Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Covid-19 and the rules around it have purged all non-conformists out of most aspects of society. Police, government, military, airlines, big corporations, colleges, universities, health care, teaching etc etc.

So now we have nothing but obedient rule followers running our entire society. That never works out well does it? Perfect for the deviants in Davos however.

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This is correct. This is an ideological purge of public institutions and people need to be aware of what is going on (especially the police and military). They are hoping that people just bow out quietly and leave their positions since they don't have their jabs (and most have). Quite genius if you think about it...

One of my best friends joined the police force 2 years ago and I mentioned this to him. He laughed it off at the time. He was also one of the first in line for his jabs because "it couldn't hurt and it could only help". He is now regretting it and starting to realize what is going on.

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If we scan the top positions in many powerful institutions, it is surprising to find a similar profile in current 'leaders' ---

People are placed in these positions from relative obscurity or with enough personal / character weakness that it's rather clear they don't belong in that job. They are not leaders who inspire followers, they have not valiantly earned their way up the ladder, nor are they experts in the vast responsibilities that they are suddenly given. They're lucky to have gotten a job they don't deserve, and that sets up a dynamic of defensive insecurity that panders to the people above them (who are strong leaders) while completely failing in the role's responsibilities that they have. Essentially, that position has been conveniently eliminated.

This weakness makes them indebted to whoever is above them, unable to challenge what should be challenged. Imagine if you wanted to pull off something rather massive and naughty, but you might have the beloved, long-respected presidents of University X and Y against you..... Given a show-down in media, the public would side with long-respected university etc. leaders rather than corporate propaganda. However, if the "leaders" are already in a tenuous position without respect of the people, then meaningful opposition has been eliminated. Furthermore, if these "leaders" have no expertise and equally little moral character, you can convince them of any agenda so long as its wrapped in plastic vector graphics with dollar signs and words to boost their fragile ego.

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(Writing that message, I am not thinking of anyone in Germany. I was rather thinking of the US model.)

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Actually this was last done under bolshevism. Real judges were tossed-out and replaced with party apparitchniks who would sentence people to Gulag for thought-crimes.

Same people, same tactics. The properly translated bible makes the situation clear enough. But you'll need to learn correctly re-visited history first (ourstory).

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Already quit my university post. I absolutely abhor what higher ed has become.

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I did too, back in November 2020. At the time I thought I’m a lone, crazed over-reactive refusenik, so it is heartening to now read that I’m not alone.

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All your comments are great, very perceptive.

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There's other real methods to sweep them away, earthquakes, avalanches, hurricanes/cyclones/typhoons etc.

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I often wonder if the ratio of decrease in productivity to growth of bureaucracy could be quantified in order to use those numbers as a guide for growing businesses.

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-->"He is now regretting it..."

As I like to say (as a warning), you can't un-drink the Kool-Aid.

Most people who capitulate won't get to the regret stage because they refuse any self-examination of their decision, as it's too painful. The head-exploding cognitive dissonance is avoided by remaining purposely ignorant of the facts of the matter.

At least a tattoo can be removed; the jab?

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Yes you can't un-jab yourself. It is surprising how many didn't include this in their risk calculus.

Regarding my friend, it kills me because he is actually one of the most health-conscious people I know. He used to co-own a gym and wrestled at a very high level in Canada. He is also very careful about his diet. I think he just trusts that his leaders have his best interest in mind or that they wouldn't purposely mislead. I am guessing that was the initial mindset for most who acquiesced to this...

However, it is tragic because before 2020, if you asked anyone if they trust politicians or bureaucrats, most would have said no!

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You hit the nail on the head imo

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You're right but I also think it was a big coup for the vaccinators to call these experimental genetic therapies 'vaccines'. As soon as you questioned the shots you became the crazy antivaxxer.

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That is a very good point as well

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Getting jabbed is not that much of a big deal for most. I got jabbed twice and boosted (Moderna) but I changed my mind over the last year. These particular vaccines are toxic and uselss junk. I should not have gotten the jabs but calling that "regret" is too much. They don't work and they injure too many but most of us "vaccinated" will be just fine. Thus, there is no pain and no regret.

