Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I carefully read the trial data that was made publically available and on that evidence advised my then 79 yo father to get the vaccine. I reasoned that although long term risks were unknown, his age meant these were less important.

On October 30 2021, he got his first Pfizer booster. I saw him on Nov 3, when he complained of feeling unwell. I travelled back to Europe that week and on 30 November got the news that he had suffered a massive stroke.

Tomorrow I’m getting on a plane to fly over and see him in the nursing home, where he will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Point being, if I had known this about the trials in Feb 2021, I would have persuaded him not to get the shot at all.

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So sorry about your father. I also thought the trial data looked good at the time, had no idea about any of this.

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If you were not aware of Pfizer's past criminal activity, you were not paying attention..

Even with a 'stellar' clinical trial, I wouldn't take their products.. ever..

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Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I'll never take a pharma shot nor pill again! Unless the pill is widely known, used and for 30+ years in known use. Enough of this "newfangled novel magical BS" that all of these obnoxious commercials push ad naseum! Where did faith in your bodies own ability to heal itself WITH OUR HELP AND ATTENTION TO DIET EXERCISE SLEEP FAITH go? Where did our ability to take care of ourselves with grandma's wisdom go? When did we begin to need to RUN for a test and act like brainless hypochondriacs when we had the cold or flu? When did we make our decisions based on what hollywood idiots and professional sports players advertized to us to do or buy, literally the woke think they are the authority on all things of life....NOT, ppl who want to CONTROL OTHERS and tell others how to live and what to do are the ones who's internal lives are OUT OF CONTROL. PPL need to wake up and turn back to God for wisdom and direction. When ppl are having to convince you coerce you manipulate you (donuts and dollars for jabbs) THEN SOMETHING STINKS! AND IT IS QUACKING AND WADDLING....IT'S SAYING IT IS NOT A DUCK BUT EVERYTHING IT IS DOING TELLS YOU IT IS A DUCK.

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I just watched an old video on the Anthrax Vaccine. Amazing parallels of EUA, military malfeasance, gaslighting, etc etc. similar manufacturing problems and trial data cover ups. Cover up about the adjuvant (squalene, which, while “unproven”, was found in ALL sufferers of adverse events). The quote about us not learning from history was never more appropriate.

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Yes, check out the interview between Dr. Thomas Cowan and the electrical engineer Shimon. The same script for “covid” was used for the so-called “Spanish Flu” in 1918, complete with the “masks” and the phony injections which were actually causing the “disease.”

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Do you have a link to the video, by any chance?

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It was highlighted in a recent. Substack by “A Midwestern Doctor” too within the last four days. My internet and phone is slow and acting weird right now or id post that link too sorry.

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Thanks for sharing! 🙏

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The vaccine was developed by BioNTech, a German start-up with basically no track record one way or the other. Pfizer just ran the phase 3 trials and assisted in manufacturing.

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"German start-up with basically no track record one way or the other."

My point exactly. Very encouraging, right?

And their association with Pfizer, a company which paid billions in criminal fines, another red flag..

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did I say I had no misgivings? maybe go argue with somebody who actually disagrees with you.

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Who's arguing? It seems to me we're in agreement.. ☺️

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Wonderful that you're blessed with super smartness, and have the free time to plow through Pfizer studies. But your comment comes off as being pretty unkind given the context of the thread. My read anyway.

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I think in the “context” of the world situation, ie of deliberate malfeasance with Covid19 jabs, his comment is quite appropriate. That’s the whole point. We are long past worrying about others’ feelings. I mean no direct offense to you, Ms Prince but I disagree with you. We can ALL sympathize and cry for Graham and his dad (yes I sincerely weep for him, I mean that) but it is time to fight, no to worry about hurt feelings.

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No need to be super smart. Just a bit informed and skeptical about outlandish claims.

95% efficiency for a novel gene therapy product, a technology which has never given a working product before, all of them failed..? And they had the design for the vaccines in like 2-3 hours (Moderna) and a few days (Pfizer)??? Yeah, right.. you must be really gullible to believe that.

Oh, and this, coming from a company which previously paid 2.3 billion dollars in fines, of which 1.3 billion were criminal fines..

Google "largest pharmaceutical fines" then check what they've been fined for, and you'll understand why pharma cannot be trusted, ever again.

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Yes, Big Pharma's past conduct, in general, and Pfizer's in particular, provided many reasons to be leery of any products offered. The recent opioid epidemic should have given everyone pause. These are not people with our best intentions as their focus - they have other designs.

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Everything is ALWAYS so much clearer in hindsight isn’t it?! The only thing I will say to you is that far too many of us trusted in our own governments in the mistaken belief that they actually cared about us their citizens when they instead sold all of us out for profits and that is my biggest takeaway from all of this! The global corruption was better hidden before the corona madness is all. Save your time and energy and focus on what we can do to stop the great reset! My country is “broken” and our dictator continues on to try to destroy it completely. We have not time for this, we need to unify and take action against our governments who are the enemy and not our fellow man in making someone who clearly feels just totally awful and remorseful feel any fucking worse than they already do!

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There was no arrogance in his comment. The fact is many people who pride themselves on scientific literacy and rational thinking were duped more easily than people who are big-picture thinkers or who make decisions more instinctively. The former had faith in the medical and scientific establishment, while the latter were far more cynical and sceptical. Yet the fact is that in an advanced society we want to be able to place basic faith in the establishment; we don't want to assume that there is deliberate malfeasance or corruption all the time.

My point is, we can't fault people for having had faith. And those that have since woken up -- we need to welcome them with open arms.

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GOD BLESS YOU for saying exactly what I was about to write but didn't know how without sounding unkind! The exact same thing can be said about Johnson and Johnson - did anyone forget the talcum powder?

You could argue no one knew about Pfizer but that was untrue as I read it in myriad places for months on end! Even if you claimed ignorance a simple search brought it up!

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Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

The son made a mistake, but ultimately, it was the father's decision to take the shot. Funnily enough, old people were not coerced into taking the shot (except in a small number of countries such as Greece and Italy). It was the young who were actually coerced.

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The future breeders.

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Dude, why so harsh? Yes, the phizzy product is a horror show. But the entire media/govt machine played the biggest psyop of all time. THANK GOD many of us were immune to the propaganda. But we can't "throw the book" at people who were manipulated or coerced, especially when they have clearly seen past the lies and are now working on the same team as us. Strength in numbers is not just a pithy old saw. We need all hands on deck.

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After Ole Brandon said federal employees had to get the shots or else face termination, many in my agency reluctantly gave in. I don't fault them but there were +/- 1000 of us who held out and submitted religious/medical exemption requests. We were not terminated but were forced to do a weekly test until 1 January 2023 or else we would be terminated in a few weeks. No end to the crazies!

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Benj ,I may have been too harsh ,I deleted some of my comments for that reason .

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That is most gracious of you to acknowledge. I too have deleted my own opinions when someone pointed me to a more based viewpoint. You’re a gentleman and I’m honored to share the space with you.

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Yes he "shoulda" kept his mouth shut; however, we are WAY past that point now. We have to face that this onslaught of psyop/poisoning is unprecedented and many people couldn't see what was happening.

In criminal trials, intent is a factor for the degree of the charges. And obviously this fellow did NOT intend to harm his dad.

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I wouldn't go as far as saying his son should be in prison.. he was a victim of pharma and their minions in the government and media. I think he is aware that he made a mistake, and probably won't make another one like that again

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Not to prison for sure and much sympathy to both father and son. Nonetheless I wonder about the opening sentence - I carefully read the trial data that was made publicly available and based on that evidence…. There was never enough evidence to convince me that a 3 month trial , then unblinded against the stated objective of the trial , should be evidence that a brand new vaxxx technology, developed at warp speed, could be worth anything as evidence . And this commenter does not indicate his own jab status which is his prerequisite but. I just wonder about this .

