This is a great analysis and addresses the artifactual issues I worried about in your previous analysis. Well done.

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I would really like to see this similar analysis in the USA on a county-by-county level!

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I've done loads of work at the county level in the States -


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Joel does legendary work!

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Thank you Joel! I love your work and subscribe to you Substack!

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Might also check out the work of Denis Rancourt

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Thanks! Is that on Substack? Link?

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For starters - and see his latest on James Corbett Report


(Oh, and btw, thanks a bunch, Eugy :)

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Oregonian, The data deliberately isn’t or may not be there

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Not sure this has that much to do with natural immunity. Up until Omicron, you could become infected with Alpha, then Delta and then Omicron. My niece has had three "Covid" infections. (All remarkably mild). Conversely I read evidence that prior Omicron infection resulted in less likelihood of Delta infection.

The vaccines damage our immune systems. Two shots seems to be ok, but more than two, and in the UK at least, you were up to 5 times more likely to become infected with Covid according to UK HSA data. I've seen research papers on the topic but I don't have the links to hand.

The data was obvious from the UK HSA (English and Scots) reports published weekly until the end of March. As the initial wave of third shot boosters injected in late 2021 started to wane, increasing numbers of people (especially elderly) were infected.

Initially the trend was infection rates, and the vaccinated continued to have a slight benefit in terms of hospitalization and death, but trends for the triple boosted began to look ever worse as each weeks report was issued.

The Scots decided to stop publishing I believe in early March, and the English at the end of March. So whether the trend in infection resulted in higher mortality among triple boosted isn't clear. The implication of the halt of publication is that the data started to look even worse than it did already. Incidentally, all the data provided up till the end of March was per 100,000, not just related to the quantity of infections.

The same data is manifest in Ontario, Canada, where triple boosted individuals whose vaccine protection has waned show a remarkable increase in susceptibility to infection.

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You’ll be please to know scientists have just done a pre-print showing it’s worse for the vaxed for every single parameter before they pulled the data

Search Emani, Goswami and sars covid Hispano death among vaccinated elderly population (can’t paste link on my phone)

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‘… and the vaccinated continued to have a slight benefit in terms of hospitalization and death…’

Coincident, if I remember, with start of Spring and vaccination having even more effect into the Summer.

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Jun 29, 2022
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Check the vax rates for Asians on the MOH website lol, 580k Asians and 630k of us had the 1st dose LOL

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Jun 29, 2022
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You said it 3 times in this forum. I'll bite. So what illness or disease is infecting people then?

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Don't feed the troll

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Jun 29, 2022
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Gotcha. That's very interesting. How do you account for the uptick in sickness and death worldwide after Covid was "announced" but before the vaccines sickened people?

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The lockdowns and the subsequent lack of access to medical care , increase in serious depression and drug use.

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Jun 29, 2022
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Understood. So maybe my question isn't relevant to your theory. But still, do you have an opinion?

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Name one such toxin, the corresponding disease, and what the LD50 of the toxin is. Also, point to conclusive proof that this toxin is present in the environment for those who contract the specific disease.

Because like it or not, people espousing the terrain theory (or rather: hypothesis) have the same obligaton as anyone to provide proof.

And you never, ever do.

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Jul 1, 2022
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I've read a lot of material on the terrain theory going back about 35 years. There have been many versions of the theory over the decades. A very common one through the middle of the 20th century was that viruses do exist but they only become a problem if the the terrain they infect is susceptible for other reasons (diet, heavy-metal poisoning, other sources of toxicity, etc.). The most predominant version these days seems to be the one that disputes the existence of viruses altogether.

I've read quite a bit from this camp. Andy Kauffman, Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey, etc. I actually find their arguments on the failures of virus isolation and laboratory infection to be persuasive enough to explore further. I've heard Andy Kaufman debate medical doctors and virologists who always refused to directly address this point. That being said, I am always disappointed in the explanations other than viral contagion to explain the spread of many diseases.

