with his last breath, which ever comes first. He'll just keep poking and aggravating until Putin fires them nukes off and destroys the world, or at least our part of it. --- I just don't understand selling your soul to the devil.
This is really a sensational demonstration of a population learning from history, learning a healthy skepticism of propaganda and government motivations.
The elderly in China have low covid vax rates and the media tries to use them as scapegoats for their ridiculous lockdowns. The Great Leap Forward and the cultural revolution must have been tremendous learning experiences. It's tragic that most of us have to learn the hard way, and not through the experience of others.
I believe this is the tip of evidence the shots are doing what they were intended to do - damage people. Other reports on birth rates drops, all cause deaths and uptick in infections suggest people are beginning to increase their loss of overall health in a wave following injection of the mRNA materials. I suspect it will get much worse soon and at a pace we may not be prepared for. But how to deal with increased death and severe illness? Maybe more shots and government intervention of some kind. I suspect it may not go well for government types. My wife and I remain un-shot and will not comply with anymore mandates of any kind. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Related to pharma involvement, I chalk up the damage caused by the shots to hubris, greed and negligence. I don't think they are smart or organized enough to have made them purposely damaging.
I'm not sure I agree with that. After reading RFK, Jr.'s book, I believe that there are quite a few people who have depopulation in mind and have been organizing for years to implement their plan..
Natalie..:it’s good not to underestimate the level of planning and execution of these evil people. Most people are just waking up to what they have been doing and planning for decades. Planned parenthood is a great example.
Well, you are the first person that has suggested GVB is not all he may seem.
Having followed yourself and listened intently during all these insanity, I will of course think about what you have said.
It is because of courageous experts like you, that myself and my family are thankfully still unvaxxed and short of being held down, never will be.
Thank you Mike for your sacrifices.
Re. GVB - my assumption was that any top expert in say, virology, would be in good position to be able highly educated predictions as to what a virus could/may do, when a population has been practically forced vaxxed *during* a pandemic.
I’ve been around the scientific block a few times.
There hasn’t been much clinical immunology published on these alleged “vaccines”. So nobody knows. No matter how much domain expertise a person has & he has plenty, he’s way too certain for a real scientist. In analogous settings, I’d be much freer with strong remarks provided I could heavily caveat them, which he doesn’t do. Why not? They’re an unavoidable aspect of the scientific method.
If he’d seen a high level dcriot, now that would explain a lot.
That’s deep history & nothing im saying could possibly be construed as supportive of a former employer I left in 2011.
GVB’s warnings are way too precise given we are all, including him, in completely unprecedented territory. The scientific method simply doesn’t support (enable) the certainty he often expresses. The experiments haven’t been done on the basis of which anyone can predict what will happen in this unique setting.
I am not saying he’s wrong. I am saying it’s not possible to know.
I’ve no dog in the race. It’ll be what it’ll be. Each is entitled to believe whatever they wish to.
But eugyppius, you have clearly stated that the vaccines are miracles, and that you take one every morning before breakfast.
In all seriousness, I do wonder when the average normie will finally admit to themselves that they've been taken for a ride. My guess is, probably, never.
I read somewhere today that very few people in the US now are willing to take additional poison jabs. If they had 1 they resist 2. If they had 2 they absolutely refuse 3. The truth is slowly seeping into brainwashed skulls.
That's good that more people are refusing the clot shots, but I am thinking more along the lines of "wow, this was really all bullshit; you were right, SamizBOT"
I just don't think THAT is ever going to happen. As a laptop American, I have lost almost all my friends over this. I was not invited to my (former) best friend's wedding, as it was VAXXED ONLY. I'be been told that I am heartless for stating that the hysteria was worse than the disease. Not one of the people that I had known from college and for well over a decade reached out to me when my daughter was born.
COVID was the single greatest "us and them" moment in my lifetime. I may not be happier now, but I sure as shit know who my friends are. That is worth something.
It’s an excellent question. I’m an awkward cuss so I probably would still prefer to know, to take the red pill.
If I could turn back time, I think I’d have it such that my wife Joanna & our two brave young women who are our daughters & mum of our grand babies didn’t know.
On some days, I feel I’ve been very selfish, pursuing this thing as I have.
Yet on my better days, I know I won the lottery & it’s an immense privilege to have been dropped where I was just as it began.
A large handful of random events all had to have happened for me to have been where I was, intellectually, personally, financially etc.