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Sorry I may have been too harsh .

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If was always clear to anyone with some knowledge of clinical studies that this vacc was untested and therefore very risky.

Even if the trial data looked good, the Clinical Study wasn't even half way finished when the vax got rolled out.

And of course Doshi explained already in October 2020 that the trial was not designed to show if the vacc benefitted anyone.

The medical establishment chose to outright lie to the public.

With what was said by many people in the media with very good reputations, Graham was absolutely correct to advise his dad to take the vacc.

I advised my mother strongly against taking it, but she caved under relentless propaganda and got jabbed and boosted.

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I never believed there was no risk or that the vaccines had been sufficiently tested.

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Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023

Doshi always seemed more trustworthy than all of the regulators and talking heads combined. Recently, the Cochrane Review is notable for what is left unsaid: There is no recommendation to vaccinate anyone against COVID-19.

"Implications for practice

Due to the trial exclusions, these results cannot be generalized to pregnant women, individuals with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, or immunocompromized people. Most trials had a short follow-up and were conducted before the emergence of variants of concern." https://doi.org/10.1002%2F14651858.CD015477

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Yes. It is important to understand that anyone with some experience with clinical trials was able to see that before the vacc came out.

Which means that anyone with some experience with clinical trials who recommended the vacc lied knowingly.

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Thank God for Peter Doshi. He's one of my top covid-era heroes.

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No way Andreas the media has no good reputation ,non of that gang has .Look if you don't have and practice critical thinking ,you are playing with fire ,especially if your health and life depends on it . The media are shills and AD agents of the criminal pharma industry .They murdered my brother in a hospital ,You may have .seen some of my postings in that regard ,so I will nor repeat here .

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Unfortunately, many people still believe the media. They will believe everything that is on TV, and wont believe anything that is not on TV.

And there where good scientists who also lied.

Mostly only the old scientists that have ended their careers dare to speak out; they have much less to lose.

It is the same, or even worse, with climate science.

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I trust the doctors and scientists ,who lost their licence for being honest ,protecting the health and life of their patients .The doctor I had tried to practice voo doo medicine on me .He still has his licence ,but not me as a patient .

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius


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Graham for what reason did you decide your father needed shots? It seems he was not even sick with a runny nose .So you believe to take shots willy nilly ,left and right will have a wonderful outcome .You did experiment ,just like Pfizer is doing with all that believe in their lies

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you need to back off. go pick a fight with somebody who actually disagrees with you.

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The trail data looked good to me as well, too good in fact. I decided to wait and see even though as a hcw I could have been at the front of the line. Boy am I glad I declined those shots.

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Well Michelle the good looking trial data don't look so good now .As far as I'm concerned ,non of their trial data from big Pharma are valid ,the data are designed to make money and not help to make us more healthy .If we are healthy we should not look to fraudsters like Pfizer to make us more healthy or more GOODER .

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The trial data looked good…? At the time …?

How many other hundreds of data sources did you ignore that had contradictory data let alone within the cohort of pharmaceutical companies like AstraZeneca who was almost immediately shut down… And the impossible ability to create a drug in such a short period time… And mislabeling them vaccines…

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maybe be less aggressive to people who are on your side, OK?

way back in early 2021 when I had about 5% of the audience I have now, I was overly optimistic about the vaccines (read: wrong) for a few months. I never supported the policies surrounding vaccination, I never thought it was a good idea to vaccinate everyone (or anyone who didn't want it), but I thought the Pfizer phase 3 trials specifically looked encouraging.

I don't know what "hundreds of data sources" I should've been looking at back then. If you mean reports of AZ-induced blood clots and the decision by many countries to suspend Astrazeneca vaccination in March, that's indeed when I began to consider that the vaccines might have serious safety issues.

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My mother got three phizer jabs even that I strongly advised her the opposite.Now a year later she had to put a pacemaker in her heart and she has three lymphoma growth on her face.

These guys must be in prison for this crime.

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My FIL developed multiple skin cancers after his third shot and then glioblastoma within 6 months of the third shot and died 5 weeks after diagnosis. It was terrible.

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My dad was just diagnosed with glioblastoma too. Stage 4. Had successful surgery now on chemo and radiation - awful. He is also going the alternative route with high dose vita c infusions and autophagy. He only took one j&j due to peer pressure from my mom. Almost got up and walked out but then thought well if it hurts me it hurts me - I've had a nice life. But that's not how you feel when your life is being threatened. You fight to live. I am furious. He was healthy and not on any medications.

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My father too died, recently, and much later after multiple shots screwed up his immune system such that he couldn’t fight off a chest infection, or was it just his time? We will never know. There was nothing I could do to stop any of my family for taking the shots, they all believed... They trust the world vaccine. For my part I read the initial trial data and saw a couple of real experts opine on the difference between Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) and Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) [Professor Norman Fenton does a great job of explaining this is mathematical terms]. This was a key factor for me because Pfizer’s own data showed the ARR to be less than 1%, which is what we now see in unadulterated real world data, and you can see that from the UK deaths by vax status reporting, and could throughout 2021). Add to that the fact that it could not be declared safe in such a short time period (typically 10:years of study are necessary and even then...). Add to that that the fact that the available data suggested a Covid 19 mortality rate of less than 0.3% as opposed to the 3-4% claimed by the WHO et al (a back of the envelope calc I did in mid 2020, later confirmed scientifically - by real scientists - Bhattacharya and Ionnidis of Stanford who claimed it was less than 0.2%). Add to that the fact that 95% of all people who died as a result of Covid 19 infection had multiple co morbidities (typically 4 or more), data available from the US CDC and UK ONS in mid 2020 and that remained the case throughout the pandemic. And both CDC and ONS reported that 75%+ of all deaths with Covid were in the 75+ age group, 98-99% in the 45+ and virtually zero in kids. Add to that the fact that I had had Covid in May 2020 and April 2021 (when many experts, including Covid skeptics, were saying you couldn’t get it twice, but I knew they were wrong, so what else were they wrong about...), prior to eligibility for the experimental non vax.

I decided I was fine without participating in a Nuremberg convention breaching mass experiment... Not a hard decision really... I couldn’t get anyone to agree with me, they all took it. So while we may rightly consider fraud, conspiracy, corruption and collusion in multiple areas, what I really want to know is why did so many people buy the big lie? Well we know the answer, PsyOps propaganda (deploying nudge theory), Woke cancel culture and active censorship of truth tellers. Those involved in this are the real perpetrators because without this most people would not have fallen for this big lie. And until we root this out it will continue. Right now the Woke lies remain, although their house of cards are beginning to tumble, and the climate alarmism lie looms large as an existential threat to civilisation. (The policy based on the lie, not the climate itself, which is just fine, seriously check the actual real world data rather than the models).

But no truth and reconciliation effort can begin or be successful until people accept that they were duped. And let’s not forget that the long term consequences of taking mRNA gene therapy is as yet unknown. And people are still dying (excess deaths are higher now that during the pandemic and it isn’t Covid, 60,000 and counting in the UK alone since 30 April 2022! 60,000 people dead who should not be!). And we also don’t know yet whether the vax has impaired people’s immune systems ability to fight of the virus, and other viruses, the first sign of this emerged in the UK vaccine surveillance weekly report in July 2021 I think, but no one reported on it and officialdom ignored it. With so much still unknown and so many therefore still at risk the focus should be acceptance that there was, and remains, a big lie and most of us were “useful idiots” so we can focus all efforts in assessing the damage and mechanisms of that damage and finding a cure before many, many more people die. And then we can set about ensuring the people who did this are never let do it again...

