Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius
It is also important to note that the boosted have very low rates because of the statistical malpractice of not counting them as such until two weeks after the shot. (El Gato Malo among others has some posts on it.)
On one foot, what happens is that a boosted individual gets sick before the 2 week mark, he is counted as "unboosted", skewing the results - making vaxxed, but not boosted looking worse, and those who are boosted better. This is especially true with very high infection rates, when a large proportion of people gets sick within those 2 weeks.
[Actually, I just saw a similar comment already made, but still keeping this one]
added an update about this: this plausibly accounts for the very high rates of infection in the younger double-vaxxed, but the oldest cohorts were boosted in november, and are long since outside of the 14-day window.
This doesn't just apply to 'boosted'. Some one with one or two shots will be counted as unvaxxed or partially vaxxed for this period also. I've never heard of this wait period before for a vaccine. Is this a new thing specifically brought in for this jab or has it been in place previously does anyone know?
As far as I understand it is a new thing specifically for this jab. And considering that Pharma people have top-notch statisticians it is deliberate. El Gato just posted on the subject again, with a reference to someone who went through Alberta data and found the smoking gun:
ALL numbers used during the panic are cooked and have been since the beginning.. Only for covid have the healthy been tested. Only for Covid is just a single positive result enough the be counted as a case to be used for policy. Only for Covid have we included those who died WITH a disease with those who have died OF that disease.
THose are just the ones I remember, probably more that I forgot and others I do not know about. It is all garbage. It is important that we have it documented as these folks are doing, but what are we going to do about it?
If this is your understanding of healthcare, I get why you are upset.
The truth is that we test a lot of healthy people for a lot of different things. Healthy people get mammograms, screening colonoscopies, and pap smears. Blood donors are typically quite healthy, but we still test their blood for viral hepatitis, HIV, Chagas disease, etc. The CDC recommends testing for Hep C in anyone over the age of 18, at least once in their lifetime. Those who are pregnant are tested for STDs and other diseases that could effect the newborn. We take blood pressure frequently to check for hypertension. We do routine cultures for MRSA to see if a person is colonized and there is the potential for spread of a difficult to treat bacterium. The aim is to prevent future problems. The goal of screening for Covid is to prevent future infections in others.
Testing for COVID is actually similar to other diseases. The saying in medicine is that you always consider the clinical picture. A person with a positive antigen results and covid-related symptoms has a high probability of having covid. A person who tests positive with the antigen test but doesn't have symptoms should get a PCR to confirm. Viral hepatitis, HIV, flu have similar antibody-based tests and PCR tests, but there are PCRs for a wide variety of diseases. PCR has been the target of a lot of misinformation, but it has been used for decades in viruses and other diseases. Its use is validated with other tests, including viral cultures (attempting to grow the virus in chicken eggs or other media, which is awful, time-consuming, has poor yield, and is now rarely done), antibody tests, biopsies, etc.
The allegation that most people are dying with covid rather than of covid ignores how complicated the dying process is. A person with covid may develop pneumonia (typically affects both lungs and looks different than bacterial pneumonia on imaging), develop respiratory failure and require oxygen/ventilation, before ultimately succumbing to a heart attack. A death certificate should list all of these events, as well as existing lung or heart disease that might have contributed. The lack of additional information on the death certificate (i.e. covid is the only thing listed) is more indicative of incomplete reporting than the virus's role in the death.
It's true that future generations are going to be upset with us, but that has more to do with communication and politics than it does with the medicine being practiced.
All fluff. Never before have we tied to test each and every person whether they have symptoms of anything at all or not as was attempted in the US for Covid. I live in Japan where I had more blood samples drawn and tests run in my first 5 years here than I had in the previous 25 combined living in the States. They test for everything on every single doctors visit. And they have not tested at anywhere the same level as in the States. As one example, I have never been tested for flu in my entire time in the US. My son is tested for flu every single time he has a cough. Yet we do not see the massive long lines everywhere of people waiting to get tested for Covid. I do for people to get the shot/s, but not the test. The argument over from and with is certainly valid. Dr. Birx stated that they’re were excited to be able to combine both groups in their count for the first time. The US is counting Covid deaths differently than it counts other causes of death. We never used to count every person who was already on their death bed for other reasons before catching the flu as a flu death to be reported on the nightly news and used to put restrictive policies in place.
Yes, blood donors are tested for various thing when they go in too donate blood. We do not go around testing one and all just in case they might at some time in the future be included to donate blood.
We actually would count flu deaths that way, and then estimate the total flu burden based on those counts (because as is your personal experience, not everyone is tested for flu). Someone who is sick enough to be "on their deathbed" is not going to handle a respiratory virus well.
Pandemic flus have certainly had similar restrictive policies. Masks were mandated in 1918, lockdowns were enforced, people were vaccinated (albeit with an ineffective vaccine that probably targeted the secondary bacterial infections flu). There were conspiracy theories that it was a biological weapon created by the Germans. There were also antivaxxers, who used anti-establishment sentiment generated by those measures, to repeal the school smallpox vaccine mandates. It lasted a couple months, at least in Seattle, before smallpox outbreaks prompted the reinstitution of the mandate.
The for/with argument falls apart when you look at excess deaths. Deaths were 20% higher over 2021 in the US, and the peaks correlate with covid cases. They cannot be accounted for by "deaths of despair" like suicides and overdoses. They do not track with vaccinations.
You are basing your conclusions on a limited personal experience with the healthcare system, a poor understanding of medicine, and ignorance of history, all of which are pretty common unfortunately.
The two-weeks was a thing before Covid, especially with the flu shot. It is the upper-limit of time it takes for the body to activate the humoral (delayed) immune system. It is not mentioned with most vaccines because they are given routinely for diseases that have been suppressed by herd immunity. Your odds of being exposed to measles in the two-week window after immunization are negligible, so why mention it?
The delay is also well established for the first dose of the Covid vaccines if you look at RCTs. Both Moderna and Pfizer are open-access at the New England Journal of Medicine website. The data are presented as the cumulative event rate vs days since randomization. The Pfizer data (BNT162b2) in particular clearly show that the incidence of infection diverges at 11 days post-vaccination. Prior to that, unvaccinated and vaccinated groups had similar rates of infection. It is less clear if the delay is necessary for the booster or 2nd dose when the body has previously been exposed and responds more quickly, but that is the basis of the two-week period.
It is also important that these studies were placebo controlled. People change their behavior after being vaccinated as they perceive a lower risk. Anecdotally, I know of multiple families that went out to dinner at a restaurant to celebrate getting the first dose of the vaccine after several months of eating at home. The advantage of RCTs is that they control for changes in behavior.
almost no first or second doses were administered in the 20 Dec. to 16 Jan. time-frame, except in the under-18s, so that can't really be at issue here.