I am in great health, no infections, no allergies, just nothing. I did catch omicron a few months after getting boosted but it was really nothing, not even a proper cold. I am confident that the next infection with Sars-CoV-2 will be nothing again.

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I know that two researchers have found pfizer/moderna jab samples to be 'blanks' with no modRNA detectable by spectroscopy. You may have gotten blank jabs.

If this can be verified by more scientists, then this is evidence for malfeasance or fraud, which is not covered by product liability immunity.

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I don't think so. Moderna shot no. 2 caused a severe immune reaction, I was very sick for three days but fully recovered quickly. The booster also caused side effects consistent with strong immune system activation.

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Read bongoben's comment again: he said not everyone got blank jabs. I have no knowledge one way or the other but looking at what's been going on I think anything is possible.

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Hopefully you’re right. We still don’t know if there are long term adverse reactions.

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Difficult to imagine the mechanism for hidden long term damage. Yes, the spike protein or fragments thereof could behave like a prion, causing amyloidogenic disease. Theoretically. Or the vaccines could cause cancer in some weird way, theoretically.

I think that these vaccines are acutely toxic due to their propensity to damage the epithelium of blood vessels, neurons and the heart pretty much immediately. This makes sense from a biochemical perspective and it's been happening.

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Thank you for providing your thoughts.

As you are someone who is clearly intelligent and capable of being circumspect, I'd like to ask a question: Why did you jab in the first place? Are you elderly, immuno compromised? Because if not, and assuming you are aware of the efficacy of many preventatives - why would you subject yourself to something untested?

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-->" they injure too many..." You've made my point. Thank you.

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My 4-shot neighbour just told he regrets what he's done. His getting covid very recently made him see the light. He's now much more open to my point of view so yes, there is definitely hope.

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"it couldn't hurt and it could only help"

This seems to be a common feeling for any Covid intervention and beyond. Magically interventions done supposedly w/ altruistic reasons, can only have neutral effect at worse.

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"So now we have nothing but obedient rule followers running our entire society."


Makes you wonder what, for example, the nurses will be asked to do NEXT.

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Yep. I kept telling pro-mandators 'you better hope you want the next shot too.'

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That's how the Soviet Union collapsed and China is following on its heels.

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I disagree … China has been devoid of freedom for generations, it’s people are extremely malleable. They are very used to being led and fed, their passivity is practically genetic at this point which is demonstrated by their 90%+ vaccine compliance.

The Chinese are WORKERS, an elitists’ dream … fearful and ambitious and ready to change direction at the whim of current dear leader. If NWO was a board game, the one who owns China wins

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I'm not so sure about that. According to some sources, there are on average 500 protests in China every day. There are also reports of China surrounding their banks with tanks because of protests. Of course, considering the sorry state of what now passes as journalism, it's hard to know what to believe.

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Damn, you are so right and that is so terrifying. I think that throughout history most large organizations were filled with conformists, but always had, and embraced, a few non-conformists. Those were the leaders who inspired organizations to take risks, to develop new products and services, create dynamic internal cultures, etc. Devoid of those types large organizations are now hollow shells, zombies waiting to be cut down. Unfortunately, they'll keep consuming living flesh and surviving until the living find better weapons and fortresses.

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On the bright side, if the application of new vaccines and boosters continues at an increasing pace, the problem might solve itself. Just remember that no matter how brilliant the elites might believe themselves to be, there is no perfect plan.

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Except for airlines and some parts of healthcare, none of the entities you mention are part of society. They are its enemies.

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Look on the bright side. This means the non-conformists now have at most a weak stake in the dominant society and very little to lose.

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& from the arts. A number of theatre companies I used to work (in CA) for have jacked up audition requirements to include everyone must be vaxxed. I'd read that you can't get on a film set in any capacity without it now also...?

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Not much of a loss in my opinion. Artists are supposed to be the non-conformists of society. Hollywood these days is just putting out reboots and super hero movies. The actors just go along with what ever is popular. We need actors, directors, musicians and playwrights to challenge the prevailing narrative, not validate and regurgitate.