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In early 2021 my son had 8 elderly relatives aged 70 or above.

At the start of 2023 he has 1.

Obviously they're elderly and coming to the end of their lives, but he lost them within an 18 month period after the vaccines were introduced.

Nothing will be done because most Western nations are now ruled by what I can only describe as soft neo-Fascists. They have no respect for democracy, but rule through media manipulation of their citizenry.

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agree. fascism has a major component related to racketeering between authoritarian government and corporations.

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I prefer to call them neo Feudalists, they are the elites but hide in the sheep’s clothing of socialism and ESG. Fascists you can spot easily, they aren’t the threat. And socialist collectivism has a far worse death rate than fascism. One has to watch out for “the big lie” and refuse to be leveraged as a “useful idiot”.

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Absolutely spot on.

"And then we can set about ensuring the people who did this are never let do it again..."

We'll sure have our work cut out for us.

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My sisters and their family all got multiple shots -- they seem to be "ok" as far as I can tell at a distance, except that one sister now seems to have developed something like ALS and is having trouble walking and doctor's are talking about wheelchairs.. She's 47. Doctors are baffled of course....how and why the shots affect people in different is part of the puzzle. (Great for Pfizer, though, as it is soooo hard to prove causation....)

People who trust doctors and the healthcare system, trusted them about Covid and the shots, too. They trusted that Covid was deadly; they trusted that the "vaccine" would work, and now they are trusting that it is "Long Covid" and not the shots that are causing trouble. To tell people that all the world's Governments, and Pfizer, and the CDC and the FDA, and their local doctors and nurses, and friends and families are all of them wrong, lying, misled, incompetent and/or corrupt is just too much for most people to swallow. Their whole world would be topsy-turvy.

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You touch on two very interesting and important aspects of what has unfolded, and still is unfolding. The experimental mRNA drugs seem to effect people in different ways, at different speeds and indeed some more than others. Perhaps this is not so surprising or hard to understand as the essence, I believe but am no expert, is genetics. The mRNA vax can (scientific studies post marketing revealed, but were suppressed) change your cells, thus alter DNA. Exactly what that means is not understood and that is the salient point (not understood, by anyone!). It has also been revealed that, contrary to the official story (and it is a story founded on a lie) the spike protean produced and lipid nano particles from the shot do not leave the body quickly but are present at least up to 60 days later, and there is no end time discovered yet. Thus it could be conjectured that an individuals genetics and or medical history may influence how you react to the genetic therapy based vax and also how long that takes and how long you may be exposed, as some people clear foreign substances faster than others.

However what we need is not conjecture but actual hard study to discover the truth and gain full understanding of the massive, largely unreported, excess death rate occurring fight now and most importantly to come up with treatments, ideally a cure. For while my family, all shot the gills, inc the kids (except for me and my wife and kids) are currently apparently unaffected, I don’t know what the future holds for them and no one does. They would rather apply the ostrich strategy than acknowledge they may have made the biggest blunder of their lives and been duped, which is the second important point you touched on. It’s a perfect self fulfilling cycle for the perpetrators isn’t it..?

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My partner's grandma died of a stroke that she experienced a few weeks after her fifth dose. She also had a chest infection at the time that she couldn't shake, unusually for her.

Yes, she was in her 90s but she lived independently and had no health conditions other than old age. Lockdowns took their toll, reducing her confidence and mobility. But I believe it was repeated doses of mRNA which weakened her and finally pushed her immune system over the edge. The exact same thing happened to her sister a year earlier, btw -- cardiac arrest in the aftermath of the third dose.

So here we have two elderly women who lived independently in the community, had no underlying health conditions, and were completely unaffected by "covid" in 2020, supposedly the peak year of a deadly pandemic. Two years later, after multiple injections, both are dead, and they want you to believe it's just old age and there's no questions to ask.

No. We cannot accept this. Most excess deaths in the over-80s in 2020 occurred in care homes or clinical settings -- almost certainly caused by covid protocols and the effects of severe isolation. From 2021 onwards, many of the elderly who survived 2020 started to drop dead, coincidentally during a period where they were subjected to a medical intervention that was meant to be protecting them. And people just accept it?!

As you say: "No truth and reconciliation effort can begin or be successful until people accept that they were duped." We might be waiting a while, I fear.

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I don't believe it's a coincidence, either. I'm also starting to believe that the jabs don't actually help anyone, at any age. Any apparent helpful effect of the shots is probably the coincidence here.

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Negative risk benefit. Fraiman et al. 2022; Vaccine, Volume 40, Issue 40, 22 September 2022


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The jabs are very effective in sending us to heaven .It's hard to believe that old ladies become drug addicts and lose their mind doing it .Sad to see that even at their age they have no wisdom only fear .

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Adrian could it be that you also fell for the big lie .? You write you had the covid or one of the many variants .How do you know ? Are you sure you did not have the flu ? Who diagnosed you had covid ,was it yourself playing doctor .?The ones claiming to have or had the covid without proof ,are the ones driving that terror scam on forever .Next time you get a cold call it the flu or prove you had covid ,I bet you can't do it .

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There is testing - unreliable I know - but it is reasonable to use tests to confirm a diagnosis.

Plus if you have taste issues, it's likely to be Covid.

The more people who have Covid, the less the mortality. Estimates are 0.2% mortality which is less than a bad flu.

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1/10th of the PCR tests were sent to the lab for genetic sequencing. This way they could calibrate the PCR tests and have a basis for statistical analysis. Not that everybody did this or that many regions didn't cheat. Just saying that attacking this by claiming PCR is 100% useless makes us look like idiots to people who know what they're talking about. We have no reason to make things up or spread nonsense. Not one shred of evidence is, or has ever been, against us.

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Such an excellent and insightful comment.

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I am so sorry to learn of your father and more, of your current regret. My own father (90yrs) passed a few days after his Pfizer jab 1 in the UK.

However, as an NZ mandated clinician required to be jabbed by NOV 2021, it was abundantly clear that there were huge problems ~ "clot shots" was a thing by then. My next job was driving a tractor on an orchard. My reasons at that time for heading for the hills:

1. Consent-lite, no long term or medium term data; trial data cut off after 2 mo (!) (NEJM 2020). RRR only stated with no ARR or OR.

2. Risk of death, even with >1 serious co-morbidity at 80yrs was still very low

3. Emerging Israeli data highlighted truly ineffective NNV and ARR

4. Finnish data highlighted no 'blip' in health service utilisation in the face of the 'affliction' prior to jabs.

5. The consequences of receiving a shot were completely unpredictable (Moderna/Pfizer comparison study)

6. Controls were abolished with the EUA ... science left the room

7. Effectiveness was consequently black-box modelled (invalid modelled nonsense)

8. Experimental polynucleotide sequence wrapped in 4 LNPs with PEG ... seriously, you have to be kidding? The past experimental history was appalling.

9. Pfizer 6 mo follow-up lists >1200 adverse events of "special interest"

10. Established international association with shots and death

11. By then, several studies showing shots did not prevent the affliction (Texas prison study; hospital study in Thailand, if memory serves)

12. WHO redefinition of "pandemic." CDC redefinition of "vaccine" & "herd immunity"

13. "flu" had mysteriously vanished

14. Relentless orchestration, promotion, censorship, and a plethora of societal and governmental and political red flags, not least of which, politicians ALWAYS leave wriggle room for exeats from any given position. With respect to the jabs, there was absolutely none, and medical exemptions were shut down on an experimental procedure .... a legion of red flags

15. P.-H. Lambert, D. M. Ambrosino, S. R. Andersen et al., Consensus summary report for CEPI/BC March 12–13, 2020 meeting: Assessment of risk of disease enhancement with COVID-19 vaccines, Vaccine.

