Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

C19 deaths necessarily follow cases. According to Geert Vanden Bossche, you need a big healthy unvaccinated population who can weather the virus and recover to break the chain of transmission. When you don't have enough of these people, transmission is high and the case curve oscillates at a high level. IMO, if these jabs damage one's ability to mount durable cellular immunity...this could go on for a long, long time. This is exactly what we see in the UK case curve.


The UK is now dealing with Delta Plus, which has two of the four mutations required to completely escape vaxx immunity. What will happen then?

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

What will happen then is also explained by Geert Vanden Bossche. If I am not mistaken, he explains that once the new mutation completely escape vax immunity, this means that the situation is equal to the initial situation, with a more resistant strain of course.

Now, that may not be such a bad thing, IF IF IF IF IF, at that point, one just let the virus do what it has to do, that is, virus, and protect the old and weak ones. In that scenario, the young and healthy gets the virus, build immunity, and acts as a protective barrier to the old and weak.

THAT is solidarity, and not the crap we have heard for the past months.

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I cannot understand why the narrative that elderly, or whoever else for that matter, can be "protected" from a respiratory virus. Ther is no such thing as protection, shy from isolating elderly individuals and by isolating I mean put them in a clean room environment without any physical contact to other people or animals.

The vaccine may afford a miniscule amount of protection to such individuals, but at what cost? Since adverse events are numerous, severe and underreported, no one can know if the vaccines are preventers or drivers of mortality in the elderly.

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That is a good question. When I think about it I think about the normal reaction that one would have if (s)he heard that ebola was running around the corner. Wouldn't you stay home on your own, avoid contacts, etc. ?

I think yes, and I don't think that you would need any law or mandate. It would be about protecting yourself. So I would expect the old and weak (maybe with the exception of mentally disturbed individuals, who generally have a caretaker) to take care of themselves, on their own. For sure they will be a lot of deads (and more than with the initial strain, given the failed experiment), but remember: these are in the old and weak segment, which, unfortunately, is what Mother Nature decided to target.

I believe that the vaccine for that segment is worth the risk. Hell, an 80 years old has a 50% chance of dying within the year, so why not die from the vax ? The adverse effect argument does not hold true for these guys. But that should only be IF the vax can be proven not to be dangerous for the rest of the populace.

Otherwise, there is a lot of promising treatments. See https://c19early.com/

Anti-virals are particularly interesting, because they lower the pressure on the population as a whole. They should be a priority for .govs in my view, as should boosting natural immunity through the well-known means.

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"80 years old has a 50% chance of dying within the year" - Not so. If someone made it to 80 the probability is good to reach 85! That's for an individual, in the group of 80 year olds all won't make it to 81.

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"Mother Nature decided to target." Or the CCP decided, as the case may be. At least it seems unlikely to be a bioweapon if it targets only ancients.

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The entirely fanciful notion has occurred to me that China has a looming demographic catastrophe, and wiping out the ancients might be a neat solution.

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We cannot be sure that the vaxxed will be as the unvaxxed when Delta Plus acquires the remaining two mutations. If the antibodies recognize the virus but do not prevent it from infecting cells, the vaxxed may be worse off than the unvaxxed.

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I don't know if deaths follow cases. Probably still true, but in general as the virus becomes more infectious it becomes less deadly. But there's been a lot of interventions with this virus, so that may not be the case.

Vanden Bossche argued that removing restrictions in England brought the cases down.

But, they didn't come down much (and only for 2 weeks after restrictions were dropped) and they started rising again very quickly. His hypothesis on vaccines putting huge evolutionary pressure on the virus (and driving evolution) is correct. The other things he talks about seems plausible and logical, but it's less obvious they are happening (if they are). And many things (interplay of innate and adaptive immune systems) he talks about

are not clearly communicated which is a shame, because we need discussions that

he wants to have.

There have been variants that have already completely escaped vaccine

response (South African variant in 2020, etc.), but none of those variants took over.

If there was a new variant that indeed fully escaped vaccines, wouldn't it take over very very quickly? Maybe that's what's happening in Europe now.

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My point is that you can't have a C19 death without an infection (at least, that was they way it worked before C19). I agree that the IFR/CFR for Delta is lower, which is great. Whether the drop in mortality is a result of the jabs or the virus is less dangerous is another question. The UK CFR for Delta increased significantly over the summer, which is the not the way things usually go. There are so many moving parts that it's hard to know, especially since the "experts" are unmotivated to answer any of the big questions.