The sharp spike of deaths post-vaccine occur within the first two days. Half of post-vax deaths are within the first two days and 80% within the first week. Including that group in an "unvaccinated" label is how Biden, et al, got to wail about a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," when it was more like a pandemic of the not-yet-2-week vaccinated.
How quickly do you think your body can build antibodies? One second? One minute? Ohe hour? One day? A week?
There is ALWAYS a time lag.
Two weeks seems a bit long. From my experience I had a mild reaction within about 36 hours of getting the Moderna shot, and the 'illness' lasted about 3 days until I broke out in the typical rash I get whenever I am over a cold or other virus. So it seems a few days is the likely lag time. Two weeks may be 'an abundance of caution' since some people may react more slowly than others.
The point with statistical malpractice is this, to use an outlandish example: suppose the jab killed 50% of the people within the first 2 weeks, but whoever survived would never get sick. Then the jab would have a 100% efficacy under this method.
Statistical malpractice more accurately describes using raw observational data to reach the conclusions in this blog and comments. Pretty sure the source of the data cautions against such use, not because of an attempt to hide anything, but because that analysis is going to be flawed by limitations in the data. Such data can serve as an impetus for further investigation but they are inadequate in establishing causality or showing efficacy.
Kaplan-Meier curves plot cumulative events (or survival) vs. time and were used in the RCTs. They typically start after randomization and would not be susceptible to this type of "statistical malpractice". In fact, they would make it obvious. Instead, they show that the infection rate is similar to the placebo group up until around day 11.
I also think, by the time you have got to the booster stage, you have filtered out a lot of people who would be susceptible to the spike protein. There will be a few who will still fall ill but they are an unnatural group. That is until ADE or OAS.
That depends. I have been trying hard to get everyone of my children who have agreed to take the jab in order to retain employment to a.) stop physical exertion for 14 days following the jab and b.) to take 325 mg of ASA to reduce platelet agglutination for the 14 days or more post booster (starting the day before). It would not be unusual for many over 50 to be taking low dose ASA routinely so the spike protein might not be as big a problem for these people...more by accident than on purpose.
Old fashioned Acetasalicylic Acid...Aspirin. Been used for years to reduce clotting. Shown in retrospective studies to reduce death from Covid by 46-48%.
Begs the question that with each successive booster plus five to eight months of time, if the outcome for those immune systems gets even worse. In other words, will the people currently with three shots be in even worse shape than the two shots gang six months from now.
So basically: is the vaccine wreaking havoc on your immune system and giving you short-term protection at the expense of increasing overall susceptibility in the long run? To maintain a base level of protection you'd have to boost every 20 weeks, which is unrealistic and absurd.
Why I stayed out of the vax program. At first it was just the instinctive caution of a feral animal, but then the more I learned about it the more it confirmed my sense that it was a trap.
And the spikes are present up to a year, so cumulative damage is also likely if you get hot batches (not saline). So first round is a .22lr, second a .38 special, third a .45acp etc.... At some point fusion is involved....
One ray of hope is that the suppression of the innate immune systems in the vaccinated will end after the vaccine uptake ends, allowing more robust protection that specific antibodies along. I hope.
Not if OAS is a thing... There were a bunch of articles on how that might not be the case due to incorrect priming of the immune system with these specific poison needles. We will find out in any case...
We could have known most of this ahead of time with proper longer term trials. But that would have meant that these fake vaccines would have never been approved at all.
As a business model, it emulates heroin addiction.
Initially you get to go to Nirvana without a care in the world. You're free.
Then that boost starts to get shorter and smaller, and withdrawl starts to get worse, and worse, and worse.
Then you no longer get any thing at all from it, except a brief release from withdrawal pains.
And then you die, due to pretty much using anything you can get your hand on, you body wasted from abuse, malnourishment and dirt and disease.
So cause of death gets misattributed just as it is with Covid and "vaccines".
And someone who is on heroin does absolutely anything to get it. What would you or me do, to get that syringe full of vaccine which keeps us alive for another couple of weeks? Especially if we know, that without it even a common cold might take us out.
Not claiming that's The One Plan To Rule Them All, but that's what it's starting to look like.
It's far worse than the Horse. Nobody gets a fucking tattoo of their heroin dealer on their shoulder. Heroin addicts also don't actively hunt down their own children to inject them. These toxic stabs are more of a baptism ritual into the Covidian faith. Like a violent gang initiation there is expected (and likely desired) pain and danger associated with this ritual. At my workplace you can get 5 days of free sick time if you get the baptism boosters since they know many people get very ill. That's insane! But here we are.
I think it's a smart calculation. Have you considered taking counteractive measures? I have my father on nattokinase and rutin (as well as a bunch of other supplements like NAC and ALA) because I suspected microcoagulation/clotting. I quickly cured the neuropathy in his fingers.
I think you should look into getting all available repurposed drug treatments just in case, there is negative efficacy among unboosted.. so having those meds ready to take early will be important if you do get sick: www.flccc.net -> I-mask protocol
If the path is one of dependency, with each successive dose being needed to counteract the immuno deficiency created hy the last, when is the right time to break the cycle? (Hint: three doses ago)
The maddening thing about the Insanity is that nobody really knows, since the science that is contrary to the mainstream religion is being suppressed.
Although I've read somewhere that there are contrarian papers that get published by tricking the referees with the orthodox abstracts and conclusions, while the meat of those papers contradicts those summaries.
The only sure thing is there's no sure things. It's the same here as in stock markets or neighborhood gossip. We get clues and opinions, stir in experience and instincts, and make decisions. We have plenty of info to base a choice of vax or no vax. We're fortunate that for most of us it's fairly low risk either way. Kind of like driving to the store. We might not make it home, but most of us do.
El Gato Malo has done good work on this recently in regard to bayesian fallacies. Short version: triple vaxxed is shot +2 weeks and the shots increase susceptibility in those 2 weeks, so the most recent shot is going to hide its negative efficiency in the previous cohort.
It's no wonder they're hiding 2 shot data, their own rigged statistics sacrifice 2 dose efficiency in the name of boosters. Not that 2 shot is very efficient to begin with
Ah yeah very true. This theory can help explain the case rate chart, but it doesn't explain the death rates in geezs.
So the more congruent explanation: vaccination leaves you more susceptible to Omicron, but a boost provides temporary protection. Very fun neverending cycle.
The death rate in the higher age group is easily explained - they were going to die anyway even if they were pumped full of vaccine, because that is what old people do… they die. Maybe the vaccine itself depressed their immune systems but they were gonners anyway.
The whole vaccination narrative is ‘saving lives’ of ‘The Vulnerable’. But the vulnerable are vulnerable for a reason, they have only a few months left on the life clock, so their lives are no more saved than the life of someone pushed out of the path of a speeding car, only to be hit by a speeding car coming in the opposite direction.
And that narrative - protect ‘The Vulnerable’ - is used to pressure/coerce the not-vulnerable, particularly the young, into getting vaccination for whom it can have no personal benefit.