16. The paper (15) highlighted an absence of knowledge around disease enhancement and the 'how to' behind industrial upscaling. The 'experts' were struggling, yet within 9 months the UK was expediting mass injection. The report to CEPI and BC was another rabbit hole

17. CEPI formed in 2017 in DAVOS by BMGF, Wellcome, WEF .... CEPI is funded and invested in my countries all across the World. CEPI funds the Brighton Collaboration (the supposed 'safety platform') Conflicts of interest abound.

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I've been already reading for years about how meat and fat and cholesterol are not problems, and salt on your food is not a problem, and sugar IS a problem, along with statins, anti-depressant drugs, Glysophate on your food, etc etc...and so my trust of BIG SCIENCE was already nil. It looked harmful and useless from the start.

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I read the trial data thoroughly, including the fact the trial lasted only two months, after which the placebo group was administered the injection. That is extremely unusual and immediately raised red flags. I have the advantage of having been damaged by pharmaceutical products in the past. Once bitten, twice shy

Without wasting your time going into the detail, I really don't know how anyone could read those trial results and think the Pfizer substance was an acceptable treatment. Admittedly you'd need to have an idea what are normal adverse event rates for vaccines.

How experienced health officials could approve the vaccines remains a mystery. Some, especially in the USA, were clearly corrupt but surely not all? It seems that as soon as the FDA approved the vaccine, the rest of the worlds health officials - seeing a way to escape media manufactured fear - simply accepted the FDA's word. (There were some notable exceptions).

Everything about mRNA "vaccines" screams "avoid". Lipid nano-particles that escape the bodies immune system and therefore have unknown effects. mRNA to generate protein but without any controls over the amount of protein except the size of dose - and who knows what are the quality controls on production on a product rushed to market. And the choice of protein generated causes inflammation wherever it becomes active. Become active in the blood stream endothelial ACE receptor cells and it causes micro-clots. In the heart, it causes myocarditis. There are ACE cells all over the body, and a bi-distribution study from Japan showed spike protein in many organs.

Initial information about the adverse events rates by batch suggests the manufacturers couldn't control the volume of mRNA per dose, and if you were unlucky enough to get a bad batch, your risk of adverse events or death skyrocket.

Everything about the last few years shouts corruption and evil. We have moved into a new "Dark Age".

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Yeah, nothing about it looked "safe" or "effective" to me. I've avoided "medicine" for years anyway and I never had any plans to get any shots over a disease that I already had and that wasn't actually that bad for 99% of people....I think I was also lucky in that I had been reading Malcolm Kendrick for years, and learning about endothelial cells....

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agree in part. but.....most people don't read FDA documents during trials/approval. we all figured our beloved government would look out for our well-being. even some serious doctors/scientists/researchers took the jab. I suspect a little hindsight bias in your comment.

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I am so so sorry for you about your dear dad. What a sad thing. 79 is still young to me. My father is 99, he has endured so so much, a very simple childhood in Holland with 2 rather "stupid" parents, despite that, he grew up to be a brilliant kid, and started working as early as 13 years old.... as an accountant! Then during WW2 he was taken up in a razzia and sent to a work camp. He thought it was exciting like a boy scout camp.

Very interesting life continued after the war and it took two weeks to walk home, fearing the russians and the US soldiers were not helpful.

He went back to school and worked for several companies as an accountant. What a crazy story. He has written diaries that I am now reading.

(with that said, I hope you are able to spend good time with your dad and really get to learn every part of his life)

My dad lives in a fancy retirement community here in No Virginia (long story) and he has been given FIVE covid vaccines and also a flu shot. His moms side of the family has the longevity gene and he just keeps going. I spend just about every day with him, every week I leave him be for a day, just .... well, I need the rest too.

I am so sad to know that this shot caused this to your dad. I can't understand why some people get some bad results from the quackzine. I know many many many people that have suffered. I do not know why this horrible shot has not damaged my dad. I shiver every time he opts for the next dose. I can advise my daddy, but he makes his own decisions.

Again, Graham I am so shattered by your story

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You're so lucky your dad is still around at 99! He's a survivor for sure. His immune system problem just beats the hell out of the shot very time they give him one -- lol. All of my older family relatives died much younger, long before I could even understand their stories of the "old days." When you're a kid, 1930 doesn't sound any different to you then 1960 or 1830. I live in Vermont now, and the the folks here tend to be really long-lived. I figure it's the "marble" in the water, lol.

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Thank you Rosemary

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"He has been given FIVE covid vaccines..."

My partner's 97yo grandma, incredibly healthy and active for her age, was doing fine up until her 5th shot. I kept praying that she'd hang on but there's only so much mRNA that an elderly body can take. She developed a chest infection right after and had a stroke a few weeks later.

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In Dec 2020, my 76 yo parents consulted with me about whether they and my 93 yo grandmother should get the jab. I said that it at least appears to not kill people immediately, cancer usually takes 10-20 yrs to develope, and all three of them are long past any childbearing risks, so it should be OK, if they want to...it killed my grandmother right away, gave my mother excessively high blood pressure, turned both my parents into booster junkies, killed my 45 yo female cousin with inflammation of the heart, put another younger cousin's husband in the hospital with a stroke, killed my brother in law's older brother with heart attack. Had anyone young asked me, I would have said don't take it because we don't know the cancer risk or childbearing risks, but I could not offer good advice to my grandmother and parents, because I trusted it wasn't going to just snuff them out. There must be gibets. People must hang, and and their bodies must rot in gibbets till they turn to dust, so none forget.

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LittleGreenFriend. You have endured a traumatic and tragic three years! This is a very sad story on your family

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I was an energetic person pre covid, I heard the issues so asked my doctor if he was taking the shots and if I should. He said yes he was and yes I should. I had a bad reaction to the first and second shot, within a month or two my blood pressure was 175/110. I was getting nose bleeds, skull breaking headaches, and strangely terrible acid reflux. I felt ill and couldn't motivate myself to be the energetic person I used to be. Now I'm on blood pressure meds and stuff for the acid reflux. Family doctors didn't have a chance, they did the best with the info they had. It's the research structure of the pharmas that are conflicted and should be dipped in dogshit and deep fried.

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yes, I understand your horrible reaction to the spike shot.

I was forced to take the first two in order to care for my dad

I have RA now. Never had it before. Also, I have had a few blood pressure surprises.

and saw a heart doc. He put my on a calcium channel blocker. The RA is horrible.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

I'm sad to hear your story, of course we'd do anything for our family, I get you. I thought I'd do the right thing per my family doc's advice but I don't hold him accountable. RA? Interesting. I think that's an immune response isn't it? I got sent for the heart stress tests and echocardiogram. They said it was normal. Just don't know what to say. Hoping it will get better, but so far nothing. In fact, I got covid in the fall and I have had that and two big bouts of flu since. Can't seem to stay healthy, so I'm suspecting immune system damage too. Have you had alot of colds/flus lately?

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This is how drug manufacturers can make lots of money with their new "immunomodulatory" drugs!!! "According to the criteria for post-vaccine adverse events established by the World Health Organization, a minority of individuals may develop adverse events, including autoimmune syndromes. The exact mechanisms for the development of these autoimmune syndromes are under study, and to date, a cause-effect relationship has not been established. Many of these autoimmune syndromes meet sufficient criteria for the diagnosis of Adjuvant-Induced Autoimmune Syndrome (ASIA syndrome). The descriptions of these autoimmune syndromes open new perspectives to the knowledge of the complex relationship between the host, its immune system, with the new vaccines and the development of new-onset autoimmune syndromes. Fortunately, most of these autoimmune syndromes are easily controlled with steroids and other immunomodulatory medications and are short-lived. Rheumatologists must be alert to the development of these autoimmune syndromes, and investigate the relationship between autoimmune/inflammatory symptoms and vaccination time, and assess their therapeutic response."