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It's a great loss to me. I have developed my skills in the theatre for over 35 years. I lose not only job opportunities, but also a community of colleagues & many friends. I agree we need artists to realize they're on the wrong side by participating in this diabolical bullshit. However, most of them in charge currently seem to be distracted with scrambling to show how many woke rules and regulations they can impose on anyone who walks through their doors. I'm very sad about it.

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deletedAug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022
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Exactly. The spreadsheet elite don't understand this. To them, we're faceless widgetmakers with exactly the same skills and capabilities.

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Equity kills meritocracy which kills society. But thats been the plan all along.

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They don't even pretend "equality" anymore, now it's "equity". The most heavily abused word in the entire Newspeak language.

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You're right but it's a painful process until the fatal blindspots become undisputable.

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I have some hope that the utter clown show that is US politics is waking up a more intelligent sort of sheep, the sort who goes along to “be polite” … I am an optimist by nature …

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Your column is terrific. I was thinking the masks might be appropriate after the energy is rationed. It will warm the faces of everyone....

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If only homes could be heated with authoritarian dictate! There's be no shortage!

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Dictators like Karl would smell a bit as they heated our homes, though, no?

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But the *smell*..... Ugh

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

You beat me to it...

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Damn, I would have been in third place on this joke.

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022

And fuel for the stove this Winter when the wood runs out.

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Or if there is a toilet paper shortage.

So versatile!

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The universities are beneath contempt now. They've suffered total moral and intellectual collapse. It seems the truly talented and intelligent are heading for the exits, because no one with any sense or brains wants to be subjected to a lifetime of speech codes and mandatory injections under the rule of midwit administrators. Students seem to be catching on too: US enrollment is apparently down 600k this year.

After a while there will be negative prestige associated with attending or being employed by a university. Meanwhile, the actual scholars end intellectuals will get on with the business of scholarship outside the ivory towers consensus-based gatekeeping.

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I'm thrilled to see universities collapse; they've done incredible damage to western society. Culturally, financially, morally. And we have 2-3 generations of people who are permanently broken.

To the historians on this thread, have we ever seen a collapse of accepted, respected educational institutions in the past ? History does repeat, curious if we have anything to help guide us

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022

The grand experiment that everyone should go to University was never attempted before. It has failed. My neighbour has one child that went to the Ivy league and the other become a plumber. The plumber charges $300 US an hour, owns two homes and is part owner of the plumbing company after 6 years. Ivy league has debt and is living with Dad right now.

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In Uk Blair - God save us - extolled the virtues of University education on demand.

That's working out well.

Millions of indoctrinated students with F. all to do.

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NObummer did same in US; if the indoctrination has taken hold, their plan IS working out well

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It started well before Obama with EOE quotas, Affirmative Action quotas and curricula in universities that baseline social engineering.

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It certainly did but that mf’er said the quiet part out loud about “fundamentally transforming” the US. And they’ve succeeded. I don’t recognize the wimpy, woke, scared lemmings that seem to have taken over

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This 1000% . . . a great example of exactly what is wrong. And the plumber is out working and improving his life, family and community. The Ivy league grad is sitting at home on Twitter spewing venom, dragging down family and community.

It was bound to happen as we tried to enforce equity. The narrative became smart people are university graduates, they make all the money. The flyover types are lower class, their professions are beneath us. So in order to make sure everyone is smart and of upper class, then everyone needs to go to university. And to make sure it is equitable the government will pay for your education. Some actual smart people at the top saw the grift and then hired dumb people (administrators) who admitted dumb students to complete the scam.

Sure, there's still decent educations to be had at some schools. And sure we're still graduating smart people educated by smart teachers. But even at that the smart students have learned to be quiet and conform. Sigh . . .

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There's more. Let's say someone is an actually-smart or actually-very-talented person. They are applying for a job that is important in society for whichever fine-tuned moral, technical, expertise, aesthetic reason. Now there are 800 applications from other university graduates. Who is smart? Who is a liability?