I read Dr. Tom Cowan's book called the contagion myth and was not impressed. At one point in the book, he speculates that what appears to be viral contagion is actually some resonant electromagnetic transmission between people. Now, I wouldn't rule that out, especially because I tend to think that the molecular and biochemical activity of the body is subordinate to an overarching electromagnetic "blueprint." However, it's still a form of contagion whether it is some vibrational resonance in one human being that causes a corresponding aberrant frequency to arise in other people close by or if it is a molecular interaction between a viral antigen and host tissue. 

To be clear, I think the data overwhelmingly shows that having been vaccinated, at least past a certain number of doses, is going to be bad for those people in the short, medium, and long term. I also think that Covid would've just been a really bad flu season if we had just let it rip. Vaccines are clearly what has made it chronic and recurring for a large portion of the population.

If there is some sort of contagious aspect to it, I am positive that such transmission only takes place when one party is symptomatic and the other is susceptible for unrelated reasons. I don't think masking has any effect for aerosol transmission, as has been well known for decades. It certainly has no impact on electromagnetic resonance.

If something is being transmitted but only from sick people to susceptible people, then it makes sense for:

1. sick people to stay home when they are symptomatic

2. susceptible people to try to make themselves less susceptible, voluntarily lock themselves down with no impact on anyone else, or live dangerously.

Until we have a more plausible alternate explanation of why large groups of people manifest the symptoms of a common disease in the same region during the same period of time, I think those two guidelines should be something we could all agree upon.

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FTR, I don't disagree with your other points.

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This is absolutely brilliant and undeniable! In 2 and 1/2 years of watching and reading COVID data this is among the very best! Job well done!

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What you call a vaccine effect during the delta wave in reality was the crazy testing bias that was introduced with 3G: non-fully-vaccinated had to do daily tests to use public transport or go to work starting in November, while fully-vaccinated could go anywhere untested, even hospitals. This changed with the omicron wave, where many countries switched to 2G+ for social events, bars and restaurants, i.e. excluding non-fully-vaccinated completely and requiring tests from fully vaccinated (sometimes alternatively wearing a mask was sufficient, or having received the 3rd shot in the last 3 months). 3G on public transport and for work finally was removed in early May only.

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3G testing bias is a good point, how soon I forget. I think this can be some of it but not all of it

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would be interesting to test that hypothesis

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And don't forget that with most school kids being unvaccinated, the mass testing of school kids in winter was always going to favour the vaccinated incidence.

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Even worse. When my kid tested positive, together with me, I only got a call for the kid so the data could be collected, probably as likely not vaccinated. I found out that I had been marked unreachable - bad phone number - even as they were calling me on the same line. They are cheating on the data collection level, because this is very difficult to detect.

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This is an excellent explanation and comparison. Thank you for your amazing work.

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They are hiding the hospitalisation rates per vaccination status from the RKI reports but the truth is coming out from everywhere. El Gato

also has a nice piece on the infection rates

showing the increased infection rates in time that can only be explained by the mass vaccinations. The damm will eventually brake. Thank you for poking holes in it!

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It’s breaking. The writing is on the wall. I’m sad this happened after my 3 and 5 year old niece and nephew were vaxxed (and the 5 year old boosted.)

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BA.5. is quietly hitting the USA now and I expect a similar result in where cases are going to happen the next 2 months.Interesting that we are basically acting like we should have in the Summer of 2020.A small percentage of die hard maskers and the vaccine program is completely dead.I have tentatively plans for a visit to Rhode Island in late August,the problem is they have the highest vaccination rate in almost all the USA and Providence is almost 99% vaxed (insane home of Brown University and where our current Corona overlord was head of Medical administration studies -Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH, ),I don’t even know if I be allowed to attend convention because they are Vax-tards running it.I kind of wanted to be there to witness narrative collapse and just be in a city that insane when it happens.All the other problems of liberal  eschatology prophecy failure are happening as well, January 6th hearings are a joke ,the abortion decision took away their sacred rate.Really interesting times in USA ,mostly because of the last flames of liberty are built into our DNA and it’s getting plenty of fuel for the fire now.