So I must keep speaking out, per Mattias Desmet’s advice.
You are sooo right...but, painful as it is, I prefer to know the truth than live an illusion: all this cannot last forever, and when it will all come out, some people wont be able to handle it, we'll have to take care of the debris
I feel you..same here, childhood friends, grown up together..but after the first bewilderment, then disappointment, then sadness, I just don't care said it best: now I know who my friends are (or never were..)
I suppose the real wakeup call should have been the sudden disappearance of their senses of humor once Trump won. Suddenly, offensive humor wasn't funny, just offensive
Your story is one of millions, millions and millions. We lost three close, life long friends, from Covid, but have not actually counted all the friends from college, work, various clubs and associations, and FAMILY we've lost from living in the "free" south east and choosing not to be vaccinated. We've paid a high price, no longer able to travel and cruise with friends we've cruised the world with for years, our life is truly not as rich as it once was, however, we accepted it, and have done our best to develop alternatives. What else can one do ?
My husband is an internist and has primarily old patients. Most of them were eager to get the 3rd shot and some even more anxious for the 4th. He has to be careful what he says, but if they ask, he says he does not recommend boosters.
after this, even if I once believed in flu vax, I would never take a flu vax this year or next for fear it is laced with graphene oxide and spike! stupid bastards just nailed their coffin shut.
I feel the same way. I used to always get the flu shot. Not this year! And I was planning to get the Shingrex vaccine, but that's out, too. No more vaxxes for me!
please do not get the shingles vax! ppl are getting shingles from the covid vax! gonna hear so many more cases...just be patient and you'll see you have no fear of's coming from the vaxx'd! google justin bieber and wife....both vax injured withing months of each other...she...a stroke! and he half his face paralyzed from herpes zoster virus! No coincidence here for 2 healthy under 30, 6 months after boosters. Franklin Graham pericarditis 3 weeks after moderna booster. His neice at 40 2 heart attacks in january and rushed to hospital again on easter 2022 for severe heart pain! My God PPL how many coincidences do we have to have to see?? And not one of these godly ppl are putting 2+2 together and warning ppl of their mistakes? Crickets. When you are self are worthless to anyone else. Seek God only! And do not worship man or science or you WILL BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. Even if you purport to believe in God.
The two reddest eastern regions – the westernmost districts of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the north (in part Hamburg suburbs), and Berlin suburbs in Brandenburg – obviously have higher vaccine uptake, comparable to the West. It's also interesting that the most vaccinated eastern state, MV in the north, has Corona incidence comparable to Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the south, and all their vaccination rates are about the same.
How does all of this compare to population density? You'd expect that to play a role. It's been raised as a confounding factor in analogous North American comparisons, but I suspect it plays much less of a role in Germany.
Also curious what the infection rates looked like before the vaxx was rolled out. If there's a clear dichotomy, the case against the jab starts to approach the status of undeniable and overwhelming.
it doesn't explain much:
northern Brandenburg/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are the least dense places in all of Germany, but have some of highest infection rates in the east beyond Berlin. lowest case rates are in Thüringen and Sachsen, both comparable in density to Bavaria beyond Munich, or to Hessen, where there are higher cases.
Well there goes that potential cope.
I'd love to know what you really meant to say here. Can you edit?
Ahh. Damn autocorrect. That's what happens when I'm writing a comment in the gym.
"Well there goes that potential cope."
i.e. one cannot point to lower population density, rather than lower vaxx uptake, for the disparity in infection rates.
Where 'infection' is only one letter different than 'injection' maybe you're not seeing things clearly.
Hasn't population density been pretty much discounted? The thinking been that rural areas are such low density compared to urban areas that they can be discounted overall?
Respiratory viruses are spread by aerosols which circulate and linger in the atmosphere of closed areas with lots of people, building up as more infectious people enter the area. People tend to stay longish periods in indoor areas so can inhale a significant viral load.
The impression has been created by the masking, distancing, water droplet fairy-story that CoV 2 spreads from person to person through close contact. This then makes population density as a limiting factor in spread credible. But even in areas of low density people travel. They go on public transport, go to stores, offices, factories, hospitals, schools, etc so enter those spaces where high concentrations of circulating virus may exist.
