I might offer a more nuanced, and (hopefully) informed comment on your work later. For now, it seems that the big message is something that I am embarrassed to admit did not dawn on me for months, maybe a year, after the corona-lunacy began. This whole pageant, this whole COVID Dumpster Fire™ as I like to term it, is about *so* much more than asinine knee-jerk containment policies, vaccine half-assery, and improperly administered NPIs. It is about a heretofore unseen level of control. It is about the playing of a "long game" with respect to obtaining and deploying that control. Unfortunately, many of us on Team Reality have been (again, in my parlance) playing checkers while the other side was playing chess. Politics and who is on which side is all part of that irrelevant debate, it seems.

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Infiltration will not work to re-take the institutions for precisely the reason you describe: the left knows that game and will not allow it, being only too willing to deploy ideological tests. The demand that one submit to the jab is only the latest and most intimate of these.

Nor can the the institutions be re-taken at the ballot box. As the left demonstrated in 2020, they're only too happy to steal elections in broad daylight and then lie infamously about it in the aftermath.

The only way they can be defeated is by allowing them to rule an empire of ashes. Let them keep their legacy media outlets, their universities, their stolen legislatures. As they pack them full of bought men, mid-wit yes men, and diversity hires, the competence of those institutions plummets. Having been barred from those institutions, competent men will have to go somewhere. The most obvious thing for such men to do is to build new institutions, which perform the functions of the suborned institutions more effectively. Having done so, prestige, loyalty, and power will naturally flow from the hollow shells of the old to the shiny skins of the new.

It won't be quick, it won't be easy, but it's the only way.

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The trucker protest in Canada gave us a glimpse of the power of the people. The indignation and disgust heaped on them, and the emergency law enacted to stop them showed how scary this was for both sides of the political spectrum. This is the only possible hope, populism - and that is why both populism and freedom are now ultra-right-wing horrible dirty words that you cannot even utter in mixed company without fear of retribution.

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I have heard the term Physical vs the Virtual is rapidly replacing the left and right. Those that touch things seem to have a different politics view than those that do not know where food comes from.

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Makes you wonder just what so-called conservative politicians are conserving..

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Same thing with the refugees that got into Belgium, almost all young and healthy men and very few real refugees, women, children, elderly.

As to government, I don't know much about politics but I think most all politicians do one thing well and that is fill their pockets. In all of the US government, less than a handful do something for the people. The 3 I remember right off are 3 republicans. The house milkers are almost all democrats. They are all wealthy, earning more in a year than most people in their whole lives, and keep being paid pensions even after one round of government.

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

In America, conservatives are merely the other side of the same coin with leftist. Pro war, pro deficit spending, pro mass illegal immigration and pro Covid control. Not much difference here. Just proving the left is hypocritical seems good enough most days. Actually taking a stand and doing something does not seem to be required. We have a small number of Libertarians like Rand Paul that will say the right things but carry no real power. I fear we are lost either through ideology or having been bought and paid for. Take your pick. Our military industrial, pharmaceutical and entertainment lobby own most government officials including the judiciary. The left has an objective by any means necessary and the right just delays at best. Incredibly hard times are coming and fast. No one does to it's people what our government is doing to us if they didn't want to actually kill off millions. My position is pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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This is a really wonderful, clear, beautifully-expressed piece and I'm glad to have read it. It should be slipped under everyone's door in the dead of night; tucked secretly in lunchboxes and left surreptitiously on park benches, kept from flying away by any handy stone or twig.

You don't know how glad I am to have found your writings. Almost everyone I may have ever thought intelligent or thoughtful in the Before Times has proven entirely otherwise and it's painful to be in the rapidly-tarnishing state of my golden years.

PS: Please tell me the source of the frogs illustration on your Twitter page. Making me nuts not to know.