By sheer number, people with actual enjoyably-above-average skill in whatever area are being drowned out by noise, and all of society suffers as a result with substandard outcomes.

The more important a job is, the more it will attract unethical, arrogant people who crave power and are willing to stab to get it. If university degrees weren't given out like candy, that could eliminate a lot of the nasty back-stabbers and make it more tolerable for serious people to simply do quality work in important jobs -- essentially, what a degree meant in the past.

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In all the jobs I have applied to in my life NOT ONE asked to see my college diploma. Now they ALL ask to see my walgreens certificate. This is what we have come to.

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Yeah, the trickle down effects are staggering. It takes an extroardinary amount of effort, litterally blood, sweat and tears, to get society where we were a few decades ago. Some fairly reasonable, relatively fair systems to reward the talented, industrious and smart, plus provide very respectable alternatives for everyone else. Sure, there's still corruption and unfair circumstances, but overall arguably the best we've done in human history.

To take the Ivy league grad student example, the family are likely stressed emotionally and financially. They retreat from society, do poorly at their jobs, treat other siblings poorly, turn to substances and other unhealthy behaviors to cope. The online friends this person has are an echo chamber of low expectations, envy and vitriol. Health is poor, cost to society is huge. Forgiving their student debt is just the downpayment on the total cost.

Contrast that with a healthy, balanced person contributing to society, able to help others emotionally and financially, propping up all around him after he is standing solid.

Multiply out these situations over a society and you get exponentially compouding effect.

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022

Edward Dutton talked about the prestige of universities in the course of history:


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"I'm at university."

"Sorry to hear that."

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Submitting to a university covid inoculation mandate may be, simultaneously, both a test of one's ability to think critically about the ethical, moral or scientific basis for such a thing and a loyalty test to the system.

And the doubling down of vax, mask mandates etc ..is in complete synchrony with the doubling down of antibody imprinting by repeated transfections. 'The Science' imitates life?

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And how about all the medical universities who mandated it, after having taught (or researched and discovered) the very information to realize what it would do to the body?

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As a business manager, I can assure you I would not hire a university graduate if I had an applicant with nothing but on-the-job experience, or successful life experience applying for the position.

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As a small business owner, I had a similar attitude.

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in the end, they get what they deserve.

This whole charade has been a huge hoax, however, there are some things that the perps

and their acolytes have created that there has been some back lash/ change of view.

There are still way too many that refuse to look though

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This is an amazing but sad commentary on the change in student life at Stanford.


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That was an eye opener. Reveals lots of methods and that this has been going on for some time. Everything charming about university life for a student or faculty member, gone.

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Completely captured like pharma with CDC and NIH and FDA.

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Expect governement and business associations to legislate mandatory certificates and such for virtually every possible job there is.

Certificates you can only get at universities carrying an official seal of approval, where the approval process is classified.

"So, you want to work here running the deep frier? Do you have a deep frier operator's license?"

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Universities are a mixed bag. They teach some eminently useful stuff (e.g. engineering), some nice-to-have-but-easily-done-without stuff (e.g. dead languages), and some utter nonsense (need I provide examples?). The question is: whither will the useful stuff go? If the useful disciplines detach themselves from the structure as a whole, then universities will sink and go the way of the Catholic Church. (Oh, I know, the Catholic Church is still there. But compare its power to what it was just a century ago!) If they remain, then - who knows?! It's possible that they (the useful disciplines, plus the university as a whole) will increasingly become more and more corrupt, until China and some of its allies remain the only places on earth that train large numbers of people who know how to build bridges that do not collapse. Or maybe the dumb stuff will slowly wither and die as students abandon those fields, and universities will renew themselves, perhaps in a more modest (but healthier) form.

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Speaking of engineering,

plans for a massive project in the US recently crossed the desk of a friend. It was prepared by enthusiastic start-up types who wanted to use their automated software to do it.