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no. I have been healthy. I have had a few sniffles things over the past few years, nothing notable.

at present I am on 5mg prednisone. I can sleep at night without pain.

Last year at this time I was in so much pain every day, every joint was swollen. At night I would wake up crying unable to move, hip pain, knees very painful, shoulders and elbows. I even had a short bout of faciitis in the palm of my right hand. Horrible. It has been a very painful year.

Eventually I will have to stop the prednisone (very low dose) and I am certain all of the pain will return.

I have read a lot about the spike in auto immune disease with these shots.

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So sorry about your family. It is shocking that they would approve a drug that actually kills some people overnight. I also figured it wouldn't be *that* bad....

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But Little Green ,you did not say no .,when asked .The carnage in your family is partly your fault .The stories here are getting more unreal every day .

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Oh I’m so sorry. It seems clear now that Pfizer faked the data.

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Pfizer's mixing pots must be as big as swimming pools. .How many do they have? To deliver the stuff must take railway tanker cars .Where the rail tank cars that jumped the tracks destined for Pfizer ? The poison content makes me think they where .

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Ahseem Malhotra, cardiologist, lost his father to the Vax. If he was suckered by the data howcan anyone criticize you for your decision? Very sorry ❤️

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As a cardiologist he must know that the stuff was and still is mixed together in what Trump calls warp speed .Did the Doc not know it takes around ten years to know if it's safe or not .Many venoms Pharma makes are no good even after ten years of testing and so are dumped .I hope not in the river where I live .

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No. Problem was Malhotra didn't read or study 'the data'. He believed. On his father's tragic demise, he repaired to the data and learned the truth. Then things changed and he wised-up.

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But Dr.Dextro the ink on the study and data was still wet ,An emergency study where anything goes at speed not careful study is fraud . I come more and more to the conclusion that most Docs. can't be trusted .Some lay people display more wisdom than the so called Docs . I hate to go and see any of them .

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You make a fair point Joe, and the consequences are as inevitable as they are predictable. When science and ethics left the room, trust evaporated. The absence of trust in the jabbers is rightly endemic.

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Damn, I'm sorry.

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My partner's grandmother was killed by a stroke last month, a few weeks after her 5th booster.

She was in her 90s so not quite a surprise but still tragic. While lockdowns took their toll on her confidence she remained sprightly and continued to live independently. She had no health conditions other than old age.

However, I knew she wouldn't be able to handle infinite boosters. My partner's dad saw no reason for her to stop "given her age". This was precisely the reason to stop, imo. Why give her any intervention that could weaken her further or disrupt her health?

Anyway what's done is done.

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So sad. I’ve read several stories of elderly people who were perfectly healthy until medicine got involved.

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We lost my father in law to a series of strokes a few weeks after his first shot in August of '21. 😥

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I am so sorry to know this AM. God Bless all of you in your suffering.

You are not alone

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So sorry. We were all bamboozled by vested interests, a triumph of profit over ethics. May they rot in hell.

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There we can see what it means these days to be treated by a Doctor .My brother was murdered in a hospital when he went in there with a flu .I did not know he went in there ,but his son told me after they killed him that he was sedated isolated given remdesivira and was ventilated ..Six days of that mistreatment killed him . Dr Ydeon wrote to me the ''Treatment means death .

treatment killed my brother .

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Many people including some doctors have turned off critical thinking, deferring to "gold standard" treatments which indemnify them against criticism. I look to lawyers who have created an environment where judgement is subverted to the safety of "gold standard" treatments. This is happening in many industries.

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I am so very sorry this happened to you and to your father. I hold power of attorney for my mom and also decided in favour of my mother getting the first two Phyzer jabs as she was 94 at the time and high risk and lives in a nursing home among lots of other elderly residents where every germ spreads like wildfire. She seemed totally unaffected by both those jabs and the home was on and off lockdown because of Covid outbreaks for quite some time over that period so I once again gave permission for the 1st booster which was actually the 3rd jab early fall 2021. This time she went downhill fast, and was close to dying but on day 4 or day 5 she miraculously came back out of it and began eating again and went completely back to her normal. So this past fall of 2022 I refused both for her the Covid jab and the flu shot too and she tested positive for Covid shortly after with a really deep bad cough being the only indication she had caught something so I too felt terribly guilty but she was put on something to help with the cough and now she turns 97 this March!

You can’t feel bad anymore than I did, you made what you considered was the best choice with the limited information you had at the time about the “vaccine” for your dad as did many of us for our parent or parents. You can still ensure your dad has some quality of life, visiting him as often as you can, feeding him, taking him outside in his wheelchair for some fresh air and sunshine on his face, reading to him if he has any cognitive abilities left, or just sitting with him companionably, it all helps and makes a huge difference to his quality of life and also to your own peace of mind.

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Thanks for sharing. God bless you both.

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I am very sorry about your father, I wish him good health! If we were told the whole truth about the trial data and the clinical study, such cases could have been avoided.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

So it begins: the magnifying glasses & microscopes come out to analyze the efficacy of the so-called "vaccines" and the adverse effects of it.

In a normal world, this scrutiny would've taken place before millions of people were assured that the potion was "safe & effective."

In a normal world, Big Pharma would not have rushed to puncture millions of arms.

In a normal world, government medical bureaucrats would've protected the public.

Too bad we don't live in a normal world.

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In a normal world, we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of people dying rapidly die to a virus in a sbirt period of time. There was a need to find a way to prevent so many deaths. The number of deaths due to covid has greatly subsided.

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The reduction in deaths had nothing to do with the vaccines. It appears that although false positives pumped up COVID cases (and many of COVID afflicted died).,and people were wrongfully listed as unvaccinated (when they had

actually received vaccines) that the vaccines actually killed more people than COVID did. In every single category unvaccinated people had better mortality numbers.

In unvaccinated countries, or countries w low vaccination rate, waves of infection have stopped. Only countries with high vaccination numbers are still having large numbers of people becoming infected.

The world has become a great killing field, and data is being hidden which doubtlessly would illuminate WORSE numbers (which is why they are being hidden)

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Ok, thank you. Are there citations for these statements, please? Good, credible sources you'd recommend?

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It's hard to say, because the numbers are substantially trash. The counting was done with dishonest tricks to intentionally inflate covid cases and deaths before the vaccine rollout, and then to do so selectively to the "unvaccinated" thereafter.

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Ok, thank you. Is there documentation/confirmation/ a citation that Covid cases were inflated, please?

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This is a matter that has been discussed quite a lot over the past three years among communities of the covid-skeptical, to the extent that it would seem to be broad, common knowledge supported by many sources and considerations to those who have been on this side for a while. Your question is fair, but it would be as hard to come up with a satisfying citation for this as to come up with one confirming that the effacacy of the invasion of Iraq in stopping terrorism was exaggerated. The issue is just too broad, and too polarized, and there may simply be no source that both sides would trust.

Before turning to documentation or other "proofs," I think it is best to lay out our respective understandings of the issue, so that we know what it is that stands to be proven. I'll start out, and you can reply with yours if you like.