The cases came down in England...and then Delta swept through. If you look at the case curve for the UK now, it is doing exactly what Vanden Bossche predicted. Without a significant population of healthy people who can weather the virus and block the chain of transmission, the infections will oscillate at a higher plateau.

Why did Delta sweep the globe and other variants didn't? Delta out competed the others? Or something else happened?

I'm not sure I believe the jabs are effective against Delta, but that's the story they're using to sell boosters.


Malone mentions Delta Plus in this interview...


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Alpha appeared in the UK in Nov 2020 and was dominant until May 2021.

Delta originated in India in Dec 2020, was first identified in the UK in April 2021 and became dominant there by end of May 2021.

What's interesting is that these two variants that dominated European/American

spread appeared before vaccines.

It's obvious that vaccines have trouble with Delta and that evolution is pushing for further mutations on the spike. And we are still vaccinating and boosting for virus that has mutated many times over.

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It's almost as if the jabs are enhancing infection or something.

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One thing that is not discussed much (apart from Vanden Bossche)

is the interplay between innate and adaptive immune systems and how

the vaccine affects this.

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"What will happen then?"

Boosters, of course.

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Boosters would be completely useless or worse.

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Hi Paula.

You look like a young smart woman. Take care of your health and avoid the death shots because we all would like you to continue to be photographed alive, if possible.

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I have checked the detailed all cause mortality German stats. Of particular interest are the weeks 15-40. Significant excess mortality. About 3-4% higher than 2020 for all age categories

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This is the real story. Excess mortality from all causes.

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Likely, from one root cause. But it will never be investigated. That is why they want near 100% of the population given the jab.

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Vaxxing 100% of the population will get rid of the "control group," but so what? If the vaxxes are increasing all-cause mortality, they don't care if the population is 80% or 100% vaxxed.

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So you can fix that death graph in the main post? You know, extra columns or covid deaths after decapitation, opioid overdose, global warming neurosis...

The entire, ill-defined concept of "cases" is a load of hogwash, the definition of "dying of covid" extends to "dying within ex weeks of testing positive". Testing positive with 35% hit rate blotters, or the idiotic PCR "test"that isn't even a test.

Will everyone please stop copy/pasting the statistics as facts. It's like drugs or porn; if we can stop those consuming Baal Gates' fear porn, the lack of customers will end the supply side business model. We can end this nonsense just by not taking part. And remember this mess next time you are allowed to vote...

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You’re one of the people who buys into the illusion that your vote matters… it doesn’t!

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

I have the following thought:

- The more people you vaccinate, the more predominant delta becomes.

- Vaccines are less effective against delta.

- So the vaccines for the elderly become less and less effective when the young are vaccinated.

- If people under, let's say 65, is not vaccinated, won't be alfa dominant? In that case when the virus finds an old folk it will probably be alfa, and the guy can deal with it.

Makes sense?

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yes, all these apply to. they should've used the vaccines minimally, in the highest-risk cohorts, and nothing more.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Great Barrington but with vaccination vs isolation. If we had allowed many of the younger get ill and treated the really bad cases, perhaps Delta would not have been able to spread as well. Pity the model makers wouldn't entertain such heresy.

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Exactly. I think someone from GB noted that by locking down the entire population then the elderly never had a comparable benefit, selecting for more infectious mutations. Seems to be the same case with the mass vaccinations.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Unfortunately, by the time these vaccines became available, that was already politically impossible. Too many people were terrified, and they would have cried bloody murder if they'd been denied the miracle shots. Yeah. What a horrible mess.

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Don’t forget India. Or poor countries in Africa (ie: Kenya). They’re all done and have moved on. Life as normal. We keep clinging to the clock arms trying to delay the inevitable. Please, let’s move on. Hello Florida.

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I was ready to move on before it even started! Sadly, we're in the middle of a mass hysteria.

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One of our medical aid actuaries estimated that South Africa has already had about 80% exposure. And we started vaccinating very late. This hasn't stopped the media hysteria, though. God, South Africans love their drama. Everyone speculating about the start of the fourth wave and jumping on the mandate bandwagon. I really am hoping that we're done, though. And with our relatively low vax rate (if it stays that way), hopefully that can help put the vax-as-sole-saviour myth to bed.