Glaring mistake. Would have collapsed, killing thousands of people and costing many millions of dollars. Plan was approved and passed on up the whole structure until the end. Old guys recalculated everything by hand, young guys got huffy and apparently couldn't do traditional calculations.

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Okay, that sounds rather terrifying...

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And the enthusiastic people who designed and are marketing this software did not allow the calculations to be visible --- "why is this 3 cm thick instead of 20?" -- so there's no way to check the safety or the logic on any project that that software is applied to. Everything had to be recalculated by hand and only then did it emerge.

Akin to certain opaque pharmaceutical products.

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What you describe is a consequence of two things: (1) the culture-wide pushback against the "nitty-gritty," and (2) a failure of professional ethics.

(1) It's everywhere. Don't force children to master orthography and grammar of their native language. Don't make them calculate stuff by hand. Don't make them memorize foreign language conjugation/declension tables. 'Coz it's BOOORIIING, and boredom is to be avoided at all cost. And that's how you wind up with engineers who don't know how to calculate stuff.

(2) Yes, by all means refrain from making tasteless jokes that are likely to offend people. It's basic courtesy. But the actual ethical principle that engineers need to have inculcated into them is that they have to triple-check all their calculations so that their bridges wouldn't collapse and kill people. But nah. Microaggressions are so much more interesting to talk about.

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Teaching dead languages isn't useless. It gives access to the written thoughts of men who knew how to think more clearly than the Nancy boy lads of our age have been able to do for many years at this point. Also, as useful as engineering doubtlessly is, I'm willing to bet that most contemporary engineering types, being myopically focused in the way that so many "experts" of our age are, fell hard for the official Covid narrative, along with its various performative displays of pathological piety and craven cowardice.

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Yes, that's possible. But how do you get from here to there fast enough, so that you don't wind up hopelessly behind China in the process? In theory, sure. In practice? Societies have a lot of inertia built into them. As we've seen.

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What might happen is that private companies will simply buy some existing engineering schools. Possible?

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Universities/medical learning institutions were bought by the Rockefellers just after WW 2 in the USA - and the rest of the world followed.

Thus, we are were we are. Add a pinch of Gates and Fauci - et Voila!

The truly independent expert is a fast dying breed.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Its not just harassment, it’s weaponization of public government healthcare agencies and using them as a tool to punish political opposition.

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It's not about a virus, it's about power.

Example: The virus can't be spread during a BLM protest, but can be spread during a baseball game.

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Church is especially contagious.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

It is past time for everyone to stand up and attack these wrong ideas. Don’t be quiet, don’t fear, and don’t stop. Just attack their ideas with full authority.

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On a recent substack post, El Gato Malo posted that he and others were mobbed by 10 policemen for not masking.

Pick your battles wisely.

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And whilst there are plans to bring back vaccine mandates, the CDC are quietly disappearing 'facts' about mRNA vaccines.


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We're no longer able to access https://protect-public.hhs.gov/, which had data relating to covid hospitalization in the US. This information was accessible just a few days ago, but no longer.


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Because people like you keep misusing the data! This is why we can't have nice things, like data to show how safe and effective the vaccines are.

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Malignant screenshots that might decrease vaccine acceptance!

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Yes, I've heard that even the internet archive/way-back-machine has been compromised. There were some vaxx damning stats on the British Columbia gov website that 'disappeared' even from the archive.

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Updating the archive is a red flag for the mainstream narrative like trying to delay the study data release for 75 years was a red flag for the shots.

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Another thing that's gone: they wiped all the photos of people getting nose swabs the wrong way. There used to be hundreds of them -- they were featured even on hospital and medical university sites, with the swab inserted pointing up to the sky, aka, where the cribiform plate is. These photos were wiped (except in small sites from distant places), probably following all of the publications about injury when the swab pierces the plate and brain fluid starts leaking out. (https://medquotes.substack.com/p/to-the-nose-and-beyond).

And, "stays in the arm" propaganda has been wiped.

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I used to think that we were not really victims of censorship in Canada and the USA until now. I wonder what was hidden from us in the past, well I really don't wonder too much because I come across stories that I didn't know about maybe 20 years ago and I'm still shocked. I suppose my eyes have been opened very widely now and I'm still incredulous both to what's happening and to the fact that I wasn't aware in years past.