And the premier principle of infection control - do not mix infectious people with non-infected people - has not been observed, so infectious people have been taken into the general hospital population… tge worst possible situation. Hospitals are renowned pétri dishes. Hospitals have become CoVid hotspots and infection distribution centres. In UK, at least half of CoVid infections have been acquired in hospitals. Even in sparse populated areas people go into hospitals as patients - in or out, visitors, workers, delivering.
This is probably, in my view, why population density is not such a factor in prevalence of infection.
And the territory to the south-west of Munich is the extent of your voralpine fortress?
ha ha yes i believe that's LK Starnberg
When you look carefully at the map you can also see a part of Thuringia being as vaxxed as MeckPomm. I believe it is because so many people from these regions work in the West and were therefore forced to take the jab. I travelled all over Germany last summer and the difference in mask wearing between East and West was palpable. If I had a choice I´d be moving to the East instead of living near super woke and super masked Heidelberg.
Another observation about the map: these Western regions with the least foreigners (Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein) are also the most vaccinated. During the height of Corona hysteria I used to visit Turkish stores and restaurants simply to relax from the German furor.
It will be interesting to watch the birth data. About a third of new borns in Germany are born to mothers who are immigrants or daughters of immigrants. It is hardly news that in immgrant communities false vaxx certificates were to be had for no more than 200€. I assume that - differently to their German sisters - the vast majority of immigrant women did not get the jab. I therefore expect an even greater proportion of babies born to non German mothers. It will be interesting to see how long they will manage to hide the data.
I would respectfully suggest it was self-inflicted in The West. I am in the US and from my acquaintance, Germany has similar themes. There is a corrosive Oikophobia that has deconstructed a certain traditional, intuitive, skeptical, sometimes very deeply erudite but often more practical, more faith-based view of the world.
Or to speak more simply, the midwit faux cosmopolitanism has convinced many westerners to not reproduce (the planet!!!), Do the Latest Thing, neuter themselves physically and mentally, and hate their own culture.
And to forget God. To pretend they are somehow "thinking differently" by taking "god is dead" in a simplistic sense.
Bottom line, the common-sense, "god-fearing", my-eyes-are-telling-me-something-different-than-fauci people are reproducing.
It might be a blessing for Germany in disguise. They can wake up to their sanctimonious self-hatred (as we Americans will have to do also) or they can be replaced by a more enduring tradition. With or without purging the pseudo-intellectualism that begets post-modernist relativism and solipsism.
That's my simple country-doctor take, anyhow. ;)
Also, witness the heat Hungary (as near and dear to me as Germany) is taking... for simply resisting globalist dilution.
It concerns me too that the least vaxxed groups are also non-European. That goes for within Europe (including the UK, where I'm from) as well as globally.
Who cares If Germany survives in its current form? I am done with my fu***ng country, let foreigners take over.
I ask the same for the USA... HOW did we come to this ! The root of it all is FEAR. Of course here in the U.S. many just could not afford to give up their careers, their jobs, their incomes, they had families to feed and had no choice. Others who had a choice, were bombarded daily with the death count, every day it was get to the morning paper to see how many more deaths, overnight, in your city, county, and state. Lost three of our closest friends, all healthy and active, one lived 7 days after contracting it, one lived 10 days, and the third became ill and was gone just three nights later. The FEAR in our neighborhood was next to panic... people spent hours on the phone trying to find locations (tents quickly erected on vacant lots) that had the vaccine(s). Some rode for four hours or more only to find the location was out of vaccine. People actually got into squabbles in the lines as the fear grew that there may not be enough vaccine by the end of the day. Fortunately, we live in a part of the USA where this was short lived (State of Florida). Most (certainly not all) people soon realized that masking and staying in their homes was "probably" not a healthy way to live. Fortunately again, our governor had doubts about these "lock downs", and quickly make sure state parks, beaches, biking and hiking trails, diving and snorkeling springs, etc. etc. were open and residents were encouraged to take advantage of the many ways to enjoy the outdoors. People were also encouraged to use the "pandemic" as an excuse to "get in shape", and many actually did that to their ultimate good. We have friends and family in other states (Illinois for one) who report a very high percentage of people are still masked at all times, indoors and outdoors, and are actually looking forward to MORE boosters soon !
Just read the book Sex and Culture (1934) written by English professor Unwin. 3 generations after decline in sexual moral and the loss of rationalism the society will collapse.