For me, the first thing that seems obvious, and which frames everything else, is the bullying and authoritarian response of the hierarchies that took control under the "emergency." This included a lot of one-sided propaganda, and unnecessary "othering" of everyone who was skeptical of the Narrative. The mainstream media was already controlled, and the social media platforms engaged in unprecedented censorship of their users. Doctors and nurses were purged, fired, and even de-credentialed for dissenting from a Narrative that could not be questioned because it represented scientific "consensus". Such a claim is self-refuting, of course, since the totalitarian mindset of the authorities does not tolerate critics or any evidence or consideration that goes against their Narrative, and hence does not allow actual scientific inquiry.

The PCR tests might be considered first. This is a technique that amplifies the number of selected biomolecules through repeated cycles. Its creator clashed with Fauci long ago, and insisted that it should not be used diagnostically. Fauci himself is on video from early in covid time, pointing out that when you run the test for too many cycles, you get mostly false positives when there is no other sign of infection in the community you took the sample from. If you are going to use it, the proper number of cycles is about 24-28. Beyond 33 or 35, it's pretty much all false positives. But the actual test results don't tell you how many cycles they ran it at, only positive or negative. In fact, it seems that these tests were generally run at 35-45 during 2020, and then dropped to 24-28 for those classed as "vaccinated" in 2021. This caused the number of covid "cases" to drop dramatically as the vaccination program rolled out, specifically among the "vaccinated."

In general, anyone who died within 28 days of a positive PCR test was considered a covid death. This got some notoriety in 2020 when it was found that a man who died in a motorcycle crash was duly listed as having died of covid. That particular case was removed, but the principle would have worked the same for great numbers of other people who died deaths having nothing to do with covid, but who had recently flunked a PCR. Hospitals were paid one or more tens of thousands of dollars by the government for covid deaths, which gave them a strong positive incentive to class any death as covid. In general, all they needed was that positive PCR preceding it.

Note the simplistic binary of "vaccinated" vs. "unvaccinated." Where do they draw the line? It's not at the point of the shot. In 2021 at least, it was fourteen days after the final shot. The mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna required about two shots, spaced about a month apart. That means that recipients who went through the sequence normally were officially "unvaccinated" for something like six weeks after their first shot. With a positive PCR test run at a high cycle threshold because of their "unvaccinated" status, actual vaccine injuries could be reclassified as covid sickness and death among the "unvaccinated."

The question of dying "of" covid vs. dying "with" covid has been wrangled over a bit, and ties into the PCR question. The "Atlantic" ran an article on it, I think last year or so, and estimated by one criterion that only about 60% of the covid deaths were due principally to covid. More radical skeptics, on other criteria, have argued that it is as low as 6%.

In general, there has been far too much emphasis on leveraging covid to push vaccines and other nostrums favored by the authorities, and not enough on investigating the actual reason that some people die of it, while most others experience it pretty much as a bad cold. This needs to be pinned down to be sure we even know when someone has died of covid or from something else. You might try looking at this article today from Substack's Dr. Panda, https://drpanda.substack.com/p/if-i-die-you-were-right?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email, and consider how we even can tell whether the person in question died of covid, or from the vaccine.

If you are new to this area of thinking, you might try checking out some of the older substack articles by eugyppius, boriquagato, drpanda, merylnass, and others, or look into Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health Defense. There will be a lot of links there, sometimes in the article itself, and more especially from the commenters. These will be of varying quality, because we are all on the outside and do not usually have access to the raw data.

I hope this helps, and I'm sorry I can't offer you quite the simple citation you asked for. Good luck in your research, whichever way your evidence leads you.

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Pfizer is a criminal cartel and will eventually be brought to justice. A reordering of the political system in the US, with the elimination of the grifting sociopaths who have violated their oaths of office must occur first, but it will happen in our lifetimes. The powers-that-be are doing all they can to evade & avoid reality, but it's coming for them, one change mind at a time.

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Look around you... EVERY established industry and institution is similarly run.

Scope and scale here may be historic, but go ahead, take a look...

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Can't be soon enough....although I believe major story time will be coming from governments, so called doctors, scientists et al will come up with all kinds of bullshiite and more MRNA jabs....and pronounce all of their jabs to be safe and effective ! And Transhumanism and the destruction of humanity will continue......un,ses we fight back at the vile, evil scum if the earth!

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Pfizer will try to shift the blame to DOD. But they are accessories to the murderous fraud.

I'd like to know if the Tort Claims Act waives government liability in this situation.

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Or, the republic will be swept away by a god-emporer and the senate will go to work fund the wars, as usual, but in peace and quiet without the pesky plebes who will be too busy begging for scraps.

There. Problem solved Augustus style.

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When the wicket do something it happens in an instant .Our day of justice served may be in our next life if ever . Day by day new horror stories appear ,as in Brazil ,or the W.HO. plotting to enslave the entire planet . Will our planet look like Auschwitz in the not to distant future ?

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👍Fortunately that is not the way the human world work’s or life either.

Earth environment is really a low energy gradient. This limits life and our wealth as a species.

Wealth and energy IS GDP$

The more fossil/nuclear fuel we can burn the larger the energy gradient for the whole planet.

Free energy is in our grasp. This is a great leap for all life.

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I desperately want you to be right...but I'm not sure this happens in my lifetime.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I think very few people are aware that the raw data is not available to regulators and approval boards

The whole concept of evidence based medicine is a sham. The companies fund the trials or studies, own the data, and publish findings whenever it suits them. From time to time public institutions come up with their own stuff, but its a fraction of what the private sector does

Why the FDA, EMA, dont require the entirety of the data I dont understand.

I remember you writing about the argentine trial long ago. It was fishy then - turns out there is a "there", there after all

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65% of the funding for the FDA comes from the Drug companies. OxyContin was never tested for addiction. Pfizer's mRNA vaccine was never tested for prevention of transmission.

In the early 80's the Sackler's MS-Contin was coming off patent and they realized they were going to lose millions. So the Sackler's needed to come up with a new MS -Contin like drug. They also wanted to increase the addressable market. So they had to create the "need" in a group of patients that wouldn't die of cancer. This is the environment in which the Sackler's came up with OxyContin

Curtis Wright (FDA Chief at the time) spent a weekend in 1995 at a hotel with the Purdue Pharma people to "review" the Purdue scientific data on OxyContin. Then the Oxy package inserts (approved by FDA) read "the Contin seal is believed to reduce the abuse liability of the drug" - a great marketing line. Soon after that, pain became the 5th vital sign and doctors were mislead by a huge Purdue salesforce and the FDA, into prescribing this less addictive narcotic for toothaches. A year after Oxy is approved Curtis Wright is working for Purdue at 4x his previous salary.

Oxycontin made Purdue $35B.

In the 2000's the FDA admitted that ALL the emails & correspondence from Curtis Wright had been lost and/or destroyed.

Novo Nordisk found the magic pill. The drug can be used in people as young as 12 but then the person has to use it for rest of their lives. This is all thanks to the APA approving Ozempic for 12 year old's (based on a single study). One wonders how much money Nova has donated to the APA. Because now obesity is classified as a genetic disease. All of this was announced on 60 minutes, courtesy of a Harvard educated MD (paid $450K by Nova).

Ozempic will become the biggest pharmaceutical drug in history. It is currently doing $20B in sales & projected to do $50B in sales by 2025.

Healthcare is the largest growth industry in the USA. Pediatric gender clinics in USA have grown from 3 in 2010 to 125 in 2022. Look for Pediatric metabolic disease clinics to exceed the growth of gender clinics by the end of 2025. The Pharma companies are paying off everyone.

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At least Ozempic is not toxic and it actually works quite well.

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Frankly, the regulators and approval boards don't want the raw data because it would destroy any claims of plausible deniability...