The only reason for this must be mercenary to provide the pharmas with a cash windfall. I am convinced they were promised this in return for coming up with a vaccine (whether effective or not) to get the political class out of the hole they had dug for themselves… and the rest of us. Recall the Pig ‘Flu ‘crisis’ that didn’t emerge and the pharmas and Governments were left with big stocks of unused vaccines because nobody wanted to be vaccinated in the light of the non-epidemic. Costly.
We wont get caught out again! So.
This time the frightners were put on the masses, the emotional blackmail quite shameless, to ensure high vaccine uptake and that nobody lost money or political face.
The apparent lack of effectiveness - which such as it is is short-lived - rather than being the failure it is in practice, is a huge success for the pharmas who can look forward to ongoing sales of boosters every few months in what has become an Everdemic.
Which happens first? a) we run out of letters in the Greek alphabet OR b) we run out of live immuno-compromised human lab rats to boost somewhere between Epsilon and Phi...
Need to look into this more... el gato and Joel Smalley are looking at the instances of infection by the number of days since vaccination. And the data seems to be showing that 47% of ALL cases recorded are occurring within 14 days of vaxx. This is as of Jan 13, 2022, so it doesn't primarily matter what demographic this is occurring in. But the data set shows no indication of when these cases are occurring, ie. daily, weekly or for some set time period. I think the question you're asking is 'how far back does this go, all the way to the start of the vaxx programs?
Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius
Like I said before, previously infected show high levels of N, M and S antibodies. If you hyper-train your immune system to only react to S (especially the old, wildtype one) then you're going to have an inefficient response compared to a more general immune response of naive subjects.
They're going to keep these statistics in the public spotlight for years even as this thing is endemic, so people remain on edge and always leaning towards daddy government for assurances. They never did for Spanish flu, Asian flu or hk flu. People shrugged. Life went on. They can't let that happen anymore.
I'm thinking about this from a New Zealand perspective. Where we have essentially no prior exposure to COVID due to our particularly large moat and a high 2 shot vaccination rate (92% of eligible population >11ys) .
From early on I was concerned that the shots would become a hamster wheel with extremely low durability that seems to halve after each shot. Ultimately now getting off the hamster wheel leaves you in a worse position than never getting on it in the first place. But the hamster wheel can't go on forever and getting off sooner rather than later is a hard but necessary discussion to be having.
Meanwhile here in the land of the hobbits our Govt is doubling down with a 5-11yr vaccination program kicked off this week and a big push on boosters. Many here having no exposure to the realities of this virus are still fully hypnotized a believe that we are in a good position for the arrival of omicron due to our high vaccination rate.
Inversely I believe we are sailing straight into a storm while simultaneously drilling holes in the bottom of the boat.
We need to be careful of the rationale behind these results.
I’m convinced now that these vaccines never did work. By defining “vaccinated” as 14 days after your second shot, any negative outcomes get thrown in the “unvaxxed” bucket. For the longest time, those with 2 shots have been salting the unvaxxed bucket. Now 3 shots is implicitly salting the 2 shot bucket.
We have had extremely limited access to the country. All arrivals got to a managed isolation facility on arrival. The most likely mechanism for Omicron to enter the country is from staff at one of the facilities. This appears to be happening as I type this with cases starting to appear in the community.
The government has effectively shut the borders. Anyone coming has to be vaxxed and have a booked quarantine place before they can enter the country. This applies to citizens wanting to return. Places are limited and bookings are currently suspended, a step that was announced via a government tweet recently. There are some cases of Omicron but it is not widespread.
Earlier in the piece, Kiwis overseas were encouraged to come home. I can't remember the timeline. There's normally a lot of travelling between NZ and Australia for work, visiting family, holidays etc. Last year, restrictions were loosened for a period of time and people left here to visit family etc and then the govt here tightened restrictions again so they can't come home! A group are taking the government to court over it. Yes, we have been described as the hermit kingdom. Many people here still adore our PM and believe she has saved them from certain death. If you work for the government (can work from home) or are well off/retired things are sweet for you. Too bad about small businesses many which are bankrupt and the tourist trade which is on it's knees.
"This is plainly a pandemic of the vaccinated." Don't you think this should read:
"This is plainly a pandemic of the vaccine." instead?
Now, I'm not any kind of boffin regards to stuff like this, but it seems to my eyes that the claim that the "vaccines" are the cause of the disease is starting to sound plausible.
If that proves to be true...well. The fate of Ceaucescu comes to mind.
Just a quick question: is the 3vaxx population anyone who got the third dose >14 days prior? Could some of the high case rates in the 2vaxx population be the result of contracting covid during the 14-day window post-booster?
Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022Liked by eugyppius
Similar in Ontario. The categories are "unvaccinated," "partially vaccinated" (which means 1 dose of a two-dose series) and "fully vaccinated" (which means at least two doses but doesn't distinguish between 2,3,4....). I suspect this is because the efficacy of the two-dose series was undeniably plummeting in December. Lumping the boosted in with the unboosted has done a good job of disguising that fact.
Actually, partially vaccinated is defined as 2 weeks after dose #1 until 2 weeks after dose #2. That way the 14 days post booster #3 during which the recipient is immuno-suppressed and more susceptible to infection is effectively allocated into the double vaxxed category, making efficacy look even worse. (Also, unvaccinated includes up until 14 days after the 1st booster)
Given this analysis, and the underlying (and obvious) data, it amazes me that anti-vaccination scapegoating has been sustained for as long as it has. However, believe me, in the U.S. it still rages, strong and hard. (Who needs data, when you have The Narrative™?)
so i'm double vaxxed and not boosted. Am I SOL? An argument could be made form this that whether I like it or not I should get on the booster treadmill. Any chance they could break this down if my odds get better the further I get away from my last shot?
And another question, and probably more important, are we so focused on Covid that we're missing other illnesses that are taking advantage of a dysregulated immune system?
Fear that at some point these underlying conditions are going to rear their ugly head
Remember the reports of a so-called ‘super-cold’ going around in the UK a few months after the first 2 rounds of mass vaccination, for example. I have also seen a lot of anecdotal evidence (both online, and in my private network) of strange and suspicious recurring lung infections that were not attributable to Covid-19. For example, the double-jabbed father of close friend ended up in the hospital twice in 2 months with a bacterial lung infection, out of nowhere.
Not hard evidence, I know, but it seems like a very plausible hypothesis that a disturbed immune system could lead to higher susceptibility for other viral & bacterial infections…
Could relate to mask wear; I recall a presentation to a US school board where a parent set out their case. Warmer mouth and less expulsion of biofilm in exhaled breath due to obstruction by the mask
If 2 shots=NEGATIVE EFFICACY (vaccine enhanced disease through OAS or ADE or other), how much do you think 3 shots will help? Just a hunch but I would expect that trend to continue and the abyss gets deeper fairly quickly.