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Ann. Do keep us posted. Typically “waves” are reserved for highly vaxxed countries. I’ll start paying attention to So. Africa data. Best.

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Hi Greg - I put an update separately on the thread yesterday. Newspaper article saying 4th wave projected to be much lower. 34% Vax rate and estimated 60-70% immune/exposed. They're happy to accept prior-inmunity for purposes of modelling, ironically. Go figure. And yet for all other intents and purposes we don't exist....

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Will do, Greg! Although strange things seem to be happening in places like the UK, where it's more like a plateau or some sort of weird "standing wave"! Don't know how that all translates. Maybe because they're doing the combo vax+let-it-rip. Then of course, there is just plain old winter = sick season.

Of course, this all assumes that we actually believe in the dubious infection stats per country and the accuracy of the PCR test to determine actual illness.... The only stats that should be worth any salt these days are those that are backed up with clear symptoms, hospital admissions and deaths.

Anyway - no expert here! That's why I follow this content. Egyppius seems to have no agenda other than getting to proper grips with the data. I've stopped trusting government and health agencies a long time ago, as they are compromised through their own fear, inefficiencies, ineptitude, and far too cosy a relationship with mega-pharmaceutical corporations.

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I watched them jump the line, pretending to be old or infirm. Correct.

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That's what Geert danden Bossche calls immune pressure.

Actually alpha is gone and delta is going because coronavirus always move in a way that has proven quite suffessful. But immune pressure applyies to the selection of the next variants. Also, there is unquantified risk of ADE - pretty high it would seem based on past animal experiments.

You missed one point: Mandates and vaccine passports make sure that transmission occurs mostly among the jabbed. The puts much more pressure than the rates alone.

Another adverse consequence of immune pressure is that the disease does not attenuate as it would normally, it's the Marek effect. Coronaviruses naturally tend to high transmissibility and low virulence, typically a common cold. That logically makes them more successfull.

SO the government policies are just a disaster. As usual.

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Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Mu, Baaaaaah! In Silico. Go look that up. This entire virus/ mutation blah blah exists purely In Silico. That's why their "vaccine" does not actually have to vaccinate nobody.

There are so many mutually-exclusive lies bubbling up, the entire world is going into cognitive disarray, going mad and neurotic, because they believe sheat their brains just cannot reconcile during dream time.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Keep in mind the law of Campbell: The more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the social processes it is intended to monitor.

In my words: Politics is opinion not facts, science is the opposite, you can't have both.

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You could have politics informed by science. You could have politicians who inform themselves, and who communicate the information and its implications to citizens.

What we actually have are philosophically weak, politically powerful politicians. They suddenly find themselves with opportunity to grab more power without a clear idea, in scientific or philosophical terms, of what to achieve with it. Policy is informed by technocrats with their knowledge of the technical means of boosting power, and by behavioural psychologists with their understanding of how to ensure mass compliance to the power-boosting operation.

Such are the consequences of viewing science as little more than means to achieve technical aims, and of being mesmerised by the latest events whilst undervaluing scientific and political philosophy.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Remember though that Germany is essentially one wave behind the UK - our first noticeable death peak was in Winter 2020/21, not April 2020. This is one of the big problems with spot comparisons, as tempting as they are, between places today, or November xth this year with last year. Everywhere is out of synch and we don't know what the trigger for an infection wave is, people are just hunting around for anything, schools opening, holidaymakers coming back, because they need an explanation to latch on to.

The absence of a death wave in Germany this winter could well mean good news for vaccine efficacy. Unfortunately, whether we avoid noteworthy deaths (vaccine works so everyone must keep getting it) or not (here comes lockdown year 3) the authorities have ready ammunition to justify their unfalsifiable excuses for further restrictions, mandates, etc.

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this is basically what i mean, when I say there is much more natural immunity in UK. any comparisons will be beset by various problems, but the very granular data on UK vaccinations makes it one of the most useful comparison cases for illustrating the import of differences in uptake in the most at-risk age categories.

population-wide vaccination mean basically nothing. the 80+ vaccination rate more than half of the whole ballgame

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Uk had a very high death rate because we "locked Down" a lot later., and sent the oldies back to Care homes to die alone,- to save the NHS. Lol.

So, we have greater herd immunity - and less low hanging fruit - for this coming season.

Germany and some of Europe, now playing catch up.

Protect the vulnerable and vax them if you must/they want.