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Well for one, do an image search for 'Morgellons', the lab-escape nightmare from 20 years ago before they moved all the gain-of-function labs overseas and then put out a massive disinformation campaign to label patients as 'delusional', claiming their lab accident didn't exist.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

The saddest part is how many academics will choose submission over career change (even if only temporary until the madness subsides).

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Would you hire an academic to do actual work? I wouldn't, and I am one!

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I did a career change to avoid the vax, so I guess I'm lucky someone was willing to!

But I guess it would depend on the discipline the PhD was in, what the job was etc. But there are companies looking to hire academics fleeing universities. I was lucky to find one

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I heard a saying “a man will die for his country but seldom for his career”

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But now the latter will be a death sentence too.

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022

They're interested in tenure, which they will eventually get if they swear allegiance to the cult and publish enough articles about "Deontologizing Gender in Derrida" (or some shit) in "peer-reviewed" journals and keep towing the company line in all other respects.

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Indeed. In my field those most likely to get decent jobs have a favorable race/gender demo and publish Current Thing trash. But the handful of serious people who spend the better part of a decade grinding out a career dont want to give it all up over a vaccine, and not to mention the social pressure to comply is immense. Social pressure has a reverse effect on me, so I bailed, granted with the sunk cost anxiety expected with this sort of thing.

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Good for you. Where did you bail to?

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There is a detox for the vax, by the way, but I don't honestly know how effective it is.

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I was hired by a company that does marketplace research and analytics. Not exactly my preferred job but it pays the bills and I'm learning an actually-marketable skill.

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That's at least good.

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Im not digging ditches, so it could definitely be worse.

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Actually, most academics believe(d) all the corona nonsense. >95% boosted, and willingly.

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From my experience this is true, though I regularly got the feeling that people weren't speaking their minds. Once the pressure to comply was initiated they all fell in line post haste. Not sure if they really believed it or if they're just weak and buckled under pressure. Prior to mandates I heard a lot of people say they'd refuse, but in the end they didn't.

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The pundits, the press, the medical elitists are NOT in the arena- but, they want us to think they are

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Maybe the herd will be culled eventually...

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They're following the Science and other pious declarations of the gynocrats.

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I believe Brown University in Rhode Island is facing a lawsuit due to a kid dying just after the vax, documented by his doctors on VAERS, and it was an early vax because he volunteered with sick kids in hospital so he got vaxxed before his peers/cohort opened? Meanwhile the university continued vax mandates. Meanwhile, the surrounding colleges stopped the mandates.

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The thing that I find fascinating is that college students will go out of their way to dig up (or simply make up) every last slightly offensive thing people might have said, but then do nothing to protest when their schools actually tyrannize them.

"Where are you from?" --> furious accusation of microaggression

"You must submit to experimental medical treatment and muzzle yourself everywhere you go if you want to remain a student here" --> rolling up of sleeves, putting on of masks

Absolutely fascinating.

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Truth! But in this case, these are the university mandates for the vax and Brown never missed a beat after this kid died. It isn’t student driven. My guess is, most universities set vax mandates for fear parents wouldn’t send

kids otherwise.

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My girlfriend from OH found out that Ohio State was paid millions from the fed govt to “require” quackcenes for all students - it is abysmal what money will buy

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We need a hero to ship this down. The stage is set for any Tom, Dick or Harry to swoop in being all things to all people. If I ever believed in the anti-christ, it is now.

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Hmm. These universities have so much prestige (still) that parents would probably send their kids even if an arsenic shot was an attendance requirement, as long as the dose was low enough not to be lethal. I don't think they're afraid of parents. It's something else. Maybe they're afraid that Pravda on the Hudson would turn against them(?).

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I sincerely propose to everyone to bare a poster of children that have died or were disabled after the jab with their pictures and names and dates of vaccination and date of death. And to show it to anyone who dares to enforce this code of Hammurabi, that’s what it is historically. Suddenly entities that are rich are immune even from a murder and if anything they may just pay and continue to kill.