No you are not SOL. Keep healthy, get fresh air. Stay away from sick people but geez, get out, be exposed, keep a clean healthy diet, get loads of sleep
If the indications of these stats are in fact reality, then I would avoid the booster if at all possible. Get off the treadmill immediately, there is no reason to think that a booster would do more than give you another few weeks of protection in exchange for possibly longer term immune deficiency. Hopefully it will repair itself long term in most people.
Best early treatment for a suppressed immune system would be to discontinue the immune suppressor - more gene therapy - and you said you have got off that wagon. So next step is a focus on health - exercise, whole food, sleep, learn to be a happy person, learn stress management techniques, identify your stressors and work to remove them, meditate, get in the sun if you are lucky enough to live where there is sun, test for nutritional deficiencies and internal stressors (digestive infections, environmental toxins, genetic weaknesses) and supplement the gaps. And use this as a catalyst to put the Covid scam beyond you, no more complying with government. Sorry will sound patronising and dismissive of your concerns but it’s about turning a bad situation into a good situation and coming out the other side better for it.
And take Vitamins C & D3 regularly, along with zinc. At a minimum. And cut way back on sugar and inflammation-producing industrial seed oils (canola, cottonseed, soybean, 'vegetable' oil, etc.).
Do not get boostered unless you have chronic respiratory problems, or diabetes. My hubbs decided to get jabbed last Spring '21 bc he had had open heart surgery the year previous. Yeah, I think it was good he got it.... I think. He is not obese or tubby or sickly, but he is a person that gets bronchial symptoms if he gets sick. So, the past year has been good for him. He did not get the booster and will not be getting it.
I have to add here. Hubbs and I have our own doctor. They know us. we have been regular patients for 20+ years. Hubbs doc advised him to not get the booster. So if you have a doctor that you trust. TALK to them. Share your thoughts
The last three times I got the flu it kicked my ass for a week. Which made me extra jumpy in 2020. But I've fared better since my kids have gotten older and I've been more mindful of my health
Look to early treatment protocol if you decide not to get boosted or you do. I have all the info on my newsletter and links, if interested, my one and only substack post thus far but I thought it maybe helpful for people. I just had Omi, lasted a day and half and I just felt a bit more tired than usual for a few days. (I'm not vaccinated though and middle aged)!
Eugyppius, I came across this defense of the UKHSA data today: “The source data has rate per 100k. That means per 100k of that age group not per 100k vaxxed or per 100k unvaxxed.” Given UKHSA’s myriad of excuses around confounders while trying to disappear the awkward data I’m not inclined to believe this defense. But I can’t find evidence of UKHSA’s methodology. Are you able to shed any light on this?
I know, this comes up every time I post this, but it's wrong. It would be pointless, mathematically, to use rates in this way. You would just give raw numbers.
The rates per 100k are rates per 100k vaccinated vs. per 100k unvaccinated, and you can tell this even from the way the UKHSA label their graphs and from the many excuses they offer for this awkward data in their footnotes.
There is absolutely no surprise in any of this. When you treat an experimental mRNA injection like it was the same as drinking kool-aid, you are going to get an endless cascade of various health issues and even deaths, as we are seeing. Without effective trials, longer term studies and proper assimilation of reliable data, there can never be any sound application for these injections or any drug for that matter.
We have allowed big pharma to just inject the world for their own profit and not to save any lives or improve the health of the world. This is beyond criminal and big pharma now needs to be thoroughly dismantled and those responsible thrown into prison for the rest of their lives...and be given the trashy drugs they market to us for profit.
Can we rephrase "we have allowed"? Although it is true, we should have been out in the streets since the beginning...but now people are out in the streets and we still allow our overlords to keep mandating these shots...and the MSM keeps echoing the koolaid, and people keep drinking it.
We are going to have a problem getting people to understand that if you drank the koolaid, you may now have wrecked your immune system...and then dealing with the ones who do wake up and are furious...
Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022Liked by eugyppius
Eugyppius- why do you say the rates on the first graph are unadjusted? I thought they were adjusted per 100k… do you simply mean that you have low confidence in the estimates of the total number of unvaccinated and therefore low confidence in the adjusted rate or am I missing something obvious…
it’s just a nod to the fact that these aren’t representative population samples, don’t account for demographic differences in vaxxed vs unvaxxed populations, etc. nobody is interested in providing that kind of data, so what we do have is imperfect.
Unsure how demographic differences would change the conclusion. Certainly seems reasonable to assume that demographics are buried in the data equally on both sides. Still, it is an assumption, I guess. Would be interested in hearing what a "representative population sample" would look like. If you have all the vaccinated and/or unvaccinated, that is all the data, regardless of the ultimate size of the population, no? Why would it matter?
It is also important to note that the boosted have very low rates because of the statistical malpractice of not counting them as such until two weeks after the shot. (El Gato Malo among others has some posts on it.)
On one foot, what happens is that a boosted individual gets sick before the 2 week mark, he is counted as "unboosted", skewing the results - making vaxxed, but not boosted looking worse, and those who are boosted better. This is especially true with very high infection rates, when a large proportion of people gets sick within those 2 weeks.
[Actually, I just saw a similar comment already made, but still keeping this one]
added an update about this: this plausibly accounts for the very high rates of infection in the younger double-vaxxed, but the oldest cohorts were boosted in november, and are long since outside of the 14-day window.
Wouldn't immune system fatigue be factoring for that cohort?
This doesn't just apply to 'boosted'. Some one with one or two shots will be counted as unvaxxed or partially vaxxed for this period also. I've never heard of this wait period before for a vaccine. Is this a new thing specifically brought in for this jab or has it been in place previously does anyone know?
As far as I understand it is a new thing specifically for this jab. And considering that Pharma people have top-notch statisticians it is deliberate. El Gato just posted on the subject again, with a reference to someone who went through Alberta data and found the smoking gun:
ALL numbers used during the panic are cooked and have been since the beginning.. Only for covid have the healthy been tested. Only for Covid is just a single positive result enough the be counted as a case to be used for policy. Only for Covid have we included those who died WITH a disease with those who have died OF that disease.
THose are just the ones I remember, probably more that I forgot and others I do not know about. It is all garbage. It is important that we have it documented as these folks are doing, but what are we going to do about it?
all true
>what are we going to do about it?
For now, never forgive, never forget, be honest with oneself.
I do not believe that the truth or justice always prevails. But if you do not forget and do not forgive, there is a better chance.
That is the most honest answer I have yet to receive to that question. Thank you.
If this is your understanding of healthcare, I get why you are upset.