Don't under any circumstances vax and or quarantine the none sick, none vulnerable or you will get er...... precisely what is happening. As per GVB prophesied.

But then again the Powers that Be know this perfectly well.

So what is their end game?

Digital ID for everyone on the planet?

It ain't anything to do with a deadly pandemic though, that's for sure.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Dosing the young and thus increasing the cases in the young will cause more COVID spread in society, resulting in increased infection and ultimately death of the 0.5% sensitive unvaccinated that needed protection in the first place, ironically "proving" that the sensitive group should have been vaccinated, meaning we should all be vaccinated and continue booster vaccinations, forever, so that the problem continues, forever.

Boosters all around, let's finish off the unvaccinated old timers!!--(proposed new Pfizer slogan???)

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The jab passports already maximize the immune pressure with existing vax rate.

Which through the Marek effect puts the unvaxed at undue risk: They are exposing us, not the other way.

Then it leads to ADE, which exposes them: We are protecting them by staying unvaxed, not the other way.

The got it all backwards. Politics as usual.

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Don't bring them onto the idea !

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Excellent as usual. The writing is on the wall for the vaccines, despite governments doubling down.

Wall Street Journal. "The Ottawa Senators Have a 100% Vaccination Rate—and 40% of the Team Has Tested Positive for Covid"

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Yes! Thank you, this crystalises an issue I have had running through my head all day..

Why are the public so often presented the statistics of cases along the binary lines of vaccinated/unvaccinated? Sure, it seems logical coming off of a massive vaccination campaign. But of course, it simply aligns with public authorities single-minded approach to the pandemic, ie. vaccinate to break the waves and/or flatten the curves. And yet AGE remains THE leading predictor of hospitalisation/death, followed by various obesity, diabetes and various co-morbities.

I am regularly confronted by colleagues or media telling me about a pandemic of the unvaccinated and if only more people would get vaccinated we could relieve the pressure from the healthcare system. So I spent some of the afternoon trying to get my head around the local statistics provided by the health department for Bayern at https://www.lgl.bayern.de/gesundheit/infektionsschutz/infektionskrankheiten_a_z/coronavirus/karte_coronavirus/index.htm

To my mind the statistics mislead through omission, ie. because of the data they neglect to show. For example, they list the statewide incidence value for whole population, and break it down by vaccinated/unvaccinated, which makes the vaccinated look very good. (Note, there is also something very funny about the breakdown because the cases calculated using those incidences do not sum to the total number of cases - somehow 30% of new reported cases are neither allocated to vaccinated nor unvaccinated??? leaving the vaccinated incidence suspiciously low)

They also (helpfully) list the incidence value for the >60s but unhelpfully don't quantify those cases. So, they have both data points (Age, Vax-status) but they don't combine them. Again, they list the incidence values for hospitalisations in the same way: Total, vaccinated, unvaccinated, >60s, but fail to combine the data points. Curiously (or not, depending on your appetite for conspiracy) they do not provide any breakdown of the intensive care cases.

Like I said, I calculated the actual case numbers for the various categories using publicly available population data and vaccination rates data. In Bayern only 17 % of new reported cases were in the over 60s group and yet they account for 71% of the hospitalisations! Judging by intensive care data for the whole of Germany, there is a similar percentage >60s in ICU. Now, if (as is widely claimed) the unvaccinated are disproporrtionately represented in the ICU, yet only 15% of the over 60s are unvaccinated, we are talking about a really small subgroup having a really lopsided effect on ICU cases.

Reducing the incidenc of cases in the over 60s has the greatest affect in reducing ICU pressures. Trying to alleviate pressure on the hospitals by introducing 2G or increasing leaky vaccination down through the lower age groups is idiotic as it suffers from diminishing returns. The numbers needed to vaccinate in the lower ages in order to keep one person out of hospital or intensive care are orders of magnitude higher than for the older age groups.

Again, thank you so much for this clarifying post!

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Seems like multiple things going on. The V/UV per-100k case rates just seem to be reverse-calculated using infection efficacy values from the trials, rather than actual cross-reference with vax status. The V/UV per-100k hospitalization rates look more plausible, and perhaps reflect actual collection of vaccination status by the health system.

But when the plausible hospitalization rate is put beside the implausible case rates it implies that hospitalizations per case are higher among the vaxxed!