This has been apparent on the New York Times website for many months as well. Every time I look at their side by side maps of vaccination rates and Covid rates, I am struck by the marked positive correlation between the two. What is even more striking is that somehow most New York Times readers don’t (or won’t) see it. They can somehow look at those maps and continue to be enraged, ENRAGED, that some people still won’t get their injections and wear their masks. The cognitive dissonance at work is incredible.
In almost all US states, counties with higher vax have higher infections.
Injections, infections.
I've found (or at least observed) that the antidote for cognitive dissonance is ignorance--learned ignorance. If you make a habit of avoiding those elements that raise questions and contradictions with one's beliefs, cognitive dissonance doesn't even show up.
In other words, don't read too deeply, or too far into any NYT article--skimming is probably sufficient to get the gist of the article.
isn't that exactly why the vax'd are SO opposed to the truth? they will not let themselves even consider any deeper probe into the opposite info. fingers in ears shouting "lalalalala I do not hear you"... self deception is powerful
True, but also along with your explanation, remember the "vaxed" are absolutely SURE, that even though they are now getting Covid over and over (like Fauci), one vaxed and boosted friend has had it three times now, THREE. When I gently asked if she is beginning to wonder why this keeps happening to her, she says "not really, the only thing I KNOW is I would not be here any more if I had not been so pro-active and 'fought' (her words) for my booster." ! ?
There you have it..Selective Consciousness.
>We have all been manipulated. That's the scandal. They don't even try to hide it
There are two things that really disappoint me: the weak leadership & reacting to fear by the government et al AND the willingness of my friends to accept it.
same thing with a child who says they're attracted to the same sex....the idiots tell them now that they are gay, and the poor child simply hasn't been loved and parented and socialized well. The worlds advice will put you into the WORST POSITION, depressed and anxious and isolated and suicidal. Our identities do not come from MSM or the govt, they come from God. If you were ever confused about your identity, it is b/c you wanted friendship, but the world sexualized that so you're left with no friends and a big void. Or you act out sexually and convince yourself that you're doing the right thing and 'being yourself'...because madonna and lady GAGA said were born that way.
My ex suffered from this. I used to call it 'Selective Consciousness'. Only the stuff he wanted to think about was selected. Anything else just didn't even exist.
And definitely stick with the Times, Atlantic, and WaPo for peace of mind.
And NPR on the car radio.
I prefer to call it what it is...cognitive impairment.
My screenshot of the famous Biden Wisconsin spike on that election night was from NYT as well, lol.
As someone who's family comes from cultural revolution China and white terror of Taiwan, where election fraud was a normal thing for a while, alarm bell went off, the rest was history.
Maybe it is a non-causal correlation, or a correlation that has a common cause. What if people who are more vaccinated simply are more scared of the virus, so they get tested and go to doctors more? I may (or may not) have had COVID in the last 2 years, and had minor cold-like symptoms from time to time (that did actually correlate with the major variant waves in Virginia), but I never had any tests. I refuse to get a test because I am not scared of the virus. Most people get a test because they are scared, or because they are compliant and do what they are told to do. If you refuse to be scared of something that is mild for the vast majority, then why would you get a test simply to have your life disrupted with legally mandated quarantines so you can be counted in statistics?
i recently had covid which was 2 days of flu plus headache. i was exposed to a double vaccinated, single boosted friend who asked if she could come over and use my sauna since she felt like crap. i've been on once a week preventative IVM for months and raised my dose the moment i had a fever. my BF stopped at a CVS on the way home and bought a few antigen tests which i took and was positive. i certainly didn't report the test- i couldn't care less and don't really want any "officials" to know my business.
my BF started to feel sick the day i felt fine. he also then tested positive, no fever ever but a powerful sore throat. he was sick for 5 days, peaking at day 2 and then getting better over the course of the next few days. hourly nebulizing with a 1% H2O2 saline solution did the trick.
it's ridiculous. you wouldn't report your cold or flu to the "authorities." my brother got it back in february. he stood 3 hours on line outside in a NY winter with a bunch of other sick people to get a test to tell him he had covid and then he went home to bed which is where he should have been all along. people have lost their minds!
I never got as sick as anything you described. I wouldn't go to a hospital unless I really thought my life was in serious danger, and I have never experienced that. Whenever I have any cold-like symptoms, I irrigate with a warmed cup of hypertonic saline solution that has a pinch of H2O2 (90 g NaCl in a gallon of water with 15 mL of 3% H2O2), using an ear syringe shoved up my nose. Normally I do this once a day in the morning every day (which is wonderful as it really clears out the snoz), but if there are any symptoms, I do it 2 or 3x per day, and also use Flonase to keep the passages open and prevent secondary bacterial infections.
no way i'd ever go to a hospital!