The truth is that we test a lot of healthy people for a lot of different things. Healthy people get mammograms, screening colonoscopies, and pap smears. Blood donors are typically quite healthy, but we still test their blood for viral hepatitis, HIV, Chagas disease, etc. The CDC recommends testing for Hep C in anyone over the age of 18, at least once in their lifetime. Those who are pregnant are tested for STDs and other diseases that could effect the newborn. We take blood pressure frequently to check for hypertension. We do routine cultures for MRSA to see if a person is colonized and there is the potential for spread of a difficult to treat bacterium. The aim is to prevent future problems. The goal of screening for Covid is to prevent future infections in others.
Testing for COVID is actually similar to other diseases. The saying in medicine is that you always consider the clinical picture. A person with a positive antigen results and covid-related symptoms has a high probability of having covid. A person who tests positive with the antigen test but doesn't have symptoms should get a PCR to confirm. Viral hepatitis, HIV, flu have similar antibody-based tests and PCR tests, but there are PCRs for a wide variety of diseases. PCR has been the target of a lot of misinformation, but it has been used for decades in viruses and other diseases. Its use is validated with other tests, including viral cultures (attempting to grow the virus in chicken eggs or other media, which is awful, time-consuming, has poor yield, and is now rarely done), antibody tests, biopsies, etc.
The allegation that most people are dying with covid rather than of covid ignores how complicated the dying process is. A person with covid may develop pneumonia (typically affects both lungs and looks different than bacterial pneumonia on imaging), develop respiratory failure and require oxygen/ventilation, before ultimately succumbing to a heart attack. A death certificate should list all of these events, as well as existing lung or heart disease that might have contributed. The lack of additional information on the death certificate (i.e. covid is the only thing listed) is more indicative of incomplete reporting than the virus's role in the death.
It's true that future generations are going to be upset with us, but that has more to do with communication and politics than it does with the medicine being practiced.
All fluff. Never before have we tied to test each and every person whether they have symptoms of anything at all or not as was attempted in the US for Covid. I live in Japan where I had more blood samples drawn and tests run in my first 5 years here than I had in the previous 25 combined living in the States. They test for everything on every single doctors visit. And they have not tested at anywhere the same level as in the States. As one example, I have never been tested for flu in my entire time in the US. My son is tested for flu every single time he has a cough. Yet we do not see the massive long lines everywhere of people waiting to get tested for Covid. I do for people to get the shot/s, but not the test. The argument over from and with is certainly valid. Dr. Birx stated that they’re were excited to be able to combine both groups in their count for the first time. The US is counting Covid deaths differently than it counts other causes of death. We never used to count every person who was already on their death bed for other reasons before catching the flu as a flu death to be reported on the nightly news and used to put restrictive policies in place.
Yes, blood donors are tested for various thing when they go in too donate blood. We do not go around testing one and all just in case they might at some time in the future be included to donate blood.
Your examples do not fit the situation.
We actually would count flu deaths that way, and then estimate the total flu burden based on those counts (because as is your personal experience, not everyone is tested for flu). Someone who is sick enough to be "on their deathbed" is not going to handle a respiratory virus well.
Pandemic flus have certainly had similar restrictive policies. Masks were mandated in 1918, lockdowns were enforced, people were vaccinated (albeit with an ineffective vaccine that probably targeted the secondary bacterial infections flu). There were conspiracy theories that it was a biological weapon created by the Germans. There were also antivaxxers, who used anti-establishment sentiment generated by those measures, to repeal the school smallpox vaccine mandates. It lasted a couple months, at least in Seattle, before smallpox outbreaks prompted the reinstitution of the mandate.
The for/with argument falls apart when you look at excess deaths. Deaths were 20% higher over 2021 in the US, and the peaks correlate with covid cases. They cannot be accounted for by "deaths of despair" like suicides and overdoses. They do not track with vaccinations.
You are basing your conclusions on a limited personal experience with the healthcare system, a poor understanding of medicine, and ignorance of history, all of which are pretty common unfortunately.
Thanks. The two week wait sounded unusual to me but I didn't want to assume that this was the case.
The two-weeks was a thing before Covid, especially with the flu shot. It is the upper-limit of time it takes for the body to activate the humoral (delayed) immune system. It is not mentioned with most vaccines because they are given routinely for diseases that have been suppressed by herd immunity. Your odds of being exposed to measles in the two-week window after immunization are negligible, so why mention it?
The delay is also well established for the first dose of the Covid vaccines if you look at RCTs. Both Moderna and Pfizer are open-access at the New England Journal of Medicine website. The data are presented as the cumulative event rate vs days since randomization. The Pfizer data (BNT162b2) in particular clearly show that the incidence of infection diverges at 11 days post-vaccination. Prior to that, unvaccinated and vaccinated groups had similar rates of infection. It is less clear if the delay is necessary for the booster or 2nd dose when the body has previously been exposed and responds more quickly, but that is the basis of the two-week period.
It is also important that these studies were placebo controlled. People change their behavior after being vaccinated as they perceive a lower risk. Anecdotally, I know of multiple families that went out to dinner at a restaurant to celebrate getting the first dose of the vaccine after several months of eating at home. The advantage of RCTs is that they control for changes in behavior.
I want to like you comment but it won't let me. Thanks for this information.
almost no first or second doses were administered in the 20 Dec. to 16 Jan. time-frame, except in the under-18s, so that can't really be at issue here.
If it defies understanding, it was brought in with this Jab.
The sharp spike of deaths post-vaccine occur within the first two days. Half of post-vax deaths are within the first two days and 80% within the first week. Including that group in an "unvaccinated" label is how Biden, et al, got to wail about a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," when it was more like a pandemic of the not-yet-2-week vaccinated.
Horribly deceptive.
How quickly do you think your body can build antibodies? One second? One minute? Ohe hour? One day? A week?
There is ALWAYS a time lag.
Two weeks seems a bit long. From my experience I had a mild reaction within about 36 hours of getting the Moderna shot, and the 'illness' lasted about 3 days until I broke out in the typical rash I get whenever I am over a cold or other virus. So it seems a few days is the likely lag time. Two weeks may be 'an abundance of caution' since some people may react more slowly than others.
Not sure what point you are trying to make.
The point with statistical malpractice is this, to use an outlandish example: suppose the jab killed 50% of the people within the first 2 weeks, but whoever survived would never get sick. Then the jab would have a 100% efficacy under this method.
Statistical malpractice more accurately describes using raw observational data to reach the conclusions in this blog and comments. Pretty sure the source of the data cautions against such use, not because of an attempt to hide anything, but because that analysis is going to be flawed by limitations in the data. Such data can serve as an impetus for further investigation but they are inadequate in establishing causality or showing efficacy.
Kaplan-Meier curves plot cumulative events (or survival) vs. time and were used in the RCTs. They typically start after randomization and would not be susceptible to this type of "statistical malpractice". In fact, they would make it obvious. Instead, they show that the infection rate is similar to the placebo group up until around day 11.
How about using inadequate data to enforce lockdowns and all the rest?
There is always a time lag. That's my point. Your comment is irrelevant to that. But, yes, some people misuse statistics.