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They state that those partially vaxxed (and/or less than 14 days after 2nd dose) are entirely omitted from the incidence calculations but that is wilful misrepresentation when showing vax/unvax incidences side by side (and also potentially points to a comparativelyy high incidence for the omitted group).


Berechnet werden die gezeigte Daten nach der folgenden Formel:

Covid-19-Infektionen ohne Impfung innerhalb von 7 Tagen/Anzahl Menschen ohne Impfung *100.000

Entsprechend findet die Berechnung für die Inzidenz bei Geimpften statt. Als "Geimpfte" zählen nur Personen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Infektion einen vollständigen Impfschutz hatten. Das bedeutet, dass seit dem Abschluss ihrer Impfserie (zwei Impfdosen Biontech, Moderna oder Astrazeneca oder eine Impfdosis Johnson) mindestens 14 Tage vergangen sind.

Infizierte, für die keine Informationen zum Impfstatus vorliegen, werden bei der Berechnung des LGL als "ungeimpft" gezählt. Fälle, bei denen eine Impfserie begonnen, aber noch nicht abgeschlossen wurde, oder bei denen die letzte Impfung noch keine 14 Tage zurück liegt, werden in keine der beiden Gruppen eingeordnet - sie sind aus der Berechnung herausgenommen.

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Partially vaxxed shouldn't matter in terms of comparing the "fully" vaxxed to the unvaccinated - most of the "fully" vaxxed are outside the infection efficacy window as of mid-October so their rates should be equal to the unvaxxed, unless the shot works differently on Bavarians than everywhere else in the world...

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Florida chose the policy you suggest here, campaigning primarily for the senior population. They are now among the lowest case rates in the US. But that could also be, as you suggested in the past, due to weather conditions. Sweden would be a better data comparison - how many deaths per million do they see?

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at 70&% vaccination, they're at .35 deaths per million

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I'm a Floridian and very happy with our state's policies but we also have a winter wave of infection (like we did last year). Why do I say this? Because even though our weather cycles are the reverse of the north (people here seek shelter indoors in the hot summer months instead of the cold winter months) we also have a phenomenon called "snowbirds", these are northerners who visit or live in Florida during the cold winter months. They will bring the virus with them when they come. If

Eugyppius' theory is correct that vaccinated people can become mildly symptomatic superspreaders, then the introduction of tens of thousands of vaccinated visitors escaping from a winter wave of infection in the north will cause us to have a wave as well.

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It's already starting. Slowly.

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Hello Eugyppius - thank you for the work you are doing here. Question: there is a view that Israel is the prime example of how a 3rd and 4th dose can take cases (and apparently deaths) to near 0. Held up as a shining example of team "pro-booster", example Eric Topol. Any thoughts on how this ties into your view re the dangers on boosters? Any reflection is appreciated by the community here as well. Thank you again.

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you can boost when you‘re out of season, as Germany also proved with dose 1 - many doses issued after May caused no corresponding enhancement.

look at Israeli cases from last year to get a handle on their seasonality. they have an august. climatisation wave (like many countries with very hot summers), then cases collapse through november, before rising again in the dead of winter. they are at a normal seasonal low right now.

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Topol ought to try to explain Florida and the rest of the South. No mass booster roll-out, waves went away just like in Israel.

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Well, my SIL is one of those. In theory, the gene therapy might make sense for her against Covid.

But she is a) living a rather reclusive life b) hypersensitive to and afraid of any drugs and vaccines (her other daughter also became mentally handicapped thanks to the smallpox vaccine, with the doctors back then swiping it under the table, of course)- she would likely die of fear, if there was a vaxx mandate, even if she got a placebo instead. The crooked doctors in Germany won't write her an exemption, although we will certainly explore that further with AfA ones, if the currently discussed Impfpflicht were to become true.

And on top of that, you don't mention the 2 big elephants in the room that she is also now aware of:

1. the gunk doesn't do much against Delta, and Delta is what's floating around

2. the side effect and mortality risk of the gene therapies is huge, severe and massively underreported.

Practically every vaxxed person in her family and circle of friends got infected afterwards anyway and was quite sick after being needled, often for months, quite a few also got very severe illnesses from strokes, thrombosis, Parkinsons, even a fatal heart attack. Everyone of them is denying causation and correlation, of course but not her, neither do we, and such anecdotal personal evidence weighs most heavily for most people.