Hospitals have saved my life three times. Terminal appendicitis and two follow up intestinal blocks. I am very grateful that modern medicine rescued me from a very painful and sure death.
of course, hospitals and conventional medicine are great for acute trauma. if i have a broken arm or a gun shot wound, i want modern medicine. but not for health. this was mission creep. hospitals made money treating acute trauma and then branched out to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. they've failed miserably across the board
Great points. Looking at Covid hospitalizations and deaths would mitigate the impact of these potential confounders, and I believe the hospitalization and death trends track the case trends. But I don’t have those stats at my fingertips.
Death trends are not as subject to confounding factors as cases or hospitalizations. Dead is dead, and the only variation is in what the medical examiner assigns as the cause of death. Some jurisdictions may not assign COVID as cause of death unless there was a positive test before death though. But hospitalization rates do depend on someone's threshold for how bad symptoms are before driving to a hospital or calling an ambulance. No statistic totally escapes confounding psychological factors.
I could not agree more about the NY Times stats and how even well educated, intelligent, analytical people can ignore them. It is just maddening, perplexing, and as so many have found, it is just impossible to engage these folks in any kind of rational discussion. You can show them graphs, you can give them statistics, and they refuse to even consider them. It is so like the tale of the Emperor's new clothes, I would never have believed this fairy tale would one day actually be played out !
People seem to think that the most vaxxed places are the most vulnerable places or something.
Yes, cognitive dissonance a la the New York Waste of Times. The same people who consume their propaganda are the same ones who can't see the truth about anything else, especially the fraud and utter homicidal failure of the entire global medical establishment and the lethal vaccines. Another interesting correlation.
and of course, the very smart virus only affects people who didn't vote like they did
seems the people using covid in the great reset and/or changing the world made a rational effective decision about a successful takeover. using Fauci and Co. along with Desmit mass formation psychology. I used to think Asians were the people who never thought originally (the nail that sticks up gets beaten down) looks like woke ideology and the modern horrible "education" with emphasis on environmentalism and activism are the great followers. Far more programmed than the hippies.
Preconceptions are filter for perception.
People still read drudge?
It’s a good sight to get a peek into the mind of the corporate media. I like to just scroll the home page about once a week to see what the latest outrage sweeping the nation is.
my exact experience in Bulgaria. if you've lived under real communism you smell this bullshit a mile away.
I have heard of average Ukrainians now recognizing and refering to the war as the American war with Russia. They speak plainly and are not under any delusions from the propaganda.
Good for them! Someone needs to speak the truth.
The Russo-American war in Ukraine.
After the Zelensky regime took over their media, outlawed opposing parties and seized their assets, the media has twisted itself in knots to frame this as a battle over the sacred ideals of Democracy itself. Almost as twisted as it took them to support Azov's "good" Nazis.
But not as twisted as "safe and effective vaccines".
I disagree. Today's media figures finding a way to support literal nazis is peak twisted.
Correction - the American PROXY WAR with Russia. The USA will fight to the last Ukrainian, but the USA will not put the skin in the game to have an actual nuclear war with Russia. Not unless Dementia Joe totally loses his marbles, though. But who knows? With a Midterm Election that everyone (including the best Democrat strategists) expect to go extremely badly for the Democrats, who knows what our senile idiot in chief will do to save his own party's hide?
He's evil and far enough gone now, but he wants to be able to blame Putin from his bunker, or with his last breath, which ever comes first. He'll just keep poking and aggravating until Putin fires them nukes off and destroys the world, or at least our part of it. --- I just don't understand selling your soul to the devil.
thank you, good to know.
I prefer the term collectivism. Always bad, always evil.
This is really a sensational demonstration of a population learning from history, learning a healthy skepticism of propaganda and government motivations.
The elderly in China have low covid vax rates and the media tries to use them as scapegoats for their ridiculous lockdowns. The Great Leap Forward and the cultural revolution must have been tremendous learning experiences. It's tragic that most of us have to learn the hard way, and not through the experience of others.