I also think, by the time you have got to the booster stage, you have filtered out a lot of people who would be susceptible to the spike protein. There will be a few who will still fall ill but they are an unnatural group. That is until ADE or OAS.
That depends. I have been trying hard to get everyone of my children who have agreed to take the jab in order to retain employment to a.) stop physical exertion for 14 days following the jab and b.) to take 325 mg of ASA to reduce platelet agglutination for the 14 days or more post booster (starting the day before). It would not be unusual for many over 50 to be taking low dose ASA routinely so the spike protein might not be as big a problem for these people...more by accident than on purpose.
What is ASA?
Old fashioned Acetasalicylic Acid...Aspirin. Been used for years to reduce clotting. Shown in retrospective studies to reduce death from Covid by 46-48%.
Begs the question that with each successive booster plus five to eight months of time, if the outcome for those immune systems gets even worse. In other words, will the people currently with three shots be in even worse shape than the two shots gang six months from now.
So basically: is the vaccine wreaking havoc on your immune system and giving you short-term protection at the expense of increasing overall susceptibility in the long run? To maintain a base level of protection you'd have to boost every 20 weeks, which is unrealistic and absurd.
Right, but you won't tend to survive the Russian Roulette Clottery boosting that often. Eventually the adverse effects either kill or cripple you.
This is the saddest part. You still have to play Russian Roulette, but each time there's one less chamber and still one bullet.
Or to use another analogy, you are in a railway tunnel running away from a train and at each step it gets a little closer.
(spoiler: there is no end to the tunnel.)
Isn’t this truly a pandemic strategy made in hell?
Yup---but only to those who keep submitting to more vaxxes. Those who are unvaxxed are not even in the tunnel.
Why I stayed out of the vax program. At first it was just the instinctive caution of a feral animal, but then the more I learned about it the more it confirmed my sense that it was a trap.
Oh....we're still in the tunnel my pureblood friend... But at the very least we die on our own terms.
Langley, VA more than likely.
And the spikes are present up to a year, so cumulative damage is also likely if you get hot batches (not saline). So first round is a .22lr, second a .38 special, third a .45acp etc.... At some point fusion is involved....
One ray of hope is that the suppression of the innate immune systems in the vaccinated will end after the vaccine uptake ends, allowing more robust protection that specific antibodies along. I hope.
Not if OAS is a thing... There were a bunch of articles on how that might not be the case due to incorrect priming of the immune system with these specific poison needles. We will find out in any case...
We could have known most of this ahead of time with proper longer term trials. But that would have meant that these fake vaccines would have never been approved at all.
As a business model, it emulates heroin addiction.
Initially you get to go to Nirvana without a care in the world. You're free.
Then that boost starts to get shorter and smaller, and withdrawl starts to get worse, and worse, and worse.
Then you no longer get any thing at all from it, except a brief release from withdrawal pains.
And then you die, due to pretty much using anything you can get your hand on, you body wasted from abuse, malnourishment and dirt and disease.
So cause of death gets misattributed just as it is with Covid and "vaccines".
And someone who is on heroin does absolutely anything to get it. What would you or me do, to get that syringe full of vaccine which keeps us alive for another couple of weeks? Especially if we know, that without it even a common cold might take us out.
Not claiming that's The One Plan To Rule Them All, but that's what it's starting to look like.
It's far worse than the Horse. Nobody gets a fucking tattoo of their heroin dealer on their shoulder. Heroin addicts also don't actively hunt down their own children to inject them. These toxic stabs are more of a baptism ritual into the Covidian faith. Like a violent gang initiation there is expected (and likely desired) pain and danger associated with this ritual. At my workplace you can get 5 days of free sick time if you get the baptism boosters since they know many people get very ill. That's insane! But here we are.
I got double vaccinated before waking up. Even though these numbers look bad for me, I do think boosting will put me in a worse position in the future
Me too. I decided to get off the treadmill while the getting's good.
I think it's a smart calculation. Have you considered taking counteractive measures? I have my father on nattokinase and rutin (as well as a bunch of other supplements like NAC and ALA) because I suspected microcoagulation/clotting. I quickly cured the neuropathy in his fingers.
It has been several months since my second dose. I don’t believe I’ve experienced any side effects.
Do you think these supplements are still required?
I think you should look into getting all available repurposed drug treatments just in case, there is negative efficacy among unboosted.. so having those meds ready to take early will be important if you do get sick: www.flccc.net -> I-mask protocol
Not particularly fearful of Omicron but have vitamin D and Vitamin C et al, as backup
That is the very question on my lips
If the path is one of dependency, with each successive dose being needed to counteract the immuno deficiency created hy the last, when is the right time to break the cycle? (Hint: three doses ago)
Or is the deficiency cumulative?
The maddening thing about the Insanity is that nobody really knows, since the science that is contrary to the mainstream religion is being suppressed.
Although I've read somewhere that there are contrarian papers that get published by tricking the referees with the orthodox abstracts and conclusions, while the meat of those papers contradicts those summaries.
The only sure thing is there's no sure things. It's the same here as in stock markets or neighborhood gossip. We get clues and opinions, stir in experience and instincts, and make decisions. We have plenty of info to base a choice of vax or no vax. We're fortunate that for most of us it's fairly low risk either way. Kind of like driving to the store. We might not make it home, but most of us do.
Do we really know what the long term jab risk might be?
In an even wager I would bet that within the next 3-5 years there will be legitimate studies published that would address the risk analysis.
El Gato Malo has done good work on this recently in regard to bayesian fallacies. Short version: triple vaxxed is shot +2 weeks and the shots increase susceptibility in those 2 weeks, so the most recent shot is going to hide its negative efficiency in the previous cohort.
It's no wonder they're hiding 2 shot data, their own rigged statistics sacrifice 2 dose efficiency in the name of boosters. Not that 2 shot is very efficient to begin with
the 2+ week infection surge is a good explanation for some of the younger demos, but most of the olds were boosted back in november or earlier.
Ah yeah very true. This theory can help explain the case rate chart, but it doesn't explain the death rates in geezs.
So the more congruent explanation: vaccination leaves you more susceptible to Omicron, but a boost provides temporary protection. Very fun neverending cycle.
The death rate in the higher age group is easily explained - they were going to die anyway even if they were pumped full of vaccine, because that is what old people do… they die. Maybe the vaccine itself depressed their immune systems but they were gonners anyway.
The whole vaccination narrative is ‘saving lives’ of ‘The Vulnerable’. But the vulnerable are vulnerable for a reason, they have only a few months left on the life clock, so their lives are no more saved than the life of someone pushed out of the path of a speeding car, only to be hit by a speeding car coming in the opposite direction.
And that narrative - protect ‘The Vulnerable’ - is used to pressure/coerce the not-vulnerable, particularly the young, into getting vaccination for whom it can have no personal benefit.