On top of that, the only 2 people she/we know who had to be hospitalised due to Covid over the last 18 months were also very severely obese, which neither she nor we are.

So, in short, I would never try to talk her or anyone else out of getting it beyond sharing my general reservations, but I certainly think that even she can and should take her chances, which she has consciously decided to do on her own.

And I am pretty sure that most of the other hesitant 15% in that age group made an informed and calculated decision as such too.

A much more informed one than that of the 85% who got it, that is for sure.

Interestingly, what finally turned her off completely were the free Bratwurst offerings...

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MIL, not SIL, sorry. Schwiegermutter.

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From this day forth my MIL will be referred to as Schwiegermutter, cheers.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Isn't the high mortality rate in the UK during their first wave due to Midazolam use?

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yes and over-use of ventilators in general

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Which we still continue to push in the USA. CDC's data shows 47% death rate once admitted to the ICU. A ventilator and Remdesivir is a lethal combination. If only there were early treatments available ; )

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Rundeathisnear, as nurses there call it....

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Half the people on German ICUs with Corona still seem to be on ventilators.

Are the German doctors in the deliberate butchering phase now, or don't they get any international medical research?

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As I see it, politicians are rewarded for doing something, anything, even if doing something is the wrong course of action. Being patient and waiting is not easy for anyone, least of all a politician. And they are often condemned for not acting or in this case they would be condemned for not offering the vaccine to the young and scared. Secondly, they are rewarded for short-term, not long-term results. Doing the right thing for their populations that will only be realized after they are out of office is difficult for them to justify, since they earn no immediate political goodwill from it. So there is a natural incentive to focus on the gains of even a leaky vaccine. Lastly, it isn’t easy for anyone, much less a politician, to admit they were wrong.

Bottom line, if our leaders refuse to course correct, the pandemic will be without end and it may even get worse. What will it take for a single leader to have the courage to deviate from the vaccinate / boost everyone in perpetuity agenda?

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I know. I am in the US in a blue state. Ugh.

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It's the same thing with the economy. It's crazy to credit a politician with an economic boom that starts two days after they take the oath of office, or a recession for that matter (although it is much easier for a govt to damage the economy than the other way around). But it is clearly baked into human psychology to make these associations and assume they are causal.

And as for not doing the right thing because they will be out of office, well that sounds a lot like government debt. With apologies to Magic Money Theory, this is why I think there should be no ability for the government to issue debt. It brings short term benefits but it inevitably will cause politicians to saddle the next generation until the system collapses.

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Completely agree. With everything, the pandemic, the economy, etc., politicians are constantly focused on immediate gratification without regard for the negative consequences. The definition of an addiction and the drug is power. And they won't even course correct for the benefit of future generations. It is shameful.

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This has quickly degenerated into an international cases, deaths and vaxx rate p*ssing contest for politicians, nothing else.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Really good points. And vaccine efficacy and rate of adverse events should be reported by narrow age ranges so that people can make applicable informed decisions. Now, if only leaders around the world would read your article and return to some semblance of sanity. I keep hoping that politicians will stop putting political power ahead of all of the harms they are doing to societies.

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They are more likely to shut down the site. They even took Senator Johnson off Youtube. Luckily it is still on Rumble.

Belgium listens to that man who doesn't seem to know what he is talking about. In the meanwhile, VandenBosche is talking to the walls. Crying shame. None of the deaths in young sports people and damages have been on the news there. No one knows there are very large dangers to the jabs. Where are all these younger people with computers? Don't they check on these things?

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I know. And good questions, but I am afraid I don't know the answers. I couldn't even persuade my young to middle-aged family and friends to forego the vaccines or the boosters. Not a single one. Not even my beyond healthy and youngish significant other. And I am afraid that when I get Covid and as an unvaccinated person in a blue county in a blue state, that I may not get quality care because they would like to make an example out of me.

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You are your best doctor. We’re heading into winter chaos. Start front-loading now on vitamin-c, zinc & vitamin-D3. If you need a “gun” for the zinc bullet to disrupt C-19 cellular penetration (if you come down with it) then get quercetin, ivermectin, CoQ10, etc. Too many studies showing great positive outcomes with lifelong robust immunity going forward. Stay the course and hold the line as the “vaccine as only option” plandemic crumbles. Best

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Thanks Greg. And I monitor my pulse ox so I'll notice if it goes low. Plus, just bought home antigen tests. The key to a good outcome is early diagnosis and treatment. And healthy living, of course.