Yes! 👏
I believe this is the tip of evidence the shots are doing what they were intended to do - damage people. Other reports on birth rates drops, all cause deaths and uptick in infections suggest people are beginning to increase their loss of overall health in a wave following injection of the mRNA materials. I suspect it will get much worse soon and at a pace we may not be prepared for. But how to deal with increased death and severe illness? Maybe more shots and government intervention of some kind. I suspect it may not go well for government types. My wife and I remain un-shot and will not comply with anymore mandates of any kind. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Related to pharma involvement, I chalk up the damage caused by the shots to hubris, greed and negligence. I don't think they are smart or organized enough to have made them purposely damaging.
I'm not sure I agree with that. After reading RFK, Jr.'s book, I believe that there are quite a few people who have depopulation in mind and have been organizing for years to implement their plan..
Population control was written into the UN's charter and per Kissinger's report has become a US foreign policy goal.
Natalie..:it’s good not to underestimate the level of planning and execution of these evil people. Most people are just waking up to what they have been doing and planning for decades. Planned parenthood is a great example.
Specifically, we are talking about purposefully trying to damage people with the shots.
The Jonestown Jabs, that is good.
Geert Vanden Bossche has some advice and warnings what to expect next:
How can he possibly know what’s going to happen next?
NOBODY has used products like these before. Ever.
Please don’t mention antibodies. They’re not how anti-respiratory virus host protection is accomplished.
The 'what to expect next' part was on me - and a probably wrong summation of what Vanden Bossche really said.
do you mean "govt types" will all be sicker b/c of mandated jabs and more coming?
or that the masses will get fed up with the BS and beat the hell out of the govt entities pushing this?
amazing graphic - thank you !
This is the recent Geert vanden Bosche warning-prediction coming now in real time.
Variants that have been formed by the mass vaxx campaigns that specifically target the vaxxed.
It’s almost like he’s got detailed insight into the Gates plan & is pretending to deduce it in real time.
Don’t buy it.
Well, you are the first person that has suggested GVB is not all he may seem.
Having followed yourself and listened intently during all these insanity, I will of course think about what you have said.
It is because of courageous experts like you, that myself and my family are thankfully still unvaxxed and short of being held down, never will be.
Thank you Mike for your sacrifices.
Re. GVB - my assumption was that any top expert in say, virology, would be in good position to be able highly educated predictions as to what a virus could/may do, when a population has been practically forced vaxxed *during* a pandemic.
Thank you 😊
I’ve been around the scientific block a few times.
There hasn’t been much clinical immunology published on these alleged “vaccines”. So nobody knows. No matter how much domain expertise a person has & he has plenty, he’s way too certain for a real scientist. In analogous settings, I’d be much freer with strong remarks provided I could heavily caveat them, which he doesn’t do. Why not? They’re an unavoidable aspect of the scientific method.
If he’d seen a high level dcriot, now that would explain a lot.
I recall Dr Andrew Wakefield using the analogy of "Jurassic Park" a year or two ago when the MRNA 'vaccines' were brought out.
So, I do take your point. Nobody knows, which is precisely why noone in their right mind would touch them!
Cheers Mike, and thank you.
And you were a Vice President at Pfizer. What is your point?
That’s deep history & nothing im saying could possibly be construed as supportive of a former employer I left in 2011.
GVB’s warnings are way too precise given we are all, including him, in completely unprecedented territory. The scientific method simply doesn’t support (enable) the certainty he often expresses. The experiments haven’t been done on the basis of which anyone can predict what will happen in this unique setting.
I am not saying he’s wrong. I am saying it’s not possible to know.
I’ve no dog in the race. It’ll be what it’ll be. Each is entitled to believe whatever they wish to.
All the best
wasn't gvb formerly a scientist at one of Gate's organizations?
Yes, I think GAVI.
That’s a potential conflict of interest.
With ever more increasing virulence.
But eugyppius, you have clearly stated that the vaccines are miracles, and that you take one every morning before breakfast.
In all seriousness, I do wonder when the average normie will finally admit to themselves that they've been taken for a ride. My guess is, probably, never.
I read somewhere today that very few people in the US now are willing to take additional poison jabs. If they had 1 they resist 2. If they had 2 they absolutely refuse 3. The truth is slowly seeping into brainwashed skulls.
That's good that more people are refusing the clot shots, but I am thinking more along the lines of "wow, this was really all bullshit; you were right, SamizBOT"
I just don't think THAT is ever going to happen. As a laptop American, I have lost almost all my friends over this. I was not invited to my (former) best friend's wedding, as it was VAXXED ONLY. I'be been told that I am heartless for stating that the hysteria was worse than the disease. Not one of the people that I had known from college and for well over a decade reached out to me when my daughter was born.