The only reason for this must be mercenary to provide the pharmas with a cash windfall. I am convinced they were promised this in return for coming up with a vaccine (whether effective or not) to get the political class out of the hole they had dug for themselves… and the rest of us. Recall the Pig ‘Flu ‘crisis’ that didn’t emerge and the pharmas and Governments were left with big stocks of unused vaccines because nobody wanted to be vaccinated in the light of the non-epidemic. Costly.
We wont get caught out again! So.
This time the frightners were put on the masses, the emotional blackmail quite shameless, to ensure high vaccine uptake and that nobody lost money or political face.
The apparent lack of effectiveness - which such as it is is short-lived - rather than being the failure it is in practice, is a huge success for the pharmas who can look forward to ongoing sales of boosters every few months in what has become an Everdemic.
Which happens first? a) we run out of letters in the Greek alphabet OR b) we run out of live immuno-compromised human lab rats to boost somewhere between Epsilon and Phi...
Need to look into this more... el gato and Joel Smalley are looking at the instances of infection by the number of days since vaccination. And the data seems to be showing that 47% of ALL cases recorded are occurring within 14 days of vaxx. This is as of Jan 13, 2022, so it doesn't primarily matter what demographic this is occurring in. But the data set shows no indication of when these cases are occurring, ie. daily, weekly or for some set time period. I think the question you're asking is 'how far back does this go, all the way to the start of the vaxx programs?
Like I said before, previously infected show high levels of N, M and S antibodies. If you hyper-train your immune system to only react to S (especially the old, wildtype one) then you're going to have an inefficient response compared to a more general immune response of naive subjects.
They're going to keep these statistics in the public spotlight for years even as this thing is endemic, so people remain on edge and always leaning towards daddy government for assurances. They never did for Spanish flu, Asian flu or hk flu. People shrugged. Life went on. They can't let that happen anymore.
My my we really are in quite a pickle now.
I'm thinking about this from a New Zealand perspective. Where we have essentially no prior exposure to COVID due to our particularly large moat and a high 2 shot vaccination rate (92% of eligible population >11ys) .
From early on I was concerned that the shots would become a hamster wheel with extremely low durability that seems to halve after each shot. Ultimately now getting off the hamster wheel leaves you in a worse position than never getting on it in the first place. But the hamster wheel can't go on forever and getting off sooner rather than later is a hard but necessary discussion to be having.
Meanwhile here in the land of the hobbits our Govt is doubling down with a 5-11yr vaccination program kicked off this week and a big push on boosters. Many here having no exposure to the realities of this virus are still fully hypnotized a believe that we are in a good position for the arrival of omicron due to our high vaccination rate.
Inversely I believe we are sailing straight into a storm while simultaneously drilling holes in the bottom of the boat.
We need to be careful of the rationale behind these results.
I’m convinced now that these vaccines never did work. By defining “vaccinated” as 14 days after your second shot, any negative outcomes get thrown in the “unvaxxed” bucket. For the longest time, those with 2 shots have been salting the unvaxxed bucket. Now 3 shots is implicitly salting the 2 shot bucket.
Not saying you’re wrong, just another angle.
What's curious about New Zealand is that omicron hasn't ripped through the country yet. It spread with insane rate everywhere else, but NZ. Why?
We have had extremely limited access to the country. All arrivals got to a managed isolation facility on arrival. The most likely mechanism for Omicron to enter the country is from staff at one of the facilities. This appears to be happening as I type this with cases starting to appear in the community.
Can confirm!
The government has effectively shut the borders. Anyone coming has to be vaxxed and have a booked quarantine place before they can enter the country. This applies to citizens wanting to return. Places are limited and bookings are currently suspended, a step that was announced via a government tweet recently. There are some cases of Omicron but it is not widespread.
Wow, and Kiwis are ok with that? You've had borders shut for almost two years? No island fever?
So, I still don't understand how NZ will handle this? Stay closed forever?
At some point you will open up and then what?
Earlier in the piece, Kiwis overseas were encouraged to come home. I can't remember the timeline. There's normally a lot of travelling between NZ and Australia for work, visiting family, holidays etc. Last year, restrictions were loosened for a period of time and people left here to visit family etc and then the govt here tightened restrictions again so they can't come home! A group are taking the government to court over it. Yes, we have been described as the hermit kingdom. Many people here still adore our PM and believe she has saved them from certain death. If you work for the government (can work from home) or are well off/retired things are sweet for you. Too bad about small businesses many which are bankrupt and the tourist trade which is on it's knees.
Excellent summary thanks!
That can't be. Look at Australia or South American countries -- all have a huge wave due to omicron.
Awesome work! Pro bono publico and all that.
"This is plainly a pandemic of the vaccinated." Don't you think this should read:
"This is plainly a pandemic of the vaccine." instead?
Now, I'm not any kind of boffin regards to stuff like this, but it seems to my eyes that the claim that the "vaccines" are the cause of the disease is starting to sound plausible.
If that proves to be true...well. The fate of Ceaucescu comes to mind.
This is so incredibly troubling and sad to see.
Just a quick question: is the 3vaxx population anyone who got the third dose >14 days prior? Could some of the high case rates in the 2vaxx population be the result of contracting covid during the 14-day window post-booster?
this will be part of the effect for some demographics, but, for example, almost all olds were boostered before end of Nov 2021.
Similar in Ontario. The categories are "unvaccinated," "partially vaccinated" (which means 1 dose of a two-dose series) and "fully vaccinated" (which means at least two doses but doesn't distinguish between 2,3,4....). I suspect this is because the efficacy of the two-dose series was undeniably plummeting in December. Lumping the boosted in with the unboosted has done a good job of disguising that fact.
Actually, partially vaccinated is defined as 2 weeks after dose #1 until 2 weeks after dose #2. That way the 14 days post booster #3 during which the recipient is immuno-suppressed and more susceptible to infection is effectively allocated into the double vaxxed category, making efficacy look even worse. (Also, unvaccinated includes up until 14 days after the 1st booster)
Ah yes, good point. I had forgotten about these two-week immuno-suppression gaps. Paints an even bleaker picture of vaccine efficacy.
Given this analysis, and the underlying (and obvious) data, it amazes me that anti-vaccination scapegoating has been sustained for as long as it has. However, believe me, in the U.S. it still rages, strong and hard. (Who needs data, when you have The Narrative™?)
so i'm double vaxxed and not boosted. Am I SOL? An argument could be made form this that whether I like it or not I should get on the booster treadmill. Any chance they could break this down if my odds get better the further I get away from my last shot?
no idea, but deaths in the <60 group are very rare regardless of vaccination status.
And another question, and probably more important, are we so focused on Covid that we're missing other illnesses that are taking advantage of a dysregulated immune system?
Fear that at some point these underlying conditions are going to rear their ugly head
I think this is extremely likely.