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I’ve also heard that taking zinc daily to “test” your sense of taste is a great cheap way to detect C-19 early. If you can’t taste the zinc, then it’s time to up the supplements and all the other solutions offered by readers. Best

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Thanks. That's a great tip!

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Try to lay hands on some Ivermectin? Make sure your vit. C and D are plenty? I am also taking Cryptolepis, a natural anti-virus. I try to forego chemicals except for Aspirin. Some Chinese report said even that helps when you take it early on. Just a few ideas. Hold out ! We need you !

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Might have some here. Takes about 4 weeks to arrive from China I’ve heard. Best. https://www.mybudgetpetstore.com/products/ivermectin-5mg-tablets-pills-for-cats-dogs

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I hope it works for you. I couldn't bring myself to buy or ingest anything from China. I'm too annoyed.

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JB - along with the other suggestions given (ivermectin, zinc, quercetin, vit D, vit C) I also suggest getting a nebulizer and you can do hydrogen peroxide treatments if you get sick. I also think it helps to keep electrolytes up when you're sick, using a supplement like LMNT (from Robb Wolf company).

Hopefully you won't NEED quality care (that is, hopefully you can stay away from the hospital) if you start early treatment with your symptoms. Heck, I'm 45 and didn't start the ivermectin until day 12. I wish I'd started it earlier.

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And glad to hear you recovered from it.

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Thanks Susanna. Yes, the plan is to stay away from the hospital at all costs. Monoclonal antibodies are also available in my county, so that's good as well.

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You mean like Gavin Newsom of California?

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Yep. And he extended his emergency powers through 3/31/22, so things aren’t looking good for CA.

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OSHA has suspended the vaccine mandate

Alex Berenson

Nov 17

In the wake of the Fifth Circuit stay that found it likely to be struck down as unconstitutional.

This means that if your employer tells you the Dec. 4 deadline is a federal requirement, your employer is lying.

SOURCE: https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/ets2

At least this might slow down the craziness in CA.

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But the government is strenuously encouraging companies to continue mandating it. Plus it's a temporary suspension. All the cases challenging it were combined and will now be heard by the 6th circuit. So not out of the woods yet. But the 6th seems to be rational, like the 5th circuit.

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“German mortality is more or less identical to that seen last year”—this surprises me when all-cause mortality has spiked worldwide since the rollout (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/allcausemortality) 🤔

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I meant, our official Corona deaths are the same. all-cause mortality is elevated, probably due to mass vaccination.

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Ah, thank you for clarifying! That makes more sense, then.

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It would be interesting to know the basis for all-cause deaths, but it's probably unknowable, unreliable at best. In the US such stats are not centrally managed, nor standardized. Maybe others do it better. It would seem logical that every plague death would be an excess death, but none of the stats seem to support that. Apparently this isn't really much of a plague. Better to focus on individual cases. Averaged statistics are only relevant to average people. Most of us aren't.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by eugyppius

Good read and analysis. I may be wrong, but I am still left with skepticism that the vaccine actually reduces death (all cause mortality) and severe symptoms. It seems to me that the elderly/high risk that are more likely to be receiving the vaccine are in a different health care structure...that they are more likely to be in quality senior care facilities, which would put them in a better care situation. They are watched daily and have the other health issues monitored much more closely. In most, if not all, senior care systems it's a requirement to be vaxed to be in the system. The elderly that are in less desirable care situations (living alone) are less likely to be vaxed and also less likely to be having their other health care issues treated. It seems to me that these are entirely different groups of people.

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this is a big part of what I‘m arguing here - the unvaccinated are more likely to die anyway.

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Keep up the good work! Not "anti-vax" here, but respiratory viruses such as coronaviruses and influenza have not shown to be worthwhile targets for mass (and now mandated) vaccination programs.

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Bartram has made a lot of calculations on that in his last 3 posts.

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Thanks! I subscribed to his blog.

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I agree, and while eugyppius did not exactly say those words, his analysis and conclusion certainly lend their support. Unfortunately, the leaders are too blinded by their needle frenzy of jabbing more healthy persons in order to make their overall numbers look better.

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25% to 33% of the hospitalizations are WITH covid, not FROM covid in Denmark.

See https://twitter.com/TracyBethHoeg/status/1460788694323916802

This should be factored in the efficacy calculations I suppose.

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