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I posted a few seconds ago about the history of the Anthrax vaccine and it’s parallels, here is ANoTHER parallel, two of the chief Dept of defense officials mandating the anthrax vaccine were subsequently and for many years on the board of directors of the pharma company that produced the anthrax vaccine used during 1998-to 2000’s. Another regulatory capture. History repeats itself......

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My husband and I constantly ask, "so, who is REALLY running the show?" and I now think the answer is unequivocally, "Big Pharma."

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Black rock and Vangaurd and WEF. I think Pharma is subsidiary to those. Greed. A lot of this is simply about greed.

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The raw data is not enough. Trials are only believable if they are adversarial & independent of the sponsoring company.

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It makes me sick to see that so many of our population is retarded and addicted to injections and masking ,just like addicts of street drugs like heroin or fentanol .I went to a lab for blood tests and everyone was masked like we are poison snakes not humans .Humans are much more dangerous now than cobras

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Any patient showing a negative outcome is ruled out of the trial and vola the clinical trial show 100% effectiveness and safety. How convenient!

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Yep! Easy-peasy.

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The Argentina study must have been incentivized to do what they did. Useful lapdogs for the parent company. But in this fascist world they wont be penalized. They’ll pick up more work. Cant return the injured and dead, the best we can hope for is the citizens will remember gov and pharmas bamboozled us in service of profit over ethics and apply this scepticism to future shenanigans.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

In such a huge trial some deaths will inevitably occur. You don't and won't see signals in vaccine trials in terms of the difference in number of deaths between groups. The difference observed here in number of deaths is entirely stochastic.

However, and this is a very big caveat to the above, what you _should_ do in a vaccine trial is look extremely carefully at each individual death in the vaccine arm. This was not done adequately. It probably can't be done, given the extent of data collected on such cases in general in clinical trials. We look for, and expect to see, gross signals in aggregate data.

Out of ~18,000 participants in the vaccine arm, there should not be even a single death with even a hint of association with the vaccine.

IF you have one single "this guy definitely died of vaccine" event, then among 18,000 participants, that probably makes the vaccine unlicensable under most circumstances. Conceivable exceptions would be a clearly effective vaccine against ebola, or HIV, or something of similar impact.

IF you have even one "maybe this guy died of the vaccine", then arguably you can proceed carefully, in risk groups, and watch very closely for other events. What you do not do is mandate it and eternal boosting for the entire population.

The problem was throwing overboard 80 years of medical ethics (patient has a veto) and 60 years of demanding an individual benefit/risk assessment to every treatment.

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yes of course, totally agreed the trial isn’t powered sufficiently to find a mortality signal in either arm

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

That is true of course, but the number of cardiac related adverse events in the vaccine group was well in excess of those in the control group, despite what appear to be attempts to cover over the issues.

Both vaccine groups and control groups were sufficiently large to draw conclusions about the impact of the vaccine on health, if not about the impact of the vaccine on Covid.

One example of how the data was skewed, is that if you visited the emergency department of a hospital without first seeing a Pfizer doctor you were removed from the trial - imagine having a heart attack and having to wait to get medical treatment. It is this additional data that has not been released yet, and we'll have to wait to see it for a while yet (but not 75 years as originally requested by Pfizer!).

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Something tells me that if 18 people had died in the placebo arm and 1 person died in the vaccine arm, that the loudspeakers would have been crowing about a "94 percent reduction in mortality." As it was, they took a 95% relative reduction in mild symptoms (whatever that criteria is worth) and ran with it, hard.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by eugyppius

This is true, but in a normal world the regulators would have paid no attention, and blasting it with loudspeakers would have potentially ended up landing the company in trouble for false advertising. The claims one can make are quite limited, though pharma constantly finds ways to give more expansive messaging.

The many problems with the trials have been dealt with in depth by others. The most important efficacy issue is that they looked at such a very short period of time (the excuse, which everyone bought, being we couldn't wait for more mature data). The vaccines are clearly highly effective over that few week period, ven on an "intent to treat" basis (i.e. counting every infection from the time the decision to treat is made), and even considering that the delinquent choice of control makes the study effectively unblinded. You won't get such a huge difference in relative risk with no effect at all. But it's clearly not a "one and done" treatment like the majority of vaccines.

I suspect even Pfizer is surprised at how short a duration of protection the vaccines offer.

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I look for protection from the '''vaccines''

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I haven't been able to confirm the story, but I watched a video about a 2014 trial of the mRNA technology that suggested that the effect of the treatment was temporary.

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The effect of any mRNA treatment should only last as long as that mRNA is being expressed. Which is usually a very short time.

The difference with a vaccine, whatever the MOA, is that you intend to induce a permanent physiological change. That is what sets vaccines apart from most other pharmaceutical products, where the intent (and usually effect) is only to induce physiological changes for the duration that the product is in your system.

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"...in a normal world the regulators would have paid no attention, and blasting it with loudspeakers would have potentially ended up landing the company in trouble for false advertising."

Yeah, the problem (or one of the many problems) is that the regulators were among the loudest of the loudspeakers pushing for these injections.

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excellent comment.

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Didn't Brook Jackson alert the world to all this over 2 years ago?

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Yes, and Augusto Roux has been speaking out for a year or so as well. Seems it takes at least 2 years for the MSM to even *start* to catch up on the fact pattern (they only started questioning the lockdowns last spring remember)

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yes, I remember being shocked by this particular case.

David Healy covered it a year ago: https://davidhealy.org/disappeared-in-argentina/

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He had nasty adverse reactions , so they ascribed his having covid so they could remove his results from the database, despite negative tests. Then, when he persisted in getting details about whether he had the shot or placebo, and escalated it to regulators, they said he had mental issues. This is how they wash results, i guess

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If the MSM look at it at all. Germany is surprising in being the only Western European country where *mainstream* media have reported on vax side-effects (both Spiegel and Welt did so in 2022) and now, potential fraud with the clinical trials and regulatory approval process.

In the UK we are years behind. The Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail have tentatively discussed the links between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis in young males, and there have been a handful of news reports of coroner's rulings in instances where people died from VITT caused by AstraZeneca. But that's it. No investigative journalism whatsover. No acknowledgment of any of the myriad scientific studies which definitively prove the mechanisms whereby the vaccines are causing pathology. No explicit exploration of the contribution of mass vaccination to excess mortality... I despair.

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Yes, but UK has stopped offering vax to under 50's (unless at special risk, e.g. immuno-compromised).

I think this very significant. They have not simply stopped recommending vaccination to under 50's, they have gone one step further and ceased offering it. In other words, if you are a healthy 40 year old you can not longer get vaccinated against Covid in England.

IMO this is a tacit admission that the "safe and effective" vaccination is SO (un)safe that they are no longer willing to offer it to healthy under 50's. However, public health would argue it is more a case of Covid-19 having become milder and this is what has changed the risk-benefit assessment.

Interestingly this reverts public policy around Covid vaccination back to the originally conceived targeted campaign. I still do not fully understand how the shift from targeted vaccination to mass vaccination occured. I have written a substack post about it here: https://lostintranslations.substack.com/p/mission-creep

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

Absolutely agree. Just like how they quietly made AstraZeneca unavailable in summer/autumn 2021 (basically an admission that direct deaths were too high).

But my issue is with the media failing to report on any of this. Shouldn't there be at least one newspaper hounding the Government for an explanation for this vaccine rollback?

Shouldn't there be at least one newspaper asking whether this rollback has come too late?

thanks for your link, having a read now

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Her legal case is still ongoing but the judge keeps delaying discovery and hasn't ruled on a motion to dismiss as far as I know.

There's so much evidence of corruption now, it might be tough for the judge to dismiss the case, and in any case, chances are this will move through the legal process for years.