COVID was the single greatest "us and them" moment in my lifetime. I may not be happier now, but I sure as shit know who my friends are. That is worth something.
I too lost all my friends. Like you, my sadness mostly derives from realising that most of those I knew weren’t really friends.
Yes also lost friends from the giant C0vid psyop.
Sometimes I wonder if it was better to have lived our whole lives under an illusion?
Or, painful as it has been for many of us, we have seen more reality and truth about how the world really works than all those who preceded us?
It was survival though.
It’s an excellent question. I’m an awkward cuss so I probably would still prefer to know, to take the red pill.
If I could turn back time, I think I’d have it such that my wife Joanna & our two brave young women who are our daughters & mum of our grand babies didn’t know.
On some days, I feel I’ve been very selfish, pursuing this thing as I have.
Yet on my better days, I know I won the lottery & it’s an immense privilege to have been dropped where I was just as it began.
A large handful of random events all had to have happened for me to have been where I was, intellectually, personally, financially etc.
So I must keep speaking out, per Mattias Desmet’s advice.
You have saved many. I don't believe that is a hyperbolic conclusion.
Because of you, Sucharit Bhakdi & others, many of us trusted our deep instinct that something was badly wrong in all of this.
I cannot imagine how difficult it has been. I can only say we are deeply grateful and you & your family deserve all joy for your courage.
You are sooo right...but, painful as it is, I prefer to know the truth than live an illusion: all this cannot last forever, and when it will all come out, some people wont be able to handle it, we'll have to take care of the debris
Yes I think I do too, prefer to have had my illusions about life shattered.
But yes it has been incredible painful too.
Life eh.
The crazy part is that I mostly would say anodyne things like "this is not that big of a deal," or "I already had COVID, why would I get the vaxx?"
Similar to Trump's campaign, you were not allowed to be agnostic about all of this; you were either 100% with us or 100% against us.
I feel you..same here, childhood friends, grown up together..but after the first bewilderment, then disappointment, then sadness, I just don't care said it best: now I know who my friends are (or never were..)
I suppose the real wakeup call should have been the sudden disappearance of their senses of humor once Trump won. Suddenly, offensive humor wasn't funny, just offensive
I live in the EU, so our wake up call was somehow snoozed..but was high and loud enough this time ;)
Same. <3
>wow, this was really all bullshit; you were right, SamizBOT
Don't hold your breath :-(
Yeah this will never happen because it doesn't NEED to happen because the great sort occasioned by COVID is permanent
Your story is one of millions, millions and millions. We lost three close, life long friends, from Covid, but have not actually counted all the friends from college, work, various clubs and associations, and FAMILY we've lost from living in the "free" south east and choosing not to be vaccinated. We've paid a high price, no longer able to travel and cruise with friends we've cruised the world with for years, our life is truly not as rich as it once was, however, we accepted it, and have done our best to develop alternatives. What else can one do ?
My husband is an internist and has primarily old patients. Most of them were eager to get the 3rd shot and some even more anxious for the 4th. He has to be careful what he says, but if they ask, he says he does not recommend boosters.
after this, even if I once believed in flu vax, I would never take a flu vax this year or next for fear it is laced with graphene oxide and spike! stupid bastards just nailed their coffin shut.
I feel the same way. I used to always get the flu shot. Not this year! And I was planning to get the Shingrex vaccine, but that's out, too. No more vaxxes for me!
please do not get the shingles vax! ppl are getting shingles from the covid vax! gonna hear so many more cases...just be patient and you'll see you have no fear of's coming from the vaxx'd! google justin bieber and wife....both vax injured withing months of each other...she...a stroke! and he half his face paralyzed from herpes zoster virus! No coincidence here for 2 healthy under 30, 6 months after boosters. Franklin Graham pericarditis 3 weeks after moderna booster. His neice at 40 2 heart attacks in january and rushed to hospital again on easter 2022 for severe heart pain! My God PPL how many coincidences do we have to have to see?? And not one of these godly ppl are putting 2+2 together and warning ppl of their mistakes? Crickets. When you are self are worthless to anyone else. Seek God only! And do not worship man or science or you WILL BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. Even if you purport to believe in God.