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Can’t wait to hear the myriad explanations produced through cognitive dissonance.

Occam’s Razor says it’s the jabs that did it.

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My daughter's 2 roommates caught the SARS-2 virus 2 years ago but my daughter didn't and she had not been vaccinated. But then she drank the kool-aid and got vaccinated with the mRna variety and then got boosted and boosted again. Yesterday she learned that she caught the virus. She actually went to a doctor to get the Paxlovid medication but fortunately the doctor refused to give it to her. Another hopeless case but in my family unfortunately.

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The magic of fake covid testing. These medical terrorists can create anything involving fake viruses and their fake variants and the public eats it up...hook, line and mRNA injection.

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Saddened me to see ex-Soviet Baltic and Balkan states fully embrace COVID authoritarianism - they ought to have known better.

If Poland is going to be butt-hurt over Communism 30 years later, and constantly poke Russia, they could at least show they've learned something from it all.

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The fact that this: "In summary: Lower vaccine uptake in the former DDR led to higher rates of natural immunity as infections surged in the Delta wave of Fall 2021." is now a controversial thing so say shows how ridiculous the situation is. Everybody would have understood this logic two years ago.

In fact, if I was pro injection I would embrace it still and say that is the risk-benefit analysis people had to make. Get covid and get immunity (or die) or get vaccinated and don't get (proper) immunity but also lower your risk of death.

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And increase the risk of irreversible damage to your immune system.

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That too. Point is the discussion should have always been short term benefits vs. long term risks/downsides. Even now, I would still advise people of a certain age to get injected (not boosted obviously, boosting is ridiculous). My choice was to not get injected, understanding that I could die if the odds were against me. I finally got covid two weeks ago (two days without appetite and an evening with a slight fever) and now (probably) got immunity.

Everybody used to understand this logic, but that has all changed now.

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You mean 'Get vaccinated and lower your risk of death...at least at first.'

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Having spent a good chunk of time with Pfizer Clinical Trial documents pried loose by court ordered FOIA compliance it is impossible to argue the jabs have ever been shown to reduce deaths. The small windows of rapidly waning efficacy and high number of serious adverse events were so far off the charts & clearly unsafe and ineffective they jabbed the control group to hide the evidence.

Take a gander at the serious adverse events listed from page 25-38 Pfizer Trial archive.. nine pages single spaced in alphabetical order.. just what they knew before roll out!


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Yes, all across the board they ended up jabbing the placebo/control group to hide evidence & they’re still doing it, most recently in approving for 6 month to 5 years

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Pretty interesting. Although in this part of world lower covid rates partly explainable by people losing interest in submitting to officially sanctioned procedures: vaccinating and testing for coronaviruses (i just had what felt like a common cold, stayed in bed for a day, recovered and happened to have a test kit I'd found lying around my worksite and tried it out just for lols - result was a positive . My supposed coronavirus case won't appear in any database.)

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Couldn't this be a function of the most vulnerable, and hence most prone to (re)infection, being disproportionately killed off as dry tinder in the December 2021 Delta surge in lower vaccinated East Germany? While more vulnerable perhaps were more spared in West Germany leading now to a more robust East German population with proportionately less vulnerable per capita?

i.e. if you survived that delta wave in Dec in 2021 you're naturally going to be more resilient against omicron?

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Terrific analysis for Corona incidence. One would expect excess mortality to follow a similar regional pattern based on the temporal patterns for Germany as a whole. Is regional excess mortality data available?

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Awesome point. It is the one number they have the hardest time "adjusting" or "fixing" LOL.

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A little antigenic imprinting from worthless jabs and viola, common cold viruses become near-lethal to the jabbed.

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So Geert Van den Bossche is right? Vaccinated people are in trouble?

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The face-plants of Expertism wouldn't talk about it... but Geert did. And this as the CDC's Wolensky gleefully informed the public that parents should vaccinate infants as young as 6 months. God help us if Geert is right.

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