The case is a bit odd so I recommend reading about it elsewhere. One of her attorneys Robert Barnes regularly vlogs on the Locals platform. Search Viva Frei and Robert Barnes.

Incidentally, effectively Pfizers defence is that it doesn't matter that they defrauded the government because the government was in on the fraud! The defence has to do with the basis of the legal case, because Pfizer is immune from prosecution over any damage that might have been caused by the vaccine.

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Incidentally, should Brook Jackson win, which admittedly is a long shot given the US justice system, she could be awarded as much as 1 trillion dollars. Yes, you read that right.

The penalty portion of the claim is a multiplier on what Pfizer made from the vaccine which is in the order of $100 billion.

She plans to use any award to help those damaged by the vaccine.

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Off topic, but in case anyone is interested in the evidence of "early spread," I've now summarized most of this evidence in one document. The first lie of officials was that this virus didn't begin to spread around the world until the year 2020. It's also interesting that no mainstream journalists are interested in the copious evidence of early spread.


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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Good job. Thanks. Just when I thought I hadn’t seen it all..... you added another layer to my understanding of the cover up and malfeasance..... although I had heard this as a “conspiracy theory” I had not seen very much actual proof of it. I appreciate you compiling the evidence.

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Thanks for reading the article, Laura. This proves we should not trust the experts and authorities ... on anything they say about Covid.

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Bill. Great work!

In my opinion, the early spread of covid is, by far, the biggest smoking gun for the mismanagement of the whole covid crisis. How can the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu be present in the community for months with nobody noticing? Maybe it was not the bug, but the management what caused most deaths?

So it is not a big surprise that the usual suspects consistently ignore it.

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I agree, Manuel. The story/narrative that this virus began to spread in America only after "latter January" 2020 is a whopper of a lie ... that they got away with.

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There was also an interview with some doctors from a hospital in Saxony in, I believe, late 2020 or early 2021. One of the doctors observed that the way Covid looked on a lung x-ray (or some other visual) was indeed different from the way influenza looked (something about the "edges" of the infected region being more or less sharply visible) and that he had seen the Covid pattern with patients already in 2019.

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My preacher’s wife had it in late 2019. Exhaustion and no taste or smell. She’s thin and healthy, so no big deal, but she said it was the weirdest flu she’d ever had.


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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

This is one aspect of the pandemic narrative that I'm so surprised people fall for. Many people I know told me about covid-like flus they had in winter 2019-20 yet many of them now have amnesia about this.

It is beyond obvious that if a respiratory pathogen starts spreading, by the time anyone takes notice it will have gone everywhere. What made anybody think that lockdowns would be perfectly timed to prevent mass spread? Why could I be out having dinner one night and not be in danger, but the next day I had to be locked up at home because the virus was apparently gathering pace? In what world are these things ever determinable with such precision?

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Criminals every one of the Big Pharma executives and so called scientist that are witness and fail to speak out. Where is the outrage? Something deep and dark is afoot. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

One old man sang and the leaders of the world danced. Fauci now says it was never possible to create a successful vaccine against respiratory disease. These three years will go down in history on how easy it was to fool the world. Does it say something about the type of leadership we have these days?

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This is what I read three years ago: that no vaccine against a respiratory disease has been created yet; that you do not try to "outvaccine" a pandemic because this encourages mutations.

This was well-known, and yet, thrown out the window a few weeks after covid hit. Why? (I am not looking for a convenient conspiracy theory at all, but I'd really like to know what happened. Probably a case of politicians not having a panel of advisors with diverse points of views and then later the panel self-selecting into (near) zero covidians.)

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What happened is that the bodies that were supposed to keep the pharmaceutical industry honest and protect the population are in fact funded by big pharma, in Australia by as much as 96 %. There was no independent review and those scientists and doctors who did speak up were silenced.

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And the type of citizens we have these days.

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Fraudchi needs a GITMO or Black Site room to be prodded and flogged.

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I rather think that it is time that the DOD comes clean on why they unleashed their bioweapons onto the world.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I find it noteworthy that Welt is running this story now. It doesn´t appear to be much more significant than any number of other issues related to the "vax" which us tin foil hat wearers have known about for a long time. It´s not like Welt, which has notoriously good ties across the Atlantic, was forced to run this story because it was trending in other media or some other reason. May there be a part of the establishment trying to make a move against the "vaxinators" or at least some of them?

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Yes they are throwing Pfizer under the bus. Pfizer is the patsy. Meanwhile what about Moderna? Etc? What about the GOVERNMENTS that allowed/required all this to happen?

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Moderna is NIH-funded so no, they won't throw it under the bus.

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Perhaps, I am keeping my fingers crossed. I wonder whether they plan to pass the blame further to Biontech specifically. It´s not like there´s no precedent for huge fines/damages against German companies in the U.S..

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To be fair to Welt, they (and Bild, which is owned by the same company) are the only German titles that have run any kind of skeptical article at all, and they started a good two years ago.

Welt leads today with a story about a relatively obscure civil suit against Biontech (they, not Pfizer, are sole distributors in Germany) for vaccine injury.

For real skeptical news we have had to get papers from south of the border for some time.

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In terms of mainstream print media, there´s also been Berliner Zeitung. Yet Springer and Berliner Zeitung have been, I feel, talking from both sides of their mouth from the very beginning, with the skeptical articles being regularly paywalled and only becoming more predominant lately. You had someone like Reichelt, who got kicked out, on the one hand and Gersemann on the other. Tim Röhn talks a good game but there are many obvious leads that he does not follow up on as a journalist. In terms of alternative media, of course, there´s been a lot, especially online and even in Germany.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

I read about it yesterday and I was aghast. Surely, surely a company would do the responsible thing and not alliw a vaccine to be used on millions after adverse reactions like this in the trials...but no. Of course not.

Now I am at that stage of denial where I think that surely, surely politicians will take up this issue and will maje pizer cough up the documents and take them to court if necessary .

I hate suspecting that this wpn't happen either.

The poor people who died (were killed?) In the trials.

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In response to Welt inquiries, Pfizer responded that “Regulatory authorities around the world have approved our Covid-19 vaccine. These approvals are based on a robust and independent assessment of the scientific data on quality, safety, and efficacy, including the phase 3 clinical trial.”

The UK MHRA (the first to approve Pfizer under EUA) didn't even analyse the trial data prior to approval. They just waived it through. When questioned under the FOIA, they stated that Public Health England analysed the data, but PHE subsequently denied any role in analysing the Pfizer Phase 3 trial results.

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Dr Doshi should be commended by how he handles himself. He is in a interesting position that can facilitate truth and change. Please convey my thanks to him. I recognize that position cannot be an easy one.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

For over a year a number of us have been reporting to the University of Maryland “restoring trials” website. Peter Doshi oversees it. The Pfizer original trials published by NEJM were 6 months apart and covered the same population overtime. They were fraught with errors and accounting for the numbers of participants who were discontinued. They did not add up over the 6 month follow up period. The editors blew off the criticisms and accepted a lame explanation from the authors, including Pollack. Pfizer violated all rules of how to handle discontinued enrollees. Were withdrawals truly withdrawals? Then came the whistleblower...now the Pfizer Lyme disease vaccine story broke that Pfizer threw out a bunch of participants because the clinical site had problems. What can one believe when the very agency that is charged with oversight is captured, corrupt and ineffective.


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Forced or otherwise not jabbed , use to take the over 65 for flu...not this year not ever....coincidence Nov. 26, 2022 I

Took the flu over 65 vacs. And, on Dec. 6 I got a stroke...twas mild lost memory, confused for 5 to 6 hours..spent 5 days in


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Feb 18, 2023Liked by eugyppius

Every time someone is juice-injured, they blame "anxiety."

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