Remember the reports of a so-called ‘super-cold’ going around in the UK a few months after the first 2 rounds of mass vaccination, for example. I have also seen a lot of anecdotal evidence (both online, and in my private network) of strange and suspicious recurring lung infections that were not attributable to Covid-19. For example, the double-jabbed father of close friend ended up in the hospital twice in 2 months with a bacterial lung infection, out of nowhere.
Not hard evidence, I know, but it seems like a very plausible hypothesis that a disturbed immune system could lead to higher susceptibility for other viral & bacterial infections…
Could relate to mask wear; I recall a presentation to a US school board where a parent set out their case. Warmer mouth and less expulsion of biofilm in exhaled breath due to obstruction by the mask
We had such a wave of colds in September in Italy. Also about two months past the huge vaccination wave.
I believe these mRNA injections are designed to weaken immune systems and leave the customer vulnerable to what you describe.
If 2 shots=NEGATIVE EFFICACY (vaccine enhanced disease through OAS or ADE or other), how much do you think 3 shots will help? Just a hunch but I would expect that trend to continue and the abyss gets deeper fairly quickly.
that make sense. So I am SOL but boosting would only make it worse later. Pay now, or pay later. Got it.
No you are not SOL. Keep healthy, get fresh air. Stay away from sick people but geez, get out, be exposed, keep a clean healthy diet, get loads of sleep
I bought something called Nano Soma which is supposed to help you detox from the shot, as well as other benefits.
I would try to detox and supplement route, personally. I think World Council for health has the most comprehensive list.
Haven't heard of that group. Will check it out. Thanks.
reminds me of that old adage .. "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging"
Are you sure I just shouldn't mix and match my shovels? j/k. Good point.
lol :D
In this case, it was never very wise to even pick up a shovel.
If the indications of these stats are in fact reality, then I would avoid the booster if at all possible. Get off the treadmill immediately, there is no reason to think that a booster would do more than give you another few weeks of protection in exchange for possibly longer term immune deficiency. Hopefully it will repair itself long term in most people.
It be nice if to offset some of this bad news all early treatment options would be made readily available now.
Best early treatment for a suppressed immune system would be to discontinue the immune suppressor - more gene therapy - and you said you have got off that wagon. So next step is a focus on health - exercise, whole food, sleep, learn to be a happy person, learn stress management techniques, identify your stressors and work to remove them, meditate, get in the sun if you are lucky enough to live where there is sun, test for nutritional deficiencies and internal stressors (digestive infections, environmental toxins, genetic weaknesses) and supplement the gaps. And use this as a catalyst to put the Covid scam beyond you, no more complying with government. Sorry will sound patronising and dismissive of your concerns but it’s about turning a bad situation into a good situation and coming out the other side better for it.
And take Vitamins C & D3 regularly, along with zinc. At a minimum. And cut way back on sugar and inflammation-producing industrial seed oils (canola, cottonseed, soybean, 'vegetable' oil, etc.).
That and Quercetin has been my preventive regime since April 2020. I highly recommend it.
Pfizer antivirals to the rescue.
Do not get boostered unless you have chronic respiratory problems, or diabetes. My hubbs decided to get jabbed last Spring '21 bc he had had open heart surgery the year previous. Yeah, I think it was good he got it.... I think. He is not obese or tubby or sickly, but he is a person that gets bronchial symptoms if he gets sick. So, the past year has been good for him. He did not get the booster and will not be getting it.
I have to add here. Hubbs and I have our own doctor. They know us. we have been regular patients for 20+ years. Hubbs doc advised him to not get the booster. So if you have a doctor that you trust. TALK to them. Share your thoughts
Did you ever have the sniffles and a headache before 2020? There's your answer.
The last three times I got the flu it kicked my ass for a week. Which made me extra jumpy in 2020. But I've fared better since my kids have gotten older and I've been more mindful of my health
Look to early treatment protocol if you decide not to get boosted or you do. I have all the info on my newsletter and links, if interested, my one and only substack post thus far but I thought it maybe helpful for people. I just had Omi, lasted a day and half and I just felt a bit more tired than usual for a few days. (I'm not vaccinated though and middle aged)!
Eugyppius, I came across this defense of the UKHSA data today: “The source data has rate per 100k. That means per 100k of that age group not per 100k vaxxed or per 100k unvaxxed.” Given UKHSA’s myriad of excuses around confounders while trying to disappear the awkward data I’m not inclined to believe this defense. But I can’t find evidence of UKHSA’s methodology. Are you able to shed any light on this?
I know, this comes up every time I post this, but it's wrong. It would be pointless, mathematically, to use rates in this way. You would just give raw numbers.
The rates per 100k are rates per 100k vaccinated vs. per 100k unvaccinated, and you can tell this even from the way the UKHSA label their graphs and from the many excuses they offer for this awkward data in their footnotes.
There is absolutely no surprise in any of this. When you treat an experimental mRNA injection like it was the same as drinking kool-aid, you are going to get an endless cascade of various health issues and even deaths, as we are seeing. Without effective trials, longer term studies and proper assimilation of reliable data, there can never be any sound application for these injections or any drug for that matter.
We have allowed big pharma to just inject the world for their own profit and not to save any lives or improve the health of the world. This is beyond criminal and big pharma now needs to be thoroughly dismantled and those responsible thrown into prison for the rest of their lives...and be given the trashy drugs they market to us for profit.
Can we rephrase "we have allowed"? Although it is true, we should have been out in the streets since the beginning...but now people are out in the streets and we still allow our overlords to keep mandating these shots...and the MSM keeps echoing the koolaid, and people keep drinking it.
We are going to have a problem getting people to understand that if you drank the koolaid, you may now have wrecked your immune system...and then dealing with the ones who do wake up and are furious...
I am totally out of ideas....
No matter how you slice it, all government agencies involved in the Covid scam are cooking every statistic (when not inventing new ones) in the book.
It's scorched earth policy on all logical interpretations of the data as far as these crooks are concerned.
Wake me when we reach "peak corruption"- I think there's quite a bit more of the cover-up to come.
I saw that one- Sam White is the real deal.
Eugyppius- why do you say the rates on the first graph are unadjusted? I thought they were adjusted per 100k… do you simply mean that you have low confidence in the estimates of the total number of unvaccinated and therefore low confidence in the adjusted rate or am I missing something obvious…
it’s just a nod to the fact that these aren’t representative population samples, don’t account for demographic differences in vaxxed vs unvaxxed populations, etc. nobody is interested in providing that kind of data, so what we do have is imperfect.
Unsure how demographic differences would change the conclusion. Certainly seems reasonable to assume that demographics are buried in the data equally on both sides. Still, it is an assumption, I guess. Would be interested in hearing what a "representative population sample" would look like. If you have all the vaccinated and/or unvaccinated, that is all the data, regardless of the ultimate size of the population, no? Why would it matter?