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Like you my main memory from the Merkel’s Great Replacement will be the following: A video of Syrian “refugees” stepping out of a train at the Vienna main train station. While Austrians are welcoming them with flowers and open arms as a warm welcome, two Syrian teenagers give a hateful look at the camera and both make the “throat slicing” gesture with their right hand. And the apologizing comments from the journalist were even more scary: “You have to understand these kids have seen too much destruction and suffered from much deprivation.”

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I need to read this a few more times to see whether I fully agree with it or not, but you make many excellent points. One initial comment on this:

"Whereas MKH constructs the conservative primarily as an individual, the left appears in his pages as an ideology – one which holds that society is a human construct; that traditional social structures are repressive; that denies man’s biological nature; and that is ultimately hostile to western civilisation, which it seeks to replace in the future with socialist utopia. “One can either entirely reject this system of patent insanity, or not at all” (p. 69). The conservative’s belief that he can adopt some leftist principles for pragmatic purposes, or in a spirit of compromise, are therefore mistaken. The system he opposes demands absolute submission; anything less makes him an enemy regardless.

I used to work for a pro-life organization and witnessed many times the willingness of the pro-abortion people (many of them very far left, and sometimes members of actual socialist parties) to come together to do different things they might not all agree with, subsuming their own views for the chance to accomplish something like those goals. They would all carry identical signs and stand in a line at a counter protest, for instance (sometimes after all being bussed there) while the people protesting came separately, with their own handmade signs saying whatever each most wanted to say, and stood in little groups. The leftists always looked large, organized, and "on message," even if they showed up knowing little about the protest (I'd talk to them myself and sometimes found some who knew almost NOTHING about the protest.

For instance, at one event I went to protesting a state healthcare bill that included abortion provisions, several of the young women counter-protesting with signs thanking a legislator for voting for it were from another state, in town helping out the homeless, and had come with a group of actual homeless people brought there by organizers. I asked them if they thought they should be there when they didn't live in the state or know the issue, and one of them told me, "Well, I just think doing something is better than doing nothing, so I'll say thank you!"

Conservatives do not want to do things like this. They want to pick their battles, say only what they believe and endorse, and otherwise go about their business. As a result, they lose.

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Very insightful, and disturbing.

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This is just superb. This is perhaps the best exposition of the contemporary political dynamic I've come across.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

In DC, everyone wants to be invited to the cocktail parties and be part of the uniparty. Can't do that as a wide open conservative. With the exception of a few brave souls, it's a corruption cesspool on the left and RINO right.

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May 16, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Wow! This is a treatise that describes and explains exactly what we are seeing in my country - Australia. At least c19 has revealed the frightening progression of the power of the elites and their bureaucratic henchmen in attacking basic liberties. And all the while the “conservatives” just acquiesce, like the proverbial frogs in the boiling water, in the Lobg March. And yet, there is the glimmer of hope coming from the downtrodden working families. Not from the well heeled and comfortable and “well educated” middle class, of course, but from this Aussies that still enjoy clear sighted common sense. I saw this clearly in a non publicised protest rally re vaccination of over 100,000 families (with kids and dogs) at our capital city, Canberra, last year . They were very angry, as they were threatened with losing their jobs if they continued to refuse to be vaccinated. I was so immensely proud of them. They gave me hope for the future. But I thought how odd it was - these are the very people the Left are meant to represent!

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Thank you for this. I lived in Switzerland as a teen and have some memory of German, but not enough to understand this book. You and the book’s author are absolutely correct and I wished more conservatives realized this.

You made a comment a few months ago that really stays with me; the past few years have changed you and you will never be the same. I feel the same way, but also feel isolated. I live in heavily blue, progressive Los Angeles and seem to be one of the few who has been so traumatized by the past two years and sees something very wrong and evil in the world. I can’t imagine going back to the way I was in 2019, even though I wish I could.

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The “uniparty” party of Godless commies… fascist/communist/WEF to the core… I am so sick of politicians talking out of both sides of their mouth on BOTH sides… we are either being stabbed in the chest by the satanic Democrats or stabbed in the back by the Benedict Arnold Republicans here in the USA…

They all need to LEAVE US ALONE!!!! 🔥🔥

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