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Please tell me, this will result in my cowed or indifferent family and friends here in Germany waking the *bleep* up!?

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People will go along to get along. It's the same thing in the US.

Also... I think there's a level of fear or dislike of confrontation.

Example: my husband and I are both against masks. However, I am WAY more confrontational than he is. Consequently, he wore a mask much more than I did, simply because he did not want to be hassled. I don't care, and have no problem walking out, which I've done several times.

Our solution for places where masks were mandated was this:


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I was wearing fake mask for nearly a year. Although this autumn I will refuse to wear anything. If anyone complains I will just ask them how many jabs do they have.

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Usually they just say "masks are required" or try to hand you a mask. I typically leave.

However, I wonder if "my parole officer gave me an exemption" would be an effective response?

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exactly go along to get along. I dislike making confrontations. I have several masks in my car console. Today I am taking my dad for bloodwork at a lab. I am in Northern Virginia 35 miles west of the cesspool. We used to be a very conservative county, and I know 20 years ago no one here would have complied to this BS. Now, it is different. To add: In Virginia you have to wear masks in medical offices

So I know my daddy will forget a mask but I have plenty of those dumb light blue ones you find laying all over parking lots, woods, streets etc;. The new pollution

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That's why I use the mesh mask that I linked above. It fits the "mask requirement" in almost all places. In those that it does not, they will give you a blue mask.

It's my little eff u to the whole concept of masks.

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It's a little more sturdy than fishnet stockings. It's more like the mesh that you'd see in a mesh swim suit cover up or a mesh tank top.

You can get it lined or unlined; I have it unlined.

And yes, you can hold it up and see through it. To me, that's the point.

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Shibumi, I have unlined lace 😂

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Good for you. I have unlined mesh.

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Look on the bright side. You won't need to mask up this winter, it isn't like you will be going out for coffee or dinner, the restaurant's power will be out.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Good lord - I thought Germans were intelligent. Biden and Fauci both quad vaxxed and had Covid… So damn dumb - the countries are different, but the desire for control by certain humans is the same.

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The more educated are more easily hypnotized. The self-assurance of intelligence is its own trap.

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“The Corona regime, as it decays, becomes nothing but an agglomeration of wholly unjustified rules and a machine for the petty harassment of its own citizens.”

The administrative state in a nutshell.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Sorry, but not surprised, to hear about the new, proposed legislation. All of this blatant authoritarian madness makes me want to take my family and move to the middle of nowhere and remove ourselves from this sick experiment.

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and where would that be... at this point.

Hubbs and I would love to "run away" as well.

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I don't know if this is a good suggestion or not but there is a website/company called Nomad Capitalist or something similar. They're on YT as well. I've watched a few videos, their ideas don't seem to be bad but I have no idea how good they are.

As far as I know, most of the world is on board with all the craziness to some extent or other. I think Bosnia Herzegovina didn't buy in. There are countries however where the rules aren't really enforced or perhaps it's easy to buy your way out of a pickle. The latter was sort of the way it was in some commie countries. About 30 years ago, I traveled through Bulgaria, got into some trouble and it was completely easy, fast and not too expensive to pay my way out.

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If you need a pick-me-up, something to brighten your day, head on over to r/COVID19postive on reddit. I can't remember if it was you who pointed out a post there months ago, but since then it has been the gift that keeps on giving!

Some recent favorites! What a pitiful end for humanity.






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I just realized I AM signed in already

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

Continual willingness, . . . baaaaah lol.

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imagine being such a loser that you're totally fine with this lol

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It's really the logical outcome of wokeness and being ok with that being imposed on you as a job condition.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by eugyppius

I love it!!!!!!

Like going everyday and ask, “can I get another one soon? Can’t wait!!!”

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Can’t stop thinking about it. Someone should prepare a book with covid pictures: people on the beach with masks, people swimming with masks,, etc… This “continual willingness” thing could be there as well. Could even be the books title!

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